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File: 256 KB, 1920x1080, earthbound cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4361895 No.4361895 [Reply] [Original]

what was your favorite place/part of the game?

>> No.4361905

Threed because I like spooks. Moonside is also great.

>> No.4361906

First sanctuary spot was pretty chill.

>> No.4361918

Fourside for sure, the music is top notch. my favorite part is the end, when you go through all the places you have visited, or the Gygas battle which reminds me of my own childhood trauma

>> No.4361925
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>Gygas battle which reminds me of my own childhood trauma

Giygas fight was arguably the most powerful part of the game.

>> No.4361932

Moonside or Summers

>> No.4361939

definitely brought me to tears.
the lines "it hurts" and "this isn't right" resonate with me most being molested it sounds like something I thought
that was by design, those lines are common among people, who have experienced trauma

>> No.4361942

> Giygas fight was arguably the most powerful part of the game.
as it should be, considering its the final boss. M3 was really lacking in the villain and character division compared to the other two

>> No.4361950

That ending of the final fight in M3 though. No one I know wasn't destroyed by it.

Clause uses PK Thunder, but the Franklin badge...

Mother 3 definitely vastly improved on inventory management.

>> No.4361952
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The patrician answer.

>> No.4361992

eh, i didnt really feel for it.
i think these people explained it better in the last thread

also, just read through that thread, it had a lot of things about M1 and 2 vs 3 in it. it was pretty good

>> No.4361994

giygas made me feel worse. claus was just kind of reprogrammed off the bat and it relied more on "its your brother" than actually fleshing him out like giygas and pokey. whereas giygas got screwed, shat on and fucked over to the point where he wasnt even himself anymore all he wanted was his mother back

>> No.4361997

youre not obnoxious dude. thats a good game and its genuinely fun to discuss, just like the other games. its great to know that there are fans out there that can make stuff with as much love, care and charm in it just as much as Itoi himself can.

>> No.4362084
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best girl coming through

>> No.4362092
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Only girl really unless we go into npcs.

>> No.4362094
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only if she's with best boy

>> No.4362098
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>> No.4362104
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>those knees and elbows
What a vomit-inducing art style.

>> No.4362105
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well here's a better one

>> No.4362107
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>> No.4362110
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>> No.4362113
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>> No.4362185
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>> No.4362746
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The sequence where you first start playing as Jeff, through from his Boarding school in Winters to when he rescues Ness and Paula. It was great because it felt so different, what he brought to the table and his background.

And of course the leadup to Giegue. I wish we could have saved him.


Those lines just make it hurt worse, especially taking M1 and CogDis into account ;_;


I wasn't 'destroyed', but certainly chilled. Clever. The more I think about how Claus died, the more I wonder/write fanfic ideas about how Giegue might have behaved if he returned to his senses at the end of M2. If only briefly (if he even could by that point).


Thanks anon, I'm just wary of being overbearing and accidentally dismissing all other discussion.
I'm gonna look for your fanart tonight I think.

>> No.4362816
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>> No.4362825

The coffee break hit me really hard in the feels and I have no idea why.

>> No.4362860


It did me good as well. I think it's like an assurance that you're doing well, to not give up. But, the thing that bothers me most; who's speaking? Is it Ness? Ness's father? Just some nameless narrator?


Suddenly the board is in Halloween style, awesome.

>> No.4362868

Nameless servant of the Goddess was how I pictured it.

It's all text, so were it the Goddess herself, I'd believe it.

>> No.4362872


I keep forgetting about the Goddess, sorry anon.

Well, the dialogue seems so different to anybody else you encounter, and the moment is 'special', "outside", and though I wish it were Giegue, I think you're probably on the right track.

>> No.4362876

I always assumed it was Itoi.

>> No.4362880

I don't think it was Giegue/Giygas. I don't think he ever directly communicates with the protags until the fateful battle, at which point you see the extent of his mind's scrambility

I think he speaks directly to his minions and such, and perhaps Porky, but I feel as though he communicates by proxies and corruption etc. more than anything else. One could wonder if at some point he talked entirely through that odd organic screen on the devil machine; just using images and leaving his minions to interpret it.

>> No.4362897
File: 764 KB, 800x1000, gyiyg_by_nelehthedragoness-d5v1hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well yeah I guess.


Yeah. I know you're right but in my heart I'm lying to myself ;_;

I think that once he began to properly lose himself trying desperately to shake off the love he had and received from his human family, that he had to use the Devil's machine to maintain some semblance of coherent discourse with his minions, or through proxies like you say. I do like your theory that maybe he could no longer even speak properly, and so had to communicate more 'abstractly' through imagery and suggestion, thought manipulation. Perhaps that is why Porky took to it so thoroughly, and even surpassed it; he was already thinking along these lines, and eventually even manipulated poor Giegue.

>> No.4362927

No like, it's Itoi, the developer talking to you, the player. It's that kind of game after all.

>> No.4362932

I often think the game would be better without that fourth wall breaking stuff (save for maybe entering your name for the credits, and the picture man). On top of that, maybe ditching the "name your character" stuff too. Everyone will use the canon names anyhow.

E.g. if you name Ness after yourself and then enter your name when prompted, it gets confusing.

>> No.4362937

is it because your mom and dad literally never said any of those things nor was every really emotionally available or cognizant enough to even be capable of it instead of just chainsmoking and throwing beer cans at your head when you can't sleep at night and slowly creep into their room hoping they won't be an asshole tonight

>> No.4362945


I know what you meant anon. I mean, I just don't particularly like that sort of fourth-wall breaking. Entering your own name is alright, and talking about 'someone watching overhead' is okay too. But having a developer mouthpiece just feels wrong. To me, anyway. I get that it's probably what it is, but anyway.

>> No.4363046
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>> No.4363453
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>> No.4363462


>> No.4363470


This is how I always saw the coffee breaks. A chance to really break the 4th wall and have the game developers speak directly to the player, not the character. It really through me for a loop the first time but I really enjoyed it, its little things like that which made Earthbound so endearing.

>> No.4363471

No, i just thought that was like ness's subconscious. Either that or mary

>> No.4363789

My problem with this is that there's no indication that Ness is in any way related to Maria.

Only a max of 20 years (198X and 199X) could have passed. I believe the X was defined in Mother 1 original release, but then retconned to just "X". It could have been something as simple as 5-10 years, which would make Ninten too young to really be Ness's dad.

The biggest reason why Ness isn't related to Ninten is that his Mother and Father express surprise during the flashback to Ness as a baby telekineting a baby bottle.

So I'm assuming that Ness would be related via parenthood, but maybe there was a cousin of Ninten of something (unlikely). In that case, the family would surely know of their heroic Ninten and the research of his grandfather. In which case, Ness showing skill at psychic powers wouldn't be a surprise.

Were it Itoi that'd be dumb for more, as I'm more in line with

It really took me out of the immersion, and was arguably something that could ruin the emotions of the Giygas fight

>> No.4363804

i dont think that is what it was. i think it was just some kind of omnipotent force watching over you. Itoi only really talks to you two times in the game and thats through the dog in the onett shop

>> No.4363810

i think what >>4363471 says kind of makes sense. mary is closely related to giygas, so it would make sense that she would be watching over him, so perhaps at some point she realizes giygas was too far gone and needed to be put out of his misery for the good of the world, so she decided to watch over ness instead.

>> No.4363921
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>> No.4363959
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The thing though is it is a reminder that this is a fictional story.

I won't go too into as M3 isn't retro but M3's entire message is about loss and acceptance. Players will ultimately finish the game and need to move on, do things with their lives. It tells you that the game, and I suppose video games or media in general, will still be there fir us when we need it, but it says we have to accept our lives for what they are and live them regardless of the circumstances.

Earthbound is kind of like that too. In this weird moment of the absurd and surreal we are reminded that it is you, the player, that brought the heroes there. This experience has been yours just as much as it has been the heroes. We win simply because we are the player and we want to, we have the will to win against Giygas and you having made it to this point shows it.

Sorry for the babble, I don't mean to sound pretentious and hope I don't. Just some feelings I get from the endings

>> No.4364023

here is a list of songs, because the music is the thing that sticks with me the most. I always come back too it, guess it is just autism, maybe because it reminds me of the times when I was actually happy. Ignorant, but I felt like I had true freedom. Now I know myself, and hate it
>Your Name, Please
>Happy Happy is Blue
>You've Come Far Ness
>Andonut's Lab
>Paradise Line
>Fallin' Love
>Good Friends, Bad Friends
I hope I avoided the obvious choices.
looong post is looong

>> No.4364056

that is the joke yes

>> No.4364061

Used to have Paula's Theme as my ringtone back in the day. The good old days

>> No.4364063

yeah, thats kind of how i see it. M1 and M2 were really more of an experience for me

>> No.4364159

Frisk enduring Asriel's final attack in the pacifist run genuinely makes me tear up every time.

>> No.4364170

The part where I didn't play it because it's shit.

>> No.4364267
File: 63 KB, 636x789, mother_by_krazifreak-d5kskjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I honestly hate it when this sort of thing is done in storytelling, not just in games; it's cheap and cynical, even if it's not meant to be, and if you take it on board it reduces the whole story. To me, anyway. I don't think that M3's message was about letting go, but more that 'it is the way it is', and that your part is now over. And, at risk of sounding in-denial, what if, given your second point, the whole thing is meant to be portrayed differently/even further?

Given how YOU have pretty much the ultimate role in putting Giegue to rest, perhaps the whole thing -from the references to you brought up by NPCs, to how the coffee break 'drafts' you in-, is meant more provoke the thought that you're as much a hero as they are. In fact, as you say, the only reason the heroes are successful at all is because of your guidance and power; you've grown alongside them. I don't think the whole thing is a message about how you have to 'let go', but more to hint that even as strong as Ness & co. are, they'll need outside help. Whether that's from Goddesses, the Earth or you. To a kid playing the game, that feels amazing.

Honestly, I think that if it's meant as a cynical jab to remind people that it's not real (which is entirely unnecessary), then it kinda reduces the impact of things like the ending. I mean, yeah, sure that even though it means despite that Ness will never be a strong as your will, you were still in it together, and you needed them. It doesn't say that it's all meaningless.

You're not being pretentious or babbling, I just disagree that the whole thing would be cheapened (more than it already is if you think along those lines) by the 'involvement' of the player.

Not sure I made ANY sense at all, or even argued coherently, fuck

>> No.4364617
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>> No.4364759

No that makes sense. I guess it's hard to accept that though. It seemed like a blight, subjectively, but I get it. He always wanted to send a player the message, I'd suppose, but less so in Mother 1 unless memory fails me.

These are all good songs. The Sea of Eden and Deeper into Magicant also gets me. Lots of emotions behind the calming pulses.

Memes aside, one advantage Undertale had over M2/M3 is that breaking the fourth wall came more naturally, and was even a big plot element at times.

You made sense and I can agree. Like I said, I think it diminishes the impact, although subjectively that may or may not be shared among all players.

I think ultimately it's not needed. There are other messages of each Mother game that are all more powerful than their respective "And Thank You, the Player!". Even if you enjoy, you could admit that, even for M3 to an extent, it's not needed and without it, the games don't suffer that much. I think for M3 the post dragon ending text could stay wihtout being that weird.

A big part of Mother 1/2 was that sometimes, despite your power, there is always something insurmountable without help. Mother 2 in particular. In the Giygas fight without the prayers of the humans across the globe, Giygas would never be beaten. And without the divine intervention of the goddess, the consciousnesses of Ness et al. would be trapped in a primordial cave until whatever was keeping them alive burned out..

Mother 3 was really the only one to have approachable final bosses, although the ultimate chimera continues the motif of occasional powerlessness.

One of the more accurate portrayals of Giygas's form.

>> No.4364893
File: 1.97 MB, 1487x2351, 51967081_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Indeed, in the end it's all subjective. Perhaps I have an overly saccharine outlook on it all; I wanted Giegue to be saved. I wanted your involvement to mean there are higher powers at work in this world, and without just saying 'it's not real' (even though it isn't, yes it's a work of fiction, but for me having that brought up in storytelling is extremely jarring).

When you say it's 'not needed', do you mean the involvement of the player? I'm a bit confused here. If so, I share your opinion in that respect; it was only really something that enhanced M2, how even with everyone in that world working together, they needed the one more thing to make it work. That was sweet, but otherwise, especially in M3, it just renders it down a notch. To me, anyway.

This is exactly what I'm saying. That even though Ness is 'Earthbound', and Paula has the power of her prayer, Giegue is still too powerful. Even with everyone around that world, still he's too powerful. When you join in, someone who's been journeying alongside from the beginning, then it works. In M1, Giegue is unbeatable as well, but clearly holds back (IMO because he wants to spare you and bring you with him, nephew and all). The only thing that can 'beat him' (make him withdraw) is something bloodless and emotive; his mother's love.

I think that the entirety of M1 (which is brilliant, along with CogDis), and of course things like the Goddess's intervention and the prayers go to show that even though you can fight and grind up power, things like love and friendship, your will and such prove greater. This is also in M3 I think.

As for that picture, I have a wide variety of Giegue pictures (if you hadn't figured out by now!), but that is one of my favourites because of how close it is to the original sprite. Actually (can't remember if it was you said it last thread), the less-than-rigid limbs look rather Starmen; a hint maybe?

>> No.4364943

To elaborate on M2 ending, I don't think the player needed to pray. I get why it was there, and it's neat the first time. But it's not the worst thing in the world, and it's a play on how you, personally, care about the chosen four, but if it was gone it wouldn't ruin much I don't think.

For Giegue, Both the chosen three and the chosen four were strong enough to survive combat with him for a bit, though. Although always defeat is inevitable. Eventually you will tire and die. I think Giegue maybe held back a bit, but I'm not sure if he was holding back against Loid and Ana though.

That's an interesting point with the starmen. I still think they are something different though, unless GIegue was a natural prodigy. In terms of hierarchy, it seems the Starmen are up there at the top.

My metric as to whether an enemy of Giygas's forces was an Alien or a robot had to with whether they knew PSI, but that being said, I think there were robots in M1 that knew PSI (and probably some in M2) so I'm not sure. I think Starmen made click whirr noises in M2, but it was one in particular, who on examination reveals he was a one-off prototype, so he might have just been really augmented..

One theory someone had was that starman couldn't move their limbs, hence why their arms were always at their side, and they teleported everywhere. But, I don't think that's the case, in Mother 1 I think one of them hops into the capsule at the zoo.

Floating capsules ala Mother 1 were supposed to be an overhead enemy icon in Mother 2, but that was stopped for some reason. I think they were gonna be in the Cave of the Past as a homage like the metal diamonds were in M3 but they ditched it for the monotonous grey shapes (a style choice).

You can notice that the geography (the top layer) of the Cave of the Past looks much like the maze part of Mt. Itoi, the sort of frayed ends on the path.

>> No.4364990
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Ah. It is neat for M2, and it 'works' with how they put it in. But, thinking about it, it does feel rather shoehorned. They could have easily just had the whole world praying as one again and again in unison to enhance the 'earthbound' thing, which would have probably worked better. But anyway.

With Giegue, I'm not saying they weren't strong enough to survive, on the contrary. Their journey is enough to prepare them, but they cannot actually do the deed; they either get worn down, or it's a stalemate. You're right about Lloyd and Anna though; if Giegue wants to spare and 'rescue' anyone, it'd only be Ninten given their relationship. It'd have been interesting to have a Masked Man sort of dynamic for the battle, and for him to only reluctantly attack Ninten when it becomes clear he's refusing.

Honestly, -considering CogDis-, I do not think that Giegue is of the same race as the Starmen, but it is an interesting thought. More than likely, it's just the artstyle, or that the Starmen aren't the only ones to have 'limbs' like that. They are definitely higher up on the hierarchy though.

I think that PSI, given that there are robots in M1 and 2 with it, is something that can be 'augmented' and manufactured, as well as 'learned'. Or, it could be that races unable to learn PSI naturally can have it 'built-in', hence the Starmen.

I don't think the Starmen are frozen/rigid or whatever, but they definitely prefer to teleport. Perhaps they just move slowly, and that posture seems 'intimidating'; given that and the fact they teleport, they don't need to move much. As you say though, they can still jump and walk.

That's really interesting, about the floating capsules. At least they used them in CogDis. I think however, the grey shapes work well with the atmosphere and the 'scenery', so I'm not too upset by this.

Good catch! It's a nice touch certainly.

>> No.4365319


>> No.4365564
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>> No.4365583

i always thought the starmen were just robots with PSI

>> No.4365608

eh, i thought it was kind of cool. it showed that you too had an influence over the characters and showed that youre as much of a part in their world as you are in theirs. i guess it doesnt really matter much though, considering it was like, a few lines of dialogue

>> No.4365724

Just the general setting. It's like japanese nostalgia for a US location that never existed. Everything is off just a bit but in a charming way.

I'm not an RPG fan, but I love the game. You can tell it was a labor of love for the programmers.

Also it doesn't follow the ye olde d&d settings.

>> No.4365817


Hey, I did like it too. I just don't like the whole notion that "lol, it's not real get over it, this story is pointless and you need to move on." It feels cheap in an otherwise very smooth story. Not sure if it makes me sound dumb, but that sort of fourth-wall communication is really jarring and out of place in this sort of story. If that makes any sense.

>> No.4366302

I dont think thats what they meant, i think they just wanted to recognize that you played a big of a part in this too, that its your victory too. I guess its just one of those moments where it comes down to what you like out of a story, its subjective.
Man, i really hope they got together. They felt perfect for eachother and the part where ness walks her home was a really sweet moment.

>> No.4366305
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Whats your favorite starman type?

>> No.4366708

Starman DX was cool

>> No.4367089
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I know, I just don't like how that is then applied to the whole 'move on' thing. You having an in-universe role is good, having it break the fourth wall to tell you a message that you need to move on from this game is not, if that makes sense. In the end though, you are absolutely right about the subjectivity; some people think that M3 is an absolute masterpiece, whereas I personally find it's (though it is still excellent) far-inferior to M1 and 2.

>> No.4367135

Ay thats alright. Im more of a 2 guy myself. One thing i like about the mother community is that, dispite having different opinions and views on the games, people can still remain civilised and discuss and show their love for the series.

>> No.4367631
File: 33 KB, 500x724, paula polestar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they probably did

>> No.4367736

besides the Beatles what other influences did Itoi pull from to make the music

>> No.4367802

pink floyd in some parts

>> No.4368148

theres a lot of things i dont like about M3
its kind of detached from M2, but at the same time it relies too much on M2. if that makes sense.

>> No.4368223
File: 15 KB, 513x224, earthbound magicant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why was Ness naked and only wearing his hat in Magicant in the Japanese version of Mother 2?

Ness must be one strong motherfucker if he can kill fucking Krakens wearing only his hat.

>> No.4368228

it gets even weirder when you realize he just kind of goes up to his mom and his sister wearing nothing at all

>> No.4368231

>being naked near your direct family members as a kid is weird
It's weirder when he talks to people like Pokey when he's naked. However it always struck me as sad that Ness still thought of Pokey as a friend, or someone that just wanted to be his friend.

>> No.4368238

yeah, but, just kind of walking up to his sister when shes at like crotch height? thats kind of odd

>> No.4368243

I thought they were around the same height? Tracy couldn't be much younger than Ness if she got a part-time job.

>> No.4368247

i guess. god, im getting /gfg/ flashbacks

>> No.4368249

Nudity in Buddhism symbolizes cleaning or purity. I forget what it was exactly

>> No.4368252

My bad, I looked it up and it is change and exclusive to Japanese culture

>> No.4368256

Guess that makes sense considering what happens in Magicant. I always just thought it meant he only really cares about his hat.

>> No.4368257

>you can take my dignity, but not my hat

>> No.4368301

Nudity representing innocence is a widespread thing.

>> No.4368310

It represents change, but it could be innocence as well

>> No.4368379

Remember Japan is a culture where bathing with your family is pretty common.

>> No.4368401

Pretty sure that's common in most cultures.

>> No.4368641
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>> No.4368684
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>> No.4369053
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The part when you go to the juke box in fourside

Also the part where you help out The Runaway Five

>> No.4369353

I like how on the walk home the grateful dead valley just has the sound of running water. No music.

>> No.4369367
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The oft-forgotten blue starman.

>> No.4369519
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Ghost of Starman because they're fun to fight. Also if you've played CogDis you'll know the other reason.


Yeah if you're the anon from the other thread you know how I am for M1 and CogDis. On the whole, I've noticed that as well; actual fans do like all facets, and are relatively civil and positive. However, I've noticed that if you state that you like M1/2 more than 3 and give reasons why, you'll not gain much in the way of 'friendliness' in places like Starmen.net. We seem to be in the minority with regards to M3; I just don't think it was anywhere near M1 or 2, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a fantastic game and entry.


Likewise. It's from the little things like the more 'driven' story, to things like the 'message' of the themes. Not that they are without merit, and it's of good quality. it just didn't resonate with me like M1, 2 and CogDis did. It felt more like its own game despite having a lot of elements from the previous two entries, yes. It's complicated for sure.

not sure if I made any sense whatsoever, I need sleep

>> No.4369573

tell me about CogDis

>> No.4369617
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Mother: Cognitive Dissonance. It's a fangame made in RPG maker. Before you think "lol it's another lame homestuck-esque shitshow", after playing through it at least ten times I can honestly say it's my favourite game. It serves as a sort of 'intermediary' between M1 and 2, and explores Giegue's (or Giygas) character extensively, along with the wider 'universe' out there. It showcases how Giegue reacts to his withdrawal following M1, and how he slowly turns into what you see in M2; throughout, you play as a group of four eventually five) different aliens in an adventure to initially try and track down the pieces of the Apple of Enlightenment.

Alongside Giegue, it explores his past, with special regards to Maria, George and his race. It also adds more characterisation to people like Porky (which is a bit of a spoiler), Buzz-Buzz (who is one of your party members), and the Starmen especially.

At risk of spoiling too much and babbling on-and-on, with a bit of extra legwork you can attain other endings (outside of the 'strictly canon' one, which do not affect M2/EB but can mean a better outcome for your party and in one ending, saving Giegue. If you want to know more, read the previous thread.

In the previous thread we talk (though it's mostly me babbling) extensively about it >>4328171 if you're interested.

>> No.4369954

we need moar art in this thread

>> No.4370136
File: 11 KB, 220x200, pokey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck was his problem?

>> No.4370268


He needed help, and good friends. Also, parents that gave a fuck about him.

Unlike most other kids whose childhood's sucked however, Porky was pretty clever and/or had a mentally breaking-down Giegue to "help" him.

>> No.4370272
File: 24 KB, 638x477, tumblr_nm8nf1ZLRG1sz8zgro6_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have lots of Googie.

>> No.4370639

dump that shit my niqqua

>> No.4370642

>He needed help, and good friends.
but i thought ness was a good friend to pokey. is there something im missing?

>> No.4370659

Yeah I played cogdis.
Also helping out with the sequel

>> No.4370660

>you spin me right round baby right round

>> No.4370662

Leak something.

>> No.4370675
File: 157 KB, 1116x720, Mooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some mooks I guess.

>> No.4370680

damn, thats pretty detailed

>> No.4370701
File: 129 KB, 1679x1008, gretu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Project Lead/Sprite artist is fucking great.

>> No.4370706

i can tell. shit looks pretty good

>> No.4370767
File: 239 KB, 610x906, googie_by_mister_saturn-d7j4woc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A sequel to CogDis??

Holy fucking shit if you're legit you've just made my day and then some. I can't begin to tell you (although you can probably guess) how much I love CogDis, so this is like wow


Those look phenomenal. Are you on the team then? Please tell me this is legit, and don't compromise your position.

>> No.4370775
File: 1 KB, 128x128, Shambler_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah its a real thing.

>> No.4370792
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nessjhybnY1ru3obho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can't begin to know how much I appreciate hearing this. Fantastic.

I won't ask when it's coming out (God knows pressure is a killer), but will it involve the old cast? (i.e. Alinivar, Niiue, etc) Or is that too much of a spoiler?

>> No.4370809
File: 2 KB, 87x123, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are there but how and why I cant tell because spoliers.

>> No.4370819
File: 486 KB, 800x600, tumblr_npepfnQ1yE1s1z20so1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay! Thanks for telling me this much. Is there a working title, or is it going to be simply 'CogDis 2'? Again, if that's too much then don't answer.

I'll just reiterate, you've made this anon very happy with this news. Is there a link to the project (like a starmen.net forum thing) or is it still under-wraps? Anyway. Thank you so much. Absolutely quality.

Larice is looking good there!

>> No.4370831

honestly i think it should stay under wraps, for fear of Nintendo fucking it over

>> No.4370841
File: 314 KB, 540x794, tumblr_nsd5i1q9R61s5w8kyo1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright, that makes sense. I'll be looking forward to this eagerly, thanks again.

Personally, I don't think you have anything to fear, given CogDis has survived (thankfully). I think, given that it's been a while, and the first CogDis was always free (I don't think there's even a donation thing sadly, else I would have donated). But, caution is better with something like this. Good luck.

>> No.4370848
File: 147 KB, 1352x1188, Rival_Jr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The project has been public for at least 5 years now. Its just that all the cogdis related stuff (ayylmao and shit) are the 2nd part of the game. And due to spoilers only the first part of the game has been posted (Think of it as Disk 1 and Disk 2 where Disk 1 is Earth and Disk 2 is aliens.)

>> No.4370867


Ah, that makes sense. And what you say here is interesting, given how CogDis goes; so, disks instead of the chapter format? Or is it simply that there are two distinct parts of the game? confusing myself now, I need sleep.

May I ask what the project is 'publicly' known as then, or would connecting the two here and now spoil everything?

Those screenshots look amazing, particularly with the game-over screen. Intriguing. I can't help but notice 'Regular Octopus "Earser"', instead of "eraser" though.

>> No.4370879
File: 35 KB, 353x174, psi pretty cold.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me just tell you there are two very Distinct parts of the game.

Here is a link to the starman thread. (contains alot of outdated info)

>> No.4370897
File: 558 KB, 1280x983, tumblr_no63h5fYmm1tmoxqoo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very interesting. The synopsis/introduction on the page seems to diverge from what I'd come to expect of a CogDis sequel especially considering my hopes for the 'future' of the good endings in the 'first' CogDis. But, as you say it's outdated info. Despite the 'grammatical' issues of the topic author, this is a very interesting idea regardless, and with what you've revealed I'll definitely be watching this.

Thank you again. Given I'm writing a pretty extensive fan-novel post severance-ending, this has me very excited.

>> No.4370918
File: 5 KB, 544x416, Scene_Mona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To tell you the truth most of the public stuff is just a front so that the big plot twist in the middle of the game seems even more unexpected.

But I have to stop posting because I allready said to much.

>> No.4370945
File: 1.13 MB, 1107x1557, tumblr_nluwli1Wlc1tzxl0mo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, yes. Don't risk yourself or the story just because of this overeager fan. There's no chance in Hell I would miss this now.

Thanks once again for revealing as much as you did; I mean, sure CogDis is what really intrigues me given it's my favourite game, but from what you've told me it seems like this is a very thorough and engaging project overall, and I can't wait (though I will) to see more. Good luck, and thank you.

>> No.4371550
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>> No.4371671 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 413x395, 1502148344706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when one of playthroughs saw Adolf Hitler praying for the children...

>> No.4372009

Ninty is really fucking annoying with copyright bullshit

>> No.4372131

Is this game fun? should i buy it?

>> No.4372259

Its a great game, but actual copies are expensive as fuck. I reccomend either emulating it or buying it on tge nintendo e-shop

>> No.4372262

It emulates well. The e-shop version is also good. I would emulate it out of spite since Nintendo was so stingy with the Mother series in the past (and still is with Mother 3, though that has some more suggestive elements).

Mother 1 is not as "fun" but has a very good story. There are patches that cut down on the enemy encounter rate. I'd stay away from the 25th anniversary edition though, as it makes some controversial sprite/graphics changes.

Mother 3 is very good as well.

>> No.4372326

I dont know why, but i always headcannoned that the starman DX had a voice that sounded like frank horrigan

>> No.4372410


>> No.4372520

He looks like a cat

>> No.4372846


>> No.4373183

did they fug?

>> No.4373473

compared to giygas, i felt that the masked man fell short. anyone else feel this way? it just feels much more important with giygas, like youre in way over your head, but you have to do it anyways, where as with the masked man, it just kind of felt a little bland.

>> No.4373479

anyone got some interesting head-cannons?

>> No.4373645

the part where you could take paula home and spend more time with her rather than taking her home. the first time i found out about that it made my day
that was cool too

>> No.4373675


I'm the one that in this and the past thread has gone on an on about CogDis and Giegue; I wish we could have saved him. If I had it my way (which, really, given the alternate timelines stuff in CogDis I honestly could), Giegue would have been saved but Ness and co. would also have saved the world. Not making sense I guess.

You'll already know that I agree with you about the Masked Man, though he was still brilliant and certainly was the culmination of M3. Giegue on the other hand is a level beyond, to me anyway. Especially with M1, and how you realise that even though his soldiers beforehand are nigh-unbeatable (and he IS unbeatable), he still tries to spare Ninten. He goes easy on you because you're the only family he has left. That's what I like to believe, and I think it's pretty realistic considering.

>> No.4373681

You gotta let him rest scoobs. He's had a hard life.

I never took her home because I thought it'd be rude and out of character for Ness

>> No.4373683

>I never took her home because I thought it'd be rude and out of character for Ness
Shit always took her home immediately*

>> No.4373684

how would it be out of charterer? they just wanted to spend more time together

>> No.4373689

after the defeat of giygas, the starmen didnt have anything to do, so they just started wandering the earth, always lumbering around and avoiding human contact like some kind of robot Sasquatches

>> No.4373696

lucas is ness's cousin

>> No.4373704

Past Twoson I guess. It felt weird taking her to meet your mom.

>> No.4373721

i think it was just him wanting to be with her some more

>> No.4373947

i always took her up to the meteorite

>> No.4374040

Its amazing to me that, dispite how much ninty screwd this series over, it still managed to be great. Itoi is one persistent guy.

>> No.4374283


I know shaggy but what if I could help make it better? Turn back the clock, begin again.

That's the severance ending of CogDis and it makes me so happy.

>> No.4374560

its time to let him rest, anon

>> No.4374568


But I can't rest.

>> No.4374589

eat some magic cake

>> No.4374935
File: 57 KB, 480x640, 4443961_p0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Will that help me save him?

>> No.4374971

Can the cogdis anon please adopt a temporary trip so I don't have to scroll through walls of spoiler text in order to read the actual thread replies?

>> No.4375004


Hadn't thought it was bothering people. I'll stop talking about it unless people ask.

>> No.4375286

no, there is nothing you can do for him now

>> No.4375623
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>> No.4375791
File: 1.63 MB, 360x210, group battle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily Reminder that everybody who excuses shit like the 4-way movement and the default battle system in cogdis because "its engine limitations!" Is flat out wrong because Eagleland is a thing.

>> No.4375803

I'd have to say the part where the Runaway Five comes into save Ness and Jeff from the Clumsy Robot.
On a different topic, I have a full list of what the BGM does in the game's debug menu.

>> No.4375906

hey, nobody said it was perfect

>> No.4376097

That was pretty rad. It'd be better were it a harder fight though.

So was Dalaam a dying kingdom with those paltry 4/5 houses?

>> No.4376118

Moonside or Magicant since I love trippy shit.
RIP Everdred

>> No.4376150

maybe there was more on the ground?

>> No.4376193

jeffs intro was great

>> No.4376237

I have nothing to contribute to the thread, but I just wanted to get something earthbound related of my chest.

I never played the game until recently, because I avoid anything that popular as hard as I can. (Yes, I admit it)

Once I played it, I liked it at first, surprisingly. It has good atmosphere (for lack of a better term), and a lot of endearing elements and charm.
Except the battle system.

I'm sorry, but I fucking hate it. And I actually actively love turn based combat, so that's not it. Its just that the system as it is on earthbound takes me out of the mood the game puts me in. Or at least that's the only way I can explain it.

So now I don't play a game that I'm interested in because I hate the combat, and I wish I'd never broken down and tried it at all...

That's my whole thing. Carry on.

>> No.4376246

the battle system was admittedly where the game falls short. i love M2, but that was its weakest element. i didnt find a problem with it, but i can see how its not for everyone. i wish someone would do some kind of redo for it, just change the mechanics up a bit, or even just put M3s battle system in

>> No.4376258

do you hate the game as a whole or just the combat system?

>> No.4376283

Just the combat, but it's such a huge part of any RPG, that I can't bring myself to play it because of it.

It would be like falling in love with a woman only to discover that her vagina is filled with flesh eating worms. Sure, you wanna fuck her, but...

>> No.4376304

eh, thats alright. i didnt mind it, but i can see how people wouldnt like it. like i said, id like to see it redone somehow

>> No.4376329

Did Everdred actually die? I thought he just thought he would, but then got up and walked away.

>> No.4376343

yeah, he died. you see his grave in magicant and i think the mention it in burglin park

>> No.4376612


>> No.4376626

if the mother games were to be remade, how would you want them remade? what graphical style would you want them in? how would you change the combat system?

>> No.4376808

walking over that bridge, into that park, and into the city.
It's like you just crossed the Lion's Gate Bridge, exited Stanley Park, and walked up to the Sylvia Hotel in Vancouver.
>the song is called Embraced by the Skyscrapers

>> No.4376918

I dunno guys, after all the version of the game I played was the pirated one where the difficulty was drastically increased , so I failed to make any progress at all
Well, I guess my fav part was the beginning of the game where we had to talk to the dog

>> No.4377008

Anti-piracy makes you fight three times as more enemies and some enemies spawn even when they're not supposed to. And everyone already knows what happens when you are about to fight the 1st phase of Giygas,

>> No.4377023

I always find it odd that Earthbound's final boss fight is always regarded as some kind of tour de force in video game writing when it's pretty much lifted from something Stephen King is constantly getting shat on for writing.

>> No.4377096

Magicant and moonside

>> No.4377335

>trying to make Jeff cool

Jeff was a weird creep who walked around in his boarding school uniform because he doesn't know how else to dress

>> No.4377343

>the runaway five guys in identical suits
Fuck that noise

>> No.4377423

well the difference is that EB actually did it correctly

>> No.4377465

in the Japanese version they all had the same suits

>> No.4377971

what was your favorite villain/boss?

>> No.4378129


>> No.4378130
File: 144 KB, 616x432, wicked_carpainter_by_kaigetsudo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucker. he could be the star of his own game.

>> No.4378383

The one thing I would fix about the fight is to change the background image when Giygas is very wounded. Once you see the damn baby you can't unsee it. I know they were trying to do something like a hydra with a bunch of heads or some otherwise incoherent blob of Giygas faces but I don't think it worked that well.

>> No.4378459

i think that was a bit of an odd coincidence. when i first saw giygas, that what i thought it was, just him splinting off with a million different heads, but then that fucking theory came up, and i cant unsee it

>> No.4378746

id like to imagine what would happen if porky made ness into his commander instead of claus.

>> No.4378834

Lucas wouldn't stand a chance.

>> No.4378851

what about claus? would he be able to do anything?

>> No.4378854


>wears a yarmulke

Oy vey!

>> No.4378858
File: 212 KB, 501x585, 1469824434645.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never noticed that. now we need a carpainter merchant meme

>> No.4378862

Claus was weaker than Lucus right?

>> No.4378870

i always thought claus was the strong one

>> No.4378891


>> No.4378918

Maybe when they were kids, and perhaps physically giving his chimera status, but when you factor in PSI I think Lucas is ahead, and that what usually matters in these things.

>> No.4378946

The dinosaur place was freaky

>> No.4379020

its not like it would matter i guess. would they even be able to do anything?

>> No.4379067

Is this a general Mother thread or just Earthbound?

I've been playing the first game via Mother 1+2 the last few days and I'm liking it quite a bit, despite the insane encounter rate.
Also bought a repro of Mother 2 that uses the Maternalbound +run mod so can't wait for that to come in, then I can finally sit down and play Mother 3.
I'm aware it's not required to play these games in order, but ever since I bought repros of Mother 1+2 & 3 for the GBA, I thought it would be nice playing these games in order seeing them evolve. I've actually played Earthbound many times in the past via emulation, but because I was a dumb kid I'd either fucked up my progress by pressing the wrong key wasting hours of progress with save stating, or having my previous computers die on me, ruining my progress.
That's Lloyd, not Jeff.

>> No.4379090

>Is this a general Mother thread or just Earthbound?
just talk about whatever you want anon

>> No.4379091
File: 49 KB, 480x480, 1495067123132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, i...

>> No.4379101
File: 768 KB, 724x1199, jeff andonuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nigga carrys around a fucking rocket launcher and makes weapons from trash. hes cool as fuck

>> No.4379136
File: 39 KB, 480x360, received_10103873882230918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "dungeon man"
>0 results

>> No.4379149

>"i made a sign with no message on it" -Brick Road

>> No.4379152

He has his perks.
+Most damaging party member
+Can solidify enemies
-Can't teleport with him
-Can't enter anything within Scaraba

>> No.4379162
File: 433 KB, 1245x691, 2346326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the dungeon you just beat joins your party

>> No.4379232
File: 208 KB, 3219x932, 1509945520195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a thing
Sorry if it ain't good

>> No.4379240

>parents dying didnt make him a pussy. only made him stronger
unlike SOMEONE we know....

>> No.4379256

so what would have happened if buzz buzz never came around? could ness and co. still stop giygas?

>> No.4379357

Then he gets stuck in a tree

>> No.4379653

Just finished it, cute game but wow Mt. itoi was bad.
Got kinda stuck because I wasn't aware I was supposed to go into a bedroom to trigger an event, but that & difficulty aside, great game.
Can't wait to play Mother 2 next and finally finish the damn game.

>> No.4380013

I think CogDisc anon was talking about how Mt. Itoi's difficulty could be interpreted as the gang being in over their heads. It's speculation, but there's a lot of that in the series, so I don't think it's that out there.

Also if you are high enough level with enough pp items, just have ana PK Fire/Freeze Omega based on how many enemies are there.

>> No.4380049

Yeah I remember looking online on different interpretations on various game design choices, like having Ana being really weak despite getting the revive ability early on while Ninten gets it at a higher level, like around level 35 or so, I forgot, in order to get the player to "protect the girl" which is kinda cute I guess.
Also, I think I saw something where Itoi said that Mt. Itoi wasn't fully play tested for balance due to rushed development near the end, but I probably misinterpreted the quote or got fake info, whatever the case it really wasn't as bad as I made it seem, just got annoyed at the constant encounters with the tough enemies climbing the mountain only to realize I couldn't progress because I needed Lloyd in my party.

>> No.4380778

if you are going to play M2, dont do it on GBA, the game boy port sucks ass. emulate that bitch.

>> No.4381549


>> No.4381574

Admittedly, it does have a greater sounding Battle Against a Machine.

>> No.4381589

its good, but i liked the original. (to be fair though, that vid sounded a bit low quality so it probably sounds better on the actual game)

>> No.4381849
File: 135 KB, 374x374, 07df3f86-1ff3-4c39-9a46-1cbcc6b65c61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4382134

I'm aware , besides the gba translation was never completed so I wasn't gonna bother anyway.
Ended up an snes reproduction cart that uses the Marternalbound+run mod so that's how I'm intending to play it.

>> No.4382856

Nice. Whats does that mod do?

>> No.4382881
File: 189 KB, 600x420, 1504458123334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The game just opened up and gives you the feel that you're a kid going on a grand adventure, the town is much bigger and has more things to do than Onett, yet it is still a down to earth place which makes it relatable and further nails down the feel of a kid exploring his city and having fun adventures.

>> No.4382887
File: 128 KB, 744x811, 1507988165850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That elevator lady with a FAT ass is best girl.
Venus is a close second.

>> No.4382901

What really pissed me off about it was the lack of diagonal movement, yet the creator's fixation with making diagonal paths, and the somewhat redundant ATB system.

>> No.4382917

The best way to play Mother 1 is through the Mother 1+2 GBA compilation and applying Mato's patch.
The Mother 2 port sucks, but Mother 1 is a big improvement, since you can use the GBA's shoulder buttons to automatically check items and talk to people, and it includes the Easy Ring, which cuts down the encounter rates.

>> No.4382927

Funny thing is, it's easy as hell to create diagonal movement in RPG Maker

>> No.4383125

Is it weird if I had a dream about Giegue last night?

>> No.4383367
File: 21 KB, 316x288, 1509942583984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That depends, what was it about?

>> No.4383395
File: 156 KB, 720x1280, 20160128_171006000_iOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruins the soundtrack
GBA port is fine, but Mato's translation has been hacked (within cart size limits) into the NES version too. Also the original version is not so difficult that you need an easy ring, I never understood that.

>> No.4384156

The music on the port was terrible though the GBA had a shit sound chip

>> No.4384531

That's what I was saying, the GBA version is bottom-tier due to the nightmarish butchering of the music.

>> No.4384601

>within cart size limits
why not expand rom? seems like a number of groups porting scripts are anal about not expanding rom size

>> No.4384667

I'm not sure, maybe they did for the 'Uncut' ROM hack and still didn't have enough space, maybe they didn't at all, the readme file doesn't mention it. I think they took the 25th anniversary hack with the terrible graphics and de-hacked it into what is basically the Earth Bound prototype but with the original uncensored MOTHER graphics and a crunched version of Mato's script. I've only just started playing it on and off (I've beaten the proto like 4 times), but it seems like they did a really nice job, and you gotta love the smoking crow.

>> No.4384838

Well, it was really short.
>We were on a small hill overlooking an open field
>Hill had a few big trees and large rocks
>Giegue leaned back on one of those rocks and got a look of confusion on his face
>A voice from nowhere says "isn't this odd?"
>Suddenly he becomes a playable character in Super Smash Bros

>> No.4385040

I dont know why, but threed always reminded me of harvester

>> No.4385049

Giegue confirmed for smash
>oh you always were such a kidder, ness

>> No.4385743

So I read that Earthbound is actually the second game in a series of games called Mother, Have the original games been translated by fans? Id like to play from the first game.

>> No.4385746

the first one is on the VM, and the second one is translated by fans.

>> No.4385750


>> No.4385796

sorry i meant VC. as in the wii-u virtual console. its also on E-shop. although id emulate it, purely out of spite, since Nintendo screwed this series over so much

>> No.4385803

be warned, if you play the first two before the third, you might find the third one a little lacking in the story and character areas. although, you might not. you should play the first two before the third though, you wont be able to tell whats going on if you dont

>> No.4385827
File: 1 KB, 240x160, Mother12_en.ds_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right, Well Im emulating it on VBA
Bit redundant, Starting with the first one anyway.

>> No.4385829

oh, that makes sense. and sorry for the redundancy, im a bit tired

>> No.4386341

Is there a direct translation of the orginal M2?

>> No.4386790

Yeah,it's called EarthBound and was released in the US.

>> No.4386985

I mean a direct translation

>> No.4386989
File: 3 KB, 167x128, Bx68zu4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite part was turning this piece of shit off and playing Undertale instead

>> No.4386996

Fuck off

>> No.4387020


>> No.4387023

Bix nood

>> No.4387084

You know, its getting kind of hard to tell weather these people are unironic or not

>> No.4387093
File: 10 KB, 391x80, UT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have over 100 hours logged in Undertale so you tell me

>> No.4387095

My favorite part in almost any JRPG is that point when you're maybe 25 to 30% through the main quest and you're just beginning to get a grasp of things and realizing the epic journey you're undertaking. You're looking at the map and wondering what will fill it out, and chances are you've heard NPCs hint at some of the places you'll visit. You're just starting to gain important tools and abilities that allow you to find new secrets, and you've probably already come across plenty of mysteries you want to revisit.

So in Earthbound, that's probably sometime near Threed, when you take control of Jeff.

>> No.4387097

>Earthbound shit in tumblr style
Every fucking time. I've always liked this game for how weird it is, but the fanbase is just unbearable plebs and casuals, the whole lot.

Is the cart itself still demanding stupid money?

>> No.4387101

>Earthbound shit in tumblr style

So Undertale?

>> No.4387105

The fanbase is one of the worst, undertale's is worse though. And yes, the cart is still expensive, but it's on 3DS, Wii U, and SNES Classic now so prices aren't as high as they once were.

>> No.4387113

>Judging Undertale by its fandom
>Liking Earthbound

Nothing did my heart more good than seeing you obnoxious hipsters sperging on about it being le best game ever and better than all the other SNES RPGs than getting a taste of your own medicine when Earthbound stays popular only with basement dwellers while Undertale exploded in popularity and is still loved by kiddos who watch people play games on their iphones rather than playing games themselves.

Also Undertale is a better game objectively speaking too.

>> No.4387114

>but it's on 3DS, Wii U, and SNES Classic now so prices aren't as high as they once were
That's cool. I've already played it (I emulated it after playing Smash Bros. in 1999 and wanting to see what kind of whack-ass game Ness was from). I kind of just want a cart because I'm a purist. Seems like it goes for about 150 on ebay lately, but I might hold out and see if it goes down some more.

>> No.4387119

You sound painfully desperate to make it seem like your favorite cult game is more popular than some other people's favorite cult game. It's pretty pathetic.

>> No.4387120 [DELETED] 

The only people who care about Earthbound these days are the slightly older Undertale fans who saw the "Ness is Sans" video and managed to sit through more than five minutes of an Earthbound let's play. Deal with it.

>> No.4387125

Or, get this, people who played the game 20 years ago because they're not fucking angry underage-fags scrounging for approval and justification on a korean pottery board.

>> No.4387127 [DELETED] 

Is that why Earthbound only sold 100,000 copies while 3,000,000 people bought Undertale on Steam alone and counting? Most of those 20+ year olds only played it as kids and don't even care about it anymore anyways. Stay mad.

>> No.4387135
File: 7 KB, 288x256, fuck u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lisa the Painful is better than Earthbound
and Undertale combined all things considered.

>> No.4387154


>> No.4387156

>hurrr, why did a game that was barely advertised toward the end of a console's lifetime, over 20 years ago not sell as much as a modern game across multiple platforms in a time where the market is exponentially bigger than it ever was?
Really makes you think. The fact that you cannot grasp that the mere evolution of the video game market could account for this alone pretty much proves you're ignorant. Also:
Did your parents not love you? Why must you search so hard for approval?

>> No.4387157

>grasping at straws this hard
Neogaf is thataway freind

>> No.4387159
File: 22 KB, 400x300, ff1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop fucking replying to him, hes just doing this for (you)s. He did it last thread too

>> No.4387334

He was right though. M3 pretty much confirms Porkey was just a tsundere.

>> No.4387341

Pickey is that one npc in M3

>> No.4387460

And a retard

>> No.4387485

No, picky is already in M3. He's in one of the tube things

>> No.4387527

>Mother 1
Magicant, always liked that weird place and i love queen Mary's castle theme.

>Mother 2
Onett and Twoson for nostalgic reasons, but my favorite part is fighting Giygas, still to this day is the only game where (you) defeat the final boss and the credits secuence gives me the feels.

>Mother 3
Chapter 4 because is the beginnings of the real adventure and the fight againts Porky.

>> No.4387714

the very beginning, or the end.
either jeffs introduction or the entrence to fourside
couldn't really find anything that hit me here like the other two, but the part where you find ness's yoyo was cool i guess

>> No.4388380

yeah, the part where ness walks Paula home was great too

>> No.4388489

Jeff and poo's introductions were great. EB had really good charecters

>> No.4388827

Whats the game in the gif?

>> No.4389416

Watched an LP of this and it was actually pretty cool.

>> No.4389898

Threeside probably.

>> No.4390265
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I think Magicant from Mother 1 is my favourite place in the entire series.

I played it for the first time in 2015 or 2016 and it just struck an emotional chord with me. Do you know how when you're a child and things are so basic like NES games that you fill in the blanks with your imagination? I didn't realize it could still happen as ab adult. Except instead of imagination there were some really heartwarming touching moments, or moments that just struck a nerve with me. There was the NPC that told you that you are welcome there anytime you want because Mary loves you, and the forgotten man.

I think the bridge from imagination to literal is what makes so many games good, and especially the mother series. And probably why I'm on a retro board and can't really get into much modern games. I always wonder what things would be like if Mother 3 was made competently and got on the n64. All that spooky and cozy shit in low polygons would have been so good.

>> No.4390271
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>Except instead of just imagination

I forgot a word. I love everything about this era visually and aesthetically. Everything was relatively grounded until this point and I spent a lot of time here grinding.

I loved the Crystal Cavern too, that's where the Forgotten Man was but there was also this guy. And I'm the kind of guy who spends too much time wondering and speculating about games, because again the fact it's so vague and we can decide what we think happened is so much fun, and I always wondered if he's related to the shit that goes down in Mother 3.

>> No.4390284


He returned to a metaphorical mechanical womb, while the earth reset itself and purged itself of humanity and all we've done to it and everyone else returned to Mother Earth.

And he just missed his mom and tried to build robot waifus for himself, he had a nursery in his Tower of Peace and Love, his spider suit was like a crib.

It's all very freudian.

>> No.4390470

Then wheres his father

>> No.4390515


>> No.4390541

You know, I really have to hand it to Itoi.

He's the only person that made multiple games where the end made me want to cry, for various reasons.

Kudos to him.

>> No.4390581

How do you guys pronounce "Onett"? I've heard it pronounced "on-it" and "own-ette". As a kid I always assumed it was "won-ette" because phonetically it fits with the other towns having numbers in their names (i.e. Twoson and Threed).

>> No.4390587

Tea Time


>> No.4391001

Ive always pronounced it as "own-ette"

>> No.4391225

He was shit and beat his kids which is why Porkey thinks being a cunt will make him Ness' friend. He was also a rich cunt hence Porkey thinking money = happiness.

>> No.4391283

But then why would he idolize his mom when she encoraged the beatings

>> No.4391629


>> No.4392740

So what did paula and ness do while they were trapped in that hole in threed?

>> No.4393412

[Spoiler] consentual hugging

>> No.4393742

Probably sleep in shifts.

>> No.4394414

He wanted a not bad mom and projected his desires

>> No.4395216

Wouldnt he want a not shit dad too?

>> No.4396121

Fourside was my fav

>> No.4396139

>first heading to onett and seeing cars and people roll by
>feels like a comfy living world
>realising you can order pizza

>> No.4396167

When I first played Earthbound I was disappointed that they didn't continue the numbering scheme of the cities. I expected towns that started with Five, Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine.

>> No.4396172

Dusty Dunes and Deep Darkness
Monkeys in Earthbound are the best

>> No.4396221

Summers for sure. I always gravitate towards the beach levels/cities in games for some reason. I should probably move to the coast.

>> No.4396323

Coasts always suck irl. They tend to be gloomy and foggy most of the time, and they tend to be massively overpopulated. Also there's the whole flooding and hurricane thing, which I promise you sucks more than Tornadoes and so on in steppes.

>> No.4396337
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> tfw I will never be able to move to Costa del Sol

>> No.4396346

>implying the entirety of each coast is either NYC or LA

I'm really really bad at geography, but come on man. North Carolina isn't foggy or over-populated, and that's just one example out of many.

>> No.4396941

I feel like the reason M3 is so poular over there is beacuse it wasnt released. Like, if M1 or M2 wasnt released, it would be as popular as M3 is now

>> No.4396945

What? Are you implying M3 is more popular then EB? That is nowhere close to the truth, EB is much more popular in both the US and Japan.

>> No.4396970

On starman.net and other such places, i mean. My bad, i should have specified.

>> No.4397127

Earthbound is top tier comfy

>> No.4398495

>mechanical womb
>Spider suit like a crib

These are very good points. A good purpose of these threads is just seeing what details you've missed.

I think the question was posted earlier if Porky would be the way he is without abusive parents? I think that's a hard question, because there's certainly a genetic factor to all of this, so it kind of begs a question. I think he wouldn't have been nearly as bad, though he'd probably certainly be maladjusted.

I'd like to live in a peaceful rest valley-esque place I'd think. Places like that are often expensive though.

>> No.4399145

South Carolina is better

>> No.4400225

I always wonder how things would have gone if M3 was released for N64.

>> No.4400227

I never bought the whole "Earthbound fanboys are cancer" meme...

But then I saw this video about some EB USA documentary someone is making and regret so much.

>> No.4400374

You've never stepped foot into the hellhole that is starmen.net?

>> No.4400405

Theyre a loud minority. Most EB/mother fanboys keep their moths shut until its brought up. Beseides, it could be worse, at least its not FNAF or SU

>> No.4401362

I think ness was supposed to be in that one. They had his model in one of the scrernshots. I dont know why they changed it, it would have been a lot cooler if he was in it.

>> No.4402801

I think one of the reaaons porky was an asshole is that he practically lived on top of the mani mani statue in fourside

>> No.4402861

"In the Japanese version, the valley was called "Grateful Dead Valley". The name was likely changed to avoid lawsuits from the real-life band Grateful Dead."


>> No.4404474
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>dont know why they changed it,

I remember reading an interview from Itoi saying he changed a lot because he didn't want to be too cruel to his fans.

I think we were going to see Eagleland and the rest of the world crumble in an apocalypse. It's only alluded to in the GBA version, but I remember seeing beta screenshots of something like a town being destroyed somewhere.

I feel like this is an important fact to share that is probably related to all the love for counterculture in Earthbound. Not to mention the mushroom status effect.

Also in Pokemon Red/Blue there was a hiker high as fuck on mushrooms, but it was changed to hayfever here. People from Ape went on to do Pokemon Red/Blue so yeah.

Also just japan in general.

>> No.4404479
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>These are very good points. A good purpose of these threads is just seeing what details you've missed.

Yeah I really need to go back and replay Mother 3 sometime. A lot of characterization is in the details and a lot of it probably passed over my head as a teenager. The game has a great atmosphere.

Is there a way to darken the palette of GBA games using emulation? It's so bright because of the no backlight thing.

>> No.4405096

I remember hearing a rumor that ness's family were supposed to be killed by the starmen when giygas invaded onett, but im not sure if that was true

>> No.4405530

So was ness supposed to be the masked man, or was he supposed to help lucas?

>> No.4407463

Damn, that would have been brutal since we actually see the family interact more

>> No.4409423

So does that mean that greatful dead valley is like a graveyard or something?

>> No.4411168

A bump because I quite enjoy this thread.

>> No.4411528

Can we get an art dump in here?

>> No.4411613
File: 522 KB, 1000x680, c4c126fb-247a-4d44-a1f1-b7d4bfc94c68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see a remake of this game. It would work great in 3d

>> No.4412949

South Carolina is barren wasteland that reeks of poverty and shit. North Carolina is best Carolina.

>> No.4413662

T. Northerner

>> No.4414882

That would be really nice.

>> No.4415501

Im working on it

>> No.4416238
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>> No.4416435

Okay, here's a question for you all that I'm actually curious to know the answer to:
Of all the characters there are in all the three Mother games, which ones are your top three favourites? And why?

>> No.4416596

Oh god you again

>> No.4416810
File: 77 KB, 500x358, E281B7D7-9C01-4E2D-BA96-A8FDAD0B1E55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>earthbound thread
>someone talks about earthbound
>someone talks about mother/beginnings
>someone talks about mother 3
>someone talks about undertale
>Not cool pls gtfo

>> No.4416984

Because its a mother thread. Not an undertale thread.

>> No.4416989

Ness, jeff and giygas

>> No.4417454

Yeah, i never got that.

>> No.4417490

The Runaway Five

I know it's more than three, but whatchagonnado

>> No.4418005

Ness being the masked man might have been neat, but then you get into the problem where if someone didn't play Mother 2, they wouldn't get it. In Japan that wasn't an issue since Mother 2 was popular, but it was also rather old at the time.

Also begs the question as to "how"? I think if Ness showed up, it'd maybe be indirectly as he's pursuing Porky.

Giygas, Ness/Jeff tie, and maybe Andonuts.

>> No.4419184
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>> No.4419283
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>> No.4419358

Just recently decided i wanted to pick up a SNES and get some games for it, Earthbound being one of the main games i want

Could anyone explain to me why it costs so much? Is it just low production + high demand? Any hope for the average eBay price being below $150?
Where else are good places to look? Most of my local stores seem to have a pretty good idea of what they have. I guess i could try flea markets and goodwill but i feel like that'll take a while.

Also is it just earthbound (mother 2) on eshops? Are there official translations of 1 and 3?

>> No.4419804

> Is it just low production + high demand?
Pretty much. Abysmal marketing meant that this game didnt do so well over in the states, so not many copies were made. So now actual copies are expensive as fuck. If you really want a physical copy, get a reproduction cart with a running mod on it

>> No.4419825

Yeah I'd love as authentic one but i might just have to get a repo

I've never bought a repo cart, anything to look out for or are they similar quality for the most part

>> No.4420030

I dont know, but id assume that theres some place to get them. Try looking on ebay or Craigslist

>> No.4421206
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>> No.4421208
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>> No.4421212
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>> No.4421403
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I'm playing the game now on my SNES Classic that I DIDN'T buy from a scalper fag

Jeff just rescued Ness and Paula, and then trapped all the zombies in the tent. On my way outta Threed now.

>> No.4422414
File: 127 KB, 679x1175, 593b765e-0532-4bf0-9f7b-f2004a844fed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4422590

The suffering of the kids at the end when all hope has been lost and they're calling for help and looked like nobody was there, brought me to tears a little. Then I really started to tear up when the prayer got through and it turns out everyone was there, supporting you. All you had to do was make your voice heard.

I realized that it was all resonating with me because it brought to mind how I felt when I was going through my cancer treatment.

>> No.4422653

Did you talk to the zombies when they were trapped? They were fucking hilarious.

>> No.4423329

One thing that I love about this series (minus 3) is that as you progress the towns are themed after the seasons so it really feels like time is progressing.

I can't remember many other games that did this. Some modern Pokemon games do, but it's not retro.

>> No.4423330



>> No.4423412

>implying its not paulas fuck shack

>> No.4423418

Starman Deluxe and Ghost of Starman

>> No.4423692
File: 936 KB, 606x1000, 089df39f-8407-44cf-8f84-cd42e0eec5c3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What i would give for an earthbound cartoon

>> No.4425414
File: 178 KB, 1280x853, 717a1871-55b5-40e0-8c5d-dc3060b07b2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4426392

>implying it's a shack

>> No.4426850
File: 363 KB, 1280x1431, 661393f9-e523-41f1-a914-356188bc8d23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i dont know if i would call it a home, what with the wall falling out

>> No.4427983
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>> No.4427985
File: 847 KB, 1280x1739, 5dd96641-4b34-433c-b7a9-13fe37e4e9e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moonside was cool

>> No.4428335

Probably most of the game from Threed and on was great, but my favorite dungeon would be the Starman Base.

>> No.4428564

>All these Moonsides

That is the worst area in the game by far. Shitty teleporter maze, annoying battles, and laggy as fuck.

>> No.4428573

I always imagined that the starman DX sounded like frank horrigan

>> No.4428579

What part did you like anon?

>> No.4429294

Id like it in a paper mario style. Either one would be cool

>> No.4430061
File: 318 KB, 1275x825, 2ca37026-ac3d-4b73-85de-9180359fe8b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blue klux klan

>> No.4430704
File: 354 KB, 1280x668, 5f60a26f-9364-4e2c-bdc7-f1e475cf4b71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fourside was also pretty cool

>> No.4432041

I found the swird of kings on my first starman

>> No.4432218
File: 7 KB, 256x224, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it wasn't.

I never realized how sinister this specific yes means no dialogue was until just now.

>> No.4432257
File: 146 KB, 800x800, 22222830_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys do a yearly playthough or anything? It was around December about four years ago I said fuck it and spent $220 on a physical copy so I tend to always replay around this time of the year.

>> No.4432395

I play it during summer and winter. Those are the most comfy rpg times

>> No.4432408

literally me

>> No.4432516
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>> No.4433149

just like moot, Ness never appears in porn without his hat

>> No.4434805
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x2448, 189435872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as an oldfag the SNES Classic kinda bugs me.
these things are artifacts.
the battery in my Secret of Mana is dead, so all saves are lost and none can be made. it's not exactly simple the replace either, and you need a special tool to open the cartridge.
THAT'S the shit you should go thru to play these works of art.

>> No.4434820

Are you saying these games should be difficult to be able to play? Emulators are the greatest thing to happen to retro gaming as it allows people to play so much they never would have been able to before. I enjoy collecting myself a bit but I don't think everyone should have to hunto down and pay for these games.

>> No.4434827
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>> No.4434831
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>> No.4434832
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>> No.4435538

>he doesn't know about the pen trick
Shaggy diggy

>> No.4436047

>brb fixing game

>> No.4436082


>> No.4436985
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>> No.4436990
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>> No.4437764
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>> No.4439108
File: 492 KB, 1080x840, 24cb2cc0-723e-4e52-ae40-5b3d4bbf3d05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya know, the more i think about it, this part was kind of fucked up.

>> No.4439212

Everything from the beginning to finishing Twoson. Maximum comfiness.

The rest of the game has plenty of great moments, but in general it gets worse as it goes on.

>> No.4439276

For me at least, the first two towns were small and heartfelt, you really didnt know what was going on, so everything was happy and nice, but once you get into threed, you really get a sense of the big adventure youre going on, you see how big the world is, how important what youre doing is and how much you have to do. Sure, it may not be as comfy as the first two towns, but there was a great sense of adventure.

>> No.4439580
File: 183 KB, 583x716, 69fe4425-5efd-43e5-bd77-6bd555d69b1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bride going to fourside was great

>> No.4441113
File: 40 KB, 883x717, eff078dc-d7d8-4c09-bb63-36acfbb26299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The giygas fight. Speaking of which, what was your reaction?

>> No.4441493

Are you kidding?

That shit is nightmare fuel to this day

>Building a literal devil machine using alien technology only to be mindbroken and have your matter scattered across time and space in some distorted form that is only held together by said devil machine while your very presence is making a planet sick and influenced by your negativity and tortured remnants of your psych

That concept is some primal fear engine material

>> No.4441506

My SNES Classics are for reselling

>> No.4441568

i was like 9 years old, i literally shit my pants
i dropped the game, i didnt beat it i played mario world instead

>> No.4441572
File: 93 KB, 1283x1022, lostunderworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lost underworld
i dont know why exactly but i enjoyed so much that part

>> No.4441574

When you mean literally do you mean literally or figuratively

>> No.4441664

>If the chosen four failed giygas's influence would spread his pain agony all over the galaxy, turning everything into a literal hellscape
That's some warhammer 40k shit right there

>> No.4441674
File: 6 KB, 248x203, 2017-12-05-00-22-27-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that after the pokey fight, it would all be over, but then they bitch slap you with that shit. Plus there's the fact that the giygas fight is a whole different ballgame than the other fights in the game, like all the other fights are about killing the enemy, but the giygas fight is basically you just trying to stay alive long enough for enough time so paula can pray, but if one of your team goes down, then you have to focus on them first. It was hard as fuck for me, and the random attacks from giygas really didnt help.

>> No.4441735

I've always said the devil machine is just built around what he was in in Mother 1. He was always frail/volatile enough to need to be contained.

>> No.4441785

So it seems to be the common consensus here that Mother 3 is the worst in the series? It's actually my favorite. I feel like it does a much better job telling a cohesive story than the first two games, where it's largely just kids wandering around and experiencing things, which is nice in it's own right. Personally, the game's themes hit me hard and made me feel things that the first two really only did near the end, and the more personal final confrontation with the Masked Man is my favorite in the series. In terms of gameplay, it objectively blows the other two out of the water, but I understand that storytelling and thematic things are very subjective. To be clear, I still love 2 and 1 is iffy for me, and I'm very interested in hearing other opinions and the reasoning for them.

I hope this post isn't too fucking massive

>> No.4442059

I feel the problem with M3 is that it relies too heavily on common cliches of other JRPGs. Plus there was a lot of exposition that was just read out to you where i felt they could have shown you. Plus I feel like the masked man was inferior to giegue and pokey from the first two games because with them you get to see them go through more of an arc and you have more reasons to care about them, whereas 3 just relies on "but its your twin brother" without actually fleshing him out or giving you a reason to care beyond that. It felt like a copout and i felt they could have done a better job at fleshing claus out. Don't get me wrong, its a great game and i can see why it can be someone's favorite, but i feel the first two hit some notes better.

>> No.4442065

Although I will admit, in the first two games you do kind of have to read a little deeper to get a cohesive story out of it, and there are plenty of things you could miss, but I prefer that to just being handed exposition over and over again. I guess it just comes down to what you want from a story, its very subjective in that way.

>> No.4442218

I can definitely see where you're coming from, and why someone would like the more vague storytelling in the first two. I guess it does come down to the fact that I don't really mind most JRPG and anime tropes, and I don't think the game got all too heavy with the exposition, aside from that scene with Leder, of course. I suppose you have a point in Giygas being more developed than Clause, but I feel like Porky is a better comparison to Giygas, as he's the main, more developed villain. Claus is the final boss and fills the role of the atypical boss fight, true, but he's meant to be just a tool of Porky's, whereas Giygas was the full main antagonist of the first two games.

>> No.4442323

There was another thread before this ever some anon sumedgiygas/pokey vs pokey/claus thing up pretty good, I'm just trying to find it

>> No.4443956

The part where you go to that cliff in a cave was trippy. The music made it really kind of creepy

>> No.4444276

I always thought that the devils machine was the Apple of enlightenment after being transformed by giygas

>> No.4444749

I've always enjoyed the dragons quest combat style from EB. Is that just me?

>> No.4444917

If a sequel to this game were all up to you, then how would you make it be like?
What would the story be about?
Who would the playable characters be?
Who would the main and secondary villains be?
Would there be different endings?

>> No.4444952

>first time playing earthbound
>buy a fresh egg
>start hearing weird bird noises
>this goes on for awhile
>eventually see chicken in inventory
>confuses the hell out of me
its the little things in this game that i love so much

>> No.4445074

Ness and crew werent in the area for long but I really liked Summers.

>> No.4445864

That made the part where you have to get an egg to the monkey in the dusty dunes desert cave way harder than it should have been. But it was still hilarious.

>> No.4446132

The stoic club was hilarious.

>> No.4446394

I remember when I first got mushroomized in twoson. I was confused as shit

>> No.4446778

Proof that Earthbound fans are cancer

>> No.4446829

I wish we were friends irl

>> No.4447009

Beach places are always comfy

>> No.4447846
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Master Belch was also pretty good. Heard there's a sound effect for his burp noise. It's been 9 years since I've seen snow fall here.

>> No.4447957

I liked Winters a lot. It really expanded the road-trip feeling of the game for me, I think in part because I'm British and it was fun to see us get the Eagleland treatment. (Particularly since it was winter at the time I was playing) Not to mention the interesting experience of suddenly shifting to a new character and knowing that things were slowly converging on one another. The Sky Runner cutscene was also particularly enjoyable.
Twoson is about where the game starts to pick up pace, so I have to give that a mention. I actually tried Earthbound about a year before I played through it properly and then gave up before reaching Twoson. On my second playthrough, it was quite special to suddenly start going "Oh, that's what people see in this...", especially when I went and threw money at Orange Kid.

The Runaway 5 arc in general was also great and needs a mention. Also, the buildup around the gold-mine was great. Again, the game tricked me into thinking it was building up to something conventional - I think I expected a million dollars or some gold, since that's what everyone was hinting in a videogame-style "telling you what the reward will be without actually saying it" sort of way. Then you don't get any gold at all, just a diamond. In general, the ability of the game to keep tricking me in little ways like that is one of the things that made it so enjoyable. It never wound up sending me wasting hours on some pointless task, but it still had a few "Oh, you think you're so smart?" moments.

>> No.4448027
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Nah, it's a simple but fine system. The combos in M3 are nice though and add a little diversity and involvment though.
What? Even with all its flaws I would keep Mother 3 the way it is. I'm happy it wasn't just EB again and was something pretty different. Both games feel diverse with their own strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.4448081

I think he meant a direct sequel. Or just another add-on to the series in general

>> No.4448737

Even though Ness is best boy, i always liked jeff. His issues with his dad gave him a relatable and sympathetic character, then they get resolved towards the end with him spending time with his dad. That gave me the feels.

>> No.4448842

This is what I meant. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

>> No.4448853
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Sorry then but even then I think I wouldn't want to see a continuation in any form personally. Each Mother game is pretty self contained outside of the villains and some key aspects like PSI and such. We got to see Ness and his friend's story, what they did after is probably best left to interpretation.

>> No.4449634
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I absolutely love the trope of the hero confronting his own inner demons in an actual fight and walking away with their power greatly expanded, and EB was one of the best examples of that.

It was hard as balls too, so it really felt earned

>> No.4449709

Ya know, when I got to that part I thought they were going to take that route too, i was all prepared for for it and stuff too. Kind of glad they didn't do that though

>> No.4449718

That's a tough one senpai, each part of the game is pretty special in its own way. Moonside is a big hit for me. But I have love for every part.

>> No.4449719

Not sure if serious or trolling.

>> No.4449736

I never heard of a goddess or deity in Mother 2. What am I missing here?

>> No.4449739

you sound like a faggot

>> No.4449748


>> No.4449801

My favorite thing in the game is the homesick mechanic. It's so perfect for translating being a kid into gameplay. My favorite part is probably the zombie village (haven't played for awhile,can't remember the name), because it's the first time you really feel like Giygas is a threat and it isn't just a wacky adventure anymore. Redowbling the emulator right now, fuck I love this game. Could never get into Mother 3 though, it's just so cliched compared to EB.

>> No.4449843

When I got to that part I was getting my head handed to me (hehe get it) so it really felt like the kids were in pain and near death, so that made it all the more desperate, so it was so relieving and uplifting to see that their calls were answered and you finally got some help.

>> No.4451176

>tfw only ever got homesick once because I always called mom at every telephone
Feels good to have resource management skills

>> No.4451249

Saturn Valley has to be the most kawaii place in the game for sure.

Also, anyone else spend like 20 mins on that slot machine in the desert?

>> No.4451393

This place right here.
It's a weird intermediary stage that doesn't even really need to be in the game. The fact that you could access only part of the stage from the Lost Underworld and see the remains of the Saturn machine really creeped me out.
And the trumpet blaring across the void is terrifying...

>> No.4451394
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>> No.4451472

The trumpet's from a The Beatles song called All You Need Is Love.
Messed around with the BGM on an emulator to make the trumpet sound funny.

>> No.4451751

I did. I got really mad at it and threw my controller because of it once.

>> No.4451850
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What's up with this guy anyway? Is he good?

>> No.4451909

I don know, but he really fucked Aloysius

>> No.4451910

what did he do to him?

>> No.4451920

He stole lardina from him and forced him out of his house

>> No.4452189

He was the one who dug up the mani mani statue, so...

>> No.4452220

pop samples make for god unsettling music

>> No.4452476

Exactly, but he seems to be buddy-buddy with Ness, so I don't know if he's a good or bad guy. He is literally called Liar, too.

>> No.4453939

He might have been changed by the mani mani statue

>> No.4454108

He got Cucked hard

>> No.4454343

That whole area was just creepy

>> No.4454409
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>> No.4454627

Don't reply, you'll only encourage him

>> No.4455609

Threed is the name

>> No.4455862
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>> No.4455881

That entire boss fight in M1 was great. The fact that him just trying to communicate with you could wipe the party really did demonstrate how much more psychically powerful he was than you.
As for the machine was around Giegue, I just figured it was some kind of breathing apparatus, because Earth's atmosphere was toxic to him.

>> No.4456889
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>> No.4456952

>because Earth's atmosphere was toxic to him.
It was?

>> No.4457110

if you have a retron or SNES you can buy a reproduction cartridge for around $40 if you don't want to emulate. Most of the reproductions are titled Earthbound Uncut which is the uncensored Japanese version of the game.

There are also reproduction cartridges for Mother 1 and Mother 3 on NES and GBA.

>> No.4457163

Lloyd is the soyboy, senpai

>> No.4457374

Did they fug?

>> No.4457698


I also own every single one of these carts.


Any of the un-revisitable areas are special of course, because you get it once and then you're done with it so you have to make it count, in a way. Moonside is a good/popular choice, which I also liked. I enjoy the enemies there.

Onett itself, once you get past the prologue and start the game "proper", is highly comfy. The other towns are just a bit sleepier and not as pleasant, somehow. Like Shelbyvilles to Onett's Springfield.

I have a love/hate thing with Magicant because it's easily the hardest part of the game, I rented the game several times and it kicked my ass on the first go-round. Ness' Nightmare is the hardest fight in the entire game because you have to pull double/triple duty all by yourself. Also IIRC if you fuck up and save while in Magicant without a proper backup, and without being completely prepared (I think this was my mistake the first time), you're just about stuck (is it possible to grind indefinitely in magicant in such a case? I forget.)

>> No.4457813

It's never stated, I just kinda figured that was the reasoning for being in that bubble.

>> No.4457840

Well I don't think that the player is entirely screwed at Magicant if they are under leveled and only have 1 save, couple reasons for this.

1. There's free resting area here along with ATM and Tracey to handle your storage

2. Shop that sells and Earth Pendant (IIRC)

3. A present containing The Magicant Bat so the player has a weapon. Also 1 bag of Dragonite.

4. Birdmen to help out get to the spooky Sea area (Sea of Eden? Whatever it's called)

5. Worst case scenario is that there's re spawning enemies for the player to grind on

>> No.4457952


>> No.4458530

It would still be hard as fuck though

>> No.4458603

geez what a faggot, you are probably a molester urself

>> No.4458609

>le sharp bamboozle hook

>> No.4459004

Are there any changes between the original english snes version and the current eshop version?

>> No.4459009

Flashing PSI attacks are less flashy, that's it. No script changes that I'm aware of.

>> No.4459015

Alright cool. Will probably pick that up and maybe the cartridge later

>> No.4459221

I was playing and playing and playing, getting all the chicks and whatever prizes you can win, and when I finally got 777, they just said "Sorry, amigo, but you can't hold any more items".
It was devastating.

>> No.4459810

What even was the prize anyways?

>> No.4459867

A magic tart, I think.

>> No.4460185

Oh, thats cool, i guess

>> No.4461536

What does a magic tart even do?

>> No.4461560

replenishes PP

>> No.4461582

How much?

>> No.4461961

A repro cart or the real thing?

>> No.4462005

I want the real thing but they're just so damn expensive. I'll decide when that time comes

>> No.4462215

It's probably better to get a repro with some mods on it. Cheaper and easier.

>> No.4462726

I could never get myself to use more than one if the flying men. Id just get super sad when they died

>> No.4462736

But that would make no sense since he was adopted and raised by humans.

>> No.4462821

Aw shit, that's a hard question OP..
Cave the time Forgot was boggling me. When you entered it for first time and later on.
>part of the game
Jeff intro

>> No.4463179


>> No.4463393

when does this game become more interesting. the combat is just so unsatisfying and boring, it's almost literally mashing.

I just got to the jeff part and quit again. leveling up paula is hell and i'm not looking forward to doing it again with jeff. I don't want to grind because of the braindead combat that revolves around your luck of a magic butterfly spawning

>> No.4463431

The combat isn't for everyone. If it doesn't appeal to you then you should go find a hack with a different combat system. As for leveling, i never really found that difficult. It just kind of came naturally. I think things really take off after you get jeff in the party though

>> No.4463436

>he relies entirely on PP based attacks

>> No.4463438

mother 3 with the "attack to the beat!" is infinitely more fun

>> No.4463498

eh, i didnt really like it. i thought it was kind of BS that if you miss a beat your entire attack is shit out of luck. i like a system thats more strategic and logic based, so i prefer the dragons quest style of gameplay M2 had. it really all comes down to personal preference. if it really bothers you so much then im sure you could dig around and find hack with a different combat system. loads of them exist

>> No.4463805

so what was that tentacle thing?

>> No.4464004

It really is nice that you don't even have to fight if you're at a higher level than the enemy.

>> No.4464045
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I find the mechanics of slowly degrading health to be interesting, especially when mortal damage is taken. That forces you, despite turn-based combat, to act quickly. Eventually you character can survive it with "guts roll".

Also pic related. Dealing SMAAAASH!! is always satisfying.

>> No.4464257

>i thought it was kind of BS that if you miss a beat your entire attack is shit out of luck
That's how combos work in any games with combos

>> No.4464472

It's mentioned in the coffee/tea breaks. Also some items (even in Mother 1 there's items on it). In mother 3, same deal, but the item guy also plugs it.

I don't think so. If it was atmosphere he could just wear a space suit I'd think. I don't believe it's microbes either since they evolve for earth life.

I think he was just physically frail and weak.

Combat is turn based rpg with some additional slight gimmicks.

I couldn't get a hang of that system, but I emulated.

>> No.4464782

Love Alex Rochon's stupid low quality Giygas Medley.

>> No.4465570

what is an easy way to get my guts up? never could figure that one out.

>> No.4465608

Rock Candy glitch. Am a little fuzzy on the details of it, though.
You could also use Guts Capsules, but I think they are very far and few.

>> No.4465941

here it is

>> No.4467308

phase 2 was the best part

>> No.4467484
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is Earthboud worth playing if I'm not too interested in RPGs?

>> No.4467523

id say give it a try. its fairly different from other JRPGs. but if your not feeling it once your in theres no shame in backing out.

>> No.4468225

>jeff intro

>> No.4468251

Now that was the best part

>> No.4468787

The combat is more exciting than a normal RPG in the truest sense. However, unlike other popular SNES RPGs, you cannot see your characters when they fight. In fact visually speakign it's more fx based than animation based.

However, the battle music and backgrounds tend to be held in high esteem.

The gameplay mechanics are really more vessels for the storytelling than anythingt else (or otherwise take a backseat to it).

>> No.4469265

Probably not, but give it a shot anyway.

>> No.4470486

I'd say it's worth it just for the music

>> No.4471058

It's the first few notes of the french national anthem slowed down. And it's also my ringtone.

>> No.4471074

It's a sample of the intro from The Beatles' 'All You Need Is Love'.

>> No.4471912

which in turn is _______

>> No.4471989

The Beatles had people musicians play that section for All You Need Is Love, and EarthBound sampled that section of that recording. It's not a sample on the original track, just a borrowed musical phrase played live.

>> No.4472089


Noterday :^)

>> No.4472283

should i make another thread?