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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4466517 No.4466517 [Reply] [Original]

Any grandpas here? How does PC gaming in the 90s differ from 2017?

>> No.4466520

Multiplayer hosting is much better. Before battlenet (and after it, for that matter), you generally had to use third party web sites such as the ZONE to join lobbies and organize multiplayer.

>> No.4466524
File: 2 KB, 404x162, outlookcrash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your soundcard being incompatible with the game, 10FPS, a 20MB game eating up a huge amount of your harddrive, and pic related.

>> No.4466529
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how you buy games and install games is the biggest difference for me. No more discs. The lack of sexappeal is a pain, but there are some good pron games, that didnt exist back than. Overall games feel more streamlined and cheaper in a way. Less creative and less varied.

>> No.4466532
File: 142 KB, 272x286, bitchslap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, pings got better in multiplayer gaming, but hackers got more too...

>> No.4466535

If you think games are less creative you have a serious case of PLAYING SHITTY GAMES BY SHITTY DEVELOPERS

>> No.4466545
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>This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.
Sounds spooky

>> No.4466559
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Well, yeah, I was thinking about consoles more than pc. PAnzer dragoon, power stone, heavy metal fakk, flashback, heavy metal geomatrix, super metroid, megaman soccer... mega manX, actraiser, ghsot n ghouls and so on...

>> No.4466562

Games still crash, they just don't take down the whole system with them.

>> No.4466574
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The big changes are:

-Internet is better and multiplayer hosting is built into the games.
-No Steam, you had to copy all your friends games manually to get a nice collection.
-NT systems are much more stable than 9X systems. DOS was pretty robust though, the only problem with DOS was that you had to tell it to access extended memory. I didn't know any of that as a kid so I had issues with certain games.
-1x and 2x CD-ROMs are SLOW
-Storage was actually a big deal. Bloated games could take up a huge percentage of your HDD.

This is speaking as a mid 90s gamer though, my family got our first computer in 1995. I can't comment on the 80s/early 90s.

>> No.4466575

having an appropriate video card isnt really an issue anymore, thank god for that

>> No.4466583

>>lack of sex appeal
I honestly haven't noticed this that much, games still have appealing and sexy women in them. What games have you specifically played where this is an issue?

>> No.4466608

A trillion different video cards each with their own compatibility.

Also no guarantee your shiny new components would still work for new games, or if they would become unsupported trash within a year.

>> No.4466609

Biggest difference for me is how sad multiplayer is now.
Better functionally (technically), but there are so many more pleb tier people online now (billions? who fucking knows vs thousands), and spread across so many games, that now the internet and gaming population in general is no different than walmart.
Mid 90's had real community, pioneer innovators, and people we're excited just to experience it.
I made real friends with people who worked in places you've heard of playing quake and quake 2.
Meaningful interactions, rather than everyone being disposable nothings.
We were gamers, and almost like instinct many of us were also pushing how websites and devs had to work and change.
Now? everything is it's own little premade experience, in it's own little consumable packaging. Dull lifeless bullshit meant for dull people.
So there you have it, enjoy.

>> No.4466614

Deleting shit on your HDD to make space for games, and having to reinstall everything back afterwards

>> No.4466615

I'm going to be entirely honest here. I didn't get an after-market 3d accelerator until 2000. I ran all my games in software rendered mode, except for the one pack-in game I got that worked specifically with the included ATI Rage card (It was mechwarrior 2). Games always worked on my machine (tm). System specs and performance aside.

>> No.4466628
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I remember being a kid and trying to figure out how to install a game with 5 B: drive floppies. Dont think I ever did get that game to work.

>> No.4466630

"YOUR SOUND CARD works perfectly"

>> No.4466631

It took like 30min to connect to a game on TFC sometimes
I don't miss that

>> No.4466632

this is true, it was a mini game itself to get a game to install correctly until you got really good at DOS and some experience.

>> No.4466636
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lawbreakers, cod, bioshock and games getting censored like smite and overbotch, and other mobas with buttfucking ugly unsexy chars

>> No.4466640

It's more noticeable lately for sure. I don't really care about pixel tits but i do get irritated with (talent-less) people using games as propaganda.
Completely breaks any immersion regardless of what the politics actually are.

>> No.4466657

That's a game nobody played though
Fair enough, but when exactly did that series ever have sex appeal in it?
Which one? The first two were never censored so far as I'm aware but they also were never intended to have sex appeal in the first place. Do you mean infinite? I guess that qualifies but Elizabeth is still sexy even with smaller tits.
Don't really know much about this one.
This is petty and trivial though, because they replaced the Tracer pose in question with another one that was just as sexy.

>>other mobas with buttfucking ugly unsexy chars
I dunno much about MOBAs so all I'll say here is that ugly character designs can be just as easily the result of incompetence instead of a deliberate agenda.

>> No.4466669

Half the roster in League of Legends are big titted hot chicks. A character that just got reworked is a literal succubus.

The guys just bitching.

>> No.4466670
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Also see horizon zero dawn as a good example.
I don't know how you don't know about this unless you're being intentionally irritating.

>> No.4466680

Can we not derail this shit with autistic waifu shit? I don't care if you think that Lara Croft or Unreal lady are sexier than some Mass Effect shit.

>> No.4466684

I'm not trying to be irritating. I've never played horizon zero yawn as it looked completely unappealing to me and the same is true for the latest mass effect.

>> No.4466687

>Storage was actually a big deal. Bloated games could take up a huge percentage of your HDD.
What is this bullshit? That always depended on the HDD you had.
You want to install Quake 2 (full) and have a 2GB harddrive? Well sure it will take 1/4 of your disk.
Same happens if I want to install GTA V and I have a 256GB SSD.

>> No.4466692

You couldn't pick up a 1TB HDD for dirt cheap back then. You know what he means. A 256GB SSD is not an example of modern cheap storage, it is a small drive to install an operating system to for fast booting.

>> No.4466697

I pretty much agree that the ratio of games installed to HDD size ratio hadn't changed much until lately with additional HDD's being cheaper and easier to get lately.
Maybe it's me but i notice the sheer number of games people seem to have and play has skyrocketed lately.

>> No.4466705

You could also have 10 or 20GB back then and wasn't that expensive, again, depends on what you had, prebuilds combos Pentium 2/3 + 10GB or 20GB were very common, and hardly any game would take over 1GB back then. (Talking late 90s)

256GB SSD is more than enough to have the OS and a couple of heavy games, if I wanted just the OS I could do with 64GB perfectly.

>> No.4466706

You are talking about a completely different thing. Putting more junk on your drive because you have the space to do it is completely different. 1 game taking up 20-40% of a disk drive is not at all the same thing as filling a drive with 50 games from your steam account.

>> No.4466707

It's far cheaper to get into PC gaming than it was back then. Far larger variety of games. No fucking around with DOS/far less fucking around with Windows drivers. Everything available back then is either emulated or has a half decent remake.

Downsides are games designed from the ground up to run on PCs are far less frequent due to the proliferation of cross-platform titles which need to be played with a controller.

>> No.4466708

I think people are talking different things. I didn't have this problem in the late 90s. I had it in the mid 90s, on my first PC. Where CD game full installs would be huge. A notorious example for me is Wake of the Ravager's 40 MB of uncompressed audio.

>> No.4466710

Was very not fun that you couldn't even get music out of some 90's games unless you had the CD in the drive. No MIDI option? You're getting silence.

>> No.4466716

Uncompressed CD audio, man. You wouldn't have wanted to install that. But it did suck. I pirated Quake, so I never played it with the NIN soundtrack, and I was an edgy NIN fan back then and would have loved it.

>> No.4466723

no what are YOU talking about? some steam AAA titles are fucking huge. Space is space.

i said until very recently space was a problem unless you enjoyed reinstalling games often.

>> No.4466739

Who the fuck leaves more than 2 or 3 games installed at the same time anyway? Who has the time to play them all? Is this what Steam kiddies do? If I'm done with something I uninstall it.

>> No.4466753

As a "steamkiddy" I will tell that this is precisely what we do as installing shit takes time that we could be using to play the game instead.

>> No.4466759

You can't be this fucking dumb.

>Is this what Steam kiddies do?
Fuck yourself. I'm over 40, understand such mind blowing concepts like replay value, variety, ease of choice, etc.

>> No.4466767

Not having the right sound card or video card so even though the specs on the card are more than enough to run the game the game won't play on your system.

>> No.4466793

I have 107 games installed right now (plus two dozen console games for emulation), but am only using 280GB of space.

>> No.4466803

Game Devs were unafraid to make games with a storyline or setting that was completely out there. Because the rules of what made a game great or horrible weren't exactly set in stone yet, there were tons of amazing ideas and while they all may not have been implemented in an amazing manner, they all became their own thing.
Take Starsiege: Tribes for example. That was fun game.
It had a few diffferent game modes, but the model design was pretty cool. The weapons, were pretty interesting as well. It was a lot of fun, especially in online play.
Other amazing games from the 90's include Magic Carpet, DaggerFall, Lemmings, Alpha Centauri, Earthsiege, Command & Conquer, MechWarrior, Homeworld, The Island of Dr. Brain, Jedi Knight, Dark Forces, Civilization, Populous, Age of Empires although admittedly 2 was better, hell, even Star Trek games were a lot of fun. There were a lot of cool ideas for games that hadn't been done yet, or they brought something pretty new to the table. Not to mention, the internet wasn't being used by tons of people, so generally those who were out there, at least in my experience, were pretty nice. Talking to people in a game of Quake 3 was fun because sometimes they'd give you tips on how to get better, or they'd tell you to get on IRC if you wanted to talk instead of play. No malice behind it, just wasn't the place to chat. Coolest part in some games was that you might run into people you were playing with on IRC and from there you'd have a new friend, someone you'd actually look out for so you could play together. Hell, a buddy online once helped me get a job, and I ended up being best man at his wedding back in 2005.

>> No.4466823

No one gives a shit about your age steamdrone.
How long can take installing a game unless you are still using internet over copper? An hour for the latest streamlined AAA piece of bloated crap? For fucks sake.
Enjoy your bloated computer.

>> No.4466827

>Storage was actually a big deal
It still is because devs insist on putting in uncompressed audio in several languages

>> No.4466831

Nobody takes you seriously IRL either.
You should just walk away, nobody knows who you are here.

>> No.4466835

Back then, space was at a premium, buddy. It wasn't until roughly 1996 anyone was able to get a 20GB HDD. Not to mention I can recall a time when I had to pay $50 per MB of RAM and the upper limit I could get was 16MB. You really underestimate how fast tech has grown in the last 30 years.

>> No.4466838

It's the same as before but multiplayer is easier than ever. Altough lan parties didn't have any lag issues.
Everything is digital. In the past you'd go to your friend's house for the weekend, sometimes bring your pc with you and network them. Sometimes you just went there with bunch of cdroms and burned cd after cd while your friend was playing Final Fantasy VII on PC.
Before that it was just with 3.5" disks. Same shit. Sometimes one of your friend would have a modem and he had some coold stuff, like demos (not game demos), some jpg/gif porn images or tracker songs.
It was great but essentially the same. I miss those times but it was because I was younger. PC gaming was way more diverse than now with all that AAA shit and fucking gambling loot boxes and dlc forced down your throat.

>> No.4466847

Not him, but not everyone has access to Fiber yet. I don't even have Fiber. I'm getting the upper limit I can get here at 300Mbps. And because space is so cheap these days, you can afford to leave everything installed. 4TB is a drop in the bucket.

>> No.4466849
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Yep, I am probably older than everyone here.

Back then it was a great way to play with friends, as we all shared/copied whatever we got from purchases or downloads from usenet. You'd get to show off and introduce games to your friends and classmates. Sometimes the pirate group would show off their technical abilities not just with a crack to remove copy protection, but also show off some cool music and graphical effects in a small additional file. Now digital distribution with torrents and our broadband connections simplify the whole acquisition process. There's plenty of online reviews and trailers these days to overtake trying random games friends recommends or magazine recommendations.

Going to a friend's place that has a few computers and/or bringing one of your own (with one bitch computer as the sole purpose of server) for an enjoyable LAN party gathering everyone for some local RTS, FPS, and RPG gaming powered us through great weekends. The gatherings were parties in themselves were chill times with movies/music in the background while making plans for food and drinks was a shared experience. Now we can continue to play at our own schedules at anytime with friends or strangers regardless of distance.

It was nice knowing more about computers than the educators in the field, setting up massive networks of locally connected computers. Experiments like playing tabletop RPGs over a T3 line with others were very cool. Hiding a repository of games and viruses across different places from all around the country which no admin can track down was a thrill in itself. Now, it is less of a wild west, but very structured and organized.

Things are better now with a large variety of games to play as there weren't as much when building from scratch, so now you can enjoy the old games and the new ones. Broadband and the advances in computing has enabled us to enjoy gaming in more ways. I think it is as fun then as now, if I had the money.

>> No.4466852

It was better in this sense that every game was a sense of discovery. They had big manuals and very nice boxes. My friend was rpg nut and he was always playing Heroes of Might and Magic 2/3, Daggerfall, Ultimas and all that shit. Then he started to like anime and weeb games, stopped showering and generally became anti-social. I gradually stopped visiting him...

>> No.4466863

1968 here, Anon. What year for you?
Also, I disagree, there were fewer people shitting up the internet then and it was a lot of fun playing with people who actually knew how PCs worked back then. Only place to talk about tech these days is /g/ and some Linux forums. Otherwise, most people believe PC's work on magic.

>> No.4466881

I kind of agree with this, like i said in a post above saying the internet is like walmart.
The internet has been gentrified and it's nearly impossible to find that magic now.
Even here on 4 chan it's not much different than reddit.

>> No.4466891

There was this infograph about the gentrification of internet. In 1997 and even in 2003 you had these hundreds small fragments (geocities, altavista, angelfire, tucows, whatever), lots of small areas on the map which people would visit. Gradually after 2000s the bandwidth distribution becomes bigger and there are few big areas on the map (you know what those are, facebook, twitter, amazon, google). I can't remember where it was but it was some kind of research. Essentially it means internet has become commercialized and it will go even further in 10 years from now. And then they will introduce probably some bullshit censorship laws and very strict control, you will only login with your personal id card just like in China now... Sad.
So while the amount of internet users has been multiplied by millions since 1997 the bandwidth traffic goes into decreasingly few places now.

>> No.4466908
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Yeah, I definitely remember communities being very different at the time. Something Awful was a lot of fun, especially for photoshop phriday.

>> No.4466909

I clarified late 90s on a later post.
That is an insanely fast connection and I doubt it is possible without fiber, I'm not sure you know what "Fiber" means.
People today with actual slow connections have under 10Mbps kid.

>> No.4466923

Really, you mean the fiber connections that are being talked about with the 1 gigabit connection as of today? That thing that everyone is trying to get as soon as they can?
I'm not saying 300Mbps is exactly slow, but it's sub-par for what people are able to get now.
Considering I'm staring 50 in the eyes, it is faster than anything I've had before, but it's not the current tech and Google and AT&T aren't moving everywhere as fast as possible.

>> No.4466924
File: 32 KB, 395x295, Mplay (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we had quake, unreal, tribes, starcraft, diablo... it was fucking magnificent. Plus MMO's that werent shit (ultima online is the goat)

used to use something called mplayer, it was kinda like steam back in the 90's.

>> No.4466925

You're gonna keep shitting up this thread because someone made you assmad by disagreeing with you, aren't you?

>> No.4466929


i know that voice

>> No.4466942

I guess you have VDSL then (my country went from ADSL straight to fiber), still it is extremely fast, I don't know what I would do with 300Mbps, let alone Gbps speeds.

I have a "shitty" 30Mbps connection and I don't really need more, otherwise I would pay more, pain was having 256Kbps shared with 2 people.

>> No.4466946

>being mad on 4chan
>keeps projecting
This thread was shit from the start anyway.

>> No.4466947

>people actually giving serious replies to this underage OP

>> No.4466953 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.4466957

>not playing dial-up multiplayer with a 28k connection.

Its like you don't even want to play these games the way the developer intended.

>> No.4466962

We do have VDSL here, and to be fair, you really wouldn't do much more with 300Mbps. Aside from get your porn loaded pretty fast, but even then, porn is kinda boring when you're married.
Just for honesty's sake, I'd rather go back to when DSL was first implemented. It was amazing being able to get whatever page you wanted and not having to deal with horrible server loads anywhere. (Outside of college, of course. Universities as far as I've seen have never been much for spending budget on servers.)
Do you mind my asking what country you're from, Anon?

>> No.4466964

Also at some point in 1995 or 6 internet connection wasn't still a normal thing. High school had T1 though and I first tried IRC back then. I used to play Steel Panthers 2 with my friend. It had this great thing where you could save your turn on 3.5" disk. I brought the disk to school, then he did his turn in the evening and brought it back etc. It was fun, bit like playing chess via mail. But the game balance was fucked. He chose Russians and I took Israel. Russians had lot of reserves and T-80 tanks but they can't hit shit. Israel had only few but they were too precise.

>> No.4466969

only thing that's been shit from the start is you

>> No.4466978

You actually had to look at the system requirements

>> No.4467009
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I'm actually impressed. I had that sentiment as well, as at one point I felt people were simply just "Windows literate" instead of "computer literate" but that's no longer necessary these days. Granted, I do have fun trying to make my grandkids be the tech support with "get all the Chinese spying bloat off my damn phone" and when they can't I'd give them the ol' "in my day, I made the shit work for my grandparents" speech, and change the damn ROM myself, they get a kick out of it.

You're making me a bit nostalgic for the times now. IRC was another place where I'd get the warez and type about the anime. Great stuff, but I am sure the grandkids would not survive my day. It is nice they get all the stuff I like better and cheaper now if they choose.

>> No.4467024

IRC was okay but i was never that into it. i miss the shit out of ICQ though, it's how me and my quake/2 friends talked mostly.

>> No.4467149

Sound cards were all the rage.
Now it's the graphic card.

>> No.4467164

I really enjoyed the days before commonly used voice chat. Really ruined MMOs for me.

>> No.4467172

this too, forgot about that. being able to raid in a mmo and listen to music was fun as hell.

>> No.4467181
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You have to believe it.

>> No.4467196
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>ogling the Widowmaker
>when there is a perfectly good Kurisu right there

>> No.4467197

Yeah, I could see that. My grandkids don't get to visit often, but when they do it's hilarious to see them boot up my old IBM and wonder why there's no desktop and no games they can get to immediately.
One of them once took a look at my copy of Breach 3 and said "Wow, this art is so old" and I almost fell over.
IRC was a lot of fun back then, though. A lot of good times were had with people who knew when the pool was open.

>> No.4467204

having to use disks for anything.

>> No.4467220

I'd say the same if I saw someone playing that and those were the sort of games I played when I was a kid. Doesn't mean I wouldn't be interested though.

>> No.4467252
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i want to go on vacation and play some of these again.

>> No.4467406

Breach wasn't out when I was a kid, Anon. In fact, almost none of the games we ever talk about here existed when I was a kid.
I was in my 20's when I picked up Breach 3.

>> No.4467797

>thinking green text is only for quoting

>> No.4467812


When I had access to 56k, I spent most of my days downloading as many game demos as I could. Even when the speed was 4kilobytes/sec. It was amazing at the time.

Online gaming with 56k was almost impossible with 3D games however but 1 to 1 connection over the phone connection was a lot better and I remember playing Need for Speed 2 and Duke Nukem 3D co-op mode with friends. Counter-Strike over 56k was still possible but the ping/latency was 300ms on good days and 400-500ms on bad days.

There were many multiplayer services like "heat," "M Player," "MS Zone" where they had chat lobbies for certain games like Rainbow Six and you could group up with strangers to play games with them.

There was a sense of community and it was amazing at the time.

Once cable internet rolled out, it changed everything.

>> No.4467816

haha my god I remember that. They frequently had tournaments as well. Fucking awesome.

>> No.4467878

Top kek kid. Gaming is pretty much the same. Tards are playing point and click, aspies are playing warcraft and spazzes are playing HL/Doom shit. Faggots are still paying $>9000 for a setup that gives then an extra 3 FPS.

>> No.4467895

>porn games didn't exist back then

Not even close to being true. There were fucking TONS if you were on the internet. Most of them were Japanese language and ALL of them were SHIT. Sometimes literally. There was an oddly large number of scat and watersports games.

>> No.4467903

This was the worst thing about gaming back in the 90s. If you wanted to play PC games you have to update your fucking computer ANNUALLY. NOBODY had that kind of money back then.

>> No.4468045

>back than

what the fuck

>> No.4468629
File: 72 KB, 272x286, splittingheadache.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sorry, please forgive oh your great great sir or sirdette! Pleeeeaaaase! I am soooo sorry. I ment then, but I can't edit after I click post. Ohhhh I am sooooo sorry!

>> No.4468942
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>> No.4471284
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No more LAN partys, online multiplayer sucks and modern kids will never experience the fun of sitting with 12 buddys in a garage together playing Half Life: Vampire Slayer until dawn.

On the other hand
>not having to carry around 20kg worth of equipment every weekend
>no buying a new grafics card every 6 months
>no small fucking hdds that are always full and too expensive
>no more porn sharing on lan parties (was kind of fun though)

I feel like the whole 90s era of gaming endet when WoW released and all the nerds startet to spend more time with their guilds than with each other, while the chads got their girlfriends and played other games.

>> No.4471715

What would be the alarm clock brand/model above the CRT? Pretty sure I had the same

>> No.4471728

I remember my Windows 95 needed a huge ram update to play the original The Sims.Like it would take almost half an hour to load, unbelievably bad.

>> No.4471949

Really? I don't remember such thing. But I think I had Pentium 133Mhz (overclocked to 166Mhz) and amount of ram which I don't remember - 16 megs of ram probably? Or 8... However the rig was bought because I wanted to play Quake. It was software mode back then and my friend had a 486/33Mhz and he played it in 320x200 window with huge borders.

>> No.4471952

Forgot to add evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbcFvUOGA44
It runs very badly but if you make the screen smaller you get it to run about acceptable rate.

>> No.4472067

>not having lan parties
Do you no longer have any friends or something?
Ah. You never did. Sucks to be you. Me and a bunch of other chads get together for LAN parties on a regular basis.

>> No.4472221

I don't miss needing two different graphic cards to play Diablo and Quake.

>> No.4472249

That is a very respectable shelf you have pictured there.

>> No.4472524

yeah, abusing what you love is indeed a deed of the demons

>> No.4472718

You had to know DOS or you couldn't play shit.

>> No.4472732

Yeah, nowadays you have to know Windows or you can't play shit. Things sure have changed.

>> No.4472812

We have better tech but the games suck, the political climate sucks, it sucks that there even exists a political climate in fucking games, nothing feels like an adventure anymore, the market is oversaturated and there's no more enthusiasm for anything any more. People are just angry all the time.

>> No.4474670

It used to be fun.

>> No.4474738

The games themselves were amazing. Getting the games to work was often a pain in the ass. Overall it's become much less frustrating.

>> No.4474757

>insert disc
>autoplay install wizard
Wow yeah holy shit so esoteric and inscrutable

>> No.4474760


big name game devs are rather incompetent and uncreative (and it's hard to know whether to blame society or the devs or the company itself)

in short, nothing was a meme in the 90s, now everything is a meme

>> No.4474761

>insert diskette
Sure, drivers are more standardized these days, but it's not like DOS itself is hard to use.

>> No.4474763

Online wise the 90s were:
-Futuristic FPS: Quake, quake2, unreal and others until counter-strike was released. Quake and quake2 were so fun because they had a huge ammount of mods. Team fortress, rocket arena, ctf, jailbreak, weapons factory, action quake, freezetag.
-RTS: war2, aoe, aoe2, starcraft.
-MMORPG: ultima online and everquest.

Most games didn't feature matchmaking, voice chat, friends list or server list. Quake for example you needed to find servers through websites or use a 3rd party software called GameSpy. When I wanted to find someone to play aoe against I would join #aoe in IRC.

As far as offline goes there was a fuckton of point and click adventures. Flight simulators, tycoon/sim management games, platformers, rpgs.

>> No.4474851

>not buying a graphics card at all because all the miners beat you to it

>> No.4476010

I didn't get a PC until 2001, but I had a 20GB drive, and I thought it was humongous because I was installing games like Quake and Tiberian Dawn. Once I got Sun and Quake 3, which took up somewhere between 500MB-1GB, I started to worry, and then D2 with the expansion needed like 2 for a full install. WC3 eventually came out and needed about 1/6 of my drive, same for Morrowind (Which didn't run and taught me about how to upgrade RAM from 128 to 640MB.).

>> No.4478369

What's the game in the gif?

>> No.4479048

Windows used to crash a LOT.

>> No.4479347

>using soundcard
everything I had was just my imagination

>> No.4479359

>illegal command: install

>> No.4479365
File: 1.50 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1132[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this in my storage.

>> No.4479542

What the fuck are you talking about

Back then you could actually host your game yourself
Games came with dedicated server software included
You could also just host a game from within the game client
More decentralized, peer-to-peer nature ensured game's survival past it's years
You could get your friends together and make an epic LAN party
Netcode of Quake was literally a "how to write good netcode" case study

Now games depend on the company's servers to even start their online mode
They're crammed full of social bullshit and pay2win features to cater to whales
When the company shuts it down, it's over
Only hope is for fans to hack the game and risk getting C&D'd by the likes of EA

>> No.4479573

Anyone else miss startup disks and booting directly into your game?

>> No.4481179
File: 2.16 MB, 2304x1728, Canon_wiped_out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a different cover for that. The hintbooks did give a story to go with the gameplay tips.

>> No.4481201

If they didn't inflate filesizes to TWENTY THIRTY FOURTY FIFTY SIXTY gigabytes I wouldn't HAVE to do that shit in the first place you stupid cunt!

>> No.4481230

The games were better then, but the infrastructure, hardware, distribution, etc, is so much better and more convenient now

>> No.4481283

in defense of bioware, the studio that made andromeda was a team of newbies working with a new engine that was only ever made to make battlefield games and not an rpg

also imo bioware has always sucked at face models

>> No.4481285


Titanfall 1 had like 30gigs of uncompressed audio

>> No.4481292

system requirements were more accurate than the wild guesses companies throw out now

>> No.4482325
File: 145 KB, 900x1200, chrischan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are actually people 40 and over here
Shit, at least thats an indicator that I might not get bored of games.

>> No.4482329

Mplayer was the best, AvP servers and whatever was available at that time of night. Or Just sitting in the lobby chatting shit, oh those days are long gone

>> No.4482349

Of course you won't. What are your grandparent's favorite card/board games? If you have any kind of relationship with them you know the answer. Games are a big part of socialization, the only difference is we've moved from the table top to the processor.

>> No.4482361
File: 342 KB, 435x629, the rage ox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I certainly hope they didnt put overwatch in that best pc games list. Hell it aint good as any of the team fortresses period.

>> No.4482385

>This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down

these words made me shudder seeing them again. They still haunt me.

>> No.4482409

looks like a Wehrl Commander. I own own, this is the boss of clock

>> No.4482437

twitch reflexes were replaced by no reflexes.

>> No.4482441
File: 629 KB, 2592x1944, Hipster_talk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't really agree with the lists in PC Gamer magazine, even back then but I feel like I am missing out not playing Overwatch with my friends on Xbox One. I think I am a bit hung up on trying to get that new Xbox One X console, but that is well out of my affordability range.

Overwatch, according to the 2017 magazine, is the 24th best PC game of all time. In the 1994 magazine, the 24th best PC game of all time was Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe. So a massive improvement in quality over the years. Fear not though, the 2017 magazine had Team Fortress 2 as the #20 PC game of all time. I am not much of a FPS player, but I do want to join my friends in playing the game they love. That and Tracer appeals to my penis, the closest TF2 offers is Ms. Pauling which is not bad either.

>> No.4482507

Better than modern day error message

>Whoopsies, looks like we totally messed up and made a boo boo! Would you like to put me to sleep so I can have a rest and make myself better?

>> No.4482831

>TFC master race
I still play from times to times when I’m drunk.
Those kollective and Vindicate where the shit.
Remember when Ruiner took down the KSE stock site? lol shit was better than a soap opera

>> No.4482889
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 13e8747ebea6ff8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they wont make games in depth, too complicated . or creative cause of all the normies now.

>> No.4483296

dont worry mate tracer is a lesbian the sjws at blizzard had to make sure that people knew. overwatch sucks though cause every game is the same at least in the old days games like quake had modifiers and UT had its mutators so every server wasnt the same shit over and over

>> No.4483640
File: 251 KB, 1728x1080, crysis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rate of advancement has slowed to a crawl.
Doom came out in 1993 and was revolutionary. Six years later we had Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 arena.

For comparison, Crysis came out just over ten years ago.

Gaming magazines were actually decent and worth reading as well, it seemed like it was more about the hobby itself rather than random dipshits thinking it's about anything beyond gaming. You know what I mean.

More games also felt like they were made by gamers for gamers, marketing departments and publisher dickheads were a thing but they were far, far less on the scene. Just look at stuff that comes out now. For comparison Doom was made by a bunch of 20 somethings who just liked heavy metal and dungeons and dragons and it showed in the game. So many games now have a corporate overtone, look what happened to Star Wars, compare Jedi Outcast to the scene now.

Also, there is nothing like that feeling of having a game you want and reading the chunky manual on the way home in the car. Don't really get that now.

>> No.4483942
File: 2.75 MB, 3840x2160, FZRy9t0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slowed to a crawl for PC.

All of the technical marvels are on the console side now, plebs.

>> No.4483959

14'er caterwauling.