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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 67 KB, 224x448, espgal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4482272 No.4482272 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on this game? I like the management of your slowdown resources.

>> No.4482276
File: 52 KB, 900x810, sqQlid7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shmup trash

>> No.4482278

Which game genres do you prefer?

>> No.4482298

Forlift simulators.

>> No.4482306

Ok, thank you for your input (and bumps, I guess).

>> No.4482307


>> No.4482314

Hard to say whether it is or not. The board the game runs on is from 1997, even if the game came out in 2003.

>> No.4482315

From the sticky:
>Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.

This game runs on the PolyGame Master (PGM) which is from 1997.

>> No.4482370

So this is what I think of Esp Galuda:
The game is really easy and boring and often gets recommended to beginners until the last stage and boss when it suddenly racks up the difficulty to 11. The final boss fight is total micro dodge elaborate patterns with pixel precision bullshit that's right out of touhoushit and has a final phase that HEALS ITSELF WHEN YOU BOMB.

Despite the really easy beginning I would NOT recommend this to a beginner. I like the way they reward scoring with red bullets that increase in speed. 11/10 worst game I've ever played.

>> No.4482373
File: 163 KB, 542x720, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The maido ascend right here, this is the precise moment when the game goes Fuck you, you thought this was a beginner friendly game, think again you bitch.

>> No.4482381

complete bollocks from idiot retard bovine, the last pattern is fucking completely static doing the exact same thing every time, if you still can't figure a way knowing this you're a meat head not built for stgs, plebs make me shit.

It's a beginner game for damn sure.

>> No.4482393

>i have literally never played this game before, and just googled it so i could make a quick copypasta
Yeah, we know.

>> No.4482396

>The game is really easy and boring and often gets recommended to beginners until the last stage and boss when it suddenly racks up the difficulty to 11.
I've felt this, too. It's definitely easier compared to other similar games in general, though I wouldn't call it boring myself. And as a fan of older games I don't enjoy the 2hu shit either, but I still find the unique elements found within this game to make it worth a shot, even if not for beginners. At the end of the day, though, what arcade shmup is good for "beginners" anyway? I feel the difficulty curve is always steep for foreigners to the genre (not myself but from what I've experienced with other people dedicated to the hobby).

>> No.4482457


God fucking this is why nobody wants to talk to you arcadefags.

>> No.4482460

But he's right, this is one of the easier games of its style.

>> No.4482461

>At the end of the day, though, what arcade shmup is good for "beginners" anyway?
Batsugun Special

But really you should play what you find interesting not what game feels easier.

>> No.4482465

Are you here Cee? I can sense you

>> No.4482468

You missed my point, the game has a bad difficulty curve, the beginning is too boring for advanced tryhard retards and the end is too hard for novices.

>> No.4482470

Yes I'm here teaching some Gen Z losers not to say stupid shit about games they don't understand.

>> No.4482474

Arcade and PC games have never been clearly defined. Like, a lot of PC games made after 2000 can run on Windows 98 machines, but they aren't generally allowed here.

>> No.4482475

Yes, you're right, as I said before on /vr/ I beat that game's first loop blind.

But even that game murders your typical video game player now. I've gotten paranoid in a way, since I can't connect to what others find hard or easy anymore. Sometimes I feel something is too easy and then when I see another one playing that and struggle so much... ugh.

For instance, even if barely not retro, a year ago an acquaintance asked me for advice on how to beat the first big skeleton boss of Aria of Sorrow. Yes, THAT first boss. I thought he was trolling me, but no. I couldn't even begin to think how to explain how to beat that guy since I always found it way too easy to the point of being one of that game's weaknesses.

>> No.4482479

Doing Gods work my friend, maybe I'll start playing shmups again it's been a while

>> No.4482481

That's correct, Taito Type X boards are Windows based and came out in 2005.
But Espgaluda is PGM board which came out in 1996.

>> No.4482484

The thing though, he didn't really correct that newb. He merely said "no it's not hard" and threw in some insults. That's not elitism that's just plain shitposting.

>> No.4482486

Espgaluda is more retro than Dreamcast exclusive games and that is allowed fine here, there shouldn't be any discussion here.

>> No.4482489

>But even that game murders your typical video game player now.
What videogame player are you talking about, nigger, people are not a collective. I doubt some high level fighting game player would have trouble with your braindead shooty shooty games.

>> No.4482497

Posting this in case you don't already know about it.

>> No.4482505

There is nothing deep about the game compared to the combo system of EspRade.
The thing about EspGaluda is that it's a very easy straightforward game they botched up by having a hard last boss.

Also why are you so defensive all of a sudden? It's like you're a cornered animal.

>> No.4482508

Sorry, I'll specify, I forgot to do so. He's mostly played 3D games since he's young, he was like 20 when this happened.. The highest skilled games he's played are some arena FPS online, though I don't know the details, I think some UT iteration. I know that last year he enjoyed DOOM 2016's campaign.

In any case, he's dedicated hours and hours to video games, it was his main hobby. We're not talking about a Wii-Fit mom here.

>> No.4482513

Already aware of that list, though I don't know very well how it was made and all those details.

I also like Esprade better, but not that much of a fan of milking.

>> No.4482515

The beginning isn't boring for "advanced tryhards" because they will be scoring. Pure survival will be, but such is the nature of these games. The difficulty does ramp up smoothly, though. The only spike is the last boss, but even then it's not a big spike like you claim and you can bomb spam and memorize the static last pattern. I cleared this game when I was a beginner and it felt just right unlike a lot of other beginner shmups that can be cleared with their eyes closed.

>> No.4482517

Maybe he just enjoys real human competition more than hopelessly grinding runs on single player games. Doom 2016 is still a deeper game than every shmup ever made.

>> No.4482520

>and you can bomb spam
You can't, because as I said, the boss heals itself with bombs on the last phase. Pretty dick move at least Hibachi only shields itself.

>> No.4482524

He didn't try shmups, the anecdote was about him failing at Aria of Sorrow, a game he decided to play by himself, but ok. Chill.

>> No.4482525

Please explain the scoring, btw. Do you just stay at awakened state while out of gems or is there something more to it?

>> No.4482529

Not really true, you can still bomb spam by activating bomb and moving to the side quickly, then using invincibility after to do more damage. Though yes it's not an auto win button at the last phase, which is why I said you can memorize it because it's static.

>> No.4482531

Any way to play this game, for free?

>> No.4482534

I'm not angry, I'm only copying your habit of throwing unnecessary insults to seem like a tough guy on the internet.

>> No.4482535

MAME, Final Burn Alpha.

>> No.4482538
File: 57 KB, 600x600, SHOO TING GAEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4482539

It works on MAME. You can try Shmupmame.

You're confusing people here, then.

>> No.4482540

You can still panic bomb to avoid deaths, yes, but not bomb _SPAM_, spamming is useless.

>> No.4482542

Yeah, I've never understood what S T G means either

>> No.4482546

You gain green gems when shooting enemies. If you kill them point blank you get more gems. If you have enough gems then you can enter kakusei mode where all the bullets slow down and any enemy you kill will cancel its own bullets and turn them into gold. Cancels can be chained into a combo, which encourages staying in kakusei as long as possible. Furthermore, just exiting kakusei drains gems, so if you switch to it quickly you will just waste them quickly. The red bullets mode is called the overdrive or something, it happens when you run out of gems in kakusei mode. It has its own "rank" where the longer you stay in it, the faster the bullets. Staying in that mode constantly increases your points. Also you do more damage in kakusei and overdrive modes.

>> No.4482550


>> No.4482554

>If you kill them point blank you get more gems.
Ah yes I completely forgot about that, if I recall right I think in the sequel they changed it so you receive big gems if you kill enemies quickly after they appeared on the screen.

>> No.4482557

I already knew about all that, by the way. :/

>> No.4482563

So how do you determine if you want to be on overdrive or not for optimization?

>> No.4482567

you just want to stay in overdrive all the time for score

>> No.4482568

The depth is in optimization as it tends to be

>> No.4482570

And route optimization is not something you can easily explain with a 4chan post.

>> No.4482571

So the kakusei stuff is there only for survival, maybe trying to appeal to new people? Just with like the change to characters instead of ships.

>> No.4482573

Overdrive isn't a very huge source of points, you can go into it if you run out of gems during a boss fight for some extra points and stuff. You shouldn't worry about that at all as a beginner though, focus on the cancels and the end game bonuses.

>> No.4482574

They added cute girls to lure in horny Otaku. You realize the characters are literally transgender. I'm not making this shit up.

>> No.4482578

>Also why are you so defensive all of a sudden? It's like you're a cornered animal.
Relax. Calling you out for roleplaying isn't acting like a "cornered animal" kiddo.

>> No.4482580

>They added cute girls to lure in horny Otaku. You realize the characters are literally transgender.
STGs deserved to die.

>> No.4482582

No he's talking shit, a full overdrive playthrough will get you a completely mediocre score

>> No.4482583

I never claimed to be good at these games. Actually I haven't played Galuda in years, too busy with real life stuff.

>> No.4482590

Yeah, the system seems more polished than I thought

>> No.4482591

Yes because you can't cancel bullets in overdrive. The best way to optimize is to watch a superplay and copy what the Japs are doing.

>> No.4482592

>too busy with real life stuff.
Yeah, like 4chan obviously.

>> No.4482593

So what's the key in general terms?

>> No.4482597

Pay attention to spots with frequent tough enemy spawns, stall a bit to get more bullets and enemies on screen, enter kakusei and get a nice juicy cancel chain. Save up kakusei for the most intense boss patterns. You can do a bunch of milking too, st 3 midboss comes to mind

>> No.4482603

>i have never spent time playing the genre or participating in the community, but i'm going to have hot opinions about it
Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.4482606

It's christmas, dude. Nobody works on christmas.

>> No.4482608

I play the games I just don't understand what the S, T and G mean.

That's just how I play but I avoided entering into overdrive mode. Now I read here it's beneficial...

>> No.4482610


>> No.4482614

It means シュ ティー ゲ, Shooting Game.
The Japanese like to create new words by shortening up compounds, like Erotic Game became Eroge or エロゲ or Pocket Monster became Pokemon ポケモン.

>> No.4482616

>I play the games I just don't understand what the S, T and G mean
ShooTing Game. From the old three letter abbreviations from game genres used in and popularized by Famitsu magazine going back to roughly the mid eighties.

>> No.4482619

What people usually do is stay in overdrive for a while during the first boss to max out the rank and then go into it very occasionally. It can be beneficial for survival, though. The extra range and damage can be used to quick kill shit or, for example, take out the side drones the stage 4 boss shoots out in the middle of the fight.

>> No.4482625

>samasu, sameru, satori and now kaku
Fuck Japanese.

>> No.4482630

I thought about ShooTing Game but that sounded a bit simple and stupid. Since English is not my first language I hadn't realized how STG represent three different syllables here. Anyway, thank you.

>> No.4482631

That's because it is simple and stupid. The Japanese aren't known for their creativity, especially when it comes to using the English language.

>> No.4482635

I think filthy uneducated gaijin who do not understand glorious Nihongo have trouble understanding where the -ng (ング) part went.

>> No.4482638

It's still better than MOBA lol

>> No.4482640

What point are you trying to make? My explanation was correct. If someone doesn't understand it then that's on them, not me. I don't claim to understand why the Japanese do the shit they do.

>> No.4482642

You speak as if shoot'em up made any sense to a foreigner. You shoot things up in Call of Duty too, does that make it a shoot'em up? No.

>> No.4482645

No, but that's why the long-standing term "FPS" exists. People don't get them confused.

>> No.4482646

I was agreeing with you. The Famitsu information is interesting, I did not know that.

>> No.4482650

You shoot people in Contra does that make it a shoot'em up? No, it's called a run 'n gun.

>> No.4482651

The full term for these games would be "Auto-scrolling 2D shooting games"

>> No.4482657

>The Famitsu information is interesting, I did not know that.
Most people (outside of Japan) don't. It requires enough Japanese language to be able to comfortably float around their Internet reading history and information, and knowing where to find such information in the first place.

Yes, that's correct. As I said before, that's why we have these terms. To differentiate different genres of game. Where are you going with this?

>> No.4482660

>Where are you going with this?
I agree nobody would confuse these genres, I'm just saying the English terms are probably just as hard to understand for a foreigner attempting to learn English. You jump on platforms in Contra but that does not make it a platformer.

>> No.4482661

As you see, the main difference between "shmups" and "run'n'guns" would be the auto-scrolling part. Being grounded and not floating is also a typical difference.

>> No.4482662

>I'm just saying the English terms are probably just as hard to understand for a foreigner attempting to learn English.
Yeah, probably.

>> No.4482664

That's why boogie wings is a shoot'em up and not a run'n gun.

Also the word shmup is a portmanteau just like STG and sounds just as gay.

>> No.4482669

STG isn't a portmanteau, it's an abbreviation.

>> No.4482670
File: 310 KB, 849x565, Yawning2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my stupid sounding arbitrary genre name is better than yours!

>> No.4482679

Yeah, but no one is actually having that argument here. Or are you saying you'd like to start it up?

>> No.4482680

Is wolf fang a shmup or a run'n gun?
The screen autoscrolls but you're grounded.

>> No.4482683

Do you guys know of any game where you're autoscrolling but you're grounded the whole game? Would you call this shmup or run and gun? I can think of Elemental Master and it feels like a shmup to me. Do you know of any horizontal one in which you can move as in Contra? Think like a whole Contra game on autoscroller except maybe bosses.

>> No.4482686

Shmup because of auto-scroll.

>> No.4482687

>Do you guys know of any game where you're autoscrolling but you're grounded the whole game?
The problem with this is that it's a single descriptor of a game, and certainly nowhere near enough to categorize a game into a particular genre. I kinda feel like we all know this and are just trying to bait each other, though.

>> No.4482690

This is what I was looking for here >>4482683 , thank you. This game seems to blend both genres.

>> No.4482691

Wolf Fang
Moon Patrol
Sega Super Locomotive

>> No.4482693

Atomic Runner Chelnov

>> No.4482695

Being grounded is a massive deal when it's a side scroller because you have to deal with gravity and limited movement, making the run 'n' gun distinction meaningful. Not as important for top down shooters where it's just a theme.

>> No.4482701

So it seems both the autoscrolling part and the grounded part on horizontal games are quite big genre definers here. You could say these are all different genres, it's just that the shmup an run'n'gun format are the most common.

>> No.4482717

There's probably even more games that do that.
Btw you should play Boogie Wings it's the best gender blender out of the list.

>> No.4482718

>Boogie Wings
There's a level select so I'm guessing there's some kind of rank bullshit going on.

>> No.4482721

Thank you

I'm no stranger to rank shenanigans, I even like YGW's games, so lol

>> No.4482727
File: 45 KB, 320x240, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It even has some basic platforming

>> No.4482729

Put it in the trash where it belongs and go pick up a Psikyo shooter.

>> No.4482731

I like both, been playing Dragon Blaze lately. In fact I love most games of the genre, I like it that much.

>> No.4482732

Pick up any of them, they're all the same.

>> No.4482739

t. to brainlet too realise the subtle nuances between the psikyo shumps

>> No.4482740

Really liked it as a beginner, and now that I have a lot more shmups under my belt, I'm confident it's my favorite. Despite being on the easy side for sure, the presentation is phenomenal. Color scheme is beautiful, really good characters (lol), SOU1's trance fits the game ridiculously well and each song varies enough to make the entire goddamn OST memorable, and I'll be damned if Fort City isn't a top 3 STG song. It's not the easiest to 1CC because the last stage is a major kick in the balls, but it absolutely is the easiest game to get a feel for how to do score runs once you're quite a bit in the rabbit hole, and Kakusei system is a blast to actually play for score with. To me that makes it one of the most valuable games you can play in the late-beginner through mid-level player stages.

Normally I wouldn't go full autist on this type of shit, but Espgaluda is absolutely worth gushing over.

>> No.4482741

As nuanced as a copy paste, bro.

>> No.4482751

Or, as non-weebs call them, shmups.

>> No.4482753

Tell me in detail how you think Zero Gunner series, Dragon Blaze, Gunbird and Space Bomber are the same as games as Strikers 1945

>> No.4482758

Glad to see some genuine posting and not all the trolling, hate, baiting, etc. you see here so often, even more on arcade / shmup threads.

I myself don't care about the aesthetic part but it sure is a fun unique game. Sometimes you just want a slightly easier arcade experience.

>> No.4482763

>Space Bomber
My favorite kusoge, in a good way. By kusoge I mean the graphics and style don't take themselves too seriously and not as indication of the quality of gameplay.

>> No.4482767

It's a fun little game for sure despite looking rough

>> No.4482772

In my country these games are called, translated, "Killer of Martians". I'm not making this shit up, if you go to the Wikipedia article of, say, Gradius IV, that name's there in the Genre part.

>> No.4482779

>strikers 1945
literally copypaste outside of minor tweaks in scoring

>> No.4482783

Looks gay af.

>> No.4482789

I'm not fond of moe / anime either, but we're judging a game here.

>> No.4482790

You're more right than you think.

>> No.4482795

omg but the characers aren't non-binary so it fails the tumblr test

>> No.4482798

t. hasn't played it
Dragon Blaze is a unique game that has about as much in common with R-Type as previous Psikyo games and has a completely different scoring system based around managing your dragon shot, carefully timing enemy kills and dragon positioning along with your own movement at the same time to pick up a fuck ton of coins, rather than timing. Gunbird 2 is similar to Strikers in terms of scoring and superficially but very different otherwise because it plays like a hyper-aggressive melee shmup .

>> No.4482807

You're just taking a bait. Sad to see so many trolls when discussing the Martian Killer genre.

>> No.4482808
File: 1.33 MB, 1090x3497, Screenshot-2017-12-26 Catherine remake has fans worried about its new character, Rin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't have tranny characters in your game
That's transphobia.
>have tranny characters in your game but they're attractive
That's also transphobia, only ugly fat trannies are allowed.

>> No.4482816

Ok so you cleverly ignored he mentioned Gunbird 1 and not 2. And the fact is Gunbird 1 is very similar to Strikers 1 no matter how you slice it.

>> No.4482820

Gunbird 1 is more tricky because some characters play like 2 while others are closer to Strikers ships

>> No.4482823

Thanks for the lols

>> No.4482825
File: 184 KB, 1410x1170, character6_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the monkey girl with a staff, I agree.

>> No.4482834

Yeah her and the robot

>> No.4482841

I'm not him but I think the main complaint against Psikyo games is how enemy bullet patterns feel samey between their games. I like their games but this is something I often see mentioned.

>> No.4482853

My biggest complain is their soundtrack sound like shit

>> No.4482854

All devs have their own styles, even CAVE who consciously try to make the patterns feel unique between games still fall into the trap of feeling samey.

>> No.4482864

Good thing then since this isn't a big deal

>> No.4482872

I have this weird issue with shmupmame, when i load the game they only stay in the taskbar, can maximize it. any ideas?

>> No.4482873

Yeah you can just turn the music off using MAME slider configurations and play your own music. Which is what I do.

Still annoys me a little bit, I think their games have very cool graphics and themes but the music is totally generic

>> No.4482876

You are the first person to use the term "shmup" in this thread, and are totally not a weeb.

>> No.4482878

Open MameGUI. You can tinker with the options to see if something works. This is for the latest, 2013 version, though.

Didn't know you could lower the music independently of the SFX.

>> No.4482901

>Didn't know you could lower the music independently of the SFX.
Only in some games with different sound chips, but Psykyo music is already low enough as it is.

>> No.4482903

>That's not elitism that's just plain shitposting.
I see you haven't had to deal with Cee before. My how I envy you.

>> No.4482905

Care to elaborate?

>> No.4482914

If that poster is who I think he is, then Cee's shittalk is likely the reason why he's been shitting up the board lately.

>> No.4482915

Yeah, it's strange how low volume and generic it is now that I think about it, why bother putting music then? Just because it was expected?

>> No.4482919

Take this avatarfag shit to /soc/

>> No.4482921

The man masterfully crafts each post to be terrible, whether he's right or wrong, and is very tiring to deal with because of how in love he is with the smell of his own feces. A lot of the time he doesn't even post an argument, just hurls insults at you for not already agreeing with him.

I've been away from the video game boards for a while. Who do you think the poster is, and how has he been shitting the place up?

>> No.4482929

One of the 3 or 4 guys who shit up the Alien Soldier thread which was up recently and who has been trying out different varieties of anti-arcade shitposting the whole week.

>> No.4482935

That's hilarious.

>> No.4482936

That is pretty hilarious, not gonna lie. Gotta check out the Alien Soldier thread now.

>> No.4482953

>the whole week.
OP here. So this guy appeared just when I give arcade-related threads a try here after some time? I think he's not just one and these guys were here and just hate these games to the point of trying to suppress them from the board.

>> No.4482959

There may be others that hopped on board, but keep in mind that this guy has been samefagging intensely, such as posting "ARCADEFAGS BTFO" in the previously mentioned Alien Soldier thread, and samefagging in his Final Fight bait thread.
The first reply was from the same IP as the OP.

>> No.4482961

Hmm. Now I'm thinking of writing an AutoHotkey script for easy backflips in Final Fight.

>> No.4482964

Does this guy have problems or something? He clearly seems at least somewhat experienced on these games, why would he dedicate himself so much to try to destroy their discussion.

>> No.4482975

He always brings up how much abuse he's gotten from arcadefags, and how it lead to self-hate. That and he plays beat 'em ups while ridiculing the opinion that they're best enjoyed solo. With all of that combined, I honestly believe this is Cee's doing.

>> No.4482983

So he's a butthurt younger player that got into arcades more recently and is easily triggered by a few elitists. Oh boy.

>> No.4483362

Because when you can't get attention or recognition for literally anything else in your life, shitposting on the internet will do.

>> No.4483707


And btw, I know this isn't important, but since someone mentioned he liked the soundtrack to Espgaluda... I don't know, I don't like that "pussy trance" style.

>> No.4483753

I really like what CAVE does with their soundtracks in general, I know the popular troll opinion is to say "THE SOUNDTRACK LITERALLY DOESN'T MATTER" but I disagree with that opinion, I think good music certainly helps make the game more memorable and certain parts feel more powerful. I think in Espgaluda 2, there's a 3D rotating tower climb that's synchronized to the music, CAVE made really nice touches like this all around.

>> No.4483761

I'm not trolling, to me it doesn't really matter, it's just decoration. No matter how good a soundtrack is it won't make the game good if it sucks by itself. I know you understand this already, we just disagree on how it impacts an already good game; for you it makes a bigger impact. That's ok, no point discussing this anymore.

In any case I don't even like Espgaluda's soundtrack judged by itself, but I don't want to derail this into a /mu/ thread.

>> No.4483778

Only i didn't did i cunt? I explained that the final pattern is fixed and static so the same strat works everytime, that bit's for him to figure out.

Only you're not me are you you imitating fraudulent bollock but still good notion regardless.

wrong, i'm rarely wrong and have a wealth of knowledge about actual strats and play of many arcade games, i hate ignorance and plebs uttering opinions based on nothing which are always inaccurate, i also hate the general idiot attitude here and wish to change it to a culture of actual players who seek to improve.

the anti arcade douche is just on an eternal rage because i proved his ignorance and humiliated him in a beatemup thread, he called me out and i proved i have a ton of 1ccs.

>I honestly believe this is Cee's doing.
Yep, rather than be humbled and seek to improve his egos gone full defense to deter from how he got schooled and slapped on the many puss.

Espgaluda ost is wank, completely weak trance definitely oshiis worst however try espgaluda arrange on ps2 port, far superior game and the soundtrack is 10x better aswell all great remixes of the originals, check it on youtube actually.

>> No.4483781
File: 251 KB, 1280x720, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok fine, so I exaggerated a bit, synchronizing the soundtrack is impossible due to the way slowdowns work with the different modes in Espgaluda 2 but if you play at a moderate pace the song in Stage 3 SHOULD climax at around the time when the sub boss shows up.
Skip to the 7:40 mark to hear.
Can you see what I mean? Do you agree or it's just me hallucinating?
Whether you like the trance genre or not you've got to recognize it's a very nice detail, it shows they cared.

>> No.4483784

As a long time shmup player soundtracks are super important, not only are they motivating but they are going to be heard a lot if you play for score so its nice to have something great that marries the style and atmosphere to the play. It's subjective but a majority of players i've spoke with consider osts important also.

>> No.4483785 [DELETED] 

Static does not mean free, dude.

>> No.4483790

Cee here again, who's denying this? mamoru oshii works very closely with the game devs when making these osts, yes they are absolutely produced to sync with the pace and events in the game at points, this can be offset in parts by doing things to fuck with the slowdown etc.

>> No.4483792

who's saying it does? wtf do you want? a position you just sit in and can't get hurt? you have to put some effort in ffs. Having no rng is a real rarity for a cave game, this alone makes it one of the easiest bosses in the companies history.

>> No.4483795

Yeah absolutely, even if you don't like the genre very much you can see a lot of thought was put into crafting these songs.
I've heard Twitch kids who clearly did not care about shmups play Defensive Line - Lurking in the Darkness to get people in their stream pumped, that's how good these songs are.

>> No.4483798 [DELETED] 

You're the one implying it's static so even my grandma could do it. Go hit those 1frame links with 100% consistence if static patterns are so easy.

>> No.4483815

You really should learn to read, there are no 1 frame anythings in that pattern it's just your strat that sucks and when you learn what to do you will like me do it every single time the exact same way. This doesn't make it grandma approved but it does make it any player who's not a complete moron and uses his brain comfortably achievable. I get you're frustrated because you can't do it but you need to rethink your approach rather than blaming the game and having a bitch fit.

>> No.4483817

I don't even play that shitty game.

>> No.4483819

>his Grandma can't clear the Espgaluda final boss

The verdict is in: Cee is a cuck

>> No.4483936

Guys, I don't disagree with you, good music is a nice bonus on any game. I just value it less personally (I'd like a game the same if it had no soundtrack, I mean).

Meh, I don't like the arranged one either, sorry. It's the same pussy trance stuff just not as lo-fi. Of the same genre I prefer 90's psy sound and other "regular/classic" trance before the typical sound of later trance that Espgaluda has.

>> No.4483938

As a reference, this is a retro game with similar music but more right up my alley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqp2tzFCKek

>> No.4484012

I don't have the kind of subjectivity that cancels out entire genres like you desu but whatever that's your tastes, i couldn't dedicate to a shmup long term without a decent soundtrack at all however.

No the cuck is the guy who has deleted his posts talking with me lmao and your joke scenario makes my grandma a cuck, she isn't.. she's dead.

>> No.4484023

>I don't have the kind of subjectivity that cancels out entire genres
What genres other than rhythm games depend on the soundtrack for their game mechanics? And I don't like rhythm games to begin with, so... I don't understand you here.

>> No.4484265

i meant music genres, your criticism of the trance used is a blanket statement the kind you get from metal heads who refuse to accept any tune without a guitar can ever be good, i say there's good music in every genre.

>> No.4484290

I can criticize the soundtrack on a deeper level than that but I'd consider that /mu/ derailment.

I'll summarize: I find the tempo and bass-lines too simple and repetitive on stuff similar to Espgaluda's soundtrack. I also find the melodies too boring and sugary (hence the "pussy" part). It's not the worst but I still don't like it personally.

(Sick of those metalassholes too)

>> No.4484306

Also notice how I mentioned other tracks from the same genre (Trance) that I liked more from other retro games' soundtracks. Not a bias against the entire genre here.

>> No.4484331

fair enough, i understand your point now. Out of the cave pgm releases espgaluda was by far the worse in sound and visuals, certainly not a patch on ketsui.

>> No.4484356

Wasn't Ketsui the last, or one of the last non-moe pandering Cave game? I haven't played any of the non-retro Cave games (after Espgaluda) so I don't remember well.

My favorite Cave soundtrack would actually be DonPachi's if it weren't for the compression (and yes, I'm aware of the console arranged stuff). I prefer Manabu Namiki's input on Raizing.

>> No.4484365

Was there an exact moment when shooters switched from from cool spaceship and mecha battles into waifu-bait? Serious question because I find the whole thing kind of interesting and weird. None of Cave's stuff is half as appealing as Toaplan's because of this sort of stuff, even though they have some really good games.

>> No.4484379

It was a gradual thing. It definitely escalated when the genre became Japan-only since arcades died elsewhere and the "danmaku" style emerged. Since they were becoming more niche they tried to attract new audiences without scaring off their hardcore audience who was there for scoring mechanics; the best way was to try to make them more appealing aesthetically. This coincided with the rise of moe in anime so they tried that with these game; I don't think it worked in the long run, though (since eventually they all became the same moe crap instead of the same spaceship stuff).

Consider that even some later Toaplan titles tried this a bit (Batsugun) and there's plenty of early Cave stuff that's pretty much traditional ships, tanks and stuff (DP, DDP, even Dangun Feveron. Also a lot of the later ones don't have anime stuff during the game itself (such as DOJ).

>> No.4484387

The game that got me thinking about this was when I learned that the PC Engine version of hellfire has anime cutscenes with a waifu. The Genesis version I'm more familiar with has no intro. This is still somewhat different than something like Touhou, where the fanbase is more based around the characters than even the games, though.

It also struck me as odd when I first played Eschatos, which is a cool silpheed style game on the 360, and there's no anime at all. It was definitely unusual to see such a thing in the late 2000s.

>> No.4484403

Ketsui was the last one without anime girls, but I don't think the Espgaluda and Mushihimesama games are that bad about it. At least not compared to how shmups are nowadays, anyway.

>> No.4484404

The arcade one hasn't them. It was outsourced, and the original creators didn't know that port would have those cutscenes until it was released (and they were amused).

Touhou is a special case, I don't think any other shmup game or series has a fanbase so detached from the games themselves as that one.

>> No.4484409

I haven't played Mushihimesama since the PC version doesn't let you rebind keys but I've seen my ex play that game and

and other high-pitched animoo stuff. Though yeah, later stuff is even worse in that department.

>> No.4484454


>into waifu-bait?
it was the success of touhou and that cancer culture that did it actually.

>Ketsui was the last one without anime girls,
it was homos on a suicide mission though, hard to ever top that.

>> No.4484459

>I haven't played Mushihimesama since the PC version doesn't let you rebind keys
you sure? it does for controllers.

>> No.4484468

That's the thing, I haven't had a PC controller for a while since the last one broke. I only have a laptop currently and it has a ghosting problem on the arrow keys so I can't move diagonally well while holding the fire button.

I'd tolerate Touhou more if the games didn't bore me as well.

>> No.4484485


another fagtronic shooter with complicated scoring systems and pushed difficulty

>> No.4484493

You haven't played it and it shows, this is an easier title. It's pretty faggy aesthetically and the scoring system is complicated, I'll give you that.

>> No.4484496

I don't know if you could point to Touhou. The character art is shit and there's zero sexualization (at least in the early games, I don't know what ZUN's up to these days). Those two things are usually what define waifubait shmups.

>> No.4484497

The art is moe and that's all that matters for it to gather a fanbase of hikkis in Japan and, consequently through fanart, elsewhere.

>> No.4484502


i played it i've played a lot of shooters seeing if i like them, 'easy' jap shitters are still too autistic

>> No.4484504


i played it alot actually until it was no longer fun at stage 3 get fucked you stupid sand nigger

>> No.4484506


>> No.4484510


filth sand nigger faggot japanese autist

>> No.4484518

We had people complaining here before about how the game's too easy to clear and now you came lol There's no middle ground, huh?

What would you say is a game with good difficulty (not too easy nor too "autistic" as you say)? I'm curious and open to other people's perspectives, don't take it the wrong way.

What are you replying to? lol

>> No.4484565


any normal american video game like devil may cry 3 or mega man NES - SNES

>> No.4484571

At least try harder to bait, man. Whatever

>> No.4484578

Okay so I'm a fucking scrub and I can't 1CC the main game for shit. However I unlocked Omake and 1CC it without problems. What the fuck is Omake and can one of you intelligent stg gurus do a summary on how it plays.

>> No.4484585

Are you talking about the sequel's 360 port? Can't help you there, and it isn't retro anyway.

>> No.4484587

Just because a refresh release added an arrange mode doesn't mean you have to tape your mouth shut otherwise the /vr/ boogey man will come for you

>> No.4484590

No, I'm just saying I've only played the arcade original and not any ports or sequels.

>> No.4484595

ctrl+f "omake". Espgaluda 2 arcade is pretty hard

>> No.4484641

This is some of the most insightful and informative stuff I've ever read on the board. You should get a trip so I can tell when it's one of your quality posts.

>> No.4484653

A summary of this guy's edge (even if I agree with him except for the attitude stuff)

you imitating fraudulent bollock
i'm rarely wrong
and have a wealth of knowledge
I hate ignorance and plebs
the general idiot attitude here
humiliated him
i proved i have a ton of 1ccs

Pure gold indeed

>> No.4485171

You're obviously an infant minded buffoon, no one cares about attitude or your feefees all that matters is if the information is correct.

If you were expecting deep insight and informative info on a list of direct replies you're surely setting yourself up for disappointment, learn how conversations work and how every post doesn't have the duty of appeasing your selfish standard.

Wrong game, this thread is about espgaluda.

No you're missing the progression of it, touhou started the move in that direction and became hard to ignore with its increasing popularity.

>> No.4485185

Touhou singlehandledy disgraced the shoot'em up genre forever.

>> No.4485198

My favorite shmup game is triggering Cee with as few posts as possible.

>> No.4485207

>If you were expecting deep insight and informative info
Yep, I was. And you totally delivered! Please get a trip so I can easily tell when you have more to teach me.

>> No.4485226


Come on even my grandma can 1cc that.

>> No.4485231

I'm never triggered as it happens.

You can't educate pork, you're no exception.

>> No.4485263

You're constantly humiliating yourself. Face it, Cee, you're 4chan's newest lolcow.

>> No.4485283

too easy

>> No.4485332

Wrong, i doubt you're bright enough to realize the nuances of my routine I mean if you believe it to be sincere? You're getting trolled big man.

>> No.4485365

You mean trolling Cee or Espgaluda? Either way you're correct

>> No.4485378

Galuda is a textbook shooter with very little innovation outside of the slowmo mechanic that you can barely use because the gem items run out so fast.
Its the same repetitive, tedious gameplay you can find in every other generic shmup ever. Also the game is too easy.

>> No.4485390

Too easy eh? Mind recording a quick clear?

>> No.4485408

Sure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qIj7hYj_Rk

>> No.4485410


>> No.4485415

Knew it. You're too transparent in your shitposting.

>> No.4485417

Don't get me wrong I tried getting a 1cc to prove I can but the game is so shit I fell asleep midrun

>> No.4485438

I swear to god no trolling intended, but I think EspRade was a much better game with beautiful hand drawn dot pixel art instead of ugly CGI.

>> No.4485443

Esprade is hand drawn? Always looked like a mix of pre-rendered 3D characters and hand drawn backgrounds, just like Espgaluda.

>> No.4485456

Yest it is.

>> No.4485946

Treasure > Cave

>> No.4486159

Good game, you should try playing in the correct aspect ratio.

>> No.4486184

agreed, anon

>> No.4486337

>i'm only pretending to be retarded!
You sure fooled me. It's a good act.

>> No.4486347

>people still think cee actually exists

>> No.4486596

Cee, if your intentions are truly to encourage skill-based games here then I hope you've realized already that the way you're trying to do it is only scaring away any potential new players. I don't see what you could be trying to accomplish other than mere trolling.

>> No.4486665

Worse yet, there's touchy insecure faggots who take it so personally they make it their mission to shit up the board for everyone else. Hostility doesn't lead to improvements in quality, it just leads to more hostility.

>> No.4486723

Glad to see some reasonable stuff here.

It's like this with everything, you have to ease in the newbies.

>> No.4486752

I actually do, I just took the first pic I found online.

Come discuss your favorite Treasure shooter here: >>4486748

>> No.4486829

It takes, like, one post. My favorite is seeing how long he can keep going before he realizes he's being played like a fiddle.

>> No.4489015

>he doesn't realize the opposite is true
kek what a dumb ass.

wrong, it weeds out the weak. People who are going to do something do it anyway and don't need anything from others, they will learn for themselves using the wealth of knowledge any luke warm iq can search for online aside the videos.

ha and there it is as i was hoping for, the "i only have pre rehearsed chan lines to spout because i exist solely in the walls of its culture" that's fucking sad, no really it is.

esprade is a mix actually, mostly hand drawn with pre renders on the character sprites.

>> No.4489021

>reddit spacing

>> No.4489023

From my experience those kind of posters are not new players, they're bitter old arcade veterans that no longer play games and have nothing better to do than shitpost.

>> No.4489025

>wrong, it weeds out the weak
Dude I don't think you realize how dead the arcade scene is. Nobody is playing these games anymore. Even Murphagator abandoned Beam'ups in favor of streaming Advanced Wars.

>> No.4489035

He's always streamed non-arcade stuff, what are you talking about?

Call me when bbh stops, then we'll have a problem.

>> No.4489038

>>he doesn't realize the opposite is true
>kek what a dumb ass.
lol, you're a tool

>> No.4489042

Good one. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.4489060

>ha and there it is as i was hoping for, the "i only have pre rehearsed chan lines to spout because i exist solely in the walls of its culture" that's fucking sad, no really it is.
Is this still part of your act?

>> No.4489281

>Nobody is playing these games anymore.
yes they are if you know where to look.

bmups have zuq,pasky,juno,zerst,funkdoc,lordbbh etc regularly streaming and shmups have lots of streamers to (matmouse, bananamatic, owarabi, fleako, yuru2525 for top tier players ), i favor quality over quantity desu famalam.

For everything else there's loads aquas,sukimos etcetcetc
wow great rebuttal, truly enlightening stuff.


>> No.4489360

>it weeds out the weak
You surely should know this will only keep the people already in the community. It's a self-defense mechanism to not get any new blood in.
But this is not some sacred realm shit. If you want this genre to survive it needs to sell a bit better, and for this to happen without casualization of the games themselves you need to ease in players that haven't played these. I say ease in because you can't except players of modern cinematic stuff to suddenly love challenging as fuck shmups.
Doing what you are doing pretty much ensures the death of the genre since as you see they're slowly but surely dying.

>> No.4489416

Cee why did you get banned from the farm? Did Cuckarus get upset at you?

>> No.4489497

The farm has mods that get rid of idiots with nothing to do but fellate themselves at the expense of others

>> No.4489624

That was the only cave game I beat (besides deathsmiles but it doesn't count)

>> No.4489701

Try DonPachi's International Version. At least the first loop.

Dangun Feveron ignoring the scoring system is very short and since you can go slower it's much easier.

>> No.4489712

Wut, Dangun Feveron is really hard compared to other CAVE 1-ALLs

>> No.4489727 [DELETED] 

i got banned? amazing, my post style is shit n run, i never read replies. So basically some utter 3rd world mouthbreather said about a game in the competition ongoing atm "it's memoriser, i can just look up video on youtube" like yeah? as you can for ANY fucking game ffs, so i politely pointed out how silly it was to say such a thing and some other lego man looking beta spastic who's the stereotype ever goes full defence mode stating that "that guys done nothing to you!, hater!" words to that effect whilst another cunt i hate plasmo buts his nose in like the autistic german arrogant cunt he is so they all got some home truths and a roasting session.

Listen to the absolute state of this pussyhole, perfect example of the snowflake authoritarian leftist weaklings that populate that shite forum. Free speech is a mystery to you isn't it?

hmm i wouldn't say that desu, i think it feels this way because of how different it is to the usual cave fare, if you can get a grip on the speed though of the good crafts it isn't to bad.

Anyways everyone should go buy and enjoy battle traverse, an arcade quality doujin.

>> No.4489729

Dangun Feveron is only super hard because you need to put the speed on max and get all the disco men for scoring. If you ignore this since scoring doesn't give you lives, you can set a slower speed and focus entirely on surviving. This plus the short length makes it more manageable.

>> No.4490109

Every time I see one of those competition threads they're always full of people complaining about the game being played. Why do they even bother joining? Were they expecting to play DoDonPachi all month?

>> No.4490130

Those are probably people that enjoy more the social aspect of scoring than the games themselves. Until they realize this they'll keep wasting their time.

>> No.4490160

Point blanking does nothing. The amount of gems given depends on how high up on the screen the enemy is when killing them. It's been a while since I've played so I made sure to test this out in MAME with savestates just now to make sure I'm not making shit up. Tested on one of the bigger tanks soon after the first power up.

Higher up on the screen tank gives 3 gems.
Lower down it gives 2 gems.
Pointblanking high or low gives same results as shooting it from a distance.

Also, the overdrive "rank" adds bonus green gems when killing enemies, which is why it's vital to max it out early. Some players do it during the last phase of the first boss.

>> No.4490171

Yeah, this is what I thought, but that anon made me doubt since these games are so complex sometimes you feel like you never know everything until you've mastered them (and this is far from my case). I've always tried to kill enemies fast unless they spit out many bullets.

>> No.4490292

>Free speech
Free speech means you won't be arrested or otherwise reprimanded by the government for your shitty opinions. Being ostracized by a community because you're smearing shit on the walls has nothing to do with free speech.

>> No.4491080

Yeah, I'm not gonna click on some random video. Is there a tl;dr, and does it basically just involve you continuing to pretend to be retarded?