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4388312 No.4388312 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't s-video that used or talked about with retro games?

Sure I can understand the rf adapters being tossed away since it offers the worst image of any video cable but composite gets a pass and still placed on most, if not all retro clone consoles.

It's as we pretend s-video doesn't exist.

>> No.4388326

RGB and scart are the preferred choice around here

>> No.4388330

Nobody is rushing out to ask how they can get S-Video output from their consoles. There's not really anything to say.

I use it for a few consoles because its ok.

>> No.4388334

I'll leave it to you to keep posting the s-video general thread all the time then.

>> No.4388349

It's not a terribly common port, desu, senpai. It was kind of shit quality too from what I remember.

>> No.4388352

Damn fine connector, far underutilized in the 90s.

>> No.4388356

They're not as fun to plug in.

>> No.4388358

Both component and s-video have the same exact advantage of having a high quality luma channel since they split up the video signal the same way. The only difference is component has slightly better quality colors since its further split into 2 more cables.

>> No.4388361

I did have an issue with an s-video cable on my snes before where 1 pin inside the s-video broke off :/

Guess there to delicate to bother with.

>> No.4388390

>It's not a terribly common port, desu, senpai. It was kind of shit quality too from what I remember.


I can't tell the difference between S-video and Component HD Retrovision cables out of my SNES. The difference was so slight, I said fuck it and sold my HD's.

>> No.4388396

S-Video is severely underrated.

0/10: static snow
4/10: RF with signal interference
6/10: RF isolated and shielded
7.5/10: Composite
9.5/10: S-Video
9.9/10: Component/Scart
10/10: D-Sub

>> No.4388404

You severely over-rate composite. Assuming you're using a new LCD television, composite blows goats, especially out of a Genesis.

An old school cheap CRT will make up for the lack of quality that composite has, but all those shitty errors come shining through as soon as you hook it up to a flat screen.

>> No.4388412

It gets talked about a fair bit, especially in America where it was the best option most of us could hope for without spending a premium.

I use s-video on my PVM for N64 and GC (for game boy player only), and it honestly looks pretty nice. A huge step up from composite.

I did order a European GC the other day on the cheap just so I can compare game boy games over SCART and S-Video, and I'm sure I'll get around to RGB modding my 64 eventually.

It's perfectly acceptable in my book, though.

>> No.4388421

lol no I'm not talking about on an LCD telivision at all. Don't display a standard definition signal on an HDTV at all if you can possibly avoid it. I agree that composite looks intolerably bad while component can look fairly acceptable. I don't think I've ever even tried S-Video on an HDTV. I used to use it on my projector for watching satellite TV I guess. Was okay. Of course, composite from the laserdisc player looked okay too but that's some pretty high bandwidth composite.

>> No.4388445
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>Why isn't s-video that used or talked about with retro games?

Too many Euro posters here. The U.K.'s national firewall used to block access to 4chan, but they unblocked it for some reason. So many threads focus on SCART and other PAL video connections.

I use S-video for all my retro consoles, although my PS2 is connected via component cables. S-video is indeed the preferred method of connecting NTSC consoles that don't have component support.

>> No.4388502
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>PAL video connections

>> No.4388517
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I got my KMD cables a few days ago, looks great and quite durable.

>> No.4388528

It's good, cheap, and easy. For most consumer CRT TVs I wouldn't go out of my way for anything better, since the difference is very slight. On professional monitors and HDTVs component makes more of a difference, but S-video still looks quite nice.

D-Sub is identical to (RGB) SCART or BNC. It's all just RGB with different connectors. The only difference is separated vs. combined sync, which has no effect whatsoever on video quality.

>> No.4388534

in this era, either you can plug in RGB or component to your TV, or you're stuck with composite
s-video wasn't ever super-common, and RGB is better

tried to use s-video as much as I could back in the day, wouldn't get a TV without it
couldn't stand how blurry things were over composite back then, I've actually gotten more tolerant of it

>> No.4388551

>s-video wasn't ever super-common

Nearly any early 2000s laptop has S-Video. Not that you'd want to plug your old console into one. But was very common.

>> No.4388698

Can a PAL Wii output over s-video if you're running an emulator on it in NTSC mode?

>> No.4388764

Was there any s-video support for the mega drive(s)

>> No.4388784

Composite and RGB only, but it's possible to mod them for S-Video if you know what you're doing.

>> No.4388785
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No, but it's the most modded system for s-video as it provide an amazing clear quality when modded with it.

>> No.4388807

I have never seen S-Video port on consumer sets. Only big TVs had it through SCART2 and adapter (first SCART port was RGB). But dedicated S-Video port - never.
I have also never seen 480i TVs with Component inputs, first component ports I saw were on HD CRT.

>> No.4388867

>I have never seen S-Video port on consumer sets.

Then you've never paid attention. Just about every single 25" and above, non absolute bottom of the barrel, shit tier TV sold in 90's and 00's had S-video. Fact is, my decidedly non-high end , $249 27" Admiral that I bought in '95 from Montgomery Wards even had it.

>> No.4388884

You live in America.
>>4388807 obviously does not.
S-Video and YPbPr were commonplace in America, but not in Europe. RGB was commonplace in Europe, but not in America.

>> No.4388903

What do you mean by dsub, those boxy PVMs or VGA?

>> No.4389021

I wonder if that could be because the SNES doesn't NATIVELY output S-video. HMMMMM......

>> No.4389027

I modded my genesis Model 1 for svideo and the changes were amazing.

>> No.4389035
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>> No.4389036

are you confused?

>> No.4389105

dsub is just a kind of cable often used to carry analog RGB especially (but not limited to) analog RGB signals in the VGA range. It tends to be tougher, better shielded and less vulnerable to crosstalk than either component or scart cables.

>> No.4389267

whats the difference between s-video and composite on a tv with a y/c comb filter?

are they the same

>> No.4389271 [DELETED] 

>It's not a terribly common port, desu, senpai. It was kind of shit quality too from what I remember.

yeah... this is what happens when you start talking about shit you have absolutely no fucking clue about.

>> No.4389310

A nice crt would have have a single s-video port alongside 3-4 composite inputs. Cheaper crts had none

>> No.4389337

Mechanically it works the same inside of the TV, but S-Video will have better quality since the Luma and Chroma channels were never on the same wire, so they can't interfere and create artifacts in each other's signal.

>> No.4389601

Yeah, I was only there at the time, what do I know?

>> No.4389684

Snes model 1 has S Video output.

>> No.4389775

I run my Famicom solely through RF. Looks good man.

>> No.4389817

>Why isn't s-video that used or talked about with retro games?
Burgers seem to love it around here, even some PVM idiots use it even though they have RGB ports sitting there unused. Lurk more.
It does, dick head.

>> No.4389865

my old apex tv have svideo monitor out, wtf can i do with it?.

>> No.4389887

Thanks for explaining

>> No.4390050

I recently bought one that's compatible with Gamecube/SNES/N64.

>> No.4390065

i use svideo since all i have is a shitty flat screen trinitron with svid and component, and only wii component are cheap.

I use svideo on dreamcast, n64, and snes. When i get a gameboy player ill use svid on that

>> No.4390123
File: 1.65 MB, 2048x2048, 4352ADA1-08B8-45B0-A06D-9F08ED11237F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top: composite
Middle: svideo modded genesis
Bottom: saturn svideo

>> No.4390130

The Genesis PCB layout is dogshit designed by morons. That's why you get the rainbowing.

>> No.4390161
File: 1.73 MB, 750x1334, E08DD985-813F-4E83-8E6E-D9A016DE846B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it though

>> No.4390193

Those same retards must also have designed the Master System which also has rainbow bars on composite.

Is there any way to fix the video on these consoles? Is there some resistor or capacitor I have to replace?

>> No.4390201

I use it or component when available. It's the best bang for your buck. It's just not a rgbmeme so it's not talked about. Most stuff on here is just people talking about what they saw on youtube and denying that that's where they got their topic of conversation.

>> No.4390205

The way to fix it is to pull the signals directly off the VDP and rebuild the whole circuit away from the noisy board. I know Voultar was working on something along those lines, but I don't know what the status on that is.

>> No.4390208


either that or $$$ for retrovision cable.

>> No.4390209

>composite makes everything look smooth and cartoony while the water looks less like bead curtains an more like translucent liquid
We're we wrong all along? Is composite the one true connection for 4th gen consoles?

>> No.4390212

>Why isn't s-video that used or talked about with retro games?
You haven't been here long, have you?

This for everything that supports it, modding non-RGB consoles is overrated though.

>> No.4390216

Composite is good if the game makes use of dithering, which sonic does for the waterfalls.
It's the same idea as anti-aliasing on modern games.

>> No.4390283
File: 60 KB, 850x640, Elgato HD Supports s-video natively.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use S-Video for all my older sytems.
The way I see it, the gap in quality between composite and s-video and enormous. But the gap in quality between s-video and RGB is so slight, it's just not worth the extra effort to get everything hooked up with it.

Also, I got a capture card, not so I can capture game footage, but because it was the cheapest and easiest way to get s-video converted to HDMI without a loss of colour quality or introducing input lag for when I want to hook something up to the home theatre.

>> No.4390285

>Also, I got a capture card, not so I can capture game footage, but because it was the cheapest and easiest way to get s-video converted to HDMI without a loss of color quality or introducing input lag for when I want to hook something up to the home theater.

You know I never considered that.

>> No.4390291

For how cheap and easy it is to set up, it upscales 240p or 480i S-Video inputs to 1080p beautifully. I'd post pictures, but I'm away from home for the time being.

>> No.4390292

I have this exact capture card I just never though about implementing it that way.

>> No.4390297

>Elgato HD
>without introducing input lag

>> No.4390302

The input lag only is on the recording side. It passes right though to the display you play on.

>> No.4390304

S-video looks good with my dreamcast.

>> No.4390306

You're still getting 3-4 frames of lag minimum even playing in the preview window.

>> No.4390310

I've never actually used mine to capture footage. I bought it exclusively for upscaling s-video for use on my home theatre. Like >>4390302 said, it introduces no input lag on the display it passes through to.

>> No.4390313

wait, what? It passes S-Video right through?

>> No.4390317

Yes. It passes what ever you want to HDMI without lag. Now if you want to capture and record to a PC then there's about a 5 second delay due to it being USB 2.0 but only recording, not on the pass though. Think a stream delay.

>> No.4390357


What brand is this? It looks like an ideal solution. I'm not adverse to googleing, just not sure what search term to use.

>> No.4390368

Elgato. Specifically their old Capture HD card. Have to get a special dongle for S-video though.


>> No.4390369

thanks for the info :)

>> No.4390373

No problem. They might be hard to get now due to them not being made any more. Also the dongle is sold on their web site or use to be.

It's a pretty decent capture device if you want to capture video off older consoles, the only down side is it can't capture 60FPS and is capped at 30 FPS while capturing or streaming.

>> No.4390381

I don't quite believe that s-video converted to digital is "pass through".
t. Elgato ex-owner, until I fucking sold it

>> No.4390383
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I got this old TV from a co-worker and i have no idea what these inputs are

>> No.4390384

not inputs, that's adjustment screws.

>> No.4390385
File: 1.59 MB, 2560x1440, 20171110_224138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this RF?

>> No.4390387

Yes that's RF and VHF.

>> No.4390389

Thank you. Any good RF to component converters you recommend i want to use this TV for ps1 ps2.

>> No.4390391

Why is that one wire running out and back into the TV?

>> No.4390393

No idea man, nice old lady i work with offered me a TV and i took it

>> No.4390395

Looks like a selection jumper.
I think you're supposed to plug the wire into the coax port when you're using the VHF input, probably to reduce HF noise, or match the impedance.

>> No.4390402

Yep, it's a 300ohm-75ohm selector.

>> No.4390403

Looks like the PO had it hooked up to a 75ohm aerial.

It's a jumper for that type of connection.

>> No.4390410

>Have to get a special dongle for S-video though
This is half true. You can plug an S-Video directly into the capture card without the dongle, but you'll only get video through the HDMI, no sound. So you'd have to route the audio through something else.

>> No.4390428

I was saying that for convenience sake. Yeah it can be plugged into the card but like you said no audio unless you route it though something else.

>> No.4390764

>without lag
I doubt it. It's an active conversion, analog to digital, not a pass-through.

>> No.4391415

Lots of weird answers but this one is correct. What's to talk about?

>> No.4392810

It has native S-video. Nintendo just never sold an S-video cable. You can buy one 3rd party.

>> No.4392829

>Nintendo just never sold an S-video cable
>>4389035 what's this?

>> No.4392836
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See also >>4389035

>> No.4392850

I stand corrected. I never found them back when I needed them. Ended up having to order it from Radio Shack.

>> No.4392860

It's not so much the extra cable split, it's the extra Pb/Pr / I/Q bandwidth available. If you had a theoretical S-video with a chroma up in the 10s of MHz instead of down at the standard 3.58MHz NTSC it could be just as good as SD component.

>> No.4392862

D-Sub is just a group of connectors, doesn't imply any particular kind of cable.

>> No.4392872

Yep, the Wii decides whether to do S-video or RGB out by what video region it's set for, which is separate from game and system menu, you can change it with AnyRegionChanger. NTSC or MPAL gets you S-video, PAL gets you RGB. There is some homebrew that ignores the video region option though, most annoyingly the 240p test suite.

>> No.4392875

Not the preview window, the hardware HDMI output.

>> No.4392882

There are like two good consoles that require modding for RGB.

>> No.4392883

Why has America always lagged behind in video standards?

>> No.4394525

Where are these upscale options? I have an el gato gaming HD and it does not display properly on my tv because there is no upscaler.

>> No.4394559

I use S-Video on my SNES and N64, Composite for anything older, Component or HDMI for anything newer.

>> No.4395485

S-Video looks really great for what it is.
Actually, I used S-Video growing up since we didn't have RGB in consumer TVs in America, before we moved to Component.

Also, I use Composite on most pre-4th gen consoles except for the Sega Master System.
The Famicom/NES looks more pleasing to my eyes in Composite than in RGB.

>> No.4395916
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Question, S-video Bros:

Strictly talking N64 and Gamecube, if I use an S-Video cable and an S-Video to composite adapter, will I get a better video image than just using a regular composite cable?

I don't want to mod my systems and they are the only two I don't have HDMI or SCART options for.

>> No.4396285


No, it will suck just as badly as composure always does

>> No.4396291

Phoneposting sucks pretty hard too, right anon?

>> No.4396505


Best way to view 4chan imho

>> No.4396549

because the country is so huge that we can support an entire industry, on our own. also, the people here hate new things. we are very conservative with new technologies. thirdly, its expensive and difficult to roll out new technologies and completely replace the old stuff. again, huge area, massive market that does what it wants, and cheap fuckers who don't like learning new buttons on their tvs.

its the same reason we still use Imperial, and not Metric

>> No.4396553

you are aware that TV is an antique, right? VHF got phased out 20 years ago

>> No.4396558

Most tv's don't have s-video nowadays.

>> No.4396771

The N64 and GameCube have good enough composite video output that I don't think you'd see any difference. If anything, some cheap converter might make it look worse.

>> No.4396783

I went s-video for a little while with my n64 before I got the HDMI mod

s-video is definitely a little better than composite. my s-video was a cheapo cable with bad checkerboarding, but it was still an upgrade from composite.

the hdmi mod is pretty awesome. I recommend.

>> No.4396790

I've been replacing the power board on a samsung tv because it has s-video and that's how I hook up my dreamcast

I figure when this board goes I'll finally get a vga box.

>> No.4397738

I want the HDMI mod so badly, but it's a lot of money for what it is...