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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4379516 No.4379516 [Reply] [Original]

This one right here. It just goes through all JRPG cliches like time travel, the amnesiac hero, heroes of light saving the magic crystals etc. without adding anything to the genre. You can just skip every battle due to the enemies actively walking around in the game's world. Barely any forced battles means that there is little to no challenge involved. The characters are pretty weak, too. A frog, seriously? And the coolest villain even joins your party. Imagine Kefka joining your Party in FF3US. And the soundtrack isn't anything special, either.

>> No.4379523

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.4379531
File: 76 KB, 1024x768, Half-Life-half-life-663708_1024_768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the age of Quake and Unreal. Twitch shooting. Move fast dodging rockets...enter the half hour intro that includes riding a tram, talking to scientists, and pushing a cart. But it doesn't stop there. Right when you think shit is about to get serious, spend another half hour running into dismayed scientsits and guards. Find a crow bar but nothing to hit. Get a pistol and rifle but find no ammo...

This game bored me to death when the gaming world had such a hard on for it. I never understood it to this day.

>> No.4379542


Yes, this game was the end of the first person shooter. There is also that section where you ride on that fucking lorry and have to clear the tracks. Takes forever, so boring.

>> No.4379581

Worst part is that it feels like a fast twitch shooter compared to what's on the market today.

>> No.4379695
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Who the fuck had amnesia? Robo for 5 seconds when his internal circuits were damaged? Also every concept ever is cliche, it's more about how you use them than what you use, CT is one of the few to use time travel very effectively.

Heroes of light saving the magic crystals? There are no crystals you have to save in the game, now you're just making shit up, probably thinking of a Final Fantasy game or something. LOL at heroes of light considering this was the first notable game where a villain would switch sides and become an ally to the other protagonists.

Adds nothing to the genre? Yeah it's not like it revolutionized RPGs and gaming as a whole with concepts as minor as barrier changing bosses to ones as major as combination attacks, new game+ and multiple entirely different endings based on when the game is beaten and what actions are performed. Some games might've done that first but really CT is the reason they're so prevalent today.

You can't skip every battle because many of them are scripted when you run past a certain tile (cleverly, some depend on which way you're running across it) and others ambush you, not to mention it has a plethora of boss fights. Most people actually praise the lack of random encounters because it lets the player have more challenge the less they go after enemies, no real grinding required.

Yeah Frog is so weak he sliced a mountain in half.

>Two of the greatest composers in Japan
>Soundtrack is nothing special

Not sure if this was bait considering the state of this board but I'm bored right now so there's your (you)

>> No.4379706

Half life, Doom, fps shit in general.

>> No.4379728


>> No.4379731

>the amnesiac hero

>> No.4379741

i r8 8/8

>> No.4379785

Alternate title: What is the Pulp Fiction of retro vidya?

Is Halo 1 retro? If so, that.

If not, Mortal Kombat.

>> No.4379806
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Time travel? You mean cheap map swapping gimmick.

Dude, I hate Chrono Trigger. Marle's character is only important for the first hour of the game. And when you go into the futuristic era, why doesn't the cavewoman freak out and mention all the mechs walking around? She just acts normal and unsurprised.

Final Fantasy VI is way better.

Mortal Kombat was meant to be a 2-player experience at the arcade. If you just play single player mode at home on a console, it sucks and the A.I. is broken.

Also, Shawshank Redemption is best film of the '90s

>> No.4379809

>Adds nothing to the genre?
>Some games might've done that first

That's a contradiction in terms.

Barrier changing bosses were used many times in several Final Fantasy games before Trigger.

Combination attacks aren't popular outside of SRPGs and Musou games of which Trigger is neither. They're only barely a thing in Cross. And like everything else, they cribbed this from a popular series, in this case Final Fantasy 4. Also the combination attacks in 4 are actually vastly greater than the sum of their parts - Trigger's combo attacks only barely outpace casting the spells individually and their only viable use is to cover for a character with a bad matchup.

New game plus has been around since Zelda 1, the better part of a decade before Trigger came out. That and Megaten deserve the lion's share of credit for the idea. Even Metroid gets in on this one.

As for multiple endings I'd defer to Phantasy Star series since some of those games required you to clear them several times to fully explain the plot. Trigger's multiple endings are two slightly different true endings (mutually exclusive) and a whole whack of joke endings that don't hold up under scrutiny.

So no, it adds nothing. It borrows concepts and uses them well but it doesn't innovate shit and certainly doesn't deserve credit for popularizing things that were already popular. The best you can say is that it popularized the term New Game+but definitely not the concept thereof.

I agreed with everything else you posted.

>> No.4379812

>that gif
If only MK Mythologies played like that.

>> No.4379818

Ayla DOES freak out and talk about Robo if you have him in your party. You've clearly never seen that cutscene.

>> No.4379825

>combo attacks
Pick one.

>> No.4379828

>if you have him in your party
Otherwise she doesn't freak out about the futuristic era?

>> No.4380090

Okay so:
> all JRPG cliches
They became cliches AFTER this game did it. They're cliches BECAUSE of CT.
>You can just skip every battle due to the enemies actively walking around in the game's world
That's complete and utter lie and proof that you're baiting. Like 80% of the battles are unavoidable anyway, it just feels better to have set and visible encounters rather than random and invisible.
>The characters are pretty weak,
>the coolest villain even joins your party.
Decide, are characters weak or cool? Villain joins your party because if the world is destroyed there is nothing to rule. What's fucking next, are you gonna complain that Bowser joins party in half the Mario games?
> soundtrack isn't anything special
Subjective opinion that most people disagree with, disregarded.

>> No.4380092

This game is about telling atmospheric story through a shooter, it's meant to be basically an interactive sci-fi action movie.
It's closer to System Shock than Quake.

>> No.4380119

I'd say 80% is highballing it a lot but at the same time it's not as severe as the OP says

>> No.4380137

Every single LoZ game other than Zelda II.

>> No.4380584

I get that. I also get HL set the stage for the FPS genre to mature. But the theme here is popular games we don't like and no matter how hard I tried Half Life barely held my attention. When it was out all the gamers in my high school wouldn't shut up about it, which made me the odd one out, which magnifies my distaste for the damn game.

>> No.4381037

Guess I'll ask here. I'm thinking of replaying CT with a main party of Lucca x Robo x Frog. Do any of them have a dual tech group heal?

>> No.4381162

I think Robo and Frog do. I know Marle and Frog/Robo do

>> No.4381225
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pick two

>> No.4381536

>Also, Shawshank Redemption is best film of the '90s
...if you are a housewife.

>> No.4381607

Have you tried the game again recently? It's been nearly two decades, it's possible you'll find it a little more palatable now.
I'm struggling to think of a worse thought out game than MK Mythologies.

>> No.4381715

He didn't bring up Titanic anon.

>> No.4381728

>He likes the odd one out in the entire franchise
It's a good game, Anon, but it's not a Zelda game.

>> No.4381735
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Doom. So much wasted potential. Same with Quake being a glorified tech demo.

>> No.4381783

>JRPG cliches
>like time travel,
>the amnesiac hero,
>heroes of light saving the magic crystals etc. without adding anything to the genre.
>You can just skip every battle due to the enemies actively walking around in the game's world.
>Barely any forced battles means that there is little to no challenge involved.
>The characters are pretty weak, too. A frog, seriously?
>And the coolest villain even joins your party. Imagine Kefka joining your Party in FF3US.
>And the soundtrack isn't anything special, either.

So this is an opposite thread. In that case, well done, OP! Good Job! Made it very obvious for everyone! Especially when you snuck in an actual (Magus joining) with the opposites there!
So good, here's the >>(yuo)

>> No.4381785

Because he's not in your party because you left him in the End of Time, dumbnuts.

>> No.4381793

That's why it's able to be good. LoZ games are terrible.

>> No.4382385

I have more to do in my life than hating video games.

>> No.4382392

Fuck off

>> No.4382393

Did you know that was donkey panic in Japan

>> No.4382395
File: 47 KB, 650x650, Ff7_eu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like Goldeneye, people only love it because it sold the most, when subsequent sequels (Perfect Dark, FF9) were much better.

It's incredibly ugly and has a poorly told nonsense story.

>> No.4382423

Most jrpgs. Selecting attack from a menu was never fun for me

>> No.4382425

>people only love it because it sold the most

People didn't care about that shit back then and they still loved it.

>> No.4382447

Yeah, seriously. No one gives a fuck about sales figures. "This is the best selling game in the franchise so I'm going like it the most"

That information wasn't even readily available to most people.

FF7's plot is just a Lavos rehash.

>> No.4382601

Metal Gear Solid. Shocking I know

the gameplay itself isn't particularly great, so it just makes the codec shit even more aggravating

>> No.4382701
File: 258 KB, 900x1155, chrono_trigger_cosplay_by_acsephiroth-d53ua0p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't really alive during that era but nowadays fucking everybody bitches about you being a hipster if you like anything that isn't at the top of charts (even if you like super mainstream shit too) and it fucking kills me inside to have to put up with constant circlejerks of the same 5 games over and over in every group while anything I like is deemed shit by everybody in them without anyone even trying to play them.

Is there a vr discord? There should be one IAH.

Agreed, JENOVA is Lavos lite

>> No.4382961

>hanging out with people that think like this
found your problem

>> No.4382982

I blame it on all my online relationships coming from PS4 groups for first person shooters desu.

>> No.4382998

There's a PS4 now? I'm out of touch, fuck.

>> No.4383105

To be fair, you need to have a very high IQ to understand Chrono Trigger. The philosophy is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of ancient mythos most of the references will go over typical a player's head.


>> No.4383108

>JENOVA is Lavos lite
No dude
FF7 is so much better than CT it aint funny

>> No.4383114

I personally agree but I was just expressing that Lavos is more threatening as a boss.

>> No.4383141

When it was released the cliches didn't exist.

This is basically a tread about 20 year old whining that they weren't born earlier. Curse you mom and dad!

>> No.4383162

I'll bite the bait.

>cliche like time travel
Aside from Earthbound (stretching) and maybe Back to the Future(non-rpg) I can't seem to think of any SNES/Sega era RPGs that use it as a plot device. Burden or proof is on you.
>Amnesiac Hero
Crono was mute. None of the main characters(heros) had Amnesia to my knowledge.
>Magic Crystals
No. Dreamstone was just a rare ore.
>Skip every battle.
At the time random encounters were the norm and an idea as this was seen as a relief. inb4 the need to experience/appreciate grinding.

>Marle is only important first hour of game.
Wasn't under the impression that she needed to be featured more...
>why doesn't cave woman freak?
She experienced time travel and fought biped dinosaurs... I doubt robots are a far stretch.
Plus this - >>4379818
It was really well advertised/marketed I will give you that.

>Its incredibly ugly.
I can see that. The polygonal characters certainly didn't stand the test of time.

My contributions:
Not sure if retro but Legend of Dragoon. Shit was overhyped and legitimately a cliche RPG.
Also - LoZ : OoT and MM. I was a PSX > N64 fuccboi back in the day. Never really played through either one 100%. Still haven't and probably won't since most of the fans of the series today are just as if not more autistic than trigger niggers.

>> No.4383207
File: 42 KB, 313x310, Final_Fantasy_VII_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This beginning of the end. The point were marketing took over and the whole series went shit:
- artificial team of: child "rockstars", cool tough black people, meaningless stereotype lady characters, "cool" dog and other stupid characters
- cheesy wacky meaningless confusing story with the most obvisiously artificial "please cry now" moment in video game history
- invisible walls and more doors that you can't enter than you can

>> No.4383224

>cool dog
Red XIII is literally a Lion. I don't know why every one compares him to a dog.

>> No.4383240

Jesus Christ dude, I didn't expect this. Been sucked into this individual's deranged ravings for 45 minutes now

>> No.4383695

Perfect Dark was and still is horrible.

>> No.4383708
File: 63 KB, 259x403, img (75).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4383714

Every character has something "inevitable" they're struggling against.

>His prime directive/programming/purpose.

>Schala's death/disappearance


>The apocalypse


>Her mother's legs getting fucked

>Cyrus's death?

Anyway, the plot is thiccer than you realize.

>> No.4383757
File: 53 KB, 756x650, ff9_eu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No seriously, what the fuck is so great about this game and why is it circlejerked as the best of the series by so many? It did absolutely nothing new in terms of gameplay, the battle system was the same incredibly basic shit Square has done for a decade yet they fucked even that up because of how painfully slow everything is, made even more unbearable by the ridiculously high encounter rate. The main four characters were likable enough, even ignoring how poorly written of a character Zidane was, but everyone else was one-dimensional as fuck and lacked development or story relevance. The story was mostly okay up until Zidane's home planet then became really dark and edgy, which is ironic since the fanboys for this game hate it when other games do the exact same thing.

I know shitting on FF7 just because it's FF7 has been the hot new meme for over a decade but let's be honest, it's still a much more competently made game than FF9 even with all its flaws. Say what you will about FF8 but at least that game tried new things and actually gave its characters meaningful development. As far as I can tell FF9 only gets a free pass because it's less "emo" then its contemporaries (ironic how the fanboys conveniently forget when it started doing just that at Zidane's home world on disc 3) but I can name several other JRPGs that came out around the same time that also have the lighthearted feel but are much better games overall. I may consider Chrono Trigger the slightest bit overrated but still miles ahead of FF9. Hell even Grandia 1 blows FF9 out of the water in every regard.

>> No.4384346

Dude garnets ass lmao

>> No.4384354

I hate pretty much every NES game I've played.
Etrian Odyssey 1 is extremely disappointing considering the high quality of its sequels.
SMT 1 and 2 are tedious due to MAG.
SNES Marios are shit

>> No.4384358

If you don't have Ayla in your party, you never see that scene. Which means Ayla ends up wandering around futuristic eras and never says anything about it. Which is stupid. Lots of RPGs during this time weren't the deepest when it comes to characters, sure, but for Chrono Trigger to receive such high praise, you would think it's better than this.

>> No.4384381
File: 71 KB, 574x581, Troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because gaming is subjective and when you don't personally think a praised game is good like everyone else does, you try to rationalize why others like it.

For example, "Final Fantasy VII sucks... and I know it sucks because my opinions are objective... so now I must figure out why others were tricked into liking it... AH! I know why. It must be because FF VII was the first RPGs most anons played back during the PSone era. And the scene with Aerith was memorable for them. Which explains why they like FF VII even though it's clearly lackluster compared to -insert whatever game I prefer here-"

No, dumbass. They like Final Fantasy VII because of the gameplay, characters, sound and graphics. And because they're capable of forming their own opinions.

But alas, your mind probably already "turned off" long before you reached this part of my text. Like it always does, because you live in a closed-minded world were only your "objective ideas" matter.

Get over yourself, fag. If you wanna say which games you like and dislike, then fine, but don't pretend you know the reason why others were "tricked" into liking their favorite games, because your preferences are not superior.

Furthermore, I play games to have fun. Not argue whether Mario looks sexier wearing a raccoon tail or yellow Batgirl cape.

>> No.4384389

yeah it appeals to pedos desu

>> No.4385164

All mmos

>> No.4385272
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>> No.4385380

So I guess this is the unpopular FF opinions thread.

FFIV is everything people say when they bash JRPGs as a genre. Linear as fuck, zero customization, press attack to win, its selling point is the plot but it is actually very generic and relies on cheap drama.

It is less fun and more on-the-rails than the NES trilogy, and vastly inferior to both V and VI in all regards. FFIV is a perfect SNES mediocrity that belongs next to games like Paladin's Quest or Secret of the Stars. In its own series, it's one of the weakest entries. Not trying to say my opinion is objective or anything but I just don't see how it deserves the praise it gets if you remove the nostalgia glasses.

>> No.4386209

>literally missed the point of this entire game on every level especially the conceptual one
I bet your favorite game is Planescape: Torment

>> No.4386213

>perfect SNES mediocrity
It had a charming, archetypical world which is why Dragon Quest is big too. And the linearity is often praised in this title because it is great for beginners into the genre. So your points concerning the plot being generic and the linearity being too much are literally the reasons why this title is popular.

>> No.4386230

What does this even mean
Nothing is wrong with PST

>> No.4386238

Some of these were cliches from other media, in which case they're played with. Frog and the princess for example.

>> No.4386337

Ignore him, he is subhuman.

>> No.4386370

>FFIV is everything people who hate JRPGs say when they bash JRPGs as a genre.

>> No.4386423

>Not trying to say my opinion is objective or anything but I just don't see how it deserves the praise it gets if you remove the nostalgia glasses.

Because 90% of people who praise the SNES FFs as flawless masterpieces haven't actually played them. They're every bit as flawed as later entries yet get a free pass due to sacred cow status.

>> No.4386429

>People who praise a game surely haven't played it

>> No.4386436


I never really liked any Zelda game. Trying to find all the heart pieces and collect every item is not my thing.

>> No.4386459

This thread is both an anti-FF and a overrated game thread, next time just pick one or the other.

I always thought the first Super Mario Kart was a bitch because of the shit controls and always going out of bounds/off track.

>> No.4386471

Gotta fit in with the cool kids

>> No.4386476

Yeah. FF5 is one of my favourite RPGs but god damn it has some serious problems. The first official translation (PS1) was fucking horrendous, the game has a bunch of pretty awful bugs (like knife damage being totally broken), and there's a lot of early game grind.

I still love the game, but I'll gladly admit it's got some glaring issues.

>> No.4386502

>great for beginners into the genre
It's funny when JRPG players act like there's anything about the genre so advanced that its rewarding to be a veteran of it.

>> No.4386504

I never got this meme that all JRPGs are press attack to win easymode fests. Anyone who says that also says any game that challenges them has artificial difficulty

>> No.4386519

>I never got this meme that all JRPGs are press attack to win easymode fests.

But where does the challenge come from then? The vast majority of all obstacles can be overcome through shear grinding if you're willing to do so, so there's no "line in the sand" from which you're actually required to figure things out in order to succeed. The fact that you typically have no freedom of movement whatsoever means that strategy within battles is highly limited, and you're rarely even allowed to do things like explore high level late game areas early and be rewarded for ingenuity.

>> No.4386535

It's not like JRPG is such a difficult genre it needs an entry level game. Being simplistic and generic when more challenging and interesting alternatives exist is not a good thing. DQ has simple gameplay and generic worlds but the games have a ton of exploration and sometimes customization, FFIV has none of that. People just grasp for straws when praising IV, presenting its rigid linearity as good pacing.

>> No.4386536

If you're grinding you're obviously really fucking shit at the game

>> No.4386561

So, what exactly should a not shit person who wants a challenge do then?

>> No.4386567

>telling atmospheric story
this game is boring as hell, and i'm the kind of guy who likes playing Flowers for three hours

>> No.4386570

Do everything prior to the boss then kill it?

>> No.4386581

> and there's a lot of early game grind.
Only when you choose 4 white mages or something, it's smooth sailing from start to finish

>> No.4386876


Why would you assume someone would dislike FFVII, if their favorite, like mine, is Planescape: Torment? FFVII is one of the two explicit inspirations it had. People saying it was just for the summons are plain wrong. The FFVIII influence is the stronger one of the two though, if you really want to take that angle.

>> No.4387006

>There are people who unironically think random encounters are a good mechanic

>> No.4387606

It's the encounter rate that's the issue for me, not the actual mechanic

>> No.4387647

Elminage did it perfectly. It has a low encounter rate, but a very high amount of fixed encounters, the majority of which are in dead-end rooms.

>> No.4387653

I'd rather just have the same enemies refresh every time I enter and exit the screen.

t. retard.

>> No.4389405

Random > fixed shit EVERY TIME.

>> No.4389642

Not him, but I first played Half-Life in like 2012, and thought it was dull. I just don't get the appeal.

>> No.4389681
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>He thinks that step and threat counters in JRPGs are "random"

>> No.4389698

It was really innovating when it came out, it pretty much brought consistent "In-gameplay cutscenes" to the masses.

>> No.4389725
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>> No.4390932
File: 24 KB, 276x276, f4rRdJbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly referring to the feature itself, not the pseudorandom mechanics behind it, turbo pleb. Fuck off back to plebbit where being a complete moron is acceptable.

>> No.4390962

>Need to go from A to B, not that long of a walk
>Can be subject to 10+ encounters, even if it's my lvl 99 party being ambushed by lvl 1 slime monsters
That being said, it can be handled well like in Pokémon imo. You are only subject to fights in tall grass, and you can usually avoid those at the expense of for instance having to face a trainer, or missing some item. Not a fan of caves and Hoenn? Buy repellants.

>> No.4391752

Not a game but unpopular opinion : "Charm" is something so intangible as to be pointless apart from a few cases. Saying the generic-fest that is dragon quest is good because its charming is idiotic