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File: 131 KB, 323x308, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4415332 No.4415332 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4415356

Do any of them let you skip the 45 hours of pushing statues around to solve boring puzzles?

>> No.4415372

There's only one statue puzzle in the game

>> No.4415380

I thought this game was longer, but it's like 50 mins of lenght.
it's boring as shit anyway

>> No.4415384

It's the best resident evil.

>> No.4415385

I played RE5 today with a friend and it's amazing how far the series has gone from its roots. Whether or not the goofy plot and new gameplay makes you appreciate the old ones depends I guess but it does for me.

>> No.4415390

He probably misremembers pushing book shelves and boxes
Really? Do you just not like survival horror?

>> No.4415395

I like the concept of the genre and some games like sfc Clock Tower or Siren , but I never liked Resident Evil.

>> No.4415406
File: 9 KB, 271x186, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first version. The Dail shock version which added rumble and analog control and new mini game and costumes I think.

Pc version and dreamcast versions. Another pc version with graphic upgrade.

The n64 version with non tank control option and blood color and violence setter. A item arranger and new reworked sound, more polygons on models. Dolby surround sound. Ex files to read.

GameCube version which looks the best but doesn't have the added n64 stuff.

Also game.com portable and aborted gba game.

>> No.4415415

sega saturn had a aborted version.

>> No.4415419
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 12_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is but one, TRUE version. The PC port.

>> No.4415426

Wasnt there two pc versions?

>> No.4415430

Yes. The newer one is Japan only, but runs in Win XP and later.

>> No.4415461
File: 346 KB, 1084x1058, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4415465

Dreamcast version is better.

>> No.4415572

He got a nose job.

They're the same thing, numb nuts. They have exactly the same features.

>> No.4415616

Damn, look at that smooth texturing. That's the power of 64 bits

>> No.4415623

But...is that N64 pic with the expansion pak being used?

>> No.4415625
File: 93 KB, 453x451, re2_n64_texture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smoothing is doing a good job, considering the smaller size of the source textures.

>> No.4415642

Yeah, it's sacrificing actual detail for smoothness. "Good job" indeed.

>> No.4415651

The actual detail was sacrificed by making the source texture smaller in the first place you halfwit

>> No.4415653

What's your point?

>> No.4415656

That's exactly what he's saying, you mong

>> No.4415660

Nope, he's trying to imply that you have to make the texture smaller to apply a filter to it. Which is idiotic.

>> No.4415661

64,000 more pubes

>> No.4415908

you literally have to push TWO things in the entire game you dumb fuck

>> No.4415921

Why are RE2 and RE4 so popular that they're put on every platform known to man? Is Leon that much of a babe?

>> No.4415939

i don't think the n64 version has more polygons on models

>> No.4415942

I mean I would fuck Leon so yes

>> No.4415947
File: 27 KB, 260x384, 1511366348320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending like re1 for gc isn't the best

>> No.4415952
File: 34 KB, 439x744, resident_evil_2_wireframe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4416015

one of these looks inferior to the other

>> No.4416035

N64 is more wasteful and the end result looks mostly the same.

>> No.4416039

Honestly look the same. N64 crotch look wrong.

>> No.4416047

Not even a Nintendo fanboy, I REALLY DON'T SEE that tremendous difference that I'm supposed to be seeing here >>4415461 besides the obvious texture filter

>> No.4416132
File: 95 KB, 480x360, re2_n64_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N64 version uses the polygons for more animation. Claire sways her hips more on N64.

>> No.4416135


PSX is doing The Rock eyebrow.

>> No.4416259

Leon's pretty hot.

>> No.4416261

>They're the same thing
Not really. The Dreamcast version utilizes the VMU function.

>> No.4416274

Unless there's some small difference I'm missing, that's the same model twice. The left one's just drawing triangles, where the right's drawing quads.

>> No.4416375

N64 is step above but dream cast and then GameCube for graphics

>> No.4416383

The PS1 face really cracks me up

>> No.4417253
File: 89 KB, 1170x485, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4417270

True story: a friend of mine in middle school when RE 2 first came out would play and beat the game every day after he came home from school. This went on for months. I would bring my memory card over to his house so I could play on my files. We even had a sketchbook that we and a third friend drew character/enemy ideas, like acid-spewing mutant dragonflies. We were OBSESSED.

>> No.4417398

I mean which one are you saying looks better? I really think the ps is better even though it's grainy.

>> No.4418360
File: 127 KB, 1785x284, rep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny. i was about to download the
Biohazard 2 Source Next version and the english patch to play it on PC.I aborted it accidently.

>> No.4418445
File: 98 KB, 510x327, GXPfPGf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet PS1 has higher res textures which is obvious as fuck

>> No.4418470

Which means nothing. Pc, Dreamcast and lastly GameCube look better.

>> No.4418583

I feel ya on that, I was obsessed with RE2 when I was a kid as well.

>> No.4418606

ding ding ding
Only brainlets post that pic.

>> No.4418858

n64 version has the best controls (non-tank option), as well as a randomizer option for replay value

it however is missing a cutscene and doesn't have battle mode

>> No.4419292

>best controls

No sweetie, no. Just no.

>> No.4419381

All this dick measuring over PS1 and N64 like it matters when the Gamecube version exists and is part of the best RE collection on a console.

>> No.4419413

>that one japanese guy who played RE2 and was scared like hell
There were more of these vids, but I can't find them anymore

>> No.4419485

gamecube is nothing better than dreamcast, or sometimes worse. besides wholeness, and by that i mean theres the most RE titles you can have on any home console.

>> No.4419675

>best option

Kill yourself right the fuck now. You are not a Resident Evil fan, you should never think about this game again. Fucking retarded idiot