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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 124 KB, 1570x315, gamefacks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4486560 No.4486560 [Reply] [Original]

Do you miss the pre-2000s web game culture?

>> No.4486590

From 1997 to 2001 I knew only one website with cheats and guides
Google didn't exist and I don't remember using any search engine
I never had a game culture on the internet before 2005

>> No.4486604

heard they were /b/ and /v/ before those board became a thing.

>> No.4486610

I miss when gamefaqs actually have a link to download the guides as plain text, that shit got removed for no reason in 2014

>> No.4486623

I first went on the internet in 2005 so I don't remember it.

>> No.4486628

If you think game discussion back then was any different than it is now then you've got another thing coming. Sure the games have changed and the websites were different, but folks could be just as dumb, ignorant, mean, elitist, nasty, etc then as they are today.

>> No.4486629

It still does

>> No.4486640

No It dosen't bandwidth problems




>> No.4486648

gamefaqs have strict moderation but people still try to shit on games without breaking the rules. then they moved to /v/.

>> No.4486651

I miss the insert credit forums when they were young and impetuous

does that count

>> No.4486652

I still have an account there from when it was Secrets of the Sega Sages.

>> No.4486668

CGR is still around anyways and hasn't really changed

>> No.4486683

There WERE other sites besides gamefaqs, you know. In that timeframe I personally frequented world-of-nintendo.com and then starmen.net. I enjoyed myself at the time but looking back they were both fucking cesspools.

>> No.4486696

My account is from 1999 and I still go there daily.

>> No.4486767

You can go to print preview and copy paste the whole thing into Notepad

>> No.4486810

i just remember going to the library to print codes from gamewinners

>> No.4486816

who Retrogaming Roundtable here?

>> No.4486821

i used to write a script to batch download all gamefaqs infos and guides on a spreadsheet, they banned me countless times lmao

>> No.4486834

>tfw you accidentally print 500 pages of blue sphere passwords

>> No.4486839

sort of. 80s I miss the most. during the late 90s video gaming became a lot more serious, more money involved and started getting this hipster attention. eg: people that thought video games were just for 'kids' are now playing them. that was funny to watch.) one thing about the 80s and early 90s is that I don't miss the horrendous downloading speeds via slow modems and shitty transfer protocols that would sometimes leave you with file sent with basic or no error correction. :)

>> No.4486843

4chan was spawned from the faggot website called "something awful"

>> No.4486850

i'm pretty young and i just found out about usenet a couple days ago, it's kind of weird to see that there were still freaks back then who imported obscure saturn games. also alt.* reminds me of a primitive /b/

>> No.4486852

This was one of my favourite things, printing out a guide in absolutely minuscule font to save ink in whatever shit magenta combo that was left in my parents printer. That, or waiting until nobody was in the computer lab in my high school so I could print out a FFVII game guitde...

>> No.4486856

i had to look them up and im shocked they still exist. amazing.

> me goes to website
> "Register Account: Price: $9.95"
> ahaha
> /me closes page

>> No.4486946

I miss actual fansites.

>> No.4486964
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>> No.4486965

Something Awful is prototype NeoGaf, it's really hard to get in and you can get banned for no fucking reason so that creates a very obedient circle-jerky mentality in the community.

>> No.4486994

Wow. Over 16 years ago I made a post on gamefaqs starting a 'game' and they are still playing the 'game' now.

They fucked it up from the original incarnation though. Now the clues are almost impossible to figure out.
Originally the clues I gave would be like:
It was for the gameboy. The main character seems like he should be a villain but nope. After beating the first area you get a 'water world' vibe.

>> No.4487065
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For like 10 years or more on the ZOE2 board there was a near constant, endless thread/s dedicated to Ken Marinaris's tits

>> No.4487118

Yes, the process itself was like an adventure. Very rewarding.

>> No.4487198

I didn't even know cheats like god mode etc existed until 2000 - 2001.
Now I don't even use cheats because the only way to keep me engaged in a game is the challenge.
But back when I discovered gamefaqs and then eventually the gameshark etc it was one of the most mindblowing things ever.

>> No.4487202

No I really don't.

OK I do miss that. I still stumble upon some when I'm looking for help on a game and they warm my heart. Remember every fucking game having a Planet site?

>> No.4487205

I miss the gaming magazines. As a kid i got so hyped for paper mario with different pictures and articles amd when i finally bought the game it was incredibly satisfying

I miss all the fan made stuff about FF7 i was one of those fan boys

>> No.4487249

the formatting doesn't stay the same!

>> No.4487286
File: 59 KB, 150x399, jeeves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yahoo! definitely existed back then, it was "the" search engine back in 1994.

The other two were Excite and Lycos to some extent. Later Dogpile and Ask Jeeves joined in near the later 90's.

>> No.4487351

I remember when Altavista was the search engine "normal people used" and Google was some hipster shit that tryhards used to show how non-mainstream they were.

>> No.4487367

I miss AOL chatrooms. The Pokemon and PS2 rooms were where I cut my teeth in the early days

>> No.4487454

What happened?

>> No.4487569

>CJayC got run over by a LUEshi!

>> No.4487595

I just found my 15 year-old posts on gamefaqs
Holy shit

>> No.4487609

It's bleach time

>> No.4487613

Bleach only started in 2004.

>> No.4487619

I mean the actual bleach chemical, not Bleach

>> No.4487651

People used to actually describe why they hated something instead of spouting memes and insults. I think I first noted things getting much worse on the internet around 2006.

>> No.4487662

Nah, you're just a le wrong generation younglin.

>> No.4488134

Really? All the 2002/2003 GameFAQs topics that I was keeping a tabs on were purged thanks to flooding faggots.

>> No.4488162

I used to post there long ago. Haven't found any posts I made back then, but if I do a search for my old username it pops up some guy who's signature is a quote of me telling people to grow up.

Gave me a good chuckle.

>> No.4488170

Not really desu. I've learned more and had greater discussion about video games with the advent of web 2.0 social media and youtube. Just the ease of watching a walkthrough or tutorial with comments trounces pre-social media

>> No.4488194

Do you mean paper magazines with pages and pages of real man fanfiction, often based on event presentation, ten released screenshots, and a couple of concept art elements?

>> No.4488218

I miss going on different MUDs every weekend to try them out and chatting with the dozens of people who were playing about shit. Back then games truly had a community. Any no-skill loser could become known just because there were so many games and less players per game.

>> No.4488224


For me it was the opposite, you had to actually play games in order to see what they're about. People who watch lets plays don't know much about video games.

>> No.4488234
File: 287 KB, 1199x1596, Computer_Gaming_World_Issue_96_0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always archive.org Gib zem monny plz.

>> No.4488245

Are you me?

>> No.4488251

The "wiki posers" are too real, I keep coming across them IRL

>> No.4488297

I'm still surprised old websites like NMA, Fileforums, AbandonwareRing, Home of the Underdogs etc are still up and running. I think they must have also restored Terra Arcanum too.
I can't say I really miss that era all that much, as a kid I was considerably less annoyed at what I would now consider a shitty community.
Although I definitely do miss the wonder that was the Internet when I first discovered it. You actually could "surf" instead of visiting the same 4 top websites.

>> No.4488302

I miss pre-2000s everything.

>> No.4488306
File: 46 KB, 424x505, sanity-and-comrades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god gamefaqs. I used to be a regular on so many forums. Used to be somebody. Used to have online friends. Used to chat on IRC. Used to be content

What the fuck happened to me

>> No.4488308

I didn't spend much time on the 90s internet. I played games like Jedi Knight, Starcraft, and Diablo online, but that's about it.

Internet was super slow back then and reading webpages was a pain.

>> No.4488323

Websites looked like dogshit in the 90s. I get so depressed when I stumble upon something that hasn't been updated in nearly 20 years.

>> No.4488329
File: 987 KB, 1440x1080, accepting your death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god I used to participate in a lot of those game and anime fansites... Feels like it was a lifetime ago. People would make this literal internet shrine devoted to worshipping the game/anime in question. Every character, every plot summary, every single autistic merchandise, those people amass it all and put it up on those fansites. It's like the wikis but somehow different, more personal. You'd go to the forums and find people obsessively discussing the thing every single day. It'd have anime sections, games sections, technology sections, a fucking fanfiction section where edgy teenagers posted made up sex stories, sprite comics section where autists posted cringeworthy mashups of graphics made in paint, and the all encompassing off topic section where people went to shitpost as well as pad their post counts in retarded forum games. It was fucking insane but at the same time it felt like it was real and bursting with life.

Holy shit I can't believe I used to post like crazy just to increase my post count displayed under my avatar and look like a regular. It actually fucking worked; nobody gave half a shit about me at first but once they started seeing me all over the place, especially in off topic, I was suddenly getting invited to chat groups and making actual friends. It was like a huge social hangout. So much drama went.

Jesus christ I posted so much stupid shit on those forums. I'm glad their owners all had epic meltdowns and deleted/split their sites. Registrations were required to see posts so the wayback machine probably didn't archive shit. Thank god for that

>Remember every fucking game having a Planet site?

Oh shit I need to go dig up some old memories on the way back machine now.

>> No.4488665

oh yea go onto the neo-neogaf and tell me that

>> No.4488672


It's just sad to see everything mushed together on some visionless wiki. It wasn't always better in terms of actual info but at least it had a sense of the writers voice.

>> No.4488673

hey bro i got some nostalgia for u

>> No.4488674
File: 59 KB, 1403x803, N64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People used to actually describe why they hated something instead of spouting memes and insults.

>> No.4488685

Well, it's a lot more creative than WE WUZ KANGS.

>> No.4488686

This is actually how I met some of my oldest internet friends. There was one of these sites back then called Secrets of the Sega Sages that ended up getting sold. So one of a group of us that had gotten to like each other started his own forum and we moved and it grew from there. It's actually still around but we mostly use a Facebook group now.

>> No.4488690

I wish I learned about GameFAQs sooner as a kid. Cheat Code Central fucked with me way too much. It was basically the same as talking to my friends at school about supposed game secrets.

>> No.4488706

>The mildly rich kid was a god, because he had Internet access and would print off cheats for anyone who paid him a dollar that he'd keep in his huge trapper keeper
>always kept where he got them from a secret
>Another kid got Internet
>started telling us that it was some place called GameFAQs (pronouncing it as "Fax")and that we could go there during computer class
>Rich kid says he's lying; there no such site as Game Facts
>actually got into a fight over it
>we were banned from looking up video games in school for the rest of elementary school
>Rich kid gets his trapper keeper confiscated
>we all hate the second kid from then on

I still have a twinge of disgust when people say FAQ as a word and not an abbreviation.

>> No.4488710

I will always be pronounced phonetically, deal with it autist.

>> No.4488714

for what purpose

>> No.4488729

My remembering some kid ruining use finding out about GameFAQs every time I hear someone say "Faq" is autistic? It's just an anecdote buddy; calm down.

>> No.4488737

>see this thread
>go onto gamefaqs
>log into old account
>Your boards: Current Events

This shit was like sfw /b/ back in the day.

>> No.4488740

having a persistent obsessive compulsive twinge of discomfort and frustration every time someone pronounces an acronym because of an incident that happened 19 years ago of which you were only tangentially involved because it makes you feel a vicarious sense of embarrassment over having misunderstood the pronunciation of a word is pretty autistic, and the fact that you probably pronounced it as EFF AYY KYOO forever after as a means of pre-emptively defending yourself against the potential conflict of a stupid argument or the mild awkwardness of communication difficulty is beta af m8

>> No.4488742

I believe you're thinking of life, the universe, and everything

>> No.4488748

I know what that is, but it was closed off by the time I made an account on there. CE was the board I spent the most time on there. I still recognize some of the usernames browsing the Topic List now.

>> No.4488753

You're getting pretty defensive over a goofy childhood story. That's like sperging out over finding out that someone doesn't like Nintendo because of an annoying fan years ago.

Besides; it's not like anyone actually physically converses about the site.

>> No.4488759

He's projecting when he uses the term. See >>4488740

>> No.4488769

The first time I heard it pronounced 'fak' was around then too. We were talking about Persona and the dude had both a french accent and bit of a speech impediment so I didn't know what he meant at first. It's never bothered me though and I've probably heard it pronounced like that more than spelled out.

>> No.4488771

I had fun writing that believe it or not, wild psychological conjectures and the way people will get upset about them, even if it's not accurate, even if they're a complete bystander to the conversation, is something of a hobby of mine

it's reasonable to suggest that this makes me a pretty annoying person, but I gotta be true to myself

>> No.4488778

>it's reasonable to suggest that this makes me a pretty annoying person, but I gotta be true to myself
Well at least you admit to being an autistic faggot.

>> No.4488801

We've come full circle, folks.

>> No.4488806

I don't have autism. I have narcissism.

>> No.4488810 [DELETED] 

The fact that so many people on /vr/ remember posting on GameFAQs when they were younger is evidence that we have too many JRPG cockroaches here.

>> No.4488812

So you're a giant faggot either way.

>> No.4488828

Yes, because people mostly talked about things they liked rather than shitting up threads about things they don't. Shitposting also wasn't as tolerated.

>> No.4488854

Well I do appreciate a feminine penis.

>> No.4488867

i miss discussing games sans political controversies.

>> No.4488949

Maybe we should start shaming adult video gamers again, I don't need to hear the "political" opinions of 22year olds in my vidya threads.

>> No.4488963

You can still surf. Dont be a bitch titty ditty.

>> No.4489002

If a site deserves donations it's the archive.
They are actually doing something for preservation.

>> No.4489007

Altavista was normie shit your dad would use.
Google came out people with brains started using that as it was much more intuitive.

>> No.4489369
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>google site search my old ass nick name
>literally nothing

Thank fucking god for that...

Yeah wikis feel like this clinical impartial impersonal thing. Forums felt so alive in comparison. I knew the game/anime was dead when the forums died down and eventually went offline. GameFAQs boards took longer to die and were an even sadder place, it was as if my favorite games were desperately holding onto life. Every time someone asked a question there it gave me a burst of hope only for it to die again. Wikis are the opposite, they literally immortalize the game in their quest for knowledge. I can go to cutting room floor and learn my favorite games had stuff I didn't even know existed hidden in them. But where did all this knowledge and secrets come from? In my perspective they simply randomly appeared on the wiki which I randomly stumbled onto, as if it had not been made by people. Who figured this stuff out? Can I join a group like that?

I look at those discords people create here as an attempt to do this again, meet people with names and socialize. I joined some but they were boring and aimless. It just wasn't the same... Or maybe I've spent so much time here I forgot how to socialize. I don't know.

I'm a foreigner who actually improved my English skills by talking to people on forums as a 12-13 year old. I wish I had kept in touch with those people. Remember MSN messenger? I think at some point I had added everyone from the board, even the sysop. I talked and was friends with everyone. There was this actual teenage girl who'd have cyber sex with people, it was fucked up. She started talking to me because I posted a shitty fanfiction on the board and she liked it. I was just a 13 year old kid.

>> No.4489371

But I joined GameFAQs in 2000.

>> No.4489385

I miss the lack of NSA spying

>> No.4489623
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He's not wrong.

>> No.4489645

Yeah pronouncing acronyms as words is common English practice. He's very odd for reacting like that.

>> No.4489749

I really liked being on the #nes98 irc (circa 1997 - 2000). Fun place and good people for the most part, and it’s part of the reason I started collecting more when it was cheap.

Years later I felt the same way for a while about the hg101 forum and irc, but that went south I really quick recently. Oh well.

>> No.4489751


Now its just NeoGAF-lite without the authoritative moderation that bans you for thinking outside of liberalism except if you make fun of Islam.

>> No.4490124

The big problem with gamefaqs is that it's a pussy site. Everyone has to play nice and be kind to everyone's opinion even if it's obviously wrong. And if you so much as have anything negative or corrective to say you're a troll.

>> No.4490147

Exactly. Words like laser, radar and scuba are acronyms, but nobody pronounces each letter.

>> No.4490302
File: 123 KB, 256x301, asherons_call.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss asheron's call fansites like maggie the jackcat.

>> No.4490307

LUE was kind of like /b/, it got closed off in 2001 because a bunch of people on it raided the livejournal of some girl who killed herself.

>> No.4490420
File: 211 KB, 480x320, 1423106314607.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you check out the Final Fantasy 3 board on GameFaqs that you used to frequent in early 2000s for the first time in over a decade and most of the old regulars are still active there.

>> No.4490435

Wow that's lucky. The boards for my favorite games are dead as fuck and everyone grew up.

>> No.4490513


Here's another reason fansites are better than wikis.

Im presently playing an RPG, won't say which one but there's this mysterious cloaked fellow. Now I want to grab a picture of this guy for use in another thread and when I google his name the first result is the wiki page for the identity of this guy that's supposed to be a secret.

Im not normally one to complain about spoilers and maybe this is more a "google problem" but there's a world of difference between me going into a thread or deep into the article and spoiling myself and some shitty wiki or search algorithm that prevents me from just doing a basic search for pictures till I complete the not short game

>> No.4490748

Same, fan forums too. I miss sidebar-based web pages in general.

Off the top of my head this is a good fansite example: http://suppi.net/slg/

>> No.4490762
File: 33 KB, 170x190, 1426327282039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With none of that stupid Let's Play cancer and mobile garbage being a thing? Yes. Kids today are so fucked.

>> No.4490791
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>> No.4490821

wiseman from xenogears?

>> No.4490958


No. Much more recent game

>> No.4490962

Even Let's Plays are dead now. Short incomplete reaction videos are more popular which is even worse.

>> No.4490967

because it was an era when internet access was not unlimited, having everything locally stored was better

>> No.4491010


And any game that does get "let's played" is some shitty faggot millenial trying to force memes or some twat going UMMMMMM all the damn time,

>> No.4491112

Cheatbook had saved me countless times. I still keep it installed and up-to-date.

>> No.4491249

Honestly, I'll never understand what's the appeal. It wouldn't be such an issue if it didn't pollute any search I make for what X game looks like if I'm deciding to buy or download it.

I'm sure that if a website like Newgrounds got popular with teenagers today I wouldn't 'get' it either, but it wouldn't be like I was forced to watch the videos on there. I could just avoid it. I can't avoid dumb kids squealing over my video game footage since I watch a lot of video game footage.

>> No.4492286


Yeah and then you watch one game related video and youtube tries shoving down a mountain of e-celeb garbage at you

>> No.4492353


You could find genuine interest in the geocities days before every website was an excuse to serve ads. Don't get me wrong the internet was slow as shit back then but it had a certain zeitgeist that has been replaced with cynicism.

>> No.4492372

I think if anything the internet is more hopeful than ever. But there are still pockets of intense cynicism and we're adjacent to one of them which can make things seem dark.

>> No.4492374

I didn't have internet until Oct 99 so not really

>> No.4492407

Thanks for reminding me of all the newsgroup cringe I wanted to forget. Worst of all it will never go away unless something wipes out every newsgroup repository/archive in the world at the same time.

>> No.4492417

>but it had a certain zeitgeist
I blame it on web2.0
Remember 4chan before moot went full web2.0 - yotsuba was a mistake futaba4lyf.

>> No.4492423


If it's not cynicism it' second hand irony.


It's not hopeful and more sycophantic. Everything us hyped up by developers to be TEH AWESOME and any dissenting opinion is marked as trolling.

It used to be that if a game got a site or a baord it was because someone out there really love that game. That's hopeful. Now every douche with a smartphone can log onto reddit and spout nonsense and expect to be respected for it.

>> No.4492445

>It's not hopeful IT'S more sycophantic.


>> No.4492448
File: 70 KB, 1426x674, 1995 shitposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, "shut the hell up bunghole" was much more intelligent discourse

>> No.4492470


Shut the hell up, bunghole

>> No.4492529

That was a great response. You are the most loyal person I have ever seen. You go around to each newsgroup flaming people because they like a certain system. I see you at the Sega newsgroup putting people for their opinion, telling them the only thing to like is the Ultra 69, and then when someone says something bad about your system, all you can think to say is some moronic line from "Beavis and Butthead." This is our newsgroup, and we have the right to say any shit about your system that we want. Turn off your computer and play Kirby's Dream Land.

>> No.4492561

I find this to be true, and anyone who didn't use the internet in the earlier days will not understand this.

>> No.4492642

>meme arrows in 1995
fake and gay

>> No.4492647

i got my first computer in 2007 so i wouldn't know.

i definitely used gamefaqs a lot though

>> No.4492659
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>i got my first computer in 2007

>> No.4492730
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>i got my first computer in 2007

>> No.4492879


It's not really dead. People are still having fun mixing being as absurd yet well attached to reality with their love for knowledge.

>almost 20 years later
>Boomers still can't interpret internet culture as anything other than potty humor

>> No.4492912

There were also "directories" and web rings.

"Normal" people didn't use the internet until like 1998 and even then it was rarer. Because most people used AOL which didn't even get AOL until something like 95-96 and even when it did, AOL users usually stayed on AOL not the internet.

>> No.4492924

Fuck that. Happypuppy and game demos was the shit. Planetquake was dope too.

I don't think I still have it around but I once printed a 300 page faq for FF3 (US). This was crazy.

>> No.4492998

I was like the only person who browsed cheatzilla

>> No.4493060

do you think those are unique to 4chan?

>> No.4493084

He was pretending to be retarded, anon. It's top-tier humour.

>> No.4493189

>Remember every fucking game having a Planet site?
The Gamespy/Planet network was my intro to gaming forums. RIP Forumplanet, rest in piss IGN.

>> No.4493218

Every medium is better before people find a way to make money with it. Note how every site that doesn't care abour money stays true to the vision of its creators while those with ads devolve into compromises to please and avoid angering patriarch Google lest he make it stop raining.

The internet was more decentralized back then. Instead of making pages on Facebook people used to buy domains and create real web pages. Instead of posting on 4chan they'd create sites and forums dedicated to their favorite games/series. Before NAT everyone had a unique IP and peer-to-peer connectivity was natural and enforced; what IPv6 promises to achieve people used to have... Until we started running out of IPv4 addresses and people felt the apocalypse coming.

>> No.4493295

GameFAQs always had the best guides

>> No.4493696


Stopped posting a long time ago, but went to a NAVA or two and met some other users. Maybe around 2006 I think.

>> No.4494021

Sorta, instead of mass Sephiroth Faggotry we now have mass Persona Faggotry and Lyn/Lucina fags bitching about each other.

>> No.4494105
File: 512 KB, 1007x1348, 49192_1_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I posted some cheats on Gamefaqs under my real name back then in 1999 or 2000, when I was a teen and when almost no one had the Internet (so it was cool and obscure to have your name on the computer screen)
>it was dubious cheats with a wacky e-mail
>it's slightly embarrassing when countless people google my name now

W-will they remove or change my name if I ask them?

>> No.4494117

>dubious cheats

I mean they work just fine, but they look "WTF?" to people who aren't retro gamers, I guess...

>> No.4494775

not from the 3rd world. i was aged 8 at the time.

not so early as to cause me to be a retard, and not at 18 like pajeet

>> No.4495057

I remember waiting patiently for half an hour while the latest LegendayFrog flash cartoon loaded over my dial-up internet.

>> No.4495073


whatever happened to that guy?

>> No.4495085

Why would people google your name?

>> No.4495103

Probably living an average life, however he did upload new cartoons to his Youtube account. The new cartoons still maintain that childlike innocence and wonder, something I've outgrown but wish I could still feel.

>> No.4495110

Decided to look up the channel again. Those "new" cartoons were uploaded six years ago.



>> No.4495117

Scroll to the bottom of the guide, there's a button called "view in text mode"

Then just save it as a plain text file. Delete the html stuff surrounding the guide if you want. Bada bing bada boom.

>> No.4495145

>born in 1999.

You have to be 18+ to post here- oh wait.

>> No.4495309

Because I'm a well-paid professional that has to practice under his real name, and my customers (or future customers) routinely google me desu

>> No.4495396

I posted a "cheat" for FF VII about making easy money from maxing All materia and selling them. It was super lame, but my email was attached and I would get people sending me things about it now and then for like 10 years.

>> No.4495663

I miss the early Internet days, when people were more "reachable" and easier to meet due to the small community feel (no normie invasion yet) desu

Also, I scrolled the cheat page of FF7 and didn't find your cheat...?

>> No.4495720

I miss the wonder of it to a degree. Being blown away that you were talking to a random stranger from some other country. It seems so weird now. Also the feeling that it was a vast sea of random people. One of the reasons I like 4chan is it reminds me in some ways of the early days.

As for the 'cheat' it was thankfully pruned long ago with lots of other similar ones. Not just because it was pretty lame for a cheat but also was my college email so it had my partial name too.

>> No.4495730

i still prefer text boards, but the muh culture is probably worse than /b/. Gamefaqs is still the best source of /vr/ walkthroughs and FAQs outside of a few fansites for more popular games.

>> No.4495735

4chins is weeb 2chan. Remember moot the little girl from /a/ ?

>> No.4495742

I read it IRL the same way as the 17%. I am high IQ.

>> No.4495759

>One of the reasons I like 4chan is it reminds me in some ways of the early days
Yep, spot on. The only thing I don't miss from the early days was the flaming on the message boards; it has been replaced with more sophisticated memes for the better.

>> No.4495818

But for non-Anglos (which aren't a small minority), it can be quite weird to say "FAQ" like you do. That also explains the overwhelming use of "gamefax".

>> No.4495837


If English isn't your first language then you have absolutely no say in how it should be pronounced.

>> No.4495841

Keep crying, I'll keep on saying GAMEFAX and there's NOTHING you can do about it lololol

>> No.4495847


No one said you aren't going to be retarded, the point is you have no say in deciding whether what you're doing is retarded.

>> No.4495853
File: 22 KB, 400x400, bolo-yeung_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My "go to" websites (not pre-2000 per se) but pretty dead now:
>Galbadia Hotel for OSTs
>SNESORMA for PSX ISOs and forum LOLs
>Gamefaqs for the forums and ocassional guide
Man, how many afternoons I was cozy on those sites. I miss those simpler times.

>> No.4495862

>Galbadia Hotel fuck yes
Also Crescent Lake Discotheque

>> No.4495949
File: 35 KB, 640x480, Dual Parallel Trouble Adventure Episode 05 - Campus Life.mkv_snapshot_11.23_[2017.06.11_22.18.33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to gamefaqs and look under cheats section
>It's a trophy list

>> No.4495959
File: 11 KB, 400x380, 23v10uw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevar Forget.

>> No.4495963

>spend hours trying to get a made-up cheat/secret to work that I read about on some Geocities fanpage
No, I don't miss it

>> No.4495993

>>It's a trophy list
Don't play modern games. Don't play the STEAM version. Get >>>/out/ >>>/v/

>> No.4496008


Way to miss the entire point and it's relation to the topic at hand. Retard.

>> No.4496016 [DELETED] 

>Ban evasion
>I want this to be /v/! Deal with it.
R and S -ed

>> No.4496127
File: 132 KB, 402x334, 1514754768177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English belongs to whoever speaks it, deal with it nerd

>yfw you must also say "el oh el" for lol

>> No.4496215

Telling them to 'go to reddit' or something isn't as effective as that suggestion. We would be better off telling people to turn their computer off and go play video games instead of wasting their time on here.

Adam Einhorn is literally a proto-/vr/

>> No.4496314

I bet some of these people (from the 1995 screencap) are funposting on /v/ right now, and maybe even /vr/.

>> No.4496317 [DELETED] 

I bet you're a fucking retard.

>> No.4496330

t. bunghole

>> No.4496381 [DELETED] 

>meanwhile Ameriorcs butcher every single foreign word they ever speak regardless of wether or not a foreign speaker has articulated it to them the right way beforehand

>> No.4496432

>Do you miss the pre-2000s web game culture?

No, but I sure as hell miss the pre-2010s we culture. Gamefaqs was at its peak in early 00s, I still have an account unless they pruned them. There was also Gamingforce, a shitload of Ezboards, but the people with more money hosted their own phpbb boards, there were Yahoo Groups, people hosted their forum signatures on geocities with the extension changed to txt to fool its hotlink protection. Even fucking 4chan was incredible back then, not to mention torrent sites all having fucking awesome communities.

>LUE was kind of like /b/, it got closed off in 2001

It did? I'm sure I went there as late as 2003 or so and it still existed. That or maybe Random Insanity.

>> No.4496439

LUE got closed to the 'public' but if you had an old account you could still visit.

>> No.4496445

ah, right, I kind of remember that.

>> No.4496758

Yeah, I just missed the cutoff, ended up posting on RI for 9 years after that.

I wonder how that place is doing. It's probably dead.

>> No.4497312

Yeah I sorta moved to /b from LUE when it closed. Migrated off there but have been on 4chan ever since.

>> No.4497693
File: 15 KB, 195x263, contributor_1778_195x320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your epic shitposts on CMGSCCC circa 1999 are lost forever

Who remembers CMGSCCC on /vr/? The boards made cheating with your Action Replay so much better.

>> No.4498071 [DELETED] 

>no one


>> No.4499453
File: 47 KB, 294x294, 1514509674478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i got my first computer in 2007

>> No.4500538

Makes me wonder, where will we go next?

>> No.4500548
File: 243 KB, 2121x1414, coffin_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here, my boy.

>> No.4500575
File: 15 KB, 242x242, 1514661573053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>An ASCII version of the Super Mario World boxart was used to piss off people for years on Gamefaqs because the mods were too autistic not to delete it on sight when it was posted.

>> No.4501154

Oh, Anons, you've stirred such a memory within me. Perhaps in another life we posted together on LUE....I'd like to think so, Anon. I'd like to think so...

>> No.4501290


I still have an account that can post in LUE. You're not missing much, but it's better than the shithole of weeb trannies that is LUElinks. God that place's tagging system is perfect for circlejerks and retarded cliques, as if anyone besides themselves still gives a shit about LL.

>> No.4501305

I wish 4chan, or at least /b, never developed beyond, say, early 2006. By 2007 there was no turning back. It still blows my mind that 4chan is referenced in the media and whatnot.

>> No.4501312


The media losing it's shit over /pol/ was the craziest thing about the 2016 election.

>> No.4501385

/pol/ never changes

>> No.4501827

>mfw when the current events board was a precursor to /pol/

>> No.4501832

I kinda miss when the autistic written walkthroughs were the standard.

>> No.4501946


Weren't a lot of those rewritten from places like official guides?

>> No.4501953

LL hasn't been the same since the links died.

>> No.4502010

2chan. 4chan came from 2chan.

>> No.4502024

Usually the dry boring shit like bestiaries and shop prices were lifted verbatim from published guides.
Good FAQ writers were more focused on guiding players through sections with their strategies, albeit usually with terrible humour and emoticons.

>> No.4502027

In SF2, was that vomit coming out or what? I've been asking myself this for a while now.

>> No.4502061

It was actually spawned off Something Awful but used 2chan's style of website.

>> No.4502331
File: 8 KB, 182x192, 1513633509754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4. Weapons
>4.d The SMG (ha, I won't be making my Sarah Michelle Gellar joke in this walkthrough, you can look at my Max Payne one for that)

>> No.4502773


Yup. Now it's just endless drama bullshit between the various (sometimes political) groups as they antagonize and ban each other for disagreeing or trolling.

Letting people control tags was a huge mistake and made what is left of LL into high school clique-y bullshit (even though most of the people on there are in their late 20s or early 30s).

>> No.4503452

Coming from a 3rd world shithole, I didnt know much about internet back then. My sources for cheats were game magazines

I was introduced to internet mostly due to Pokemon in 2000 and harry potter in 2001, it was really interesting to see that even youth was unaware of internet for quite some time. In junior high, 2003 when our teacher asked about how many of us had emaisl only 3-4 answered, in 2004 it was almost everyone.
Then 2010s happened, with social media and smart phones. Fucking hell I miss the old days

>> No.4503491

tfw no more game rumors that people would believe

>> No.4503527

I regret never getting involved with anything. I was always too lazy to register for sites.
Then a decade later it turns out I missed quite a lot, but now the sites are dead and it's too late to register. Almost everything's been subsumed into Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter and imageboards.

>> No.4503543

yes... fuck yes

zophars domain
castlevania dungeon

>> No.4503550

you can add modems to that list

>> No.4503995

I don't plan to go anywhere unless this site dies.