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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.31 MB, 1867x1050, 1512942270131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4455221 No.4455221 [Reply] [Original]

I need this anon to step forward. I want to hire you to make controller stands. I need you in my life.

>> No.4455235


>> No.4455245

Not the anon you are looking for, but my dad is a carpenter and this looks fairly easy to accomplish.
Maybe you could give a try yourself or just hire someone else to make it for you.

>> No.4455249

I would fuck it up horribly.

>> No.4455252

they look like shoe racks.

>> No.4455253


Maybe at first, but you get better. This is how you learn new skills and get better at things. Just do it anon, expand your horizons and quite being such a self doubter. Self doubt solves nothing and keeps you stupid. You might surprise yourself if you try. Just watch some youtube videos, and look at instructables for wood working stuff. It's relatively easy to make stuff with wood, if it looks bad, paint and wood filler can fix 99% or imperfections.

Now, on the other hand, if you're just lazy and using it for an excuse, I can appreciate that.

>> No.4455275

I don't want to spend money on cherry wood, messing with power tools I don't have that I'd have to rent or borrow, only to make a lot of mistakes and come out with unfinished, botched looking things I have to start over on.

>> No.4455286


Fair enough, but that picture is pine dimensional lumber, not cherry wood. It would probably cost $15-20 for supplies to make several stands.

>> No.4455307
File: 1.09 MB, 284x382, u like.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would op to put them in a cabinet personally. Also
>Fat PS3
>Crystal Xbox
>Same TV as me

If that ps3 is a launch one and if you had a sega cd 1 then you would literally be me. Whats the black thing on the bottom middle?

>> No.4455316

why not just buy a storage bin and throw them all in there?

>> No.4455358
File: 146 KB, 595x379, bad opinion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone wanna simplify things? What if he wants to work for his comfort, Huh punk?

>> No.4455524
File: 1.64 MB, 2133x1200, 20170716_003327_HDR-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm very flattered sir.
But I'm not sure I could offer those for a reasonable amount of cash. They were time consuming as fuck. They're not even my idea, they're just a slightly improved version of some stands that an anon posted about two years ago.
I could post specifications if you wanted to make your own. I might even have the old instructions I was given.

>> No.4455528
File: 296 KB, 1304x1534, 171002_192135_COLLAGE-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a Windows PC I use for playing ps1 games. Its loaded with CRT Emudriver and Emu4Crt for the 'nearly authentic' experience.

>> No.4455538

Thats pretty neat.

>> No.4455753

Not the guy who made that but have made similar things. How much would you be willing to pay?

>> No.4455906

I use CRT emudriver already, but what is this?

>> No.4455960


Doesn’t look all that hard - why not buy cheap CD towers and create some bays that slot in with coat hanger wire or something.

>> No.4455970

That's a sad setup.
All that tryhard shit just to end up with a shitty monitor.

>> No.4456081

that's a pretty good setup for an american

>> No.4456083

trinitrons aren't even good desu

>> No.4456098

The WEGA Trinitron sure are far for good, I agree.

>> No.4456139
File: 243 KB, 1200x900, IMG_0779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just check my controllers in a bin. Try, it, OP!

>> No.4456274

You don't even need wire. That's a pain in the ass the do, even with the right tools. You can use pegboard hangers and if you use screw in ones you don't even need to drill a single hole.

>> No.4456278

Ziplock bags used to seperate controller types, then put them in a bin

>> No.4456318

It's very new. Its a patch for Mednafen that changes your desktop resolution to match the game you're playing. Its not perfect; there's about an eighth of a second of pause in emulation every time the resolution changes and unless you use something like rocketlauncher to hide your desktop, you'll get a peek at your computer's wallpaper. For me its worth it to get 240p in Silent Hill and 480i on the map screen.

>> No.4456330

Those controller racks are kind of an eyesore, honestly. The first time an anon made one like that was in a battlestation thread a couple of years ago. Seems nice in theory, but it's pretty ugly, and only marginally more functional than just wrapping them up and keeping them in a box or drawer. I mean, I keep one controller out on top of each system I own anyway, which takes up no extra space, and on the few occasions I have a friend over to play, it's not hard to just dig out a second.

>> No.4456336

This. The autism over making nerd displays in this hobby is putting form over function in the worst way. Everyone needs shelves and racks and illuminated displays just so everyone knows how serious they are about being a nerd.

>> No.4456340

>what is ventilation

>> No.4456345

>all those HD systems on an SD display
>NES with ugly switches on front, modded for what purpose?
>systems crowded together with zero room in between
>SNES stacked on top of NES
>ugly warehouse shelving unit
>controller rack autism towers
Probably one of the worst setups I've ever seen, desu.

>> No.4456349

>unironically having a smash bros. poster on your wall
>that mess of cables and shit on the floor
>ventilation is a myth
I may not have the best battlestation, but at least I have the good sense not to post pictures of it online.

>> No.4456354

Not that anon but I would love to have the specifications.

>> No.4456386
File: 761 KB, 2016x1512, 5267D5AE-4C39-4338-93B2-A8A7DCDB24EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep all my consoles and games in those big blue 30 gallon tupperware bins in the closet to keep dust off them and to prevent sunlight damage discoloration.

>> No.4456471

>keeping consoles stored away when not using them
Is this a meme, or do you tards actually do this? Not the first post I've seen about it...

>> No.4456473

>implying they actually use them in the first place.

>> No.4456496


Rocket launcher STILL flashed my desktop. How’d you fix it?

>> No.4456518

Keeping plastics out of sunlight and open atmosphere prolongs the life and original color of plastics.
This is a fact.

>> No.4456520

Oh. I'm sorry. I thought this was a board about playing video games. My bad.

>> No.4456521

>>all those HD systems on an SD display
Most WEGAs are ED.
Even worse though.

They are like the shitty versions of Trinitrons with flat screens.

>> No.4456526

Indeed it is. But we have threads related to anything retro video game related, including the consoles you play the games on.
I don't want to boast, but people might have backup consoles and that's a good way to store them.

>> No.4456535

>dat cable wrapping
That's one way to shorten the life of your controller cables

>> No.4456538

I assumed anon kept ALL of his consoles stored away, because that's literally what he said. Not the first time I've heard people claim that they completely unhook all of their consoles and put them in tupperware when they're not using them. Anyone who seriously is that paranoid about the degradation of their hardware is a fucking sperg.

>> No.4456539

Different anon, but I've been wrapping the same NES, SNES, Genesis and N64 controllers just like that for fucking decades, anon. All still work fine. Quit being a baby.

>> No.4456541

>is a fucking sperg
Hardly a surprise on one of the most autistic boards of 4chan.

>> No.4456545

That's a lie and you know it.
Genesis controller leads are unbendable.

>> No.4456551

>for fucking decades, anon. All still work fine.
I smell bullshit. Especially about the dances part, as I've done so too.
I've replaced countless controller cables for that exact reason, because one day they stop working or start acting weird and testing with a multimeter, the cable has a huge resistance or no connection at all.
Usually it's the first 10 centimeters from where the cable exits the controller.

>> No.4456565

I dunno what to tell you. I've had the same controllers for most of my systems since I was a kid. I never wrapped them super tight, just a quick, loose wind around the controller and that's that. They were getting a little touchy several years ago, but I make it a point to disassemble and clean them every now and again and they work like new.

>> No.4456880

Poster of that pic here, I only play one game at a time. So, whatever console the game I am currently playing is on; I leave that console and game out until I beat it. Then when I am done I pull out the next console and game and leave those out until I beat them.

The exception to this rule are my PSP, which I use to emulate PS1, SNES, Genesis on the go, so that stays out all the time. And my PS4, because I play Rocket Leauge almost daily, and my PS4 is my Netflix and YouTube on the tv machine.

>> No.4456903

poster of pic here, of course I actually play them. You seem to be mistaking this place for /v/. Also I am not a collector, So I only get games I actually play. I only play one game at a time, so I only keep one console out at a time (except my PS4 and PSP emulation machine) which are out all the time.

>> No.4456908

Deja vu

>> No.4456915
File: 284 KB, 1200x750, 9A801764-419A-4A77-B00A-8FBF6BFFEF7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deja vu!
ive been in this place before
higher on the street

>> No.4457014
File: 152 KB, 765x643, 1511063368766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm highly interested in the specifications.

I would also be willing to pay about 100 dollars per shelf or more, and I would pick them up provided you're within a 100-200 miles to avoid shipping issues.

>> No.4457034


>> No.4457234


anon, you're a fucking dick.

It's not a bad setup at all. Sure it's not a pvMeme but it looks pretty great for retro games.

Dicks like you are cancer to /vr/

>> No.4457236


good idea anon

>> No.4457238


Not sure on that model, but some wega are HD and even have hdmi inputs.

They usually have a wider screen than a 4:3, that looks like it may be one.

>> No.4457284

I can vouch for that specific model saying its fine. Games look nice on it.

>> No.4457412

I doubt many tards do this but intelligent people with more than a few consoles do

There's a lot you can do with off the shelf parts. I made several types of controller stands back when I was into displaying as much as playing

>> No.4457435

Its called a TV fuckstick

>> No.4457437

>a device that displays a picture
>not a monitor
don't know if you're serious or just a retard

>> No.4457464 [DELETED] 

Suck my fucking dick you pretentious niggerfaggot

>> No.4457543

>a device that displays a picture
You mean like a frame?

>> No.4457886

lol. I'm sure the faggot will kidsplain how a frame in actually a monitor though.

>> No.4457910

I've got an HD monitor off to the side that I just scoot in front of my SD wega whenever its HD console time. I've got some work to do I know, I'm not going to pretend this is the most perfect setup, the picture is just to show off the shelves. I think they're impressive.

Really? Huh. There should be some options for hiding windows, the task bar and the mouse. I'm sorry I don't remember where. I think they're in rlauncher.cfg or something.

I'm really flattered. I'd probably have to charge even more than that though. My set is made from red oak (huge fucking mistake) and I think the lumber alone costed like $70 per tower.

Towers are constructed of 3 identical 3.5"x0.75"x60" (or taller, whatever) attached wider rather than deeper. Shelves are all 0.5" thick and cut at 45 degree angles; I recommend not going quite that steep. Tops are 5.5" by 4" by 0.75". Bottoms are 9.5" wide and AT LEAST 11.5" long. The back of the tower is 1.5" away from the back of the foot. The towers are very front heavy so give them some front support with the long ass foot. I spaced my controllers out by 3.5". If I were to do it again I'd change that to 4" spacing; dreamcast controllers are just a bit tight in there.

The sides are glued to the back, the shelves are screwed in. I used those screws to hold it together while the glue dried. The controller racks themselves are actually just sticks of inweld that I coated a few times with plasti-dip.

If you decide to stain and shellac the whole thing, make sure to get both sides of the foot or it will bow weirdly and not stand straight.

>> No.4457938

>ps1 next to the trash can.

Even this anon knows that ps1 is shite.

>> No.4458123

nice samefag

>inb4 edited picture saying no

>> No.4458271

>everyone who makes fun of dumb kids is samefag

>> No.4458294

I agree, people who don't know what a monitor is or that a TV used with a console is no different than a computer used with a monitor are pretty dumb.
This place is for autistic people only.

>> No.4459030

>irony: the post

>> No.4459042
File: 216 KB, 2560x1227, super a'can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could probably make it out of something like particle board with the fake veneer on it, just something that looks like cherry wood but isn't real wood.

I could realistically probably pay 200 per shelf if they were the same size as in the photos.

>> No.4459045
File: 723 KB, 1536x2048, wart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, do you have a throwaway email I could reach you at?

>> No.4459639

I could, but I hate that peel away veneer. I should have just used a cheaper lumber and darker stain.

Nah, I really can't do these again. It's not worth the time to find a better lumber, cut it, sand it, glue it, the four hours making sure it stands straight etc.

I'm sorry man.

>> No.4460304

Aside from veneer being shit it doesn't actually save you anything. You have to use HDF or all your drill holes will go to shit in short order and with the cost of that and the extra work you might as well just use actual wood.

>> No.4461818
File: 15 KB, 426x319, 25394300_10155211218309157_362518304_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but thanks anon for these specifications. I'm kind of handy myself and might do some tweaks to adjust it to fit my personal needs more.

Much appreciated.

>> No.4461935

This, these are literally just shoe racks.

>> No.4462039

For what? Baby shoes? How many fucking babies do you have? Mormon much?

>> No.4462056

Literally just a shitty metal rack with plywood dropped in the frame. Easy as fuck to make something like this

>> No.4462435

I don't know. Some things are complete autism, but the controller stand actually makes sense.

You want to play something? Grab a controller off the controller tree and you're good to go.
It's a little better than digging through a box for shit.

I keep my gameboys on stands on an Ikea cd tower/thin book shelf. Each one has a different game I'm currently playing, so when the mood takes me I just grab the one I want off a shelf and play.

>> No.4462437

>Is this a meme, or do you tards actually do this?
So it makes more sense to you to just keep them out taking up space 24/7? And you call THEM tards... kek

>> No.4462439

Thanks spawn of /icantdiy/ and /v/

>> No.4462460

I personally don't get enough time away from work and friends to justify having them out for extended periods of time. If they were set up, then I'd also have to worry about shitty cats and their lust to destroy everything I love, and this dumb shitty leaky trailer.

>> No.4462609
File: 1.57 MB, 3932x2568, 20150620_ControllerStands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the anon that did the stands in your picture, but I have been building the plans to have them fabricated. Realistically, I'll have them for sale (in some fashion) within the next year.

Nice work man. I'm the anon you're referring to.

>> No.4463117

Is this true? How do we reach you?

>> No.4463210

I'm pretty much always here. I'll post something here once I'm up and running. Only going to charge /vr/ people cost + shipping.

>> No.4463370

It is. It comes with a free copy of the SNES game he's also making. lol

>> No.4463380

I think you're honestly lying if you provided no contact info, and this anon making jokes doesn't help

>> No.4463416
File: 3.59 MB, 5312x2988, 20150713_201125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me (>>4462609). And yes, I am trying to make more of them. I just don't want to have to do it the way I made the first set since it took so long.

This is not me. Just some jackass trying to confuse people.

>> No.4463454

>drilling pieces of wood together and drilling in little racks.
A literal retard could do this. That's like freshman year of high school shop class level of difficulty.

>> No.4463519

You should see some of the lopsided shit I made in my freshman year of high school shop class.

Wooden boxes that literally couldn't even close properly. Shit was horrible.

>> No.4463527

Well yours look gorgeous. I would prefer if they were a darker wood. How much do you want to make a pair of them?

>> No.4464397

I'm not trying to confuse anyone. I'm actually trying to unconfuse people who think it is ever going to happen.

>> No.4464606
File: 868 KB, 864x1536, 20171216_111146_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering how long it would be before you showed up. Yeah no wonder you didn't want to make more of these at first, I probably spent every night for like two weeks working with these. I wish I took wood shop.

>> No.4464613

Listen to this guy. I used to have such a shit time wondering what to do with my controllers. I went to Ikea and bought a Kallax, put my TV on top, consoles in the spaces and in two of the spaces I bought fabric boxes to throw all of my controllers in. Never been happier with my setup.

>> No.4464615

arent you worried about analog sticks being mushed against other controllers?

>> No.4465415

how is that worse than using them

>> No.4467505

That's not even happening in the picture.

>> No.4467557

Only if you wrap them super tight. That anon's wrapping is sufficiently loose.