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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 72 KB, 310x265, natsume-treasure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4510116 No.4510116 [Reply] [Original]

Who was the better dev in the 16-bit era ?

>> No.4510121

They didn't even make the same genre of games lol Why even compare them, anon.

>> No.4510132

Natsume made a lot of shit for Taito for some reason

>> No.4510146

They both made a lot of arcade-style action games (excluding Light Crusader and Harvest Moon).

>> No.4510173


>> No.4510178

This is not enough, I think they never coincided at all and made games of completely different genres. Arcade-style action games is too broad, it was the norm back then outside of JRPGs.

>> No.4510182

I'd take Ninja Warriors Again and Wild Guns over pretty much any MD Treasure game.

>> No.4510189

I have a lot of good memories of Harvest Moon and Legend of the River King so gonna have to go with Natsume

>> No.4510263

This is a stupid question. Treasure made classic games everyone loves. Natsume made forgettable titles that e-celebrities push as "muh hidden gems"

I do enjoy Ninja Warriors on SNES tho

>> No.4510265

Both have had their share of "muh hidden gems" celeb parroting I'd say

>> No.4510271

It's called Ninja Warriors Again you retarded treasurefag

>> No.4510273

Nobody will confuse "Ninja Warriors on SNES" for any other game, anon. Take your meds.

>> No.4510275

There is an important difference, not that a clueless treasurefag would know anyway

>> No.4510279

Yeah, censorship; whatever, anon, it's not something to sperg out like this. And maybe he has played the western version of the game.

>> No.4510280

>Yeah, censorship
See, clueless fuck, if you are gonna shit Natsume at least play their games you brainlet cunt

>> No.4510290

>he thinks censorship is the important difference

Kek. You've never even tried the Japanese version.

>> No.4510291

Not just censored, it's missing an entire enemy type. Everything else is the same.

>> No.4510295

The whole time I wasn't this guy >>4510271 anyway. In fact I've only played the Japanese so pardon my ignorance, I thought the only difference was censorship.

>> No.4510297

Fuck, meant I wasn't >>4510263

>> No.4510315

High quality shit mind you, they were Taito's A-Unit on the NES.

>> No.4510320

Well yes and no, the only difference is they completely removed the female ninja enemy and replaced them with monkeys which affects stage balancing and pace.

>> No.4510324

Mind you the Japanese original had both the monkeys AND the female ninjas so it's kind of a big deal.

>> No.4510340
File: 197 KB, 1200x1200, hudson_soft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4511807

>Treasure made classic games everyone loves
Not really

>> No.4511956

Treasure for raw creativity

>> No.4511978

Copying arcade games and dumbing them down for the consolefag audience doesn't seem very creative to me...

>> No.4512474
File: 95 KB, 800x666, 137461823243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally said Ninja Warriors on the SNES to see if I could bait some anal-retentive nu-male. Guess it worked.

>> No.4512476 [DELETED] 

implying Natsume did anything different? You know, I think Natsume isn't a contrarian enough pick for this thread.

It should be Jaleco vs. Treasure

>> No.4512482
File: 13 KB, 508x450, Jaleco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying Natsume did anything different from that or even better? You know, I'm thinking Natsume isn't a contrarian enough pick for this hipster thread.

It should be Jaleco vs. Treasure

>> No.4512484

Bangai-O was inspired by an old japanese PC game, not an arcade game.
Also, stop posting as an "arcade fan", gen Z shitter.

>> No.4512494

This is true most of the time but Treasure was still creative, even if gimicky.

>> No.4512550 [DELETED] 

>implying Natsume did anything different from that or even better?
Did I say I was a Natsume fan?

>Bangai-O was inspired by an old japanese PC game, not an arcade game.
So they not only rip off arcade games, but computer games too. Sad! But at least a Treasurefag has admitted they lack originality.

>> No.4512551

Did I say I was a Treasure fan?
Stop being obsessed with Treasure, kid. If you like arcade games so much as you say, stop shitposting on the internet and go fire up some MAME; get good at actually something in your life.

>> No.4512554

>Did I say I was a Treasure fan?
Defending them rabidly and accusing me of underage because you're upset someone doesn't automatically love Treasure's trash leads me to believe so.

>> No.4512562

>defending them rabidly
Where? I just pointed out a fact about Bangai-O, and as you say, they not only rip off arcade, they also rip off computer gaming, such evil people.
My reason for calling you a gen Z shitter has nothing to do with Treasure, it's because of your poser "arcade hardcore gamer" attitude that you've been shitposting with for the past couple months and have become at this point recognizable and stale. Go play games, stop shitposting.

>> No.4512569

It's called that in Japan you retarded famifag

>> No.4512573
File: 345 KB, 727x720, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-i-if I keep calling people bashing my favourite company shitposting maybe it'll come true and the BASED trannyjannies will take my side

>> No.4512578

>asutralia-kun was the poser arcade shitposter all along
Who would have guessed.
Mods will probably delete the evidence, but the archive will remain.

>> No.4512580

You were wrong about calling him gen Z then, dude's like a boomer.

>> No.4512582

Who says I'm posing? I've played arcades longer than probably you've even been alive, lad.

>> No.4512589

Post your scores, australia gramps.

>> No.4512965

Desert Bus: 5

>> No.4513392

FUCK treasure and FUCK any developer that made games for nintendo instead of SEGA

>> No.4513413

>treasurefag calling others nu-male
oh the irony

>> No.4513419

Because that's the real name you retarded fuck, would you say Mobile Light Force instead of gunbird just because it was the western name? stupid cunt

>> No.4513469

Fuck treasure lmao

>> No.4513540

What's your opinion of Sony, Australia-kun?

>> No.4513545


>> No.4513883

They are alright. As long as it's not Nintendo.

>> No.4513926

Will you ever tell us how did your trauma with Nintendo started?
Is it just because of sheer antagonism with anything that was popular in America? Because it seems like it's something deeper than that.

>> No.4513928

Nintendo fucked my boipussy

>> No.4513935

Silly australia-kun, nintendo isn't a single person.
Unless you meant you were subject of a satanic pedophile ritual with Yamauchi and co.

>> No.4513948

what did they copy?
i was always impressed with their enemy and boss designs, the variety and creativity of enemy behaviors and attack patterns.
specifically in gunstar heroes, radiant s-gun, ikaruga

>> No.4513951

Is there any arcade game with a similar gameplay to Sin and Punishment? I guess something like Cabal but that also lets you jump, dodge, perform melee attacks.
I especially love the deflect mechanic so if there's something with that feature in the same vein I'd like to play it.

>> No.4513969

>jump, dodge, perform melee attacks.
you can do all those on wild guns

>> No.4514014

Didn't Nintendo often give PALfags the shaft in retro times? Maybe he holds a grudge against them over that.