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4426689 No.4426689 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel like the N64 is genuinely one of the best home consoles ever made? I see a lot of people talk about consoles like the PS1, PS2, SNES, etc. being the best due to sheer size of library, but for me, nothing approaches the variety and quality that the N64 has. Other consoles might have more games in total, but the N64 has more games that are of a supremely high quality. Some of the best shooters, platformers, adventure games, puzzler and racers on any platform ever made. About the only thing it's missing is RPGs, and even then, it still has some of the best, with the likes of Paper Mario, Zelda and Ogre Battle 64.

Also, despite how weird it is, I simply cannot find a controller which is more inviting and comfortable to use. The N64 controller was absolutely perfect for the kind of games it has, and I can't imagine playing stuff like Star Fox 64 or Super Mario 64 without it.

As a whole, it had the best graphics, best controller and most revolutionary games of its time, and the fact it was built like a fucking brick doesn't hurt either. Great console.

>> No.4426708

Its definitely my favorite
Every game on it is a masterpiece.

>> No.4426736

I had it and the controllers. One was the purole see though one.

I had No mercy, revenge, oot, majoras mask, DKR,smash bros.

Rented everything else. I liked doom 64 and re2 and Helen and Sm64 and MKT and Goldeneye.

>> No.4426745

It lacked good fighting games.
Rakuga Kids and the Fighter's Destiny games were alright.

>> No.4426750


Except the quality to shovelware ratio on the N64 is one of the worst of all time.

>> No.4426753

Killer Instinct Gold

>> No.4426758

It's actually one of the best. At least 50 solid games of a 300-something library. It's we're being intellectually honest the ratios are way worse for the NES, PS1, PS2, GBA, and DS.

>> No.4426759


>> No.4426762

Smash bros, MkT. rest of the 3D fighters.

N64 wasn't the place if you wanted Sprite fighters or RPGs.

>> No.4426763

N64 is possibly the greatest multiplayer console of all time. Not only 4 player support, but most games actually have 4 player option. Most haters are likely friendless outcasts.

Unfortunately, this strength means it is hard to appreciate nowadays since most people would rather just play online multiplayer.

>> No.4426776

KIG was decent.
Smash is good but try to convince the autists that is a fighting game, MKT is a even buggier UMK3, and the only worthy 3d fighters on the N64 are the Fighter's Destiny games, everything else is putrid shit (war gods, dual heroes, Dark Rift) to disappointing (Deadly Arts).

>> No.4427678

>Every game on it is a masterpiece

Take a look at the unappreciated coding wonder that is Superman 64 for example. People just don't "get" it.

>> No.4427694

I don't feel the same way at all, but I respect your opinion and I'm glad you found something you really enjoy.

>> No.4427696

no, the ps2 is definitely better

n64 has my favorite nintendo first party, and is probably the best multiplayer system, but it's really lacking a lot of games

It's kind of sad that Midway was the best 3rd party developer on the system (not that they were bad)

>> No.4427701


N64 is good, but honestly the library is kind of shit. It has some good games, but just not many. Name 5 shmups on the system. There might be but I'd doubt it.

SNES, Genesis, NES are all better as far as game selection and quantity of fun games goes.

>> No.4428173
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I like it best for get-togethers. Mario Kart 64 is a must-play every game night. Smash Bros is good, too. And we often play Dr. Mario.

>As a whole, it had the best graphics
Here's where I have to strongly disagree. Everyone remembers Goldeneye fondly, but it looks like ass on a big screen. NES and SNES games look beautiful, but some N64 games look absolutely dreadful.

>> No.4428183

It's ok for multiplayer, but the library is way too skimpy. I wouldn't call it the best console by any stretch not in the least because it began Nintendo's decline as the leader of the console market.

>> No.4428216

Jet force gemini
Robotron 64

>> No.4428217

5th gen games in general look terrible on HDTVs since they were designed with the idea that a CRT TV would provide free anti-aliasing to the Lego Block graphics.

>> No.4428229

The overall library just can't compete with the true GOAT systems.

The good games on the n64 are REALLY good and it's the undisputed king of couch multiplayer which is nothing to sneeze at. Some of the funnest gaming I've ever experienced was going back and forth with goldeneye and MK64 with 4 friends.

>> No.4428249

I too watched AVGN
Yall need to shut the fuck up about stupid shit like "game selection" and "library", any real ass gamer could NEET the fuck out on some N64 for about 8 hours after school back in the day

>> No.4428251

I remember going to GameStop and seeing the huge wall of PS1 games and the one little N64 shelf with about 10 games on it.

>> No.4428286

Just like today with the switch or wii u

>> No.4428390


It's my favorite console of all time.

It has my favorite single player games and multiplayer games. It also has the best games in some of my favorite genres:

Perfect dark = Best fps of all time
Mario 64 and banjo kazooie = the best platformers of all time
Zelda OoT and MM = the best adventure games of all time
It also has some of the best racing games ever made.

The only thing really missing is an incredible RPG. Yes, there is paper mario (which is the best paper mario ever), but it does not compare to games like Chrono Trigger and FFVI.

>> No.4428394


>Name 5 shmups on the system

star soldier: vanishing earth
star fox 64
knife edge
robotron 64
dezaemon 3D
chopper attack
aerofighter assault

>> No.4428406


KIG is the best fighting game from the 32/64 bit era.

>> No.4428449

The only two of those that are legit shmups are Star Soldier and Dezaemon. Robotron is semi-acceptable, but not exactly the type of game anon is talking about. The rest are rail shooters and flight combat games.

>> No.4428476 [DELETED] 


>> No.4428485
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>> No.4428490
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i've been wanting to say this for a while but.. i love how the faces were done in the n64 games, namely Zelda OoT/MM and Mario64 i always thought that was really cool

>> No.4428591

The defining characteristic of nintendbabby is changing the definition of things so that Nintendo never fails. Point out that there are no good RPGs and like OP they name some bullshit titles like its not pitiful even compared to the snes.

>> No.4428621

Blues Brothers 2000 is not a masterpiece

>> No.4428640

>one of the best home consoles ever made
no, it wasn't. as much as i love it.. no. not even close to being best. a 64bit console that ran 90% of the time in 32bit mode because 64bit code took up too much ROM space. we were pretty much lied to and nintendcucks still shitpost it up with >BEST CONSOLE EVER. it could have been the best console ever if nintendo stopped using expensive ROM carts and moved to discs like everyone else did. but nooooo. nintendo were making a killing from licensing and manufacturing carts.

>> No.4428657

I love my N64 and it's unarguably the best regarding multiplayer

But the best consoles were the PS2 and SNES. If you count handhelds then even GBA and DS are better than the N64.

>> No.4429034
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>after school

>> No.4429062

Ill be honest tho most people hate shmups (other than galaga)

>> No.4429063

I think it's an essential console to have if you like video games (as are PS1 and Saturn really).
N64 offered the most advanced 5th graphics with the limitation of cart storage. But for me personally, I really enjoy the lack of loading times on N64. I'm not gonna lie, loading times annoyed the fuck out of me when I was a kid. I still played games on CDs (actually since I got my 486 PC, before the 5th gen systems), but I still disliked the loadings. The first time I played games on PC and saw a loading screen, it made me appreciate cart-based gaming a lot.
In terms of games, I think there's at least 30 or so solid must have titles. People who are turned off by Nintendo characters might reduce this number, but anyone who says F-Zero X isn't worth owning is just lying to themselves.
The controller's only flaw is also one of its strenghts, the stick. Even worn out, as long as it doesn't fall off, that fragile piece of shit is still a lot more accurate than most other analog sticks, including Gamecube, PS2, Xbox, etc.
People complain about the "3 handed mutant" design, but I still think it's cool as fuck that they gave the devs many ways to approach the controls on their games. It's too bad the only devs that actually cared to do some neat shit with it were very few, not even Nintendo experimented with the different positions much.
Also, dual yelding on games like Goldeneye or Star Wars Racer is still dope.
It has a lot of strong points for me, I'm aware of lack of fighters and shmups but that's why I have a Saturn, or play arcade ports on Wii, PSP or Xboxhueg.

>> No.4429075


The fuck is an AVGN?

I'm not shitting on N64, I said, it's a good console. Yeah, there are a lot of GREAT games, but the overall library is smaller than a lot of other systems. This is a fact. Does it make the N64 bad? Of course not dipshit, stop thinking everything is bait when it's a normal human discussion.

>> No.4429081


Thanks, I'll check them out but they only sort of qualify as shmups from the video's I've seen. I bet they are great games though, I'll try them out, thanks for the list!

>> No.4429091


Not N64, but pretty cool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWxAw_mVASM

I think they just put bitmap textures on the geometry. Look up things like how to make video game skins. Minecraft would be simplest to understand, something like doom skins would be more technical.

>> No.4429979

No rational person who's tried more than a few consoles thinks this. The N64 had some good games with a sort of style that took advantage of primitive 3D graphics. But one of the best ever made? Well it's certainly in the top 100. lol

>> No.4430018

Honestly, as much as I loved my N64, it pretty much took a back seat to my PS1. I think some of my better childhood memories were on the N64 though. I remember 100% Super Mario 64 with my dad. He even went out and bought a player's guide to help us. That was when I found out my dad apparently just born to be a completionist. He used to yell at me for not picking up all the coins dropped by enemies. Even with the PS1 honestly seeming to be the better console, I also get pissed when people diss the N64. It was still a great console with a good amount of classics.

>> No.4430076

>No rational person who's tried more than a few consoles thinks this.
Retard identified. There's absolutely nothing irrational about saying the N64 is one of the best consoles ever made given that it's one of the most influential. Every single 3D game made since has been influenced by the N64. Every, single, one. I get it, you played like 2 games at your friend's house 20 years ago and thus think you actually have a worthy opinion, but you don't. The N64 is a fucking fantastic console with dozens of great games. Sadly you'll never get to experience them because you're too busy riding Sony's cock to creampie.

>> No.4430092

You baffoon, he's talking about it being good subjectively but you're trying to argue that it's objectively good since it's influential but that's both asinine since being influential doesn't inherently good and also because you're in idiot for even believing that games can be objectively good. Even if they could, why bring it up because doing so will not change anybody's mind if they don't personally care for it.

>> No.4430109

>he's talking about it being good subjectively but you're trying to argue that it's objectively good since it's influential
No, he's literally saying that it's objectively not one of the best consoles ever made, and yes, I am objectively stating that it is, given that it is literally home to the #1 most highly rated game of all time among many others. Sure, in reality, nothing is objectively true. I can say the grass isn't green and it isn't objectively true because you can't prove I don't see it as a different color. All we can base our arguments and opinions off of is fact, and the fact is that the N64 has a ton of highly rated games and is easily one of the top 10 most influential systems ever made, so to say that it isn't a good console is absolutely fucking retarded.
>why bring it up because doing so will not change anybody's mind if they don't personally care for it.
Lmao, we're on 4chan retard, why argue about anything? You're not going to change my mind either, so why are you bringing up your own shitty opinion?

>> No.4430152
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>> No.4430207

>The fuck is an AVGN?
Don't ask questions you'd rather not know the answer to.

>> No.4430272

>assmad nintendrone detected
>influential == best
>it was super cereal influential
wew lad. I've experienced all of the N64 "dozens of great games" I've also experienced other consoles hundreds of great games. Not even a Sony thing faggot. The SNES has nearly as many great games as the N64 has in it's entire library. You've got to be seriously retarded to argue the N64 is the mostest bestest console of all time because of it's 24 great games.

>> No.4430275

I literally have nothing I want to play on N64.

It's only good for a nostalgia party box. Anything else is just mediocre platformers you've played a million times.

>> No.4430289

I feel like it and the Dreamcast were the best console ot have for a group of friends.

Seriously, those two systems alone and you and some pals will never be bored.

>> No.4430341

The controller is the most cancerous thing i've ever played with just because of the stick wearing down.

>> No.4430471

I like it because I'm a huge fan of 90s FPSes, wrestling games, Midway's output at the time in general, and arcade racing games, and for those 4 things it's AMAZING.

But objectively it's just too limited to be considered "one of the best consoles". It's more an "acquired taste" system.

>> No.4430652
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>Tfw remember insulting pikachu in Hey You Pikachu
those were simpler times

>> No.4430750

This, it's my go-to party system. Mario Party, Goldeneye, Battletanx, Vigilante8, we even face off in Sargent Heroes sometimes.

>> No.4431858

>but objectively
Are you twelve?

>> No.4432808

I agree OP. Not to mention that it's a great party machine. I'm excited for the N64 mini solely because of that.

>> No.4432816

It's shit

>> No.4434061

But that's the opposite of reality. The mainline Nintendo games were so damn good it made me think 3D was objectively an improvement for every game series. Then I played Castlevania.

>> No.4434104

Actually has the lowest shovelware ratiot probably of any system due to carts and it being at the end of cart era. Ps1 had more shovelware games than n64 had games.

>> No.4434126

There were like 12 good games on it.

>> No.4434807

I feel so invited by this console and the overall looking of the games. I've tried to love other gens but the n64 remains so fucking pure. It's so primitive yet so beautiful on it's own way. When I play majoras mask and see the grittyness of the colours or when I play mario 64 and see all those blocky character models I feel at home. Nothing is super perfect or hyper polished but you can see that the people who made the best games for the console give their best effort. It's admirable and so human.

>> No.4434814

It's a good console and I'm speaking as a PS1fag.
>be me
>9th birthday
>want to get an N64 because of Mario 64 and Doom 64
>brother talks me out of it
>I get a bunch of toys instead
>we get a PS1 for Christmas later that year
>the rest is history
I still wonder how it could have been.

>> No.4434816


I had n64 and ps1 as a kid.

N64 had better aesthetics, and way comfier games. Total nostalgia fuel, I think n64 taught kids to appreciate the more subtler points of art.

Ps1 had better games that weren't made for kids, so I would say PS1 effected my childhood a lot more by forcing me to buck up and not fuck around. Resident Evil really was fucking impossible as a kid. PS1 taught kids harsh realities and how to win by perseverance.

>> No.4435153

I totally agree.

>> No.4435462

>zelda is an rpg
What did he mean by this