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/vr/ - Retro Games

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441441 No.441441 [Reply] [Original]

Collab Parks Edition

Continued from last thread


* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *


/vr/ Collab Parks (2x2, 3x3 and 4x4)



Everything (and more) that's on this list can be found in a beautifully

designed website, made by a fellow /vr/other, right here:


* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

-DOWNLOAD RCT2 Triple Thrills Pack-


Note: if using Chrome and the PutLocker link doesn't work, you have 3 options:

1.refresh the page several times

2.use another browser

3.use one of these mirror links:



Also available in the burstintotreats website:

Save Game Modifier

Windowed mode hack (for Windows only)

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *


(+ mirror links)

RCT1 scenarios (83 in total, missing the 3 "Real" Parks)



/v/+/vg/+/vr/ scenarios (28 in total)



Sandbox scenarios (with and without money)



* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *


>> No.441453



Gameplay tips



Knowledge Base


Fossil's Dig Site (a few additional articles)


RCT wiki


* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *


(+ mirror links)

RCT2 addons from the original website (which is now dead)



Original Mr. Bones save




The Time Machine and Katy's Dreamworld (User Created Expansion Sets)



More info: http://www.rct2uces.com/

8cars (hacking tools)



New Element Designs (RCT fansite where people upload crazy looking parks)


Lunatim's Loopy Land (a small collection of downloadable rides and parks made by a talented mind)


* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *


A free and open source game


An HTML5 driven game


>> No.441542
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Not too sure on whether to start from scratch on my new coaster or just to edit it down to try and better the stats.

>> No.441545

>First? xD

>> No.441559

Don't mean to be stupid, but how does multiplayer work?

>> No.441573

We pass the save file around to each person in turn, and they then pick a plot of land and build in it.

>> No.441595


Guess I better stick to single player for a bit, then. I've never even played this before.

>> No.441636

I'd start by getting rid of that first twist and extending the turn so it goes right into the lift, then getting rid of the helix and extending the mini-drop so it lines up the turn.

>> No.441808
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Finished my part of VRPARK.sv6

>> No.441819
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VRPARK.sv6 is complete, uploading to the google doc now

>> No.441860

Little note for the multiplayer mapmaker:

Might I suggest goals of 10k a month for the 2x2 and 25k for the 3x3? 4x4 is fine at 40k.

>> No.441894


Woohoo! My Burgerland Catastrophe makes the most profit per hour by a long shot.

>> No.441930

>implying my Reaper coasters didn't when they were first built

>> No.441938
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you guys should of assigned your staff into your part of the park, jesus christ i have never seen so many rides break down in one rct session

>> No.442164

u 2 shud fuk

>> No.442729

That seems to be a common complaint.

>> No.442778


The pathing is also pretty horrible in a lot of situations. Tons of mechanics and guests getting lost and messages every few minutes.

>> No.442887

Since this is swiftly becoming a daily recurring thing, would this not be better suited for /vg/?

>> No.442891

Fuck /v/vg/

>> No.442946

RCT threads were on /vg/ in that board's early days but didn't really work that well.

>> No.443038

/vg/ is pretty tame. Do you honestly think /vr/ is any better?

It would be a better fit there anyway since most people talk about and post screenshots of RCT2, which isn't retro, rather than RCT1.

>> No.443086

/vr/ct is more active than the homm3 thread (which I've been having to bump for days now) and the city building general over in /vg/ which seems to be dying off a little, but I'd still prefer it here.

It's not the fastest thread and would be overshadowed greatly by the starcraft 2, lol generals, etc and what not.

Here, it gets some nice time in the sun and nobody cares if you post about RCT2 here.

>> No.443169


The biggest issue is that there's no exposure on /vg/ once people start leaving the threads quickly die with no new posters coming in. It fits much better here on /vr/.

>> No.443378

I agree. It's just a better place.

>> No.444384

Any other mac people here? Do you have problems with RCT2 constantly crashing? In fact, does anyone else have this problem?

>> No.444589
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Any open spots in a collab park? Made this earlier out of boredom.

>> No.444630


There's plenty. Check the google doc. Alternatively you can start a new one, if you want.

>> No.444865

I don't like how far down this thread is

>> No.444973

Gonna download a 3x3 and start it. Will let you know when I finish it so I can throw it to someone who wants it. Don't ask before I say so, since I have crashing problems.

>> No.444984


Just put it on the GoogleDoc, we can sign up there.

>> No.444992

Every time I play RCT, the food stalls make me hungry. I swear, I've gone to McDonald's five times this week because of fries stalls in-game.

>> No.445080

I should really get better at RCT so I can do some of these collab parks.

>> No.445205

You can sign up, seeing what other people have done can help show you what to do, and you have a limit on what you can do so you have less room to clusterfuck everything. As long as you don't bring everything burning down in flames, the worst you can do is average.

>> No.445661

>tfw these threads are dead as fuck

>> No.445671

Especially for it being the weekend.

>> No.445757


mite b gud

>> No.445769
File: 43 KB, 217x278, impressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graphics don't make me want to vomit like RCT3 does.

>> No.445784

Anything special I have to do? I've never used google docs before.

>> No.445796

It updates live. Just put your name and email address below someone else and it'll be there

>> No.445797


Nope. You can edit and save anonymously. It saves automatically, even.

>> No.445828

So just upload it to mega and then do a spread sheet on the doc?

>> No.445857

Oh right, you started a new one. I thought you meant you were going to sign up for an existing one. If you started from scratch, make a new table similar to the ones in the doc, put your name as the first creator, and then send it to the next guy that puts his email in.

>> No.445864

Looks pretty great, albeit not too cozy like RCT.

>> No.446053
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Got it, working on that now. And while we are at that, here's what I've made so far. Note, I did patching for handymen and mechanics, and threw up no-entry signs blocking guest from entering the other areas (so those will need removed).

>> No.446520


I'm digging the wrasslin themed names

>> No.447120

>Ivory Towers

So this level is an exercise in micro-management. It's been two months and I'm still cleaning. I haven't gotten a chance to build anything or even watch the rides because the park's rating is just a disaster and if I don't finish cleaning the peeps will just go back and undo what I did.

God damn this level sucks.

>> No.447172

Really? I never found it to be that annoying. After the first couple of months, you should be able to make money like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.447180

Some ideas that I wanted to share for an 'RCT4':

>Isometric gameplay that's meant to be played in 'basic' camera mode (RCT 1/2 - it's limited, but it's part of why the games are so accessible where RCT3 isn't), but has the ability to enter 'advanced' camera mode. Advanced = fully 3D camera control, each object in world is fully modeled and capable of being ridden and walked through. Advanced will allow creators better control over interior design and overall construction.
>Guest AI uses park maps to control their ability to navigate the parks. A park with a low production budget and little access to park maps will have guests who have no idea where they're going. A park with a high production budget and plentiful access to maps will have guests who cycle through the park efficiently and fully understand and utilize the park's transportation system.
>Guest AI is capable of supporting group dynamics, guest age, and guest gender. Gender is arbitrary and serves just to differentiate guests, who are all done in a simple style but are distinct enough to look decent in on-ride screenshots. Age serves for difference and can influence guest ride preference. A park with more kids needs more family rides, and advertising can be aimed preferentially at demographics. Family rides become more important when there are more families attending, and single rider lines can be designed for parks that have queue issues.

>> No.447252


I'm just super full of ideas right now

>Same time scale as RCT1/2 (10 minutes IRL = 1 month in game), but with the ability to have 12 month operation cycles if wanted in a custom scenario or if necessary for a scenario objective. Months become more significant due to the addition of seasons (they exist on a basic scale in RCT 1/2 but SNOW could totally be a thing, along with fall leaves), and guest AI could be conscious of month or season for holiday bonuses ("The holiday theming here is great!"). Also, day night cycles - at least, maybe five minutes of a month are daytime and five minutes are nighttime (time in RCT is a jumble, anyway!). I think night play would be really easy to implement and would be really pretty; plus, it would make path lighting actually significant!
>More realism in track designer. Hand rails and platforms on certain pieces (brakes!), lighting and stairs on chain lifts.
>Parking lots and resorts to provide a bump to guest population?

Things that aren't necessary, or can be left to mods thanks to a potential API:

>dark ride improvements (I could go on and on about a dark ride builder that included an audio-animatronic designer but this isn't that game)
>fireworks, lasers, other night time entertainment. Again, not that game, it's something most users won't want to dabble with when they can focus on ROLLER COASTERS.

>> No.447307

Some of these things (night cycles) were well done in RCT3.

>> No.447367


Yes, but I just can't stand playing it. There are many things wrong with it but I can never really point out what. It just doesn't feel right. I mean, for starters, the art is really, really ugly. The guest dynamics are kinda there but what's the point if the art is a mess and the group dynamics are ultimately just another poorly designed menu? I mean, the art design in this game is so bad that even the menus are ugly as fuck, and they, like EVERYTHING in the game, take forever to load. The game is poorly optimized, and can't run well even on modern platforms. The camera control is mediocre and slow, which is really unacceptable in a series known for accessible and snappy camera controls. Also, the scenarios are a joke. The ones in RCT2 aren't amazing but they're at least kind of entertaining. The ones in RCT3 are super boring, and are only made more boring by insipid park designs and terrible art.

The important part about a proposed 'new game,' I think, is that the art has a crispness to it. It doesn't have to be isometric pixel, but it should look clean and actually look like a real theme park that someone could visit. Like in RCT, the game world should have little touches in its audio, visual and color design that remind one of a theme park.

>> No.447391

What I want for RCT4 is the return of the old GUI. They ripped off the GUI from Simcity 4 for RCT3 and it sucked ass, all the icons were too small and the layout made it too sensitive with stuff like autoleveling of terrain screwing everything up.

>> No.447405


Totally agreed. I suppose it's weird to talk about the "controls" in a simulation title but RCT always had fantastic controls for both management and building. RCT3 threw that out the back window and replaced it with a gaudy fireworks designer.

>> No.447409

Oh my god the loading times in RCT3 are horrendous. To be honest, I only ever played the sandbox mode in RCT3.

>> No.447901

man this is why i love these threads
just finished my 3x3 park and handed it on to another anon to do their bidding
>this is awesome

>> No.448007


>Close park
>Delete rides
>Delete all paths
>Start afresh


>> No.448076

>Be away for four days
>One hour away from Europa Park
>Three of my favourite coasters are there
>Can't go because I have to work, am seeing my family and am with my missus who hates coasters.


>> No.448078

Anyone up for taking spot 3 on Sperm Armadillo? (the 4x4 map)

I want to make another autistic, highly detailed plot in it but I'd like a few others to go first.

>> No.448089

oh god I feel so sorry for you

>> No.448105
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>> No.448126

I actually didn't mind RCT3. Sure they messed up a lot, but it was still not bad to sit back, relax, and make roller coasters.

>> No.448162

It's a good game on it's own, it just isn't a RCT game by any means of the word

>> No.448229
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Finished my Rapture-theme 25x25 trial. I did'nt build any underwater coaster, after losing about 4hours working on it and getting a 2.5 excitement rating max...

>> No.448248

Water coasters are a real pain to make good. What I like to do is make a suspended coaster above water instead. Those are always fun.

>> No.448257

Anyone got any tips on making buildings?
Want to make roofs and know you can press a button so that you can build stuff at the same height one after another, but googling it doesn't get me anything.

>> No.448269


>> No.448282

Shift + move your mouse to raise and lower the height of a piece.
Hold Ctrl while hovered over something to build things at the same height as it.
Mouse over something (a ride, scenery piece etc), hold shift and move the mouse up slightly, it will put it to the lowest height possible that gives enough clearance to build at that spot.

>> No.448290

I just installed rct2 for the first time in at least 10 years. As a kid I spend a lot of time playing the rct1 demo that would auto-quit after 30 minutes, lol.
I skimmed the useful stuff in the OP, but what exactly is this 3x3 I keep seeing posted?

>> No.448304


We're basically all taking turns with parks, adding stuff to them and making cool collab parks.

>> No.448317

Ah, so a 3x3 is a large field with 9 plots, 1 plot per anon?

>> No.448324

More or less, yes.

>> No.448336


So shift allows you to raise items up and down vertically above the field your own. ctrl "grabs" the height of the object you're pointing at, and as long as you're holding it you'll have that as your base heigh. You can also press and hold shift while holding ctrl to move up and down from that height (makes it easy to, for example, place objects on a roof.)

>> No.448339


>the field your own

>> No.448396


Thanks, it's the Ctrl thing i really wanted to know.

>> No.448415

I feel like they could have explained the scenery building better, everyone ends up asking about it.

>> No.448493
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>tfw live in Florida but no friends that are available to go to Busch Gardens with regularly

>> No.448523

>tfw live in Florida and never been to Busch Gardens

>> No.448553

Has anyone been to Busch Gardens Williamsburg? Love that park, especially the new Verbolten ride, has anyone else been on it yet?

>> No.448563

>tfw live in Myrtle Beach and Pavilion is torn down and Family Kingdom is too shite to properly exist

>> No.448734

I keep getting worst food award, why's that?

>> No.448746

Guests can't find the stalls.

>> No.448753


>> No.448767

That, or you have absolutely no variety to your food.

>> No.448894

Wait, does the food variety actually matter? I didn't think the AI could actually tell the difference.

>> No.449030
File: 302 KB, 1280x1024, SCR1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just build my first rollercoaster that didn't suck total ass, getting em just right is a lot more difficult then I expected.
I tried a mini mouse coaster first, but intensity was always through the roof, with low excitement and very high nausea...

>> No.449043

I think it might be because of those sharp turns on those steep drops. I don't believe you can bank them on this coaster, so it's not a very smooth turn.

>> No.449052

That turn before the cart returns to the station is way too sharp for that drop.

>> No.449070

I'll keep that in mind for the next design, thanks!

>> No.449086

>tfw no progress has been made on the park you're a part of for 3 days now

Are we allowed to sign up for more than 1 at the same time?

>> No.449084

Yeah, if all you have is burger stalls then brace yourself for the "most disappointing food" award.

Whereas, if all your stalls are different and you've a large variety, you'll get a good award for it instead.

>> No.449097

I don't see why not.

Hell, I don't see why you can't sign up for the same park multiple times, as long as you don't do it in a row like taking spots 4 5 and 6.

Finish your spot, then sign up for another if there's room and you want one.

>> No.449179


>tfw don't live in Florida and been to Bush Gardens twice.

It's awesome, love that place. Kumba!

>> No.449191

I wish I had had more room. Wanted to do a dueling coasters thing with one called "Let's Go Cena!" and the other called "Cena Sucks", but ce la vie.

>> No.449220

I'm actually not a big fan of theme parks, as funny as that may sound. I usually like more natural attractions like wildlife reserves and such.

>> No.449247

>implying /v/ twelve year olds will ever play anything together like normal people

>> No.449351

Pretty sure that at least 3 parks have been finished so far.

>> No.449423

I'm very close to being done with my part of lounge lizards (1st on the spreadsheet) but nobody is below me. First come first serve.

>> No.449465
File: 233 KB, 1280x1024, SCR2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do my guests keep getting stuck? There's only straight lines towards the exit, no dead ends in the direction of the exit, plenty of kiosks, and every ride exit path has a 'no entry' sign.
The ends of the street on the right side were connected at first, but that's when the trouble started...

>> No.449495


>dat park rating

>> No.449508

>Park rating


>> No.449510


My guess is that it's all the guests trapped in what I assume are two sets of scam mazes a the top and just to the right of the park entrance.

>> No.449518

I was thinking that too.
Also explains >>449508 >>449495

>> No.449523

Just discovered that, yes.
Is there a trick to building those scam mazes? I'm new to the game, so extra cash is always useful.

>> No.449530

Just build them in random open spots and set the max amount of people in the ride to 16. They pay for them selves very quickly.

>> No.449535

I really like that roller coaster. I'd ride it

>> No.449536

So just one maze at a time? I remember seeing a screenshot a few threads ago, where the guy had build em all in a line, but I don't remember the exact setup.

>> No.449545
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Welp, that fixed itself quickly.

>> No.449559

How? Also, what is that long path to nowhere?

>> No.449570
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>tfw living in california and can go to Six Flags for free.

>> No.449571

That's just the central hub, but I kinda overdid it.
And I fixed it by removing the mazes and 'releasing' that guests that apparently got stuck in between em.
I'm selling everything now and starting over, I messed up with the pathways n stuff.

>> No.449584

You work there? Which Six Flags?

>> No.449609

Have fun trying to find me.

>> No.449615

I think he may have had each exit have a path back to the main path too. Not 100% on that, or it may have just been that was the entire park and the only other things he had were ATMs.

>> No.449652
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So /vr/ I just made a Castlevania themed Rollercoaster, any suggestions which vedio game I should make a coaster of?

>> No.449657
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and here is it without scenery

>> No.449683


>> No.449695


>> No.449705


>> No.449709


>> No.449735

Fine, do DKC or Mario Kart 64.

>> No.449796
File: 86 KB, 800x600, SCR9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, fuck.

>> No.449806

I mgiht do this

>> No.449891

The people who've been taking forever over their park section need to get on with it.

Anybody waiting in line feel like signing up for some other maps too?
Some parks have lots of people waiting, all being held up by one slow guy. Some parks only have a few people signed up and two of them are waiting for somebody to hand the map to next.

If you have anything else you'd like to build, please sign up.

>> No.449930

i hope you're doing those turns like that on purpose

if not i swear some of you must be retarded

>> No.449950

Look at the ride name.

It's obviously intentional.

>> No.450013
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Pimp Mansion is done on the Land of the Lounge Lizards map. Waiting for someone to hand it off to, you can play and build now if you post on the spreadsheet

>> No.450058

I'd sign up, but I'd prefer to do parks in their earlier stages, like before halfway.

That and I'm not keen on doing the v1 park, the idea I have needs a v2 park to work.

>> No.450095


>> No.450304

I was looking through the parks that were done...

holy crap a brief history of rome

whoever made that is mr. bones incarnate

>> No.450332

What is spelling.

>> No.450350
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Delivering with DKC.

>> No.450356

I dig it, dude. Simple and cozy.

>> No.450357
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>> No.450547

>RCT2 has a general
I love you glorious bastards.

>> No.450582
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x1024, niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found your problem. The guest pathing likes to take straight lines DIRECTLY to rides, so they're getting stuck at the dead ends. The orange arrows demonstrate where they want to do, just put some cross paths in and you're fine.

>> No.450638
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x1024, niggers2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, uh, this isn't going to work, you guests are trapped.

>> No.450898


>> No.450928
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Yeah, figured that out by now, thanks anyway!
I deleted everything so I could start over with some more cash, it works better now.
Just went afk for about 1.5 hours, and the only problem seemed to be some vandalism, and one area where I need an extra sweeper.
Is there an easy way to fix the 'too crowded' complaints without attracting even more customers?

>> No.450938
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>Hair pin turn coasters can't handle drops at 30ft+

But how am I going to make this rollercoaster fun? It always goes to 2.8G's which is apparently too extreme for a hair pin coaster.

>> No.450958 [DELETED] 


ahahueheu, shit internet excuse quality pls

>> No.450961


Longer queues, exits that don't lead back into main paths, more paths in general.

>> No.450963

didnt mean to quote.

>> No.450991


That's ... well ... it's perfect.

>> No.450995
File: 2.86 MB, 5000x2546, 1351976000772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be this autistic

>> No.451014


That's doesn't even look like rct anymore.

But if this is what autism leads to ... can I catch it somehow?

>> No.451016

I'm assuming that the only reason these things are made is to test the limits of the game, right?

>> No.451017
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There will never be a RCT4 where you can create speedways like this easily and they would work

>> No.451018
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>tfw I found my folder of parks from 5+ years ago

They're so beautiful

>> No.451024
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>dat excitement rating

My first time breaking 9. Collab parks are fun as fuck.

>> No.451027


These guys need to play open TTD and make their dreams come true. No coasters though

>> No.451039


>Not getting over 10 excitement on a gigacoaster

Try harder

>> No.451043

Is it possible to build a Euthanasia Coaster in this?

>> No.451051

Your pathing is very "efficient" which means that the number of paths available for guests is small relative to the number of guests you'll attract to the park. Spread things out, build rides that move quickly and carry a large number of guests, build redundant paths (but nothing too windy or indirect). One that I've found works well is a monorail track with lots of trains and stations, since crowded areas will naturally empty themselves out. Mind that you will have problems when it's raining unless you make the park really spread-out. Make sure to have some "indoors" rides spread out in the park, maybe even a fully underground coaster.

For areas which are notoriously crowded, like park entrances, I'll often make an immediately branching path and hire a security guard/entertainer to minimize vandalism.

>> No.451050
File: 21 KB, 200x300, rct-pissed-off-visitor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for your daily dose


>> No.451063

Incredibly easy.

>> No.451087
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some people get really smart after they have a serious brain injury, but most likely you'll end up dead or retarded.

there's also drugs of course.

and then there's using magnets to temporarily inhibit part of your brain so the 'autistic' part of it can fully flourish

>> No.451102

Thanks for the tips!
I like efficiency ._.
I added an extra loop of path, but with just some stalls, no rides; the complaints about crowdedness already dropped.
I'll add a train that drives around the whole thing to reduce the crowd even further before I expand the park.
Top comment is "I feel sick", 2nd "this park is really clean and tidy", and "too crowded" is 3rd. But that's 65, 30 and 30 guests' thoughts respectively, on a total of over 1600.

I'm starting to remember why I liked this so much when I was little. Having a park that just -works- feels good.

>> No.451112
File: 438 KB, 1280x768, Euthanasia Coaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's already been done several times

>> No.451115
File: 542 KB, 215x194, mr. bones looks at his profits.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those fake waterslides
>That fake underwater path
>That monorail

>> No.451121


Yes, but guests can't actually die on rollercoasters.

>> No.451142

Why are people making a new 3x3 when there's one with two open spots and the park is ready this instant

>> No.451182
File: 290 KB, 1277x961, Arctic Octet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any good dueling octets?

>> No.451185

Signed up for both.

>> No.451218
File: 902 KB, 1283x961, oh come on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rage activated

>> No.451228
File: 18 KB, 600x327, reggie was not ready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that picture

>> No.451238


it's beautiful


>> No.451258


use this guide:


and put this song for that ride:


>> No.451263
File: 438 KB, 1279x959, Arctic Octet stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.451275
File: 136 KB, 400x600, 1293158257649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.451286
File: 21 KB, 662x469, 1332537848203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.451293

So 12.75 must be the point at which a ride becomes Ultra-Extreme.

Save of that park if possible?

>> No.451302
File: 28 KB, 305x350, PROMOTIONS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit teach me

>> No.451313
File: 1.63 MB, 300x200, HOLY SHIT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't ready for this.
I would never be ready for this.

>> No.451316



>> No.451332

Could you dump more of these? I remember some seriously awesome ones.

>> No.451337

>that picture
Somewhere in this world, someone is proud for creating that picture.

>> No.451341


Unless they're accompanied by rollercoasters, keep it out of this thread.

>> No.451356
File: 24 KB, 548x600, Squidbe Cephelopodaynt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or just politely sagedump?

>> No.451363

Awesome, tha-

>> No.451367


That works too. But I think it'd be pretty awesome to make paired shitty coasters as well.

>> No.451375

I like your style.
>Shitty Shuttle Loop
>This is Knuckles the Hedgehog, Knuckles and Sonic did the Fusion Ha and became one. They listen to Slipknot.

>> No.451373
File: 748 KB, 1285x961, easy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Putting a lot of coasters in close proximity to each other massively boosts their stats.

Pic related: Virgina Reel and Mine Kart coasters get 9+ excitements just by being crammed into small area around other coasters. This applies the same for synched coasters.

>> No.451393


>> No.451394
File: 28 KB, 800x473, 007941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, Anon.

>> No.451426

>All these people being amazed by Lunatim's stuff

There's a lot more where that came from, guys.

>> No.451438

I thought that Anon had created it himself.

Lunatim's works are insane.

>> No.451460
File: 46 KB, 500x334, 1363535039483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to try out the Heartline trick to get 600 excitement
>it works
>soon, everyone goes to this coaster in masses
>it gets very crowded around the jewcoaster
>everyone hangs around the coaster, even though they're hungry, need to go to the bathroom and want to go home
>guests become angry and tired
>vandalism everywhere
>park rating drops like a brick
>seriously, from 999 to 100
>don't know what to do, build an extra path so the crowd splits for a bit
>everyone acknowledges this path as a good reason to finally go home
>march of tired guests to the park exit
>rating rises to 999 again

I still have much to learn about this game.

>> No.451474

Shit Robert I just went to bed

>> No.451505
File: 107 KB, 800x600, SCR45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, it's not like what I had a go at took that long.
Also I have no idea what time zone you'd actually be in.

>> No.451535

It's alright, just wanted to tell b4 somebody starts complaining because it takes so long.

>> No.451548

Dropbox public links seem to be down at the moment. The vrct.tumblr.com site doesn't seem to be working either.

The /vr/-/v/-/vg/ parks needs to be updated as well. I have the most updated version so far here:

But again, dropbox is derping a the moment.

>> No.451573

VRCT site works for me
So do dropbox links

I'll update the site with the new scenarios link though

>> No.451579

Should we be able to alter other people's squares if they are dropping the rating (like they forgot toilets and guests are freaking out, every single bench is broken, guest traps, etc)

>> No.451580


Damnit. I need to figure out what's wrong with my internet then.

>> No.451581

How bad is the UI for this? Is it shit? How do I install everyhing in one package why is there so many packages in the OP? Why isn't there just a download link with everyhting preinstalled?

>> No.451582

>>park rating drops like a brick

>> No.451590

The UI is perfectly fine
You install the game as one package and then the rest are additional stuff, because some people might not want them.

Stop whining, it's nothing more than a 5 min job.

>> No.451603


On one of these I spent about half an hour adding pathing to mechanics and handimen because the park was a mess and I kept getting messages about rides not being fixed. I also closed off a dead end that dozens of people were getting stuck in.

Oh, and check rides/thoughts. If people aren't willing to pay for someone else's ride anymore, drop the price of it.

>> No.451616


There's a single link for the game with both expansions. Everything else is mods, custom scenarios, faqs, tutorials etc.

>> No.451639
File: 594 KB, 1280x800, SCR41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I didn't realise how high the excitement got after I themed my area.

>> No.451660
File: 99 KB, 500x216, tumblr_mj9d5wEnES1qd0gyko1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, I'm a complete noob here.

Building decorations on your rollercoaster actually IMPROVES excitement ratio? MIND IS BLOWN.

>> No.451668

See: http://www.rctmart.com/fossil/CoasterTips1.html

>> No.451686


Absolutely. Any scenery in a certain area around your ride will increase excitement, up to a max (not sure how much, but it can be quite a bit.)

Give it a try. start a blank park and build a coaster. Run it and check the excitement. Plaster the area with trees (go for 50ish) then check the excitement again. They can all be the same, the type of scenery doesn't matter.

>> No.451698

Yeah, I was thinking we might add another rule.

Something like: after the file is sent to you, you have 24h to say you have it in the "notes" and from then on you have a maximum of 48h to build your park and send it to the next anon (also not forgetting you have the 2-3 in game years limit).

When the file is sent to you and you haven't answered after 24h, the anon who sent you the file will have to send it to the next guy.

How does that sound?

>> No.451695

The Dubai GP go karts was a nice touch.

>> No.451710

How about just adding each other on some IM and not being autistic?

>> No.451721
File: 282 KB, 500x360, tumblr_mipkw71w041s5i195o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thank you two, I was wondering how everyone was getting high rates. It says on here that Dueling coasters help out a ton more.

I've been working on a JOJO'S theme park, but I wish I knew how to modify billboards and statues. As much as I like the themes that comes with RCT2, I was always disappointed that you couldn't do things like adding basic .jpg files onto billboards. Everything else was pretty much fine with RCT2, and I just can't into RCT 3.

>> No.451729
File: 229 KB, 1280x800, SCR40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the first thing I built, cause I wanted to mix together a Formula 1 theme and the attractions at Ferrari World (in Dubai): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferrari_World

Also the finished park as a whole looks fantastic.

>> No.451739

>(also not forgetting you have the 2-3 in game years limit)
Adding that rule too is pointless, the only purpose of it is to keep people from taking days to build their area.
"Don't take forever to build your area" already covers that. If they spend the entire day working on getting their area perfect and take 10 in game years to do it, that's their business.

>> No.451757

Skype would be perfect TBH.

>> No.451762

I was going to make a 4-track racing wild mouse coaster. I the designs and everything, but then it turned out that they were too high for supports. So I just improvised Matterhorn.

There was going to be a bobsled coaster in there too, but the one I made crashed on the last turn, so I went for a mini coaster instead.

>> No.451785


It's worked fine so far. You have a small area, there's a limit to how much you can do. It's only an issue if people get it in the evening when they're going to bed, then are at work the entire next day and don't even start until 24h after they received it.

>> No.451836

I took 9 years to build my section, but because I concentrated on it I was done pretty quick with it so nobody had to wait around for me.

If people are quick about it, so what if they take a while in game?

>> No.451916 [DELETED] 

Because you're tanking the popularity of everyone elses rides while you take your sweet fucking time building your shitty park.

Follow the rules or don't participate.

>> No.451926

If there's pathing issues, make the simplest fix possible. For example, guests were getting stuck in one corner of another guy's park so I put a tunnel to my section in it.
Vandalism is an important fix. Ride prices as well. If popularity drops then lower the ride admission. Use your judgement but don't be a dick.

>> No.451979 [DELETED] 

1. The popularity is going to tank anyway, there's plenty of people after you and it's out of our ability to control. By the time the map is done it's gonna be out of style no matter how long the others took.
2. I was the first person to build anything in that park, it's hard for me to the the popularity of other people's rides if THERE AREN'T ANY.

>> No.451991 [DELETED] 

listen man, why don't you just play by the established rules and stop being an autistic cunt.

>> No.452002 [DELETED] 

Because that "established rule" has no point, as was established in the previous thread.

>> No.452026 [DELETED] 

A month is 10 minutes long. Since in this game the year starts in March and ends in October a year takes 80 minutes. If you need to spend 12 hours on a 30x30 plot, you're doing something terribly wrong.

>> No.452050

>A month is 10 minutes long. Since in this game the year starts in March and ends in October a year takes 80 minutes.
That's something I never knew.

>> No.452074 [DELETED] 

I'm 98% sure 1 year is exactly 1 hour realtime.

What's wrong with wanting to put some proper time, care, attention and effort into your area? As long as you don't make everyone wait forever for you, should be okay.

The 2 to 3 years "rule" is a good guideline to keep people from taking all week over it, but if they they don't hold everyone up over it and the result looks all the better, then what's the problem?

>> No.452095 [DELETED] 

You're wrong.

Because when this whole collab thing as fresh we managed to get through two or three people in a single day. If everyone is taking 12 fucking hours to do their turn like this jagoff >>451836
then it slows the pace down way too much and you end up with people forgetting to check the docs since they've had to wait for the better part of a week just to have their turn.

>> No.452153 [DELETED] 

I am "that jackoff"

Seriously, tell me how people taking 10 hours over their section and doing a great job of it, is different from people doing 2 hours worth of work on it over a period of 10 hours (due to doing other stuff at the same time) or their turn taking 10 hours because they were asleep when their turn came or whatever?

It was a brand new park and I only offered it up for building on, AFTER I was done. How am I slowing the pace down for anybody?

>> No.452196 [DELETED] 


>arguing over vidya

Guys, this isn't /v/.

>> No.452207 [DELETED] 


Fuck off.

>> No.452226 [DELETED] 

I'm the guy that was originally arguing with you.
Notice how others feel the same way.

>> No.452242 [DELETED] 

There are so many things wrong with that I don't even know what the fuck.

>> No.452259
File: 310 KB, 218x120, RCT crash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the path this thread is taking
Stop this for fuck's sakes.

>> No.452391

I probably shouldn't post while I'm annoyed, generally a bad idea

So how is everyone's park coming along?

>> No.452564
File: 198 KB, 800x600, SCR6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I kinda want to try pulling something that dense off sometime. The densest I've done is pic related,but that was kinda for a scenario and didn't really allow for ratings as high as the ones you managed on the stuff in that pic.

>> No.452582 [DELETED] 


>> No.452587 [DELETED] 

Stop shitposting

>> No.452614
File: 430 KB, 1272x942, toppercentagepark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love doing dense parks, this is one I got in RCT1.

>> No.452637

They're the best type of parks.

>> No.452645

I'm still learning how to be decent at RCT.
You know what type of scenarios I hate? The one where you can't make profit off of the rides, and you have to rely on ride admission and umbrella buys.

Those suck.

>> No.452651

Price umbrellas at $9+.

>> No.452669


this song sums up why I can't beat Victoria falls.

It never fucking rains.

>> No.452673

Check out http://www.rctmart.com/fossil/PaidAdmission.html

Also, stop arguing about videogames you fuckheads, you are going to kill these threads.

>> No.452682 [DELETED] 

You stop playing the "alpha", you don't even have a trip.

>> No.452762 [DELETED] 

How about you stop shitposting and playing the "alpha" at the same time. And I have a trip, so I can. This argument is stupid and adds nothing to the thread. If you want to keep fighting do it over AIM or e-mail.

>> No.452791 [DELETED] 

Thanks, now I can filter you.

>> No.452807 [DELETED] 

This isn't shitposting.
This is advanced shitposting.

>> No.452808 [DELETED] 

You two need to stop acting like such immature shits in this thread and grow the fuck up.
This thread is meant to bring us together on our love of RCT1 and RCT2, and to be friends, showing off each other's creations and give helpful tips and criticisms towards one another. Starting shit because we're taking some time on the collab parks is not what these are for.
Seems hypocritical coming from me, seeing as I've taken days on my section of the 3x3 park, but regardless, if you're gonna start shit, take it to /v/ or /vg/, because /vr/ doesn't need this bad blood.

>> No.452829 [DELETED] 

Thanks, filtering you too. Anyone else in the "lol my turn must take 3 months" circlejerk?

>> No.452837 [DELETED] 

so many reports, such little time

>> No.452846
File: 684 KB, 1271x899, dese coasters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another dense park I did. I find them easier to do in RCT1, I have no idea why.

>> No.452851 [DELETED] 

Get fucked. When you man children can grow up and meet a deadline we'll stop having to yell at you.

>> No.452869

this shit is getting out of fucking hand,

take your time but don't go full apeshit, two to three years in game is the maximum; don't go over it. I took around 2 hours for my park and it did just fucking fine and most of the time was spent waiting for income and fixing a previous person's pathing and employees.

now lets get back on the topic on hand, goddamn roller-coasters.
What's they highest excitement level you've ever achieved on a rollercoaster?

>> No.452876 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 460x800, Jusis Crost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread direction

>> No.452890


I think I've only ever gotten around 10. I have no idea how Lunatim and a few anons in these threads get 12.8 Ultra-Extreme excitement coasters.

>> No.452894

lotsa other coasters and decorations.

>> No.452902

Lot of practice. I can get 7 out of every coaster I do now, but getting above 10 is still a tough barrier to get through.

>> No.452969

Sent you the park because I truly can't get anything done at all right now. Maybe you'll get something done for us. Did the same for Amplify on the 4x4 park.

>> No.453051 [DELETED] 

Figures it would be two tripfags fucking each other in the ass.

>> No.453058

Working on a 3x3 park now. Fixed a few issues with vandalism and filling my slot now.

>> No.453091 [DELETED] 


>> No.453083 [DELETED] 


>> No.453098 [DELETED] 

just ignore him and he'll go away

>> No.453101
File: 45 KB, 341x324, typical WWE Universe reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loaded up the 3x3 I started last night for shits and giggles and to make two more coasters in another area (already sent it along), and looked at what guests were thinking and saw this. I hate my guests.

>> No.453150 [DELETED] 


>> No.453894

>playing Mothball Mountain
>Information Kiosk makes 2500 a year
>buy expensive ass land, finish 150 guests over goal
thank you based jewbrellas

>> No.454271

What the fuck IS that Heartline trick? Like, what combo of track makes it jump up like that?

>> No.454323

It's a bug that was patched out, so if you have the GOG.com version then it won't happen ever.

>> No.454343
File: 267 KB, 806x625, ss (2013-04-14 at 09.25.36).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished up Plateau. The coasters could have been better, but hey, they're all still above 8 excitement, which is always a good thing.

>> No.454450
File: 594 KB, 608x673, Screen Shot 2013-04-14 at 10.46.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost forgot, didn't post the dueling coasters I did along with seeing this little did bit.

>> No.454452
File: 597 KB, 1280x768, SCR60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent my park to the next guy, this is my contribution before finishing touches:

>> No.454519
File: 98 KB, 639x480, pleased merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.454634

>bottom corner, it's about ready to rain


>> No.455054

Just an announcement. I'm back at my home computer so the advent of an overheating laptop can no longer hinder me from making cool coasters and such.

In short: I'M BACK BABY

>> No.455058

Which version of 8cars is most compatible with the GoG version of RCT2?

>> No.455096


All of them

>> No.455268

Just thought of something

If a scenario has all spots accounted for, should it be moved down so parks who haven't been filled are seen first? Just a thought,

>> No.455319

Sounds like a good idea to me.

>> No.455382

>playing Evergreen Gardens
>not making money
>no Info Kiosk
>keeps raining
>get Kiosk
>hasn't rained since

>> No.455427

Meh, maps are useful in Evergreen Gardens anyway, even if you close off the massive paths.
Yeah, sure.

>> No.455456

I've noticed. My main Kiosk is doing over 2k an hour from maps alone, while my other one is doing almost 1k an hour.

>> No.455469
File: 47 KB, 455x302, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2k an hour from just maps

>> No.455479

80 cent maps. Yet you still get the random asshole saying it is too much.

>> No.455559
File: 71 KB, 692x427, scr1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get my profit to stabilize past $300...

>> No.455605

>no coasters

>> No.455612


You need a big ride to rake in big bucks.

>> No.455641

Needs more scamkarts.

>> No.455818


too many food stalls in one area, check your profits and delete any that aren't making ones

>> No.455847
File: 46 KB, 800x600, fjuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell a noobie how to start off on the right track.

>> No.455862

Make queue lines.

>> No.455871

Get rid of the doubled up paths, in addition to >>455862

>> No.455873

Everytime I try and make a rollercoaster I get over ambitious and it ends up looking like shit. Ugh

>> No.455891

I have a big problem. I'm trying to complete Amity Airfield, one of the parks where I can only charge for entry fees & food & drinks. I know all the tricks for maximizing ride profits, but how can I still make a lot of money without charging for rides?
>tl;dr: How do I make a lot of profit from entry fees and stalls?

>> No.455917

>$20 umbrellas
Force people out by not using bathrooms and ATMs.

>> No.455914

Charge out the ass for umbrellas. Pay toilets up in the $0.50 range at least (or no toilets so people leave). Check what people think of stalls and raise prices until people start complaining about the price.

>> No.455923

entry fees are more of testing the temperature of the pool type, but generally never go above fifty or below 15, park value and marketing determines the rest of the amount.
Rides are free, but ride photos aren't
people will pay 10 cents or more to use the restrooms
Umbrella price gouging
you can easily double the amount food costs,
for food stalls make several small outlets in high-traffic areas, don't centralize it all
atms everywhere

>> No.455954

we need to write a guide for each type of scenario, I think it's time for more google dox.

>> No.455960

Okay, thanks for the help. I'll try all that. I already charge a shitton for umbrellas, but I haven't really tried raising prices for other stalls more than 50 cents. And I've started putting more of a price for ride photos just now. $5.00 is good, or more?

>> No.455978

5$ is good (for me that is) you can double prices for food stalls (or until people stop buying from them)
souvenir type stalls are a bit difficult, you can raise them .50 to 1$ each however.

>> No.456292

Anybody got some real tips for building LIM launched coasters?

I have some rather severe restrictions in place over what I'm able to build for my park with what I'm planning (about 20ft+ max height difference except for very special circumstances and limited room for corkscrews and helixes) but I've never built a LIM before.

What should I know about them before I begin?

>> No.456302

Shuttle Loops are the ultimate jewride.

>> No.456312

This is for the multiplayer park, I need "exciting" rather than a good jew ride.

That, and I probably don't even have the height free to build a single loop.

>> No.456584

Just checked: I've got 15ft above free except for very limited areas, and 5ft below the station platform, again except for very limited areas.

I just about have enough height clearance to work with to get a corkscrew or two in the area where I've 5ft below ground clearance to work with.

Seriously, any tips on what I'm doing to get a good, exciting LIM coaster would be appreciated.

>> No.456728


I had a lot of trouble getting it to work in win7 - the thing that eventually did it was running both rct2 and 8cars in xp sp2 compatibility mode. I use the most recent version (not at my computer so can't check what it is)

>> No.456864

>atms everywhere

Wouldn't that encourage people to stick around and spend little money, rather than leave and let new customers pay the entrance fee?

>> No.456917

>rides with intensity above excitement
It's like people don't understand how the excitement system works.

>> No.456947

>everyone flips a shit over this post

You all realize this is a ride made by lunatim, right?

>> No.457012


Or maybe people are trying their best but somehow it just turns out that way?

>> No.457085

Is there any way to repeat a specific pattern of scenery as many times as is needed?

>> No.457106


Keep clicking.

>> No.457203

All right, I'm stuck and need help.

I can live with the nausea rating, but I'd ideally like to switch the excitement and intensity ratings, or at least raise the excitement a bit.

I'm very limited in what I can build and where, but what can I fix to make this better?

Under the ground I can build whatever, as long as it stats under. Above, I've a number of restrictions in place.

>> No.457207
File: 549 KB, 1282x803, LIM coaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.457236

If I can get 8+ excitement before scenery and between 6 and 9 intensity, that would be ideal.

I honestly just don't know where to begin to get that, however.

>> No.457370
File: 745 KB, 1280x801, LIM coaster 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....anybody? The quicker I fix what's wrong with this coaster, the better.

Here's another angle. Disregard the scenery, I'm just testing things out.

>> No.457405

Maybe try doing something with those areas of just straight lines. Or possibly try having it loop around itself some.

>> No.457421

The straight lines are for threading through 1x1 glass corridors though. If I plan it JUST right I can get an inline twist or several through them though it's difficult.

Looping around itself AND keeping space free for other rides would be next to impossible. I'm just not sure how to keep the positive Gs low enough, while keeping speed high enough and the ride interesting enough for people to ride on.

>> No.457435

Save before doing the scenery and the other rides, and see how they affect excitement. Only other thing I can think of.

>> No.457448

Also, what about that straight part underground right after the helix? Also, how fast does it go through that last turn?

>> No.457461

The last straight and last corner? About 12mph. If I lower the speed any more, it doesn't make it up the helixes. If I raise the speed, the intensity jumps to 15 because of the first corner and stuff.

The long straight is a long straight, because I don't know what else to do with it / I've no idea what I'm doing with the underground section.

Scenery I plan to add afterwards. I'm just testing it in another map first, then once I have the ride design I'll go to the right map and build everything all at once, once I know what I'm doing for it.

>> No.457470

Maybe try a helix in that underground straight. I really can't think of too much, since I have trouble with coasters getting too intense. Was just asking about the turn to see if it needed banked.

>> No.457474

Not helix, I meant barrel roll.

>> No.457478

hey guys, I'm trying to install time twister but I can't, the setup ruins fine but when its done the game don't show the "+time twister" and I can't open maps that use the expansion stuff

Wacky Worlds installed just fine, but I just can make TT work, any help?

>> No.457519


the launch into the corkscrew will be the reason the intensity is high, try changing it to a half loop into corkscrew

also the more "headcutting" scenery you have the higher the excitiment goes

>> No.457587

I'd like to as it looks nice (just tested it), but that would take 60ft total at the minimum and I need to keep it as low as possible. I was willing to make an exception for that one loop, but otherwise we're looking at a max of 20ft, +5ft to allow for high up inline twists, and I'm willing to make small exceptions here and there for "special cases" of maybe 10ft.

60ft is just way over budget.

>> No.457608
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>> No.457643
File: 352 KB, 937x538, Screen Shot 2013-04-15 at 9.18.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.457693
File: 601 KB, 1284x803, LIM coaster 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well damnit. Changed the first corner to a banked incline which improved it a bit, but then I altered the underground section to "improve" it which made it worse.

I just don't "get" loops and corkscrews. I'm great with tall coasters with lots of drops and humps, but I just don't know how to do loops and corkscrews well.

>> No.457746

Have enough speed to barely make it through loops and corkscrews . Watch your g graph while the train is running

>> No.457749

The speed is the minimum it'll allow, just barely makes it around the first loop.

Any other ideas?

>> No.457758

Take out some corkscrews or add half loops instead of full screws . 7 inversions is pushing it for a coast that short

>> No.457795
File: 628 KB, 1281x801, LIM coaster 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intensity dropped a bit, but the excitement did too.

the quarter loop option which I think you're talking about, is too much and I don't have the height spare for it. I have room underground to do full corkscrews, reversed halfway screws, but not a half screw into incline twist as the ground would have to be raised for it.

My options are very limited.

>> No.457856

LIM coasters are pretty limited themselves

>> No.457865


Mine train + log flume is cheating, it always looks good!

... but yes, nice job with that.

>> No.457876


Yeah, they rarely end up particularly good.

>> No.457881

That looks so good that I'm going to steal it.

>> No.457921
File: 596 KB, 1281x802, LIM coaster 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, honestly I don't think I'm going to be able to improve on it beyond this.

I'll just save the design (after modifying it to not go underground), then speedily put the real map together as fast as I can.

>> No.457938

Why don't you use the installer from the OP? It has rct2 + wacky worlds + time twister in one installer package.

>> No.457963
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, SCR25.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.457987
File: 196 KB, 1280x1024, SCR5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm slowly learning... Started playing this again yesterday, in my younger days all coasters had at least extreme on all stats, lol.

>> No.458006

Build six station platform blocks in a row, then an inline twist, upward transfer, three inline twists, downward transfer, inline twist. If you don't have the GOG version it should work.

>> No.458018

Shit like this makes me really want to find my RCT2 cd
Why the fuck would GoG patch out fun?

>> No.458034


>Extreme Intensity
>Extreme nausea

>Extreme excitement

That would not necessarily be bad.

>> No.458043


I'd be really interested in knowing what makes that happen. What is in the code that causes the excitement rating to shoot up like that. Did he accidentally type an exponential instead of an addition?

>> No.458083
File: 2.95 MB, 267x199, 1353442374818.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.458092

>not saving every 5 minutes

Funfact, I never save until I'm finished since I'm using XP and ain't afraid of crashes HUEHUHEUHEUE

>> No.458192
File: 280 KB, 1280x1024, SCR6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like where this is going.

>> No.458245


He'll learn.

Fun fact, I've been playing the game (GoG version) on win7 for about a month, hours and hours on end, and it hasn't crashed once.

>> No.458461

I was both posters, 2nd screenshot is a dual-setup of the coaster I showed in the first.

And this was my first crash too, happened when i zoomed out.

>> No.458472

You're crazy stupid to still be using XP in >2012 + 1

captcha: The ayseesa

>> No.458528

>Not using your Corkscrew Follies/Loopy Landscapes disc from 2000 to run the game perfectly on Win7

Probably 15 hours of gameplay in the past two weeks and not a single crash.

I still make sure to save every 10 minutes

>> No.458549

I'm trying to do that but I have no idea where the fuck this cd is

>> No.458648

I use my old combined expansion disk for RCT1 and the GOG.com version for RCT2 because I lost my RCT2 disk ages ago but never lost the originals.

>> No.458709

Mine didn't work so I bought a new copy I found at a thrift for $1, workds gud.

>> No.458774
File: 1.03 MB, 1281x802, Rapture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.458790

Protip: If you hover over something and hold the ctrl key it will allow you to continue to build on that height.

I-I just got used to it ;_;

>> No.458795

It should be pretty obvious I know that much, I'd have flipped a table an hour ago if not.

>> No.458808

I once build weeks on a scenery with like 15 houses and found out about it afterwards

>> No.458986
File: 281 KB, 1280x1024, SCR7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another build, I'm starting to like this more.

>> No.459030

That still looks pretty cool.
Not bad at all.

>> No.459056


If you want to check it out at some more angles.

>> No.459142
File: 257 KB, 1280x1024, SCR8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made this little one too. I'm quite fond of it, so far the looping coaster is working the best for me.

>> No.459301

Looping coasters are a good go-to. I think you could get two trains out of that one with continuous block mode. Would be a nice little money-maker on a low-intensity park, assuming you can get the excitement to 6+ with themeing. I wonder if you could shift things so that first helix passes through the loop.

>> No.459347

Looping coasters are some of the easiest to work with in both RCT1 and 2. You will find it hard to get really good excitement out of them but they're great for basic builds.

>> No.459378
File: 273 KB, 1280x1024, SCR9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try that. Here's the stats with a synchronized and themed double ride.

>> No.459386

That honestly looks like some kind of Pokemon world.. heh

>> No.459484


1) delete one piece of track, raise a block of land, then replace the track as a tunnel. You can add slopes to make it look more natural. Do this on both and get a nice excitement boost.

2) Make paths go over the coasters/through the loops. Another bonus to excitement.

3) If convenient, add a stall over the track as well.

>> No.459523
File: 259 KB, 1280x1024, SCR10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I already read about those tips, but I'm trying to make efficient 'naked' tracks.

I re-did it a little, now with a helix through the loop.

>> No.460161
File: 700 KB, 798x482, Screen Shot 2013-04-15 at 3.49.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I have so far for my part in the 3x3 colab park. Any ideas on what I could do to improve it/make it look prettier? Also, need an idea for the empty space next to the pyramid.

>> No.460190

Filling in space was always a tough part for me. I think I might made a few changes to the default 3x3 parks just for fun and experimentation.

>> No.460274

Maybe some palm trees or cactus. Egyptian theming is tough, there's not much to work with

>> No.460347
File: 118 KB, 647x490, halp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halp me
>evergreen gardens playthrough
>very beginning of 4th year
>have been drunk the whole time while playing the first 3 years (still drunk)
>bunch of cool coasters in park, but in middle area, nothing to do for most guests
>giant autistic monorail (drunk idea)
>600 guests/300 park rating, people lost everywhere cause i was too busy making retarded rides while drunk

can i save this? (1000 people/600 rating)
what do to beat scenario?

>> No.460373

Advertise like a motherfucker.

>> No.460386

Put the bottle down, you're an alcoholic.

>> No.460409

yeah, that's a given, but my loan is maxed, and it i barely make any money. it doesn't help that i haven't been fucking people over on umbrellas at any point. only making like 1,700 a month at this point in the scenario without considering landscaping and stuff, bad times
i'm good. i enjoy a slow, painful suicide, i deserve it

>> No.460416

i mean literally in terms of earning money for for the ad campaign would take me like 2 months, not looking good

>> No.460417
File: 306 KB, 640x360, ONEE CHAIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4:18 PM
>Still drunk

Damn and I thought my life sucked.

>> No.460423

Close off paths that aren't leading to rides. Will prevent lost guest.

>> No.460454

no i started drinking again. i don't want this to be about my personal problems, no one cares

will this really help? i'm playing vanilla off the cd, so no no-entry signs here. plus i have my giant autistic monorail, so that would render half of that pretty useless. i think having everyone stay near where there are rides woujld definitely help my rating, but getting 400 more people in a year in a smaller space is gonna be a pain

>> No.460462

>maxed loan and no income
Start over, you lost.

>> No.460474

Yeah, just remove one section of a path leading off into nowhere, that way EVERYONE stays where you want.... staff ignore no entry signs so you get a bunch of handymen and mechanics out in the middle of nowhere. You could remove all of the unused paths if you're that desperate for quick cash.

>> No.460502
File: 1.30 MB, 1241x995, Screen Shot 2013-04-15 at 4.24.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cacti won't work. The ones in game a not native to Egypt, and make it look like a western theme to me. Did add some palm trees though, another ride, and some ruins. I'm happy with what I got, and am going to send it along to the next person.

>> No.460516

>worrying about native plants
Always bugged the shit out of me trying to make a North American park when just about every single tree in the game is native to the Eurasian continent.

>> No.460530

Charge out the ass for umbrellas, and at least 80 cents for maps, and have them at the start of the park for money. Also, if you want to go the cheap way, scamkarts everywhere.

>> No.460537

To be fair, most European trees got moved over to NA.

>> No.460547

So did Smallpox. See how that worked out?

>> No.460557

Are you of Native American descent? If not it worked out pretty well for you.

>> No.460565

>Shitting up Evergreen Gardens' beautiful lake with coasters

Try scam karts I guess. I was recently able to beat Evergreen Gardens with only two coasters, go karts, and a chairlift as the only things people actually wanted to ride.

>> No.460567

To clarify, I'm being sarcastic. Some of the trees in game are purely ornamental (camperdown elm, lombardy poplar) while some are planted in the US as ornamentals while they are common in the wild in Europe (Norway spruce) and some have generic names and can be interpreted as more than one species (common oak).
It's really nitpicky of me and I think the spritework for the trees is pretty good unlike those in RCT3.

>> No.460579

RCT3's trees are so horribly bland

>> No.460584

I've never really paid attention, what exactly are scam carts / mazes?

>> No.460591

Tiny money printers. Just make a one or two block long maze and charge $1.

>> No.460597

i worked hard on those, come on son, it's a big ass open space.

>> No.460594

I just noticed how long that go-kart track is. What the fuck? There is no turnover that way.

>> No.460603

it makes it high excitement, and it's only one lap. it's not a ride to make a lot of money on, just to break even and make people happy. plus it jacks up the excitment of other shit

>> No.460605

scam carts - (n) - go-kart track in RTC1/2 that consist of 2 station platforms, 2 turns, 2 straight pieces, and finally 2 more turns in the same direction

>> No.460623
File: 414 KB, 1281x707, scams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just whipped this up. It's total Jew-tier shit, but you might need it in your position.

>> No.460659


add some dunes.

>> No.460685

>10 laps
8 laps, $12

>> No.460850
File: 195 KB, 1280x1024, bath time never ends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take a bath yet?

>> No.460907

>only two cars
>one one dip

>> No.460914
File: 9 KB, 250x177, deep-thought[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>42 seconds

Shamfur dispray

>> No.460962


The game is evil consumerism gnawing at our subconscious

>> No.461005
File: 235 KB, 472x348, brian butterfield babby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Billy D.
looks like it's the mitten for you

>> No.461034

>going to send it along to the next person

yeah speaking of that

I think I wrote myself into a corner with the Israeli/Palestinian conflict theme

Should I just wing it or try something else

>> No.461047
File: 71 KB, 553x599, beyondbelief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I wrote myself into a corner with the Israeli/Palestinian conflict theme
>Should I just wing it or try something else

No, I want to see that

>> No.461089

Do whatever. It is your part of the park.

>> No.461156

How did you get 4 carts on that maze? I just build the same size and could only go up to 3...

>> No.461186

In RCT1 you get 4, in 2 you get 3.

>> No.461191

I see, thanks.

>> No.461205

>tfw you just realized you misspelled pharaoh both times
Segfault, you want to fix that for me?

>> No.461221

no problem, it was bugging the shit out of my anyways

>> No.461234

So guys, what is your favorite wooden coaster? http://youtu.be/t5aeLbY4bE8

>> No.461236
File: 228 KB, 499x403, Screen Shot 2013-04-07 at 8.36.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Have a screen shot from one of my RCT1 parks. We who are about to die, salute you!

>> No.461245
File: 1.39 MB, 1282x720, Grand National.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one I built a few threads back.

>> No.461259


>> No.461293

>those drops before the chain lift
Would ride. Looks like some good air-time.

>> No.461309

To provide a link for it.

>> No.461329
File: 228 KB, 1280x1024, SCR11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be the only one who enjoys doing this from time to time?
Everything but the rides overpriced, of course.

>> No.461337
File: 91 KB, 747x618, SCR12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.461349
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>> No.461352
File: 178 KB, 1280x1024, SCR14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.461354

That looks brilliant.
I've only ever been on one as far as I know, Grand National as a kid, it was my first ever roller coaster. I was scared as hell beforehand

>> No.461359

>all those balloons
So you beat the scenario then?

>> No.461385

Basically you just need to go full jew.

But if you want, I can open up a .doc on the GoogleDocs and you can all write in it.

>> No.461394

Oh god, my sides.
There is, though there is one better one in the park for air time.

Gotta love the old woodies at Kennywood.

>> No.461404

> Guests thinking about this ride:
> "That hurt my nuts!" (1)

>> No.461823

Blackpool Pleasure Beach is one of the "real" parks in RCT1, and Grand National is in it. They also have Alton Towers and Heide-Park (before Colossus was built unfortunately).

>> No.461854

I've never seen the official RCT1 version of the Grand National before, is it any good?

>> No.461889
File: 599 KB, 1272x875, nations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.461906

That ride gave me whiplash a couple of years back, haven't been on a wooden coaster since. Ruined my day.

>> No.461924

>having a weak neck

>> No.461946

Thanks for that.

Going back about 30 years ago my sister very nearly fell out of the grand national, but the train was just coming into the station as she got tossed out of the lap restraint completely.

A week later, some guy fell out and died. Ever since then they've had an extra safety harness and the lap bar comes down lower.

The more you know. It's still my favourite coaster though.

>> No.461967
File: 224 KB, 465x698, tumblr_mh5aft61tI1r6kgxfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr Bones wild... drink?

>> No.461984

I'm not really sure what happened, just around 1:47 my head just randomly jerked forward.

I don't think I'll ever forgive that coaster for making me leave without riding the Pepsi Max Big One. Big Dipper was good though.

>> No.461987
File: 80 KB, 484x321, tumblr_mknj4nYEnR1rbl749o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I wish RCT2 had the dumb customization RCT 3 had.

>> No.461992

I'd go there just to ride the Big One. Hypercoasters fucking rock, I lost my wallet on Cedar Point's Magnum last year but it was pretty well worth it.

>> No.462053



>> No.462082
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>> No.462121
File: 412 KB, 940x421, millennium_vista.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magnum is pretty much god-tier. Did you go on Millennium Force while you were there? Probably my favorite coaster of all time.

>> No.462125
File: 321 KB, 800x600, SCR3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, the one I designed myself based on it is roughly the same stats and is much more compact.

Not bad for it being the first thing I did after a 10 year break from RCT.

>> No.462154
File: 339 KB, 1024x768, Forest Frontier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys got me to play this game again for a bit. Finally completed Forest Frontier (filling the whole park, adding the scenarios) and I'm very satisfied with it. Was going to just go through the list of parks from RCT1 until the end, but I feel like I should just try some other levels instead since I've done the first few maps plenty of times already. What do you guys think is a nice enjoyable map with good rides and nice scenario? I DL'd the triple thrill pack and also the /v/, /vr/, /vg/ scenarios. Recommend something!

>> No.462161
File: 103 KB, 379x374, IMG_0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Going on anything other than the Mine Ride.

>> No.462173

What scenario is that?

>> No.462205

Nah, we're saving that for this year's trip.

>> No.462221

Your daily dose of autism:


it's beautiful

>> No.462759

1. Maverick
2. Raptor
3. Magnum XL-200
4. Millennium Force
5. Top Thrill Dragster
6. Mantis
7. Wicked Twister
8. Blue Streak
9. Corkscrew
10. Gemini
11. Cedar Creek Mine Ride
12. Iron Dragon
90. Woodstock Express/Jr. Gemini (kiddie coasters, tied)
9001. Mean Streak
TBD. Gatekeeper
RIP in pieces. Disaster Transport and Wildcat

>> No.462804

>putting the mine ride above anything
... Actually this is quite fair. Although I'd put the Magnum before the Raptor.

>> No.462834

Holy shit, modular thrill rides would be the best thing ever.

>> No.462843


What's wrong with Mean Streak besides it being rough as fuck?

>> No.462863

Cedar Point put in tons of trim brakes to make the ride feel less rough, but in turn made the ride pretty boring for what it is. Cedar Point lacks a good wooden roller coaster.

>> No.462870


Wildcat is gone!?

>> No.462886

They removed it in 2011 because Wildcat was beginning to wear out. It also didn't help that there was a collision that injured riders a few years ago.

>> No.462914
File: 1.92 MB, 1280x960, fairytales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im done:
> www15.zippyshare.com/v/28024872/file.html

Fucking can't into roof castles man.

>> No.463217

>Muh Disaster Transport

Fun Fact: Despite riding it over 20 times, I was unaware it was a bobsled until they took it down.

Also Mantis belongs above Dragster

>> No.463224

is it just me or do other people give out maps for free, I hear about charging around 80 cents but I want ALL my guests to know exactly where everything is because it increases happiness, stops people from getting lost and rating is increased.

>> No.463240


Just put the info kiosks in the beginning where guests are guaranteed to have the money and are willing to pay.

>> No.463249

I know and I do that but I want everyone to have maps, even if that means a marginal loss of profit.

>> No.463265

Then give them for free, there's no reason to charge really.

>> No.463276
File: 195 KB, 1280x960, giga vs looping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are giga coasters /that/ exciting?

Is there a way to export a track into another ride type or do I just use the RCT track decoder to rebuild them?

>> No.463287

you can easily get gigas over 10 excitement.

>> No.463301

Charge .10 then.

>> No.463316

Why charge at all? What's the reason?

>> No.463332


To offset operating costs of the stall itself

>> No.463864

The difference between the two is in the names. Giga coasters are meant to have big, long drops, while looping coasters are supposed to loop and stuff. So therefore, the giga in your picture isn't being used to its advantage. If you focused more on drops with the giga, and more loops and turns with the looping, then they would both get higher excitement ratings respectively.

>> No.463879


The point he is trying to make is that both rides are exactly the same in every way possible but for some reason, the giga coster is considered more fun and in general has better stats.

>> No.463909

Oh. I thought he was complaining. My mistake.

>> No.463915

It's probably just a video game balancing type thing. Since the Giga coaster costs a hell of a lot more money, it's more exciting on default.

>> No.463971

>dat everything
fuck you and your beautiful castle and environment, i'm jelly

>> No.464006


Yeah, Gigas are easy mode for getting good ratings. It seems that's just the way they were coded.

>> No.464019
File: 666 KB, 1030x767, Screen Shot 2013-04-16 at 12.24.09 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Middle of May of year 2 in Evergreen Gardens. Park so far, with as little damage to the scenery as possible, and stats of my coasters. Also have a car ride with over 4 excitement that isn't Mr. Bones length.

>> No.464032
File: 12 KB, 342x210, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know why the vrct website would look like this for me?

It was working fine before.

>> No.464067

Works fine for me, other than the tracks, scenarios, and about buttons not working.

>> No.464070

Just made my first scenario in years, tell me what you guys think! https://www.dropbox.com/s/smgi78a4xr5xo7c/New%20Oakwood%20Springs.SC6

>> No.464090


I'm getting the same issue in every browser I try. Something is behaving strangely on my end, I think.

>> No.464629
File: 20 KB, 499x393, 1365465105719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you don't realize the brown plain walls in the Walls tab match perfectly with the Castle walls

>> No.464663

Looks like the stylesheet didn't load for you. Maybe the dropbox site isn't working?

I need to upload it to a better place.

>> No.464682


Ok, so that's the problem.

Every link for https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/ isn't working for me and I have no idea why.

>> No.464759

I've done a temp fix by putting it on the Tumblr servers. Does it work now?

>> No.464798
File: 36 KB, 1163x636, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is now what I see.

>> No.464815

What browser are you using?

>> No.464868


Chrome, thought the same is happening in IE.

>> No.464869

Just a bit of a heads up, I have the 3x3 v1 park in hand and will be taking a bit because of how ambitious the project is.

>> No.465141
File: 642 KB, 1280x960, SCR44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.465182

Posted link in google docs.

and for the record, fuck the guy who made the Pimp Palace, that song will be in my nightmares.

>> No.465392


Different cars and restraints. The giga only has lap bars which I would say definitely increase excitement (though maybe not by two points...)

>> No.465405


That's going to lead to some lost guests....

>> No.465413


El Toro in SFGA, followed by Wodan in Europa Park.

I like these smooth new woodies, I actually get to enjoy them instead of staggering out with several broken ribs, a snapped neck and splattered testicles.

The air-time on El Toro is insane. I could ride that shit all day.

>> No.465462


absolute GOAT

>> No.465486


There are no words for how much I want to go on that.

But it's in the middle of fucking nowhere on the wrong continent.

>> No.465513

Hot damn that looks awesome, but that sky looks too cloud free for it to maybe be an England based ride so I'll never get to ride it.

>> No.465556

Okay, this looks incredible. Fuck I want to go to some new theme parks, I've been to Thorpe Park too many times.

Does the official version not bank its corners? I wonder how much that would change its stats

>> No.465565

I can confirm the corners are unbanked, it's the coaster I've ridden the most.

Height difference between the corners is only about 10 feet though, so you only go into the corners are reasonably low speed.

I love the humps though as well as the dueling nature of it.

>> No.465621


It's somewhere in the middle of the USA. I was planning on going but there is absolutely nothing anywhere nearby.


I'm so bored of Thorpe. I still haven't been on the Swarm but it's not enough to get me to spend a day in the park.

>> No.465767


It's like I'm really playing RCT 3

>> No.465825
File: 4 KB, 230x160, umad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.465864
File: 1.05 MB, 1024x768, SCR21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot more room to squeeze rides into. I always prefer to keep the lake mostly empty too. Try to build around/with the garden features.

>> No.465865


Nah, too smooth, plus the trees look too nice. They really screwed that coaster and theming up.

>> No.465907

I am in only year two, so I still have room to work with.

>> No.465965
File: 2 KB, 200x200, That is a really nice path you got there would be a shame if something happened to it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.466054

where do i find my screenshots once they've been taken? I've looked around and cant find them

>> No.466068

Try the install directory of the game.

>> No.466079


Drayton Manor is pretty fantastic. Not many coasters but you can go to Alton Towers for that.

>> No.466083

Its states this
Screenshot – Takes a snapshot of the current screen and saves it in a file in the
directory where you installed RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. The default keyboard shortcut
for this command is Ctrl + S.

>> No.466101

they aren't in any of the folders

>> No.466214


Oh man I remember seeing this 4 years ago for the first time thinking "What the fuck how could anyone have the patience to build all this"

Now in 2013, I waste hours on doing that in RCT2

>> No.466480

Every time I see a cool park in RCT3 I start to think that maybe it wasn't that bad, maybe it's worth the frustration of a bad game to be able to build it in 3d. But then I start playing, I build a couple of good rides and get my park running like it should. And after a few months the paths are being overcrowded while my rides are half empty. How could they have fucked that game up so badly?

>> No.466579


Speaking of which is RTC3 allowed to be talked about here?

>> No.466602

I don't see why not, just don't particularly expect anybody to care about it.
RCT2 isn't really "retro" either, after all.

>> No.466617
File: 52 KB, 421x248, 007842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the maximum number of people that can be in a park? Can the maximum number even be reached? Because i just realized that i've never seen a picture about the highest number of guests in a park.

>> No.466630

around 7000, 10000 are hardcoded into the game, but you can never get over 7100

>> No.466640

Yeah, no matter how good Colossus and Inferno are Thorpe Park just gets boring after going there so much, as I imagine most parks would. Haven't been on Swarm either, and not particularly looking forward to riding it because no track beneath or above me.

>> No.466648


I wasn't aware that RCT3 had any problems beyond the graphics...

>> No.466663

I imagine the maximum would be 65,535 engine-wise, though I imagine given gameplay mechanics what you can actually achieve without hacks is a lot lower.

Maybe I should take Cheat Engine to the game and see what I can do.

>> No.466664

It's called Thru the Woods, but barely actually goes through the woods?

>> No.466680

What? What's wrong with RCT3?

>> No.466684
File: 2 KB, 120x117, notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No rides but Jewcarts and Scamaze left in the park
>people still puking everywhere

I don't know why, but the idea of people just puking out of spite made me laugh

>> No.466694


maybe the problem is with your park, paths and rides?

>> No.466703

Maybe their bodies weren't ready

>> No.466883

The behaviour of guests in RCT3 is really weird. Every single review mentioned it at the time and said it probably had to do with bugs, but even in the platinum version guests are way more interested in walking around and going to food stalls than actually going on rides. It doesn't matter what the intensity, nausea rating or excitement rating is, most guests will still just walk around aimlessly.

Or maybe my version is having problems. I don't know. On paper my rides are good, and the entrances aren't hidden away in the park.

>> No.466950

The Voyage looks too intense for me!

what guests in RCT would say on that

>> No.466963

Holiday World is in Santa Claus, Indiana. There's actually several parks nearby if you want to make a trip out of it like Six Flags Great America, Cedar Point, and Kings Island.

>> No.466993

No, the voyage uses banked turns.

>> No.467014


>holiday world - cedar point: 400 miles
>holiday world - SFGA: 400 miles

These are a day of travel, the size of a large European country, apart.

>> No.467090

Even with banked turns, coasters can still be too intense for even the most fearless riders

>> No.467097

But this one isn't. And it doesn't have inversions. If you build your coasters properly in RCT they never have to be more intense than 9.xx. Even if they're absolutely huge. I'm pretty sure Bigger Woodchip from karts & coasters goes faster than the voyage.

>> No.467201

>Want to do a timelapse on building one of the collab parks
>Build for an hour
>Recording stopped after 3 seconds

>> No.467287

What's up with junior coasters? No matter what I do, intensity is at least 60% higher than excitement, even on the most retardedly simple designs...

>> No.467301

Top lel
Do you think a junior coaster would ever be that exciting? Also, it probably has to do with them being cheaper.

>> No.467320

Junior coasters are for kids, don't make them speedy and such.

>> No.467365
File: 275 KB, 1280x1024, SCR15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, I'll just stay clear of them I think, they're not as fun to build anyway.

Here is a corkscrew I just finished.

>> No.467396
File: 36 KB, 486x328, 392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone ever have a bug related to testing of roller coasters? I build 2 coasters (1 being a standard Giga and one a Looping from another park) and both will not show any test results. They only show "Not yet available" even after many ingame days have passed. No one wants to ride them because of that.

This is in the Extreme Heights park. Not sure if that's relevant, but the everything worked fine in Arid Heights.

>> No.467420

I also just noticed that even the Go-karts that i build show no results, but people ride those anyway.

>> No.467425
File: 209 KB, 866x479, SCR27.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to go on something more thrilling than Corkscrew Roller Coaster 1

>> No.467435

>not animated
Fuck you.

>> No.467453
File: 1022 KB, 1280x800, RCT2 2013-04-16 14-23-54-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I scrapped the israeli/palestinian idea, but I came up with something I think is more interesting

pic related

>> No.467464

I had to restart the scenario and now it works again. Really strange, never had that happen before.

>> No.467473
File: 645 KB, 1280x800, RCT2 2013-04-16 14-25-03-85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ride stats. I also have a lemonade stand, a chicken nuggies stand, and a bank. Will add a first-aid stall and bathroom later. Right now I'm finalizing the decorations.

>> No.467480



>> No.467515

