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File: 109 KB, 782x381, quakeii_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4442012 No.4442012 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think quake 2 gets unfairly treated? It doesn't get talked about as much as the other quake games and if it does, its more critical than compared to the other quake games.

>> No.4442017

Because it eats ass compared to the original desu

>> No.4442023

multiplayer wise it gets shat because no insta wep switch and slow rate of fire for gl and rl

>> No.4442026

While the game isn’t as good as the others, it was my first real view of 3D OpenGL graphics. Blew my fucking mind at the time.

>> No.4442032

It's an okay game.
But it's short and it's not as good as the others.

Does it get unfairly treated or is it underrated?
No. Looking around, it gets exactly as much talk as it deserves.

>> No.4442049

The base game was disappointing, but the multiplayer mods were some of the most fun I've ever had with an FPS.

>> No.4442174

Its the most played Quake game online out of Quake 1-3 so no, not really. Singleplayer is okay but not as good as the first one while the Multiplayer is immortal.

People shitting on it is just standard us vs them faggotry like every other Quake. I see cpm players shittalking quakeworld and vice versa
personally its more interesting to me than quake 3 due to better weapon balance and more advanced movement.

>> No.4442180

space marine corridor shooter gets all it deserved. Q1 was 1000times better

>> No.4442184 [DELETED] 

i wonder who the hell plays 20 years old multilayer games unironically

>> No.4442186

Yeah they should just play games because they're new and not because they enjoy them

>> No.4442187

people who aren't retarded and move to the next big thing just because it's new
QHLAN 2018 soon

>> No.4442275

Q2, as far as I can tell, started the generic brown space marine first person shooter plague. It was pretty fun for a while, then we all discovered Unreal Tournament, which is a fun game with good graphics.

>> No.4442287

would you say 20 years old multilayer games aged badly?

>> No.4442345

Music is god tier and it my fav quake game

>> No.4442361

>Do you think quake 2 gets unfairly treated?

Yes, way more people view it uncritically and see it as faultless when there are significant problems that make it a weaker game.

>> No.4442373

It's basically worse single player than 1 and worse multiplayer than 3, so not many people bother with it anymore.

That said, it's still a fucking awesome game.

Make sure you try the N64 version as well, if you haven't already. It's actually a stand-alone game with all new levels, while still retaining the core gameplay of the PC version. Plus it has split-screen multiplayer, which is just fun as fuck.

>> No.4442425

Quake 3 is just Quake 2 with worse movement and no SP.

>> No.4442482

All pods launched. Establish communications, priority alpha.

>> No.4442486

It has the best music out of all quakes

>> No.4442501

So, what do you anons think of Quake 4?

I thought quake 2 was a little rough around the edges, but quake 4 really polished it up.

>> No.4442538

Singleplayer definitely feels like a 360 launch title shooter but the multiplayer is pretty awesome with q4max. It's a faster paced Quake 3 with better balance. I would say Doom 3 is closer to Quake 2 but slower paced and better encounter design.

>> No.4442549

I think it's because Quake 2 is one of those games with a lot of smaller flaws that keep adding up, instead of one big issue that's easy to point at. It's less effort just to go 'it's shit' and leave it at that.

Quake 2 isn't shitty but it's real annoying.

>> No.4442583
File: 186 KB, 685x515, 16c8c73bedd543a87c4745aa964a0bf1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quake 2 is a multiplayer game with singleplayer as an added bonus. It will always be remembered for its MP and all the amazing mods for it.

>> No.4442605


I used to love Quake 2 MP as a kid, but I tried getting back into it and it didn't click for me like Quake 1's MP does. I don't know why.

>> No.4442613

Quakeworld is all about 2 guns, the RL and LG. Quake 2 is about the chaingun, the SSG, the RL and RG. QW is a simpler game whose depth comes from tricks on specific maps and other players as you don't have to think about timing weapons or anything like that as much. The real depth in QW is in TDM.

>> No.4442683

I think quake 2 is great the level objectives are interesting and it has good focus. The weapons all feel great and hitting strogg up close with the ssg feels like hitting them with a train. The music is top notch it's some of the best music of all video games period. I think the single player is much more exciting than half life.

>> No.4443014

Probably because Q2 is terrible for MP. The netcode is worse than Quakeworlds was, the weapons aren't balanced for movement. The switchspeeds are dick slow making fights terrible.

>> No.4443039

The netcode is the same as quakeworld with the only difference being modern improvements like antilag, the weapons are better balanced than quakeworld, and the switchspeeds are fine.

>> No.4443053

this, quake 2 multiplayer is the shit, quake 1 had worse maps, well I think they were better suited to dueling. Quake 2 was just more fun if you were playing anything that wasnt a 1v1. Weapons are better balanced and there are more of them around the maps which make tdm more fun. Plus quake 1 doesnt have the rail gun

>> No.4443063

Actually I would say QW is a better TDM game than it is 1v1 even if I prefer it over Q2 1v1. 3 of the big 5 duel maps aren't very well suited for 1v1 and nobody ever wants to play kenya maps. The weapon imbalance works in QW's favor for TDM while the shotgun is better than the blaster. I've never played Q2 TDM outside of 2v2s on the edge so I'm definitely not an authority on Q2 TDM.

>> No.4443079

Is quake 2 public multiplayer more active than quake 1 is?

>> No.4443085


>> No.4443109

Sweet, I'll check it out because it's a real shame that quake 1 and quake 3 are pretty dead for public multiplayer but at least quake 2 still has some activity.

>> No.4443115

Quakeworld still gets activity on the weekends for Team Fortress and you can generally always play 1v1.

>> No.4443158

quake 2 has regular games pretty much every night Im always getting notifications for them on discord but I got sucked into runescape again so thats been eating all my gametime

>> No.4443165

What are the best bots for quake 2 multiplayer?

>> No.4443375

it is unfairly treated
sure it's grenades were shit
but it has colored lighting
and most retards dont know how to turn off texture filtering
however its still missing skeletal animation like gldsrc has

>> No.4443387

the grenades were really strong though

>> No.4443389

but both you and the launcher had noodle arm and they just didnt bounce as well as in Q1

>> No.4443490

it bounces really far if you know what you're doing

>> No.4443510


TDM is actually pretty fun, but DM3 is so loved that it seems nobody wants to try anything else.

I agree that Quake 1 isn't actually that good for dueling. The power difference between the RL, LG, and the other weapons turns it into a race to see who can hold the RL and a good armor first. At least Q2 has a bit more variety to it.

>> No.4443645

gladiator bot is alright, if a bit easy

>> No.4443706

Not sure there is anything but Gladiator bots. They're a bit less dumb version of the Quake 3 bots. If you have OSP mod installed the bots are included with that. You can vote to add bots.

>> No.4443708

Are quake 2 bots better than quake 1 bots? Because quake 1 bots were really just an aimbot that knew how to move around a map.

>> No.4443724

It's multiplayer is good, but Quake 3's is so much better that it's like comparing a nicely done hand drawn sketch to a Vermeer painting.

How is it possible to have such a wrong opinion?

>> No.4443728

VQ3 is shit.

>> No.4443740

Let me guess, you think cpm is the only way to play

>> No.4443742

No I just think VQ3 is shit. VQL is bearable at the very least.

>> No.4443753

Your opinion is shit, and nobody likes you.

>> No.4443837


me, i play quakeworld and its fun as fuck and i dont think any multiplayer fps has it topped in terms of depth and movement


>> No.4444207

How different is bunny hopping in quake 2 because I heard the physics are weird and you got to do bunny hopping different than quake 1

>> No.4444362
File: 29 KB, 512x800, bitterman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitterman, the quake 2 protagonist, is not a space marine. He doesn't even look like one.

>> No.4444375

The weapon switch speed made me want to scream.

>> No.4444379

It's strafe jumping not bunny hopping.

>> No.4444383

I see both words used interchangeably

>> No.4444473

they work based on the same basic math but one has air control while the other doesn't
quake 2 balances out the lack air control with double jumping and slope jumping

>> No.4444507

Can you list some of these other "generic brown space marine first person shooter" games that immediately followed Quake 2?

>> No.4444530


>> No.4444604

With all that briefing/debriefing and teammate interaction bullshit I thought I was playing Star Trek Voyager Elite Force 3.

>> No.4444994

what the fuck is wrong with his head, seriously

>> No.4445051

I feel the Doom 2 megawad Back to Saturn X Episode 1 did a better job at Quake 2 style techbases than Quake 2 itself. Especially considering the gameplay was actually fun this time.

>> No.4445064

It looks like to me a biological implant

>> No.4445148

BTSX isn't Quake 2 architecture. In Quake 2 they use a lot of angled surfaces on everything that wouldn't be possible in Doom for Strogg architecture. It also doesn't have any of the palace aesthetic iirc.

>> No.4445152

What are the best mods for quake 2? I know there was a lot of them

>> No.4445154

>its completely 100% different because theres no slopes
Theres still clear influences.

>> No.4445169

It's a great game that was released at an interesting time, right before GPUs and hardware acceleration became the industry standard.

I think they originally planned for a different name but ended up going with the Quake IP for some reason or another. This might have caused some disappointment/confusion/butthurt for fans who expected an experience more similar to the original Quake, which was also a excellent (groundbreaking) game.

IMO, they have to be thought of as completely unrelated games and taken on their own merits instead of compared like sibling rivals.

>> No.4445184

Action Quake 2, Gloom, Weapons Factory, Jailbreak, AirQuake 2, Transformers Quake 2, D-Day off the top of my head.

>> No.4445235

Q3 Bitterman is an alternate universe counterpart who got Strogged

>> No.4445237
File: 206 KB, 498x561, 1499358862227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the strogg turned him into a smug southern pepe

>> No.4445287

This mod has iron sights, I thought this wasn't a thing till years later

>> No.4445290

people still play it occasionally

>> No.4445664

They are better than any Q1 bots I've played against, yeah. I mean don't expect too much, bots are always going to dumb but they don't just rely on godlike aim (which most of them don't actually have).

>> No.4445694

CPM bots beat out Q1 and Q2 bots for the most part. Some of the movement stuff they do is just inhuman though.

>> No.4446448
File: 996 KB, 500x281, zero shrug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't get talked about as much as the other quake games
Because it's aesthetically the most boring Id Software game ever made.

>> No.4446645

I don't understand. Quake 2's multiplayer feels so bad in comparison. One culprit is the 10Hz ticrate. Quake 1 and 3 both default to 20Hz.
I see nothing but improvement in its sequel.

>> No.4446650

Quake 1 was 10 tick as well. Every modern client for both games supports higher tickrates for both the server and client while still having legacy support for older clients.

>> No.4446651

I doubt it's him. First and foremost, it just doesn't make sense for a Quake 2 protagonist to have an alien organic head. Then there is the fact that the default multiplayer model in Quake 2 is also present in Quake 3 with the same name. This has to be our guy.

>> No.4446657

It's 20.

>> No.4446658

Whoops my bad it wasn't 10 tick. Doesn't change the rest of what I said though.

>> No.4446670


>> No.4446704

Quake 2 is like 99% tech bases and yet somehow they're not as cool as the tech bases in Doom, Quake 1, or even Doom 3.

>> No.4446710

Quake 2 engine is pretty much just a cleaned up Quake 1. Even the physics with air control were the same before they patched it out.

>> No.4447289

This is probably why idtech 2 refers to both.

>> No.4447612

I hate that theres invisible walls at the bridge in unit 1, until you activate the switch. Basically a middle finger to people who like to experiment to sequence break.

>> No.4447628

Your drop pod has "Bitterman" written on it

>> No.4447720

intro cutscene refers to him as bitterman and you can hear his voice as well

>> No.4447732

No, Quake 2 deserves any hate it gets. It's a complete piece of shit that was a step down from its predecessor in almost every way. Gone are the labrynthine levels, unique medieval aesthetic, excellent weapon balancing, and difficult enemies. Instead, Quake 2 deliveeed a mediocre by-the-numbers "space marine" experience which sold itself as being an evolution of the franchise when in reality it was a simplification. The guns don't even have muzzle flash -- a feature that was in Quake 1. What the fuck?

I say this with one caveat: Quake 2 on the N64 is awesome. One of the best shooters on the system. Totally different levels, story, weapon balancing, etc. A great game all around, but every other version is fecal matter.

>> No.4447745
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, quake2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q2 on PC is pretty much better than the N64 version in every way and the muzzle flash on the N64 is one of the worst implementations I have seen in a game. The only challenge comes from the control scheme and deathmatch maps on N64 are terrible too. Better off playing Perfect Dark or Doom64.

>> No.4447785

Oh okay, so in other words, you haven't actually played the game. How does fucking muzzle flash equate to "one of the worst implementations seen in a game"? It's a simple visual effect, are you retarded? And no, the deathmatch maps aren't terrible. The only point in your abortion of an argument that I actualy agree with is that Perfect Dark is the better game, because PD is amazing, but Quake 2 is still a solid shooter. Quake 2 on PC however, is an absolute fucking mess with terrible level design, terrible weapon balancing and multiplayer saved only by the ability for fat virgins to fix what's wrong with it through mods. Try again faggot.

>> No.4447790

Yeah they're terrible. I've played them and they don't hold a candle to any of the maps on the PC version vanilla or otherwise. I'd rather play the base SP maps online like the good old days before they released the deathmatch maps than subject myself to the n64 version.

>> No.4447804

Yep, like I said, you've never played the game. Let's test your knowledge, what exactly is bad about quake 2 for n64? because I can give you a whole list of what's wrong with the PC version. Level design is haphazard and nonsensical, hand grenades are retarded, overall pace of game is slow, etc. I doubt you can give me an honest criticism of the N64 version because you havent't played it. Tell me more about these "terrible" multiplayer maps.

>> No.4447825

>pace of the game is slow
t. brainlet who can't move fast

>> No.4447829

t. literal brainlet who doesn't realize that Quake 2 on N64 has increased speed over the PC version

>> No.4447872
File: 6 KB, 199x181, 1496261570820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this bait or are you legitimately retarded
you can't even strafe jump on the n64

>> No.4447896

Uhh yeah you can. Yet another retard who hasn't played the game. God damn, PC fags are insufferable.

>> No.4447905

so you are retarded thanks
now i can stop replying

>> No.4447908

Exactly, stop replying because you have no argument. Get fucked retard.

>> No.4448218

I agree that Quake 2 on PC is mediocre but I doubt you can strafe jump in N64 Quake 2. You're full of shit. Let's see a webm of this then.

>> No.4448298

>I say this with one caveat: Quake 2 on the N64 is awesome. One of the best shooters on the system. Totally different levels, story, weapon balancing, etc
Quake 2 had a different campaign on N64? Goddammit dude, had no idea. I also learnt from /vr/ that Doom 64 was a different game. I saw Quake 2 on N64 and Doom 64 sitting on the shelf for years as a kid but I never got either because I figured they were just ports. Lame, would have played the shit out of both if I knew they were different games.

>> No.4448316

Duke Nukem 64 is also very different from the original

>> No.4448352

That's different from quake 2 and doom 64. Both games were a completely new game while duke nukem 64 was mostly a port and censorship to please nintendo makes it inferior to the PC and playstation port.

>> No.4448379

It does indeed get unfairly treated.

There are certain circlejerks out there doing what they can to keep it that way, and it's really disturbing to see how much effort they put into shitting on it, when they instead can do something more constructive in their lives.

>> No.4448467

Quake 2 has one of the most boring as fuck SP campaigns in shooters. Uninspired level design, everything looks like a sci-fi warehouse with none of the charm of previous id games. It was essentially a tech demo for a great engine, and was quickly overtaken by better shooters. There's jusy not much to remember here, unless you were a deathmatch nut.

>> No.4448474

I played it to hell back when it was released and in multiplayer.

Recently gave it a try again and its just nothing good really. Controls feel bad, gameplay very boring, map design shit. Even Quake 1 somehow aged better.

On other hand, still enjoying Duke Nukem 3D and Blood 1 a lot.

>> No.4448515

How are bots for DN3D?

>> No.4448602


>Trent Reznor composed Quake 1 soundtrack

Q2 ost is mediocre at best in comparison

>> No.4449125

It may be better than the later games (never really paid attention to the Q3 OST), but it's nowhere near as good as the quake 1 OST.

I remember being incredibly disappointed by the OST when Q2 first came out.

>> No.4449151

they're completely different and it's unfair to compare them

crashed up again is great though

>> No.4449169

I'm a whore for FPS games in general so I can play and enjoy Quake II without problem, even the PSX port. But I agree with the poor shift in atmosphere compared to the first game, and the weapons weren't as satisfying.

>> No.4449272 [DELETED] 

Top fucking kek at any retard spouting shit about a FPS being better on the N64 than PC. Enjoy that silky smooth 20fps and castrated controls bro

>> No.4449456 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 331x431, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4450130

Amazingly bad. But it gets points for having them out of the box in 1996, I guess. I honestly forgot about the Duke bots until you revived that memory just now.

>> No.4450683

How bad are we talking about here?

>> No.4450759

Q2's claim to fame was always the multiplayer. it had a very robust community for years and was the segue to Q3's exclusive multiplayer focus. i have such fond memories of playing Q2 and Q3 with my buddies in high school. it was actually the first quake we never played.

as for Q2's single player, it is weaker than Q1 but not horrible like some edgelords here insist. my main complaint is it's too easy, pacing is rather slow, and graphically it looks sculpted from mud but it still has a charm i'm fond of.

>> No.4450929

day old, but whatever:
I would argue a good handful of the roster in q2 is a lot more heavily dependant on hitscans or enemies with hitscan secondary attacks. I agree that enemies as a whole feel very redundant and one-note for the most part in quake 2.

you define the map design in q2 perusing the words 'nonsensical' and 'haphazard'. none of both can apply to the map design in this game. some maps are labyrinthic, some are linear, but they all loop at some point. they all make sense in the meta and the layouts are built in a way so that they are revisitable. the player is hoped to explore every nook and cranny because they won't be in an area for long. see the mine unit.

the level design on the 64 version, if anything, is a more simplified and dumbed-down variant of the hubs in quake 2, working in favor of a more straightforward experience.
don't get me wrong, this is so as to make up for a more comfortable control layout. well, in contrast to the limited AI, poor enemy placement and bad map flow.
you claim you can strafejump in the 64 version, claim which you never even provided proof for. you don't realize that if this was true, it would be detrimental to the maps since they're built implicitly to accomodate the console controls and build size limitations of the console. especially in the case of the DM maps which you're so determined to defend. the player is also slower in the 64 port.

I've quoted you twice, none of your posts have any argumentative weight to them. in fact they're anti-arguments. they expose your poor grasp on english and your limited vernacular. your wording is poor. you draw comparisons to other things because that's all your intelligence level tells you to do. you depend on other people to voice their thoughts first to defend something they like, because you have no way to defend YOUR tastes. you're overly frustrated and angry because you're a stupid faggot in real life and that's why you're combative online.

>> No.4450942
File: 3.79 MB, 1924x1084, shyyt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try this SP unit, it was released just today:


>> No.4451012 [DELETED] 

Lmao holy shit, what an assmad autist we have here.
>you define the map design in q2 perusing the words 'nonsensical'
Uh first off, that isn't what the word "peruse" means. Now, this statement seems to imply that maps which are "labyrinthic" (which is not a word, I think you mean "labyrinthine") or linear can't be nonsensical. The "labyrinthic" maps see you doing a lot of wandering around, and the linear maps see you moving from point A to B with most "secrets" hidden in plain sight.
>the level design on the 64 version
The Quake 2 N64 maps not only have a logical flow but have many special touches that make them more interesting. Walls you can blow up, a cage filled with prisoners you can dip into lava, secret buttons and panels hidden everywhere, etc. PC has some of this as well, but it's spread very thin across the whole game.
>you claim you can strafejump in the 64 version, claim which you never even provided proof for.
It's not my job to account for your ignorance. This isn't a thesis paper dipshit. If you want proof, go play the game and see for yourself. It's possible to strafe jump in any first person shooter with independent move-look controls, console or not.
>the player is also slower in the 64 port.
Nope. Wrong.
>they expose your poor grasp on english and your limited vernacular. your wording is poor. you draw comparisons to other things because that's all your intelligence level tells you to do.
LOL, look at this pseudo intellectual faggot and laugh. You're telling me I have a "poor grasp on english" and "limited vernacular" when you're the one using words that don't exist, misusing "big words" you think you know the meaning of, and lack the capability to use basic punctuation? The very fact you even have to go down this road to compensate for your aborted fetus of an argument is all too telling of how frustrated and angry you really are. What a sad, wretched little man.

>> No.4451028 [DELETED] 

I like how this guy is trying so hard to sound smart and criticizing other people for english and grammar and he cant even spell lmao. screencapped for future use

>> No.4451074 [DELETED] 

I like how you up your English game the moment I fuck you up with my words. don't lose your temper.
>(which is not a word, I think you mean "labyrinthine")
>Mostly large forms from the Trias (a few Permian), with true labyrinthic dentition.
uh oh, you're already fucking up this early into your response.
>peruse: to read through something, especially in order to find the part you are interested in.
you don't fucking care what anyone says about the 64 multiplayer maps. you want somebody to criticize them first so you can build on from there like the handicapped retard you are.

>The "labyrinthic" maps see you doing a lot of wandering around
no shit, you complete a game by wandering around. the flow of the maps and their layout vary from unit to unit. I can see you're really going to greath lenghts to convince yourself about the points you make because the maps aren't what you want them to be and you must absolutely prove me wrong because I insulted you.
>"secrets hidden in plain sight"
not only are you stupid enough to think I'm talking about secrets but you drop this shit. what does even this mean. you do realize that there's a level variability to the way secrets are laid out, especially in earlier parts of a game, do you?

>The Quake 2 N64 maps not only have a logical flow
the game doesn't even work in hubs. it's linear map one after another in slow succession. don't misuse 'logical flow' for straight-up linearity. again, just plopping words right out the door. any map that has a start, an exit, and a means of getting through it is 'logical flow'.
>but have many special touches that make them more interesting
"I now proceed to name superfluous details that not only are already present in the PC version but ultimately add nothing to the game and are just related to the secrets"
can't blame a retard for getting entertained by explosions and pretty lights, I guess.

>> No.4451121 [DELETED] 


>It's not my job to account for your ignorance. This isn't a thesis paper dipshit. If you want proof, go play the game and see for yourself.
sorry, the burden of proof is on you. if you were completely assured about the claims you make you'd provide some sources, but considering you've been asked for it and shut your cunt up, I'm not terribly convinced, sorry. not like it would be terribly necessary as a quick youtube search proves you in the wrong.

>It's possible to strafe jump in any first person shooter with independent move-look controls, console or not.
I didn't know goldeneye 64 had strafejumping. even with a K+BM setup.

>Nope. Wrong.
I don't even need you to comment on this. everyone knows for a fact you're wrong including myself.

>misusing "big words" you think you know the meaning of
your use of commas here is so incredibly amusing and so deliciously ironic.

>and lack the capability to use basic punctuation?
and you lack the ability to open google.com and look up basic fucking info and post it here. you also lack the ability to think and function like a normal person even when online. you get anonimity on your side and you STILL fuck up by being a retard.

also good job at throwing my sentence 'you can't argue for shit' back at me. god fuck, and you think you're witty. again you depend on someone else to come up with your own rebuttals, and even then you're still shit at them. you're as predictable as a stomach cancer and you think being upfront about it is going to help your case.

I kept this tab open because I thought there would be any substance to any word you say considering how ludicrous your claims are, 'maybe he'll elaborate if I nudge him lightly' but no. you're a dumbass who unironically 'screencaps' posts where he gets utterly destroyed for what I can only assume is future reference. be sure to save this one as well, I don't want you forgetting me any sooner.

>> No.4451147 [DELETED] 

uh oh, you're gonna take another 44 minutes to reply to me again, aren't you.

you're gonna prove to me that you're slow in more ways than one. that's gonna be pretty hardcore, be sure to be extra verbose this time around just to keep me at bay.

type properly, too. hand sweat and a fast hearbeat can be a bitch. but I guess you would know.

>> No.4451170

>It's possible to strafe jump in any first person shooter with independent move-look controls, console or not.
this might just be the single best thing ive read on this board alone

>> No.4451198 [DELETED] 

Holy shit this nigger is fuming right now.

>> No.4451205

>It's possible to strafe jump in any first person shooter with independent move-look controls, console or not.
you're a fucking imbecile.

>> No.4451248 [DELETED] 

Lmao holy shit this guy is a mod and deletes any post that makes him look bad. I have never seen anyone this assblasted in my entire life. Writes a 2 page essay on his struggle with autism. The absolute state of /vr/.

>> No.4451254

I was going to respond to you in full, but after reading through your post it's pretty obvious that you're suffering from schizophrenia or something, so I won't waste any further time. Clearly Quake 2 is your favorite game and this means a lot to you, so hey, no hard feelings. You keep doing you.

>> No.4451265

English teacher here. "Labyrinthic" is not a word. If you'll notice, 4chan's spell-check highlights the word with a red line, indicating that it is spelled incorrectly. The adjective form of labyrinth is "labyrinthine". Just letting you know so you can stop making an ass of yourself.

>> No.4451532

Trying to run through closed doors nonstop until the player opens them.

>> No.4451549

I have been wanting to play some original Q2 content for a long time but never have. I shall take your suggestion and play this.

>> No.4451550

>4chan's spell-check

>> No.4451646

I'm just here to second Action. it's unquestionably the best and most hilarious mod for Q2 if for nothing else but the Kicks

>is launched across the entire map like a football

>> No.4451730

From the original Quake trilogy is the one that has more players online at all times, so I don't think it's doing too badly.

>> No.4451773

Doesn't quake 2 have the worst physics of all the quake games? Especially with air control for strafe jumping and bunny hopping?

>> No.4451784

What makes you say that? Quake 3 is just Quake 2 with everything but strafe jumping stripped out. With QL they brought back a simplified form of double jumping but still no slope jumping or ladder jumping as well as some other tricks.

>> No.4451830

what do you mean everything but strafe jumping stripped out? it's on the one hand 99% similar but very different at the precise tactical level. they play very differently despite how similar they are, so i'm not sure what basis there is for saying it's a clone minus (one thing).

and what do you mean by double jumping? and slope and ladder jumping for that matter? are you referring to CPMA physics?

Q3 in most instances plays faster than Q2 which is fast but clunky by comparison. QL is a whole different matter but it plays like a punchier Q3. but the pace of each quake game has progressively increased, however marginally; for all their intrinsic similarities they play very differently. the weapons are a big part but so are a lot of minute changes in in-air turns, momentum, speed, and tactics.

>> No.4451853

QL is NOT a punchier Q3. Most weapons in QL do less damage such as the rocket launcher (splash), lightning gun, railgun, and shotgun. All of those movement mechanics listed are in Q2, with some of them being reimplemented in CPMA since its main goal is to combine the movement and gameplay mechanics of all three games. Q2 is a very acrobatic game with double jumping playing a huge role on every map. The scaling of maps in Quake 1 and 2 is also much smaller than Quake 3 which dictates the pace of the game. Even a slow map like Q2DM1 compared to Q3DM13 will generally have a higher frag count.
Also the pace of each game increasing as they go on is false. The time to kill has increased with every game. We went from the 300DPS LG in Quake 1 to the one hit kill off spawn railgun to untiered armor so stacking yellows instead of contesting for reds can put you even with an opponent and you start off with 125HP. Whether this is good or not is personal preference. You will find that lethality in weapons decreased over time when looking at their stats.

>> No.4451953

i grant the points you make; i think i had a different meaning of "punchier," which did not necessarily mean better. i mostly played CA in QL but also some FFA and TDM and they all shared the same look. it was more easily customizable than Q3 without looking up commands (again, not that this is necessarily a fault), and it just "felt" imperceptibly different, beyond the changes and additions they made to weapons and pickups. i know that's subjective but that's all i'm commenting on.

Q2 definitely was fast and had skilled movements absent in Q3. but jump-pads replacing ladders overall made for quicker navigation. (this is also a personal preference.) there were more than a few subpar Q3DM maps, but i was speaking more to the engine, gameplay and tactics rather than the map design.

i do prefer Q3 to QL for the record although it's refreshing to have a different option

>> No.4452434

How can I play Quake online? Preferably Quake 1 and Quake Live. Have no idea how to, please help, I live in the UK.

>> No.4452438



>> No.4452475
File: 3.41 MB, 1300x6971, 1512043037238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.4453590

How come EZQuake feels so much smoother and more responsive than Quakespasm? I have both running at a solid 300 FPS but I swear Quakespasm has so much more input lag than EZQuake does. Running the single player with EZQuake feels so much better than with Quakespasm. Is there an EZQuake port for the single player (so all that other multiplayer HUD jargon doesn't show up while you're playing the SP and also have the original game's textures etc)?

>> No.4453605

EZquake is a quakeworld client and has physics separated from fps so it doesn't shit the bed when you go over 77fps.

>> No.4453612

So I should play Quakespasm at 77fps?

I wouldn't say it has 'shit the bed' at the current framerate, but it just doesn't feel nearly as responsive as EZquake does. I wouldn't have even really noticed it, but after trying EZQuake out the difference was palpable.

>> No.4453631

it's already at 77 or 72fps

>> No.4453634

even after I put host_maxfps 120 ?

>> No.4453868

no then it's 120fps but if you raise it too high it will cause issues with elevators

>> No.4454293

Quakeworld will always have different and better physics than netquake

>> No.4454304

Can you play Quake coop with nQuake?

If so does anybody wanna play? I'm in the UK.

>> No.4454441

I'm not really talking about the physics, more specifically the input lag.


^In Quakespasm I seem to be getting 9-10ms at all times. That's even worse than what I'm getting in Darkplaces, which seems to be very between 2 and 6. With ezquake I have like 2 ms all the time and it feels a billion times better just for aiming alone, let alone strafe jumping.

(Also didn't realise but my Quakespasm seems to cap at 108fps even though I have max fps set at 120. Even if I cap the framerate at 72 I still have this input lag though.)

>> No.4454518

*which seems to vary between

>> No.4454559

Other way around trent-cham did quake2 not 1

>> No.4454593

>lava clipping
Whoever wrote that should fix their settings or some shit because that doesn't happen if it's not broken. There are some visual glitches for sure, but I've had multiple iterations since it came out and never had that.

>> No.4454608

Sonic Maymeh did Quake 2 and 3 music and American Mcgee did sound design for Quake 1 and 2.

>> No.4454614

Your right my fault woops
Reznor did sound and music for 1

>> No.4454642

>Even a slow map like Q2DM1 compared to Q3DM13 will generally have a higher frag count.

The pace of the game is not strictly dictated by the weapon damage. Although it plays it's parts. QW also had the issue where weapons were balanced situationally whereas Q3 is tuned for damage. Plasma gun is faster projectiles with more damage than the SNG, shotgun does 110 damage per shot and okay range. The default machinegun is an accurate 70 DPS right out of the gate - so to pull 100 damage in QW out as a fresh spawn you need 2.5 seconds and to pull 100 damage in Q3 is 1.5 seconds. QW is potentially quicker but because of how reliant it is on weapons when people die they're slower to show back up for the party and the only thing that speeds that up is flying around looking for them (which is way faster in QW than Q3). But in Q3, you can basically grab really any gun in the game and join the party unless you're in severely disadvantageous territory (like across open field across rail or very tight corridor against rocket).

QW is has the fastest combat but can also lead to some slower matches - Q2's combat is generally the slowest general despite having some heavy hitting weapons just because of how shit they are at being properly effective (blaster is a fucking joke even so you're especially fucked at a fresh spawn), getting around is faster but the level design is generally fucking shit which slows it down hard. Q3 combat is the second fastest - most everything is effective at killing and it generally has the fastest pacing towards fights overall.

Pacing wise QW is both fastest and slowest. Q2 is usually just always slow, and Q3 is usually fairly high.

Q3 still retains rocket jumping for movement and it does 50% of the splash damage in comparison and there's nothing like plasma climbing in Q2. Overbounce is also a thing if you can utilize it though highly dependent.

>> No.4454747

Yeah you've never played Quakeworld.

>> No.4454780

I hope you'll enjoy it!

>> No.4455283 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 800x449, strafe-skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say STRAFE. (Fake Retro)

>> No.4455363

it's just boring and uncreative

>> No.4455426

I thought the weapons for quake 2 was really cool

>> No.4455610

Mostly fun from what I played but a bit annoyingly switch hunty at times. The slipgate section has this annoying obscure 'shoot the targets' puzzle in which I could not find the final target to shoot and ultimately lost interest. I don't understand how anybody could have thought that such an obscure puzzle being required to proceed was a good idea.

>> No.4455903


>> No.4459010

My actual boy

>> No.4460115

Yeah, definitely pretty cool