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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 17 KB, 320x240, Metal Sonic Rebooted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4441895 No.4441895 [Reply] [Original]

Here's some points of discussion:

1.) Project showoffs
2.) Hacking help
3.) ROM hack recommendations

Our ROM hack recommendation list can be found below:


Every hack featured on the list above can be downloaded at:




>> No.4441939

wheres my fuckin disassemblies man

>> No.4442015
File: 8 KB, 256x224, super neet world.2017-12-05 23.23.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in-game screenshot of where my hack has left off
any ideas

also an unanswered question from last thread: what's your opinion on people liking kaizo hacks

>> No.4442083
File: 2 KB, 256x224, Kmw01_(3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more munchers

>> No.4442090

quality level design by takemoto

>> No.4442695

fuck off

>> No.4442758


Kaizo hacks have no merit, people who like them have bad taste. People who make them are wasting their own time, and wasting space on the websites that host them.

>> No.4442762

Fucking this

>> No.4442952
File: 5 KB, 256x224, rpg maker hack 2000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm working on a game right now using the Super Famicom RPG Tsukuru 2. I want to distribute the game as a standalone ROM, instead of just an SRAM file to use with a copy of the game. I've made a little bit of progress so far; I was able to copy my game file over the RPGT2's sample game, and did a bit of graphics editing to remove some of the RPGT2 assets in the main menu (pic related). Here's all the work I still want to do:

1. Make the splash screen function as a start screen, skipping the intro and going straight to the main menu
2. Remove or replace the the corrupted graphics and border at the top of the main menu (I believe these graphics are compressed, which I why I couldn't just edit them in a tile editor)
3. Remove the other options from the main menu

I'm not very knowledgeable about 65c816 assembly, though I'm a CS student and do have retro console programming experience from writing a Genesis game in C. I assume I can solve my problems as such:

1. Finding where the splash screen transitions to the intro, have the game wait for controller input, and, when input is read, skip to the portion of code that is run when entering the main menu.
2. Either skip the instruction to draw the top banner into background 1, or remove background 1 altogether and change the font color to white so it can be viewed on a black background.
3. Prevent the game from accepting d-pad input on the main menu and remove the text from the other options

I know it will not be as simple as I make it sound, but that's the fun of hacking isn't it? Let me know what you guys think. I have a good amount of SNES programming resources downloaded, but I'm still looking for a disassembler, so please recommend one if you can. Thanks friends! :^)

>> No.4443435
File: 107 KB, 529x692, 1471725243325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaizo hacks are trash. I have nothing against people who like them, I'm sure everyone in this thread likes some bad things, but they're pretty much the worst "genre" of ROMhacks out there. I don't see any merit in them.

>> No.4443451
File: 356 KB, 640x480, FieryFactory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoever designed this piece of shit deserves to be shot

>> No.4443612

yep, that's the answer i expected from this board
even worse than creepypasta hacks?

>> No.4443624

>what's your opinion on people liking kaizo hacks

fine with people liking them
the hacks themselves are maybe the worst thing to come out of romhacking, probably neck and neck with 'spoof hacks' made by people who cannot into humor

>> No.4443869

I remember you posting long ago, it might be time to find that disassembler and try to disassemble the starting screen at least, hopefully a debugger can point you to what address is related to the menus.

>> No.4443986

"Kaizo" would be better if it was anything other than Mario (or Sahnic).

Mario's already pretty shit to begin with & doesn't excite my wingas.

>> No.4445440
File: 79 KB, 1440x1080, shining stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's pretty great so far
I don't really get why Mario wears black, I guess I missed some lore

>> No.4447018

Maybe an emo phase?

>> No.4447357


>> No.4447373

Aw shit it's been years since I last checked this competition out.

>> No.4447865

The only context I can see kaizo being good is TAS.

>> No.4447901

TAS aren't good either though, they're fake outs. It's like magic tricks, when you know that it's not a real person doing the playing, who even cares?

>> No.4447907

Fuck you, I love some of the feats that get pulled off. Just knowing that it's possible, if not by human hands, is something else.
I guess I look at it from the technical point of view. Plus TASes actually help out the Human Speedrunning community alot.

>> No.4448001


>> No.4448006

honestly though i don't know what the appeal of kaizo is to me, i just find it fun for some reason
even though i play it with savestates, it's still a fun experience to play through kaizo hacks

>> No.4448075

>it's not a real person doing the playing
Real people had to choose the inputs.

>> No.4448192
File: 4 KB, 256x224, 3759titlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just happened


>> No.4448434

o nice, the same guy who wrote the Zelda II Music Document

if I wasn't such a brainlet , I would be able to make my own music with that document but at least i did get zelda 2 music mapped out with his document

>> No.4448676 [DELETED] 

>RHDN is currently down
This reminds me of a question: does anyone know if the Patreon actually did anything? It's been months almost at goal (apparently a well-played way of keeping us out of the goal after examining it for so long, which is actually good). The only updates I get to read at all of any progress are something about a new server. Is that why the site's down?

At this point I have no clue if NC's running away with the money or what. There's no advertisement of the Patreon at all and apparently mentioning it gets your mention taken away, so will someone clue any of us in on if anything is actually getting done?

>> No.4449214

Hey man, I was doing this too. Then I gave up because I'm a dweeb.

Congratulations on getting your game copied over the sample game though, that's really cool.

>> No.4450834


>> No.4451973

Perhaps you've only seen badly made kaizo then? A well made kaizo is god-tier for experienced players. If you've been playing SMW for as long as many of us kaizo players have, anything easier is just boring, so we step it up a notch for the sake of prolonging the game.

>> No.4451997

Do you prefer Light Kaizo (Original Kaizo, Dram World), Hard Kaizo (Mario Must Die), or Pit (Item Abuse)?
For Super NEET World, I'm making it Light Kaizo, because I felt like making one you can beat without savestates.

>> No.4452357

sure you can beat light kaizo without savestates, but would you want to...?

>> No.4452417

The first Kaizo Mario is kino.

>> No.4452443

IMO I rather watch people play them, both clickbait reaction and speedrun videos. I know this is not a popular opinion on 4chan.

>> No.4452450 [DELETED] 

You know, my biggest criticism of Kaizo hacks is that most of them care very little about esthetics, they overuse the grey block and floating cutoff muncher look too much and everything looks identical.

>> No.4452453

You know, my biggest criticism of Kaizo hacks is that most of them care very little about esthetics, they overuse the vanilla graphics grey block and floating cutoff muncher too much and everything looks identical.

>> No.4452464

At least they realize shit is still shit no matter how many cute bows you try to hide it with.

>> No.4452467

Why do we keep calling it "kaizo" anyway? That word is just an attempt to hide what it really is: bad level design.

>> No.4452472

改造 (kaizou) literally means modifying or reconstructing, so the name does fit, regardless of how questionable the level design may be.

>> No.4452623

What sets it apart from any other custom level is that the level design is particularly bad though, and if that's what it means (I thought I read it had a different origin, but whatever) then it doesn't really say what it is in a recognizable way. Plus it not being an English word makes it even harder to tell.

I suggest calling it "shit" instead.

>> No.4452930

I’m guessing you couldn’t beat it.

>> No.4452937
File: 79 KB, 640x360, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I became a nickname for when people reuse tricks previously seen in the kaizo series like invisible blocks that send you to a pit or charging chuck gates

>> No.4452982

I didn't even try. I don't waste my time with shit.

>> No.4453109 [DELETED] 


Which one of you fuckers shit in the street?

>> No.4453161

^ Well, now we know why this thread has been shite so far.

>> No.4453369

Hey, is that Nexus15's Learn2Kaizo hack?

>> No.4453425

Yes, but that was simply the first youtube result for Chuck Gate. :( Sorry.

>> No.4453494

We learn from shit level design and shit aesthetics. Look at my (nambona890) first Kaizo hacks. They looked and played like shit.
Now I try to make them look and play much nicer, and add in new stuff. Floating munchers, cutoff, constant cement blocks, those aren't a thing in my hacks anymore, thank god.
Just compare the shit that ProtonJon played in 2008 to the Kaizo hacks today. There's zero competition.

>> No.4453550
File: 159 KB, 500x500, 1421885231033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my (nambona890)

>> No.4453554
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>> No.4453706

report and ignore.

>> No.4453707

Report for a legitimate reason, or because I'm not a likeable person to many?

>> No.4453710

I wish someone would fix the controls in Mega Man the Wily Wars for the Mega Drive. How did they even mess them up that badly?

>> No.4453820 [DELETED] 

Nightcrawler is a child rapist.

>> No.4453858


Fuck yeah, sound restoration for BoF1. No real reason to play the SNES version anymore, what with this thing and the color restoration.

>> No.4455158

This is good. I beat it with 7 hidden chests.

>> No.4455165
File: 78 KB, 1019x308, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a simple model in Blender and imported it in Mario 64. It doesn't look right in game though. How do I fix this?

>> No.4455282
File: 49 KB, 621x440, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it! I needed to "triangulate" the model before importing it, that is, going to edit mode, pressing A to select everything and then ctrl+T to triangulate.

>> No.4455551

You fix it by making your levels look like this

>> No.4455621

>why are you bothering to play this piece of fucking shit
That's a great question, actually. Good thing I'm not actually playing it.

>> No.4455657

there seems to not be an ending. is it not finished?

do you think smwcentral will still accept it despite its flaws?

>> No.4455658

there is no ending
it is finished
also you're implying i'll be unbanned and will get the chance to submit it to smwcentral (they're both on sm64hacks.com though)
there's also a sequel

>> No.4455672

have you ever tried making a serious romhack that isn't shit

>> No.4455690

look at my kaizo hacks

>> No.4455693

So, no?

>> No.4455697

>implying kaizo = not serious

>> No.4455704

I've never seen a Kaizo 64 hack that had any real thought about decent game design put into it.

>> No.4455705

i thought you were talking about kaizo smw hacks

>> No.4455708

I thought he was implying kaizo = shit, actually.

>> No.4455712

I've never seen a Kaizo hack that had any real thought about decent game design put into it.

>> No.4455718

pretty much the only thing bad about kaizo when it comes to game design in my opinion is the unfairness and beyond extreme difficulty

>> No.4455723

Basically "save states the hack" every time. It's terrible design.

>> No.4455725

i guess you've never seen or heard of dram55, grand poobear, ryuhakr, or dodechehedron

>> No.4455735

they are playing the kaizo hacks for the views on twitch, it doesn't mean they like it --they'll do and say anything for the views and donations.

there's also a certain "circlejerk" going on, as some kaizo hacks to them will be considered quality , while others are not good, it's a seemingly arbitrary decision.

>> No.4455738

Which is all kaizo is.

>> No.4455740

I've heard of exactly one person you mentioned, and I've seen none of them.
Why would it matter that someone plays them? And why does having viewers give them any real authority on the subject of game design? It's not like Twitch chat is brimming with intellect.

>> No.4455745

He's making the point that it's stupid to think no one is capable of playing kaizo savestateless. This may be hard for you to believe, but in fact the majority of kaizo players don't use savestates. We're just good at what we do.

>> No.4455746

i refer you to this post, my good friend >>4452357

>> No.4455749

That doesn't mean they're not designed to be played with save states. Hell, you can throw yourself at a brick wall until it crumbles, but it doesn't make it a good door.

>> No.4455759
File: 1 KB, 64x64, SupaEerieStriped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most kaizo hacks are designed to be played without savestates. Stop projecting your shit abilities onto everyone else. In fact, many kaizo players use flash carts to play on console because of the lag caused by emulators.

>> No.4455760

>many kaizo players use flash carts to play on console
No, they most certainly don't.
Maybe you do, and that's fine, but like 3 people do that, tops.

>> No.4455769
File: 17 KB, 512x448, RetroArch-1212-003150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>4451973
I prefer kaizo light, only because I'm not that great at kaizo (yet). Your hack sounds fun, add me on discord and I can hook you up with a custom title screen: Uzєяяσ#4516 Pic related is one I made for a streamer friend of mine.

>> No.4455776
File: 10 KB, 360x176, SMW Map Paw Print.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can refer you to many more than that myself. It's still a rather new thing, but MANY kaizo players are making the switch to on-console play if they can afford it.

>> No.4455852

Don't respond to the shitter.

>> No.4456337

is speedrunning a new thing too?

>> No.4457047 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 371x372, 1503818948526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god we even have Discordfags now
I suggest this general avoid ever making a Discord, else you fall down the same degenerate path as what used to be /vp/'s /rhg/.

>> No.4457534

>most technically impressive Zelda 1 romhack that shows a lot of promise

>fucking RUINED by the shit darkness mechanic in dungeons

How do you do so good but make one decision that fucks up so bad?

You ever find a hack you really wanted to like but there's just one little thing that completely ruins the experience?

>> No.4457537
File: 5 KB, 256x224, legend of link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot my pic.

But while i'm at it, fuck the horrible hitboxes in Toad's World too.

>> No.4457585

Its kinda like Parallel Worlds, beyond just a superficial skin hack, but to badly design with Kaizo mentality in mind and things that clearly show that it was intented only for save states.

>> No.4457859

I did get a Super Famicom while I was in Japan, but I turned it on not realising I needed a transformer, and blew the fuse. I've yet to replace the fuse.

>> No.4457874

the one i ordered came with a plug that just works, desu i never buy shit if it doesn't come with all the hookups

>> No.4458089

Stage 5 of Super NEET World is complete!

>> No.4458341

why are you playing it with tool assists?

>> No.4458343

i don't have the patience to play it for hours
also stage 4 is done https://youtu.be/cUweVkSkOxg

>> No.4459081

The fact that you have to use TAS on your own hack to beat it, and that you would have to spend hours on one stage otherwise, should be a sign to you that kaizo is not a very good genre.

>> No.4459085

yes, i am aware that not everyone likes kaizo

>> No.4459179

I mean not really, but it has had a recent spike in popularity over the last few years.

>> No.4459191

Or its just a sign that one specific kaizo hack is bad. A lot of kaizo hack makers actually beat thier stuff legit, and the length of time it takes to clear a single stage is irrelevant.

>> No.4459829

got stage 6 out of the way now

>> No.4459992

Are there really any active communities of people disassembling games that aren't Sonic or Pokémon?

>> No.4460056 [DELETED] 


>> No.4461775
File: 215 KB, 855x540, intro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4461817

i don't know of communities but one with moderate skill could create partial disassembly of nes game (which would be valuable for romhacking) in a week or 2 of no-lifeing

>> No.4461881

what's this

>> No.4462993
File: 208 KB, 634x442, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UV mapping seems kind of hard, I think I'll look up a guide.

>> No.4464290
File: 51 KB, 860x630, Nightcrawler RHDN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no 2$ to contribute to rhdn paywall

>> No.4464305

What paywall?

>> No.4464324 [DELETED] 

Old, but still funny.


>> No.4464332 [DELETED] 


>> No.4464348 [DELETED] 

Stage 7 of Super NEET World finished! https://youtu.be/CYYAlFklZFw

>> No.4464396

Explains a lot.

>> No.4464408

>linking to known cancer websites

>> No.4465428

um why did >>4464348 get deleted

>> No.4465561 [DELETED] 

Probably either wrongthink or asshollery.

>> No.4465598 [DELETED] 

all it was was a link to a video of stage 7 of my hack
this is it if you want to see it

>> No.4465602 [DELETED] 

all it was was a link to a video of stage 7 of my hack
this is it if you want to see it

>> No.4465625

So you can't jump in that level? That's neat.

>> No.4465664

I'm still covinced that he's scamming people. There hasn't been one new thing implimented yet, and he's been hovering at almost 500 for about the entirety of that Patreon's run. Keep in mind that we know nothing of eact money numbers.and no one seems to be able to actually talk about new developments at all.

>> No.4465668


>> No.4465679

I see what you mean, I've seen less fishy looking kickstarters run away with the money.

At least a mention of that apparent new server in the news would've gotten someone hype enough. Let the general public know their 2buks isn't wasted.

>> No.4465786

Oh fuck off back to your home website.

>> No.4465910
File: 12 KB, 256x224, super neet world.2017-12-17 18.34.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've finished Stage 7 of my ROM HACK, where I've added a slight twist.

>> No.4466570

what's the twist ?

>> No.4466573

no jumping

>> No.4466607

nice, i like it.

>> No.4466813

What's the hardest SMW hack that doesn't go into kaizo territory

>> No.4466878

JUMP I guess

>> No.4468656

I'm playing with the SNES9xGX emulator on my Wii. Every SMW hack with custom music (Essence Star, Mario Gives Up, etc.) all get sound fuckups at some point. Once you hit a specific area, the sound is just ruined in them. Any way to fix?

>> No.4468775

Nope, they were made for zsnes. I've seen people post fixed versions of old hacks somewhere so check the smwcentral forums to start

>> No.4468978

Unfortunately, the tool to insert custom music into Super Mario World was bugged in the early days, since it was only tested on ZSNES, which we now know is horribly inaccurate. The bug was eventually corrected, but there are many hacks that were built using the old version that were never updated, and so will only work properly on ZSNES.

>> No.4469015

IIRC for some reason this issue also went to Chrono Trigger sometimes. I don't know if they based their methods on SMW or what.

>> No.4469189

Anything's possible. Sometimes with a few tweaks a tool intended for one thing can be used on something else.

>> No.4469247

I'm still shaking my head over the Parallel Worlds redesign hack.
>Shit, this stuff is way too hard for 95% of players
>how can I make it easier and yet keep it fun?
>fuck it, just pull stuff out wholesale. If they can't handle the difficulty, they deserve these big empty rooms.

Some can be fixed, others are "locked" and the SMW romhacking community refuses to unlock locked hacks even though they know how.

>> No.4469280

I heard terrible things about Parallel Worlds, so I didn't play it until I was bored long after Remodel came out, so I played that version. Shit is fucked up.
From what I understand, lots of treasure was re-arranged, so I found myself confused on what I should be doing because I apparently had shit that I wasn't supposed to have or vice versa. Some items were just plain gone IIRC.
Plus there's lots of text that makes references to the way things were routed in the original hack that don't apply in Remodel, resulting in more confusion...
And then there are rooms that just no longer serve a purpose. It's a goddamn clusterfuck.

>> No.4469284

I would try to fix the custom music in Kaizo 3, since I've recreated the song in it 100% (since I couldn't find any .txt online), but unfortunately the Addmusic remover that comes with AddmusicK doesn't work on it. So people who play it on console (speedrunners included) just have it changed the level music to the original Bowser theme.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/4cbjqwlqijxlxz9/bowsermidi3.zip?dl=0 This is the .txt and the .spc I made, feel free to try to get it working on Kaizo 3.
I've tried some unlocking tools on some hacks, it just fucks them up.

>> No.4469291


It really blows because there just aren't any good ALTTP hacks at all. The best one is Parallel worlds, and that's not a very high bar.

You'd think with the staggering number of Mario and Metroid, the third part of the holy SNES trinity would be getting romhacks by the dozen too, but all I see is proof of concept and nothing to show for it.

>> No.4469296

is there a link to the past disassembly ?

>> No.4469317
File: 63 KB, 250x250, ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there's Conker's High Rule Tail, made by the people behind Parallel Worlds.
It's.. an adventure, to be sure.

>mfw still waiting for Quest for Calatia

>> No.4469323

>Quest for Calatia

Wasn't it cancelled?

>> No.4469342 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 680x680, into the trash it goes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my (nambona890)
>defending kaizo hacks
into the trash it goes

>> No.4469348 [DELETED] 


>> No.4469365

Not officially. GameMaker just kinda stopped posting updates.

>> No.4469370

thank god my godawful gamemaker games on yoyogames from 2009 are gone forever

>> No.4469383

With enough denial it will never be cancelled.

>> No.4469385

GameMaker2k4 was the author. Not gamemaker the program.
>went to check the website to refresh my memory and make sure I got the name right
>it's down
I guess that's the end!

>> No.4471029
File: 11 KB, 256x224, super neet world.2017-12-20 01.51.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished stage 8 of Super NEET World, All-Star!

>> No.4471042

Remodel is pretty shit. Someone should salvage that.

IIRC they mostly just use whole engines as opposed to hacking.

>> No.4471523

My SNES mods seem fucked up.

I've got snes9x, Lunar IPS, a completely fresh and unmodded Final Fantasy III ROM, and two mods I've tried on it - Final Fantasy VI Relocalization Project, and Ted Woolsey Unsencored Edition. Both patch fine, but neither one works: the latter just won't go past a black screen at the start, the former goes until the first fight and then glitches up like crazy.

Unmodded game works fine.

What the hell is wrong here?

>> No.4471527
File: 302 KB, 1033x949, the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking into it, I can just rename the mod to the same as the ROM file, and snes9x should run it automatically. If I try this, all I get is picture related.

>> No.4471537

Right. New question.

Where the fuck do I get a Final Fantasy III 1.0? Because for some god-forsaken reason both of these mods require 1.0 specifically, and all I find anywhere is (obviously) 1.1.

>> No.4471546

Google. Also look at your headers next time.

1.0 is what just about every hack is based on really, because assassin17 did the sketch fix 1.1. tried to do better.

>> No.4471636

Playing Star Road again. Whenever I try to enter the cage with MIPS in it the game crashes. I literally just played this game to 130 stars a few weeks ago, and had no problems at all. Same emulator, same settings.
Emulator is PJ64
I have the memory set to 8MB, so that's not the problem (that shouldn't need to be said I guess, since the game wouldn't even run if it wasn't)

>> No.4471661

just wait for Star World, ya goof. it'll be out Soon™

>> No.4471667

He says Jan 2018, and it looks pretty complete so maybe it's actually coming out

>> No.4471745
File: 198 KB, 500x445, 1486696572042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of the like 30 Mario 64 hacks in the pastebin, would you guys recommend any in particular for a guy that doesn't really care for the level structure in the original game?

>> No.4471797


Creator of the Brigandine: Grand Edition gives a lot of information about the accusations it was given about being censored and shit. tl;dr for the most part it was just one angry guy but there was a little bit changed in the names.

It should clear things up before anyone goes comparing this to stuff like "I bet she fucks like a tiger" or the recent discovery of Super Shell Monsters Story.

>> No.4471819

*Brigandine: Grand Edition translation


>> No.4471848

Star Road has a lot more platforming

>> No.4471858

Star Road is shit, though.

>> No.4471861

It's better than the original

>> No.4471870

Ahahahahaha no

>> No.4471874

What are your criticisms

>> No.4471891

The fact that when I played it there were some stars that literally could not be gotten because the game would wig out.
Such as the penguin deciding to suicide off the slope and into the void.

>> No.4471895

oh yeah that happened once to me. it's not that hard of a star though so it's not too big of a deal. did it happen every time or something?
remember it's a rom hack so there's bound to be some glitches

>> No.4471902

I get the feeling that the situation has done something of a number on him.

Dude spent quite a long time on it only to be met with horseshit, it's a wonder why he didn't just tell everyone to fuck off in response.

>> No.4471903

Literally every single time I tried.

>> No.4471906

oh well that sucks
how did you feel about the rest of the game?

>> No.4471910

Not terribly great.
I mean, I'll give the author kudos for making a full hack, but there are tons of little problems. Often times it was difficult just getting out of the water in most maps because the shoreline was set steep enough to cause Mario to slide as soon as he touched it.

>> No.4472119

You don't need to post every fucking stage.

>> No.4472239

Sorry for informing those who are interested.

>> No.4472256

>someone's actually posting about the hack they're making?
>well can't have that now can we?

>> No.4472260


>> No.4472293
File: 4 KB, 344x108, firefox_2017-12-20_16-37-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4472294 [DELETED] 

Nice photoshop

>> No.4472304


Do NOT respond to nambona AT ALL. He's been ostracized from every Doom related forum for a reason. Report and hide his shit.

>> No.4472308

Well sorry for posting something that isn't a troll mod.

>> No.4472436

Person who asked the question here, what would you recommend?

>> No.4472441

>"known cancer websites"
>checks archive of this shitty thread
>TCRF's admin blog
welp, can't take you seriously, either

>> No.4472442

I was referring to the latter two links in that post, anime for brains.

>> No.4472451 [DELETED] 

Lol, even the Plebbit thread where LuigiBlood, someone who actually matters, calls your precious site shit, you still think you're better than everyone. Even byuu was banned from your shit site, so keep talking.

>> No.4472647 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 600x487, max buttpain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bhdn'er remains clueless as ever

>> No.4472676 [DELETED] 

>rhdn'er remains clueless as ever to the direction of his own site

>> No.4472784

Mario 64 DS is shit compared to the original. Star World is going to have a lot of new levels and the old levels will be remade or improved a lot. But that's not enough when compared to the controls of Mario 64.

If anything he should wait for Superstar World (A Hat in Time hack/DLC)

>> No.4472837

You can get in contact with hack authors.

I once got in contact with the author of one of my favourite demos and he even managed to dig up a more recent build of the hack so I could fix it for BSNES. I was almost kind of tempted to finish it up for him at the time.

>> No.4473445

he's modifying the controls to be more like sm64's, there's even an analog hack

>> No.4473473

I am aware. It's a huge improvement, but still not even on-par with the original.

>> No.4473473,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Post block for telling a shitter off

Good one, shitmod.

>> No.4473528

I assume the controls will be updated further, controls test is only v0.7
But yeah at this point it's not even close

>> No.4473913

The peak of 2017 Skelux videos.

>> No.4473919

Text to speech isn't too bad, and I like that he made it humourous I guess. What baffles me is the kind of videos he's been making. It just feels weird.

>> No.4474625
File: 139 KB, 709x519, vb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figured out the >>4469247
>Some can be fixed, others are "locked" and the SMW romhacking community refuses to unlock locked hacks even though they know how.
use RLM by Parasyte

Also figured out the Virtual Boy Wario Land compression. Data on the left, output on the right.

>> No.4474860

>RLM by Parasyte
why is a tool like this necessary?

do the smw "hackers" really think their "work" needs to be "encrypted" from hacking?
I sense some "irony" from trying to protect "their" work (while using nintendo's game)

all my work is released with source code because i actually care about games and fun

>> No.4475404

Honestly I don't give a fuck about locking my hacks, it's just trying to hide any secrets you might have put in, or trying to prevent others from STEALING YOUR PRECIOUS ASSETS!
The most I'd do would be to change the ROM header name, but that's it.

>> No.4475512

>why is a tool like this necessary?
Because fusoya is an absolute turdjuggler. Fuck him

>> No.4475778

wait im this guy>>4471745
Should i also just wait for “Star World”?

>> No.4476285

What fixes do you suggest?
GBA ports of SNES games invariably have lower vertical resolution. The one instance this is not true (SMB3 SNES from All Stars, to SMA4 GBA) is because there was a huge status bar in the bottom and the reduction was beneficial.

>> No.4476292

Not true. There's actually still enough of a reduction that some levels had to be altered to raise the floor or lower the roof.

>> No.4476587
File: 121 KB, 1408x792, aladdincover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't there an effort to recreate Aladdin on Genesis in its original form?
The design document and most of the assets as well as the tools are available and it looks more like they were limited by cartridge space if anything so that shouldn't be a problem nowdays.


>> No.4476737

Have you ever tried modifying ALttP? The only tool out there is Hyrule Magic, and it's a pain in the ass to work with and has pretty much zero documentation or tutorials available.

Because after modifying some dev's work, these attention whores feel like it's OC DONUT STEEL stuff. Sure, they modified someone else's stuff, but NO ONE should be allowed to modify their stuff!
One argument I saw on SMWCentral was that "if I don't lock my hacks, everyone will be able to see how I did these things, then my hack won't be special anymore." Because slapping shit together with a powerful tool like Lunar Magic, no one could possibly figure that out, right?

Honestly, people that desperate for a pat on the back should really fuck off back to the art community.

>> No.4476759

>implying that fast autoscrollers and displaying level message 2 instead of 1 is difficult
>implying that custom map16 should be kept to yourself
>implying that people shouldn't be allowed to learn how you did something cool, so that they can add more cool things into their hack

Besides, the main problem I have with SMWCentral isn't the users, it's the admins' retardedness. Banning a user just because he's not very good at English, just because he likes to have a bit of fun, just because they might have done one wrong thing like bumping up a 9 year old thread on one occasion, making ban appeals virtually impossible, and much more that I can't be fucked to described.

>> No.4476816

This kid of attitude was with Pokemon for a while. It didn't last that long because the only thing those idiots could do was modify the header to "block" you from using tools. This also screwed things up for other people, and it was easy to fix on top of that.

This was also why Chrono Trigger's current script fixing patch was an addendum until it broke in half. Now it's standalone.

>> No.4476847


>> No.4477034
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, somari 64 dash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is fun as fuck
wish it was a full game and not just a demo

>> No.4477071

I have the same face waiting for X-Fusion

>> No.4477105

Why isn't Mega Man 3 Improvement on the recommended list? It's fuckin great.

>> No.4478462

No. If you'll want to play Star World it will have enough new content to justify replaying through the parts you're already familiar with.

>> No.4478597

The great thing about GHB's screen scrolling pipes is that you have to have a PHD in ASM in order to get them to work.
I've followed literally all the steps to the book and Mario just dies at the right side of the screen when he enters.

>> No.4479151

Honestly the list of stuff he wants to do with the money sounds terrible. Putting aside the notion some have of "if he makes to much money RHDN will get a copyright claim," it seems like NC wants to run HG101 instead as the majority of these ideas have come from there.

This is not a good roadmap, as we'll just become a worse version of that site with maybe a sometimes unique perspective. It would only be what few want, not to mention the money wasting expansion ideas like trying to be ModDB with PC mods.