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File: 307 KB, 598x442, ssb64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4441056 No.4441056 [Reply] [Original]

Choose your Character

>> No.4441065


>> No.4441069


>> No.4441072

Pikachufags need not apply.

>> No.4441079


>> No.4441092
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>> No.4441093

u spoiled the unlockable characters for me

fuck this

*throws the worthless cartridge in the trash*

>> No.4441105


Why did competitive smash ruin everything guys

>> No.4441108

Did they just scan that DK pic from a DKC ad?

>> No.4441109


>> No.4441110

Grabbing opponents with the electrict whip and throwing bombs while spinning was the shit.

>> No.4441128


>> No.4441129


>> No.4441139

Yes all the art work is reused, Luigi’s Mario Kart 64.

>> No.4441148

did they ever make a 64 fight stick

for uh
educatyion perspusoes

>> No.4441154

I drag around randomly with my eyes closed and eventually hit A.

>> No.4441158

You could play it on a normal stick but tilts might be tricky. Ever play smash on a wiimote? It's kinda like that

>> No.4441170
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>> No.4441173

I haven't used it since it was new but I remember this thing not being so great.

>> No.4441176
File: 194 KB, 1447x1101, orive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this or pic related the only options for 64? All those fucking snes and nes fight sticks but nothing on 64?

>> No.4441184

because nobody played fighting games on the n64 and the only fighting games worth a shit are Rakuga Kids and Fighter's Destiny, maybe KIG.

>> No.4441191

its still strange to me that theres NO option

smash is a fighting game~(!!)

>> No.4441192
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My cousin has never played Fighters Destiny before, last week I played it with them. The look on his face when he found out you can grab people while hanging off the ledge was priceless. That game is fantastic.

>> No.4441195

Captain Falcon

>> No.4441204

Fox is my favorite for any kind of game style here

>> No.4441208


>you will never have a dead reliable controller for the 64

Its genuine agony anons

why couldnt the stick just be perfect

>> No.4441212

Looking forward to that guy releasing the steel stick replacements.

>> No.4441214
File: 72 KB, 500x510, Ness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ness mostly but Kirby if I need to go tryhard since he's broken.

>> No.4441217

He never fucking will dude

He has a long ass waiting line of professional smashers and his work ethic is garbage, itll never get to people like us

>> No.4441227


Can I just replace the stick with a permanent solution of my own ? How hard is the operation? I dont even care about purity

>> No.4441236 [DELETED] 

Top Tier:

Meh Tier:

Poop Tier:

>> No.4441242


>> No.4441249

Replacing sticks is the easiest shit in the world. No soldering or anything. I'm technically retarded, and I've replaced sticks.

>> No.4441261

I heard some require soldering and some are just snap ins.

>> No.4441263

but i mean a permanent solution not just getting another OEm stick

>> No.4441267

I'm pretty sure that's not true. Nintendo actually makes their shit very easy to take apart/reassemble. I've also replaced a 3DS circle pad.

>> No.4441272

>no ness
>yoshi, one of the better characters, in the bottom

>> No.4441273
File: 446 KB, 715x600, 1511823255433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some 64 games that arent the big ones that are good

>> No.4441276


>> No.4441281

Blast Corps
Killer Instinct Gold
Quake 2
Ogre Battle 64
Doom 64
Gauntlet Legends

Just off the top of my head.

>> No.4441286

World Driver Championship
Duck Dodgers 64
Mischief Makers
Duke Nukem Zero H0ur
Both Goemon games
Legacy of Darkness

>> No.4441290

Dude, don't recommend bullshit like that, come on man.

>> No.4441298


>> No.4441321

Those games are all hot trash. Recommend good stuff like Doom 64 and Jet Force Gemini, not garbage like Duck Dodgers 64.

>> No.4441326

>shitting on goemon
>shitting on MM
>shitting on Winback

>> No.4441471

I will always choose Kirby

>> No.4441479

Uh yeah, I'm shitting on them because they are, you know, shit.

>> No.4441485
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>> No.4441486

You were the one recommending fucking Duck Dodgers 64 you worthless assbaby, you don't get to criticize anyone else.

>> No.4441491

Gonna go with Mario like a good pleb.

>> No.4441496

And you're the one calling Goemon's Great Adventure and Mystical Ninja shit, you're less to criticize people.
And Duck Dodgers 64 is an alright game, he asked for good games.

>> No.4441498

The Goemon games are a 7/10 at best. Again, you don't get to have an opinion when somebody asks for good games and you recommend duck dodgers, that shit is fucking shovelware to the max. I gave him a list of quality titles and you're pretending that the rest of your recommendations aren't ass just because you listed Goemon? Get real faggot.

>> No.4441501

>7/10 a

>> No.4441503

Uh yeah, you read it correctly, 7/10. What more should I expect from the faggot who thinks Winback has good gameplay?

>> No.4441504

WinBack is good tho, final levels are frustrasting as shit, but is a good game.

>> No.4441512

No, it isn't. It's a linear 3rd person shooter with 4 weapons and limited as fuck gameplay that involves nothing more than slowly walking through corridor environments shooting the same enemy type over and over, not to mention the shitty grey graphics and retarded story where the heroes are literally part of a team called "SCAT", as if the game recognizes itself as being shit. The multiplayer is even worse. It doesn't surprise me that you think it's a "good game" though, given how low your standards are. Enjoy duck dodgers you stupid fuck.

>> No.4441516

>Me in 1999/2000
Samus all day long. Her long kick while in the air and her down smash in the air were so awesome if you could time them. Nothing more satisfying than hitting somebody down as they try to come back to the stage and they have no way to recover.

>Me in 2016/2017
Kirby, his jump down kick does so much damage and it's easy to juggle enemies.

I never realized just how OP every character is and that's what makes this game so much fun. Melee is great and the best game in the series but they nerfed most of the characters. Yoshi can't turn people into eggs on the edge of the screen and kill them, instead they get set free instantly it seems. Samus can't shoot her beam across the entire map. Pikachu can't shoot his lightening across the map and the height is limited on his overhead lightening as well. It's also very hard to recover and make it back to the stage after being knocked off, but in all the games after the original you just need to be near the edge and you get sucked onto it.

>> No.4441520

holy shit you got triggered lol

>> No.4441521

>shits on Goemon
>rates it 7/10
be consistent anon

>> No.4441528

>holy shit you got triggered lol
Nah, I just have a very low tolerance for stupidity.

>> No.4441532

Shit in the toilet you animal.

>> No.4441547
File: 221 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose your character

>> No.4441730

Harvest Moon 64

>> No.4441732

Was it genuine retardation, or just simple autism?

>> No.4441849


>> No.4441873

who the fuck is ness? some shitty nintendo mascot?

>> No.4441921
File: 106 KB, 395x551, EvaN64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4441925

I think it was a mascot for the NES in Japan

>> No.4441946

That's ok, you choose for me. Anything C tier. I don't wanna make you cry. If you do I can give you a few L9s and go no special.

>> No.4442070

He was a side character in the Daddy series.

>> No.4442209

Conker for the lulz

>> No.4442217

That game was trash

>> No.4442223

Captain Falcon

>> No.4442234

I love that the turtle is in some kind of legal limbo between Nintendo and Microsoft. It appeared in remakes and re-releases of both DKR and BK and nobody cared.

>> No.4442270

I always choose him as him and diddy were the only ones I knew when I first played and now anyone else feels wrong to me.

Reminder that anyone who chooses TT in multiplayer is a faggot and the equivalent of picking oddjob in DKR.

>> No.4442740

I take it Mace sucks? Played it a lot as a kid, but was probably too young to really assess how mechanically sound it was.

>> No.4442763

Eh, it's not the best designed game ever, but graphically it's pretty impressive.
The Eva models are spot on.

>> No.4442768

Tiptup all day erry day.

I became a massive Banjo fanboy when the game came out but couldn't stand to play as him in DKR.

>> No.4443336

Hybrid Heaven
Shadowgate 64
Extreme G 2

>> No.4443839

Kirby, or Samus.

>> No.4443894

How is he broken?

>> No.4443952

hmm yoshi is kinda thick here.

>> No.4444020

He can absorb anybody's B move, which gives him some unpredictability, but mostly his moves are snappy and easy to understand. Only Pikachu is above him in the tiers, and he requires a bit more nuance.

>> No.4444180

>He can absorb anybody's B move
Yeah, and that move is usually not used a lot.

>> No.4444181


>> No.4444468

Uptilt and Dair are insanely good
amazing recovery
good combo game
easy to play

>> No.4444635

>expecting informed opinions about babys first fightan on 4chan

>> No.4444641

That doesn't make him broken. There's a reason pikachu is above him and pika isn't even broken.

>> No.4444659

Are you the same guy who was shilling that the N64 had the steady stream of GOAT games?

>> No.4444731

Fuck you son Dual Heroes is GOAT.

>> No.4445541

That wasn't my main point, you absolute fucking moron. And yes, spammable B's like Fox's lazer and Pikachu's bolt add a lot to your neutral game.

>> No.4445543

Yeah, and that reason is Pikachu is slightly harder to pick up and play than Kirby. His power comes from nuanced moves.

The IQ in this thread, holy fuck.

>> No.4445740

I generally do pretty well with anything off the bottom row. Fox being my favorite to play as.

>> No.4445753 [DELETED] 
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>expecting triple-digit IQs from Nintendildos

>> No.4446296

always Yoshi

>> No.4446302

>nintendo thread
>australia-kun is in it

clockwork. you can't stop thinking about nintendo!
Never seen anyone so tsundere.

>> No.4446430

Legacy of Darkness fucking rules!
You have good taste, anon

>> No.4446440
File: 116 KB, 900x1172, 53eb7f1714542a2ffb70c0be57dcc6c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samus is the only one for me

>> No.4448510

Came here to post this
Kirby's been my one and only in every installment with no sign of changing.

>> No.4448513
File: 673 KB, 800x800, screen-shot-2015-09-19-at-23-35-32-e1442702682338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To swallow your opponent and poop it.

>> No.4448583

Smash requires different speeds for walking and running, so an arcade stick would be terrible.

>> No.4448585

Right? This game was great just brawling with items on and all that shit.

Captain Falcon

>> No.4448637

because FGC rejects thought it was a good idea to take a party game too seriously

>> No.4448793
File: 150 KB, 936x853, 1492805563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Wario only appears in the shitty Smash games
>tfw he's based more on his shitty Ware version instead of his Land moves

>> No.4448857

What's really sad is apprently Sakurai said Wario was a character he wanted to add since 64 but more and more characters became "higher priority" leading to him not being in until. Sakurai has said he personally loves Wario and that had he been able to make one more character for Melee's roster it would have Wario. I know that originally his team was torn on either making King Dedede playable or creating five clones (pichu, doc, young link, falco, and roy) and decided on the clones. Gannondorf was added literally last minute and was never planned at all.

>> No.4449557

I always picked Link, my dad always picked Donkey Kong, my sister always picked Kirby

>> No.4451572
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>shitty smash games
I disagree but I'd rather not go on an autistic tangent about which smash is better.
>needs more Wario Land moves
This I highly agree to, I would've at least appreciated a shoulder bash or something similar.

>> No.4451595

my mafuckin boy tiptop. I loved playing as that big handsome lookin fuck throughout the whole game until I unlocked the clock guy and got bored

>> No.4451606

Pikachu or Star Fox.
PIkachu's down b move is devestating

>> No.4451886


Kirby is gay as fuck, pikachu and fox require much more skill

>> No.4451995

Anyone who takes Smash too seriously is insufferable to play with.

>> No.4452061

Isn't his side smash a shoulder bash?

>> No.4452075

hackurai turned it into a punch in sm4sh

fuck that guy

>> No.4452217

Them not representing his Land moves was unfortunate but them representing Ware was still cool.

>> No.4452236
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>> No.4453810
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Smash 64 has the best special bonuses

>> No.4454080

Smash 64 has easily the best feel out of all of the games. Its sound effects are incredibly impactful and the knockback is the most reasonable and satisfying.

64 > Melee > Brawl > 4
Melee > 64 > Brawl >>> 4

>> No.4454102

64 may have had the most satisfying feel when you hit someone, but god damn did the slow-down fucking kill it when you had more than 2 people playing.

>> No.4454105

I remember back in grade school when kids never unlocked the "Final Character"(Ness), and theories surrounded who it was.

>"It's Banjo!"
>"It's Ash from Pokemon!"

>> No.4454110 [DELETED] 

I remember that happening to Melee but not 64

>> No.4454489

10 minutes? You're crazy my nigga

>> No.4454496

I fucking loved the coin sounds and feel of Mario's Up+B hitting someone in Smash 64, it's so satisfying. Dunno how they managed to fuck that up in the other games.
I still think Smash 64 had the best stages, and you know it's true when most of them were put in the other games.

>> No.4454504

Yeah, it actually turned me off from Smash games altogether. I legitimately lost all interest in playing them due to how embarrassing the 'scene' is.

>> No.4454537
File: 87 KB, 206x292, sixth grade leader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these years later only move I can do. There's the jump kick/throw/block/weak punches. Is there atually other moves in this gem?

>> No.4454554

The Smash64 scene is actually the chillest one in the franchise.

>> No.4455840

Mystical Ninja