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File: 136 KB, 1000x1000, super everdrive china version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4405813 No.4405813 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone ever had issues w/ their chinese SE or anything ?

thanks o/

>> No.4405850

shit. get the legit ones from krikzz.

>> No.4405854

this is the only correct answer. mods please close this thread :)

>> No.4405856

I was unware that the chinese had cloned it. interesting. as you can tell by the size of the large population, they love to clone.

>> No.4405879

At least get a chinese SD2SNES if you want to cheap out.
It's better overall and there should actually be less of chance for them to fuck them up considering the SD2SNES is completely open source anyways.

>> No.4405904

literally hope your snes blows up

>> No.4405935

Why is it bad? What exactly is wrong with it?

>> No.4405981

>SD2SNES author bought two from different sellers in China
>both had major faults and didn't work properly

You might get lucky but Chinese sellers aren't exactly known for their high quality craftsmanship. Then again with the level of buyer protection on ebay and ali it might not hurt to take that gamble.

I have cheaped out on electronics and it has come back to bite me a few times, but there are a few success stories there too. Thankfully I have very little of value so it's not really a problem if my house burns down, just a minor inconvenience.

>> No.4406137

Some mememan told everyone not use certain flashcarts because of electric safety.

>> No.4406224

last year i purchased a genuine gameboy everdrive, then krizz made a new version of the gameboy one called the "X" series.
No problem my $120 1 year old everdrive still get support.
So I asked krizz about it, and He just say no more support, buy a new one, wait what?
Since then I just say fuck krizz and purchase chinks everdrives.

>> No.4406393 [DELETED] 


>> No.4406416

Wait, did you expect him to upgrade it for free...? Or did it break? If it broke, they should try to fix it for free.


>> No.4406554

>chink everdrive

Even the GB Smart Card would be fine. You can patch it to address incompatibilities and issues with managing SRAM. It'll work like any other cart.

>> No.4406965

was the voltage issue debunked?

>> No.4406994

shilling is against the global rules

>> No.4406995

No, but it's more likely to burn the cart up over time, not your console.

>> No.4407081

support for more than a year!
for a really expensive product!

>> No.4407105

by db electronics himself and rgb

>> No.4407108

More like "against the rules"...

>> No.4407113

kevtris says it will kill your flash cart not the console on atari ages forum!

>> No.4407125

found it!
I agree with some of it but not all of it. I remember seeing that awhile back and was kind of horrified that they did it and that it "worked". Feeding 5V logic into a 3.3V only part that isn't 5V tolerant is pretty bad. I don't agree with the amount of current that will be sent through the flash chip pins, it definitely not is going to be as high as he says.
But it isn't a great idea to do it anyways. I highly doubt it will damage the system, but it can definitely damage the flash. One thing he doesn't really go over with the protection diode stuff is the 3.3V regulator can only supply voltage, and cannot sink it. So if the diodes forward bias, they will tend to pull the 3.3V *up* higher than 3.3V. He modeled it with a voltage supply/sink that will "pull down" anything higher than 3.3V and keep it there. This is not what would happen in real life. Regardless, if your 3.3V is getting pulled up near 5V, it is going to be bad news for the chips.
So yeah; it's a really bad idea to run your 3.3V flash with 5V IOs, but it's a lot more nuanced than is made out in that article. That's all IMO.


>> No.4407179 [DELETED] 

>has a trip
>can't greentex

>> No.4407183

>has a trip
>can't greentext

>> No.4407456

is anything not working?

>> No.4407619

no more support or bug fixes for a 1 year old extremly expensive product!
He can do it, but krikzz dosen't give a flying fuck, so I don't give a flying fuck to give my money to him anymore.
If I'm not getting any support for a 1 year old product,
I'm just better paying for a chink everdrive for a quarter of the price. At least I know, what to expect from the chinks ones.

>> No.4407630

Why isn't there a cheap knockoff famicom everdrive yet?
That would be like the easiest thing to make next to the MD everdrive

>> No.4407638

the x7 dosen't work whit the gameboy pocket
also the x 7 will have a new "revision" that will fix the problem.
so... 120x3=360
after all this, there's people that ask, why so many are just getting chinks everdrives.

>> No.4407641

>for a 1 year old extremly expensive product
first edgb was released in mid-2015
edgb x was released mid-2017

it's not krikzz's fault you waited so long.

plus you still haven't mentioned what's not working that needs fixing.

that anon has the first-gen edgb, not the x7.
krikzz has refunded those who bought it before the warning was up in the store.

>> No.4407653

>the x7 dosen't work whit the gameboy pocket

>read up on it
>fixed hardware won't be available for several weeks
nuoooo wanted to get one during the black-friday-sale

and the elcheaposd 2.0 is out of stock all the time

>> No.4407654

And intentionally trying to get someone to use devices in hopes it will malfunction and kill them with a severe electric shock is illegal.

>> No.4407689

So... SD2snes was released almost at the same time, if not earlier and I still get OS updates.
Harmony still get updates, elcheapo still get updates even if a new revision is out.
GD emu still get OS and bug fixes updates,
even shit products like the USB-GDROM Controller gets OS updates and bug fixes.
There's literally no reason to stop the OS updates and bug fixes from krikzz part

>> No.4407697

I forgot to add the problem.
the new OS v4 fix the sd cards compatibility issue and the gamegenie not working.
you see in the stock menu OS v3 some cards work others dont

>> No.4408789

I have one of these. It works just fine.

>> No.4408803

Turbo EverDrive owners know it all too well, completely abandonded product.

>> No.4408804

>severe electric shock
w e w

>> No.4408814

No comment on the ED stuff but the GBP is notorious for weird electrical issues so it's not all that surprising.

>> No.4408816

No reason to update if there's nothing to fix/improve

>> No.4408887

>it's a really bad idea to run your 3.3V flash with 5V IOs
>but it's a lot more nuanced than is made out in that article
If it's nuanced, why is it a "really bad idea"? Why isn't it just a "not so great idea"?

>> No.4408891

They're good.

You can also get official Chinese Everdrive's from TaoBao (this is the official producer in China)
They are much cheaper than the other Everdrives

Super Everdrive is $~48. So maybe like $60 after you pay the agent.

you need a taobao agent though. Basically you pay the agent to order the product for you in China and then they ship it to you.

I haven't done this but there was another anon on here that did. You can find TaoBao agents on eBay and sure many other places. Doesn't cost much but of course go with someone with a lot of feedback.

>> No.4408897

Or you can just buy the flash cart directly off amazon or Aliexpress

>> No.4408917

I don't have the super everdrive, but I do have a handful of other chink everdrive clones.

The MD Everdrive clone I bought plays every game I've tried, except for NBA Jam TE. I'm not sure if it's a bad dump or an issue with the cart. I've got a legit copy of the game, so it's not a huge deal to me. Played through a lot of games without issue.

I have the ED64 Plus as well. Every game I've played works, except for Animal Forest. It boots, but since there's no RTC function it won't work correctly. Pokemon Stadium 2 seems to work fine without graphical issues on the version I bought.

I also have cheap clones of the EZ Flash IV for the GBA, a couple cheap R4 clones, and a Sky3DS cart, and they all work fine. The only one I really regret buying was the Sky3DS, because it's obsolete now. I keep it around as a homebrew entry point, though.

Just do your research and buy from trusted sellers. Read reviews before you buy, and don't expect 100% compatibility.

>> No.4408928

Are there things that need fixing on the TED? I was thinking about buying one.

>> No.4409057

Maybe he's confusing this with the Fuji instant camera myth that the capacitors in the flash cubes can charge to lethal levels.

>> No.4409091

I'm really happy that deunan, mnemo, Ikari, Darksoft's, the people behind the harmony and the flashmasta, dosen't have that shitty mentality
there's always room from improvement!
I feel your pain man!

>> No.4409109

The only good solution is level translators. There's no good shortcut to using them. Fortunately they aren't THAT expensive so there's no excuse for not using them IMO other than laziness and trying to shave cents from designs that aren't made in large volumes anyways.
Yeah basically one of them can run on i.e. 3.3V but is 5V tolerant on its inputs, and for a bidirectional buffer for example, when it's driving the 5V bus it will be using 3.3V out.
The NT mini uses "proper" level translators with two VCC's. I did a lot of testing, and used a cute little trick on it. There's actually a second power supply for the level translators and it's set to around 3.8V. This means the cartridge signals only swing up to 3.8V. This can be adjusted with a resistor to change the swing level. These translators are "5V tolerant" in that case and work fine. The everdrive is super duper flaky and was extremely hard to get working. It isn't just flash cartridges; the powerpak works great always in contrast. The ED doesn't even work on some famicoms. The timing on it is very critical and it is barely on the edge of working. If the NES/fami one is this bad, I dunno what to expect on the other models. The ED is basically nightmare fuel for me. Sorry, but IMO it's pretty crappy. I have probably spent 3-4 weeks of my life trying to get it to play nice with the hi def and NT mini where literally everything else worked fine, and the stuff looked the same on the oscilloscope.

>> No.4409180

Why is krikzz snes flashcart 200 bucks but the megadrive one only 50 and the N64 one 100 bucks? is it supply and demand or just due to the way the cart is made?

>> No.4409191

SD2SNES isn't by Krikzz. He just sells them. The Super Everdrive is half the price, but doesn't support a few games and hacks that the SD2SNES does.

>> No.4409245

It deprives a ruskie of his jew gold and triggers his shills

Nothing to debunk. It was always just wild speculation that a bad 3.3v device would kill your console. Just like someone who claims they were abducted by aliens who diddled his anus, it's up the the nut job to prove their claim.

>> No.4409258


The ones on Amazon and AliExpress are bootlegs and in come cases more expensive than the official Chinese ones.

I don't care about things being bootleg (I have a bootleg mega everdrive and ED64) but some people do and the higher end official ones have more features/compatibility.

>> No.4409894

>less of chance for them to fuck them up considering the SD2SNES is completely open source anyways
They can read part numbers and map traces on a proprietary board just fine. The problem is that they invariably substitute parts for ones that don't meet spec and assemble them sloppily. This will happen regardless of whether it's a clone of ED or SD2SNES.

>> No.4409925

I'm just saying for example everything works with the Turbo Everdrive

>> No.4410510

I swear, it's the same fucking shit every thread.

>hur gonna kill ur console
Do your research and don't be retarded. If you can't figure it out yourself, you don't deserve to enjoy flashcarts.
>hur shills
No one shills anything that isn't advertised, and flashcart makers don't bother advertising since their market seeks them out. Anyone posting about shills seriously or ironically is a mouth breathing retard. The only shills that ever visited /vr/ were the Retron 5 shills.
>hur chinkshit
Your warranty is about as good as whatever promise Aliexpress makes with you. Beyond that, it's buyer beware. If you feel it's worth the risk, go for it. About 80-90% of the people who've reported buying chink knockoffs say it works just fine, the other 20%-10% had it break, or were dumb enough to update firmware. If you don't feel like taking the risk then just save the additional $20-$40 to get an official cart and stop spending money on knockoffs. If $20-$40 is THAT much money to you, stop spending money on shit you can't afford and stick to sub $10 games since flashcarts are not for poorfags.
>hur support
These carts are designed to play 99-100% of the OFFICIAL library, that's the purpose. There was never any promise of anything beyond that. So once a cart is 99%-100% good to go with the official titles, stop expecting new things to just appear. It makes zero sense to waste time trying to create new features no one is asking for on established carts when other carts are still being developed. Go be a faggot somewhere else.
>hur roms
Use fucking no-intro sets and stop complaining that your inaccurate roms don't work on real hardware. If you can't find the no-intro sets then you should hang yourself for being too stupid to use google.
>hur wut 2 buy?
Anyone asking which model to buy is asking to be spoonfed. Ignore.

>> No.4410528
File: 948 KB, 480x360, 1422111886774.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You seem awful upset, fren.

>> No.4410530

Because, it's the same shit every flashcart thread. Every single time. Make a wiki or something, put it in the sticky, this shit is just spam at this point.

>> No.4410537
File: 908 KB, 245x184, 1430677809370.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Calm down. Quit telling other people what to talk about.

>> No.4411712


>> No.4411821

>telling other people to quit talking about telling other people to quit talking about something
the ironing

>> No.4411842 [DELETED] 

I’m not sure what the clingiest part of the video was, the heavily scripted interview, the “””humor”””, or the fatass trying to act like he was taking a stand against other youtubers.
Yeah, you’re a real diamond in the rough there champ.