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4380394 No.4380394 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it wasn't THAT bad?

>> No.4380404
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>> No.4380406

my little brother had one.. all i remember is neck cramps and tunnel vision afterward

>> No.4380414

Better than Wii.

>> No.4380423

Better than PSX, N64 and Sega Saturn too

>> No.4380618
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>> No.4380621

I'd never use one for fear that my retinas would burn to a crisp. Same with modern VR headsets too.

>> No.4380628
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>> No.4380654

Wii Sports alone is better than the VB

>> No.4380661
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Go back to neo gay.

>> No.4380712

I had one and liked it. Red alert and teleroboxer were a lot of fun. Mario tennis was decent. Sidescrollers were never that good because they were the antithesis of why the hardware was made. The controller was very comfortable. The screen was crisp, well contrasted, and had a good refresh rate. The battery pack was cool as a kid since I could take it from room to room.

It wasn't objectively good though. I get why they went with the red screen, but people needed color to get past the usual effects of vr. It may have been able to get away with red monochrome if it had been truly portable. They needed a better game lineup that actually used the 3d instead of it being a novelty.

I doubt they could've got past those issues with the tech at the time, even if they didn't give a fuck about the price. I also don't think people were socially isolated enough at the time to appreciate vr.

I never played it laying on the ground or hunched over so never had neck issues. The stand was tilt-adjustable. I also knew how to use the brightness slider so I wouldn't fry my eyeballs. Still had to take breaks more frequently than playing on a crt though.

>> No.4380734

It had what? 8-9 games and all but one of them were just simple trash that weren't even fun.

VB warioland it the only reason to bother with the hardware. And thanks to emulation allowing you to play the game in a form that won't tape your eyes, now there's no point at all.

>> No.4380736

I own one and honestly it's not terrible but its not worth buying for full price (get it for 50$ or under)

>> No.4380738

t. George Wood

>> No.4380789


VB isn't a tragedy as there was no loss. Dreamcast was the true tragedy.

>> No.4380832

My high school theatre teacher told me that the definition of tragedy is "if only?

In that case it's "If only Sega weren't retarded at business, slowly killing themselves over an entire decade."

>> No.4380953

Okay, let's put this out there.
This is the entire list of games for VirtualBoy in North America
>3D Tetris
>Bomberman: Panic Bomber
>Galactic Pinball
>T&E Virtual Golf
>Jack Bros.
>Mario Clash
>Mario Tennis
>Nester's Funky Bowling
>Red Alarm
>Vertical Force
>VirtualBoy Wario Land
>Virtual League Baseball

The extra games released in Japan are as follows
>Insmouse No Yakata
>SD Gundam Dimension Warrior
>Space Invaders Virtual Collection
>Space Squash
>Virtual Bowling
>Virtual Fishing
>Virtual Lab

The only exception on this list is Waterworld which didn't get released in Japan.
There are 27 games that were never released for this system. It came out in 1995, and the last game published for it was 3D Tetris in 1996. It got discontinued by Nintendo in a year. Quite possibly the shortest lived console I've ever seen.
Of these titles, the only ones I ever got to play were 3D Tetris, Bomberman, Galactic Pinball, Red Alarm, Teleroboxer, and Wario Land. These titles are okay for the most part, but not really anything amazing, save it be Wario Land, which is pretty damn good, but not good enough for me to spend my money on one of these. I'm not denying that this thing was cool, but it was a failed gimmick, even on release. It didn't sell very well, I only knew one person who bought one, and I played it more than he did. He eventually sold it because he really didn't care for it.
Here's a tip: 3D has always been a failed fad. Even from when it was the 3D glasses, to the VirtualBoy, to the new polarized lenses for Imax3D, and even with the 3DS. The 3DS can only be considered a win for this form of entertainment because it's a feature you can turn off, and most people do. It's neat, and it's kinda fun as a novelty, but then people get bored with it and turn it off. Everyone I know turns the 3D off, and everyone I've ever met who has one turns the 3D off. It's a fad. It goes in and out of style.

>> No.4380998

my damn god man, very good!
Im saving this for posterity

>> No.4381315
File: 110 KB, 640x631, VB0907-SD_Gundam_-_Dimension_War_(Japan)-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a failed console, this isn't a bad catalogue. Pretty small, but the ratio to good/decent games to bad ones favors the good/decent side.
I agree the definitive high note of the console is Wario, but stuff like Teleroboxer or Vertical Force are pretty cool.
It even covers genres like tactical RPG with the Gundam game, you have a little bit of everything on the VB.
I do think the VB gets more hate than it deserves. It's a failure and has many questionable design choices, but it's unique, and has more games worth playing than other failed systems.

>> No.4381321
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innsmouth no yakata

>> No.4381456

I love 3D in games but it'll always fail because the display methods are shit(3ds gives me severe eye pain,glasses tire out most peoples eyes)

we'd need holographic projection for something that could become standard

>> No.4381498

no, it was a complete piece of shit. couldn't use the bastard for more than a few minutes without my eyes hurting.

>> No.4381782

I loved my virtual boy. Wario Land was a blast. Panic Bomber was great too. Mario Clash sucked though.

>> No.4381786

It's pretty bad. The controller sucks, the black and red causes your eyes to strain and the goggles aren't portable, you just look like a doofus when you play on it.

>> No.4381795
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Hardware was shit.

VBWL is Nintendo's magnum opus, though, so that alone justifies its existence.

>> No.4382189

Too bad the VB dragged Wario down to hell with him when he died.
We haven't gotten a good Wario game since and we probably never will again.

>> No.4382810

>eye strain
Confirmed for never having actually played a VB.
If you said neck pain, that would have been believable.
>Controller sucks
100% confirmed you never had a VB in front of you.

>Hardware was shit
It's actually kind of a frankenstein monster, most of the flaws of the system are ergonomic flaws, and the monochrome screens if you want to add that, but the hardware inside the system is actually kind of cool for a weird system like that in 1995, it used the same CPU as the NEC PC-FX.

>> No.4382862

>Getting this defensive over the Virtual Boy
>Referring to it as "VB".
It's obvious to me you've never had pussy before, Virgin Boy.

>> No.4382875
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>> No.4382913

I'll never defend its stupid ergonomic design though, I'm just calling you out on your ignorance. If you never played a system, don't give opinions about it.
Yeah, that game was based on the Lovecraft novel (actually based on a japanese movie based on the novel)

>> No.4382971

You're paranoid as fuck.

>> No.4382972
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>actually based on a japanese movie based on the novel

>> No.4382974

22 games total. Surprisingly most of them were fun to play for at least a few minutes. The only VB games that are objectively shit are Waterworld and Virtual Lab.

>> No.4382980

Nah, it is that bad. I've played a fair amount because my local toys r us had a demo unit and I knew one person who has one. The games were primitive and the graphics were really bad. Red wireframe? Terrible. They could have just put Wario on SNES and saved us a literal headache.

>> No.4382984

What games did you play, anon?

>> No.4382996

Red Alarm (unfortunately quite a bit), Wario (good but would have been way better on snes in color), the robot boxing game, and 3d tetris.

>> No.4383002

>toys r us demo unit
Did you bother adjusting the Focus switch and the IPD one?

>> No.4383178

Thank you, Anon.

You're very correct on this, the games weren't bad. Like I said before, none of the games I played were amazing, except for WarioLand, but it did cover everything. I've since gone back and emulated the other games for it, and they were pretty good, most of them, anyway. The only game I'd tell you not to bother with would be Waterworld, which is pretty awful.

You are correct, Anon. Most people turn off the 3DS 3D because of eye strain issues, although I find that to be a non-issue in some cases because it has scale-able 3D with the slider on the side. There is a point to where it feels natural to your eye, but it's hard to find for prolonged gaming, and when I'm with my buddies playing MH4U, all of us keep it turned off so we don't have to mess with it.

>> No.4383412

Man, that's pic is kinda fucked up, Anon. Look at the first frame. That cat girl has both human AND cat ears. That is some horrid gene splicing shit. Either that, or she's wearing the scalp of a very large cat. Whichever way it goes, that's pretty messed up.

>> No.4383443

I had a VB and 11 of the 14 USA games when I was a kid, ask me anything.
Red Alarm, Teleroboxer, and Wario were all actually very good.
Galactic Pinball was also surprisingly good, and had a hidden Samus shooting game in it.

Mario Clash is garbage, and would have been way better if you could save after each level instead of every 10 levels.

Golf, Baseball and Tennis were sub-par, even as far as golf and tennis games go.

Vertical Force was ok, but not bad. Not good either.

I never played Jack Bros, the bowling game, or Waterworld.

The eye strain thing wasn't a problem for me. The worst problem with it was that it forced a "break" after 30 minutes of play.

also, the internal mirrors were on springs with nothing to secure them, so they broke very easily, and the wall plug-in was very fragile on the controller.

>> No.4383459

>and the wall plug-in was very fragile on the controller
The AC adapter itself or the part that attaches it to the controller? Because the AC adapter is exactly the same as the SNES's.

>> No.4383487

Oh come on. Wario World was good, just stupidly short.

>> No.4383598

>defending the Virtual Boy
>doesn't like me giving my honest opinion of a system I've played before
Go cry to your mommy, Virgin Boy.

>> No.4384132

>thinking a 32 bit game would be better if ported to a 16 bit system

Nothing personnel kid.

>> No.4386009

A console needs to have games to be "good" potential doesn't mean shit if it isn't used.
Any halfway decent title on this appears on another system in some way shape or form & while the homebrew community is great for it most of what they put on it are ports of pre-existing games.