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4468482 No.4468482 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the peak of the beat 'em up genre?

>> No.4468483

That's not battletoads

>> No.4468492

Nah I would say games like Guardian Heroes and the D'n'D arcade games were.

>> No.4468498

fuck me the fucking pleb cunts on this board, you are an absolute fucking shambles. You will not find a single decent player who agrees with your abysmal know nothing perspective.

>Is this the peak of the beat 'em up genre?
It's definitely high up there along with AvP, final fight,the punisher, shen jian, knights of the round etc. I want to say violent storm to but it has some quirks mainly in boss fights that verge on problematic.

>> No.4468513

What's the best character in Cadillacs and Dinosaurs for attempting a first 1cc of the game?

>> No.4468514

muh stapha

>> No.4468515

The RPG elements and inventory management bog down the DnD games for me. I haven't played Guardian Heroes but it looks like similar shit.
I love that game too. Dutch is probably the best tank character from any beat 'em up.

>> No.4468517

It's OK; the 3-player co-op definitely helps to be a strong candidate

>> No.4468518

It's a great game, but I prefer Captain Commando. I think C&D its too long and repeats a lot of bosses and backgrounds in the final stages. Also, it doesn't have robots!

>> No.4468519

don't be a cuck, arcades should be played by spending as many credits as possible, that's what the developers intended

>> No.4468520

>running dropkicking everything
>sick flash kick
>being a bad mamba jamma

>> No.4468523

Top 5 beat'em ups in no particular order

Final Fight
Cadillacs & Dinosaurs
Warriors of Fate
Tower of Doom

Not even close.

>Guardian Heroes
Not quite.
>D&D arcade games
Tower of Doom, yes. Practically perfect. Shadow over Mystara, nope. SOM has way too many game mechanic issues, lacks polish, and it's a bit TOO easy.

>> No.4468527

So can any of you faggots actually prove your 1cc or are you all tough guys on the internet?

>> No.4468528

I don't have to prove anything to you fuckface.

>> No.4468529
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>> No.4468535

The only beat em up I enjoyed in my life was Kunio Kun

>> No.4468536

i like cpt commando a lot aswell, if it wasn;t for that highly annoying doppleganger boss i'd rank it higher.

>What's the best character in Cadillacs and Dinosaurs for attempting a first 1cc of the game?
mustapha has the dropkick but mess is actually a more rounded character and there's also the glitch thing where he does even more ridiculous damage but you'll have to ask a more qualified player how it works.

i've proved mine multiple times thank you, my interest is encouraging others not dick waving.

>Dutch is probably the best tank character from any beat 'em up.
i plan on learning the dutch 1cc at somepoint, the predators are defo the best for first 1ccs though.

your bait is tired lad, go to bed.

>> No.4468539

interesting list, can you explain your warriors of fate choice?

>> No.4468546

>falling this hard for the 1cc meme

>> No.4468548

Good choice but I have two flaws with the game.

1. The lack of enemy variety
2. Useless mechs you can jump in since it takes only 1 hit to get knocked out.

>in b4 git gud, faggots.

>> No.4468553

Neither are really flaws, there's as many enemy types as any other bmup and the mechs you shouldn't bother with anyway. If you wanted to bring up actual flaws the babies hitbox, the double shtstrms and the rng pre doppelganger boss health drops which are basically ssential to not dying there are more worthy criticisms. You could also mention the surfing level since you can hang out in the bottom right and never get hit.

>> No.4468554

Aw come on, it's fucking obvious the developers intended for you to waste as many quarters as possible and last as little time as possible on a single credit so the next player in line would step up. They even reward you with powerups so you don't feel too bad about continuing.
Your argument about 1ccs being the intended way to play only holds true for Gradius and classic shit like Pacman.

>> No.4468558

Good pointa desu, the baby commando really is a worthless character overall. Always felt the surfer level as a bonus stage to get points and smash billboards so I never thought much of it.

>> No.4468563

We're talking about Capcom belt scrollers here. They tend to be a lot more fair than what other companies put out, sometimes having an actual incentive to 1cc.
Like Armored Warriors won't even give you a proper ending if you continue.

>> No.4468568

Wrong, they just made good appealing games for you to pay to play, the fact most people are dumb as fuck and couldn't figure out how to play just benefited them more. The majority of scoreboards add the 1 at the end to show you're a pleb credit feeder and undercover cops even gives a special acknowledgement to a 1cc, final fight gives a special ending etcetc. You can learn to 1cc a lot of bmups far quicker than a lot of shmups to with some exceptions, learn to play them and you'll see how balanced and well designed a lot of them really are.

Actually he's the strongest character in the game and the final boss loop is easiest with him (grab on startup, pile drive, grab on startup repeat) but his charge and punch can have some odd hitbox issues. Macks probs the most well rounded.

>> No.4468570

>Like Armored Warriors
This, a great example of a legit super hard game that's well designed.

>> No.4468573

Ninja Baseball Bat Man is one of the quirkest beat em ups I've ever played. Fun with friends or solo.

>> No.4468591
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well, the bewbs ranking ranks cads'n dinos pretty high on the list, but not the highest

>> No.4468647


>> No.4468651

Are throws in X-Men really random? If so, that really sours the game for me.
What are you talking about?

>> No.4468652

That's not Streets of Rage 2

>> No.4468797

>No Streets Of Rage
Into the bin it goes.

>> No.4468817

Try playing Final Fight and see how wrong you are.

>Muh quarter machines
Play the Sega CD version then

>> No.4468909

Either trolls or plebs, either way you have no idea and are only able to think from the casuals perspective. Sor2 is overated overlong clunky mess that dishes out lives like candy to detract learning any kind of skill, nice music but the rest is shite.

>> No.4468951

A somewhat easier and dumbed down belt scroller for console but that still plays decently is shite now? C'mon, again with this? You accuse them of being trolls (they probably are) but you're not much better. You can do SO much worse than the Bare Knuckle games...

>> No.4468960

The game is actually any good? I never played it but I loved the cartoon

>> No.4469154

>replying to bait

>> No.4469609

>Dutch is probably the best tank character from any beat 'em up.

That's completely wrong if you're talking about actual ability and power. Dutch is by far the weakest character in the game, and he is absolutely nowhere near as powerful as many other grapplers ("tanks" is a misnomer considering that in most beat'em ups all characters take the same damage) in other beat'em ups. Not even close.

Here's a list of some true grappling powerhouses

Haggar: The original powerhouse. Only complete newbs to Final Fight think he's the worst character because "he has no infinite". Any 1cc gamer knows that Haggar is a god of destruction. He was the first powerhouse in beat'em ups and he's still one of the most devastating characters to date.

Max: Streets of Rage 2. No explanation is really necessary. Everyone knows that Max is a fucking juggernaut.

Ninja: (from SNES The Ninja Warriors Again) Lesser known game, but Ninja is a hugely powerful grappling character.

Tulks (from Guardians): Shitload of badass moves. Just a great character all around. Stupid character design though.

Some honorable mentions (and still waaaay better than Dutch)

Matt (from Undercover Cops): Super solid grappler who also has a badass shoulder tackle.

Yellow (from Ninja Baseball Bat Man): arguably 3rd or 4th strongest out of a cast of 4, but he's still devastating and can easily combo into his secret throw.

Green (from Battle Circuit): Great fucking grappler. Would easily be god tier in any other beat'em up but is overshadowed by Yellow and Pink who are some of the most broken characters ever made

>> No.4469624

Also Haggar from Mighty Final Fight is a fucking god-like beast.

>> No.4469626

No it's shit.

>> No.4469638


This is why you don't add supermoves to your beat'em up you pathetic cucks.

>> No.4469658

And by shit, I am referring to Streets of Rage 3.

>> No.4469661
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>> No.4469669

Also Boris from Violent Storm. Dude is a fucking beast.

>> No.4469671

That sucked too but not as bad as Cadillacs.

>> No.4469678

Your mom sucks harder than Cadillacs.

>> No.4469680

>playing as Mustapha instead of Hanna
That's when you know you're a 1cc cuck (and probably gay).

>> No.4469685
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While I'm not denying that fact, Cadillacs is still objectively terrible skinner box conditioning shit.

>> No.4469695

What game do you suggest I play, faggot?

>> No.4469734

I suggest you play Mars Matrix and then kill yourself.

>> No.4469741

I suggest you take your own suggestion, faggot.

>> No.4469749

Still a better advice than 1cc'ing Shitllacs and Shitsaurs.

>> No.4469758

>implying I even play that game

>> No.4469768

>implying you play games
Where's your 1cc video uploaded on twitch, twin galaxies, reset syndrome or youtube? Any proof you even have a 1cc at all?

>> No.4469771

>restart syndrome
Fixed. I'm a moron.

>> No.4469779
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>> No.4469802

not a beatemup

>> No.4469807

Unlike you, I play games for fun. I actually have things outside of video games that I can rely on to boost my ego.

Congrats. You have a high score! Now everyone you reveal that to will look at you as a fucking social reject with too much free time.

Good job, pham. You're GOOD AT VIDEO GAMES!!! WOOOOOW!

>> No.4469817

>I play games for fun.
>constantly brags about his 1cc and shits on console gamers

>> No.4469824

You're mixing me up with someone else. I never shit on console gamers

>> No.4469827

nor do i brag about "1cc"

>> No.4469846

Whatever you're all cancer, I'm sick of listening to your retarded crap and I'm glad Arcades have died and people would rather talk about kiddy Nintendo shit than your tryhard bullshit.

>> No.4469853

Fucking retard, looks like you got triggered so fucking hard by some 1cc shitter that you're in state of perpetual traumatic shock and lash out at anyone who so much as mentions an arcade game. Go kill yourself, you thin-skinned pathetic faggot.

>> No.4469875

Underrated classic right here

>> No.4469876

You seem pretty upset yourself, must mean my trolling is working. I'll continue shitting on you fags because I find it hilarious.

>> No.4470686
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The retro peak of the beat em up genre is probably final fight 2.

The true peak is not retro. That game is god hand

>> No.4470694
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>The retro peak of the beat em up genre is probably final fight 2.

>> No.4470698

It's another yanky "hurrr what other ppl think" post, nice assumptions to lmfao loser.

>> No.4470702

Well yeah, Batman Returns was pretty good too, fine.

>> No.4470705
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I stand by my words.

>> No.4470719

Oh look, a final fight elitist. That game was built for single player. There is absolutely zero co-op mechanic done in the entire series. Enemies don't drop any loot, and it took them until FF3 to introduce specials that don't cost health. Weapons are just range extend powerups and there were no unique moves associated with them. No gunplay whatsoever. Mobs don't drop any loot. Destructible environment didn't come until the last game, as a matter of fact, there is only one thing you can destroy, a drum can. It was serviceable for 1989 but there are games that surpassed them.

But you can throw people in different direction! FF fans are just as much as a joke as the series. You have to be a capcom defense force or a blind to claim FF is better than SOR.

>> No.4470729

It's a fun game but too derivative of Final Fight, probably has the easiest crowd control out of the FF-style games along Punisher. Slisaurs are no joke however.

>> No.4470730

>too derivative of Final Fight,
ain't them all

>> No.4470731

No, Knights of the Round, D&D and Powered Gear are pretty different.

>> No.4470734

How's Knights of the Round different besides the horse and level ups?

>> No.4470736

Try playing it and find out.

>> No.4470740

Can you defend in the arcade version? I only played the SNES port.

>> No.4470742

I don't really see how swinging a sword is much different from punching in these games IMO and I do know about the food splitting mechanic

>> No.4470747

Ok fine I just checked, you defend by pushing the opposite direction you're facing. I think in the SNES there's an option to assign that to a button if I'm not mistaken,

>> No.4470752

It isn't. It's a carbon copy of Final Fight except with a fantasy coat of paint.

>> No.4470757

SNES port is bad, just play the arcade.
Because you haven't played any of them to a decent level. The block mechanic makes it completely different to the FF style games having a more defensive and slower playstyle, also it has no grabs which is a key crowd control mechanic in the FF style games, lastly it focuses on slow but precise attacks (heavy) instead of just spamming punch button on a convenient position like FF-style games.
Playing Punisher or Cadillacs is almost interchangeable, while moving on to something like KotR feels like an actual different game.

>> No.4470760

>The block mechanic makes it completely different to the FF style games having a more defensive and slower playstyle, also it has no grabs
Ok, fair enough.

>> No.4470771
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My games are ranked by sexapeal

>> No.4470778

>I don't really see how swinging a sword is much different from punching in these games IMO
The highest echelon of ignorance i've ever witnessed, this is why kusoplayers deserve no right to an opinion.

>> No.4470781

It's the exact same shit hitbox wise and no amount of memeing will change that, millennial scrub. Get your first 1cc and then kill yourself.

>> No.4470783

Genuinely my favourite beat-em-up of all time TBQH.

>> No.4470786

Actually C&D had robot dinosaurs

>> No.4470789

>Mars Matrix
If this game was as popular as Ikaruga then nobody on vr would pretend to care about this mediocre as fuck shmup

>> No.4470796

>mediocre as fuck shmup
Fuck up plebian, how the fuck is a game that took a mechanic refined it to perfection and is completely original mediocre? let me guess MUHHH AESTHETICS, you're a joke son ikaruga is fucking wank.

>> No.4470801

It's by Takumi the same company that made Giga Wing and it's pretty much exactly like Giga Wing. The main difference is you don't need to fully charge your reflector all the way, you can release a shield with only a few frames of holding the button. It's a single button game, there are no bombs although you still get an all screen clearing attack if you hold the button all the way. Also I like how you have a close range shotgun attack if you pace out your shots, few shooters have point blank mechanics like this.

>> No.4470807

There's a sword clashing mechanic ala Samurai Shodown.

>> No.4470816
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uh, wrong image

>> No.4470823

fuck me that's your criteria? i've 1cced knights of the round with every char you docile cock, it's fucking nothing whatsoever like final fight.

great taste but with enthusiasm like that you better have 1ccs under your belt.

>> No.4470826

IMO the biggest difference gameplay wise is that you can clash your sword with the enemies. Other than that and a bit more range of course hitboxes are mechanically identical.

>> No.4470863

Actually it was a reference to this thing

>> No.4470872

I like Guardian Heroes too, but I realize it's a console game and not a pure beat'em up too.
So yeah, probably this is one of the best if not the best.
I also liked alot that one with giant mechs by capcom.
For some reason I never remember its name, but I remember its following being cyberbots.

>> No.4470908

KEK this guy is STILL triggered LMAO

>> No.4470916

>hitboxes are mechanically identical.
and? the games require completely different strats and play styles.

armored warriors.

>buzzword soup

>> No.4470950

Not really into beat em ups, I just play them with friends here and there and even then I'm picky. Can't say I've 1cc'd any but I have cleared some like Turtles in Time for SNES and Streets of Rage 2 despite them having limited lives/continues so I wouldn't say I'm complete trash either.

I mainly just play RPGs DESU.

>> No.4470984

I did, it's a fun game, but it doesn't have as much soul that streets of Rage has.

You sound bitter.

>> No.4471001

DnD and Rot3K is the only right answers.

>> No.4471013
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Too bad no Cao Cao route.

Forgot AvP too.

>> No.4471024

>no cao cao route

the hell are you talking about? You just choose whether you want to kill him or not in the last 30 seconds of the game. what fucking route are you talking about? also that guy plays like supreme ass. also, if by "cao cao route" you mean choosing to kill cao cao in the ending, like fuck i'm going to watch till the end of that shitty ass gameplay, negro.

>> No.4471374

>overated overlong clunky mess
git gud lol

>that dishes out lives like candy
That's why you play for the 1LC, you fucking clown.

>> No.4473078

Final Fight arcade probably is. I also prefer The Punisher arcade.

But it IS an amazing game.

>> No.4473239

Most of the shit you mentioned isn't in Streets of Rage 2 or TMNT either. I didn't suggest Final Fight because it's the pinnacle of the genre; I suggested it because Streets of Rage 2 was clearly inspired by it to the point of being a blatant ripoff. FF is the watershed title that started the era and serves as a great starting point whether it's the best or not.

>> No.4473305
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Don't worry, I'm here now!

>> No.4473580



>> No.4473590

Looks like Streets of Rage 3 is still shit.

>> No.4473603

I mean playing as Cao Cao crushing the rebel scum like in dynasty warriors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWW6FB22kBo

>> No.4473770

whats that game ?

>> No.4474871

>Try out Turtles in Time arcade
>Have to rebind the controls each time I want to play as a different turtle
The game's alright other than that.

>> No.4474880

No you don't. Set the joystick and buttons to be the same for all four turtles, and set different coin buttons for each one. Then just insert a coin for what turtle you want to use, and press jump. As long as only one person is playing, there will be no overlap or any problems.