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4383168 No.4383168 [Reply] [Original]

This is a perfect game. This is the definitive platforming experience on the market right now. Not only is it perfect, but it built upon everything that made the previous game great, which is rare to see nowadays. Usually in games your character can be killed... Not here.. Not Wario Land 3. When people think of "2D collectathons" this is the game that springs to mind. It has everything that makes 2D platformers fun. Large explorable open worlds. Moves and abilities to unlock. Various transformations to control. Fun boss battles. Addictive minigames. Time Attack. Replayability. It's here. It's engaging. It's amazing. It's a 12+ hour campaign length and up to 20+ if you want to 100% it. There is no other game, don't mention Super Mario Bros. with its shit controls and bland game design. Don't even list Metroid, Kirby, or that faggot Yoshi. This is THE game. Accept it.

>> No.4383171

I mean I agree with you. Just like Zelda II and Super Mario Bros 2, people dislike the best game of their respective series because they are different from the other games and for no actual logical reason. WL3 is in my top 5 for the GBC console.

>> No.4383210

>WL3 is in my top 5 for the GBC console.
Why stop there? WL3 should be in your top 5 platformers of all time.

>> No.4383230

Well it's basically a metroidvania game so to regard it as a platformer you are digging into a lot of hot competition. I'm not sure what my top 5 platformers are but I prefer Metal Storm and Sword Master off the top of my head.

>> No.4383289

I've got a few issues with the game. First of all I'm not a fan of the segmented level design. I mean I realize that's the whole point to unlock little bits of each stage at a time, but the fact also remains that's just a more clever way of presenting backtracking. Now I feel backtracking is just a lazy way to pad out a game. I rip Banjo-Tooie a new one over its use of backtracking, and it'd be hypocritical of me to not hold it against WL3 as well. Another thing I don't like about the level design is enemy placement. Enemies are typically put in places whey they just ambush you - you have to commit their location to heart and usually have to be able to employ some tricky jumps to avoid their attacks. If you fail to avoid them, you're sent back a good chunk of the stage which is yet another from of - you guessed it - backtracking. There's a city stage in particular which comes to mind where I'd get hit by polar bear ice six times in a row, or if I managed to avoid him, I'd be bitten by a zombie twice as much why trying to jump a gap. seriously, one itme I was at one stage segment 20 whole minutes because of this. I mean when you can't die, getting hit only serves to delay you and piss you off.

Another drawback of the level segmentation is the how if I put the game down for a day or two.. or three, I'd forget where the next stage is I'm supposed to go. "But dumbass faggot," you say, 'You can just talk to the face from the beginning." Okay, fair point. But guess what? That's more goddamn backtracking, and that gets tiresome doing that after every stage. Another little gripe are those music note coins - it should just save whichever ones you get along the way instead of forcing you to collect all 8 in one go. And because you have to have the stage entirely unlocked before you can event attempt to do that, it's something you have to start doing at the end of the game? And what do we call that, boys & girls? You guessed it! B A C K T R A C K I N G.

>> No.4383296

(Okay wow I hit the character limit. Continued...)

Don't get me wrong there's still enjoyment to be had and for the most part I still feel it's a good game... but it is FAR from "perfect." I mean if you think it's great, cool, but in my personal ranking, it's the weakest of the four GB Wario games.

>> No.4383309
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Unironically agree.

>not a fan of the segmented level design
Makes perfect sense for a portable game. Backtracking is minor in scope compared to other games and does not significantly impact the main platforming gameplay.

>that gets tiresome doing that after every stage
The game will literally show you where to go next after each essential treasure is collected. You would only need to consult the face once, which takes about 30 seconds MAX.

>it's something you have to start doing at the end of the game?
Nobody forces you to collect the music coins or to 100% all the treasures. If you don't enjoy it, don't do it, fool.

>I was at one stage segment 20 whole minutes because of this.
git gud

>> No.4383317

>The game will literally show you where to go next after each essential treasure is collected.
Like I said. It was my tendency to put the game down and forget after a while.

>> No.4383328
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Post your rankings for the 5 Nintendo-developed Warios.

3 > 2 > VB > 4 > 1

>> No.4383336

Some people consider Virtual Boy Wario to be the best one that's /vr/-related. After having played all the Wario Land games on Gameboy, is it really as great and if that's the case, what's the best way to emulate it? Don't feel like buying a Virtual Boy for only Wario Land. Although, now that I think of that, Teleroboxer also seems interesting.

>> No.4383349

Wario Land 1 was good tho

>> No.4383371

There's a number of good VB emulators, no need to buy one since they're basically all time-bombs (the display technology is really finicky) and the games cost a fortune. I use Wii Mednafen on a hacked Wii for all my VB needs. It even works with 3D glasses if you're feeling extra autistic.

>> No.4383374

I used mednafen to play it. You can tweak the config to make it look B&W too.

>> No.4383398

Sounds to me like you just dislike metroidvania.

>> No.4383434

I loves me some Metroid. Hypocritical I know, but I'll attribute that to Metroid having more interesting world design, and the fact that backtracking in it is rewarded with power-ups and new areas. Not just "hey you beat the level, now to go back to some OTHER level you've already seen."

>> No.4383442

>This is a perfect game.

I liked it but its far from perfect so I had to stop reading here.

>> No.4383446

What is this? /vr/ collectively LIKING a game?

WL3 is truly good and it didn't even feel limited by the console. It's nice to see it getting some love here.

>> No.4383457

To be fair you access old levels in WL3 to get new powerups and to access new areas you weren't able to access beforehand, just like Metroid.

>> No.4383467

>WL3 to get new powerups
That's another little gripe I have against WL3. You have to earn the moves you already had by default in 1 & 2. To me it doesn't truly feel like you're playing Wario until the end when you finally unlock everything.

>> No.4383474

I don't see how one and two are related. As I said earlier, people only seem to dislike this game because it's not like other WL games, just like Zelda II and SMB2.

>> No.4383529

pretty good game, a massive improvement over WL2

VB and 4 are still my favorites though

>> No.4383619

i hated the time gimmick in 4. also has the lowest amount of stages of any wario land

>> No.4383682

I'm saying in 1 & 2 you have the complete move set - butt stomp, crushing blocks with your face, carrying & chucking enemies, etc - right from the start. You have to earn all that in 3 and it just feels so limiting.

>> No.4383727

But they are 100% irrelevant to 3 and it's quality. 1 & 2 are traditional platformers, 3 is metroidvania. They are completely different kinds of games. And if you wanted to arbitrarily compare them, growing in abilities and power is part of what makes metroidvania fun. 1 & 2 lacked that and were just straightforward platformers, and for that reason are worse games.

>> No.4384120

you can fast travel if you press start or select. wario moves fast as fuck on the overworld anyway so i don't get it man. does like 10 seconds really inconvenience you?

>> No.4384676

They're 100% relevant to my perception of 3. It just doesn't feel like a wario game to me if I have a stunted move set. Like it or not, you cannot dismiss that.
Also you are literally the first person I've ever seen apply 'metroidvania' to this game. I... don't think you quite know what a metroidvania is.

>> No.4384701

Actually, you can only buttstomp when you got the horned hat in Wario Land 1. Besides, the first Wario Land plays more like a typical Mario game while Wario Land 2 has more of an adventure feeling because of all the different routes and endings you can get. Sure, 3 took a lot from 2 like the transformations and the odd boss designs but it taking a more non-linear and backtracking game doesn't make it any worse per se.

On the other hand, stating a game is worse for not being like Metroid comes across as shitposting. Besides, saying WL3 is a completely different game compared to its two predecessors is reaching it. That's like saying DKC3 is completely different from DKC1 and DKC2 gameplay wise.

Personally I consider 3 to be the best from the classic Wario games because of the level and enemy designs and the bigger amount of animation details. Its soundtrack is on par with the first two games and even if it's been surpassed in my opinion, I'm still nostalgic for Wario Land 2 because I played that game so much 20 years ago.

>> No.4385052

And as I said, you're exactly the type of person to dislike Zelda II or SMB2 due to irrelevant things to how the games perform themselves. There's no logic in it.

How is it not a metroidvania? Explain.

It is a completely different game, though. No health bar and metroidvania backtracking/powerup collecting/puzzle solving and many of these puzzles being based on conditions.

>> No.4385069

Anyone else hate Tower of Revival? I didn't like having to go through the same bits each time.

>> No.4385130

For me, the swamp boss was always the worst part. Also I remember Forest of Fear being somewhat annoying.

Dropping down all the way in Above the Clouds sucks, but the music makes up for it.

Personally I'd say it has Metroidvania elements (the same way other games may have "RPG" or "rogue-like" elements), it doesn't quite check all the boxes.

>> No.4385152

>it doesn't quite check all the boxes.
What's it missing?

>> No.4385162

Not him, but I wish WL3 had an interconnected world instead of a hub map where each level seamlessly fits with the next one as you walk around the stages.

>> No.4385179

Not only does that have nothing to do with the classification of metroidvania, but there are even Metroid games with region selection hubs.

>> No.4385201

There are? I've beaten 1, 2, 3, ZM and Fusion and none of them had map hubs.

>> No.4385223


>> No.4385226

It is commonly called a Metroidvania.
I think it's a bit dubious but it I ca also see the perspective that it is.

>> No.4385243

Not combat oriented, gameplay is split into separate short episodes (each treasure) in separate, circumscript levels. Hub is debatable, it's pretty rare in Metroidvanias, but I know of instances. Still, not really a defining property.

Also: Simple popular opinion. Although Metroidvania elements are certainly there, most people will disagree with you about WL3 being classified as a "true" Metroidvania. Check Online lists, recommendations, and combinations of certain keywords. You'll find that WL3 somehow escapes the definition.

"Inb4 well then everybody else must be wrong, obviously."

>> No.4385256

This just in Metroid isn't the only metroidvania.

>> No.4385262

You said Metroid games, not metroidvania.

>but there are even Metroid games with region selection hubs.

>> No.4385265

Wasn't me. I misread his post. Oops.

>> No.4385279

Prime 2

>Not combat oriented
But it literally is. 90% of what you are doing is hitting stuff with offensive moves.

>gameplay is split into separate short episodes (each treasure) in separate, circumscript levels.
Doesn't contradict the classification.

>"Inb4 well then everybody else must be wrong, obviously."
It's not that people are wrong, I challenge you to find people outside this thread who are explicitly saying it isn't a metroidvania. it's that it doesn't occur to people that it is one because of it's franchise and because it isn't fantasy/science fiction. It fits literally every classification of metroidvania.

>> No.4385315

>>Not combat oriented
>But it literally is. 90% of what you are doing is hitting stuff with offensive moves.

It's more of a puzzle game platformer, really.

>it's that it doesn't occur to people that it is one because of it's franchise and because it isn't fantasy/science fiction.
now you're making assumptions about what other people think. we would need a poll with a fairly large sample base to settle this.

>> No.4385523

Why does everyone seem to rank 4 so low? I thought it was great.

>> No.4385534
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I disliked how treasures were so easy to obtain compared to the last 2 entries. Also, the frog switch gimmick sucked. I want to explore levels at my own pace, not rush through half of a stage back to the starting point.

>> No.4385541

All of them are good anon.

>> No.4385697

Yeah, but which one do you like the most?

>> No.4385787

Wario Ware is better.

>> No.4387609
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Bad bait, son.