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/vr/ - Retro Games

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442834 No.442834 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.442841

Gradius Masterrace reporting in.

>> No.442856


>> No.442872

Pretty much everyone's going to choose Gradius aren't they?

>> No.442880


No. Gradius III sucks.



>> No.442882

Axelay, niggers.

>> No.442890

>Gradius III

>> No.442906

I've only played a minor portion of the game. What is the ratio of horizontal to vertical gameplay? I vastly enjoy horizontal.

>> No.442907


I don't like it as much as II. And the slowdown, oh lord the slowdown. To be fair, it made the game balanced, but still not my cup.

>> No.442919

Is there still slowdown if emulated through the wii?

>> No.442931


No idea. I don't have a Wii to try it, unfortunately.

>> No.442949

Salamander/Life Force

>> No.442968

Dis nigga

>> No.442981

Is Axelay horizontal or vertical?

I've been playing a lot of shmups recently and I noticed I don't have as much fun on vertical style shooters.

>> No.442989

It's both apparently.

>> No.442997

Thanks. Also I have no idea why I don't like vertical as much.

>> No.443002


Axelay is so fucking shit

>> No.443006

>no Darius

Ok, guys. You got me. But seriously, Axelay.

>> No.443017

>Calling a game shit.
>Not on /v/.
We like thorough elaborations here gangsta.

>> No.443025

Where the fuck is phalanx

>> No.443028


And obviously you play the Japanese version.
US version's music is only good for a laugh.

>> No.443029

Ever play DoDonPachi?

>> No.443035
File: 13 KB, 285x200, Thunder Force III-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed one OP

>> No.443042

I thought this thread was SNES shmups.

>> No.443053


The gimmicky mode7 graphical scrolling style is annoying

>> No.443063

It is. It technically is just between the three I posted. I had them growing up and suddenly had feels hard, so I started this thread.

>> No.443067

But the mode 7 levels were the best levels in the game.

>> No.443065

Yep. It's fun, but it's no Gradius or R-Type

>> No.443075

Thank you, and I completely agree. Not only is it very ugly, but it also kind of hurts to look at for very long.

>> No.443082

↖ Never played
↗ Played
↓ Probably played, but don't remember much beyond that neat horizon thing

>> No.443081

My bad.
TF3 had a bad port to the snes

>> No.443090

Agreed. That spritework is fantastic though.

>> No.443103

R type III is the shit. Very beautiful game, but a little easy.

>> No.443105


This song was so DOPE.

>> No.443138

IMO Gradius III is easily the weakest Konami shmup on the SNES, which makes sense because it was a very early game, but man fuck the slowdown. Parodius and TwinBee are good, but Axelay is the best shmup on the system.

>> No.443158

I like Super R Type more than 3

>> No.443168

Even the arcade version isn't very good. III is easily one of the worst Gradius titles. Not even close to the glory of II, V, or Gaiden.

>> No.443170


>> No.443269


>> No.443327

>No Parodius
Everything else is shit tier.Op you suck

>> No.443338

Hey. Biometal was good.

>> No.443359


That game alone is pushing Gradius above R-Type and Axelay. It's a shame it never got released outside of Japan.

>> No.443371
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Parodius has superior boss designs

>> No.443445

Gradius V doesn't feel much like a Gradius game to me. Something about its atmosphere I guess.

>> No.443448

Is Darius Twin any good? I just picked it up for next to nothing.

>> No.443452

It's boring as fuck.

>> No.443456


You're right. Gradius V is a Life Force game.

>> No.443460

Even 2-player?

>> No.443469

>any Darius besides Darius Gaiden or G-Darius
>worth a shit

>> No.443563

>Horizontal shooters

As a manic shooter fan, I can't really come to like any of those (even though I used to play Gradius with my dad.) Horizontal shooters aren't good for the genre IMO.

>lol dumb anon Alexay has vert stages

Yea, but still, nothing compared to Recca, Hector 87', Batsugun, Touhou, DoDonPachi or lots of other shmups.

>> No.443635
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>> No.443837


You should have gotten Darius Force instead, it's almost as good as the 32 bit era Darius games, especially when set to hard mode.

>> No.444105

>manic shooter fan
>I can't really come to like any of those
>Horizontal shooters aren't good for the genre IMO

Because they actually require skill and don't have a hitbox the size of a pea?

>> No.444146

>Horizontal shooters aren't good for the genre IMO.

>turn the screen sideways
>turn the joystick sideways
>fucking magic

>> No.444151


To compensate for that, horizontal shooters don't have 20% of the density manic shooters do. I find it easier to survive on Gradius (Come on, my dad used to 2CC that, and he isn't even a gamer) than on, say, Mushihime-Sama.

>> No.444174

Oh fuck yes, Area 88!

Love this game!

>> No.444176


>> No.444194


Do you even GD?

The human eye works in a way such that you can dodge bullets easier when they come in a vertical manner opposed to an horizontal manner. So, in vertical games, you are more encouraged to graze the bullets. Turning the screen sideways doesn't change the fact that horizontal shmup devs don't develop their games thinking about streaming.

BTW, not all the horis are bad (DeathSmiles is a recent one that's pretty cool), but they are not my style due to the aforementioned lack of grazing.

>> No.444219

>The human eye works in a way such that you can dodge bullets easier when they come in a vertical manner opposed to an horizontal manner.
Citation fucking needed.

>> No.444223

What exactly is a "manic shooter"?
I tend to think of shmups with fast projectiles and ships like Recca or Dangun Feveron or Raiden Fighters Jet, rather than slower, more bullet-dense shmups like Mushihimesama.
It isn't just synonymous with bullet hell or danmaku is it?

>> No.444234

>muh 1-pixel hitboxes

>> No.444252

>horizontal shooters don't have 20% of the density manic shooters

Some of them do, and they aren't slow moving that don't require any reaction skill to dodge either

Also your weapon shots don't take up half the screen so that you don't have to put any effort into getting into position to fire back

Not to mention stage obstacles

If you think danmakus are harder just because they have MOAR BULLETS then you are a fucking moron

>> No.444287

Why is it that vertical shmups tend to not have stage obstacles.
The only ones I can think of off the top of my head are Ikaruga, Radiant Silvergun, Iridion II, and maybe Guwange, if that counts.

>> No.444290


Read that in a documentary displaying the surge of the manic shooters a long time ago, gonna find the source in a few, hopefully.


Manic Shooter and Danmaku are the same thing, just that the latter is more used in the west when talking about Touhou, which has a more pattern-oriented gameplay as opposed to more traditional shmups like Batsugun, that are more random in nature.


Not because of more bullets, because they put a heavier emphasis on grazing than horis do. Also, passing your ship through those tiny gaps is always thrilling.

>> No.444308

>twelve billion different names for shmups with tons of bullets and tiny hitboxes
>none for shmups with fast bullets and ships
Fucking stupid.

>> No.444330

>Also, passing your ship through those tiny gaps is always thrilling.
I love not actually being able to see my hitbox. It's so great that they slap a fuckhuge sprite over a tiny little hitbox like that.

>> No.444337


Pattern games tend to be slower, random ones tend to be faster. Hence, Danmaku is more used for the slower games, and manic shooters for the faster ones.

>> No.444364

>Danmaku is more used for the slower games, and manic shooters for the faster ones
That's what I was asking about in the first place, but this guy >>444290 was all "NAH, THEY'RE THE SAME"

>> No.444387


Those are actually the good ones, with space ship sprites you can actually pretty easily find out where the hitbox is because of the triangle like shape

Now with fetishistic shit for autistic neckbeards like 2hou and Deathsmiles you need a blinking dot to tell you where the hitbox is

>> No.444415 [DELETED] 

It's 2013 though. There's no excuse for anything but pixel-perfect sprite collisions at this point. The approximate hitboxes were always a compromise because of a lack of CPU power.

>> No.444436

The approximate hitboxes were always a compromise because of a lack of CPU power. In retro games, this was okay because it wasn't possible to do any better. It turned into a bunch of retarded bullshit, though, when devs got so lazy that they made the player effectively 1px wide so that they could skimp on the collision code to an absurd degree (thanks, SNES, by the way).

There's no excuse for anything but pixel-perfect sprite collisions at this point. Modern games can afford the CPU power, and if you're throwing around hundreds of sprites, don't even pretend to be retro.

>> No.444451
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You really can't spot the hitbox by looking at the ship's sprite? Also, once you are accostumed to the game (even more so if it's a faster, more random one), you can't even afford to look at your ship anymore, you just sense it.


In theory? The same. On practice, not so much. Touhou was the game that really made the word "Danmaku" popular, so even though it's the same thing as "manic shooter", most people use it to describe games that resemble Touhou AKA slower and more pattern-oriented ones.



Well, Touhou is an amazing shmup simply because of the pattern gameplay, it's a break from the Cave shooters. Two bullet-hells that require a different skillset from its players.

>> No.444875

What does the SNES have to do with this?

>> No.444889
File: 29 KB, 400x287, NEOGDS-46559_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was just playing Gun-Nac on my NES
>decide to check out /vr/ after getting a game over
>see this thread

>> No.444924
File: 53 KB, 557x600, 1286628688215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I love the Gradius and R-Type series dearly, the one thing I fucking hate is the "You die = You're fucked" aspect due to loss of powerups.

Axelay is a really fucking cool game that I highly recommend people try. As a quick tutorial note; there's an weapon that you need to hold the fire button down to make it shoot a machine gun that starts at your ass and works its way 180 to your front. Practically right a the start you get surrounded by enemies and need to utilize this weapon without any sort of prior indication. Good luck

>> No.445059

Gradius is all about recovery from death. The best thrill is making it out of a chokepoint after dying.

Of the three shooters in the OP, R-Type III is what I'd call the best. It's probably the best shooter on the SNES.

Darius Force, as some have mentioned (aka Super Nova) is pretty good, if a little bland.

BioMetal (Japanese version) is also one of the best SNES shooters. Avoid the US version - they replaced the soundtrack with fuckin' 2Unlimited!

And I have to lol at the guy who said that Horizontals are "bad for the genre." The arcade Gradius III is harder than any Cave game ever made (it's probably the hardest shooter ever made). My own personal thought is that what's "bad for the genre" is the fact that it almost exclusively focuses around fanservice and lolis, which makes no normal person want to jump into the genre.

The point of a good horizontal is proper placement, memorization of levels, and environmental hazards.

They often lack some complicated scoring system which most vertical games *need* these days to differentiate themselves from the last 30 years of shmup games. Most of the time, it's just busy work (except when it's awesome, like Mars Matrix or Giga Wing 2).

>> No.445194

>My own personal thought is that what's "bad for the genre" is the fact that it almost exclusively focuses around fanservice and lolis, which makes no normal person want to jump into the genre.

That's not the problem here believe it or not. The problem is that most people have this warped idea that it's not worth paying the standard retail price for a shmup because they're not going to bother playing the way it's meant to be played (with one credit, or at the very least, a limited number of them.)

Deathsmiles is Cave's best selling game and that game is the exact type of thing most people assume to be what scares off most people.

>> No.448982


>> No.449000

Shitty CPU combined with very powerful sprite engine.

>> No.449047
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>> No.449085

Guys how do I into the Gradius series? Tried playing NES Gradius. That mess is insanely difficult.

>> No.449115

>Darius Force(SuperNova) is pretty good

Finally, someone who agrees.

>> No.449134
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Im glad there are plenty of Shmup threads on here

>> No.449143

I just realized something. I don't own all of the games in your photo, but I own about seven shmups on the SNES and all of them have that revised cartridge shape. Does anyone know why that is? Other games had it, too. But I just noticed now, after seeing three shmups I've never played before, that makes 10 shmups on the SNES that I've seen with that cartridge design. Is it to mimic the SFC cartridge shape, or what?

>> No.449151

I say "about seven" because I have Flying Hero, but that's just silly fun time, although a very good and fun shmup. Six if that isn't counted.

>> No.449163

the redesign was made towards complaints thanks to a small part inside of the SNES breaking that doesn't allow the cartridge to come out.

Seems there were some idiots who didnt know what a EJECT button was, and pulled the game out while on.

Most further SNES consoles got rid of that part, and SNES Mini doesnt have it.

>> No.453224
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The final boss in R-type 3 is fucking NOPE material. Seriously though, what the fuck is it supposed to be?

>> No.454142
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Had no clue the SNES had any of the Thunder Force games. I learned something new today. Thanks /vr/ you guys are pretty cool.

>> No.454598

Play the arcade version. The SNES version has horrible, horrible slowdown while the arcade version has very little.

>> No.457110
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We're talking about the Bydo here, nothing is sacred to them. Ain't gotta explain shit.

If it creates more Bydo, it has to fucking die. Period.

>> No.459170
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Final and Tactics I&II prove that doesn't work