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4421483 No.4421483 [Reply] [Original]

Want to start Lunar, but there are so many versions of it, which one is the definitive one?
Also Lunar thread

>> No.4421490

Don't listen to hipsters here, just play the Working Designs' releases in release order like every normal person did.


>> No.4421574

The PS versions are my favorites, but the SCD ones are also good (not as much content, though).
Just ignore the GBA one. The sprites are cute, but there's a HUGE chunk of the game missing, no animated cutscenes or voice acting.

>> No.4421597

Next question?

>> No.4421605

I struggled with this decision as well, but I went with the PSX version. It's really down to personal preference. Honestly, do you prefer the art style of 16-bit or 32-bit JRPGs better? I personally prefer the latter.

>> No.4421608

Silver Star Story (Complete)
Saturn/PSX/PC doesn't ultimately matter

>> No.4421620

That's some serious weeb shit. I got turned off by the opening and never played it.

>> No.4421630

You have two options: The one faithful to the original and the one with a custom translation butchering the story. It depends on whether you feel like an idiot experiencing a fake translation or not.

>> No.4421812

Pick your poison:
>Silver Star SCD: generally duller than remakes, US version has made-up dialogue and difficulty increases but not as much as later versions
>Silver Star Story Saturn: pretty much the definitive version, but it's only in Japanese
>Silver Star Story PS: slightly crappier port of the Saturn version, US version has made-up dialogue and massive difficulty increase
>most other releases are variously dumbed-down ports

Eternal Blue is a similar story, though the US SCD version has a hideously crippled save system and you probably wouldn't want to play it without savestates.

>> No.4421908

>Eternal Blue is a similar story, though the US SCD version has a hideously crippled save system and you probably wouldn't want to play it without savestates.

It doesn't. The game floods you with points and it is never an issue ever.

Play Lunar Silver Star on Playstation.
Play Eternal Blue on Sega CD.

Those are the best versions of their respective games out of what I've played (SCD, Playstation, Mobile platforms, PSP, etc)

>> No.4421923

Look up unworked designs if you want to patch out all the difficulty inreases

>> No.4421928

>patch out all the difficulty increases

Meanwhile, everyone else complains that jrpgs are too easy....

>> No.4421930

Unbalanced difficulty in a jrpg just leads to grinding. I'm going to assume the Japanese company who made the game had a better idea on how to balance it

>> No.4421946

Grinding in Lunar is a pain in the ass because battles are slow. I just used my consumables and was fine. I assume you are talking about the Playstation version, which does indeed have very hard bosses. I thought it was pretty fun.

Silver Star on the Sega CD (also working designs) is one of the easiest jrpgs I've ever played. Its sub US FF2 (4) difficulty. I assume that's what the games were all like. Its honestly kind of boring.

Eternal Blue on SCD is just right in the difficulty, if Silver Star Complete is a bit too overbalanced and Silver Star Original is too easy.

>> No.4422058

>It doesn't. The game floods you with points and it is never an issue ever.

It's an issue if you save a lot, like I do. Taking 10 seconds to save every couple of battles is far preferable to losing an hour of progress to a bad random encounter. I get that different people like different levels of challenge from a game, but this change was just a bad idea on every level.

That aside, I agree that Sega CD Eternal Blue is the best version of the game. Use the difficulty restoration patch if you care about that, and maybe watch the remake's cutscenes on Youtube afterward. Except the stuff with Zophar, which is a mess of hideous 90s CGI.

>> No.4422127

This, this is always the correct answer. Remakes are an abomination.

>> No.4422130

>patch out "difficulty increases" in one of the easiest RPGs ever made
Holy fuck, the only thing Working Designs did wrong is not making it harder

>> No.4422154

Ok, barring what people already said. There's a small complication.

Lunar 1 SCD is the original version of the story. The Saturn and PSX aren't ports, but actually remakes. The story is a little different. Luna's time in the party is extended in the remakes, for example. However, there is a certain reveal at the end of Lunar 1 SCD that carries over to Eternal Blue.

Eternal Blue itself was remade using the PSX/Saturn engine, BUT they kept the story completely true to the SCD version. So in this case, the PSX version of Eternal Blue treats the SCD version of Lunar 1 as canon. Sounds complicated? Because it is.
It's just a small diference in the end, but it can be pretty huge if you can spot it at first it's who the final boss is.

I'd recommend avoiding the PSP version. There's this idiotic loading EVERY time someone uses a skill. Yeah, even when bumfuck cannon fodder #1210 uses THROW STONES, it has a loading scene with glyphs and everything. It gets old fast. I liked how they gave the characters new sprites, but just stay with the PSX/Saturn version.

>> No.4422187

I played Eternal Blue Complete on PS as a kid and beat the whole game... then there was this epilogue about finding a sunken tower or some shit, I could not find it so I quit and to this day have no idea what it was about

I tried going back and playing the Sega version... fuck that version

>> No.4422678
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I played the PSX one, it was nice. You can find some lewd pix too.

>> No.4422685

>patch out difficulty increases
>in Lunar
Nigger what? Lunar: Silver Star Story is easy as fuck. Eternal Blue upped the difficulty a bit and has more challenging and interesting bosses, but it's still not that difficult.
If you think the 2 Lunar games (both versions of both, Sega CD/Playstation) are hard I hope you must be absolutely fucking retarded.

>> No.4424373


it's not so much that someone necessarily things the games are too hard (or too easy), but that someone might want to play the game -in English- without Working Designs' rebalancing changes.

>> No.4424386

Not him but the rebalance is one of the few things they didn't fuck up too badly. So long as you don't save your gave every 2 minutes you're fine.

Their release of Lunar 2 has near perfect difficulty where exploring fully but not grinding will make you just powerful enough to beat the next boss you come to. If there's anything to hate on them for it's the shoehorned jokes about American politics and farts. Game balance is fine.

>> No.4424393

I must've missed that reveal, then again I haven't played Lunar 1 in damn near 20 years, what was it?

>> No.4424396

I haven't played enough of Lunar 1 or 2 on the PS1 to really say (I've gotten about a dozen hours into Lunar 1, and despite the slow battles nothing seems out of the ordinary), I was just speaking in general.

I know enough of WD's other localized games to know how many times they fucked up the rebalance. Albert Odyssey is one of the most boring RPGs in the world, because all the bosses have 100x their normal health and take forever to kill while cycling through their two easily-manageable attacks. Or games that have their difficulty increased for no reason (RayStorm), or fucked up to "prevent rentals" (Elemental Gearbolt). So it's something people get wary about.

>> No.4424516

Yeah neither of the releases of the Lunars were fucked nearly as hard as they with did Albert Odyssey thankfully. Translation aside they're on the better end of the WD shit-scale.

>> No.4424549

I dunno, it depends. It's not unplayable the way Exile 2 and some of their other games are, but my first time through EB I had to stop and grind in the sewers for a while because the random encounters just got to be too much to deal with. Plus there are places where the difficulty spikes weirdly, like when you get out of the Illusion Woods and have a decent chance of getting mauled by a swarm of Fatal Hoppers before you reach Meribia.

Maybe I just suck at games, but it's a bunch of hassle I'd rather do without.

>> No.4424839

Huh maybe, my experience was very different and I played the SCD versions twice and the psx ports once.

>> No.4425635

Sega CD if you can find it. PSX is fine too.

>> No.4425641
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this. those lewd pics were all I had as a boy. Dat evil slave Luna ass.