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4409425 No.4409425 [Reply] [Original]

Or survival horror genre games?

>> No.4409445

Overblood is something of a Resident Evil clone. Not a particularly well-received one, mind you.

>> No.4409449

If you're just looking for the gameplay, Nuclear Dawn for the PSX is one. Same control scheme but human enemies.

>> No.4409456
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The edgiest of Resident Evil clones.

>> No.4409459

Deep fear for the sega saturn

it was supposed to be RE2 but since the saturn was failing they decided to scrap what they had and go with playstation, SEGA picked up the pieces and made deep fear.

check it out, very interesting game.

>> No.4409463

Silent hill.

>> No.4409474

>it was supposed to be RE2 but since the saturn was failing they decided to scrap what they had and go with playstation, SEGA picked up the pieces and made deep fear.
Huh. Source?

>> No.4409475

google search Deep fear and read.

>> No.4409486

You mean tank-control games?

>> No.4409491
File: 20 KB, 328x304, Bluestinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this and Illbleed.

>> No.4409510

This game was absolute garbage, how did anyone like this?

>> No.4409514

Dino crisis. But the bgs are 3D not pre rendered.

Dino crisis 2 uses pre rendered but less puzzles and more action.

>> No.4409540

Them too

>> No.4409579

Yesterday i played shadowman on dreamcast and i enjoyed its atmosphere. Is it a horror game?

>> No.4409596

Shadowman is nothing like Resident Evil and clearly isn't a survival horror game either

>> No.4409613

Wow I never knew this. Goddamn Sega was such a fucking fuck up that it actually makes me mad they were that fucking incompetent when they had all the potential in the world to be the best.

>> No.4409615

>how did anyone like this?
By not being a pleb, for starters.

>> No.4409626 [DELETED] 

It's a negroidvania

>> No.4409705

Carrier on the dreamcast is pretty similar RE. Also similar to Deep Fear on the saturn(with it's setting). There's also The Ring:Terrors Ream which is based on the ring books that inspired The Ring movie.

Dreamcast has a ton of horror games on it while on the subject, Carrier, The Ring, RE2/3/CV, D2, Dino Crisis, Alone in the Dark: the new nightmare, evil dead, blue stinger, illbleed. And I think there is even more than that.

also the japanese version of Deep Fear has full english dialogue along with english menus and shit. definitely worth importing if you are into RE and tank controls

>> No.4409710

Is (classic) Resident Evil's gameplay really that exciting to people that they'd buy ripoffs? At best I'd call the format serviceable. RE3 graduated the formula to "sorta interesting" but after that trilogy I was completely done with the whole concept.

Anyway, I haven't played much of it but Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare is graphically impressive.

>> No.4409718

I love classic Resident Evil gameplay - playing REmake HD made me remember how much I love these kind of games and how shitty third person shooters like RE6 and Revelations 2 weren't cutting it anymore (or shitty FPS games like RE7 for that matter)

Also a good survival horror game was hard to come by back then. The one you mentioned, New Nightmare, is a good example of a bad one. Its gameplay balance is fucked and it lacks unlockables/replay value.

>> No.4409719

Martian gothic it an example how to do an unbeatable game

>> No.4409735

Make sure to play the GOG version of The New Nightmare. Pretty decent resolution for an old prerendered backgrounds game.

I just wish the enemies didnt endlessly respawn.

>> No.4409738
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yes it rivals the movie "the room" with the difference that deep fear was released first.

>> No.4410090
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Fear Effect counts, right?

>> No.4410096

Is that the one where the chicks make out with each other?

>> No.4410098
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>> No.4410123

parasite eve

>> No.4410128
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2 anyway. The first one is a completely different type of game

>> No.4410163

Like Illbleed and D and D2 and enemy Zero are completely different games too?

>> No.4410180
File: 561 KB, 320x240, re_clone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay lets check the fagts:
>tank controls: check
>plot with muting cells making monsters: check
>prerendered backgrounds and fixed camera angles: check
>doors and puzzle enviroment: check
>guns: check

Dude, they didn't even took any liberties in camera positions/perspectives. Yeah the battle system is slightly different, but overall its one mega huge fucking RE clone.

>> No.4410186
File: 797 KB, 850x476, eternaldarkness_horror.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eternal darkness is one of the best RE clones

>> No.4410190

PE1 really is not. First, PE1 does NOT have tank controls, they are camera centric controls.

Then, let's see, what are the common points between RE and PE1 ?

>3D models and pre-rendered backgrounds.
Even then, the way it's done, it's closer to Final Fantasy 7, with huge more top down camera angles, then RE. Yes, this entire system WAS invented by survival horror (Alone in The Dark did) but neither is it a pre-requisite for a survival horror game, nor does it singlehandeldy make a game survival horror.

>doors & puzzles
PE1 literaly only has a couple of puzzles, and even then they are very simple thing like push some furniture to find a key. Again, this is closer to typical JRPG stuff than to survival horror.

>inventory limit
The inventory is huge, and again, it's more like Final Fantasy (FF4) than to RE.

The horror is barely present in PE1. It is NOT a central theme and there isn't even enough of it to warrant saying the game is horror theme. The main theme of PE1 is Noir, crime fiction.

tl;dr After RE1 brought up the name "survival horror" and established it as a genre, everyone and especially pro reviewers, became full retard with the term. They starting calling everything and their other "survival horror", from House Of The Dead to yes, Parasite Eve.

Even PE2 isn't survival horror, although it IS closer to it, it's still just an A-JPRG, like one, just a more hybrid one which does borrow more from AITD/RE. But it's still just that, an A-JPRG with hybrid elements.

>> No.4410192

Seconding Parasite Eve II. The first game is an RPG with survival-horror undertones; PE2 is a survival-horror game with RPG undertones. It even copies RE's clunky tank controls.

>> No.4410247

good point. RE is a Alone in the Dark clone.

still the people making it, looked at RE saw its success and said we need to do that too just better. So they looked what RE did well and what they would think would work better (anime style and a battle system that is more noticable on screenshots).

Also it is clearly horror as you can see in the clip I posted. The way you interact with doors is and the enviroment is the same as in RE.

Finally you failed to notice that D, D2 and EnemyZero are NOT RE clones. They are truly different horror games. I am disappointed you didnt mention that. Look at these games, then you will now what not alone in the dark (RE) inspired means.

>> No.4410251
File: 1.16 MB, 402x326, ohboi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before confusing sets in: I am referring to Parasite Eve, not Alone in the Dark in my criticism

Also Illbleed is less of an RE clone as PE

>> No.4410330

>Finally you failed to notice that D, D2 and EnemyZero are NOT RE clones.

I never said they were. The definition of survival horror which I consider "just right" is "action-adventure game, with a pre-dominent horror theme and survival gameplay mechanics".

So D can't be survival horror because there is no "action". Action in genre defining doesn't mean guns blazing, it means twitch based controls. D is an adventure game.

Enemy Zero is survival horror but it leans more towards the other category of it, the one that's not "AITD/RE", mostly first person ones. Those existed before AITD/RE (Zombi on Amiga for instance), existed alongside the AITD/RE, and nowadays is pretty much all there is to survival horror

>> No.4410550

>Huh. Source?
His ass.

>> No.4411808

I havent played any of the aforementioned games (was not really interested, have a huge backlog of other games I consider better to slowly wadethrough)

But Im curious: what sicfuck thought it was a goodidea to put this into a game and what is the name of the game (I might play it)

>> No.4411865


>> No.4411872
File: 86 KB, 500x313, Alone in the Dark 1992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This shitty RE clone with Lovecraftian horror and tank controls and everything lmao

it even came out years before RE xD what tryhards

>> No.4412002

Yup, those survival horrors from the late 90s sure had Alone in The Dark in mind, they weren't trying carry the RE wave at all no sir.

>> No.4412014
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holy jesus christ what is that thing
I hate it

>> No.4412306
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>a resident evil clone is a clone of a game that is already a clone

How is it a clone if it came out not even six months later?

Holy shit I read through the whole thread and not one person mentioned pic related, quite possibly one of the best survival horror games next to the original Alone in the Dark.

>> No.4412327

Yeah Overblood and RE were both developped at the same time, which is quite amazing considering the similarities down to the storyline. They're both very inspired by AITD, while both bringing a more tech/scientist to the table, and while both bringing in new ideas as well. However, Overblood staid a bit too close to its AITD route if you ask me, the clunky hand fighting isn't amazing.

>> No.4412386

I don't know why people bitch about resident evil's tank controls. I never had a problem with them and miss games in this style.

>> No.4412426

>''muh childhood''

>> No.4412583
File: 70 KB, 640x628, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came in to post Nocturne, it's telling that you compare it favorably with AITD. A lot of Resident Evil kids will probably find it a bit "clunky" in the same way AITD is but really it's just an old school approach to handling combat.

I think NESfag and I are the only ones here who've played pic related so far. It starts out straight survival horror but then goes horror beat 'em up and it's one of those games with a hidden scoring system but this one doesn't even let you do the final third chapter and just gives you a bad ending after chapter 2 if you don't pass.

Anyway you know what's a fucking sweet survival horror game with solid ARPG elements and top five direction? D2.

>> No.4412609

Most old survival horrors are based on the re formula. Alone in the dark led inspiration but it's a point and click game.

Anyway op should check out clock tower 3 and haunting grounds.

>> No.4412687

The first part of Devilman is a somewhat original take on survival horror, especially for the time. The closest thing I can think of is probably Silent Hill Shattered Memories, in the way that the only thing you can is run from enemies while avoiding obstacles and help you with things in the environment.

>> No.4412725
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>> No.4412771

Sega's two attempts at Resident Evil clones, Deep Fear and Blue Stinger, are two of the funniest shit games ever made and worth a playthrough to make you laugh your ass off.

>> No.4412778

PE1 is a JRPG to the core with a survival horror skin. If anything the battle system is sort of like if Quest 64 was actually good.

PE2 is straight up survival horror with barely any remnants of JRPG left. It's like the difference between Mass Effect which was an RPG with a shooter skin and Mass Effect 2 which was just a shooter.

>> No.4412819

The controls are clunky and the camera angles are often more for aesthetic rather than for functional purposes but overall the game is one of the best in the overall package and presentation. While the gameplay may be similar to RE or AiTD, it's the world that makes this game truly fascinating.
a mission to find a stone that would make vampires invincible turns into a war with the vampires and werewolves, Al Capone resurrecting the dead to make an army like Herbert West, an ancient underground Elder God using bug-like creatures to turn people in to zombies, or the...well I won't ruin the last part. The Lovecraftian elements clearly hark back to AiTD. Take that a wrap it in the whole pulp comics feel with the separate self contained chapters, terse dialogue and of course one of the coolest characters in any game: The Stranger. Definitely heavily inspired by old The Shadow comics.

I really wish that it had gotten a proper sequel but was definitely over shadowed at the time by so many other games coming out of the same type, especially on console. I think it being a PC exclusive really hurt the popularity of the game, because it got a pretty good reception on it's release. It's still cool though that they made an unofficial sequel, the first Blair Witch game which incorporated characters and lore from the original.

On the other hand, the only complaint about this game and that is getting stuck on door during cutscenes since they are animated using the game engine. I cannot tell you how many times that I had to reload or skip one just because either I or another character got stuck on something. It's pretty funny actually, but after 30 or 40 times it's gets really old really fast.

As for Devilman I've been looking into Japanese games that I missed as a kid because now my understanding is much higher but this one completely passed me by so I'll have to give it a playthrough at the least, thanks.

>> No.4412846
File: 227 KB, 715x606, Go_Nagai_mangainanutshell_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, its adapted from Go Nagai stuff, so that makes sense for it to be great.
Thanks for a great recommendation.

>> No.4413463

Young people are used to the standarization of controls.

They don't realize that they will get used after half an hour.

>> No.4413485
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Never had a problem with tank controls. Would had liked shooting while walking though.

>> No.4413504
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Yeah, I played it coming straight from reading the manga, which I liked better than I had liked the anime a decade prior and then the game has yet a third similar but again divergent story.

You've played Dark Corners of the Earth right? And Eternal Darkness was mentioned earlier.

And it's funny because usually I fucking HATE that like Hellnight but I knew what was going to happen sooner or later. The payoff was a slight letdown but solid enough - probably about as much fun as Nightmare Creatures then that "fuck you, failure" bad ending is probably not keeping me from something I'll probably also wonder why I never spoiled for myself if and when I play it but it all came together for an unforgettable experience

>> No.4413590

people usually say that when something -wrong- is said.

>> No.4414527
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>PE1 does NOT have tank controls, they are camera centric controls.
>The definition of survival horror which I consider "just right" is "action-adventure game, with a pre-dominent horror theme and survival gameplay mechanics".

>> No.4414814

Dino crisis

>> No.4414850
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Galerians for Playstation