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File: 77 KB, 800x788, Hexen2JewelFront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4388026 No.4388026 [Reply] [Original]

This game is severely underrated and overshadowed by Quake. It uses a modified Quake engine but it is nothing like Quake. I see it as a slow paced first person dungeon crawl with light RPG elements. Alot of people complain about the cryptic puzzles but really the only hard one is in the Egypt hub. The first hub can also be tricky because its easy to miss a hidden button or area. I enjoyed this game alot and i think it deserves more recognition. Thoughts?

>> No.4388031

You can get the source port here:


>> No.4388032

Both Hexen's and Heretic's sequels are overlooked largely because the originals were so much better and also because the sequels were so much different.

>> No.4388037


Heretic 2 sucks and Hexen 2 is superior to the first installment imo.

>> No.4388071

Hexen 2 is anything but a slow paced first person dungeon crawl. It's Quake on crack.

>> No.4388076

Imagine playing Quake in badly designed and confusing levels while having mostly only the axe as your weapon and going through loading corridors every few rooms. The ammo system is so poorly done, even ranged characters have to resolve to melee most of the time. Such fun.

The original Heretic was an excellent dark fantasy shooter precisely because it was mostly a reskin of Doom, the new formula they developed for Hexen was pushing it (too confusing layouts, too much reliance on melee, tons of worthless items because they had to have an RPG style inventory, meaningless stats etc), but Hexen II was downright bullshit. And so it flopped/

I still play through Hexen II every few years or so, can't help being a huge Quake fan I guess. It feels like a campy 90's TC, in a so bad it's good way.

>> No.4388087


Your playing it wrong. All those items you collect on your way are there to be used. Also if you want more "RPG" see the new GOT Mod.


>> No.4388127


Level design is generally good and the game forces you to explore. Each main hub has around 3 sub hubs and provides enough clues to solve the puzzles.I think the problem most people have is that they expect it to be like Quake, find the key and unlock the door. This game requires more thinking and exploring.

>> No.4388148

Portal of Praevus > Hexen II

The expansion pack is seriously miles ahead of the original game.

>> No.4388645

Yeah, the expansion pack's a bit better. Those exploding little enemies are bullshit though. And so goes for the boss, he takes forever to kill, while you can die in a couple of hits.

>> No.4388647

As a guy that loves Heretic and Hexen, I have no real interest in the sequels. I mean >>4388071
doesn't look too bad with how fast he's going. I just feel something gets lost with these games with their move to real 3D rather than sprites. The sprites game the game a look and feel that polygon graphics can just not duplicate. They should have did what Blood and Duke Nukem 3D did if they wanted some real 3D. Just give us both but make sure those character models stay sprites at least.

>> No.4388668

>meaningless stats
No shit. Dexterity and Intelligence in Hexen 2 do nothing at all. The source code is freely available, you can check that yourself. You'd think they would at least control your speed and mana pool, but nooo.

The game should've spent another year in development. Guess they were too busy chasing the rapidly changing tech.

>> No.4391184


I like the expansion but it's very linear compared to the original game. Puzzles were also too easy and the demoness it way too overpowered.

>> No.4392069
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She's pretty weak outside of Tempest's Staff and Tome'd Firestorm.

>> No.4392123

I finished the whole expansion pack just using her default weapon, it's the only ranged one with infinite ammo, kinda like the sapphire wand in original Hexen. She can also glide in mid-air and thus reach more places than the other classes.

>> No.4392189

I personally think the 3D levels complements the game perfectly. You don't even need a map to navigate the game.

>> No.4392190


I had the most fun playing as Paladin in both games. Kinda like a first person Zelda.

>> No.4392675

Sure but Bloodfire doesn't have the advantages that make the Sapphire Wand as amazing as it was: (nearly) hitscan, enemy piercing, and infinite range. It helps her conserve mana but at the same time she has pretty high mana costs for the low-average damage she deals.

>> No.4392679

I've loved Hexen ever since I found it for 3 dollars in a bargain bin as a kid (the linux version was 1 dollar). It was super frustrating, and I never actually completed the game legit until at least 5 years after acquiring it, but when it clicked, it clicked.

Hexen 2 was offputting immediately. For starters, it has worse graphics than Hexen 1 and was really ugly at the time of its release. In this sort of moody "find the key" game, where you are looking at the same things repeatedly, it is just too ugly. And nothing about the game positively offsets this. It feels disgustingly primitive and I can't stand it.

>> No.4394235
File: 287 KB, 891x689, Hexen Maniac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Hexen 1.

>> No.4394242

Hexen II was my first PC game evah. And i gotta say i had much more fun with Hexen II than i had with Quake II.

>> No.4394398

Hexen 2>Hexen 1
This is the patrician opinion

>> No.4394409
File: 349 KB, 1704x943, 1505095149575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4394445

Hexen 1
>Obtuse, impossible to figure out without a guide, puzzles
>Boring weapons and no Tome of Power to spice things up
>Level design is all the same grey stone medieval shit

Anyone that says that Hexen 1 is better is either a contrarian faggot or a Doom fanboy

>> No.4394447

>impossible to figure out without a guide

Speak for yourself.

>> No.4394450

Oh look at the big boy who managed to figure out Seven Portals all by himself without looking up a guide. Wow, you must be so smart.

>> No.4394454

>Anyone that says that Hexen 1 is better is either a contrarian
That's ironic as fuck.
>or a Doom fanboy
How so? Hexen plays nothing like Doom.

>> No.4394464

Doom fanboys are biased towards everything that runs on the Doom engine. God forbid you say you prefer Quake.

>> No.4394467

They shit on Hexen too.

>> No.4394475

No, Hexen runs on Doom, so they consider it one of "theirs".

>> No.4394491

Very few Doom fans actually play Hexen. Just look up a random Hexen thread on Doom World or w/e, the OP will be like "hey guys, anyone actually bothered to complete Hexen" or "there was that one time when I actually tried to play Hexen instead of just using it as a modder's resource".

There's a reason Brutal Hexen never really took off. There's a reason melee doesn't work in early FPS games. Same goes for Hexen 2 really, the most popularity it got is its content being recycled for Quake mods like Arcane Dimensions.

>> No.4394528

>bothered to complete Hexen
This does not stop them from wanking Hexen. Not completing it is something that is not exclusive to Doomers anyway, it's every player that didn't have super patience and didn't have/want to look up on a guide. Sorry for wankers, but many of those puzzles were unbelievable, absolute bullshit. No way in hell one could figure them out on their own.

This is why Hexen 2 blows the first game out of the water. It's puzzles are hard, but intuitive, and perfectly solvable without having to resort to outside help.

Level design is another point of the second Hexen's superiority. I played both games a long time ago, but I barely remember H1's environments, there was the seven portals, a swamp and then what, a cathedral? Or it was a castle? It all looked the same anyway. Meanwhile, I easily remember that H2 had medieval, Aztec, Egyptian and Greco-Roman hubs, plus a Tibetan hub on the expansion. They were all pretty memorable.

>> No.4396546
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x768, 1389379317934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what was your favorite class? I'm fond of the Demoness. I love the runes she uses for her spells and how she's Eidolon's apprentice. Her being left handed is a nice touch since the left hand is associated with being evil.

>> No.4396598

Hexen 2 wasn't that much different from Hexen 1.

>> No.4397823
File: 21 KB, 214x227, Sheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably Paladin. Divine Intervention is one of the best powers in the game and hacking enemies to death with my vorpal sword is fun. Gotta splat them all.

>> No.4397837

If anybody's still playing Hexen II, this is the best fan made map pack to come out in years:


>> No.4397845

>Hexen II
i wandered around a medieval castle town for a couple hours shooting monsters with ONE really weak ranged weapon because the melee weapon was even weaker, then i shot a skeleton on a horse that was walking around in circles until it died, then i wandered around some egyptian lava tunnels for a couple minutes until i ran into a furry with a wall of hitpoints a mile thick that took most of my one really weak ranged weapon's ammo to kill, then i stopped playing forever. welp that's my Hexen II story, thanks for listening

(granted the game LOOKED better than Quake, but you know what else looked better than Quake? literally everything)

>> No.4397865


You just suck at the game.

>> No.4398282

>he didn't push Were-Jaguars into lava with Discs of Repulsion

>> No.4398778

looks neat

never post again

>> No.4400394

I've been meaning to get into these games.

>> No.4400415

I was disappointed when I purchased it.

>> No.4400428

Man, this is awesome as fuck.

>> No.4401295


If you've never played Hexen 2 i recommend you start playing the expansion first or have a walkthrough ready for the original game just in case. When you fall in the water sometimes you cant jump out, dont worry its not a glitch, you need to use the swim up button to jump out. Learn what the spells do too. Have fun.

>> No.4402069
File: 936 KB, 320x240, 1388832325313.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crusader has the best Tome effects.

>> No.4402275

you don't need a walkthrough for hexen 2 its less confusing than hexen 1 overall

>> No.4402882

i only fuck around with hammer of thyrion it tried to remain as true to vanilla as possible but adds things like widescreen and modern resolution support of course

>> No.4402885

I like you

fuck demons they will be smashed by the might of god.

>> No.4402904
File: 305 KB, 1470x712, ice_guardian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring it on, fuccboi.