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4525845 No.4525845 [Reply] [Original]

What are your honest feelings about this game?
Is it really as bad as everyone says it is?

>> No.4525846

It's not bad it's just fucking hard because you go all the way back to the start when you die, and have to go through lots of shit to get back to where you were, and, at least for me, I usually end up taking lots of damage on my way and then I game over pretty soon after I get back etc.
if you started at the beginning of the dungeon you died in like in zelda 1 instead of back at zelda's place it wouldn't be so hard

>> No.4525849

It's good.
Honestly, I wouldn't appreciate it if I haven't played Dark Souls first. As long as you've leveled up before getting a game over, you've made progress.

>> No.4525880

It's alright for a side-scrolling platformer adventure game. Can be good fun too, once you get used to the controls and combat. At least until you reach the Great Palace. Then it's just a matter of deciding if seeing the ending for yourself is worth the suffering.

6 or 7 out of 10 game that only gets this much attention due to the Zelda name.

>> No.4525886

Good game
Great concept
Not the best execution, could've been amazing if they tried again on SNES
Lack of checkpoints ruins it

I really wish Nintendo would give it another go, or at least some quality indie dev

>> No.4526393


>> No.4526403

Pick one

>> No.4526446

how is this game if savestates are used and/or abused? is still hard?

>> No.4526454

See >>4523228

>> No.4526461

>what do you guys think about [iconic game that's been discussed a million times here]
What's with the sudden influx of newfags making Zelda 1 and 2 threads in the past three days? Did some eceleb make a video?

>> No.4526512

Anything becomes a cakewalk if you abuse savestates.
But then again, you're still using savestates.
You won't be able to enjoy the game if you don't get accustomed to its difficulty.
Might as well watch a let's play. Or just stare at a wall.

>> No.4526538

The game was shit when it came out and it's still shit today. Up until recently, the vast majority of fans recognized it as such, but for some reason there's been a recent shift in perception with people thinking it's "lmao hardcore" or something. No, it's a piece of fucking shit. It's a generic as fuck 2D sidescroller filled with typos and glitches and has shitty items, shitty exploration, shitty combat, shitty controls, shitty everything. No doubt a horde of Zelda 2 autists will disagree, but I don't care, people are allowed to have shit taste in games so if you like Zelda 2 I can't stop you.

>> No.4526550

>Is it really as bad as everyone says it is?
If you're talking about the people on this board, then it's more of the opposite: a lot of anons here actually like Zelda 2 for what it is. I would love it if Nintendo made some sort of spiritual sequel to it that plays a lot like it, kind of how Link Between Worlds for 3DS is to Link to the Past.

Truth to be told, it can be frustrating if you're not used to slightly more challenging games. It's far from the most difficult one from its generation but if you're used to the later Zeldas then it might feel like it's impossibly hard at first.

>> No.4526579

No, it isn't bad at all. In fact, it's actually a really good game. Probably an 8.5/10 at best.

>> No.4526672

It's great, not even that hard for an NES game

>> No.4526685
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What is, from your point of view, the concept of the game?

>> No.4526690

I've always liked it a lot.

>> No.4526739

I've loved it since I was a kid, it was one of the first video games I ever beat. Its controls are like butter and it just plays so elegantly once you've gotten used to it. I still play it every now and then just because it's got such fun tactile feedback.

>> No.4526816

Its not a zelda game. Its fun, but its a dragon buster clone.

>> No.4526823

>I really wish Nintendo would give it another go
Nearly every fucking Zelda game from OOT onwards is basically a 3D version of 2.

>> No.4526830

Explain why.

>> No.4526862

Emphasis on combat technique
Vertical components

>> No.4527564

It's stockholme syndrome the game.
As a kid, hated it. To hard, not nearly as awesome as the first.
As an adult, much like Majoras Mask, I've grown to appreciate it a lot more than the fan favourites.

In short, it's a fun, solid, action platformer. Bit difficult at times.

>> No.4527621

Present in the 2D games.
>Emphasis on combat technique
No. The combat in 3D Zelda has largely been the same since Ocarina of Time. That is to say, fairly simple. The complexity and fighting styles of the 3D games is much more reminiscent on the overhead games than Zelda II.
I'm not entirely sure what you're implying with that word. Zelda 1 has deserts, mountains, water, etc with different enemies and variations in them. So do all the other games. I really don't know what you mean by this.
>Vertical components
Exists in every overhead game since ALttP.
Exists in every overhead game since ALttP. Arguably exists in Zelda 1 with the NPC stuff.

Even if we were to accept all of these things as true (they aren't), I don't understand how these are necessarily related to Zelda II. OoT and all the other games are clearly more based on ALttP.

>> No.4527730

It is a fun but hard game. Modern kids can't handle a game that is hard. Spent one Xmas vacation playing Zelda II and managed to beat it in 7 days.

>> No.4527760

You interpreted everything backwards, man.
I told you all the things Zelda 2 came up with and you, for whatever reason, are lecturing me that these elements were present in Link to the Past. No shit, time is linear.

>> No.4527781


You need to update your home to the death barrier.

>> No.4527857

You're entitled to your opinion but the game has always been well-received, was one of the best selling titles on its release, has critical acclaim and has honestly never not been considered a good game by the majority of people who have actually sat down and critiqued it personally.
Your bizarre revisionism is the "shift in perspective" where it seems like your personal feelings against the game changed objective reality into "everyone hated it when it came out."
Reals over feels, dude, nobody can take your opinion seriously for that reason alone, let alone you described all of its problems as being "shitty" with no justification or explanation.

>> No.4527876

>Your bizarre revisionism is the "shift in perspective"
Lmao, good one retard. Is that why it has one of the lowest Metacritic ratings of any Zelda game and has hundreds of Google pages of people talking about how much it sucks? You seem to have poor reading comprehension, as I already explained why the game is shit, but let me elaborate: as previously stated, it's generic, where the original LoZ pioneered adventure games, Zelda 2 stews in the mediocrity of typical 80s platformers and does nothing to distinguish itself from the masses other than a combat system which isn't difficult but poorly designed. There's also a heap of typos, poor grammar, completely nonsensical sentences, etc. Don't even get me started on all of the game-breaking glitches, or the shitty Final Fantasy-esque overworld which completely destroys the exploratory gameplay that Zelda 1 established.

Look, I get it, you're one of the fucking retards that actually liked the game, but don't pretend there aren't plenty of valid reasons to hate it just because you don't. Again, sorry for your shit taste little guy.

>> No.4527882

this tbqh. if you think a lot of people werent upset by zelda II, you weren't alive when it was released. it was pretty jarring going from the awesome open world of the first game to mario with swords. it has always been the black sheep of the series. just not a very good game mechanically or otherwise.

>> No.4527941

I played Zelda II back then and remember pretty much everyone who liked Zelda enjoying it. Not everyone was into Zelda games back then though. Of course my friends that played it and myself were all about 7 or 8 years old at the time but it was pretty popular from what I can remember.

You also have to remember that because it is only the second Zelda game, the characteristics of what comprises a Zelda game had yet to be established so people were more open and accepting to something different at the time.

In reality it was just OOT babies who didn't like it because its too hard for them and it is different from all the other games. This is where the meme came from that its a bad game.

>> No.4527979
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>google pages

Hey, i dont particularly like the game, but you just proved his point. By the time those websites and google pages came out, zelda had been established. But, when it was first released there was no established zelda plot or mechanics, they were trying something different (alot of games from that time were still fresh ideas, not lost on the clones/remakes/expectations of this era of gaming) and people liked it. Final fantasy was new, platformers were relatively new. None of these genres were at their peaks yet.

The type of gameplay style zelda 2 used was quite unique and gamers of the time were not quick to give up on a game because of its difficulty. Those were the games we played back then. There was not as many choices as there is now. You view this through skewed eyes, hes right to call what you say revisionist history.

>> No.4527983

>Hey, i dont particularly like the game, but you just proved his point.
Except Metacritic even counts old reviews, so no, his point is still fucking retarded.

>> No.4527986
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Hey, thats just like, youre opinion...man

>> No.4528018
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I was playing Zelda II when it came out and very very few people hated it. Most of the ones that did also hated the first Zelda.

Zelda II being hated at release is Fake News.

>> No.4528032

This. Anyone I knew back then who didn't like Zelda 2 also didn't like the first Zelda. I had lots of brainlet friends back then who couldn't figure out what to do so they thought the games were boring. I fucking loved and played the shit out of both of them back then.

>> No.4528035


Weird, I remember EGM pointing out the negative reaction to Zelda 2... ...almost 20 years ago. Zelda 2 wasn't even a decade old.

>> No.4528061

It likely started after LttP and Link's Awakening happened. Now you didn't have a sequel- you had an outlier. You can find archives of old sites even as old as 1998 where they say the game is "polarizing". So in a sense, it IS revision, but only because of the sequels returning back to the Zelda 1 style.

Think of it sort of like if Metroid Prime was a one off. It'd go down as some sort of "black sheep experiment" or something, rather than how the fandom is split between two different fans.

>> No.4528094

Open overworld (top-down or 3D)
Battles are in arenas/instances
Side-Scrolling combat and dungeons

I guess mostly that.
And sword combat, i know that's obvious but i should mention it.

>> No.4528116

>random web pages
Just stop. Please just stop this stupid shit. I know you think you're "memeing" or whatever, but this is just dumb.


tl;dr Zelda 2 sold almost 4 and a half million copies, and is the 5th best selling NES/Fami game of all time. Let's just stop with the revisionism.

>> No.4528183

Metroid Prime was only going to be a 1-title effort if people didn't like it. That doesn't really help your case.

>> No.4528187

>implying that every game which sells well can't be polarizing or despised
>what is every Call of Duty
>what is Halo 4
>Zelda 2 still sold almost 3m units less than Zelda 1
Is this literally your argument? Holy fuck just stop being fucking retarded for two seconds and examine yourself.

>> No.4528189

But there are people who don't like it, I've seen reviews and people saying it's not good and it's not like the other Metroid games!

>> No.4528198
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>Zelda 1 sales: 6.5m
>Zelda 2 sales: 4.5m
>established IP with no YouTube reviewers telling you the game sucks still sells 2m less than a brand new IP
>b-but dude you're like memeing and shit, nobody disliked Zelda 2

>> No.4528213

Yes, but it didn't get nearly the negative reaction that Zelda 2 did.

>> No.4528239

This whole thread is depressing, I know its some samefagging troll just trying to rile people up though. Anyone who was alive and played NES games at the time of Zelda II's release knows that it was a very successful game regardless of if you liked it or not. This is why it is fucking common as fuck to collectors because so many people bought it. If you are claiming that it was widely disliked because of some shit you read on metacritic or because your favorite youtube elceleb told you then you are fucking wrong and don't really know what the hell you are talking about. Fucking know it all millennial fucks you are the worst fucking generation I swear.

>> No.4528294

This. Zelda II was massively popular, but you're dealing with the same people who say that Mario 2 is the black sheep of the franchise because it's not a real Mario game. Literally nobody in the 80s knew that, and it was one of the best selling games on the console. Everybody had it. Zelda II is hated by some people today, but everybody loved it when it came out. There was no established "formula" back then.

>> No.4528412

Got so much love for this game, it was my first Zelda game, bought it second hand when i was like 7, i lived and breathed this for a whole year until i explored every area of the map and learned all the patterns of the enemies including those fucking lizalfos on the wall throwing rocks, it was hard as fuck but then it became like second nature playing it, every couple of years or so il play the nes classic edition version that came out on gameboy advance and breeze through it like a motherfucker and it never feels like a chore. Its a product of its time where it was hard it you only played a few minutes of it but if you stuck with it you would enjoy the shit out of it.

>> No.4528423

I like it, play in tandem with faxanadu and battle of olympus, each one has strenghts and weaknesses but are all worth playing. as a whole they offer a pretty satifying experience for this style of game on the NES (famicom in jaspan, did you know>???)

>> No.4528447
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Muh revisionist history.

>> No.4528502

The game is not open world, let alone as open ended as zelda 1 was.

>> No.4528574

Zelda 2 was well received.

The hatred for it started when those that came into the series later went back and found out about the game: they had already been used to the idea that Zelda was an overhead game when done in 2D. So they just hated the change. It also had many other features they thought was not fit for a 'real' Zelda game such as a dedicated jump button, limited lives, and experience points.

Many of these people from later generations were also weak in skill and tolerance to challenge. Zelda 2 is the most difficult of all Zelda games (second quest from Zelda 1 being the only thing close to it). Most of them probably gave up after their first or second armor knight.

>> No.4528581

Well you could impose rules on yourself and just use a savestate at the beginning of each dungeon, like >>4525846 suggested. Gets rid of a lot of tedium that doesn't really contribute to the game.

But yeah, if you save scum any game becomes easy as fuck.

>move right
>enemy hits you
>move left
>don't get hit
>save again

>> No.4528587

Pretty much. Save states are only a step away from god-mode.

I think the only proper use is to use them to avoid having to use password screens.

>> No.4528604

Nope. You implied that these elements were exclusive/associated with Zelda II. You were wrong. Next.

>> No.4528630

I use save states only at the beginning and end of a gaming session. Just to pick up where I left off.
I do save and reload a lot sometimes, in games where it is natively possible (like tomb raider or half life) when I feel the game gets too hard for bullshit reasons (cheap obstacles, overpowered enemies).

>> No.4528641

That's acceptable. I also use them like this because it's just more convenient than waiting for the start screen to pop up and selecting your save. And it gets rid of hassle if you want to quickly restart for whichever reason (for example, if you know for sure you're gonna lose but the only way to restart the level is to get yourself killed which will take a while).

>> No.4528643

It's shit, you want to play a good classic Zelda game try link to the past.

>> No.4528675

>yet again, Zelda 2 fags ignore literal facts and sales numbers and keep telling you how well-received the game as despite selling much less than the first game
Do you even understand why this is a retarded argument? When Zelda 2 was released, the series had market penetration. Everyone was hyped. It would be like Halo 2 coming out and selling 2/3 as much as Halo 1, that would be fucking bizarre, and that's what happened because a lot of people HATED the game. Go read old magazine, read retrospective forum posts from the late 90s, look at reviews from the era... many, many people did not like Zelda 2, and the sales prove it. Stop being retarded and stop pretending Zelda 2 was anything other than a black sheep, you are factually incorrect and it's sad that you keep going.

>> No.4528695

That's false. People who loved Zelda 1 disliked the fact that Zelda 2 was so radically different and not in a better way.

It wasn't anywhere near as good as the first and garnered hate from that disappointment. Everyone I knew who disliked Zelda 2 still loved Zelda 1. Almost everyone I knew who wasn't a bit peeved at 2 were indifferent to the first.

>> No.4528701

>The hatred for it started when those that came into the series later
Actually the appreciation for Zelda 2 came later in the series. When people learned to accept that it's a decent enough NES title in it's own right if you ignored the whole Zelda thing.

>> No.4528707

OP, if you're still reading this thread and haven't decided whether or not it's worth playing to you then let me tell you this: don't listen to anyone here. Who cares if Zelda was praised or trashed back then or now? The only thing that matters now is whether you find the game interesting and if so, if it's worth playing and/or buying. if you buy something you should do it because YOU are interested in it, regardless of what the majority or a vocal minority says about it. If you're being a mindless sheep following the latest retro games bandwagon then you might as well give up on it because chances are you won't find Zelda 2 or any 3rd generation console game interesting in the long run.

>> No.4529627

I'm a oot baby and I played through Zelda 2 about a year ago and I fucking loved it. One of my top 3 zelda games.

I admit it's different from the rest of the series. But to be completely honest I think most people who hate it just kinda suck at games, or are quick to give up when they get stuck on a challenge. I know this is a meme but get gud is about the most solid attitude you can have towards a game like this.

>> No.4529635

Played it when I was a kid. The difficulty wall around Death Mtn. is no joke. Think that stopped a lot of people from playing the game right there.

>> No.4529653

I can tell by the way that you word your posts that you weren't alive back then and so your "factual" arguments are nothing more than second hand hear say. Just give it up kid, you aren't convincing anyone.

>> No.4529770

Very tough. Never beat dark link tho...

>> No.4529934

>many, many people did not like Zelda 2, and the sales prove it.
>fifth best selling 8bit nintendo title of all time

>> No.4529937
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>Go read old magazine

>> No.4530434


It's good. The fact that anybody on this board finds it difficult is an indictment of this board. "Everyone" does not say it's bad.

>> No.4530625

anyone who says that zelda II controls like shit have likely never played any NES games besides mario.
link walks at a perfect pace for the gameplay, the momentum physics give an appropriate weight to link and the combat works incredibly well.
it is among the absolute best sidescrolling adventures from that era, controlwise.
the game is obviously hard as shit, but due to the controls being so good, you can actually learn to not suck at it and consistently 1cc it.
compared to the vast majority of side scrolling adventures from the same era, zelda II is an absolute masterpiece

>> No.4530627

It is a pretty hard game, specially on your first try. Not sure what you're getting at here.

>> No.4530686

Yeah, the controls are spot on in Zelda II.
Faxanadu feels like molasses in comparison.

>> No.4532513

Great game.

>> No.4532582


Idunno, they could have done something with that floaty ass jump and sword delay

After playing something as tight as Megaman Zero, Zelda 2 feels awkward.

>> No.4532973

Mega Man's controls spoiled me as a kid lol Have a hard time enjoying a lot of platformers and stuff now due to this, so I stick more to other genres like arcade shmups where controls aren't an issue at all.

>> No.4534791


>there are people posting in this thread that couldn't get through death mountain
>there are people posting in this thread that couldn't find bagu
>there are people posting in this thread that couldn't even make it to horsehead

I can understand the dislike, as it was a massive departure in playstyle from the previous game, but even as a child I noticed most of the hate it got was due to it being more difficult. Some of y'all need to learn that just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's objectively bad.

>> No.4534814

Yeah ok, this and Mario 2 game were the hottest things in the culture at the time, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.4534846

I'm not trashing Zelda 2 myself, and if you read my post (I like arcade shmups) I don't know if you can think I dismiss games for being hard lol

>> No.4535293


I think the gameplay is dull. The sidescrolling-sections feel off and I hate the jrpg suddenly-enemies mechanic.

>> No.4535303


This. It was hard to squeeze fun out of this one even as a kid.

>> No.4535310


I played it as a kid and it was always mediocre as fuck.

>> No.4535317

Best combat in the entire series. It's the Dark Souls of Zelda.

>> No.4535504


What a bunch of turboniggers

>> No.4535553

So like Usain Bolt?

>> No.4536229

This thread made me try beating the game again.

It was my first Zelda game, but i never got much further than beating the first dungeon, before getting bored. I was an impatient kid in the early/mid 90s.

I just beat the first dungeon, and I'm working my way to the second. I hate having work my way back to the beginning when I die. I can imagine its worse later on.

>> No.4536398

Most of the game is connected by roads where you won't meet a single encounter, especially after you remove the boulder. When you get to the final palace of the game you start there on a game over. It's never much of an issue.

>> No.4536457

It's not that hard, really. If you're dying, sit somewhere and grind some magic from monsters and turn it into health. If you get a red potion, don't let it overfill your magic, cast life before it overflows. The game is all about strategic use of magic.

>> No.4536462

Here's my advice to make the game more fun.

Focus on goals other than completing the dungeons. Try exploring, you might find some shops that have better prices or even a few secrets. It also helps you learn the location of other dungeons which you will need to learne eventually Try to earn money, pay attention to what mobs are easy to kill and have good drop rates. There's a lot of goals early on for what to buy.

And for the dungeons don't be afraid to try to do them in parts. You might find that you can go to a higher a dungeon, partially clear it and walk away with some extra keys or even a treasure that will help you. If a boss is tough you can put aside doing it until you are stronger.

>> No.4536467

Are you sure you're thinking of zelda 2?

>> No.4536472

>don't be afraid to do them in parts
>partially clear
Great advice, this is so lost on modern gamers. This is how we would always play, get as far as we could, retreat once we were hitting the a wall, explore further and try to tackle some other obstacle or palace, retreat once it gets too difficult, etc. Through his process you would gain lots of experience and get very proficient at these games. It also made the games very exciting, you were always in a state of tackling new obstacles and had started many areas that you still need to complete. This is how we basically played every game where it was possible.

>> No.4536487

Older RPGs in nutshell. Too bad about le cinematic meme.

>> No.4536561

Zelda 2 has always been a pretty good plebometer. You'd have to be a stupid asshole to dislike it. That said, the lives, overworld mazes, and some of the gamefaqs-y key item moments kinda suck.

>> No.4536576

I don't know about a plebometer, but it's a great way to spot kids trying to pose.

>> No.4537683

Never realized that about enemy encounters. Thanks!

I grinded a bit in the first dungeon. Good advice, though, except the shop bit, thanks!