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4505212 No.4505212 [Reply] [Original]

I've played Megaman X every day since I got the game about a week ago. I finally beat it today. Is it X2 worth it?

>> No.4505215

I don't know what you consider it worth, but it's a good sequel. X1-3 are must play, then the x4-6 may or may not speak to everyone, and x7-8 are just for very few people.

>> No.4505217

I'd say X2 is even better due to having the eight main stages designed around the dash since it's by default and being good all-around.
My favorite is X4, though. Still, I wouldn't recommend any other game in the series unless you just want to try more. The latter half gets particularly bad.

>> No.4505220

If you just played the first and need a reason to play the second, then no it isn't

>> No.4505441

X2 is all right.
X4 is my favorite.

>> No.4505445

>x7-8 are just for very few people.
X8 has nowhere near the shit reputation X7 does, I wouldn't lump them together that way. It's X6 and X7 that are bottom of the barrel

>> No.4505449

Sorry, meant >>4505215

>> No.4505450

Its all downhill from here buddy

>> No.4505470


>> No.4505474

X8 is good but too gimmicky as we established in a recent thread.

>> No.4505481

I wouldn't put it in the same category as X7, though.

>> No.4505489

Me neither, that's why I say it's good lol For me it's around 4th or 5th in the series.

>> No.4505542


>> No.4505547

We're kinda similar
In any case I'd say for fans of these games I'd say to at least try the best three, X1, X2 and X4.

>> No.4505552

>at least try the best three, X1, X2 and X4.
I'd say this is a safe recommendation. Everyone should be able to like aspects of each of these games, they're all solid. Placing them ahead of one another is more of an act of splitting hairs really.
x4 is my jam but god damn x1 and x2 are awesome as well.

>> No.4505572

X1 is of course pretty solid but as I've said here I miss having level design that has the dash in mind. This and other unbalances aside when considering no-upgrade buster only runs I like to do it's a very good game.

X2 feels as solid as X1 but has levels designed around the dash and is a bit more balanced for the challenge runs (it even has a different ending when not collecting the parts, though I don't get anything anyway when I do this).

X3 is sadly made by a lesser team and thus stage and even more boss pattern design suffers from it. Still a fine game.

X4 is a big jump with a good playable Zero and an all-around solid stage design. Bosses in particular have improved patterns, I mean look at Storm Owl. Very few gameplay flaws here.

X5 is when the series started going downhill. A fine game (even if stage/boss design feel a bit of a step back from X4) with questionable design choices like the limited time, chips, forced long text...

X6 is arguably bad though I still like it since it still has the same nice base movement and mechanics we know and love. Some stages are just bad (Blaze Heatnix), the nightmare system/effect is laughable as well as how High Max is handled. A decent amount of the time it still feels like a good MMX to me so it barely gets a pass. They improved the Alia crap from X5!

X7 is the truly bad one, absolute dogshit and a disgrace. I don't think I need to justify myself here and it's not retro anyway.

X8 is a nice return to form after the downhill trend of the latter half though it's too gimmicky (it has like one regular action platforming stage lol the reverse of say X4). This was already discussed very recently so I'll leave it at that.

>> No.4505596

>X1 is of course pretty solid but as I've said here I miss having level design that has the dash in mind

I guess because the levels were designed so that you can beat them without the boots upgrade even if it takes longer, the only deal is that the bosses are to overly difficult to defeat without the upgrades or proper weapon, so that you cant really defeat them if you dont start at least with Chill Penguin.'

X2 actually has bosses that you can beat for start, but the slowdown which they tried to hide, and the music now sounds like generic rock and roll music, while X1 music still had that megaman vibe on the soundtrack.

>> No.4505651

Of course, levels and bosses before Sigma Fortress had to be designed to be beatable without the dash since Chill Penguin's stage could be your last.
Having it from the start allowed the good sequels (X2 and X4) to make level and boss design based around the dash. Being a feature I like I consider this a positive.

This is not very important to me but I prefer X2's soundtrack with its richer and more varied percussion.
>but the slowdown which they tried to hide
I don't get what you mean by this. In any case I'll say all three SNES X games suffer from some occasional slowdown. Could you elaborate?

>> No.4506250

Someone who has just beat X1-3, anything I should know before jumping into X4?

>> No.4506252

One thing you'll need to know about X5 though, this patch is absolutely mandatory, read the readme for more information why.

>> No.4506265

Zero is actually good and fun her, though the game is arguably a bit harder as him (doesn't have access to all the bosses weaknesses nor the armor upgrade to take half damage and a boss later into the game is more of a pain in the ass as him). Other than that just enjoy it, it's the last great game in the series.

>> No.4506270

X6 is leagues above X7.

>> No.4506274

Most people here seem to agree, including myself. Though you know that's not saying much since X7 is one of the worst pieces of shit I've bothered to beat in my life.

>> No.4506413

Megaman sucks dick. Play a good game.

>> No.4506419

Never played x7 or x8 so can't comment on those, but every other x game is great and worth playing. People will say others are bad in comparison to other x games, but in the overall scheme of things they are fine.

That said x4 is the best. I really like playing as zero so that factors into my opinion.

>> No.4506467

Is the Gamecube Megaman X Collection a decent port? Ill be playing it on my Wii which means i can use my SNES controller via a wired adapter

>> No.4506485


they fucked up some of the music and the MMX3 is a port of the PS1 version instead of the superior SNES version. is your wii softmodded? then I'd play the SNES versions, but if MMX collection is your only option, it''s ok, as long as you don't mind worse music

>> No.4506486

It is as far as I know identical to the PS2 version, which is quite good; it even runs the games at 240p. Worth noting though is that the version of X3 is the PSX version, and I believe the (Japanese) voices were removed from X6. Most other differences were minor (e.g. some edited text in X1). I think the story goes that the collection was intended to be more of an overhaul, but Inafune & co. didn't want it to step on Maverick Hunter X's toes, so to speak.

>> No.4506489

Oh, and the slowdown you might be used to from the SNES versions is gone in XC.

>> No.4506493
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X1-2-3 are all amazing. X4 is also worth playing. You can forget about X5-6-7 but X8 is worth a shot.

People give shit to X3, but even though I'm aware of all its flaws, it's still my favourite. It has the best enemy design and placement, every single enemy encounter requires you to think and adapt, unlike X1-2 where you can just run thorugh stages guns blazing.

Also Zero Project for X3:
It doesn't 'just' make Zero fully playable, it also makes the game better if you play as X by making upgrades collecting less linear. Sadly it seems the author of the hack went to go back on some aspects of that so grab it before it's updated.

>> No.4506784

Yeah my Wii is softmodded, so i can get X1 and X2 via Virtual Console. I also have a PSP with TV cables so i could also play X4-X6 on my TV as well. Not sure how good the PS1 Classics emulator is on psp though

>> No.4506797

I've played both x and x2 and still prefer x2.

>> No.4507269

so did i... back in 1993... when it came out...

>> No.4507270

The worst part about X3 is the boss pattern design. Also the buster upgrade is pretty lame with the slowdown and unreliability. But it's still pretty fun, not gonna deny it.

>> No.4507272

So you imported a Japanese copy of a game that came out on December the 17th and still beat it that year? Impressive, anon.

>> No.4507295
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>> No.4507302

who said anything about importing

>> No.4507325

Mega Man X didn't come out til 1994 everywhere else. So you're Japanese? Ok then.

>> No.4507379

I'd even say it's leagues above the turd that is X5 as well.

>> No.4507385

X5 and X6 are bad in different ways so it's hard to say. X6 did definitely improve the Alia system crap.

>> No.4507396

Indeed the whole Alia thing is just hilariously bad. X5 is just shocking to me since it's basically a rehash of masterpiece X games like X1, 2 and 4, especially X4, and it managed to fuck it up. The only special thing it has is the ebin boss fight I don't want to mention so as to not spoil OP.

>> No.4507403

The most irritating thing to me in X5 is The Skiver weapon for Zero, which is why I've always done that stage last when replaying it (not many times, for sure). Shit doesn't let you dash slash anymore as usual, couldn't they at least make it a separate button like in X4 or make it so you have to select the weapon from the menu? Fuck.

>> No.4507409

yep, and im guessin your'e what, 14

>> No.4507415

What would you recommend?

>> No.4507418

Yeah it's fucked up. Mega Man usually has tight controls but they fucked Zero's controls up really hard in X5 and X6. Especially in X6 with that fucking up+slash. Also you can't get every power up with Zero in X5, even though you can get all the ultimate armors, while in X6 it's the opposite due to a bug.

X5 and X6 need a ROM hack to fix this bullshit. I'm honestly not sure if X5 can be salvaged but inside X6 there's an excellent and fun game trying to get out, we need to redo the stages so that the game's mechanics have a chance to shine.

>> No.4507421

x2 is a masterpiece

>> No.4507474

Probably sucking dick.

Overlooked due to so many people only playing the first one (and maybe MM2 or 3 if you're lucky). Granted, it's more expensive due to the chip and can't be played on flashcarts, but still, emulation and virtual console, people.

>> No.4507490

I hate the fucking music

>> No.4507519

Not him but it's one of my favorites lol Nice drum patterns and basslines.

>> No.4507528

>Granted, it's more expensive due to the chip and can't be played on flashcarts

Did YEW know that SD2SNES can play X2? It's the best way to get that Authentic Experience™ without paying big money for plastics.

>> No.4507534

They're all the same. If you want to play more mega man then go for it.

>> No.4507539

Some of the latter X games are notorious for being bad or at least of lesser quality.

>> No.4507546

I love X2's cast roll music.

>> No.4507553

>They're all the same
Do you feel as if though this is a mark against them?

>> No.4507670
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>> No.4507708


>> No.4508384

>The worst part about X3 is the boss pattern design.

I agree in a way, way too many bosses have you repeatedly go from one wall to the next of the room. Some bosses have quite uninspired patterns, but for me it's made up by the sheer amount of bosses and just by how good the stages are.

Project Zero fixes the delay on X's 2nd charge shot, for the full upgrade, if that's what you're referring to.

>> No.4510096

is rockman any different

>> No.4510105

Other than the text (and later voice acting), no. Rockman 2 doesn't have the "normal" mode (the game is the equivalent of hard in the international one), but most of the time these are identical.

>> No.4510150

I think I like X2 more than X1. X3 is 7.5/10 as is X4. X5 and X6 are really different and personally, I dislike them.

>> No.4510169

Almost fully agree. What are your personal issues with X4?

>> No.4512314

i love this cover

>> No.4512796

Ended up beating the game as X and Zero on the same day, and holy shit you weren't lying. I love the learned techniques. Definitely prefer it over the poor weapon selections a few of the Mega Man games have. X was still tons of fun though, glad I played through both.
Sorry for asking the same question but with a different game, what should I know before jumping into X5? I read up on it as much as I can comfortably do without feeling like I'm spoiling my self. I know the item upgrade issues, the RNG sidequest, shit like that. Sounds like a minefield. Is there any way I can fuck my self over if I'm not careful?
And about the patch here,
It says it's in version 0.01. Can anyone vouch for if it's bug-free? I'd rather deal with design faults in the original game than have my experience hampered by issues that weren't there originally.

>> No.4512946

If you're going to play vanilla X5 then:
1. Select X for the intro stage if you want to have an easier time overall. If you pick X you get the Fourth Armor from X4, if you pick Zero you get a shitty buster for him.
2. Don't worry about fucking yourself, this isn't X6 yet. Zero can die prematurely due to RNG so either save before shooting the plot thingies or just get all the upgrades for X. You can't get all the upgrades anyway, and you collect them for the character you have at the time. You may want to stick to just one for each walkthrough due to this and the day system crap that discourages backtracking.
3. You'll probably enjoy this game more if you don't care for the upgrades that much. Aside from the aforementioned stuff, some upgrades require that you use the weapon you get on the same level, so you can't 100% without backtracking like in X4 for Zero nor can you avoid this with different routing. This also happens in a boring slow autoscrolling stage.
Hope this helps. Too bad the games only get worse from here with the exception of X8 which is alright but gimmicky.

>> No.4514118

>what should I know before jumping into X5

It's a shitty rehash of X4. Literally the same stages, only different and worse.

>> No.4514126


>Alia’s hints are permanently disabled
>Keep both character bonuses regardless of which is chosen
>Each Heart Tank/Life-Up Part affects both X & Zero

Holy shit! Just these changes are enough to significantly improve the game! How the fuck did I not know about this?

Also people are actually hacking/reprogramming playstation games now? Last time I checked that site I only found translations. This is fucking awesome. I wonder if he'll try to improve X6...

>> No.4514265

Quick question, does the time limit ever go away, or is it going to be constantly breathing down my neck?

>> No.4514274

It stops being there after you're ready to take the stages after the 8 main ones. So you can backtrack as much as you want at that point to prepare for the typical last few levels if you want.

>> No.4514321

Not him but do you know how the parts and energy/weapon up system works? I remember after every stage I had to choose stuff like that but I still have no idea how it works. How do you get specific parts? Can one get every single energy/weapon up?

>> No.4514323
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>woolsey translations are good

>> No.4514346

Look up a FAQ for that, it's confusing indeed.

>> No.4514369

As a kid I liked x2 the least of the SNES games for childish and arbitrary reasons, but now I think it rules. I'm trying to get a good speed run time but still hovering around an hour

>> No.4514401

I found it out after beating 3 bosses. I tried to follow a way to get them all, but the boss needs to be Level 8, and it said I need to enter my first stage as Mega Man with 10 hours left, going to the 9th hour when I entered it. Yet when I did that, it was Rank 7.
Decided I'd just continue my play through without restarting for that, since it doesn't make sense to me at the moment. I'll spoil my self rotten after I've beaten the game once, or twice if I decide to do a Zero playthrough before that as well.

>> No.4514567

Also not retro but the remake of X1 on PSP, Maverik Hunter X, is worth playing if you've been into X1 so much. It has some pros and cons, changes some things around (some are good changes, some are questionnable), but at least it has a hard mode. Playing as Vile is also fun.

>> No.4514585

>it took me a week to beat one of the easiest MM games ever made. wut do? Is it worth it?
Welcome to /vr/ kidwhosucksatgames

>> No.4514589

Or maybe he has a job and only plays 20-30 minutes every day

>> No.4514750

You can discuss remakes here AFAIK

This game is barely 1 hour long lol

>> No.4514754

>This game is barely 1 hour long lol
Not for someone who plays it blind for the first time. More like a 2-3 hour game depending how much time it takes them to learn the patterns to beat Sigma's pre-final form.

>> No.4514763

You'd have to be blind on platformers/2D games a as well for this to last 2-3 hours. Granted, this might actually be the case.

>> No.4514764

You're a great player anon. Any WR?

>> No.4514770

I WR'ed you're a mom, lol

>> No.4514773

You WR'd a skeleton? How do you even do that? I thought we were talking about video game skills. Got any?

>> No.4514776

You got to have into account that, if as the other anon said, the person has actually a job, he might be tired and not too focused when playing vidya. Meaning they play vidya more as a relaxing hobby, and not as a tryhard activity to impress imaginary friends.

>> No.4514795

This asshole wasn't me >>4514770
You don't need to be a great player to beat a Mega Man X game blind in less than 2-3 hours if you have experience with other platformers or 2D games, anon. I'm not being some kind of elitist or anything, in fact some weeks ago I saw a friend just like this beat X2 for the first time.
Why would anyone with a job so tiring pick somewhat challenging games as their hobby, then?

>> No.4514801

>Why would anyone with a job so tiring pick somewhat challenging games as their hobby, then?
>a job so tiring
All jobs are tiring in one way or another.
It's not about not wanting to play a somewhat challenging game, it's about not forcing you to rush and try to beat the game in less than an hour to impress.... noone.

>> No.4514804

I think the first time I played Mega Man X it took me a couple hours.
Let's see, probably on average each stage took me 15 minutes, there's 8 of them so that's 2 hours. Remember "average" means that maybe I beat some of them in less than 15, but others took me a bit more, so average, 15 minutes per stage+boss.
Then there's the sigma fortress which is the hardest part of the game and I don't think anyone will be able to go all through it to the end without dying on the first try.

>> No.4514807

Some jobs are definitely more tiring than others, anon; it also depends on the person. I didn't say lees than 1 hour, I said less than 2-3. It's not about impressing or anything, I'm just saying the game is not so hard you can't beat it in less than 2-3 hours (even when working and stuff) unless you are very new to games like these.

>> No.4514808

I beat MMX on first try in 20 minutes, get good pleb.
I'm an internet person, you'll just have to believe me.

>> No.4514812

Beating the intro stage doesn't count as beating MMX, anon.

>> No.4515225

The current Speedrun record is just a tad above 31 minutes, so I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.4515313

That's 2 days max my implying projecting whiteknighting newfriend.

>> No.4515693

If he plays for 20-30 min every day, and it was his first time playing MMX, I don't think 2 days is enough.
A week seems more reasonable. 1 or 2 stages per day.

>> No.4516096

Are you samefag or just another tard who sucks at games? I played it a few days ago to test a console I fixed. The first two stages took about 10 minutes and I think I get hit once or twice. It's that fucking easy.

>> No.4516104

>10 min
What a casual piece of shit.
I beat the game on my first try in about 500 seconds.

>> No.4516108

I like X4 for music and story and best Sigma next to X1, but the levels are very bland.

>> No.4516138

X4 is the only one that's as good, if not better than X1

X2 is decent. X3 is bland, X5 is rehashed plus tutorials and we don't talk about X6

>> No.4516213

I didn't use the password system, anon. It took me a week of playing about an hour a day to figure out the best weakness order, find all the powerups, and the last two days were spent on Sigma

>> No.4516217

>not beating MMX on your first try in 32 seconds

>> No.4516268

It all makes sense now. Still, interesting to see why you'd decide to start from the beginning each time.

>> No.4516283

>i'm retarded

>> No.4517806

Playing X6, and the second stage-boss I fought was Level 1, is that normal? Did I accidentally set it to Easy or something? I checked the options and it says it's Normal, but is the difficulty stuck to the save file and I may have fucked it up earlier?

>> No.4517836

>we don't talk about X6

Sure we do.

>> No.4517880

I love X2. It was my first, and my god I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I remember getting my ass squarely kicked by the opening stage, but I just kept playing until I had mastered the game. I still remember where all the upgrades are, and I’ll never forget the hell that was getting the Shoryuken

>> No.4518237

When you like these games so much you even begin to appreciate X6 lol

>> No.4518318


Get the hidden Haduken ability in X first

>> No.4520073

I think it's a better game than X5.

>> No.4520142


There's a Mega Man X collection for the Playstation 2, it even has an extra game that you can unlock. I've played through the first three Mega Man X games. I can't remember if I finished Mega Man X4. Anyway, are you playing this stuff on an emulator? Oh, and Mega Man X4 has animated cut scenes if that'll motivate you to play the other Mega Man X games.

>> No.4520179

Not surprising to me, actually.

>> No.4520369

X1 is a very good game, but also idealized to a stupid extent, with everything else being seen as poor man's X1 (this extremely wrong anon, for one >>4505450).

X2 is just as good, if not better. There are perhaps more overt flaws but I'd say its highest highs are also way better. The levels are incredibly memorable thanks to the varied set pieces, yet they never feel gimmicky in the slightest. Collecting everything, especially collecting everything without excessive backtracking, requires some REALLY skillful and inventive platforming and finally pulling everything off feels absolutely awesome. The heart tanks, capsules and whatnot in X1 aren't nearly as satisfying to discover.

The only area where I'd say it's pretty meh is the music, but that's highly subjective. As far as the first 5 soundtracks go I'd say it's X1 > X5 > X3 > X4 > X2.

X3 could have been better than it is, but it's still a very fun game. People say the level designs suck but they're just often based around shooting more than platforming (for example Tunnel Rhino) - but the shooting is great fun. Also an incredibly underrated X series soundtrack by people who don't get the appeal of repetitive yet extremely strong riffs and noisy production.

X4 is good but everyone jizzes over it so much there's barely anything to talk about.

X5 is underrated too.

>> No.4520371

Yep, this anon knows what's up

>> No.4520381
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To elaborate on X5, it definitely has some significant problems; but if you can get past that, there's still a whole bunch to enjoy. Some good level design, some fun bosses and the presentation is fantastic. The story actually works well, the Mavericks are in my opinion more visually appealing than the X4 ones and the soundtrack is goddamn fantastic:


>> No.4520383

Sure, if you are able to not get too bothered by Alia and are aware of the bad RNG stuff then it's actually a pretty decent game. No level is as bad as Blaze Heatnix's or the mess that is X7.
X4 is my favorite and while X5 is surely a step down in general, the last levels are better on X5 (I'm talking about the post-8 selection screen).

>> No.4520389
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>and the MMX3 is a port of the PS1 version instead of the superior SNES version
I vastly prefer the "urgh, painful, nails on chalkboard garbage" SNES soundtrack for X3:


Giving these songs a softer sound completely ruins them.

X4's soundtrack generally didn't leave a big impact on me but I do like these two quite a bit:


>> No.4520392

The biggest problem with X3 are the subpar bosses patterns.

>> No.4520395

I'd rank X4 after X2 and X1, but then I only played through it with Zero. Maybe doing it again with X will improve my general opinion of it.

>> No.4520401

I never really took note of that at all; I had plenty of fun fighting the bosses.

>> No.4520404

Those are the clear top three anyway, the order isn't as important.

>> No.4520408

X4 is the last good Megaman in my eyes, but still the art of that game feel bad. I would have see what the game would looks like if they had merged both style together.
X4 looks like some kind of flash game

>> No.4520409

They aren't bad, just not as interesting as in some of the other games. They are usually rather simple and a bit repetitive / samey, relying a bit too much on tackling from one wall to another.

>> No.4520413

>I would have see what the game would looks like if they had merged both style together.
"Both"? What?
>X4 looks like some kind of flash game

The X4-X6 art style is weaker in terms of backgrounds (too much pre-rendered shit) but far stronger in terms of sprites.

>> No.4520416

>I would have see what the game would looks like if they had merged both style together.
What is this English, anon. I know these games have a lot of latam fans but c'mon, I don't understand you at all here lol
The Zero series is pretty good as well, I'd say.

>> No.4523012

>good level design

You call shitty rehashes of X4 stages "good level design"?

>> No.4523018
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>X4 looks like some kind of flash game

It's fucked up that you think that

>> No.4525241

I want to know what kind of flash games he plays lol
Are they THAT rehashy, tho?

>> No.4526406

Anyone care to explain why X never kept his armor until mmx 5?

>> No.4526420

>muh story
Anyway, I think it was something along the lines of "to avoid corruption by too much power".

>> No.4526423

It wasn't because the armor could not be sustained for any longer? Like the armor ran out of power and even though x is limitless the armor is not?

>> No.4526942

No idea and honestly don't see why anyone would care.

>> No.4526970

>keeps his armor
>next game he has to be weak again
>finds upgrade to THAT armor
>eventually we get bulk mega man x
that'd be cool, keeps adding shit onto his shit

>> No.4526994

Well, i would say X and X2 are the best games of the series but definitively X6 is the greatest gem.

>> No.4527007

Unpolished fun

>> No.4527091
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Best intro stage music coming through.


>> No.4527105

It's pretty good

>> No.4527132

If you mean an original cart I would say no but only because those games are over priced as hell.

>> No.4527140

Those damn chips.

>> No.4527145

You haven't actually beaten a game unless you played the original one. You beat a copy, you beat a phantom. ghouls n ghosts tried to teach you this

>> No.4527148

While it's obviously a very different kind of game, Command Mission is a surprisingly solid RPG.

Maverick Hunter X for the PSP is a good remake of the first game too. Being able to play as Vile is a real treat (though I wish they just used the normal stage themes instead of giving him a single theme for all stages).

>> No.4527161

I think X8 would have been better received if instead of having to choose two out of three characters whenever you played a stage you just had the ability to switch among all three at once.

>making my way through a stage
>see an upgrade
>figure out how to get it
>can't though because I did not bring the right character with me
>have to play through the stage at least one other time to get everything in it
>possibly more if it requires not only X but a specific armor of his

>> No.4527167

honestly they're better than the original japanese which was pretty flat in most cases

>> No.4527168

This is a lesser problem compared to its problem with having too many gimmicky stages, it needed at least 50% regular action platforming stages.

>> No.4527181

This anon has the right answer.

>> No.4527187

I'm not spending $300+ just to "beat" a game, faggot.

>> No.4527191

I'm not about to say what I said is X8's only problem.

>> No.4527195

Me either, but I haven't beaten it

>> No.4527197

Sure, but it would have been far more well received by having more solid stage design. Your suggestion is cool though less important in my eyes.

>> No.4527205

Yeah, more solid stage design would be better. What I suggested would probably just cover it up more since you'd have to replay the stages less if you were going for 100%.

>> No.4527213

I've posted this before here but from the 8 main stages X8 has like one regular stage, which is the reverse from X4 that has just a bike stage and the rest are action platforming.

>> No.4527221

>Unpolished fun

>> No.4527246

One of the very few videos related to video games I've enjoyed. And yes, I was aware of it before you posted it.

>> No.4527263

>that one mugen tournament where someone chose that red ouroboros thing as their character and everyone else called bullshit because they had to kill it four times to get a win

>> No.4527264

Pretty much. X5 is really relative; I'm not bothered by Alia since I can just mash X when I'm stopped, but I can understand why others would be bothered just by being stopped even for a second multiple times per stage. The time limit doesn't affect me at all and the RNG gives it more replay value in my eyes, but they may infringe upon some people's playstyle.

I like the game a lot but wouldn't argue that someone who dislikes it is wrong.

>> No.4527272

Plus I have kind of a fetish for sprites/blocky models on pre-rendered backgrounds but acknowledge that it gets under a lot of people's skin, so to each his own blah blah

>> No.4527274

>mugen tournament
And I thought Brawl tournaments were silly lol

>> No.4527280

To be fair that was an entirely random select tourney

>> No.4527285

I don't think that's how that works

>> No.4527292


>> No.4527296


Long but worth it.

>> No.4527309

Got a time stamp for when the red donut shows up please?

>> No.4527925

I'll never understand what they were thinking with the leg upgrade in X1. The only thing I can think of is they couldn't think of leg upgrade if dash was given from the start.

>> No.4528441

I think they wanted base X to be just like Mega Man from the classic series to ease in new players. And he is, other than no slide and being able to wall jump which is subtly tutorialized in the intro stage. Once they saw the dash was a popular feature it became a base ability for X.

>> No.4528442

To further prove my point, X's design was originally going to be Zero's, but they changed it to be very similar to Mega Man to, again, not alienate new players coming from the classic series.

>> No.4528484
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying any of these small things are the real problem with X5

The real problem with X5 is that it has shit design at its core all the way through. Its bests parts are copy pasted straight from X4 but they somehow managed to fuck it up anyway.... that should tip off anyone about the quality of the game.

Pic related, the place has two different persepective going on at the same time, what a clusterfuck, and yet all they wanted to do was to recycle the staircase from X4 but they managed to fuck it up anyway.

>> No.4528972

You're right but it's not that bad, anon. You could do way worse, it's still a decently fun game.

>> No.4529562

I find em more memorable desu

>> No.4529565

Zero's version is better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAwnAx3TGBY

X5's X intro stage beats both https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiLEWb-anSs

>> No.4531194


>> No.4531689

This is weird to myself, a mega man was 3 when he did the slide or grow the cannon ? When after later the game Nintendo Wii removed his function

>> No.4531808

The people that say X1 is too easy have never played spark mandrill or sting chameleon's stage first or played chill penguin's stage last.

>> No.4531820

Flame mammoth is easy even without upgrades.

>> No.4531834

Your mom is easy even without money. Chill Penguin is the easiest boss, you dick

>> No.4531841
File: 7 KB, 512x448, the way the developers intended.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only proper way to play X1 is by skipping penguin's stage entirely using passwords.

>> No.4532204

Dude, I know you're trying but your English sucks, I can't understand you.

>> No.4532210

I don't know, seems understandable enough to me.

>> No.4533039

Like playing MM7 with the password to start with 8 bosses.

>> No.4533186

>tfw first Megaman game was x7 bought on a whim

>> No.4533208

I'm sorry, anon.
I bought a PS2 for that game when it came out, if that makes you feel better. At least I only rented it.

>> No.4534550

The upgrades and weapons with maybe one exception are either ripped straight from X or just boring. Magna Centipede's stage is particularly bad.

It's still worth playing since it controls just as well but it's not better than the first and does nothing to stand out. I got more frustration out of it than enjoyment

>> No.4534639

X2's weapons are pretty good for mobility, if nothing else. Speed Burner and Strike Chain can get you around pretty fast, with Crystal Hunter being a gimmicky platform-creator.

Although in terms of actually killing stuff you don't have much besides Magnet Mine.

>> No.4534759

This is the stuff X2 does better than X1:
1. X has the dash in its base controls now. Thanks to this, the 8-select levels nd bosses are based around the dash and thus more fast paced than those in X1 that assumed you could tackle Chill Penguin last.
2. If you are into using E-Tanks, X2 has a few spots that let you recharge them in a more convenient way. In X1 you need to farm for HP for longer; you can't refill them by loading your password so this is pretty important. Not much to me since I normally don't use them, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
3. The final boss is less of a pain in the ass to fight buster only
4. The air dash and double charged buster upgrades are very cool
5. As >>4534639 mentions, your weapon selection improves your movement options. If you're into speedrunning (again, I'm not, just saying) or just going casually fast these can be fun to toy with.
6. The bosses, aside from assuming you have the dash, have somewhat more complex patterns. They change their patterns when low on health as well. This is one aspect where X1 truly feels like a transitional title between classic and X (not weird do think since they wanted to ease players from the earlier series) where X2 feels like the first true X game.
7. You have the Counter/X Hunter Zero Parts sidequest if you're into that, which is a bigger feature than making later stages easier in X1 by beating other ones before.
The weapons aren't as strong as some of X1 offensively, that's for sure. But what's so bad about Magna Centipede's stage?

>> No.4535438

X2 has the best music, bosses and level design in the series imo. Also hard as balls.

Don't listen to x4 dickriders the game is kind of shitty, one of the levels is nothing but an endless spiraling staircase and it's fugly as fuck with no noteworthy music.

>> No.4535486

>X2 has the best music
Also agree here, but I didn't want to add this since it's both subjective and not relevant to the game mechanics. It's amazing, probably the best of the series, at worst tied for the best or around there.
X4 is really good, tho.
>one of the levels is nothing but an endless spiraling staircase
That's just two sections in the levels (that have tricky enemies to speed through), there's also a vertical climb with a mini boss at the end, later on a part you have to speed through to not get crushed and a vertical autoscroller before the boss. Stop exaggerating.

>> No.4536605

>another train stage
>another cart stage
>another forest stage
>another volcano/ stage
>another laboratory/stairs stage
>another repliforce/airport stage

The whale's stage is actually a rehash of a X2 stage, complete with a music remix. The only stage that's actually original is that bat's. In all cases the stages are much, much worse than whatever stages they were based off of. They also rehashed bosses like yellow devil and rangda bangda. It's fucking ridiculous.

At least X6 was more fresh. X5 is just a shitty remake of better Mega Man games, not just X series either. The only good thing it has is the X vs. Zero fight.

>> No.4536609

>speed running X6 with unarmored X

This motherfucker got balls

>> No.4536614

Yeah. I actually sort of liked the volcano stage with the scrolling platforming sections but holy shit fuck those cart stages, all 3 of them.

>> No.4536615

You're mostly describing aesthetic themes, though.

>> No.4536619

I thought there were only 2 riding stages: Yeti and ManoWar. Are you referring to something else?

>> No.4536645

Yeah, if only the stages were good enough to stand on their own. But they aren't. They're all aggravating in ways I can't fully describe. Especially the cart stage.

You're right I got confused.

>> No.4536648

Yep, not saying X5 is very good or anything, but its issues don't come from its derivative (or "nostalgic" as they intended) aesthetic themes, the level design is just blander than before. And the Alia interruptions certainly don't help.

>> No.4536649

I think if you're going to riff on other great games like X4 it sets certain expectations and it only disappoints harder when they aren't met.

>> No.4536652

The thing is, the stages aren't really copied from X4 other than the aesthetic themes. They are pretty different and even have some new stuff like all the rail stuff in the Rose guy stage.
And btw, I didn't know Bubble Crab's stage was a boring slow ass almost full autoscroller. I get what you mean, it's a reference in multiple ways but lol

>> No.4536657

>I didn't know Bubble Crab's stage was a boring slow ass almost full autoscroller

It most certainly wasn't. They obviously wanted to do a big version of the fish that's present in the X2 stage. Seeing that thing and listening to the stage music just makes me hate the stage more.

>> No.4537365
