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File: 80 KB, 720x540, secret_of_mana_snes-00002568-high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4377274 No.4377274 [Reply] [Original]

Did Secret of Mana have the best French translation of all time? Genuinely better than the English version IMO. The German version was also pretty good though, it had Goblins watching an old soap opera and "rabbids."

>> No.4377309

The German Nintendo translations are occasionally godawful.
Terranigma for example felt like they just made shit up with the two phases of the final boss being two separate entities called Agarack and Ragnara.

>> No.4377463
File: 30 KB, 1440x1080, Lufia (Germany)-171029-104545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this translation made me do a double take

>> No.4377546

at least you got terranigma

>> No.4377558

Can somebody provide translations? Google Translate isn't giving good results.

>> No.4377739

>"Whoop-de-doo! This is a fish pie made out of puke-eel"

Holerö is some made-up word that Claude Moyse, the German translator, picked up from one of his co-workers.
He didn't remember where he picked it up (he assumes it was either from Loriot or Helge Schneider) but they thought it was so retarded that they just HAD to cram it into nearly every game and Club Nintendo comic.

>> No.4377982
File: 41 KB, 406x354, Secret of Mana - Lindenstraße.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fish pie
Fish paste.

A "Reiher" is a heron, so a "Reiheraal" is just some specific eel breed.

The only odd thing, and that's debatable as well since it could be a local expression, is the "Holerö".

Now this image related here has goblins talking about hurrying up because "Lindenstraße", a German sitcom, is about to air.

>> No.4378021
File: 20 KB, 320x288, schleimer02normalversion6b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pastete IS pie, as the thing in American Pie, and as for the "Reiher" part, IIRC Tia wanted to cook something special and exotic for Maxim and the thing turned out to be inedible and horribly tasting.
And given the quality and quirkiness of Claude's translations it's definitely the "throwing up"-meaning.

>> No.4378102

>Brendan McGrath:
>3) Due to space limitations, was there anything lost in the translation of Secret of Mana? Was anything cut due to cultural differences? For example, I have often wondered if Jema had anything more to say on the Grand Palace, or if anything happened to Dyluck and Phanna while they were in Thanatos's clutches.

>Ted Woolsey:
>There were a TON of stuff that got cut. The list is too long to go into!

Any place where I can read up on those lost bits?

>> No.4378612
File: 11 KB, 492x138, lievro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good blog: http://manaredux.blogspot.com/2016/08/the-ballad-of-purim-and-dyluck.html

Also there's no fucking way Google Translate is right about this translation.

>> No.4378629
File: 276 KB, 600x827, secret_of_mana__primm_by_razorkun-d5xcxcd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the blog with somewhat of a grain of salt though BTW because a lot of the retranslations feature swearing that feels off.

>> No.4378638
File: 49 KB, 500x438, terranigma - vermaledeit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read that a lot in Terranigma.
Honestly, I really like these subpar translations.

>> No.4378904

Frenchfag here, the correct translation would be "gets thrashed".

>> No.4380179

Claude Moyse was like what happens when you let groups like DeJap do official translations but still put them on a leash.
In Secret of Evermore for example the city of Crustacia became "Krotzkrübel" which is basically "Kotzkübel", a bucket that you vomit into, with some additional "r"s, the Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy level in Yoshi's Island became "Lustiges Sporen Drama" check the first letters, the Cukemen in Link's Awakening would also tell you "Gib mir deinen Saft, ich gib' dir meinen!" which is a line from a song by Die Fantastischen Vier which meant "gimme your juice I give you mine!", you constantly get some Nintendo of Germany inside jokes and much more.

There were some things however that I thought were pretty neato like how the final equipment in Terranigma weren't called Hero Pike and Hero Armor but Terra Lance and Enigma Armor or how in Lufia 2 Dual Blade became Lufiasword since the first game was never released here and Dual Blade always sounded pretty damn generic to me.

And then there were the Club Nintendo comics.
Oh boy, the comics.
The stories for them apparently were all by him and he'd send the drafts to Japan where they tried to make heads or tails of that shit resulting in the magnificent insanity that is Mario toppling down the WTC, Heino turning out to be Cthulhu, Wario working together with Satan or the Yoshis being racist fucks and getting adored by KISS.

>> No.4380245
File: 133 KB, 538x272, yoshi & obelix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Club Nintendo comics were apparetly by Claude Moyse
First thing you find when googling holerö.

I love that both the German and French team decided to make this Yoshi bosses name a reference to Obelix, which is kept till the most recent games.

>> No.4380314

Call me a dork but I always kinda liked all those Moyse translations. I like it when translators put their own spin on things in general, as long as it's not major changes to meaning and character, obviously.

>> No.4380327

the German translation of DQ7 is a treat
>Potz Blitz!

>> No.4380420
File: 327 KB, 500x438, TERRAN~2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just looked and saw that I took 60 screenshots of funny Terranigma lines.

>So was, der Kläffer hört nicht.
>Gut du Zeckenmatte.

>Gegen mich bist du Chancenlos, Hosenmatz!

>Abgefahrenes Outfit, Kleiner! Bist du ein Raver?
>Hier müffelt es wenig... die Programmierer schlafen hier...!

>Ich liebe Fußball. Bin Bayern Fan!
>Oh Mann! Das sind die letzten Loser!

>Laß dich von ihm nicht ins Bockshorn jagen. Er ist ein Schlitzohr.

>many Holerös and Vermaledeits

>> No.4382646


>> No.4382689

Anybody find it weird how Cecil was in Secret of Evermore's PAL version when FF4 was never released there?

>> No.4382691

Secret of Mana in German was amazing especially when they censored the existence of those cannibals who fucked off later to watch Lindenstrasse.

>> No.4382718

cannibals? I thought they were goblins

>> No.4382723

I haven't played it in ages so I don't remember but I am sure they returned to their homes to watch Lindenstrasse.

>> No.4383507

it was shit, play the patched version with iphone translation in it