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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 64 KB, 640x480, m&m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4414005 No.4414005 [Reply] [Original]

Only SIX euros for the entire series (from 1 to 9) on GOG now

S-should i?

Games looks ugly as hell-

>> No.4414023

6 and 7 are great games.

>> No.4414079

Pirate them and pay later if you like them.
The older games don't look like the Windows titles.

>> No.4414205

>paying for abandonwear

Sure do it, gog seems like a decent service

>> No.4414215

no such thing exists

>> No.4414258


>> No.4414264

Do it. Old school retro goodness.

>> No.4414280


>> No.4414309
File: 498 KB, 640x480, 1423783857631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Games looks ugly as hell-

>> No.4414412
File: 25 KB, 492x378, C1RooM3UsAAjDXI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, he would fit right in the roster

>> No.4414430

The /vr/ HoMM thread has a link to all of the games in the pastebin. Check out MM3-8 at the very least.

>> No.4414434

Why do you exclude MM1?

>> No.4414439

Requires you to draw your own maps so its harder for people to get into. Nothing wrong with the game itself.

>> No.4414461

Entire idea behind 'abandonware' are games from dead publishers which are out of circulation through legal means. Aka, abanoned - hence 'abandonware', games that are abandoned.

If they're not abandoned and you can buy them, they are very fucking much not goddamn abandonware anymore. Then you're just being a pirate.

>> No.4414462

I almost bought it before admitting to myself that I will never get around to playing all of them, and even if I did it wouldn't be before the next time they go on sale.

>> No.4414525
File: 468 KB, 646x509, 77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 looks amazing

>> No.4415693


Oh man and WRPG fags were talking shit about JRPGs for being flamboyant

>> No.4416607
File: 841 KB, 960x510, 1496248882436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now hold the fuck up, how is zoltan wearing all that unidentified high end kit when you're clearly still on the intro island?
I smell the stink of shenanigans

>> No.4416619

I don't see 17 extra belts and a sword so big it'd need a crane to hold.

>> No.4416656

Except Might & Magic acknowledges the awful designs and the in-game item descriptions often tell you that your (early game) equipment is tacky looking, cheap novelty shit, or crudely made by primitive species.

>> No.4416729

He probably killed the dragon and multilooted it. It breaks the game, but it's easy enough to do.

>> No.4416808


>not owning M&M games since the release day.

I was two weeks late for M&M9

>> No.4417261

Yes buy it.

The games are fun as fuck and at that price about one penny per hour. Even if you hate them all you haven't lost more than a takeout lunch.

>> No.4418857

Ralph Bakshi's "Wizards". Good film.

But yeah, what >>4416729 said. I've tried it a few times.

>> No.4418871

I've always found the primitive 3D of 6, 7, and 8 endearing.

>> No.4418873


Even beautiful, in fact.

>> No.4418890

Story time:

>get married, amazing wedding
>mother/son dance, mom tells me how proud she is of me
>beaming with pride
>leave to Florida with my wife for our honeymoon
>get a 2017 mustang convertible rental to just dick around in on our vacation
>get a call from my dad
>mom had a heart attack
>honeymoon over day 1, fly back to Chicago
>life support, breathing machine, me mum survived a widow maker somehow. but she is in a medically induced coma
>realize I need to be there no matter what the outcome
>hospitals fucking suck, bring a small laptop and load up Might and Magic 6
>name my save game WAKE UP MOM
>play every day and every night sitting at Loyola hospital (quit my job) waiting for my mother to wake up.
>She finally comes to 2 months after her heart attack
>Shes still alive and kicking even after a year, I haven't beaten this play through of MM6, im a bit afraid to.

Moral of the story is this game got me through a load of shitty times. At least give it a shot.

>> No.4418905

Why did you quit your job? You endangered your own survival and your family's survival with this reckless act. You should have kept working for your rich employer.

>> No.4418916

Was a mom an pop pest control company, I had just graduated, and was not married to working for those folks anyways. No benefits yo. So taking a sabbatical was necessary. 10/10 those fucks weren't that rich. Mormon pest control companies are as common as the cockroaches they kill.

>> No.4419032

Still a far cry from the extremes that JRPGs go to.

>> No.4419360


Well, it looks a lot more like an art piece when you're not trying for realism. Daggerfall can do that sometimes.

>> No.4419464

Sounds like someone failed to reply to one of those reply or ya mum pictures