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4522239 No.4522239 [Reply] [Original]

Why did they patch bunnyhopping out of half life? AKA why is Valve such a bitch?

>> No.4522249

Because it wasn't what the developers intended.

>> No.4522265

guess volvo forgot HL used to be an action game and bunny hopping is too fast for "muh cinematic experience"

>> No.4522329

Half Life marked the start of the dumbing down to make a cinematic experience so that's not susprising.

>> No.4522342

Which is a shame because Half Life 1 is actually a great shooter with good pacing. It's a shame everyone just copied the use of scripted sequences and not the good albeit linear level design that's always ramping up the odds against you.

>> No.4522415

Welcome to modern gayming, gotta get the new casual bucks.

>> No.4522587

HL's gunplay is total ass desu

>> No.4522589

the thing is though that the tards that want muh cinematic experience don't have to bunnyhop. why do they have to ruin it for those that want to? every fps is so much more fun when you can bunnyhop around.

>> No.4522597

Because then you have to design a game as if that mechanic wasn't there anyway.

>> No.4522778

Some developers really don't know when to quit "patching". Obviously, it's not as bad as abandoning the game after launch but some things aren't in dire need of a "patch".
It's really more common with unofficial patches.

>> No.4522798

HL has some of the greatest balancing of weapons in an FPS. The pistol is "weak" but super-accurate, long-range, and reasonably fast. Very good for all soft enemies, respectable for sniping medium enemies. The revolver is a fucking hand cannon but they don't give you much ammo, so it's worth saving for special occasions. The SMG isn't amazing especially since it drains pistol ammo, but the grenade launcher feels wonderful, watching your big explosive load arch towards your target. The shotty is like a budget hand cannon on double-fire, perfect against grunts, and the room-clearer on single-fire, will clear a room of houndeyes or zombies better than anything. Crossbow is obviously the sniper-proper, excellent for taking out alien grunts and controllers but useful for anything. The RPG is more powerful than most rocket launchers of its time, and the laser sighting is the cherry on top. Grenades and det packs are strong too, the laser-sight bomb is maybe a little gimmicky though. Tau cannon is best conserved for lining up enemies, gauss cannon is maybe a bit gratuitous in that its just an instant ray of death, but it sucks down ammo fast.

With the exception of the alien claw (which is still kinda balanced in that it has infinite ammo), pretty much every gun has a use up to the end of the game.

Unfortunate that HL2 threw all of that away by focusing the entire game around the gravity gun.

>> No.4522839

they're one of the most unsatisfying guns to shoot and the explosions are so ugly. I still can't understand how someone can fuck up grenades so badly.

>> No.4522935
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Pistol, Revolver and arguably Tau are pretty much reskins of the same gun with different numbers. Revolver is straight quad-damaged pistol, while Tau is distanced from them by virtue of having the ability to penetrate armor (for which it's henceforth used exclusively). Likewise, Gluon is simply a quad-damaged SMG. Moreover, due to it wasting the same ammo pool Tau uses, without its ammo penetrating ability, it's used much more rarely than it otherwise would. Shongun is completely fucking useless on hard (well, maybe for trashmobs, so that not to waste any actually useful guns), since it 100% doesn't oneshot soldiers up close even with its doubleshot (and reloads longer than they need to recover and start to hit you), and has really hard time for oneshotting vortigaunts (you don't kill the fucker from the first shot - you get zapped, provided you weren't shooting from the hip as you were getting behind the wall).

Also, I fucking love how game tricks you into thinking you are supposed to dispatch grunts in "We've Got Hostiles" using SMG and shotgun, while the best fucking gun, that slaughters them left and right with minimum damage sustained by you, is a fucking pistol. I don't think that was the developer's intention at all.

Somehow I don't think 2 of the 4 varieties of grunts lobbing SMG grenades (exploding on impact) at you in the WON version of the game were part of the intention as well.

As for the alien gun, 95 percent of the entire last fourth of the game are facerollable by usage of it (including the entire factory from Interloper and almost the entirety of Nihilanth fight, since flies pop the flying portals open), in a way similar to how 95 percent of HeXen1 AND its addon are facerollable with Wizard's magic wand on the highest difficulty. The gun is simply broken with no redeeming factors for gamedesigners whatsoever, it's a fuckup. The only thing it can't dispatch is armor - and that's what Tau is for.

>> No.4522948

Also, depicted at the picture is a sweet spot, that allows you (once you pop the crystals) to bring Nihilanth to opening its head via pretty much keeping the fire and crouch buttons pressed and making sure the jumper is always between you and Nihilanth.

-Shock projectiles fly just over your head due to jumper you are behind of.
-Portals are popped with the flies.
-Flying autists that spawn from portals are dispatched with flies.
-Vortigaunts that spawn from portals are all on the lowest level and don't ever see you (and once they feel all the spawn slots, flying autists stop appearing altogether, however much you pop them portals open).

Also, there is a healing pool two meters from this position.

>> No.4523026

Why the fuck do you want to bunny hop like a retard and ruin it for everyone that wants to play the game normally?

>hur its more fun

You're not playing the same game as everyone else. Go make your own retarded FPS where you can literally fly all over the place in record speed and go try to shoot each other there.

>> No.4523067

They didn't patch it out they just added a speed cap.

it's neither cinematic or the first game to use scripted sequences

>> No.4523123

Popularizing something is more important than being first.
>it's neither cinematic
That the cutscenes aren't FMV or let you move doesn't mean they aren't that. What do you call the first good chunk of the game, for instance?

>> No.4523141

The basic pistol isn't weak. In fact, it is probably the best and most well-rounded gun throughout most of the game. The hivehand is very useful on Xen because infinite ammo + guided shots.

>> No.4523181

>ruin it for everyone that wants to play the game normally.
That's like saying
>Hey, I don't use the hotkeys in RTS games because I'm not a competitive player. They should be removed so everyone can play "normally".
>They should remove (high level tech) from this fighting game because that's not how you play "normally"
Or, more simply,

That is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. Bunnyhopping is actually hard to learn when someone first starts playing Quake-like games, so if it "ruined the game for everyone" isn't it your fault for learning and using the mechanic? How about this: not playing a game made with the QUAKE engine for your multiplayer, as if you cared about Deathmatch Classic at all. You're a complete troglodyte.

>> No.4523194

b-but I want my games babbyfied anon, Imma modern gaymer >:

>> No.4523197


HL1's weapon balance depends on the difficulty.

In Normal, everything can work well, though the Pistol and Hivehand can still dominate.

Hard's much higher HP makes you gravitate more towards the high-powered weapons that can kill with one shot or camping with the Hivehand. Explosive weapons, including the Tripwire Mine and the Grenades, are a godsend in Hard. I usually burn through my Satchel and Grenade ammo reserves fairly quickly in Hard in the first part of the game, and the Tripwire Mine gets a lot more use than it does in Normal because of how powerful an explosion it makes.

Hard also encourages you to stay the fuck away from enemies because of the damage they do, so Shotgun and SMG rushing is a no-go. The Pistol, .357 Revolver, Tau and Hivehand excel at this, though the Pistol is pretty weak once you hit the Human Grunts.

>> No.4523201


>"Bunnyhopping" is an exploit of a very popular bug

You people should be VAC banned, if not banned on every multiplayer server ever for exploiting game bugs.

>Bunnyhopping, or bhopping for short, allows a player to exceed the game-defined speed limit

The game has rules and you found a way to violate them. The developers were smart and dedicated enough to fix the problem and end your hacking.

>fighting games

Yeah people like you will defend retarded shit that happens there as "part of the game" as well. I'm sure you'll defend shit like infinite combos.

>> No.4523207

>pressing a button and moving in a certain direction is hacking
sounds like the game is just shit then

>> No.4523215

Yeah the game's mechanics were poorly thought out and it allowed people to exploit the bug and gain advantage over other players. Obviously it needs to be fixed. Just because some small subset of players like the bug doesn't mean it shouldn't go away, especially since it's going to level out the playing field for 98% of players.

>> No.4523257

>B-Hopping is a bug.
True, and it's become a staple of the "fast paced" FPS genre in different ways. Maybe not exactly B-Hopping, but it's influenced "legitimate" mechanics in tons of games. Quake Champions still has strafing, anyways so who cares.
>You should be VAC banned.
Sure, man lol.
>Devs fix the problem
What problem? Why "fix" bugs/ mechanics in a single player focused game. Again, if it's that much of a problem that you're so INSANELY good at Half Life that you can't help but to perfect B-Hop, I guess that's an issue you have to get over yourself.

>fighting games
>I'm sure you'll defend shit like infinite combos.
topkek. I'm not going to shit talk you and say you haven't played fighting games, but any combos that are near infinites, 100-Death, or unblockable setups are usually extremely difficult to perfect and require hours, maybe even days of practice to get down.
They only matter at an extremely high level in games like Marvel, which are known for having a very high skill ceiling and are played because the mechanics are so lose, it enables EVERY character to have crazy combos and movement. It's why the games are so popular. Things like accidental infinites that are ACTUALLY bugs in Street Fighter/ MK/ Tekken should be patched out.

>hur you said they should be patched, so B-Hopping should be patched, too.
There is a HUGE difference between infinites and B-Hopping. First off, infinites make it so you literally, LITERALLY can't play. If you get hit, you die, the game is over.
B-Hopping may look obnoxious to you, but all you have to do is point and shoot. B-Hopping in games like CS forces you to lose ALL your accuracy, so you have the advantage if you shoot back. In Quake, you'll lose momentum if you turn around to engage. YOU are at the advantage if you can predict your target.

Can't believe you tried to bring up infinites, lol.

>> No.4523267

Bunny hopping as a mechanic is dumb as shit unless you're playing a Quake game.

>> No.4523887

Doesn't matter how "dumb" it is. What matters is how much depth, fun and player agency it adds to games which is quite a lot. I don't see why it'd be ok in Quake but not other games either, sounds like a nonsensical double standard to me.

>> No.4523951

hard in hl1 is one of the worst difficulty settings ive ever played in a game because it funamentally breaks how the weapons are balanced and also how they feel in general
one of the few things that i prefer about hl2 is how hard's health increase is much more conservative rather than making combine soldiers walking tanks like hard marines were

>> No.4524062

Yeah I actually agree with you on that even if I still enjoy the game.

>> No.4524065

Based Valve actually going out of their way to kill the cancer that is speedrunning.

>> No.4524070

Why the fuck update a twenty year old game?

>> No.4524072

>Why the fuck do you want to bunny hop like a retard and ruin it for everyone that wants to play the game normally?
lol? me bunnyhopping around during my own private playthrough ruins it for you? how autistic are you exactly?

>> No.4524095

Valve has broken so many things in Steam HL1, whats one more

>> No.4524110

>Go make your own retarded FPS where you can literally fly all over the place in record speed and go try to shoot each other there.

But nobody plays tribes anymore.

>> No.4524119

Speaking of. If the developers aren't faggots, glitches like this get turned into features like on tribes. Instead of a slow base defense game of loading a bunch of retarded pub players into an apc, you just jump in heavy armor and ski over to the base

Also you can beacon stop
Or midair mine
Or scout jump
Or rape a rocket turret with grenade/mine spam from straight above.
Or drop turrets at an inventory station so you can build defense after being raped amd without slowing down your teams access to the station

Devs just need to stop patching shit and let players git gud.

>> No.4524123

Or maybe you can stop being a cheating faggot and play the game the way the developers intended. Don't like it? Play another game bitch.

>> No.4524130

If you're serious, you might be the biggest loser in the history of having fun.

>> No.4524134
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>> No.4524137

lol, pretty much. It's funny that tons of bugs are loved and turned into actual mechanics of a game.

Wait a minute, that response was really fast. You're probably >>4524123
That's kinda funny. Now I know for a fact that you're not serious.

>> No.4524170

That's stupid, it won't be the first time speedrunners are using an old version of a game to keep using glitches

>> No.4524235

This is very stupid since, even if the developers didn't intend a mechanic it IS there, every player has access to it, therefore it's not cheating. Cheating is when a player has access to an unfair advantage the other one hasn't. If said unintended mechanic doesn't break the experience to the point of freezing it or whatever, and even add depth, why wish to ban / patch it?

>> No.4524272

Shows how Valve were easily one of the greatest cancers of the industry.

id software embraced the advanced movements and recognised how they made their games more enjoyable. Valve being a bunch of faggots decided to kill them, just as they killed the doom arcade style FPS and replaced it with the linear cinematic scripted horse shit, just as they killed online arena shooters, just as they killed actual ownership of PC games, just as their entire platform is just you being shoved with DRM up your ass.

>> No.4524279

All these faggots itt menstruating about strafe jumping are also cancer, showing exactly what the Half Life fanbase is. Fucking disgrace to FPS.

>> No.4524294

What is wrong with you. Just go away. What FPS games do you even play???

>> No.4524319

John Carmack wanted to patch out strafe jumping in Quake 3.

>> No.4524331

but he didn't, did he? unlike that fat fuck gabe. gabe is too fat to run irl and too fat to strafe jump in games.

>> No.4524335

speedrunning doesn't need bunnyhopping though you tard