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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4422361 No.4422361 [Reply] [Original]

>timed checkpoint racers

>> No.4422369
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>rail shooters

>> No.4422373

Non-sim sports. Stuff like snowboarding, skateboarding, fishing, soccer etc.

>> No.4422375
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>side scrolling beat em ups

>> No.4422378

Good riddance to that one.

>> No.4422385 [DELETED] 
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*blocks your path*

>> No.4422404
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>> No.4422418

There were arcade-exclusive new entries in both these series in just the last three years.

>> No.4422430
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Single-Screen Platformers

>> No.4422439

they might as well not exist because only Japan has arcades now pretty much

>> No.4422441
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>> No.4422447

you must live in a flyover state, the last three cities I've been to all had arcades and still do

>> No.4422460

Sim racers/sports are a big deal now, and the normalfags who love them look down on arcade-style games.

>> No.4422464

Yeah and the new Cruis'n was bad even by the series' low standards

>> No.4422483
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So the trophy girl became a porn star eh?


>> No.4422493

Holy shit
BRB gotta jerk off

>> No.4422530


>> No.4422531

Pachin... Oh wait.

>> No.4422538

Indie developers still make those today.

>> No.4422545


you're both missing the point.

limited arcade releases that will never be ported to consoles that only people in big cities will ever play, and indie pixelshit do not mean the genres are coming out of extinction.

>> No.4422550

Some of those ppl in the background look naked....

>> No.4422552

You're thinking of unpopularity rather than extinction.

There's also a wonderful machine called an automobile that enables you to leave the city you're living in temporarily.

>> No.4422553


They're wearing bikinis. The trophy girl is too but they censored it in the 64 version.

>> No.4422556

and most indie bums have no idea what made the originals good.

>> No.4422562

>drive hundreds of miles to play a shitty reboot of an already mediocre series

no thanks

>> No.4422569

>doea someone somewhere run a milkman service
>is it wrong to acknowledge this while also considering milkmen extinct

>> No.4422572

You're good at exaggerations. Also;

>not loving to drive in general

I pity you.

>> No.4422581


>> No.4422595

>hundreds of miles
Even in the 80s there were bumfuck nowhere towns with no arcades, does that mean the people living there could assess the popularity of arcades?

>> No.4422623

To be fair, Capcom didn't know what made a good beat em up either.

>> No.4422626
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Fuck you

>> No.4422805

I really miss don paco's

>> No.4422807

Arcade games seem to be well loved in packaged games like Yakuza though. At least somebody is bringing them back.

>> No.4422829

indie devs suck

Double Dragon 4 and River City Ransom Underground came out recently but idk how good they are

>> No.4422834

What game is this?

>> No.4422840

Dragon's Crown? It's even getting a PS4 port soon.

>> No.4422873

Yakuza, Sleeping Dragons, god of war... disagree with you.

>> No.4423053


I can't even tell if this looks awful or is just stylistic

>> No.4423287


>> No.4423325


>> No.4423327

I suck at that game

>> No.4423369

Yes, became. The pornos were after Cruisin'. That's how time works.

>> No.4423378

>You're thinking of unpopularity rather than extinction
There's hard extinction, in which there are no more examples, and soft extinction wherein there are still examples but they will not be able to be sustained into the future.
If every living female giraffe died tonight, the giraffe as a species is defined as eminently (or pre-)extinct, but still technically extinct.
If the only examples of a certain genre of games limited to extremely regional release are left, you could argue that those games will necessarily make less money, leading to reduced development budgets, leading to games that make less money and so forth.
Blockbuster is a great example of this principle in action for a non-organic entity.

>> No.4423393

Um... Scott Pilgrim?

>> No.4423397
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Outrun 2006 Coast 2 Coast

Great game, highly recommend!

>> No.4423438

unfortunately ps2 is the best way to play this
they really need a slight graphics update and re-release
>fucking perfect game
best arcade racer by far

>> No.4423459

Anon no it's still November

>> No.4423609

christ you're as bad as the SoR fags
both DnDs were hardly quality scrollers. overhyped, dumbed down babby's first scroller popular with millenials because it got a release on steam & modern consoles

>> No.4423795

yeah and they're all dumbed down garbage with added rpg shit to appease brainlet plebs.

they're all 3d you fucking arse and complete pleb shit compared to 1ccing arcade bmups.

Found the low skill pleb, sad.

This si either bait or complete scrub cunt, lemme guess you think sor2 is the best evarrr omg? you fucking suck if you can't see how good capcom bmups were and you'll never get good enough to realize it either, they aren't even that fucking hard to 1cc ffs if you actually know how to use your brain and actually think about what you're doing.

>> No.4423801

I actually agree with you on this, sor is for nostalgia and low skill fags and the dnds are decent but mega overated... the punisher, AvP and knights of the round are capcoms top tiers for me.

>> No.4423806

>dnds are decent
you need to be 18 to post

>> No.4423812

listen cock i don't like them either but you're pushing an open door if you're not even conceding that they are well made games, matter of fact if you can't separate your subjective preference from anything else then it's you who is underage.

>> No.4423845
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I have to take a 45 minute trip by train and 20 walking to play at my nearest arcade
it's ok though I don't mind desu

>> No.4424098

normie movie

>> No.4424116

>tfw local mall's arcade is now a food court

feels bad man

>> No.4424124

>indie pixelshit

>> No.4424126


>> No.4424135

I just think it's funny when you whine.

>> No.4424141

And I think it's funny when you eat shit.

>> No.4424142

stating fact is not whining

>> No.4424152

What fact were you stating?

>> No.4424161

Horrendous art direction, holy shit. Who on earth looked at that and thought "Yeah, this looks good?"

I can't even bring myself to try and list all the things wrong with it. It's full of 'babbys first HD retro game' mistakes.

>> No.4424162

Those didn't die with arcades, they died with CRT screens, because there's now basically no way achieve that kind of gameplay in your living room with a single cheap peripheral.

>> No.4424201

why the butthurt? are you by chance a disgusting hipster with an indie pixelshit game in development?

>> No.4424224

Me enjoying your being upset over graphics is butthurt now? lol

>> No.4424225 [DELETED] 

:) :D :P

>> No.4424242

Cee could you do me a favor and put a trip on.

>> No.4424285

Tower of Doom is underrated, people just overhype Mystara

>> No.4424302

I miss when we had a shitposting arcadefag who liked SoR and D&D, the current crop is a definite step down

>> No.4424309

>not calling them "light gun shooters"

>> No.4424313


>> No.4424317


and they suck, like all other "indie" """"""""""""""""games"""""""""""""""", so who cares

>> No.4424336

The proper term is "gun game"

>> No.4424345

All shitposters these days just seem like they're doing weak impressions of older shitposters.

>> No.4424368

This. Rail shooters are Space Harrier and Star Fox

>> No.4424371

man Crusin' USA was fun but hard. if you're not first, you're last

>> No.4424434

>these sprites
Holy shit, just use 3D models at this point

>> No.4424474

babbys first driving game

>> No.4424509

Space Harrier and Star Fox are belt scrollers, because the environment constantly scrolls forward, like you're moving down a conveyor belt. Time Crisis and House of the Dead are first-person shooters, for obvious reasons. Tower of Doom and Shadow over Mystara are real-time role-playing games, for equally obvious reasons. Cruisn series etc are Outrun-likes.

>> No.4424541

Streets of rage is a belt scroller

>> No.4424558


Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (1996)

>> No.4424569
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Vs. Puzzle games.

God, I miss this genre.

>> No.4424749

It kind of looks better the more footage you see

>> No.4424762


>> No.4424769

The movie doesn't matter. The comic is far superior.

>> No.4424781

Dragon’s Crown was such a fun and lovingly crafted game.

>> No.4424787


>> No.4424801
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Fight'N Rage.

>> No.4424808

Funnily enough I was going to post Battle Circuit but then I remembered the game forces you to milk money and some characters like yellow can get money rather easily while others like green are fucked in the ass and unbalanced.
But still, I appreciate them for trying something different, they had already perfected the genre with FF anyway.

>> No.4424810
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Sheeeeit nigga this is my jam. I can instantly tell this art direction is going to turn a lot of people off, but I really dig it. Reminds me of Killer Instinct on n64. Maybe this can soothing salve for my heart now that Paprium isn't getting released

Not saying the genre isn't on life support at best, but I really enjoyed Mother Russia Bleeds. That one's relatively new. I don't know how it compares to all them really cool arcabe bmups challenge-wise or whatever. I'm not good at gauging that shit. I mean I beat it so it can't be that tough. Someone more experienced have any thoughts on it?

I think that's called stockholm syndrome.

Fuck man, those two posts just left a bad taste in mouth. I do apologize. I wanted to be cheeky, to echo and parody the sort of dickhead arcade purist we get here who got their videogame taste on Mount fucken Sinai, but I ended up just sounding like a shitposting genital. I am stupidest when I try to be funny.
For the record I am exactly that guy who loves the fuck out the SoR games. No nostalgia neither; got introduced to the games basically this year. I do agree arcade Punisher is sweet.

>> No.4424902

sor is beginner desu, learn to 1cc a good arcade bmup to see why sor can't compete.

>> No.4424935

Eh. I think I'll still like SoR. I'm easily pleased. Recommend a good babby one?

>> No.4424948

sorr is about on par with the higher tier arcade jab & jogs

>> No.4425002

Bust A Move?

>> No.4425019

PC version has gotten quite a few fixes in recent years though.

>> No.4425036

they're called rail shooters because you can't choose where to go, its like your character is riding on rails.

>> No.4425236

not nearly the same thing

>> No.4425239

personally I'm looking forward to slipstream

>> No.4425243

>The 90's Arcade Racer died for this abomination

fuck this guy

>> No.4425248

hey wait a minute, thats the same guy who was making that 90's arcade racer


>> No.4425261
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>> No.4425320

Isn't it still missing some visual effects from the Xbox version? BC on the xbone would great

>> No.4425326

Eh I played the PSP version of Coast 2 Coast with that horrid sub-15 framerate and still thought it was fine. No point in stressing over "definitive" versions, man.

>> No.4425343

True, not like there's a bad version. Having one in 1080/60 with all the goodies would be nice though.

>> No.4425359

there's a part in the trailer where the player throws an enemy and they kinda botched the animation. the enemy just goes through the player's body.

just looking at this you can tell it's unsatisfying to play

and I think high resolutions for 2d graphics was a mistake. I was playing a compilation of Samurai Shodown games and they look fantastic except for 6 which was on more advanced hardware and ran at 480p. it looked like flash animation.

>> No.4426415

Can you get feedback in the steering wheel?

>> No.4426442

I also never get motion sickness when playing video games, but something about this clip makes me queasy.

>> No.4426696

Well the game is in early access

Switch got a new beat em up called Wulverblade. Medieval age setting. But it's for this segmented animation instead of sprites that looks like flash shit. Also you can't turn the screen shake off which I fucking can't stand.

>> No.4426749

Good, fuck these """games"""

>> No.4426756

careful with that axe eugene

>> No.4426771

No mercy. I don't give a shit about those "pretty" skinner boxes

>> No.4426784

Lol now I don't even know what you're talking about

>> No.4426791

MMORPGs are straight Operant conditioning chambers for humans

>> No.4426803

"""""""""Whee """"conspiracy theories""""""""""""""""""""

>> No.4426808

It's not a conspiracy, it's STRAIGHT as I said. People actively go search for these chambers, it's what they find fun. They openly say they like progress systems and find games without boring or "lacking content".

In fact, those people far outnumber the ones that enjoy gameplay.

>> No.4426812

Ok. But World of Warcraft had better gameplay than the Cruisin' series.

>> No.4426820

So a game someone finds fun isn't a game, it's a """"""game'""". Good times.

>> No.4426821

If your definition of gameplay is an operant conditioning chamber then yes, of course. For you, and for many more as I said.

Game companies realised this was the case at some point and that's why pure, true gameplay without progress systems is going by the wayside, it's a much less profitable market, a more niche audience.

>> No.4426826

You may find a VN fun but it's still a digital illustrated book with maybe some CYOA elements.

And I define MMORPGs as another type of software as well. Operant conditioning chamber, for those who find this fun, which are a lot as you see (even if they're moving to other more modern examples).

>> No.4427019

>You may find a VN fun but it's still a digital illustrated book with maybe some CYOA elements.

Okay, and?

I don't play WoW but from what I've seen from friends there were some decent tactics and planning they were using for some raids. I'd put that alone above Crusin which isn't quite shit but is pretty braindead and uninteresting.

If someone forced me at gunpoint to play either for more than a couple of hours I'd probably pick wow.

>> No.4427142

Where do you draw a line between an operant conditioning chamber and a game that features grinding?

>> No.4427234

And they did that stuff to get the rewards more than anything. And they knew it. And you know it.

There's no line, that's grinding. A game with that gets automatically deluted and begins to attract the progress-craving populace more.

>> No.4427270

>And they did that stuff to get the rewards more than anything.

Okay. They were still playing and enjoying themselves which is the whole point in the first place.

>> No.4427293

Of course, I'm not denying that. Just that it's a different kind of entertainment altogether even if it's also digital

One that I personally dislike and I hate seeing mixed up as a proper video game

>> No.4427465

I guess we'll just have to disagree on all that then.

>> No.4427507

back to your >>/reddit/ hugbox, soyboy

>> No.4427682

>Just that it's a different kind of entertainment altogether even if it's also digital

Are you trying to say MMOs aren't video games?

>> No.4427687

those memes are epic

>> No.4427698

horizontal shooters

shooters are dead in general, but hori shooters are extinct

>> No.4427717

and right the fuck back to /pol/ you go, cunt

>> No.4428113

the punisher on defaults, took me under 10 hrs from scratch to get a 1cc, undercover cops and denjin makai are great to, the difference with arcade is you'll have to actually think about routing and enemy placements and develop good skills of herding and resource use.

No it isn't because it still has all the qualities of sor which make it much easier ie infinite charging special bar and tons of lives and the a.i on mania is just weird where everythings just jacked to unnatural looking speed..

>> No.4428116

>tons of lives
Easily solvable if you go for a no-miss.
Git gud.

>> No.4428127

>Double Dragon 4
They gave up on trying to make the game good and decided instead to pander to nostalgia seekers.
Instead of actually working to make a decent experience, they ripped sprites from the originals and shat out a mediocre product that I would be shocked to find took more than 3 months to create.

>River City Ransom Underground
Basically just River City Ransom on a larger scale, and that's fine. It has enough quality content that it can stand up on its own without relying on "OH I REMEMBER THIS" reactions. Long-time fans and new players can both legitimately enjoy it.

>> No.4428250

DD4 is one of the worst videogames I've ever played.

I would regret paying for it but I remember all the copies of RCR I've pirated so I owe them something. Which reminds me there's a brand new RCR on 3DS out like this week too lmao brb pirating

>> No.4428257
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Arcade racers are still being made, see the new Daytona and the upcoming SEGA World Drivers Championship 2018. Stop trying to bury whats not dead yet OP.

>> No.4428321

IF Sega make them.
If it's someone else, then it's plagued with a "card system" that will give you a "free turbo" if you pay once more.
Of course, no matter how well you play, the "free turbo" is what will make the difference between the one who will win and the one who will lose.

>> No.4428350

...is wildly inaccurate garbage, as anyone who has actually fucking owned one can attest

>> No.4428378

You're missing the point of MMOs if you're focusing on gameplay, champ.

>> No.4428382

See, that's what I'm trying to say. If the point is not the gameplay then it's not a video GAME

>> No.4428392

lol the dnd side scrollers are tough and easily the most complex games ever in the genre. you are a literal retard. also the ONLY good video games ever to come from the dnd franchise

>> No.4428402

Gotta agree at least on the "only good DnD video games" since all the others are progress system bullshit and not pure arcade gameplay

>> No.4428435

Not him but it's very cleary a game, just not one you like. They're unquestionably video games

>> No.4428437

Cookie Clicker and VNs are also a video game since they're digital stuff that you can somehow interact with, right? Whatever, I'm done with this, this is a lost battle. Enjoy your current state of "video games", people.

>> No.4428445

Techbically yes. Something being a game doesn't mean it's good, doesn't mean you have to like it. You might think WoW is garbage, I sure do. But that doesn't in any way make it not a game. And it doesn't make the people who don't think it's garbage and enjoy playing it bad in some way.

>> No.4428448

No way, PC version is excellent. Even has a significant mod in the works by a guy over on byoac forums

I'm in Ohio and there is a veritable arcade renaissance happening, Columbus has a ton of them now. Guess everybody realized that no one here has anything to do after the college football season ends and the winter grey moves in.

>> No.4428465

>I'm in Ohio and there is a veritable arcade renaissance happening, Columbus has a ton of them now.
Fellow Columbusfag reporting in, can vouch for this anon. Old North Arcade is solid, Level One is decent (some filler but there are MvC2 and Magic Sword cabinets so it's all good), then Akiba Arcade is fucking stellar. Haven't been to 16-Bit but the one up north in Lakewood is good, then Cincinnati has Arcade Legacy and Cedar Point's arcade remains surprisingly good (at least since the last time that I was there).

Every arcade thread I always have to shill for Pinball Pete's in Ann Arbor, MI. It's a genuine old-school operation running since I don't know how long, still coin-op for the genuine experience. The selection is nothing short of stellar, plenty of fighting games along with light guns and a number of other things, and the atmosphere just cannot be beaten.

>> No.4428470

I think they nailed it. Looks just like a mid-90s PC game that was inspired by streets of rage but aimed for mortal kombat-style digitized graphics.

>> No.4428474

Exactly this. It's the same shit as with definitions of "art". Some people only want to call the good stuff art.

>> No.4428568

wait what

>> No.4428580

That's dumb, RPGs are also fun

>> No.4428585

>lol the dnd side scrollers are tough and easily the most complex games ever in the genre
Maybe for a retard, Mystara is one of the easiest capcom bmups

>> No.4428642
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Non-competitive Fighting Games

>> No.4428653

unimpressive. the character animations are bad and too restricted for such a high res game. you might have got away with it 20 years ago, but not today.

>> No.4428703

Those are belt-scrollers, not side-scrollers. Side-scrollers don't let you walk around in pseudo-3D.

>> No.4429314 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4429374


The video game is there. A good mmorpg like the old ones talked about ITT put person to person interaction before gameplay.

Modern gamers have an extremely hard time understanding this. All they can comprehend is graphics and modern gameplay. A tab target combat system like in WoW may as well be mobile trash to them. And they'll never bother going deeper into the game.

>> No.4429382

>golden age
>indie games

>> No.4429401

Why do you hate them?

>> No.4429434

Indie is a codeword for amateurish trash.

>> No.4429551
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Doujinsoft is pretty alright, though

>> No.4429560


>one roguelike and it's DCSS
goddamn anon, and that's like the tip of the failberg

>> No.4429563

Looks like weeabo trash.

>> No.4429564

You're trash.

>> No.4429570

It’s spelt weeaboo and I don’t think you even know what the term means.

>> No.4429602
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>mmorpgs in the 90's

>> No.4429752

>not calling them shoot shoot miss miss games

>> No.4429784

What about them?

>> No.4429804

If you have the PS2 component cables, the PS2 ver. supports 480p 60hz mode.

>> No.4429808

Those are Asteroidslikes.

>> No.4429981
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I've heard DD4 was shit and I'm surprised that LRG is making a physical copy of it. They're doing major defending of the game on Twitter and saying it's supposed to be like the NES versions. It's hilarious.

>> No.4430267

i don't do drugs.
the new daytona sucks though, it was made by an outsourced team and feels all wrong.

>> No.4430269

half life and doom were indies

>> No.4430282

And they were shit, like all FPS games.

>> No.4430370

>hating on pixel graphics and japanese games
You're on a wrong board.

>> No.4431330

>thread about arcade games
>talking about MMORPG s

are you guys fucking retarded or what

>> No.4432353

why would sega outsource a daytona game? That's like one of their biggest franchises

>> No.4432371

Where are these fixes available?

>> No.4432373

Japs don't make games anymore

>> No.4432394

sega still produce the software for their arcade systems but outsource development of console releases to other developers. this is how it has always worked for the last 30+ years of arcade -> home system conversions.

>> No.4432402

then why did someone say it was outsourced since obviously there is no console version?

>> No.4432427

>That's not extinct, this unobtainable game from half a decade ago is in that genre!

>> No.4432450

>soy boy
>Numale /v/ user

>> No.4432460

>timed checkpoint racers

The timer only existed because it was an arcade game that needed you to feed it quarters to make it turn a profit. It's a worthless mechanic otherwise.

>> No.4432562

it was outsourced.

the new daytona was outsourced champ and is arcade only.

no idea but they have just unveiled a new arcade racer, can't recall the name atm.

>> No.4432617

>Putting a literal 40mb game on a 40gb disc

Literally what the actual fuck? These publishers are retarded as fuck

>> No.4435226

You are a huge cunt

>> No.4435263

Thanks for sharing your feefees, now go put some actual effort into something.