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4435113 No.4435113 [Reply] [Original]

Why was Jesse so incompetent?

>> No.4435127

she is a woman.

>> No.4435134

I liked the original team, I wish they didn't get killed

>> No.4435141

I had a thought while playing it that square was making us side with the antifa type liberals in this. These games were all marxist propaganda.

>> No.4435147

that's because you're a retarded underage, no one gave a shit about that back then and especially not nips
kill yourself

>> No.4435149

Horribly, I might add

>> No.4435176

At least compare them to ALF or some shit if you're trying to shit something out that resembles a valid comparison. Even that's a massive stretch.

She wasn't incompetent, btw. Her sole fuck-up was crushing on Cloud so hard she overthought his counterfeit security clearance.

They had the full weight of ShinRa crashing down on them (lel) in a massive false flag because they'd already blown up two reactors thanks to her skill. She wasn't just some kid with a pipe bomb, she was a bonafide saboteur.

Would make my techie gf and spend late nights debugging together.

>> No.4435180

Kinda-sorta, and if I recall correctly, their methods were questioned in-game.

>> No.4435195

The reactor AVALANCHE had blown up before Cloud came into the picture led to lots of people dying, NPCs in Sector 7 were really split. They had zero good PR with anyone who didn't already have a beef with ShinRa in Midgar, and nobody outside of Midgar knew who the fuck they were.

The only reason Reeve switched sides when he was the mayor of Midgar, and the only one who genuinely cared about the people there, AND had every reason to loathe AVALANCHE was the false flag. The effects of Hojo's JENOVA quackery were secondary to this, and only reinforced it.

I genuinely don't think they're comparable to any known terrorist group considering the massacres in Corel, Gongaga, and Wutai. There's also the aforementioned Sector 7 false flag.

Along with Cloud and Vincent getting personally mengele'd, and the fact that Hojo was literally trying to end the world for no other reason than to see what would happen, you'd need to be an idiot to compare AVALANCHE to any real-world terrorist organization... Especially to LARPing antifags.

>> No.4435207

Errata: Reeve was the head of urban development. Same shit.

Polite sage.

>> No.4435676

No, it's Japanese anti nuclear sentiments. Plus many Japanese have animist beliefs so a lot of that is what motivates AVALANCHE, which fits in-universe since the planet is literally alive. Not to mention AVALANCHE is obviously a grassroots movement, while a group like Antifa is promoted by far left in government and funded by far left corporate fat cats.

>> No.4435709
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It was the 90s, a time when it was popular for youth to be attracted to rebellious, anti-corporate, anti-government thugs who did whatever they want regardless of the consequences because they had a belief that it'd lead to a better tomorrow (For everybody, or at least for themselves). It was spawned from a small but disillusioned subset of teens and early 20s unsure of their place in the world, rejecting the normal means of career progression, family life, and all that jazz that enticed most of the population.

In a way, it was a prototype of the current type of rebellious youth, which is a corrupted version of this more primitive rebellion.

>> No.4435742

she was part of a group of what, five people who could barely afford to pay Cloud a few thousand gil? Consider the resources she had at her disposal it's wondrous they got as far as they did.

>> No.4435838

That was something that always made me laugh. There was so much negotiation over tiny sums of money that were made entirely obsolete by one or two battles against Shinra forces.

>> No.4435876



>> No.4436039


What bugs me about this gif is that Barret's name should be first and Cloud's in the middle, because other than that it's perfect. I dunno if those wrestler's personalities fit the characters otherwise tho.

>> No.4436079

Them proving the horseshoe threory as real doesn’t change which side of the horseshoe they started from.