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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4491482 No.4491482 [Reply] [Original]

'Extra man'

>> No.4491497


>> No.4491501

'Video game'

>> No.4491507

Is is jokes? All still common.

I remember something awesome being "deckid" that's a phrase I haven't heard someone use in ages.

>> No.4491508

games still have levels? haven't played any new games but I thought they didn't do that anymore.

>> No.4491528

>haven't played any new games


>> No.4491529

i have never heard of somebody refer to a cartridge as a board

it was always just game, like, "put in the mario game"

>> No.4491532

some people would call levels 'board's

idk why, maybe it came from the era of games like pinball being built on boards

and early game levels, like pac-man, were a single screen so they could be visualized as being set on a 'board'

>> No.4491542


>> No.4491596

I used to call the NES the "Regular Nintendo" as opposed to the Super one. Definitely referred to extra lives as "guys" as well. Used to refer to cartridges as "game cassettes". Still do.

>> No.4491630

'turbo controller'
'warp zone'

>> No.4491636


>> No.4491653
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"cheat codes"

dont need cheats anymore now that I have save states. rip game genie & game shark.

>> No.4491658
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"the hookup"

>> No.4491676

umm i only play NES that is RGB modded

>> No.4491721


>> No.4491725


>> No.4491749


I'm pretty sure it has to do with that last point. Most early arcade games were set in single screen levels, so yeah, someone might refer to them as "boards".

>> No.4491754


I remember my friend at school gave me the whole "my dad knows a guy who works at sega" and told me cheat codes for Sonic 1. I had no idea cheat codes were a thing and I thought he was just lying to me. I went home and tried them and nearly shit my pants.

>> No.4492073

>game cassettes

That is what they are called on the back of Japanese carts.

>> No.4492076

calling the controller joystick, every fucking time

>> No.4492083

>not calling the controller a "paddle"

>> No.4492086

Thanks for the info, gaylord.

>> No.4492106

>Regular Nintendo
I called it a “Nintendo Nintendo”, confused people for a split second but they understood the purpose in saying “nintendo” twice and without “super” attached.
>calling an analogue stick a joystick
Still happens every now and then but it’s well on it’s way out. Always annoyed the fuck out of me because there’s a clear difference between the two.

>> No.4492138
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I remember we used to call beating a game "wrapping" it. Maybe this was a weird regional thing at the time.

>> No.4492141

Just last week a coworked called it the "regular Nintendo" without thinking about it, and we both stopped and thought about how stupid that habit was.


Early games did not have scrolling, the board just filled the screen and stayed there until you got to the next part of the game where you'd land on another board. The word was replaced with "level" later.

>> No.4492142

My wife playing the mobile Animal Crossing just yelled out that she got to level 2.

>> No.4492147
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>> No.4492184

"Mom said its my turn!"

>> No.4492192

Probably so. I've never heard that one before. Where about are you?

>> No.4492193

>Free Man

>> No.4492282

"The new Sega Console is gonna be great"

>> No.4492327


In the /vr/ era the term was "system", actually.
"Sega [Genesis] is a better system than Super Nintendo!"

"Nintendo's coming out with a new system and they're calling it the ULTRA 64!"

>> No.4492336

I work at Gamestop and we still have people call new controllers Paddles or Remotes or Joysticks.

>> No.4492341

"Chatty bitch should get on IRC"

>> No.4492346

I heard that term plenty in North Carolina.
Specifically, I always heard people say they "wrapped up a game" and decided to move on to the next title they wanted to play.
It was either that, or a term for ending a gaming session.
Only ways I heard it used.

>> No.4492358

It was probably regional, I heard console too. But as with now, system is also used.

>> No.4492367
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Instruction manual

>> No.4492370
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I wanna go back!

>> No.4492375

I've never seen anyone actually say that outside of the Penny Arcade comic you just quoted.

>> No.4492390

The way I remember it, they'd use "console" in (non Nintendo) magazines a lot but in real life I'd only ever hear people say 'system' until the 2000s. Really not until 7th gen when online gaming on consoles really began to be a major thing do I remember people frequently saying 'console' (to differentiate games from the pc versions.)

>> No.4492396
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Have that same “CD cleaner” as pictured. Pfft it is just windex sold at a premium.

>> No.4492402
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Southern Alberta

>> No.4492405

Like I say, it probably varried place to place like a lot did even more then.

>> No.4492425

This is probably going to start a real war but I -NEVER ONCE- heard 'PSX' spoken in real life for the entire time the Playstation system was current. I saw it in a magazine a few times but for everyone (and this was a lot of people, the Playstation was ubiquitous at the time) I knew, it was called a Playstation.

'NES' and 'SNES' were pretty rare in speech, and were things you usually saw in a magazine. I understand that the British are different about that, though as they have a way of pronouncing acronyms as single words (Feefa, Youeffa for example) so saying "Sness" was normal to them. If an American says "Sness" they obviously didn't play the games in the period.

>> No.4492446

Same. I grew up in the northeast US. I have NEVER heard anyone say PSX even ONCE growing up. The first time I ever heard that term was when the whole youtube retro gamer e-celeb thing started happening.

We always called it “the playstation” back then. Then when PS2 came out; we called it the PS1.

>> No.4492454

Me and the childhood friend I played games the most with used to call any kind of super move in any game a "mega attack". I have no idea why but we just did.

>> No.4492456

>northeast US
Yep me too (suburban Philly). PS1 in real usage was always the original PlayStation and not necessarily just the small "PSone" console released at the time of the PS2.

>> No.4492496

>I have NEVER heard anyone say PSX even ONCE growing up.
I've never heard anyone call a hard drive an "eitch-dee-dee" either, because it's not supposed to be used in speech.

>> No.4492506

>I've never heard anyone call a hard drive an "eitch-dee-dee" either
I actually have. Usually right after saying "Ess Ess Dee."

>> No.4492528

Long before "grinding" became the commonly accepted vernacular, my brothers and I called it "saving up."

>> No.4492536

Everyone I knew in the days when NES was all that was around would call all levels "worlds"

I also remember game manuals just being called books.

I remember my granny asking me if I rewound an NES cartridge before taking it back to the video store. Also no one said NES, it was just Nintendo.

>> No.4492538

I called it 'leveling', in JRPGs with experience levels

>> No.4492540

I did hear "PSX" pretty often in real life when it was current. We also called them the "en ee ess" and "ess en ee ess", never "ness" or "sness" though.

That sort of thing is going to vary wildly based on region and your particular group of friends. Not something worth arguing about, but of course that won't stop /vr/.

>> No.4492547

The world is bigger than your regional dialect

>> No.4492605

Truly nobody called it that back then, and now far too many people do. It sounds grating and I just wanna punch anyone who calls it that in the throat.

>> No.4492612

you gotta be a giant nerd to call it an s.n.e.s. in regular speech. It's a SUPER NINTENDO

>> No.4492614
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as I understand it "sness" was normal in Britain

American kids watching 'retro game' videos hear it and imitate it, making it an obvious tell that they weren't around in the original era

>> No.4492615

I typically called it Super NES back then.

>> No.4492667

I called it a nine ten do. I typically got beat up back then.

>> No.4492671

I occasionally slip and say paddle, and I definitely call analog sticks joysticks.

>> No.4492672

I grew up in the northeast US and everyone called it PSX.

>> No.4492681
File: 460 KB, 519x655, wassap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna say passwords

>> No.4493065

Speaking of RF switches, I got another CRT recently and when I plug in my NES 101, there's audible static and the colors become desaturated. Is there any way to fix the TV's RF connector without outright replacing it? I'm certain it's not the system or any of my RF switches since they work fine on other TVs.

>> No.4493072

lmao nigga why the fuck would anyone naturally abbreviate “PlayStation” as “PSX” in verbal speech, like who the fuck pulls the X out of their ass and trades one set of 3 syllables for another? And don’t give me that “DURR, MAGAZINES AND CHERRY PICKED INTERNET POSTS” bullshit, no one called the GameCube a GameCube Nintendo just because it’s official abbreviation was GCN.

>> No.4493098
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too real

>> No.4493186
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I don’t ever recall anyone calling the PlayStation a PSX. However, I recall numerous magazines with it abbreviated that way. Can’t say if it was from OPM, PSM or both. Fun fact, my middle school used to carry PSM in the library.

>> No.4493190


>> No.4493219

Haven't scored in a long time sadly...

>> No.4493232

I had a friend in high school that called them paddles. She had a PS2.

>> No.4493279

German here. We still say Sness or Supernintendo. Also Enn Fearoonsechzik (Vierundsechzig) instead of Ennsixtyfoah.

>> No.4494701

I and everyone I knew would say "masters" instead of bosses.

>> No.4494709

dont master bait

>> No.4494721

Those were "instruction booklets" in my family.

>> No.4494728

"she's good, for a girl"
"sh-she's up in canada, you wouldn't know her"

>> No.4495432

I'm Canadian and we called it sness, I don't hear it often anymore though

>> No.4495438

Those were "books" where I was from.
>local video game rental store had notes saying "no book" on the games where the manual was missing

>> No.4495451

"Blood" instead of "Life/health"

"The monster/the last monster" instead of "boss/last boss"

>> No.4495460 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.15 MB, 900x1200, 1514824497175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I played a game today and had fun"

>> No.4495474

I am so glad I'm not jaded and bitter like you are

>> No.4495480

Games these days suck, it's not worth getting a next gen console they're all just rehash systems. I already own literally every game I want on PS4 on previous gen consoles

>> No.4495503

Like I said, I am so glad I am not you.

>> No.4495514

People here will call you autistic if you do this. 100% games no problem, but scoring oh no

>> No.4496151

He is not completely wrong, there's a few on PC and 7th gen consoles but anything 8th gen is nothing but rehashes, remakes and shitty games

>> No.4497217

Belt scroller

>> No.4497249

that's a recent, non-period term

>> No.4497307

I feel like we live in completely different universes.

>> No.4497317

What is a deckid? Never heard that term before.

>> No.4497328


That's not true, I am in the US, and my cousin is older than me by several years. He started on an NES and then later an SNES (both were current at the time) and he calls it a "sness" just as often as he calls it a "super en ee ess" or "super nintendo".

As per usual in these threads, it seems that some people are too willing to assert certain character traits or features of other people based on an inherently limited base of information. These threads should only be for talking about old, outdated terminology that is not often used anymore, rather than for using one's personal experience to make broad assumptions about others.

>> No.4497345

I'm curious, do you own newer systems and actively enjoy them? It's fine if you do, I'm enjoying myself too, but I mostly pick up old games used and play those. The only HD system I really use is a PS3, and that's just for video streaming. Playing old games is fun, plus it's cheaper and I don't have to worry about falling for hype. I do feel a little bummed about not knowing what's going on in gaming anymore, but I am having fun my way so I don't think I really care all that much.

>> No.4497357

Get pwned newb

>> No.4497458

Yep. Everyone here called them boards, and I'm pretty sure that's where it came from. There's something very board-like about the levels from that kind of game.