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4497565 No.4497565 [Reply] [Original]

This was depressingly underwhelming.

>> No.4497568

I remember trying so hard to get up the castle from the left side. I think after many hours I finally did it but Yoshi isn't there yet. Still felt fucking awesome.

>> No.4497569

You've gotta wonder how that typo made it through quality check.

>> No.4497570

Not as depressing as all those fake rumors of making Luigi appear/become playable.

>> No.4497578

>Yoshi on the roof in Odyssey
Y'all gotta admit that was a great callback.

>> No.4497582
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I was warned in advance, and got all the stars just for the sake of completionism.
Afterwards, I continued to play the game quite a bit, because y'know, little shit of a kid who only gets maybe three games a year, you learn to make that shit last.

Anyway, the hundred one ups were really great for just pissing around the game after that, since it didn't matter how many times you died.
Still, if I'd been expecting something more, I'm sure I would have been pissed.

>> No.4497589
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Has there ever been a truly satisfying 100% reward for 3D collect-a-thons?

>> No.4497592
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>Has there ever been a truly satisfying 100% reward for 3D collect-a-thons?
The reward is the journey, man.

>> No.4497594

What the fuck are people expecting? For the game to give you a hotline number and password where you can order a free blowjob as reward for finishing the game?

>> No.4497596

super sonic on the sonic games was alright.

>> No.4497602
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I liked the Green Hill Zone in Sonic Adventure 2. That was cool. Unlocking additional content is cool.

It's too bad there was SO MUCH SHIT TO UNLOCK that even that wasn't worth it.

>> No.4497606
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Yes please

>> No.4497610
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I agree, I regularly 100% B-K because it's so damned satisfying on its own, but it's still a bit strange that you don't really get much for it tangibly speaking. (Shame about Stop 'n Swap because that would've been an excellent reward.)


>3D collect-a-thons
I agree, but that's not really the same thing.

Man GHZ WOULD have been great if they didn't lock it behind 100%. As a reward it's totally bullshit, I agree. Shoulda been some other way to unlock it. 100% should have been Super Sonic and Shadow god damn it also fuck you cheat sites and your bullshit codes for Hyper Shadow and Ultra Sonic. ;_;

>> No.4497614

>that you don't really get much for it tangibly speaking in general with these types of games.
Just clarifying a bit.

>> No.4497617
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Fierce Deity's Mask was pretty cool. It's a pretty cool item gameplay wise, and it adds another dimension to the game in terms of lore, since it feels very important and primordial, even if it's all just subtext and left entirely up to the player's imagination.

The Lost World from DKC2 was fantastic, and so were Yoshi's Island's bonus levels and infinite bonus games.

>> No.4497619
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yeah Sonic usually is pretty good with their collectathons

>tfw hyper sonic

>> No.4497623

Oh, only 3D collect-a-thons. Scratch DCK2 and Yoshi's Island then.

>> No.4497630
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>using the term "collectathon" unironically

>> No.4497654
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> Shoulda been some other way to unlock it.
Personally, I would've been okay with it if they had only made you get A Ranks once for each stage. Instead they did that weird "complete every stage five times in different ways and get A Ranks in every single one!" bullshit that made it damn near impossible, and a huge ridiculous time sink even if you were good. That shit was just obscene.
The treasure hunt stages were the WORST. Holy fucking shit.

>> No.4497702

Spyro 1 had a pretty cool reward with a stage that let you actually fly.

>> No.4497712

It's pretty fucked up when you become him, though.

>> No.4497806

DKC2. They also are the only game that I know of that understand and do collectathon well. Something Mario Odyssey was severely lacking, was tiers of collectables with appropriate rewards that have built in feedback loops to keep you playing. Just look at the beauty here:

Low to Rare items and reward you get:

Common Banana = collect 100 for a 1-UP to continue playing and collecting, used to guide players to higher tier secrets

Common Banan coin = collect as currency to save game, play mini games, etc. Important enough to want to collect them, but common enough that it won't be problematic when you need to save game etc.

Uncommon Kremcoin = Reward for bonus levels. Used as currency to enter Lost World for 100% completion. Tieing the currency of accessing secret world for completion to having to do bonus rooms is genius since you need to do both for completion. Main source of collection, this is what will fuel most of the run since you want to see the secret world and play the content

Rare DK coin = 1 per level. Rare, but not necessary to experience all the game contents. Its difficulty of finding it perfectly correlates to its elite status when you do find them all and get dat special ending to shove it in Crankys face.

>> No.4497810

Kind of a downfall of modern Mario games, the concept of a "power up" has been pretty skewed. You never get anything that allows you so much freedom of use as an optional set of tools that augment your current abilities. Instead you get these abilities given to you at specific points, when you specifically need them, and then you only hold onto them for as long as it takes you to complete the next specific area, that was solely designed around the abilities you now have, and then once you complete the area, you lose the power up because it's completely a detriment to the gameplay, otherwise. This is just how "power ups" work now.

Like, in Mario Sunshine, Yoshi was awesome. There were not many situations where you wouldn't have taken Yoshi if you had the choice, because everything he did enhanced your normal moveset without taking away anything. I think the same largely went for Mario Galaxy 2, but it's been a while. In Odyssey, Yoshi is reduced to a couple of gameplay gimmicks, and you would never want to play as him unless you were doing so in an area specifically designed for it, because you're totally gimped otherwise.

>> No.4497892

I don't really see that as a downfall, it's just a different design philosophy. It leads to a different sort of experience that I wouldn't say is inherently worse than the old kind.
I can see why you might be disappointed with it, though. I have to admit that finding something to capture is never quite as exciting as getting a Yoshi in SMW, or whatever. But I think that designing the game in the way they did allowed them to create a more diverse range of challenges and exploit lots of relatively minor ideas to their fullest without lingering for too long on any one thing, so it's ultimately a trade-off.

>> No.4498162

This is one of the many reasons why DKC2 is the greatest game of all time.

>> No.4498174

The problem is even when they give a good reward, if you already played to 100% the game you've likely already seen everything there is and got sick of all it had to offer so having this ultra powerful mode or infinite whatever doesn't really even matter anymore, at least Mario Kart 64 changed the character screen, but I preferred the original! haha

>> No.4498575

At least it's not as bad as sunshine.

>> No.4498661


>> No.4499138

Just look at the picture dude. "Mario!!! It that really you?"

>> No.4499142

>He needs 120 stars in order to see Yoshi
That's me, I could never pull that wall jump

>> No.4499161


I don't know why this didn't piss me off as a kid. I was bummed that I couldn't ride Yoshi. I was bummed that a lot of Mario traditions weren't kept in 64. But somehow I was happy enough with the game not to care so much.

I'd have been furious with this "reward" in 2018.

>> No.4499167

>I don't know why this didn't piss me off as a kid. I was bummed that I couldn't ride Yoshi. I was bummed that a lot of Mario traditions weren't kept in 64. But somehow I was happy enough with the game not to care so much.
Because maybe everything doesn't need to be identical to older stuff to be uniquely fun and entertaining.

>> No.4499169

Pretty sure Yoshi doesn't spawn until you have 120 stars anyways.

>> No.4499539

Banjo's secret videos showing the ice key and the eggs. Then Rare never delivered further.

>> No.4499543

You know Stop 'n Swap was just intended to unlock dragon kazooie and homing eggs in Tooie, and maybe some multiplayer modes in DK64. It was basically retro DLC.

>> No.4500412


Nah, If I see a Yoshi, I expect to ride it.

>> No.4502126
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> I don't know why this didn't piss me off as a kid.
As a kid you were easier to please. You didn't have such high standards, because you had less experience with good and bad. This was just a game that you enjoyed.

> But somehow I was happy enough with the game not to care so much.
Honestly? At the time Mario 64 was an amazing technical marvel. Nowadays it's considered to have clunky controls and a horrible camera, but back then it was just so fucking amazing, because it was one of the first 3D games to hold that level of quality. You were probably just riding high on the "holy shit, I'm playing fucking Mario in 3D" vibe at the time.

Nowadays, not to disparage modern gameplay, but you just don't see huge leaps in capabilities like that anymore. We got working VR awhile back, and that's pretty fun, but it's still pretty gimmicky and the fad has already started to fade. Other than that, improvements in graphics and design tend to be a series of tweaks, which REALLY allows people to start holding them to higher standards because we've seen it so many times before.

If you saw Mario 64 today, like it were being marketed as a modern game, you'd be rightly pissed. But if you saw a game with some wild new gimmick or innovation that nobody had ever tried before, like a pioneer in gaming, you'd probably be more forgiving, and it's just that that's become rarer and rarer nowadays.

That's my take on it, anyway.

>> No.4503880

Spyro 2 had the infinite fireball

>> No.4504079 [DELETED] 

Yoshi should have said "Is" instead of "It".

>> No.4504081

Yoshi should have said "Is" instead of "It".

>> No.4504834

But it was empty and there was nothing to do. Shit sucked.

>> No.4504843
File: 38 KB, 256x906, 5963.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what
Was Yoshi actually in 64? I thought that was something kids passed around that was never true. Then again, I never did 100% it.

>> No.4504912

He's really there. If you collect all 120 stars, a canon opens up on the castle grounds and you can shoot yourself up onto the roof, which has a wing cap block and Yoshi tromping around.

Talking to Yoshi has him basically say how happy he is to see you again, and then he gives you 100 1ups (maxing you out), and then jumps off the roof into the horizon, and he disappears until you reload the save file.
It's basically just a way to max out your lives and fuck around in the game after you've already done everything.

I'm sure if you look you can find a video of it on Youtube without much issue.

>> No.4504956

You also get a new triple jump animation after speaking with Yossi.

>> No.4505048

It actually fits well with the atmosphere of the game. A lot of Mario 64 has this empty, vaguely post-apocalyptic feel: the castle grounds are completely quiet except for the waterfall and birds, you have that weird abandoned underground village in Wet-Dry World, etc. What better reward after you've conquered this empty universe than to be given the opportunity to simply continue to explore its emptiness, forever?

Now all of the "atmospheric" stuff that people talk about in Mario 64 was completely unintentional and was mainly a result of the limitations of the N64 hardware. But dammit if it didn't give birth to something really special.

>> No.4505097

>empty, vaguely post-apocalyptic feel

Stopped reading there.

>> No.4505121

More like sparkles fly out your ass and shit

>> No.4505132

I said the same thing in a thread a few weeks ago. It's one of the only Mario games that has actual atmosphere. It has a subtle vibe and almost surreal vibe that fits very well with the painting theme.

>> No.4506239


>Left side

The waterfall side?.

>> No.4506345

You're also invulnerable while triple jumping, you can land from any height without taking any damage.

>> No.4506538

I would argue that all the RPGs have atmosphere. Especially SMRPG, for the SNES. That Square/Nintendo teamup made for a really memorable world feel.

>> No.4507070

The DS remake doesn't even have the invincible third jump somersault.

>> No.4508158
