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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4528235 No.4528235 [Reply] [Original]

What is /vr/ thoughts on kids and teenagers being interested in retro gaming?

>> No.4528238

thats great.

you are expecting alot of spergs here huh?

>> No.4528243
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This is a stupid thread so I'm saging but as one of the younger posters here (Turning 21 this year) I interact with younger people (Both a bit younger than me as friends and little siblings of friends) and in my experience the only ones who care are those who actually like video games and they usually only take an interest in the retro games with a specific, still recognizable brand. I know a few kids in middle school who have played and enjoyed Kirby, mario, zelda, and pokemon and when my little brother (11) has his friends over they've been excited to play duck hunt or try to beat my Gradius Score.

>> No.4528246

It's always nice when people enjoy the same things you do.

He'd be right to.

>> No.4528257
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>20 years old
>young poster

>> No.4528260
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>> No.4528265

I think the younger crowd has an easier time getting into retro gaming. YouTube and Twitch has certainly made that era interesting enough for them to explore.

It's the older crowd that got in during the PS2 age and stick to mainstream stuff that seem more resistant

>> No.4528274

I thinks its great, I just turned 19 and I wouldn't mind finding some one my age who would be willing to play co op wild guns or pocky and rocky

>> No.4528276

It's mostly great, I'm just slightly bothered that many are playign slightly butchered versions of games through something like zsnes or project64 on a motion blurry 60hz lcd monitor. But I can't blame them for not knowing better.

>> No.4528278

What are the best options for SNES and N64 emulation anyway?

>> No.4528291

bsnes and mupen64 (using GlideN64 or Angrylion plugins.) either with a CRT monitor or a 120hz LCD monitor through retroarch so you can enable black frame insertion to eliminate motion blur (won't be as big a deal for N64 since most of its games have a poor framerate, but the smoothness is big for SNES) and a CRT shader + an NTSC shader to simulate the effects of a/v cables have on the display. Again, retroarch has some really easy to use shader presets that combine CRT-Royale (the shader which simulates the most CRT visual effects. apparently some GPUs are too weak to handle it, in which case a lighter CRT shader is probably good enough) with an NTSC shader, so you don't have to do shit manually. But like I said I can't blame people for not going to the trouble of figuring all that out. Most people just wanna start playing a game immediately. But once you set it up you don't have to mess with it again and it doesn't take long if you already know what settings to use. I had to do a lot of fucking around and experimenting. also I guess most people don't have a 120/144hz or a CRT. by the way, if you're using a 144hz, you want to set it to 120hz at least when emulation, because it's important that it's exactly twice the refresh rate of most console games which ran at 60hz (even if the framerate drops below that)

>> No.4528297

If the last few weeks of this board are any indication, they're pretty zealous about bringing their hot /v/ opinions here

>> No.4528303

>older crowd
>got in during PS2
Jesus, if they're older then what does that make me?

>> No.4528306

I think he was referring to "teenagers" as the older crowd who grew up with the PS2, which would be about right, as opposed to "kids" who grew up with the PS3/PS4.

>> No.4528316

PS2/Gamecube era was like only 3D because it was still novel, 2D games regained relevance during Wii/PS3. might have something to do with it

>> No.4528343

I started with PS1 and discovered its 2D games around 2010.

>> No.4528375
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I would be happy that there are younger people who can enjoy the games for their merit despite being graphically antiquated.

>> No.4528425

Where are they?

>> No.4528430

I'm 31 years old. Why would I care about what kids and teenagers do?

>> No.4528437

I don't blame them if they don't want to spend money on it.

>> No.4528453
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>> No.4528469 [DELETED] 

gurrh nooo i heyt kids arrrrgh

>> No.4528479


Well that depends. Are they showing a genuine interest in playing games they missed out on? Then super. All the power in the world to them. Are they just collecting because youtube told them too? Fuck I don't care it's there money, I already have all the games I want.

>> No.4528526

That shit had to be scripted. I refuse to think kids are this dronic.

>> No.4528536

if you're a little kid and your mom buys you an ipad or something and you've never had a proper handheld what are you supposed to think?

>> No.4528539

I believe these "kid react" videos are scripted. The boy seems old enough to realize that a handheld from the 80s doesn't work like modern phones.

>> No.4528541

maybe. I've never watched those vids cause I always have to close it in a few seconds

>> No.4528553

They're all casual shitters who dont get it

>> No.4528558

No, that actually comes from a real video.


It's at 1:52

>> No.4528559

i let a young person play some old 80s games i had and i was surprised that they had a lot of fun with it considering that they were used to modern games

>> No.4528560

I know, I mean that full video is scripted. Or at least certain parts like that are.

>> No.4528565

It's got to be hard. There's so much misinformation being said about old games: I can recognize it for what it is because I grew up with it.

Going through a system with a large and varied library such as mame or the SNES must be terribly difficult.

>> No.4528746

I like anyone who is getting into them and actually playing the games. There are way too many people just collecting and skyrocketing the prices though.

>> No.4528756

>mame is a system
Fucking idiot

>> No.4528757

If you think 20 is old you don't belong here.

>> No.4528762

I like the idea of younger people genuinely enjoying retro games from the bottom of their hearts.
What I find lame is how retro gaming is some sort of "scene", like some sort of urban tribe, like "gamers". People who label themselves, "yeah, I'm a gamer", I can't take these people seriously, young or old.
There's plenty of old games that are fun to this day, so it's only natural people of all ages can have fun with them. If they can break the prejudice about old games being shitty, then that's pretty cool in my book.

>> No.4528838


Most of /v/ had a PS3/Xbone/WiiU as their first systems and have never even held a Gameboy of any kind. Not that any of that is bad but...

>> No.4528851

People are only allowed to like things if they do it in the exact same way and in the exact same contexts as I do otherwise their feelings are invalid.

>> No.4528856

Oh boy, you gave me a flashback, I just remembered the first time I ever played a video game. Pokemon Blue on a friend's Gameboy Color. Those were the days.

>> No.4528863

>Not that any of that is bad
Being exposed to shitty modern gaming as your first exposure to video games is not bad? lol
Most of them will never discover what a good game even is. And yes, I'm aware there are a few good games there, but I doubt those were their childhood games.

>> No.4528879

You're not even at least 18, are you?

>> No.4528891


Change "not bad" to "not their fault" then.

>> No.4528906

If they're doing it for the love of the games, great. If they're doing it because it's a trend, that's lame. Just like anything else.

No need to be pedantic.

>> No.4528907

>/vr/ isn't mostly teen hipsters larping as le old wise gamer
Just look at the amount of retarded shit they say about CRTs and arcades.

>> No.4528909

As long as it's not for some silly Internet "street" cred and they actually enjoy it then more power to them.

>> No.4528916
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I bought my four year old nephew both SNES and NES classic for his birthday. I'm on board.

Mostly because his parents said he shouldn't play video games. They think he should be home schooled too so fuck that shit here's your uncle with some serious boom to your rice cake and filtered water life.

>> No.4528928

Is that kid literally me? I had the same story growing up (homeschooled and everything) and my uncle gave me an N64 for christmas back in 2007 and I've been gaming ever since and mainly play retro stuff these days

>> No.4528956
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I'm the cool Uncle that comes and buys him things that piss his parents off. They can't get rid of me but I figure my brother in law would like to. I visit every two months and make sure he can play it. Fuck their gay universe.

>> No.4529004

Not their fault, okay, but still a bad thing to happen to you.

>> No.4529021

I usually just roll my yes and walk away. Or at least seem as uninterested and dismissive as possible to deter them from talking about it.

Nothing worse than some young dumbass telling me why the n64 was the best thing ever that literally won the console war, ask me why I write "psx" instead of "ps1" and then listen to them drone on for hours about youtuber talking points while possessing no functional knowledge of what they're talking about. Not to mention all the historical revisionist bullshit they read on line

Lord knows I get enough of that here...

>> No.4529028

They are here

>> No.4529051

the kid in the orange shirt and the kid in the green shirt are okay with me, the rest of them just make me sad and pissed off

>> No.4529060

Well it depends I guess. Are they playing original versions of the games or newer remakes with "enhanced" graphics and "updated" gameplay?

>> No.4529075

Judging by this /v/ poster >>4515048
it seems to be the latter.

>> No.4529536
File: 101 KB, 742x989, IMG_7593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18 Year Old /vr/ poster here, defending my title as youngest (legal) poster. Turning 19 in March.

Been collecting for about 5 years, doing yard sales, buying off friends, and getting donations. Big on importing too, work a day job and use it to pay for overseas eBay bids. Rarely pay over $10 for games. I'm also big on CRTs, with 5 different monitors and knowledge of calibration and all that jazz.

Friends think it's neat that I have a hobby, & will get interested sometimes when they come over and join in more casual stuff like Mario Kart and Super Mario Bros. However my personal taste is definitely more into the more obscure /vr/ stuff.

>> No.4529560

Playing games isn't really a hobby. Its more like a pasttime

>> No.4529571

There are pros and cons. On one hand they bring a lot of ignorance and shitposting to places that used to be much more enjoyable. On the other hand they've caused the value of my collection to skyrocket. You can't have one without the other because it takes a certain kind of stupid to consistently pay $50 for games that were selling for $1 just a few years ago.

>> No.4529573

>Blue Eyes
>Born in 1999
Ok, I guess you can post here.

Playing games isn't a hobby itself, but together with all the ancillary collector stuff (digging through flea markets and yard sales, calibrating CRTs, cutting 10NES and cleaning 72pins, etc.) it sort of becomes one.

>> No.4529590

i hate it when people like the things i like, especially when they are from a younger generation than me.

>> No.4529594

If they are playing the games and having fun, good for them. Who cares otherwise.

>> No.4529598

I dont have time anymore but when I was hitting flea markets and yard sales last year there were some younger kids as competition, but they ultimately don't have the knowledge I have and missed out on a lot of deals just by not knowing. They'd get butthurt when I beat them to deals then when I try to be nice and hand them the stack of games to look through at a yard sale or whatever they pass up the games of value

>> No.4529732
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potentially, or are you saying this is a real phenomenon and not just a couple outliers?
either way cool beans. if they buy orig. hardware I hope they take good care of them

>> No.4529735

it's /vr/ you mouth breathing retard, the poster age on this board is among the highest .

>> No.4529737

>not "sage-ing"
What are you doing here junior?

>> No.4529740


I worry about these things being forgotten and lost, so I'm happy to see young people taking an interest.

>> No.4529742

what games got you started?

>> No.4529745

19 here, usually keep it to myself

nobody my age is interested in anything older than n64

>> No.4529747

>not sageteimasu

>> No.4529753

>not "sageru"

>> No.4529756

I'm 19, I mostly got into retro PC gaming because even as recently as 2011 my computer was a piece of hot garbage that couldn't run games later than about 2003 at more than 30 FPS; I feel I'm better off for it

>> No.4529762

Are you going to college? That's a great time to share retro games with people. Duck Hunt drinking games are a blast if you have a CRT. You might be surprised by what some people your age have nostalgia for, too. Like for instance a lot of people that age played the Mario Advance series on GBA without even realizing that they were ports of older games.

And even if they don't, all the best party games are on Dreamcast anyway.

>> No.4529765

Fine, that's probably the correct conjugation for what he meant, I just like overwrought constructions.

>> No.4529781

This was my reason too. When I was 9 my family got a PC for us, a Celeron 333 mhz, 4 mb S3 Trio machin>>4529762
e with 32 mb ram. I remember some Tomb Raider game running like crap on it. Basically unplayable. That PC and a GBA I got in later years were my only source of vidya for years. I emulated lots of games using NeoRageX, Genecyst and Zsnes. Mad respect to those who wrote these emulators.

>> No.4529784

Yeah boss you're gonna have tons of friends down to smoke weed and play super nintendo with you

>> No.4529791

Are you being sarcastic? Because in my experience that is exactly how it is.

>> No.4529813

Got into retro gaming from /v/ when I was like 13 ten years ago, through emulation. Didn't feel like spending my allowance on 50-80 dollar cartridges. Probably would've gotten a flashcart for an snes if I knew they existed at the time though.

>> No.4529816

Yeah that's how it is senpai

>> No.4529818

>80 dollar carts in 2008
for what the N64? pretty sure SNES / NES was still mad cheap then

>> No.4529821

The local store had the popular games like FF and Marios marked up pretty high and I couldnt use ebay for whatever reason.

>> No.4529827

oh yeah. you gotta go to craigslist or someplace

>> No.4530090

I want my future child(ren) to have nostalgia and grow up with retro games as well as modern games.
I want to carry on that legacy, and not just let it die or keep it a curiosity to my child(ren).

I'm 29 and married, and I am planning on making a baby with my wife so I want to make my future child(ren) grow up with great classic games, not crappy mobile games.

>> No.4530091 [DELETED] 

I hope you never piss in the gene pool. I'm pretty sure a lot of people feel the same way.

>> No.4530096

My crt is at my house I don’t lug any of my crap around.

All of my retro gaming at college is done on my laptop. Super convenient

Besides gaming club is all about smash Bros. And if we get drunk in my room we play halo or black ops. You know, what college dudes are supposed to do to fit in?

>> No.4530127
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My father bought a Super NES a couple years before I was born, for a good deal. It came with a bunch of games (Mortal Kombat, Secret of Evermore, SFII) however my brother and I used to play the shit out of Donkey Kong Country. So I grew up playing PS2, GBA, and SNES, which isn't a direct cause to my interest, but definitely laid the ground work. Father worked at an arcade in the early 80's so he had some Midway/Atari collections on PS1. I also had been watching AVGN since elementary school, so I was getting a lot of my basic knowledge from James Rolfe.

On a side note, my older brother really isn't into /vr/ as much as I am, however playing so much DKC in his early childhood gave him a huge sweet spot for the entire DKC line of games, as well as some other DK titles. He's an admin at the DK Wiki, and I actually made the background on there to help him out (The bramble pattern)!

Pic related, my battlestations!

>> No.4530310

I want my kids to be into retro games when I have them. Gotta appreciate the classics, also I don't wanna be begged by them to pay for micro transactions cuz that's gonna be the norm.

>> No.4530881

>gaming club is all about smash Bros.
Yeah, it always is. You're not looking for people who are deep into gaming. You're looking for casual friends who will be temporarily amused by it. Emulators are great as long as you have a bunch of controllers to pass around. You just put something up and say "here try this" while people are pregaming in your place or whatever.
Yeah, some people just want to play whatever the popular game is right now. When I was in college it was FIFA. But not everybody wants to play that all the time. A little Mario Party will always be welcomed by the competitive sorts, for instance.

>> No.4530885

I brought a fat crt with me to college in 2008

>> No.4530890

That's a delightful thought, and one Nintendo is probably counting with the retro mini series.

>> No.4530896

it's like if a kid was into reading James Joyce or listening to Bach, you know they will grow into elite human

>> No.4530964

I hope it increases in the feature because i like old games and because i'm making my own videogame, and i expect that the expectations of people on new videogames are not as high as the one released by AAA game studios.

>> No.4530982

I plan on making my own kids interested in retro. Already have older consoles and games for that.

When it comes to other younger kids. You just have to show them the way.
None of my nephews minus the oldest one whos 22 plays retro.

I plan on changing that on a coming trip.

>> No.4531113
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Nice, 18 myself. Pretty nice set up you got there, mines pretty shit right now and just has my snes and ps2 set up on a shitty crt. Hunting for tvs is pretty brutal honestly, most resale stores don't even take them anymore.

>> No.4531149

isnt there a thread for that?

>> No.4531852

As a 21 year old I've been interested in retro games for a long time. Thanks to my gamecube pack in game being the Zelda collection and that's right e-celebs.

>> No.4531875

I'm 22 but I never "got into" retro gaming. I had older brothers and grew up with a hand-me-down NES and genesis.

>> No.4531957

With the exception of the PSX/PS1 thing, I have never agreed with a single fucking post more.

>> No.4531979

This post reminded me of when is in college in like 2006 and the ugly girls I partied with brought a genesis. They all wanted me to kick their ass at mortal Kombat all night. It was pretty fun

>> No.4532076

good games are good games. what should age matter

>> No.4532082

You have to actually have sex in order to have kids. That kind of rules out posting on here by definition.

>> No.4532086

I was born in 1988 and I liked going back and learning about all the non-NES 8 bit stuff.

I feel like I don't have a place on the internet anymore these days though.

>> No.4532089

You sound like an asshole desu.

>> No.4532219

You sound like the kind of pathetic little shit anon despises

>> No.4532229

How can you make sure to not be an insufferable piece of shit like that?

>> No.4534165

>>How can you make sure to not be an insufferable piece of shit like that?
You mean like being a literal child that can't stop blathering on about shit they know nothing about and weren't alive for? I have no idea, but I wish they'd figure it out.

>> No.4534173
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I'm 34

>> No.4534183

No problem with it at all.

I know a few kids who learn about retro games through youtubers like avgn and somecallmejohnny and buy them on virtual console on their Nintendo systems. It's cool seeing younger people get into those games. Most people my age just play rocket league and call of duty nowadays, at least I can still enjoy retro games with someone other than my anonymous 4chan friends

>> No.4534187

So just don't do that then. Thank you, I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.4534191

>I also had been watching AVGN since elementary school, so I was getting a lot of my basic knowledge from James Rolfe.
Jesus fucking Christ. The thought of kids watching this guy, thinking he’s some kind of authority on any subject aside from autism, and having it influence them...our culture is so fucked.

>> No.4534192


>> No.4534198

Teach them. I know a kid that plays a lot of retro games and is always spouting shit about games he's never played that he obviously heard from some wacky eceleb. I just correct him when he's wrong and recommend him games to emulate that he's probably never heard of.

If you were around and playing vidya in the 80s and 90s, your knowledge, opinions, and taste are just as valid (a lot of times moreso) as some faggot on YouTube with a forced persona.

>> No.4534212

Yep, just don't do that. Or if you really feel like you have to, try to direct it toward people who actually want to hear it.

>> No.4534214

>I just correct him when he's wrong
The problem is while that might work in real life, it sure as fuck doesn't work here. Especially if what you're correcting wasn't just inaccurate, but also accompanied by the usual "I was there" bullshit as an attempt to make an appeal to authority.

>> No.4534238


>Like for instance a lot of people that age played the Mario Advance series on GBA without even realizing that they were ports of older games.

everyone i know who had a gba played pokemon. almost no one played any mario games

my roommate has an snes classic but he used it for 10 minutes. my brother and i use it to play kirby on occasion

>> No.4534336

Who cares what people on here think? I only come to /vr/ to learn hardware related stuff and about deep cut titles I've never heard of before or to show/teach other anons the same. Opinion threads are fun for indulging in some nostalgia but seriously nigga the console wars are irrelevant now, let it go

>> No.4534340

>all the good party games are on the dreamcast

I don't know about all that but I showed a ton of people a good time at my house playing house of the dead 2 for a few credits then switching to twinkle star sprites when we got bored, playing it with the light guns because we couldn't be arsed to put normal controllers in. I destroyed everyone because I was the only person that played shmups but it was fun playing a weird animu game with a novel controller, my normie guests had a blast

>> No.4534367

Who said, or even insinuated, anything about console wars? I certainly didn't.

>> No.4534437

Why are e-celebs so popular with the younger crowd? It's pretty ridiculous

>> No.4534443

Because the younger crowd "watches" the Internet like we watched television. They don't want to interact with something. They'd much rather watch someone else do the interacting for them. Because they don't actually play the games for any real amount of time if at all, they don't really have any opinion of note. Your average eceleb takes care of this problem, too, by feeding them an opinion they can parrot in order to feel like they "fit in" with what they think is "gamer culture" or whatever.

>> No.4534463

>They'd much rather watch someone else do the interacting for them.
Seriously, what the fuck is that. I preferred video games over TV as a kid exactly because it was interactive. TV was okay but it didn't hit the same spots as vidya.

>> No.4534471

>I preferred video games over TV as a kid exactly because it was interactive. TV was okay but it didn't hit the same spots as vidya.
Yep, that's exactly what the appeal was to video games. It was for me. I think it was for everyone else, too. I kinda thought this was self-evident, but perhaps not, as here we are trying to figure out why kids who are seemingly obsessed with video games do everything BUT play them.

>> No.4534480
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>> No.4534482


>> No.4534504

22 here, got into retro gaming from older family members. when my little siblings got old enough to be interested in games, i passed some of my favorites onto them. it's just like kids showing interest in older movies or music.

i don't much care that the trendiness of it is driving up the prices for shit but i think it's great to see that little kids wanna play Mario 3 or whatever instead of cawadoodee modern shooty 69 or whatever

>> No.4534521

it's actually because it's a different demographic. video gaming demograhpic is more massive and mainstream than it was in previous generations. before, you had the TV watchers and the video gamers. Now the video gamers include both of those types of kids, it's just that the kids who would have been TV watchers are watching twitch and youtube. You still have the kids who actually play, they're just in a sea of stream monsters.
you can also tell which games have more actual players and vice versa.
look at dota and its various shitty clones. these games all get bajillions of viewers round teh clock. meanwhile a game like TF2 has like 200 twitch viewers or less with 60k in-game. Idk why the TV watchers of the younger generation are watching dota instead of TV but there it is

>> No.4534578

>What is /vr/ thoughts on kids and teenagers being interested in retro gaming?
They will shitblog for days telling us all young and stupid they are.

>> No.4534592

fuck this thread lmao

>> No.4534595

Fuck >>4534592

>> No.4534610

I bought a Super Famicom off Ebay at 16 in 2015. Am I the cancer killing /vr/?

>> No.4534707

That's a great idea. My wife and I are in the 35 years old range, but we don't have children. If I had, I would have bought them the Classics for school break.

>> No.4534739

>My wife and I are in the 35 years old range
So shes 17 and you're just old enough to post here.

>> No.4534751

I am planning on doing the same (23). Was it worth it?

>> No.4534841

I'm from Chile, currently 32.
I got into games thanks to my aunt, at age 3, she gifted me an Atari 2600. I was an only son back then, mom and dad were very young and poor, so she used to take care of me while my parents worked all day.
My first game was Pacman. Since then, an uncle gave me a NES and a lot of boxes full of carts when he upgraded, so I spent years playing NES exclusively.
Later on, I received a SNES, which I used for some years before acquiring my first PSX at launch.
Since then, I've bought PS2, Gamecube and a Wii, but I could never truly get into those games (I LOVED Remake and Zero though, still play them every couple months).
Last year I bought a PS3 to play Alien Isolation and The Last of Us, beat them and then sold them. Current generation doesn't appeal to me, as I really enjoy old games up till PSX era.
Right now, I have a 3DS and a PSP for emulation and PSX, and a fully equipped Wii U for multiplayer with family and friends (most played games on it are Nintendoland, Mario Kart 8 and Smash).

>> No.4534857

>What is /vr/ thoughts on kids and teenagers being interested in retro gaming?
They're retarded fucks who will use this thread to tell everyone how young and dumb they are. Prove me wrong. lol

>> No.4534870

Oldfag here. Snes is VERY popular. The hardware itself resales for a realistic price nowadays but the games are stupidly expensive, and the game prices make it not worth it. There are flashcarts for the snes but they aren't compatible with games with special chipsets which, imo, excludes you from several obligatory titles.

Snes is a system I'd definitely emulate if you aren't inheriting a big stack of games. Someone will give me shit for this, but just get a raspberry pi 3 and get it to output to a crt. Use iBuffalo controllers, and you've got an experience pretty close to the real deal for much cheaper

>> No.4534896

as long as they devote the same level as autism to it as me i'm totally cool with it (real consoles, original controllers, CRT. I don't care if they play real games or flashcarts or multicarts)
Fuck it if they emulate that's cool too

>> No.4534934

I already emulate, lol. I emulate EVERYTHING. I am just unironically considering SuFa+Flashcart, considering the latest Krikzz card can do everything but a few games I'm not that interested in.

>> No.4534965

Can it do superfx games now?

>> No.4535058

anyone can afford a snes classic and spend 10 mins "hacking" it. good luck finding one tho, got mine by luck

>> No.4535071

get it SON

>> No.4535076

This. Shits stupid easy to do. And I also happened to get mine by luck... There was one shoved behind other games in the locked case at a Wal-Mart and I just happened to barely spot it and had them get it for me. Was probably back there for some employee to get, but fuck 'em.

>> No.4535181

Yeah the snes classic would be an easy solution, I only suggested the pi because it can output to composite with the right equipment while I thought the snes classic was hdmi only (although desu I don't know for sure)

My local best buy had like 50 of them on display by the checkout before Christmas but I didn't get one. Now they're all gone. I don't really NEED one since I've got several means of playing emulated snes games at home and on the go, but it wouldve been nice to have one for the plug and play factor if I want to play somewhere that's not my house. Kinda bummed that they're all gone now.

>> No.4535202

It's not like time made the games any less fun

Well anything after the NES is still fun, Atari consoles and the such are too primitive to derive more than 15 minutes of continuous entertainment.

>> No.4535509

not for super fami
Yes!! Just play platformers though unless you know nip

>> No.4536842

My six-year old nephew can almost beat Akuma. That's p fukken nifty.

>> No.4536849

>My wife and I are in the 35 years old range, but we don't have children.
What about your wife's son?

>> No.4536870

I'm autistic as fuck and that reeks of FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE. I've seen "my 6y/o son just asked me this societal/economical question" tweets more convincing than that.

>> No.4536905

Only hipsters that have that ‘games before my time we’re better because [insert dumb reason here]’
Kids that play games these days want to play games with their friends
/vr/ games have an ‘only child’ vibe or ‘no friends’ vibe, which most of /vr/ seems to fit in, we’re kinda like the /r9k/ version of /v/

>> No.4536906


>> No.4536970

In SSF2T? With which character?

Shows that he's intelligent already, and he has very fresh reflexes of courses (we old-ass guys lost our reflexes).

>what are single player games
>what is free emulation compared to new $60 games
I play old gamed because it's free.

>> No.4536972

>I play old gamed

There's also the cost of building a new gaming PC or buying a console, then paying to play online, the season passes, etc. It sucks, even though I have the means to pay.

ROMs and Fightcade are free, and provide a good challenge.

>> No.4537273


>> No.4537781
File: 178 KB, 283x270, 1512055148948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my two younger cousins a 2ds and a couple games. Bought the boy a copy of the OoT remaster, which he beat and spent several hundred hours on.

They turned out to be little shits, though. Ungrateful, expected me to just give them whatever whenever they asked (while their mom/my first cousin remained silent), breaking or misplacing things i gave them, etc.

I want to be the cool older cousin who gives them games, but being taken advantage of put a kibosh on that. Its a shame, as I think they'd like old SNES games.

>> No.4539415

Remember, it's edited. They could take hours of film and cut it down to the five stupidest minutes.

>> No.4539419

Yeah, they could, but that would require effort. They just hand the kids a script.

>> No.4539427

Kids are bad actors. Working with children, it's easier to just reshoot until you get what you want. Prompting them verbally to say or emphasize certain things between takes works better than handing them a script they can barely read (let alone naturally).

>> No.4539475

plz go to bed kevin

>> No.4539485

/vr/ and age is like mixing oil with water

Bait Thread

>> No.4539752

How true is this, really?

>> No.4541146


The only reason these faggots are interested in retro systems/games is because it's trendy and hip. This obviously then drives prices up for people trying to purchase old-school games, all unfortunately because it's some stupid fucking Gen Z trend to collect le old school vidya XD. About 10 years ago I could buy Jurassic Park for SNES for $5 now the lowest price I can get it for is $30+. And don't get me started on the real good stuff like Shadowrun.

It's fucking bullshit if you ask me.

>> No.4541157

Cool. I like talking about video games.