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File: 119 KB, 633x442, Mmbox7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4520606 No.4520606 [Reply] [Original]

What went right?

>> No.4520623
File: 365 KB, 1075x1393, 417243d0eeb414f1045d8eb9023b05e6e19b6ef8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put Auto shooting a robot on the box art
>he's a support character in the game

>> No.4520665

What really sells me on MM7 are all the cool secrets to find.

>> No.4520730

Amazing art style and musics, great stage themes
tons of cool little details
great secrets to find
fun and useful weapons, better than in 4 and 5
and that super armor
better and more challenging enemies and bosses than in 5 and 6

>> No.4520749

More secrets than the older (1-4), more challenge and fun platforming than the newer. Great music and graphics as usual.

>> No.4521035

Why do people even hate this game

>> No.4521058

It came out kinda late and everyone was too distracted with the X games, or jumping to 3D games.
I don't think it's a hated game, but kinda forgotten/ignored.

>> No.4521063

It's got a pretty awful difficulty curve. It's a cakewalk until the Wily stages, where it jumps to having some of the hardest stages in classic Mega Man.

>> No.4521065

Megaman feels like he moves slow. That's about the only reason to not like it. It looks amazing otherwise, just his movement feels slugish compared to Megaman X.

>> No.4521075

Some of the music was good. That's the only nice thing I have to say about the game.

>> No.4521084

The huge sprite guaranteed you'd never lose track of Mega Man's position on screen

>> No.4521139

Because American box art is generally shit.

>> No.4521176

>better and more challenging enemies and bosses than in 5 and 6
Only if buster-only, with weakness they're pathetic.

>> No.4521179

real megaman players always do buster only anon

>> No.4521287

I know, I do as well, just saying.

>> No.4521365

Mega Man X was more technically impressive and was seen as the best Mega Man game ever at the time. Anything else would just be a huge disappointment. At that point, going "back to the original series" seemed like a waste of time.

Also the final boss is fucking impossible

>> No.4521404

>Also the final boss is fucking impossible

In MM7? Use the spring weapon, and remember that you can charge it, then hold up on the d-pad to make it bounce higher.

>> No.4521410

I beat Wily with buster only, although it took me many tries.
My main strategy was standing under him when he spawned, if you slide to either side, then jump at the precise moment the balls move again, they won't touch you, but some times you get fucked anyway. For instance when Wily spawns too low.

>> No.4521416

Fucking Proto Shield, that's what.

>> No.4521452
File: 3.99 MB, 459x258, 1515862113221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mega Man 7 has one of the most fun to use weapon sets in the franchise
>LOL! Buster only you fucking casual

>> No.4521458

You can use it in the levels. They absolutely murder the bosses, however. I don't see much fun in stunlocking them.

>> No.4521484

After Mega Man X being faster and just an overall improvement in many ways, a return to form was seen as lame compared to the direction that the spinoffs were going in. Everyone was so into the more cool, radical and edgier X with speed boosts, darker story and tone, and rocking soundtrack, that when they saw 7, they pretty much saw it as lame, slow, too childish and gay.
It was the mid 90s, it was go edgy and dark/rad or go home, anything less was not appreciated. Just look at any established franchise going into this time and chances are it went through a makeover to appeal to this (Donald Duck with Quack Pack, Yogi Bear with Yo Yogi!, later seasons of TMNT, etc).

>> No.4521491

IMO, movement is clunky and a downgrade from X, and even from nes megaman somehow. I also despise the cutscenes. Otherwise though, it's pretty good. I kinda think that the good parts of this game (puzzley design stuff and music) should've been implemented in x3 (which has shit design and worse music).

>> No.4522720

Only thing I dislike is rush search
Like what are we supposed to use it in every piel of the map or something? The fuck is that shit

>> No.4522725
File: 16 KB, 480x360, megamanvii_gameboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute the first few times you use it, but it seems more like a joke thing. Mostly for easter eggs like pic related.

>> No.4522728

Would it have kill them to have some hints on the stages that showed there might be something buried there like a crack on the ground or a pile of dirt

>> No.4522861

The final boss is all about learning the time to trick the shots. For instance jump just as they appear to trick their first movement to stay in mid air, then it'll be much easier to dodge their second movement.

The dog barks when there is something important nearby. Otherwise, iirc everything you can find with him you can buy, except for the (op as fuck) enhanced super armor fist.

>> No.4525091

I still never figured out how to get that E-tank before the Bass fight

>> No.4525093

>except for the (op as fuck) enhanced super armor fist.
You can buy that too for 999 bolts

>> No.4526514

Right, the only thing you can't buy is the screw that cuts all prices in half, but its placement is literately marked with a X.

Isn't it just with the R.Coil?

>> No.4529017

I just noticed that's a fucking famicom

>> No.4529020

Both things are cut in legacy collection 2

>> No.4529026

idk, even buster only mega man 5 is ridiculously easy. I think they over corrected because mega man 4 was harder than the first 3 by a big margin and ended up making something way too easy.

>> No.4529034

Yeah, but 7's bosses with the weaknesses get stunlocked in a loop, so...

>> No.4529049

>mega man 4 was harder than the first 3 by a big margin

Toad Man would disagree.
I'd say 1 and 3 are the hardests.

>> No.4529058


>> No.4529068

because megaman is too big on the screen and that's honestly a huge problem with the way the gameplay of the series is designed, it doesn't help that he runs about half as fast as his animation would seem to indicate and you end up using the slide as a improvised dash most of the time which is not what it was designed to be originally, and it feels worse than megaman X because you can't conserve your slide momentum while jumping, your aerial movement is always slow as shit until you get the rush armor

other than that it's alright as far as MM games go

categorically inferior to MMX1-3 and every MMZ game of course

>> No.4529070

Toad Man is dumb but that's not the only boss and you're not talking about the stages.

>> No.4529074

can we just talk about how megaman 8 is fantastic and anyone who dislikes it is dumb instead guys

I loved that fucking soccer ball

>> No.4529076

Megaman 7's attempt to correct the buster is just weird

>Buster makes things too easy since it's three damage
>7 nerfs it down to 2
>Buster is now fucking useless

>> No.4529078 [DELETED] 


>> No.4529086

It's cool though a few of the levels are a bit gimmicky. Nowhere near as gimmicky as X8 but it still suffers from it.

>> No.4529261

Because they exist on non-Nintendo platforms. It's like how the cut the in game Gamecube from re-REmake.

>> No.4529264

No need to namefag here

>> No.4530384

It's still kind of silly, the Famicom is part of that level's scenery, and the game boy is just a little easter egg that you have to find to see it.
MM7 was only re-released once, right?

>> No.4530524


4 bosses at at a time instead of 8 triggers my autism something fierce

>> No.4530540

Doesn't really matter because if you wanna acquire all of the items with minimal backtracking so the choice of stages is very linear anyway. MM6 was already slightly guilty of that but here it's tenfolds.

>> No.4530632

You can start with 8 with a password.