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File: 122 KB, 923x575, choc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4410565 No.4410565 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Doom feel so much better and atmospheric when played in 320x200 software mode?

>> No.4410568

what now

>> No.4410571

on a CRT screen I presume

>> No.4410572

Software mode is always better for these old games. Duke Nukem was a garbage in HRP mode as well.

>> No.4410573

It doesn't. Can't see shit unless it's at least 640x480.

>> No.4410575


This. I hate OpenGL Douk.

>> No.4410582

>not playing with the screen border at full width

>> No.4410583


Because that's what it was designed for

>> No.4410587

if you disable texture filtering it looks exactly like software mode and doesn't torture your CPU

>> No.4410598

no reason to ever touch choco doom when crispy doom exists

>> No.4410609


No it doesn't, the skies aren't proper.

>> No.4410612

Doom 64 is best.

>> No.4410646

>torture your CPU
Yeah, you really want a 486/DX or better for Doom.

>> No.4410648


You mean "is actually scary"? Because yes, it is.

It really really is.

>> No.4410690

Because the game has little detail, in the environment and textures.
Low resolution hides that. Specially good on a CRT.

>> No.4410758

If you want atmospheric Doom just play the PS1 version.

>> No.4410762


>> No.4410904

It's the retro feel

>> No.4410923

why would anyone do that

>> No.4411915

Because the game was literally built for that resolution

>> No.4411918


>> No.4412038

You see less. Everything is darker, things blend together because of limited palette, and you can't even see very well things in the distance.

It's important to see that at the time, Doom was seen as a horror-shooter, kinda like what FEAR is now.
It seems kinda ridiculous, but back then when first-person games were new, getting jumped by a Spectre in a dark corridor was a genuinely unnerving experience.
Especially Doom 1 seems to be designed for that, with less high-octange action and more dark mazes and teleporter puzzles.

So your answer is - better atmosphere and more tension.

That's just the screencap being resized from 320x200.

>> No.4412168
File: 117 KB, 640x400, zdoomdosbox.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big fan of DOOM at 640x400 on a CRT. Still low resolution enough to not kill the aesthetic, but there's enough extra detail that you can actually see and appreciate the spritework.

>> No.4412173

Why is the 1 in 100% dancing

>> No.4412185

It's a comparison of DOSBox to ZDOOM, ZDOOM adjusts the number to match the spacing of the other numbers

The colors are also off but that was my gamma settings, I fixed that

>> No.4412460

what's the correct aspect ratio?
200 or 240?

>> No.4412474


>> No.4412670

It is possible for something to be way too sharp and look artificial.

>> No.4412783

the correct aspect ratio is 4:3

>> No.4413108

Objects appear to slide along the floor as you move around when you're playing in software mode at high resolution, you can see the contrast between the sharp detail of the map geometry/texturing and the scaled-up low-resolution sprites

320x200 at least closes that mismatch so everything is at a consistent size and level of detail

>> No.4413129

If you're not playing on a CRT wouldn't that just upscale and look all blurry?

>> No.4413353

No. The pixels are sharper than ever. You'd have to apply a filter to make it look blurry.

>> No.4413360

4:3. You fiddle with your CRT monitor knobs until 320*200 fits your screen perfectly. The result is as close as you can get to 4:3 with manual knob turning.

>> No.4413589

320x200 or 640x400 was an incredibly common resolution for DOS games, and it was to be stretched to fit a CRT screen. Running at 640x480, you see that some lines are doubled vertically so it's not pixel perfect and doesn't look great. Even games that do 640x480 natively have line doubling and were clearly meant for 320x200 or 640x400, like Duke3D.

>> No.4413772

Do you knobs also play at 35fps? Absolutely sappy.

>> No.4413787

320x200 hides more and leaves more to the imagination.
640x400 really shows the games age.

>> No.4413807


because you get that grainy, shitty pixel goodness

>> No.4414641

how does 320x240 look on a 4k monitor

>> No.4414675

maybe because artwork detail was designed for that resolution, so it was meant to be played in it?

>> No.4414749

okay if you use integer scaling with fixed ratio

>> No.4414761

Because you're a hipster who doesn't know how to run GZdoom

>> No.4414782


>implying games age

>> No.4414929

But they do age like fine wine.

>> No.4415046

yeah it looks like blurry dogshit
on a CRT it's bearable but 640x400 looks better

>> No.4415108

I always used the Doom95 source port back in the day, thanks for programming that while you were still at microsoft gabe ya fat fuck

>> No.4415126

>Brutalbaby who thinks GZDoom is the only graphics-enhancing source port that exists

PrBoom and CrispyDoom are for people who want to play Doom.
GZDoom is for codkids who want to pretend they're playing Doom.

>> No.4415136

Lots of mods need GZDoom or are enhanced by it, and GZDoom has PrBoom compatibility, so why wouldn't you just use GZDoom?

>> No.4415147

>GZDoom has PrBoom compatibility
PrBoom != vanilla.

In PrBoom you have to enable vanilla compatibility through the "complevel #" command line switch. ZDoom's "Boom compatibility" is not vanilla compatibility.

>> No.4415392

I know dumbass, but if you're recommending PrBoom and Crispy Doom, then we're obviously not talking about vanilla.

>> No.4415413

ZDoom doesn't handle boom specials the same way as the Boom engines do.

ZDoom's really the "I just want to play something like doom" engine. It runs everything, but it does everything slightly wrong.

>> No.4415659

They do.
Else why would you want to play it in 640x400? The game was made for 320x200.

>> No.4416639

ZDoom is baby's first sourceport. Sure, it runs modern wads specifically designed for Zdoom, and that's fine, but you don't actually believe it plays vanilla Doom correctly right? It's basically a separate engine at this point and makes a ton of changes that alter the original gameplay. Movement feels different, code used for punching things is different, monster behavior is altered, lots of older wads are broken.
I Use Chocolate for original episodes and Prboom/Crispy for limit removing stuff. I hate zdoombabies who pretend it's an accurate port, just say it like it is.

>> No.4416650

THIS. Sprites look fucking ridiculous and out of place in any kind of high resolution port, I thought everyone else but me was blind. It's bearable at 640x400 but honestly the game looks most cohesive and aesthetically pleasing at the original resolution. I don't know how this could be fixed really.

>> No.4416819

Because the low fidelity, high noise and limited palette are making the scene more abstract, allowing your brain to imagine details that aren't there.

>> No.4417180

I cant get my mouse to look properly while playing doom 64 ex

I don't know what the fuck the problem is. maybe its because I'm using windows 10