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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4397994 No.4397994 [Reply] [Original]

Why did you decide to check out old games? People that played retro games on release need not to apply

>> No.4397996
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>People that played retro games on release need not to apply

>> No.4398004

I dont. I had a core set of games for each console growing up and I stray little from that. Even with access to full romsets for emulators i hardly play more than 5 non-childhood games because most suck

>> No.4398018

Because I’m catching up on games and consoles that I had heard of but missed out on as a child

>> No.4398027

Played those consoles when a child but missed a lot of games.

>> No.4398031

I watched AVGN and decided to check out this ugly dated shit.

>> No.4398032

I wanted to watch AVGN so I prepared by playing every video game ever released before the year 2000.

>> No.4398091

I grew up with Nintendo consoles until the ps2 or so. I tried Sega emulating as a lark and kind of fell in love with it. I like old plastic garbage so I ended up buying a Mega Drive and some games.
It's amazing and I regret nothing

>> No.4398176

Well i'm outing myself as a Nintendrone bandwagoner here, but Super Smash Bros made me do it.

When I was a kid I only cared about Mario and Pokemon games, and games based on movies and cartoons I was already familiar with.

When Mario and Pikachu crossed over in Smash Bros, there were all these other characters that I thought were pretty cool too.
So a friend of mine let me borrow some of his other N64 games, and eventually, the wii was released with virtual console, and the VC ended up being the part of the system that excited me the most since there were so many classic games that I was playing for the first time. Getting one of those old points cards and hearing the shop music made any day feel immediately better.

Eventually the Wii was modded and I just added as many games as possible to it, which kinda didn't feel as good and I never knew what to play. I think I preferred getting one or two new games at a time so I could just focus on playing those.

>> No.4398179

I grew up with old sega games, my dad bought me Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection when I was 4

>> No.4398441

>had a Genesis and PS1 as a kid
>GBA came around, got some sweet ports and wanted more
I wanted to see the other half so to speak. Pretty nice, not to start a console war but I kinda wish I had an SNES instead honestly.

>> No.4398791


because im not gonna spent money on videogames and my pc can only handle retro games.

>> No.4398797

You get to go to heaven

>> No.4398859


I know what you mean, was a nes, then genesis kid, glad I grew out of the console war mentality. SNES is a really cool console, but I think genesis was right for me as a teenager. I'd have never enjoyed umihara kawase back then, but it's great fun now.

>> No.4398868

When I was a kid the only Sega Genesis games I ever played were Sonic and Golden Axe (I thought they were good), my crew were always Nintendo owners (only a few friends even had Playstations) and I just didn't have many opportunities to play the system. Picked up a Genesis in the 2000s because I played Lunar 2 on emulator and thought it was sick. Its basically having an entire second library of 16bit hits that I hadn't played yet which is simply amazing.

>> No.4399364

Then you are actually a renegade. You would not give a fuck about retrogames if you had a better machine. Get out of here traitor.

>> No.4399367

>People that played retro games on release need not to apply
since when do we @ /vr/ listen to millennial faggotry? oh, that's right. FUCKING NEVER. did you forget where you were? this isn't the land of cuck called /v/, moron.

>> No.4399373

4chan is a site created by and used by Millenials. That's great that you are a 50 year old posting here for some reason, but that's unusual.

>> No.4399375

Not on /vr/ it isn't.

>> No.4399386

Sorry >>4395160 ?

>> No.4399596

Full disclosure, I was born in 84, I have very vague memories of there being an intellivision in the house. Then we had an nes, we had all 3 super marios plus some sports games and wrestling games (one of the bases loaded, blades of steel, wrestlemania challenge) so probably like 8-10 games at most.
10 year old me gave my nes to my then friend, dumb move, ever since then (and this was like 1994 or 95 we're talking about) I have thought about getting an nes again but never have. Also had a genesis which really got me into gaming and just like above, wondered how the snes games were, a gba sp would help feed that.
But ultimately especially with NES, emulation has just been how I've checked it out, and at this point I associated emulating NES more than when I actually had one. SNES I never had the actual console.
Also I like playing ps1 games lately too since I had a n64.
I think one of the main things is games were just more fun to me then and simpler, they didn't rely on online, have microtransactions, have to install into the hdd. It just loaded up and play.
I have a raspberry pi and love it, the absolute best is mame for sure, especially playing arcade versions of games I love.

>> No.4399623

>born in 84
aren't you a little young to post here?

>> No.4399665

Because I am terrified of the though that game graphics have changed and I might not know the difference between reality and a game. Because I fear disappointment and fear these games to be worse than the games I have been playing. Because I hate retro gaming, but put such a significance on gaming that touching something I enjoyed could make me emotional to the point of suicide. Because I am so easily sexually aroused that the sight of a female is enough to make that game into porn for me, meaning I need games without women in them. Because I hate waiting and don't want to wait for a sequel, instead knowing the games I touch are dead but still there like giant monoliths. Because everyone says these games are good and I am trying to convince myself through constant exposure therapy that they are good. Because I fear advancements in gaming in the last 20 years as it could be impossible to catch up, even if I wanted to, because I have fallen so far behind. So now I just play the retro games I know or play some new one which I am bound to hate because I hate all retro games. I hate all games probably. I hate music, I hate television, and I hate reality. I am not sure I have the propensity to like things. So my only hope is to live out my life playing retro games and hope something shows me happiness.

>> No.4399668

98 kiddy here, grew up on hand-me-downs so I played a lot of N64 and GBC games growing up. When I got a GBA one of the first games I got was LttP, which probably cemented my love of 16-bit consoles. Also had one of those plug-n-play Atari things.

>> No.4399702

I didn't decide to, I just had them handed down to me from family. All my consoles up to PS2 were handed down to me. Still have all of them as well

>> No.4399706

You alright hun? x

>> No.4399717

I had always played older games because I couldn't afford the newest hardware and games as a teenager.
But what really got me into them was the creation of this board.

>> No.4399750

Because they're harder than the garbage we have nowadays

>> No.4399920

You need a good book for that, for example, the stranger.

>> No.4400130

make me

>> No.4400145

>i got bored in college and dug out my old Playstation.
>Quickly realized my games were shit (Grand Turismo 2, Jedi power Battles, Dune 2000, Rampage)
>Once I started looking games up online I started to fall into retro gaming oblivion
>then I became obsessed....
>I didn't stop looking up gameplay footage of random obscure PS1 games
>I didn't stop checking eBay prices and checking craigslist everyday
>it was game over at that point...

>> No.4400163

I got into vidya in 7th grade (2009 or 2010?) because I found my old GameCube. I played Sunshine and loved it, and since I didn't have a Wii I decided to get an N64 so I could play more Mario. Super Mario 64 blew me away, and Ocarina of Time even moreso. I guess this turned me into a Nintendo fanboy, and I ended up buying a SNES and got an NES for free (found it in the garbage). I still remained largely an N64/GCN guy though.

Years passed and my interest in retro gaming kind of faded. I decided to sell my gaming stuff to get some money for college, but wanted to play one last game before I did. The game was Chrono Trigger, which I hadn't yet played, and I absolutely loved it. I still ended up selling my games and consoles though since I knew I could get USB controllers and emulate. Eventually I moved to Wii emulation, and back to hardware (JP consoles and flash carts), and ever since then I've been really hardcore into retro games. My hardware collection consists of a Famicom, Super Famicom, N64, Wii, Genesis, PC Engine, PS1, PS2, NGPC, and GBA.

>> No.4400193

I grew up with my older brother's Atari despite being born in 88; been playing 'retro' games ever since. Usually because I could get them for cheap in high school and my folks wouldn't (usually) buy me video games.

>> No.4400223

>and back to hardware
Ah mate you were doing so well.

I have a wii hooked up to my TV in the living room for emulation and for when people come over. Then I have my PC in my office for work/games/more demanding emulation.

>> No.4400245

I think it's kind of weird that when I was a kid I barely would get any games, and then as I got older my parents would just buy me whatever I wanted at any time. I missed a lot of great old games because back when I was playing the original systems we never actually purchased that many games. Flash forward and I get more and more games every year.

>> No.4400250

Personal preferences, I guess. I like sitting down, powering on the console, using the real controller, etc; it gets me in the zone and ready to game. Though I'm also into console modding and retro development so real hardware is necessary for that.

In any case, I got all my hardware for dirt cheap so I could flip it for a profit if I decide to go back to emulation. My PC Engine/CD-ROM2 is going for like $250 on eBay and I got it for $60 plus shipping through Yahoo Auctions.

>> No.4400263

Damn, I should sell my IFU and broken CD-ROM drive since I only play HuCard stuff anyway.

>> No.4400278

What about old poor fags that didn't play retro games on release. Do they count?

>> No.4400284

I get where people are coming from, popping in the game and playing on the real console on a CRT, its nice. But I can't justify having several grand sitting on the shelf. Plus I recently impregnated my girlfriend so that's going to cost me dearly...

What game are you developing and for what system?

>> No.4400309

I'd watch my older brother play SNES/N64 and it made me curious about past-generation games. I got a Wii when I was a bit older and got to play the same games I saw my brother play on the Virtual Console. That led me to branch off into retro games as a whole.

>> No.4400348

Well, I was working on an SNES RPG for like a year before I got bored with that. I was just using RPG Tsukuru 2 (RPG Maker for SFC), so there wasn't really any real coding involved.

Right now I'm making on a shooting game for the Genesis in C using SGDK. The plan is for four levels with different mechanics: overhead shooter, horizontal shooter, side-scrolling run n' gun (auto-running, so kind of similar to the mine cart level from Gunstar Heroes), and overhead run n' gun (like the overhead levels in Super C). It's ambitious, but if I get bored with it I'll at least be able to cut my losses and release a level or two. My biggest problem is finding artists; I know more than enough programmers and musicians, but no one that does art. So far I've just been using sprites ripped from Thunder Force IV since I'm just working on physics, but I'll need some actual art once I start putting the levels together.

>> No.4400356

>I grew up with old sega games, my dad bought me Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection when I was 4

That game came out in 2009, so you're saying that you're 13 now? See ya.

>> No.4400386

Psst... he might be talking about the Sonic Mega Collection for GameCube.

>> No.4400393

>there wasn't really any real coding involved.
Pretty amazing you can make a snes game without code. I do a lot of ASM and C for my day job. Interested in making a SNES or NES game, just finding the time, my job is pretty involved.

>My biggest problem is finding artists

I think the biggest problem is artists are creative people and like programmers want to work on their own "projects". It would be hard for them to come along and be told "make x,y and z asset". As a programmer if you told me "make x,y and z feature", I'd need to be paid to do it too. I'd rather be working on my own feature.

But SNES level art is not too hard to master, there are several good courses online.

>> No.4400473

Well it's an RPG Maker game (for the SFC no less), so it's pretty limited in what you can do. You really have to stretch the limits of the engine to make something even remotely impressive. Also, the game data saves to an SRAM file that is run in RPG Tsukuru 2; I was able to hack the RPG Tsukuru 2 ROM to replace the sample game with my game, so it is technically a standalone ROM now. However, to make it look presentable I'd have to change the main menu around completely, which is outside the scope of my 65816 knowledge. It sucks that the tools for making SNES games are so limited when compared to consoles like the Genesis, PSX, or even TG16.

My main problem is just that I don't personally know any artists, and finding dedicated ones over the internet is near impossible. I suppose I could just keep working with the ripped art I've been using for now, but I'm just really desperate for an artist. I've already had one game fall apart because I couldn't make art or find an artist, and I really want to keep going with this one.

>> No.4400526

>o we @ /vr/ listen to millennial faggotry? oh, that's right. FUCKING NEVER.

Dude, millennials grew up on nes/snes/genesis. The term millennial has a huge age range. It can even include people born in 1980, aka 36-37 year olds.

Not saying your sentiment is wrong, but you might want to find another term, it might not mean what you think it means.

>> No.4400535

A lot of millennials like me grew up on Master System because it was the budget option compared to genesis here in Europe.

>> No.4400537 [DELETED] 

Mega Drive* goddamn fucking yanks infecting me with their lingo.

>> No.4400538

In Brazil the Master System is still super popular, like the Neo Geo.

>> No.4400542

What?? You mean they still play it? Is it sold in shops or?

>> No.4400918

My uncle introduced me to them.
I got a famiclone afterwards because my parents didn't want me to have modern consoles for some reason.

>> No.4401043

>Why did you decide to check out old games?
I was born during the end of 3rd gen. So when I had an internet connection I checked everything that my mates at school played.

Now I'm playing more mature games now that I'm older. Like 'I have no mouth...'

>> No.4401078

Well I didn't play any retro games on release but I did grow up with them. My older brother and I shared N64, PS1, Genesis and GBC/Pocket. Good times.

>> No.4401390

In the early 80's when I decided to check out some old pinball machines.
Nice selfie btw

>> No.4401436
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>my parents didn't want me to have modern consoles for some reason.
>for some reason.
I wonder why

>> No.4401468
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>People that played retro games on release need not to apply

>> No.4401484

to add something to the topic, I tried to get my nephew into retro games... but he sucks ass. He can't even finish the first half of the first level of MegaManX after 20 or so attemps. We also played SuperProbotector which is two player so I can cover his ass. But man, modern gamers suck. I gotta say my niece is weird. She only gets perfect grades at school and also is good at games. The odd part is, because she is naturally good at them, I feel like she doesn't feel it. She just presses the buttons in times and remembers enemies, but doesn't enjoy the atmosphere and ideas of the game. So she gets bored quick... so the problem in the end is, niece is good at games but a girl, so she only really enjoys bad games like thesims and life is strange... and my nephews doesn't enjoy them because he sucks... :)

>> No.4401506


>> No.4401515

>sonic the age-hog

10000 hours in photoshop without a good joke to begin with, disgusting

>> No.4401543

everyone always said all these old games are the best ones, so i tried them and they were right.

>> No.4401568

you're 14 so that really offends you