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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4474031 No.4474031[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Its christmas break and I want to experience a /vr/ game to the fullest by January 4th

What should I play I'll take ANY ideas

>> No.4474051
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>> No.4474054

[insert entry level nintendo game]

>> No.4474056
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Or sm64

>> No.4474057

Star Wars: Dark Forces

>> No.4474065
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>> No.4474109

IDK what u wanna hear but i'mma say that u should play wave race 64 or pilotwings 64

>> No.4474117


>> No.4474142


>> No.4474147

play a repetitive game that punishes you for not playing perfectly. Rampage 2 Universal Tour. n64/ps1, either is fine

>> No.4474197
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>> No.4474218

Willow, an action RPG that can be knocked out in 8 hours.

>> No.4475086

[insert throbbing cock in your mouth]

>> No.4475679
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>> No.4475692

The game of getting some. No one here knows how to play though.

>> No.4475767

No game requires 15 full days to be explored.

>> No.4475790

You'd be surprised at how many games this isn't true for.

>> No.4475797

Megaman Legends. It also has a comfy environment for Christmas.

>> No.4475798

Assuming you play 10 hours per day, which game requires more than 150 hours to be completed and well explored?

>> No.4475837

Kirby Tilt n Tumble

>> No.4475863

Hes not gonna be playing 10 hrs a day tho senpai

>> No.4475867

>10 hours per day
jesus fucking christ, have you no life?

>> No.4475904

1. It's 4chan, dudes

2. He said "Christmas break" and "to the fullest"

3. Go big or go home

>> No.4475925

Shining Force 2 and Landstalker for the Genesis.

>> No.4475932

Chrono Trigger and Live A Live can be done easily while you're actually going outside.

>> No.4475949


SF2 is great. I'd throw sf3 into this as well. All scenarios have been translated and allow you to patch isos to play them. If you're lazy or inept the pre patched are out there too. It's a damn good game, too bad they went with polygonal models on battles instead of sprites.

>> No.4475956 [DELETED] 

I've dumped about 150 hours into Breath of the Wild and I still have about 400 of the 900 koroks left to find.

>> No.4475959



Seriously, I am only talking about retro games here. No retro game needs 150 hours AFAIK, unless you count mastering the combos for everyone in KOF and beating Omega Rugal as "a full experience".

>> No.4475980


>> No.4475990
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>Assuming you play 10 hours per day

>> No.4476137

You can be a productive member of society and still play 10 hours desu:

>work: 7 hours
>vidya: 10 hours
>shenanigans (eat, shower, go to work): 1 hour
>sleep: 6 hours

Even better: it's Christmas break, so you can replace 7 hours of work with 7 extra hours of grinding in JRPGs, what's to unlike? These stats ain't gonna enhance themselves, Anon..

>> No.4476221


>> No.4476242

>work 7 hours
Oh so you're on welfare or disability or something.
If this is anything remotely close to how you live, no jokes, YOU NEED HELP. This is the season to give a shit about other people and this is obviously a cry for help. Please go get it.

>> No.4476275

this or Perfect Dark

>> No.4476302

Even if you only have to work 7 hours a day, this is still no way to live. Besides, including the commute most people spend 9-10 hours per day on work (as the standard amount of hours of working per day is 8 and not 7).

But, yeah. Consider a social life anon. I have days when I spend six hours after work playing vidya, too, but goddamn.

>> No.4476313

Warcraft 2
Metal Gear Solid

>> No.4476346

That image really creeps me out for some reason

>> No.4476420

>earn money
>go to college one year
>take some geek lessons

OP's right though, this isn't the best time to score, better grab a christmas sock

>> No.4476423

No one wants to play Chrono Trigger or any weaboo RPG, you can talk about them outside if you wants, we all know you didn't play em

>> No.4476434

Play Mega Man 1-6, dedicating two days to each game.

>> No.4476435
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Decided to work out how I spend my time.

>9 1/2 hours work
>9 hours sleep
>1 1/2 shenanigans
>3 hours vidya
>1 hour shitposting

The 9 hours sleep is 9 hours in bed, I often spend 30-60 minutes playing Harvest Moon with the lights out before sleeping.

>> No.4476436

>7 hours of sleep
>no work since I mooch off my parents
>several hours browsing here
>5-6 hours reading
>2-3 hours playing video games
>1 hour contemplating suicide

>> No.4476437

nice meme. meanwhile, for most people it's more like this:
>work: 9 hours (8h work, 1h breaks)
>sleep: 8 hours (what we need to stay healthy)
that leaves us with 7 hours for everything else. this includes getting ready for work, cooking, eating, showering, commuting, doing groceries, etc. in a best case scenario, you get 5 hours of game time.

>> No.4476441

What do you read? You must get through a lot of books.

>> No.4476446
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Western philosophy, Marxist theory and Harry Potter fanfiction.

>> No.4476456

>Harry Potter
'ckins imlelnails

>> No.4476462

>Marxist theory

Most leftists are jobless losers who live with their parents. It's understandable you spend an hour each day contemplating suicide.

Have you thought about getting a job and moving into a share house with some other gamers? It's fun.

>> No.4476464

Hook. Line. Sinker.

>> No.4476470
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>> No.4476474

Systemic unemployment and job insecurity is a social problem inherent in late capitalism, not an individual failure of a specific person. A system that depends on such a high amount of "failure" for its reproduction, needs to be abolished.
You may call leftists jobless losers all you want, but all it demonstrates is a stunning lack of insight and etiquette. Not to mention faulty economic theory.

>> No.4476482
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But anon, the people around you manage to get degrees and jobs?

>> No.4476557

>there are people here who work 8 or even 9 hours per day + commute

Feels good living in Yurop with decent work hours + only 5 minutes to go to work because you live in an actual city