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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 10 KB, 480x300, 0615_keen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4400321 No.4400321 [Reply] [Original]

>finally have enough money for a home personal computer
>bring it home it and set it up
>can only afford CGA
>install a game and get blinded by purple and cyan

>> No.4400327

>what is composite

>> No.4400343

Literally me circa 1990

>> No.4400375
File: 16 KB, 640x200, Ultima2_CompVsRGB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ffs

>> No.4400437 [DELETED] 

22 years olds who play CGA games and roleplay on /vr/ don't know that, silly

>> No.4400441

22 years olds who play CGA games in DOSBox and roleplay on /vr/ don't know that, silly

>> No.4400451

I unironically love the purple and cyan

>> No.4400481


27-year old here, my family could afford VGA but I never did know of a way to alter the appearance of the rare CGA game I'd come across. I'd be interested in an explanation as to what you're talking about.

>> No.4400485


>> No.4400491

We never tried connecting that kind of monitor. I never would've known.

>> No.4400497

My Headstart Explorer certainly had no composite output

>> No.4400504
File: 531 KB, 1500x599, ibm_cga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what you get for buying gimped hardware

>> No.4400508

Not that anon, but
>THIS produced CGA graphics
Technology sure has improved since then.

>> No.4400527

>finally have enough money for a home personal computer
>buying a piece of shit what is IBM PC

>> No.4400529

CGA technology sure hasn't

>> No.4400539

Maybe he wanted to use it as more than just a toy.

>> No.4400548

Most of that is just RAM, various character ROMs and the composite encoder. The actual CGA generating side is comparatively small.

>> No.4400563

>he bought an IBM PC instead of an Atari ST

>> No.4400603

Should have at least said "Amiga". Now everyone knows you're trolling.

>> No.4400604

you should see all those old 12" long adaptor cards from days of old

>> No.4400608

That's a lotta card for just an adaptor.

>> No.4401089

But anon, Atari gives you Power Without the Price™

>> No.4401126
File: 2 KB, 320x200, atari_us_demo_15.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well im sure convinced now

>> No.4401312

Nice blog. Where can I unsubscribe?

>> No.4401372

>27-year old here
No wonder.
You're too young to have experienced CGA in its true for, being the best a PC could do.
When you where born, VGA already existed.

>> No.4401373

It's off the shelf shit.
Even at the time, if you would have really wanted, you could have scaled it all down to one IC and a few RAM chips. It just wasn't worth it.

>> No.4402039

It looks better this way anon

>> No.4402078
File: 25 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4402364

>listen to a kid who can't into electronics and wasn't even born when that card came out
lol no

>> No.4403013
File: 5 KB, 640x400, 2413-digger-pc-booter-screenshot-level-3s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's also palette 0. I actually prefer this one anyway.

>> No.4403781

Same here, I want OP to post more CGA title screens

>> No.4403783

Please post more CGA goodness

>> No.4403807
File: 7 KB, 320x200, indiana-jones-and-the-temple-of-doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4403826


I'm 32 and never knew that either.

That said, I Nostalgia like fuck seeing them CGA screens. And like previous anon, I unironically like them.

>> No.4403831


I want a thread where everybody posts fuck-huge cards for now-primitive tech and we all oooooh! and aaaaah! at the progress silicon has made over the years.

Yep, that sounds pretty comfy to me.

>> No.4403894

It's not the size of the card it's how you use it

>> No.4403919

Kill yourself already fag

>> No.4403938

>22 years olds who play CGA games in DOSBox
these people are the only ones who 'knew' it
nobody using the original hardware at the time did

>> No.4403939

>Playing CGA games in color.
>Not using a black and white monitor.
Get on my level.

>> No.4403941
File: 71 KB, 717x647, hoyle-vgacompare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4403945

I'm sure you're talking from "experience", anon.
Also, "I was 7 years old and no other kids in kindergarten knew it or used it!" is not an argument.

My older brother even had a small TV set up next to the computer just to use it for CGA games and that was in the mid 80's.

>> No.4403951

Hercules/HGC/MGA was just awesome, the sharpness and dithering was just so beautiful.

>> No.4403952
File: 2.16 MB, 3800x2780, 1510920700796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4403960

This. The only reason the card was this big was marketing reasons.

>> No.4403961

thank goodness for dosbox and sierra for supporting every graphics option and sound option under the sun so you can run 20 combinations of the game

>> No.4403964


DOSBox is shite these days, m80.

>> No.4403967

yeah but where else can i emulate CGA, EGA, VGA, HGC, SVGA, Adlib, SB, disney sound source, and GUS?????

>> No.4403970

I thank myself for actually having interest in this shit and having every hardware configuration, physically available to run them on.

You don't.
You use actual hardware.

>> No.4403971

That VGA looks more like EGA.

>> No.4403973

maybe in 2005 it was easy to get that, but with the rise of nostalgia retro and e-celebs, you're looking at hundreds of dollars to rebuild these machines today

>> No.4403975


That's the rub of it; DOSBox sux brix, but there's really nothing better that's cross-platform.

>> No.4403979

What about PCem?

>> No.4403980

Indeed, hence why DOSBox exists.

>> No.4403982

Still raw

>> No.4404004
File: 14 KB, 597x334, videoopt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decisions decisions

>> No.4404017
File: 13 KB, 640x480, prince_cga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4404023
File: 24 KB, 320x240, skate_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skate or die

>> No.4404036

I can't be the only ones who likes CGA over EGA. It only needs a little desaturation then it will be perfect.

>> No.4404038

>30 year old
>dad had a 486 with VGA graphics in 1992
>let me play on it all the time, trusted me with it completely
>I had no clue what an absurdly expensive machine he was letting my filthy little kid hands all over

Dude must've been fucking crazy.

>> No.4404050

>watching lazy game reviews
>literally the only game he ever tests is commander keen

what a faglord, bet that nigger doesnt even play any of the 2000 big box games he has besides sim ones

>> No.4404056

I was a CGA kid.
The feelings when we upgraded EGA is what I imagine people felt like when they went from black and white tvs to color.
Fucking emotional man.

>> No.4404059

>early 80s IBM
>doing stuff for anything other than purely functional reasons
>giving a solitary fuck about marketing wank for consumers

Yeah, no

>> No.4404217
File: 8 KB, 320x200, Keen4c_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CGA over RGB...

>> No.4404219
File: 357 KB, 1280x883, IM3zboO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and over composite from the same CGA card.

Fucking magical if you ask me.

>> No.4404350

This looks shockingly similar to the VGA output

>> No.4404358

wtf i love CGA now

>> No.4404376

You've got to eat your vegetables.

>> No.4404386

Well, the digital output is not clearly the same as the RGB, and only kinda works with NTSC.


>> No.4404395

Whichever. They're marked as the same mode on the configuration splash screen. I still find it hard to believe that those cards had similar capabilities if you just used the right kind of monitor.

>> No.4404414

>They're marked as the same mode on the configuration splash screen

VGA is hardware compatible with EGA. And if by "monitor" you mean composite, that's the encoding, which happens inside the card itself. See the rainbow patterns in the subtitle? That's basically the jist of how it works.

>> No.4404418

The best colors

>> No.4404434
File: 13 KB, 177x278, 1330539634922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eyebrows are black, hair strand is pink
>eyebrows and hair strand are the same color

>> No.4404452

look at, >>4400375

>> No.4404453
File: 1.81 MB, 212x173, 1414061354338.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nobody posted this video yet


For shame

>> No.4404458

What is output here >>4404217 is not the same image as in >>4404219. If you could get an RGB shot of composite mode, it would be a 640x200 b/w image with lots of stripes.

>> No.4404484

This explained pretty much everything I wanted to know. For shame indeed. Should've been the second post.

>> No.4404723

first thing i thought of when i saw this thread surprised it wasnt mentioned till now.

>> No.4405159
File: 11 KB, 320x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I actually get when simulating composite.

>> No.4405174
File: 6 KB, 640x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used this as reference.

>> No.4405176
File: 11 KB, 320x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like this if I invert the phase, hard to say which one works better.

>> No.4405459
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, 76edb2a1390ef85bff975367718559ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using a black and orange monitor

>> No.4405462

>Fucking magical if you ask me.
It just seems magic for you because you're a tech illiterate.
It's actually very simple.

>> No.4405464

Tell him, daddy.

>> No.4405465

What are you talking about?
It was cheaper to build the card from off the shelf parts then develop and fabricate a custom IC for everything.
The CGA controller was widely variable and used in many other machines.

Latter CGA cards implemented everything into one IC, hence you had small cards with just the controller and memory.

Like said. Marketing reasons.

>> No.4405474

Because CGA _literary_ only outputted 4 colors.
Sure it had other modes outputting more with lower resolutions, but those where rarely used, even the other palettes where rarely used.

Because composite artifacting is a thing.
Apple II also used it heavily.

>> No.4405671

>Not having your drunken father buy you a Tandy 1000 EX and getting superior graphics.
Anon, please, go back in time and get a drunk dad.

>> No.4405794





Some interesting technical reading on the subject of how many colors you can squeeze out of CGA.

>> No.4405819

s a m e

Doesn't work for everything, but it's a nice palette.

>> No.4406553


>> No.4406564

The Keen games are actually some of the most useful titles for testing hardware's DOS compatibility. They're very sensitive to the graphics implementation and any hardware that's not fully compliant with the published spec will result in obvious graphics glitches.

>> No.4406567

I get that, Im just sick of seeing commander keen, over and over in his reviews.

>> No.4407587

man pcs were so shitty back in the day. Every single picture posted in this thread looks like absolute dogshit.