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4518151 No.4518151 [Reply] [Original]

Is CDX the worst 4th gen Castlevania game?

>> No.4518154

Easily. Still fun tho

>> No.4518157

Did you even play it?

>> No.4518168


Yeah. The level design is very annoying and it's missing a bunch of monsters from the TG-CD version.

>> No.4518417
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>> No.4518432

It's completely fucking pointless. It's Chi no Rondo but with worst level design and less stuff. It's not the early 90s anymore where you might not know Chi no rondo exists, might not be able to import it or be aware of emulation/get an emulator working.

>> No.4518467
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>missing a bunch
Not really, it's missing a few. And it has new bosses.
>worst level design
Dracula X is actually more like classicvania, with really hard set pieces. Rondo is a lot easier.
Anyway, I wouldn't say Rondo or Dracula X are among the best level design in Castlevania, but they aren't horrible either.

I just find it weird how some people claim to loathe Dracula X, but then they claim to like Rondo. Makes no sense, Dracula X is like a sort of sequel to Rondo, none, I repeat, none of the levels share any resemblance other than the first level, and even the first level is only similar to the first level of Rondo conceptually, it's the town from Simon's Quest burning, but the design is 100% different - way more challenging on Dracula X, while Rond's first level is a walk in the park.
The only assets that were reused from Rondo were Richter's sprite and regular enemies.
Level assets (backgrounds, tilesets, etc), bosses and level design is like a completely new entry in the series.
I'm not saying you should like it, but if you hate Dracula X, then you shouldn't like Rondo that much either. They're not that different.

>> No.4518503

Dracula X is the best sequel to the original Castlevania in the whole series. It's six hard fucking levels that you need to get good at until you master them. There's no crutches to rely on during the game other than the items, no alternate easier levels or different characters. I barely remember what the Dracula fight is even like in Rondo, and I've completed it a few times.
You can goddamn bet I remember what Dracula is like in X. It's exhilarating to finally make it alive just as it was on NES.

>> No.4518534

People who prefer Dracula X have terrible taste at best and are contrarian assholes at worst. We've all beaten it muh difficulty faggots. It's just boring, sloppy, slow, and short with none of the character of the game it imitates. B team effort for sure. It's an okay action game but it stands below the other 4th gen titles. Yeah. Even IV. At least IV wasn't a pale imitation and was occasionally interesting in the latter half.

>> No.4518538

>crouch to brace so you don't get knocked into the pits
>throw axes
>credits roll

>> No.4518543

Why boring? It's Castlevania, you whip skeletons and shit.
What does this even mean? Seems like a random adjective to bash the game mindlessly.
Ah, yeah. I do remember when Castlevania was Sonic. Wait, no I don't.
Considering it has alternate paths, it's at least longer than the original Castlevania. Anyway nothing wrong with short action-packed games.

I don't get the hate. I prefer Rondo but honestly Rondo is not THAT much better than the rest of the 4th gen Castlevania games. I think all of them were pretty good.

>> No.4518549

still better than Rondo's final boss

>> No.4518563

>We've all beaten it muh difficulty faggots.
i don't believe you at all, the way you threw that in reeks of pre emptive defence and your intent on bashing stinks of triggered by getting your arsehole blown out.

DX is a stellar game.

>> No.4518573

I've beaten it recently, and despite not being nearly as good as Rondo, it's a decent port. Not a bad game at all, I also don't get the hate.

>> No.4519015

Why did Dracula turn into a Cho Aniki character instead of a demon in the SNES version?

>> No.4519145 [DELETED] 
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Beats me.

>> No.4519380

This guy knows what it's all about.

>> No.4519402
File: 69 KB, 570x880, super4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top Tier:
Super Castlevania IV

High Tier:
Castlevania X68000/Chronicles

Mid Tier:
Castlevania Dracula X

Low Tier:
Rondo of Blood

Shit Tier:

>> No.4519421

Great, anonymous person over an image board, I sure care about your taste in Castlevania game. Please update your blog more often!

>> No.4519438

>The Chad Vlad
>The Virgin Vampire

>> No.4519446

I agree with your list, although I'm not really sure if I'd put Dracula X over Rondo.
Don't get the love for Bloodlines, and I was a Mega Drive kid and a Sega nerd. It's not a shit game but it's way too ugly. konam icould have done a much better job.

>> No.4519460
File: 265 KB, 1420x1004, cvlod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best 90svania coming thru

>> No.4519565


Dracula's Curse

Vampire Killer
Castlevania X68000
II Belmonts Revenge

Super Castlevania 4
Dracula X
Castlevania 2

The Adventure

>> No.4519735

Whether or not it's harder doesn't matter if it's shit. There are games that are even harder but are not rehashes of another game's stages in a poorly designed fashion.

It's the same reason no one cares about Contra 4 or the SNES version of Rocket Knight. They aren't distinctively different enough in their stages.

>> No.4519746

Why are BR and the MSX game so high?

>> No.4520306

Because they are good?

>> No.4520754

Rondos controls are a little more fluid and it's an easier game. I like it a little more than Drac X, but I don't get people who love Rondo and dont like Drac X.

There are quite a few recurring bosses that behave the same, but to call Drac X an inferior port is extreme. The stages are very different.

>> No.4521030

>if you hate Dracula X, then you shouldn't like Rondo that much either. They're not that different.
you lost all credibility here. You commited to show how divergent both games are, even mentioned how only the first stage is loosely based on Rondo's 1st, while the rest is 100% different. Regardless, different stages are meaningless, if they're poorly constructed, especially in classic-style castlevanias, where a lot of the fun lies in the rhythm and layout of the stages, which suck in Dracula X. Richter's controls are bad, sprites overall don't feel smooth and fluid like Rondo, and that brings a whole cheapness to the game.

The coolest divergences i find, are the stage level screen, the song that plays in it, the pre-boss track which is much less ear-bleeding than rondo's while still ominous, and Dracula's Mr.Olympia form.

Dracx vs Rondo wars aside, there's a big reason people often stick to Rondo for preference: it's a better game at what it does. Most of your argument supports DracX for difficulty reasons, but why should that be associated with a better game? DracX is hard for many reasons, most related to bad controls and character speed, odd-placed platforming, etc. Rondo's "walk in the park" is way more entertaining and satisfying to play, and still delivers enough challenge for a good playthrough.

great argument, wow

>> No.4521037

kek. It's funny how i can read the type of fan you are just by that stupid ranking. Stay tr00, player.

>> No.4521042

>you lost all credibility here.
Nah, I'm aware about what I said.
They're different in the same way Castlevania 1 and Castlevania III (playing as Trevor) are different. But the core gameplay is the same.
Well, except Dracula X doesn't have the bible subweapon that trivializes difficulty in Rondo.
>if they're poorly constructed
Your opinion, not an argument.
>Richter's controls are bad
They're not. I have no problem with them.

I can understand you liking Rondo better (I do, too), but I don't agree it's "cheap" or "poorly constructed". They're both good games, and Dracula X is a fun ride to play once you finish Rondo.

>> No.4521245

Can the anti-XX crowd post an image or video of a level from that game which they think is badly designed?

>> No.4521270

Dracula X is more like a remake than an original game. Sharing tons of graphics and the basic premise for each many stages. It doesn't even introduce any new mechanics.

>> No.4521520

how about you tell me how you would have ranked it than.

>> No.4521523
File: 180 KB, 1122x527, virgin-chad-castlevania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore him, he's probably a Metroidvaniafag.

>> No.4523520

Is it bad if I don't really enjoy Super Castlevania 4?

>> No.4525076

No. Lots of other people found that game boring too.

>> No.4525083

Kinda, it's a good game, but as the other anon said a lot of people don't like it, there's all kind of people out there.
I don't think there is a single game that is universally loved. Or anything else for that matter.

>> No.4525105

"heeh, heeh, ignore 'im, boss, he's a metroidvaniafag! yeah, yeah"

go away, you sewer rat, and take your self-validation meme with you.

>> No.4525189

not really. i like the game but I'm not head over heels for it either

I'm still not sure if I like Chronicles (original mode of course) more or not. Chronicles has a better soundtrack and more rewarding challenge but it doesn't have as many levels as Super IV