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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 19 KB, 412x390, Tiger-Woods-opens-the-PGA-Championship-with-a-disappointing-77-93022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
445840 No.445840 [Reply] [Original]

>Decide to play game you loved as a kid
>It's shit

What her name /vr/

>> No.445852

Rampage: World Tour

>> No.445865


>> No.445879

The Legend of Zelda

>> No.445882
File: 97 KB, 640x919, fighting masters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fighting Masters. I mean look at that cover. LOOK AT IT. HOLY SHIT YOU CAN BE A BIRDMAN, A LOBSTERMAN, LORD TUTANMIDGET, OR A GOD DAMN ROBOT. I often picked a venus fly trap. Such an awesome concept but then I replayed it a year ago...

>> No.445893

Stunt Race FX, holy shit.

>> No.445895
File: 274 KB, 479x352, fuckin bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link to the Past.

>> No.445902

chrono trigger

>> No.445903

Super Mario Land

Take it back

>> No.445937

why ? the fighting system is boring i can't even motivate myself to go further then 2mins into the game.

overrated game is overrated .

>> No.445951
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>> No.446000


Oh God, this.

>Get the first Super Mario Land on 3DS EShop
>It's easy as fuck
>Beat the whole thing in about an hour

>Get the second one
>About two or three hours to do fucking everything
>Still easy

But then I played Donkey Kong '94 for the first time and it blew my mind.

>> No.446089

And, DK '94 is amazing.

>> No.446098

pokemon stadium. just a better looking version of gen 1's awful, broken as fuck battle system.

>> No.446106

King of the Monsters on SNES.


>> No.446116
File: 47 KB, 495x343, Final_Fantasy_Mystic_Quest_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucker
It's so god damn bad
nice music though

>> No.446118


Donkey Kong 94 is fucking timeless.

>> No.446125

Micro Machines.

Dear god, how did I ever play this?

>> No.446134

Commander Keen.

>> No.446145

Every. Single. N64. Title.

it was a sad day. I'm slowly but surely finding new homes for all my N64 stuff. I don't appreciate it anymore

>> No.446147



>> No.446151

I know that feel
>stick in Banjo Tooie
>framerate chugs so bad it's unplayable
fuck me

>> No.446161


N64 games REALLY didn't age well. To be fair, most Playstation games didn't either, but at least that console had a lot of 2D games and RPG's that hold up better. All N64 games are just really awkward polygonal games.

>> No.446173

Multiplayer ones like Mario Party 2 aged fairly well, just not most things single player.

>> No.446181

Why didn't you play Harvest Moon?

>> No.446187
File: 120 KB, 768x1080, Fun_-N_Games_-_1993_-_Tradewest,_Inc..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun 'n' Games - sega genesis

entertained me for hours on hours as a kid but this is pretty crappy

>> No.446202

My copy of Harvest Moon has a new home already

>> No.446195
File: 58 KB, 294x295, 1365474786308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not shit. But nostalgia google'd.

Digimon Rumble Arena
Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy Tactics and Front Mission 3. Sorry I loved these games when I first played them, but now can't even play for an hour.

>> No.446204
File: 43 KB, 220x313, Tmnt-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because it was one of the first games I owned and I just didn't know any better. This and Jaws and Snakes' Revenge on NES.

I made some poor life choices when I was younger.

>> No.446212

Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2.

Fuck that game was terrible. Who could love this?

By the way, fuck all that N64 hate in here. Bullshit those games didn't age well. I call sonyfaggotry.

>> No.446261

Next time you sit down and play, take a good look at what you're playing.

It will happen

>> No.446314

Gee, all I see when I play most of the N64 library are games light years better than any of the shit you see on Xbox or PS3.

>> No.446324

Shining Force II.

>> No.446348
File: 142 KB, 640x877, 586106_66268_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to play a game I loved as a kid
>it's better than I remember


>> No.446368 [DELETED] 

Chameleon Twist.

>> No.446381

Chameleon Twist on N64, and Total Recall on NES.

Chameleon Twist is really average, but Total Recall is just garbage. Why did I enjoy that game when I was young?

>> No.446449

final fantasy 7

the graphics are so shit it makes my eyes literally hurt after 30 minutes and i had to quit

>> No.446478 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 400x240, Mischief-Makers-Cover-400x240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now hear me out... it's certainly not shit, and I'm not trying to shit up this board, but I used to rent this from the video store all the and thoroughly enjoyed it... But I copped it a couple months ago and it just... didn't do much for me.

>> No.446480


>Can't stand bad graphics
>Is on /vr/

>> No.446501
File: 68 KB, 640x438, 936full-congo%27s-caper-cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congo's Caper

Shit i even wasted time asking on /v/ without success, after a while i found it and oh surprise , it was nostalgia all along

Some ppl like it tho

>> No.446506


>retro means bad graphics

Stop. Stop it right now. Just to take a random ass example, Kirby's Superstar looks great after all these years. FFVII does not.

I'm not going to agree with him, though. FFVII is ugly as sin, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it

>> No.446519


That's par for the course for early 3D.

I don't even like FFVII. It DOES look ugly. But a game looking ugly is no excuse to toss it away. Lots of good games look ugly.

>> No.446536

There is already a thread like this and your unrelated picture and greentext are really an eye-sore. I thought this place was supposed to be higher quality than /v/. Thread hidden.

>> No.446538

seconded i got to play VIII first (of the psx ones)
then i pondered why the enormous change in graphics style from VII to VIII , maybe the guys in charge of the previous FF engines tried but could only got this since they were still experimenting with 3d after a decade of sprite art and 2d games

>> No.446539


The thing I find offensive about FFVII is that there is literally no reason for it to be 3D.

Why was Super Mario 64 in 3D? Why was Virtua Fighter? Why was OoT? Because it directly effected the primary gameplay in those games.

It didn't do that in FFVII. It was still just a turn-based RPG that didn't have to be in 3D.

>> No.446542

>OoT? Because it directly effected the primary gameplay in those games.

About that...

>> No.446551


Yeah. It did. Ocarina of Time plays differently than the 2D Zeldas.

FFVII? Still just turn-based battles that would be exactly the same in 2D. Even the overworld is just the 3D models pasted onto pre-rendered backgrounds. Could do the same thing in 2D and nothing would change.

3D in OoT changes how you move and explore everything. It changes all the things about how you play the game.

>> No.446560

That's true of most JRPGs.

>> No.446562

Croc: Legend of the Gobbos.

Oh wait not really because it's still a great platformer.

>> No.446570


Yeah, exactly. They don't really need to be in 3D. They'd be the same gameplay-wise most of the time.

But with later games in the genre the 3D graphics don't make them look awful...and they even added gameplay elements unique to 3D like being able to explore actual 3D environments.

FFVII was too early. It was just a 2D JRPG with ugly, blocky 3D graphics.

>> No.446585

So where most of the games at the time. Ugly 3D is still ugly, even if the 3D adds gameplay. But you gotta start somewhere.

>> No.446594


FFVII had no reason to use 3D though.

Yeah, you do have to start somewhere. But unless it effects gameplay, don't start when it looks fucking awful. FFVII should have just been a 2D game. The backgrounds are gorgeous and it's a shame they ruin them with those ugly models.

It didn't take long for the 3D even during that era to become passable. Games like Vagrant Story look great.

>> No.446598

And then inexplicably sometimes pretty decent graphics, like your character models while in actual fights. But then you get those weird 'mutant deformed' ones when you're out in the world. Only sometimes you don't.

FFVII was a mess graphically.

>> No.446601 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 500x484, 110458_sad_frog_2547[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It really hurts...

>> No.446630

So you think FFVII would be a better game if it was done like Star Ocean?

>> No.446632 [DELETED] 

Star Fox 64 on Project 64 looks and feels amazing though. Mario Kart 64 and SSB are also excellent emulated, particularly MK64. Playing that shit hooked up to to a 50inch HDTV at 1080p native feels better than ever. Also the N64 controller and its terrible really doesn't help. If you play these games with the 360 controller they feel much, much better.

I also think OoT and Majora's Mask feel fine emulated. Apart from that though, yeah, N64 games didn't age very well.

>> No.446639 [DELETED] 

*Super Mario 64 emulated with Project 64 and using 360 controller is also excellent.

>> No.446640


It sure would look a lot better if it replaced those 3D models with sprites.

>> No.446683

Mario Kart 64
>that horrible rubber band AI

>> No.446697 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, paulie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing mario kart against AI

>> No.446707

Myst. OH MY FUCKING GOD. That game is just hard to get into, the point and click genre as a whole is hard to keep going...but Myst is a game you NEED to keep DETAILED notes on... and the second you peak at a guide online the whole game is ruined

Oh and any saturn game that renders polygons, oh my fucking god. We should just pretend it was a 2d console

>> No.446713

Well, I will concede that the game would look better with sprites for the characters, but I am going to have to respectfully disagree with you that this would make the game more enjoyable. Ive never been really bothered by it, and the 2D to 3D jump just seemed natural to me.

>> No.446712

i could.. give some of the games a loving home

>> No.446725
File: 30 KB, 150x150, CANADAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing faggot kart at all

>> No.446734

>tfw no friends

>> No.446737 [DELETED] 

Fix that.

>> No.446798

dem nostalgia googles

>> No.446817


>Using the term 'nostalgia goggles'
>On /vr/


>> No.446848

Of course they JRPGs hold up better. They were the beginning of the cinematic experiences we have nowadays.
They're very similar to a lot of games of today.

>> No.446865


>Cinematic experiences

God, I hate that shit.

>> No.446870

>Muh generations.


>> No.446873

Yeah, no. This board isn't meant to be a nostalgia jerk-off fest. It's not for you to talk about "muh childhood!", it's a place for discussion of older video games.

>> No.446901


>Guy likes older game you don't like
>Accuse them of having nostalgia goggles

That is stupid and you should feel stupid for thinking that it's okay. It's a cop-out phrase for when you have nothing to refute another person's argument.

It's also retarded to use when the entire board is for the discussion of older games.

Hey, here's an idea. I'm going to accuse everyone on this board of having nostalgia goggles because the only reason anyone has ever played older games is because they played them when they were younger. That's why older people never go back to play old games they had never played before.

Oh, wait...

>> No.446905


lol, dude, take off the casual goggles

>> No.446930

Lets get this started.

>That is stupid and you should feel stupid for thinking that it's okay. It's a cop-out phrase for when you have nothing to refute another person's argument.

You didn't provide an argument; you stated an insidious opinion and people called you out on it.

>It's also retarded to use when the entire board is for the discussion of older games.

Discussion of older games; hardly a discussion for, as the other guy said, jerking your nostalgia boner off. Your "X was better than Y XD" isn't wrong, but it hardly relates to the topic, not will it lead to constructive discussion.

>Hey, here's an idea. I'm going to accuse everyone on this board of having nostalgia goggles because the only reason anyone has ever played older games is because they played them when they were younger. That's why older people never go back to play old games they had never played before.

That's not why people are objecting to your comments. Calm down.

>> No.446934

No that's an absurd strawman of what I said.

The very idea that N64 games are somehow "lightyears" ahead of anything that has come out for the ps3 and Xbox is just retarded fanboyism. Especially when you look at games like Goldeneye. (and especially the obvious exclusion of the wii.)

Just because this board's focus is the discussion of older games, does not give people a license to jerk off endlessly about how "THINGS WERE BETTER IN THE OLD DAYS I TELL YOU WHAT!".

>> No.446935


This hasn't a thing to do with what arbitrary group you align yourself with.

>> No.446938
File: 30 KB, 640x478, gfs_41619_1_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Donkey Kong 64
>Oh yeah, there were bananas, banana coins, golden bananas, plan segments...
>You mean there's a set for EVERY FUCKING CHARACTER!?!!?

The level design was also fucking atrocious.

>> No.446945
File: 14 KB, 300x225, BmgOoWg2kKGrHqMH-C0EtsFYlBHPBLfKHqP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've no idea how I managed to play this game years ago

>> No.446957


>The very idea that N64 games are somehow "lightyears" ahead of anything that has come out for the ps3 and Xbox is just retarded fanboyism

In your opinion.

>Just because this board's focus is the discussion of older games, does not give people a license to jerk off endlessly about how "THINGS WERE BETTER IN THE OLD DAYS I TELL YOU WHAT!".

Yeah, because it's silly for anyone to hold the opinion that old games are better when they're on a board dedicated to old games. How silly.


>You didn't provide an argument

I did though. Did you conveniently ignore the part where I said it was a cop-out phrase that you can apply any time a person expresses a positive opinion about an older game? Are you saying that's untrue?

>Discussion of older games; hardly a discussion for, as the other guy said, jerking your nostalgia boner off.

So discussion can not involve expressing a positive opinion about anything.

>Your "X was better than Y XD" isn't wrong

I wasn't the guy who said that. >>446314 isn't me. I was just jumping in because 'nostalgia goggles' is a retarded phrase and you should never use it. You know, because it's retarded. It's on the same level as 'hipster'.

>That's not why people are objecting to your comments. Calm down.

Like I said. Not my comments.

I'm just reacting to you using a stupid phrase that you should never use.

>> No.446963


I'd say old games ARE better than new games though, for the most part.

I hesitate to call most modern games 'games'. They're like films with gameplay elements. Bad films.

>> No.446975




>> No.446978
File: 2.91 MB, 640x479, 1342578557952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mickeys Ultimate Adventure for the SNES

made me so depressed when I realized how shitty it was

>> No.446981

>Final Fantasy 8

>> No.446987


Wait. Do you mean Mickey's Ultimate Challenge? Or Mickey's Magical Adventure?

>> No.446989

There are shit games now and there were a boatload more shitty games "back in the day" too.

That said, there were definitely more gems back then than there are now.

>> No.446994 [DELETED] 

>In your opinion.

Actually, what you had said was a sweeping generalization of an entire generation of gaming. That is fallacious.

>Yeah, because it's silly for anyone to hold the opinion that old games are better when they're on a board dedicated to old games. How silly.

You keep jumping to a completely unrelated and misrepresentation of the topic. You opinions are nothing more than angry rantings. That is what you're being called out on.

>I did though. Did you conveniently ignore the part where I said it was a cop-out phrase that you can apply any time a person expresses a positive opinion about an older game? Are you saying that's untrue?

You provided that AFTER-the-fact. Now you're being silly. Furthermore, that is not what this is about. Stop with the red herrings.

>So discussion can not involve expressing a positive opinion about anything.

Not once was that inferred. Again, you keep shifting the actual subject of discussion to some illusive point you think is being made.

>I wasn't the guy who said that. >>446314 isn't me. I was just jumping in because 'nostalgia goggles' is a retarded phrase and you should never use it. You know, because it's retarded. It's on the same level as 'hipster'.

Then it is, of course. But this isn't about that.

>I'm just reacting to you using a stupid phrase that you should never use.

Never said 'nostalgia' goggles. Oddly enough, I am also a person "jumping" in. My objection is to insidious comments that serve no purpose other than to express and an arrogant unfounded superiority complex. This thread is not about "360 AND PS3 SUCKS".

>> No.446996

>In your opinion.

No it's really just plain factual. Games are an iterative process anon, for the most part they move inexorably forward improving and adding more features or changing things. You can. perhaps make an argument that they were better without those features, but that's not how it works, Alpha Centauri is one of the best Civs, but Civ III-V are all "ahead" of it simply by virtue of having improved on the core features and elements of the game.

>Yeah, because it's silly for anyone to hold the opinion that old games

No it's not, it is however silly when you blithely ignore and generalize based off of loose and poorly articulated opinions and pre-conceived notions.

>It's a cop-out phrase for when you have nothing to refute another person's argument.

Which is precisely what is going on here, you're making stupid generalizations to try to fit some worldview of yours and as a result you end up writing off actually good stuff or glorifying mediocre things. It's really fucking dumb, and I hope you feel bad for doing it.

>> No.446997


Ultimate challenge

type there

>> No.447001


Myst/Riven are unequivocal shit. That's probably when games started going bad. It's when casuals (mostly women) flooded in.

>> No.447007

Yeah, damn adventure games man I tell you what.

>> No.447010 [DELETED] 

Again, my criticism is applied to the individual's respective comments. Considering how it's a bit difficult to see how is making what comment, just adjust accordingly.

>> No.447023


>Games are an iterative process

Which is a shame since the game industry seems to be going backwards. Casualization, streamlining, 'cinematic experiences', stress on marketing and presentation over depth of gameplay. These are all obvious trends in modern videogames.

There are new games that improve on the core mechanics of older games, but for the most part they just take the models older games set, streamline everything, remove depth, wrap it in a pretty package, give it a 25 million dollar marketing budget, and shove it out the door.

Games are going backwards, not forwards.

>> No.447025


I love adventure games. Myst/Riven are like long, protracted, painful SGI (90's buzzword) cutscenes.

>> No.447036

There is no "backwards" to go to anon. You're acting as if there is some distant "goal" of games getting progressively harder and harder and more "gamier" but this is just your personal desire.

For a game to be "ahead" of it's time it'd have to be an older game that has elements you wouldn't expect to see in a game of it's era.

>> No.447041

This. I'll give it credit for making me love strategy RPGs, but going back to played it just showed me that it was way too basic for me to enjoy now.

>> No.447045

>I did though. Did you conveniently ignore the part where I said it was a cop-out phrase that you can apply any time a person expresses a positive opinion about an older game? Are you saying that's untrue?

You said that AFTER-the-fact; I cannot refute a point that, alluded by you, was made prior to your comment in which you are complaining to of not having been refuted.

>So discussion can not involve expressing a positive opinion about anything.

That is not what was remotely inferred. Insidious postings that serve nothing more than to express arrogance and an illusory superiority complex should not be made. They serve absolutely no constructive function, and in this case, are not related to the topic.

Do not shift what is being said to some illusive point you THINK is being said.

>I wasn't the guy who said that. >>446314 isn't me. I was just jumping in because 'nostalgia goggles' is a retarded phrase and you should never use it. You know, because it's retarded. It's on the same level as 'hipster'.

Sure. It is very stupid.

>> No.447052


Play FEDA: The Emblem of Justice. It's like grown-up Shining Force.

>> No.447053
File: 102 KB, 911x1683, this is why casuals are bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There is no backwards to go

There is. Removing depth is going backwards. Removing elements that should be there is going backwards. Replacing challenging gameplay with QTEs or interactive cutscenes is going backwards.

Going backwards means intentionally making a game shallower. It's removing a right turn that leads back to the beginning of the area because maze-like elements are too confusing.

Games are being made with less depth and more presentation and they're being made this way more and more commonly. How is that not regression?

It's the equivalent to a sequel for Kubrick's The Shining but without the advanced cinematography, subtlety of character interactions, or symbolism because that would be too hard for most people to understand.

>> No.447067

Thanks for the suggestion. I've heard of it before around here a couple times, but now that you mention it again I think I'll actually get into it.

>> No.447059

>Which is a shame since the game industry seems to be going backwards.

Going off on an unrelated topic of what is being discussed is in fact an evasion of a refutation. No one is asking you for your opinion on what you think of modern gaming, what is being discussed is the language you use to express it.

>> No.447071



It was in the exact line that you quoted...and then said that I made no arguments. Come on. You ignored it.

>That is not what was remotely inferred.

Isn't 'nostalgia jerking off' just another phrase for 'positive attention to older things that I don't like'?

>Sure. It is very stupid.

And that's the only point I'm making. But then I get negative responses to telling people not to use retarded phrases like that. So what's your argument?

>> No.447079


>Unrelated topic
>Entire thing started with N64 vs. XBox 360/PS3


>> No.447082


Are you blind? He was responding to someone making the argument that modern games are progressively advancing.

>> No.447087

Define "backwards"
Define "shallow"
Define "depth"
Define "regression"

Your entire sentiments are built weasel phrases and a begging the question fallacy--that is, your entire premise assumes these subjective phrases share the objective language you infer them to mean despite that not being the case.

>> No.447092

>Removing depth is going backwards.
Only if previous games also had that lack of depth.

I think the real problem here is that you're confusing "getting worse" with "going backwards" these are two entirely different things. Fire Emblem is a great example of a series that "went backwards" a few times, with games further down the series removing elements from previous games. (it didn't always really hurt the games either.)

>> No.447093

Earthbound probably.

I wish I hadn't gone back to play it.

>> No.447097
File: 453 KB, 500x773, PRIMAL_RAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Primal Rage. I remember loving that game when I was a kid. A fighting game? With DINOSAURS? Count me the fuck in!
Nearly 20 years later, I was visiting a friend in California and we went to an arcade (they've mostly died out in Texas, at least anywhere near me). There I saw it. Primal-fucking-Rage. I was so thrilled I had to play it. And you know what? It was so fucking boring and terrible. Don't get me wrong, I love fighting games (my favorite genre) and I know they don't always age well. They're probably one of the worst genres for that in fact. But this wasn't just dated. It was outright bad. I'm still sad over this fact. At the very least, it remains an awesome concept.

>> No.447106

Primal Rage needs similar complete rework that Mortal Kombat got.

>> No.447112



Behind something else in progress.


Lacking depth. Superficial.


Possessing substance or complexity. Detailed or thorough.


Moving backwards. A shift to a lesser or lower position.

Games are getting simpler and simpler and simpler.

>> No.447114 [DELETED] 

Your are getting frustrating.

>It was in the exact line that you quoted...and then said that I made no arguments. Come on. You ignored it.

Re-read what I said. You inferred your made an illusive point that was not refuted prior to that post in which you point this out. I CANNOT refute that which was alluded to have been made prior to that post. Why can you not understand this?

>Isn't 'nostalgia jerking off' just another phrase for 'positive attention to older things that I don't like'?

This hasn't a thing to do with what I said. I made my point clear on this. Re-read.

>And that's the only point I'm making. But then I get negative responses to telling people not to use retarded phrases like that. So what's your argument?

Are you intentionally being argumentative? My "arguments" have been expressed through my prior post.

>> No.447115

>Moving backwards. A shift to a lesser or lower position.

In describing games though this would mean going back to like how games were in the past.

This is why what you're saying makes no sense.

>> No.447126
File: 6 KB, 280x166, sauron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I would love that. I don't even know who owns the rights for Primal Rage now though.

>> No.447127

Define "progress"
Define "Substance" and "complexity"

You are defining your arguments with even more broad language. Please, stop.

>> No.447132

Your are getting frustrating.

>It was in the exact line that you quoted...and then said that I made no arguments. Come on. You ignored it.

Re-read what I said. You inferred your made an illusive point that was not refuted prior to that post in which you point this out. I CANNOT refute that which was alluded to have been made prior to that post. Why can you not understand this?

>Isn't 'nostalgia jerking off' just another phrase for 'positive attention to older things that I don't like'?

This hasn't a thing to do with what I said. I made my point clear on this. Re-read.

>And that's the only point I'm making. But then I get negative responses to telling people not to use retarded phrases like that. So what's your argument?

Are you intentionally being argumentative? My "arguments" have been expressed through my prior post.

>> No.447135


>Shift to a lesser or lower position

That doesn't necessarily mean moving backwards on a linear scale.


>I cannot refute that which was alluded to have been made prior to that post

What the fuck are you talking about? You are unable to refute the accusation that 'nostalgia goggles' is a cop-out phrase? You're just beating around the bush without saying anything.

You could have refuted it. You could have argued against it. You didn't. You just claimed that I presented no arguments (when I did).

Quit talking in circles.

>> No.447142


Please show us all how to define words without using other words.

>> No.447146


Define argument.

Define broad.

Define language.

Define stop.

>> No.447147

He's essentially point out that you're basically trying to build your argument out of vague ill-defined opinions.

>> No.447153

You are defining weasel words with weasel words. Please, stop being stupid.

>What the fuck are you talking about? You are unable to refute the accusation that 'nostalgia goggles' is a cop-out phrase?

That is the point you made AFTER-THE-FUCKING-FACT. Why are you so obtuse?

>You could have refuted it. You could have argued against it. You didn't. You just claimed that I presented no arguments (when I did).

That was never my point.

I've tried my best to articulate what is I'm saying and you still fail to understand, I am going to let this be.

>> No.447151

Street Racer for the Mega Drive.

Spent hours on that game as a kid and I rarely even beat it. Now I look at it and it's so mediocre.

The car which transforms into a plane is still one of the coolest things in a video game though.

>> No.447156


He's not doing a very good job, is he?

Define essentially.

Define point.

Define basically.

Define vague.

Define ill-defined.

>> No.447159
File: 30 KB, 179x189, pleasesendhelpohmygod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

jesus christ
way to get off topic, you faggots

you are the cancer ruining this board

>> No.447160

Atari Games owned it until they got bankrupt. Later we knew same company as Midway Games West, under Hasbro. Later all Midway copyrights, trademarks and intellectual properties were sold to WB, which is why we got the NetherRealm Studios.

>> No.447162

Do you have a refutation? You defining the language in your arguments with even more broad words that can mean anything.

>> No.447167

Never played this as a kid, but decided to give it a try due to the hype.
Combat is terribly boring.Also loses points for being revolved around little kid characters.

>> No.447170

>That doesn't necessarily mean moving backwards on a linear scale.

That's essentially what "regress" ( to go back/move backwards. return to a previous state..) means anon, you're taking a very loose definition and trying to run with it.

>> No.447173


>Defining weasel words with weasel words

Those are literally dictionary definitions.

>Point you made after-the-fact

So you were completely unable to acknowledge its existence? Do you even know what 'after-the-fact' is used for?

>> No.447174

Your immaturity and inability to actually concretely define your arguments does not mitigate anything I've said.

Grow up.

>> No.447179

Don't bother anon, he thinks you're trying to make him define words and not show why he's making poor and vague word usage.

>> No.447182


Not necessarily a previous state. A LOWER or LESSER state. That word isn't as rigid as you think it is.


How do you define words without using words, anon? What should his responses have been?

>> No.447186


Explain to everyone how to argue without using words. Because that's essentially what you're asking.

>> No.447189

You know what, it is just easier to call you stupid.

>> No.447190


>Poor and vague word usage

Suggest some word usage that isn't as vague. Go ahead.

>> No.447198

It is ridiculously frustrating that these morons:>>447182

I've honestly tried to remain civil, but holy shit, I can understand why people lose their shit so easily on 4chan, because of persistent stupidity.

>> No.447194


Of course it is. It means you don't have to think.

>> No.447196

Stop using words that are just subjective nonsense/

>> No.447197

>Retards arguing over literally nothing

Fuck off.

>> No.447202


You didn't do what I asked.

Please. Name some words that are not subjective nonsense that could be used in his argument.

>> No.447206

>That word isn't as rigid as you think it is.

Of course it isn't. Yet your usage just boils down to a purely subjective piece of shit that isn't useful because it's based entirely on your personal judgement.

>> No.447208


It's funny, because I could say the same about every post you've made. I've never seen someone type so much without saying anything.

>> No.447210



Why is it subjective?

The prevalence of story-based games, cinematic titles, QTEs, lower difficulty, and streamlining can all be seen as regression to something less of previous products.

>Based entirely on your personal judgment

Yes, anon. That's how opinions on videogames work.

>> No.447216

When you are defining an argument, especially one as insidious that suggests "X is better than Y", you need to concretely define the points that illustrate this.


Does not define what point is being made as the word "progression" is applied to suggest MANY points--of which may or may not be related and is far TOO BROAD to refute.

Why is it so hard for you fucking idiots to understand this?


>> No.447218

Hey guys. Realize this: no matter which of you "wins" this argument, you will go to bed with nothing accomplished, continuing your life as normal. The only difference is that you got yourself worked up over nothing, harming your own health.

>> No.447224

Do not equate your misunderstandings and straw man logic with my points, you insidious shit.

>> No.447226
File: 9 KB, 250x186, armadon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So WB has it huh? Wonder what Ed Boon's response would be if I asked on his Twitter to make a new Primal Rage game.

>> No.447229



How so? Explain.

>Concretely define points that illustrate this

Which he did quite clearly.

>Too broad to refute

No it's not. If your brain works you should be able to identify what he means by progression and refute those points.

>> No.447232

Go for it, and let me know what happens.

>> No.447234



Please stop using that word over and over. I'm pretty sure you don't know what it means.

Go on, define it.

>> No.447238


>The word progression is too broad

It has a set definition, you know.

>> No.447239

>Why is it subjective?

Because it is not regression in fact or in a provable concrete way.

Let's say you have a game series (we'll call it quest fantasy.)

Quest Fantasy one had features X Y Z

Quest Fantasy two had features X Y

That would be a case of concrete objective regression, one has less than the other and it's obviously the case.

Let's say quest fantasy three has features X Y Z and T

but you don't like T and you think it ruins the entire game. But that's just your opinion and nothing more, it's far from concrete, it's far from objective, and it makes your use of the word "regression" nonsensical, because it only "regressed" from the standpoint that it is "lesser" ( a purely personal judgement) than the previous whereas quest fantasy II was obviously a case of regression because it inherently had less than it's predecessor.

>> No.447242

The argument is not about words that are not subjective, it is about using broad words to define points in an argument.

Do you understand what a weasel word is? And for that matter, a weasel phrase? The argument has never been about anything you've interpreted to be.

Grow a brain.

>> No.447247


>In a provable or concrete way

Yes it is. You can show depth and complexity in concrete ways.

Objectively speaking, a quick-time event has less depth and complexity than a full boss fight that allows you complete control of your character. Therefore, the use of QTEs over pure gameplay is regressive.

>> No.447248


>Complain about weasel words
>Post is nothing but broad weasel words

>> No.447259

I give up.

>> No.447261
File: 10 KB, 180x277, blizzard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I will!
Shit, this means I have to get Twitter.

>> No.447263

Point to me what weasel words I've used to define that point.

Go on, I'll wait.

>> No.447274


Nothing wrong with a Twitter. I have it for some video game events and stuff.

>> No.447281

>Objectively speaking

haha here we go again. No, not at all. First off, not all games that allow you complete control of your character necessarily have any depth from that control, it's not a necessary condition. Nor do all games that HAVE QTEs remove all character control, nor is this some situation where the QTE can be lesser than a moment of control. Quite a few games badly mis-use them as cheap ways of dealing with things but that doesn't make them necessarily bad or negative.

>> No.447284


Not him, but you completely misused the term 'weasel words' and it doesn't mean what you think it means. A weasel word is something numerically vague, used with a passive voice, with deceptive adverbs, non-sequiturs, euphemisms, or vague generalizations. Specific words that have set definitions don't fall into any of these.

>> No.447308
File: 9 KB, 300x244, vertigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but I'm always worried that my co-workers will use it to keep me tied in. They already do that with Facebook. Some days you just want to take a break y'know?

>> No.447309


Yes. Objectively.

>QTE vs. full control of a character

Timed button presses. They only have one option and it's as simple as pressing a single button.

Versus complete control of the character, which offers more options and possibilities to what you are able to do.

Objectively speaking, one of these is more complex than the other. Yes, I know what objective means and I am using it correctly. Complexity CAN be measured.

You can't say that a game objectively has a lot of complexity because complexity is only relative. But you can say that one game is objectively more complex than another.

>that doesn't make them necessarily bad or negative.

Name something good about events that are nothing but timed button presses. Name something they do that's positive that can't be done with conventional gameplay.

>> No.447315

Incorrect. You completely misunderstand the argument. The objection to weasel phrases and words have all been correct.

>> No.447316

Don't let them know you have a Twitter

>> No.447317


1. Set up another twitter for socializing
2. Just don't tell anyone you have one

My roommate asked me if I had one the other day, and I told him I did, but forgot the password.

I didn't forget the password

You've also reminded me that I've never tried Primal Rage 2.

>> No.447327

>They only have one option

Not necessarily you can have multiple options.

>Versus complete control of the character, which offers more options and possibilities to what you are able to do.

Which is basically you making a huge assumptions that ALL QTEs must take away ALL other control or that they ALWAYS replace complete control rather just supplement it.

>> No.447329


You didn't present an argument. You just stated what you think as a fact.

Explain why the use of the word 'progressive' is akin to using weasal words when progressive has a set definition.

You can call something progressive when it isn't progressive, of course. But that's not a weasel word. That's lying.

>> No.447337


Anon. That's what a QTE is. It's removing complete control of your character in favor of timed button presses.

>Multiple options

Your option is to press a specific button at a specific time. The end.

>> No.447338
File: 9 KB, 200x212, chaos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh cool. Didn't know I could prevent them from finding out. The more you know.
Also, I know Primal Rage 2 was canned. I've seen screenshots of it, but I didn't know a ROM was available.

>> No.447346

It's an incomplete mess thou, not really playable. Same goes to Primal Rage AC emulation in general, because nobody hasn't cracked the safety measures completely.

>> No.447352


Yeah there are files floating around the internet, but I've never taken the time out to find them.

I think one of them was a PSX port of it? I can't remember. It's been years.

>> No.447350

If that is what all QTEs MUST be then how do you explain games that have QTEs that give you MORE control over an interaction then you would have had otherwise. QTEs are a really vague thing anon, they're essentially just contextual button presses within a timeframe, nothing more or less.They do not necessarily have to be anything more than that.

>> No.447353


Now excuse me, but this thread is ridiculously frustrating. Dealing with incredulous people will give me a heart attack.

>> No.447354

Primal Rage can be found on following platforms;
Arcade / SNES / Genesis / 32X / Game Boy / Game Gear / Jaguar CD / 3DO / Playstation / Saturn / IBM PC/Gamecube / PS2 / XBOX

>> No.447363
File: 7 KB, 280x146, diablo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody hasn't cracked the safety measures completely.
After all this time? A lack of skill or a lack of interest.

>> No.447364


I was talking about the leaked beta of Primal Rage 2.

Also, Jesus Christ, that game got ported to hell and back.

>> No.447368


>If that is what all QTEs MUST be then how do you explain games that have QTEs that give you MORE control over an interaction then you would have had otherwise.

Name one.

>QTEs are a really vague thing

No. They're not. They are context-sensitive timed button presses in response to an on-screen prompt. That's all. They never add anything at all that couldn't already be there with complete control of your character.

>> No.447375

It's that good. Even some original coders are amazed that it isn't cracked yet, and because of this some of the ports suffer greatly.

Primal Rage didn't see any ports, because the arcade game was cancelled.

>> No.447387

>Primal Rage 2 didn't see ports.
for fucks sake, fix'd myself

>> No.447392

>This board isn't meant to be a nostalgia jerk-off fest

It probably wasn't moot's intention.. or maybe it was. He's been out of touch with the 4chan userbase for years now. Either way this board has been infected with MUH NOSTALGIA since the first day it was created. It sucks but it doesn't look like it's going anywhere.

>> No.447394

>Name One

Any QTE that lets you take an action during a cutscene or in the middle of dialogue. Mass Effect 2 and AssCreed both do this.

>hey are context-sensitive timed button presses in response to an on-screen prompt.

Yeah and that's vague,

it can be anything from "press x to kill now" to, "Press X to execute or you he'll just die anyways." or even potentially "Press X to kill him or don't and he'll survive and you'll get a different ending" Any case of a timed prompt could be seen as a QTE, the fucking dialogue wheel in Alpha Protocol could be argued to be QTE.

>> No.447404
File: 9 KB, 280x202, talon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that's pretty impressive.

>> No.447412

Thou Primal Rage II's plot was written into a book. You can still find it on Amazon, thou new copies do fetch a bit high price for my taste.



>> No.447419

Everything involving the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

>> No.447428
File: 100 KB, 400x620, prcover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know about it.
I own it. And the Primal Rage comic.

>> No.447429


Really? But why, anon? I still think this title's super fun with friends.

>> No.447434

Is either one of them any good?

>> No.447435


>Implying turtles in time is shit

to this day, it's still one of, if not the best beat 'em up game ever created.

>> No.447440
File: 75 KB, 400x617, prcover2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Not really. Amusing though.

>> No.447442


It is. But I used to be able to play it alone.

>> No.447450

I should give the comics a look then.

>> No.447469
File: 81 KB, 400x622, prcover3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That gives me an idea actually. I think I'll scan the issues and drop it for everybody here later. They're probably hard to find otherwise.

>> No.447472

That would be cool.

>> No.447481
File: 37 KB, 640x482, rise_of_the_robots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.447491
File: 98 KB, 400x625, prcover4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, then. I'll get on that tomorrow after my shift ends. For now, I'm crashing. Good thing too. I've run out of Primal Rage images.

>> No.447558

I decided to get a mac book air a while back because I had come into a bunch of money. wanted to see the hype. well it sucked, so now I use it as a laptop pad for my dell xps-17. whenever I'm at my college, I take out my macbook air, put it on my desk, then put my dell on top of it. it's nice for support. stupid shitty machine.

>> No.447586

>Decide to play game you loved as a kid
>It's shit

This has never happened to me. Maybe I just have a higher tolerance for "shitty" games, but I've never gone back to a game I loved as a kid and didn't have a good time with it. The closest was thinking that some of the game's challenges were a bit much to expect of a kid.

>> No.447595


I thought that sucked when I was a kid.

>> No.447603


Looks good.

>> No.447639

The robots looked really cool it in. Other than that it was pretty shit though.

>> No.447640

Pokemon Blue

>> No.447658

I played Anticipation so much as a kid that I knew the answer for every puzzle by heart.


>> No.447686

Spider-man on NES

>> No.447713
File: 487 KB, 1200x900, IMG_7193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a copy of this game just last week to replace the one from my childhood. Guess what? I actually love playing it now.

>> No.447785

>Why was Super Mario 64 in 3D?
Because it was a 3D platformer? Kind of difficult to do in 2D, you know, what with it being built around three dimensions.

>> No.447806

TMNT is actually a pretty fun game once you understand what it expects. It can be challenging, yes, but that's a good thing really.

>> No.447807


>that underwater level.

>> No.447818


>> No.447820

Is pretty easy, if you what you're doing.

>> No.447827

Rock Raiders and Black & White.
I wouldn't say either of them are shit, but Jesus Christ, I do not remember them being so slow paced.

>> No.447828

>that underwater level
really isn't that hard.

>> No.447884

Yeah, unappealing graphics can be ignored, they don't always just ruin the experience right off the bat. But of course it's subjective. For instance I'm lucky with approx PS-era games in that I love how pre-rendered backgrounds look, especially if they are animated.

>> No.447913

For it's time when it came out it looked really grandiose. Midgar, motorbike chases and the cable car to Gold Saucer were stuff everyone were talking about. The camera angles thanks to the 3D were also something unique at the time.

>> No.447915

how about /v/

>> No.447932


Wasn't really indicating that it was hard, it's one of my favourite parts in the game.

>> No.447976

My favorite beat 'em up also.

>> No.448084

One of the few N64 that I enjoy more than I used to is F-Zero X. The rest kind of faded, and while I can still enjoy killing Andross in Starfox and beating master hand, it just misses that childhood magic. Probably also because with SSB I'm used to more complex controls and moves.

But F-Zero X still is fucking awesome. That Music, that high speed, that BOOST POWER.

Also Pokemon Snap. It's still fun.

>> No.448521

Command and Conquer, it's just so damn slow now. Painfully so.

>> No.448607

It's OP's fault, entirely. Threads that are obviously going to make nostalgiafags angry on /vr/ are always going to to result in defensiveness. We even had the exact same thread a few days ago that develoved to this very state as well.

Anytime you see a thread like this, you can assume it's somebody from /v/ purposefully trying to erode the board. Not that there's much to erode, the usebase here is shit, hardly better than /v/'s.

>> No.448614


yeah I really wish we'd have rules against "X is shit" and "X is overrated" threads

>> No.448617


GoldenEye hasn't aged well. I promise the fun you had was genuine at the time.

>> No.448621


...Is this the shitty one where everything is timed? Or is it the shitty one where you start off in a lab with some weird robot bullshit?

God I hated the latter when I went back to it

>> No.448834


It hasn't aged well primarily because the FPS genre is ridiculously different than it once was. Plus, Goldeneye had basically zero competition on consoles back then.

>> No.448841

Something really needs to happen. There were a few days when this board was full of retro gamers and we actually discussed things. Now it has descended into huge war zones dedicated to things like whether today's games are better than yesterday's or Sonyfags putting matches in gas tanks by calling Saturn or N64 shit.

I'm starting to wonder if 5th generation shouldn't be left out all together. It's probably my favorite generation, but fuck no one can control themselves.

>> No.448842

The 3D Gex games.

>> No.448879
File: 191 KB, 252x357, Pac-Man_2_-_The_New_Adventures_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pac-man 2: the new adventures.

One of worst games I ever played but i loved this in my childhood.

>> No.449732

Sadly I have to say the same of these. I beat Mystic Quest at least 3 different times.
I haven't play FFVII, VIII, IX or X, I have only watched a friend play parts of them. But I did play Ogre Battle 64 again recently and am happy to say that I still love it.

>> No.449784

If you only ever play one of those FFs, play IX. It's the ultimate culmination of everything that was awesome about FF: story, characters, environments, music, cutting-edge graphics (imo, best graphics on the psx only slightly more than Chrono Cross). Basically, if you don't have feels by the end of it, then you don't deserve to vidya.

>> No.449815
File: 592 KB, 762x948, scream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game that I loved as a kid
>Playing it again for nostalgia sake. It is still fun.
>Go to youtube to read what others think of my favorite game
>Old game review: 1/10 "It is shit"
I am not mad, only disappointed.

>> No.449818

All 3d Sonic games aside from SA2

>> No.449825


'94 might be my favorite GB game.

>> No.449853

That was a pretty good Game Center CX episode, though.

>> No.449993

Why do we even have these threads? Nothing good ever comes out of it.

>> No.450003

Sonic Adventure 2. It has now made me appreciate the Sonic games that came before it and recent games like Colors and Generations.

>> No.450029

>Remember 3D Blast
>Try to play it again

>> No.450039

at least the music is boss

>> No.450043

Goldeneye, Wrestlemania 2000, and Turok 2, kind of.

>> No.450059

Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.450118

Micro Machines

>> No.450179


It's true

>60 fps gameplay
>Great level design
>passable shooting/hunting gameplay
>Decent story for childrens game
>Hard mode and fun extra missions
>Fucking Chao raising

Still fun to play today.

>> No.450203

But the level design isn't that great. Despite the Sonic and Shadow stages being the best part, they're linear as hell. The mech stages are okayish. The treasure hunting is abysmal, and the story is dumb. Take off your nostalgia glasses and see it for what it is, a bad game.

>> No.450214

It's pretty good.

>> No.450220
File: 8 KB, 256x224, Pink Panther in Pink Goes to Hollywood (J).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pink panther for snes

oh my god.

>> No.450227

No, it's not. In fact, watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbfXqOMf0Ak
It says it better than I could ever do.

>> No.450519
File: 264 KB, 500x333, You Bet Your Ass My Body Is Ready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not loving Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask

>> No.450525

Fuck you, that game is good.

>> No.450579

We respect your opinion

>> No.450592
File: 20 KB, 385x443, 1318039403420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mech stages
>treasure hunting stages

Someone was bad at finding emerald shards!

>> No.450594

The PC version has a mod replacing the overworld models with the battle models.

>> No.450630

WWF No Mercy. It's definitely dated.

>> No.450647

If only Rare can just get the fucking rights to publish it.

>> No.450774

No, it's that the radar system was nerfed from SA1's. Which was better since you knew where all three emerald shards could be, in SA2, you only know where 1 is and if you're right next to a different one, the game won't tell you. That's bad game design, faggot.