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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4392874 No.4392874 [Reply] [Original]

Actual tables and/or digital

>> No.4392894
File: 477 KB, 800x1150, dukenukem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've got balls of STEEL

>> No.4394520
File: 147 KB, 577x769, firepower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digital machines just can't recreate the real thing. Once you get yourself a good table, the digital stuff just won't do.

I did *substantial* work on this Firepower, and I've got it about 95%. It's so well designed, as most Steve Ritchie tables are, the replay value is through the roof. I play this 10x as much as all of my other games combined.

>> No.4394535

I really don't get pinball. Someone redpill me on it

>> No.4394542
File: 70 KB, 640x480, Dino_Land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and Jaki Crush on pce are best shit

>> No.4394568

>pick out a good table
>Get a roll of quarters

>> No.4394576

Necronomicon for Saturn. Played it for the first time today. Excellent game

>> No.4394671
File: 6 KB, 172x448, Pinball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can play this forever

>> No.4395008

Agreed. In the last two years a few different retro-centric arcades with substantial pinball opened in my area, and now the only times I play the simulations is to learn the rules on games I'm unfamiliar with.

Do you have any other tables? If not, Firepower is a great choice for a single game, very balanced.

>> No.4396334


This game needs a Visual Pinball X recreation, an old one for VP7? seems to exist but I can't find it.

>> No.4396339

this cracka know what's up.

>> No.4396476

$4 per table Vs $1500+ for a single table

Hmm... I can't quite put my finger on why digital seems like the better option?

>> No.4396590

Where do I get this?

>> No.4396594


>> No.4396613

>tfw no Visual Pinball equivalent for OS X

Feels bad man.

>> No.4396642

Its the precursor to videogames. Predates them by decades and is a total sensory experience. Pulsing lights, loud as fuck music, gorgeous art, rumble and slamming of metal balls, pinging bumpers and it's blazing fast in real life. Coupled with cool themes and deep rulesets that are easy to get into but difficult to master. Very addictive and you WANT that top score where as in other videogames who gives a fuck about the tip score really?

>> No.4396685

Cause youre a cheap cunt

>> No.4396691

I still can't find a real table that addicts me like Pokemon Pinball for the GameBoy. I don't even really care for Pokemon but I have hours upon hours clocked in that game.

>> No.4396718

No, Firepower is my first table so far. Got it for $850 off of CL, and wound up replacing all of the boards in it, chasing down gremlins. I put a Rottendog MPU and power supply in it, and a Swemmer sound board. It's good for another 30 years now!

I actually wouldn't mind tackling an EM table next, but my Holy Grail is an Addams' Family. Can't afford one of those fuckers, though.

If I had an EM, this SS Firepower, and a nice DMD, I'd be set.

>> No.4396721

I wanna play games so i bought a mac

>> No.4396725

Have you played the other Pinball games by HAL on gameboy?

>> No.4396751

The gator one is cool. Kirby feels oddly depressing, dunno why.

>> No.4396779

>What bro you won't even buy Ghostbusters LE for $9000 you're so fucking cheap bro lmao

>> No.4396859
File: 706 KB, 1200x1800, GrandPrixPlay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could find one, Grand Prix is the best EM ever, IMO. Highly recommended.

>> No.4396924


>> No.4397116
File: 3.57 MB, 2592x3872, swordsoffury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swords of Fury.

>> No.4397234

You're gonna have to torrent it, Balls of Steel pinball has been removed from gog and steam for awhile, you also need a loader

>> No.4397270

I like games that have unique visual effects in multiball, like Atlantis, Fire!, and Space Station. I fucking love Space Station and its dumb slingshots.


>> No.4397291

>for amusement only

No sir, I am going to use it for paving my driveway.

>> No.4397293

You do know the real meaning of that warning, right?

>> No.4397294

No, I do not.

>> No.4397297

It means no gambling. Play for fun, not money.

>> No.4397298

Oh. I did not know that. Thank you.

>> No.4397305
File: 566 KB, 887x1153, inlanesareforpussies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Station has fantastic music. It's not in this video, but it does the same thing as Swords of Fury where each ball locked adds a new layer/melody line to the music.


>> No.4397397
File: 49 KB, 628x628, 105426_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is greatest pinball game of all time.

>> No.4397404

Great game, but it's a little too easy to get to the final match with Germany.

>> No.4397423
File: 95 KB, 640x480, Pro-Pinball-Big-Race-USA-Demo_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4397497

The mid-late 80s was a great time for pinball music that integrated with gameplay. There'd be little details like proper transitions between songs or different ball drain tunes depending on the song playing. Banzai Run is a personal favorite. The music does a fantastic job at building tension in the final stages.

>> No.4397568

I personally love Japanese history and culture. Are there and "Yooooooo~ kun kun" themed pinball machines?

>> No.4397579
File: 445 KB, 1200x1600, mikoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but not from any of the big US companies. The closet you'd get from the big names are a few martial arts themed games like Bally's Black Belt and Stern's Dragonfist. The Williams game Road Kings was originally going to be called/themed Samurai instead. There's also Bushido from the Spanish company Inder, and Kabuki from Data East, a reskin of Tommy given to Namco's chairman as a sympathy for his cancer.

However, Sega (the real one, not "Data East 2") produced several EM pinball games in Japan, many with distinctly Japanese themes. This is one of the most fascinating areas of pinball for me that I would love to know more about, but the only way to play any of them would be to get to Japan. There are some game museums there that feature them. Check the videos on this channel.


>> No.4398084


>"balls of steel abandonware"
>"balls of steel loader"

One gets you the iso and the 2nd gets you the tool that will run it on newer Windows.

>> No.4398145
File: 1.01 MB, 2736x2052, spaceshuttle2__05506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Pic related is greatest pinball game of all time.


Greatest of all time? Best one I played = pic related

>> No.4398183

>pinball FX 3 release today delayed until December sometime


>> No.4398268

>but my Holy Grail is an Addams' Family.
found the fucking pleb.

>> No.4398271

fantastic journey is my fav digi table, big race is great though and timeshock ultra on steam is incredible to.

>> No.4398387

There's a guy in my town that has a *completely* restored Space Shuttle. It's goddamned amazing, and after the restoration, he hasn't even played it. He says it's just too pretty. And the kicker? It's signed by 3 actual Shuttle Astronauts!

It's cool though, because the guy owns Ksarcade DOT net, and he has about a dozen and a half other tables in his house that he can play.

>> No.4398392
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>> No.4398528

Looks like I better go to glorious Nippon to try out some pinball games.

>> No.4398636


>> No.4398740


>> No.4399018
File: 554 KB, 879x1141, sorcererflyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Shuttle is excellent, but this is the best System 9 game.

Williams was so good at the Dungeons and Dragons heavy metal medieval fantasy aesthetic.

>> No.4399050

I never understand this attitude. I own my own machine and I still enjoy digital pinball just as much if not more than ever. Yea, TPA isn't great, but VPX and PM5 are fucking amazing even still.

I know that feel. I highly recommend the Vs. version if you've played the NES one to death.

>> No.4399224

>Yea, TPA isn't great, but VPX and PM5 are fucking amazing even still.
Pro pinball is great to,ppl who need the table to also exist irl are fucking weird tbqh.

I play both and adapt because its all pinball, good players will play anything it's always the all show no go gimmick fags that go all elitist and they're always shit to for some reason.

>> No.4399324
File: 3 KB, 256x240, 0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vs. Pinball is awesome. I love how it has the repeating background noise like the early solid-state games.