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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4332964 No.4332964 [Reply] [Original]

>uninstall all your games anon, they are causing computer viruses

>> No.4332970

My dad firmly believed that changing resolutions in computer games caused every single problem on our shitty Windows ME system, and got pieced whenever I did it. I never managed to dissuade him from this.

>> No.4333002
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>get mom to buy a game for me in the early days of eBay
>after the transaction she is convinced someone just stole her credit card #
>screams at me and throws her wallet onto the ground
>game shows up a week later just fine but never allowed to buy anything online again

>> No.4333004
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Wrong pic

>> No.4333143

Actually got besten and screamed at by my mother for playing Sims 2.
She did a daily scan for viruses and pummeled me because the scanner "Had found two 'miobyte' worth of Windows virus" while going through the Sims 2 directory. I told her miobytes weren't a thing, got kicked and locked into my room for insolence.

>> No.4333150

My mom actually bought me a console one Christmas, which is unusual considering my family was dirt poor growing up. Not long after that...
>"Anon, your gaems are messing up the TV! Unhook them now!"
Console subsequently goes into the closet where it never sees the light of day again.

I wonder if this influenced my preference for handhelds. All I ever play these days is a Game Boy. That was the one good thing I was able to keep from my parents so it wouldn't inevitably be taken away from me.

>> No.4333168 [DELETED] 
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>White parents

>> No.4333184 [DELETED] 

My older brother got grounded for saying he died, but as a third child my parents didn't really care what I did.

>> No.4333193 [DELETED] 

This is why childhoods spent on comic books, adolescent fantasy novels and lego sets are way superior.
I didn't get heavily into gaming until high school and I don't regret it. If I ever raise a kid I'll introduce him to other mediums first. Makes you less of a uncultured pleb.

>> No.4333207

Says the guy shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.4333209

>This is why childhoods spent on comic books, adolescent fantasy novels and lego sets are way superior
What the heck. How did you get that from that guys story? Where is the reading comprehension?

>> No.4333256

What's the last major work of western philosophy you've read, anon?
Being on 4chan is no reason to be a plebeian. You can find great resources for self study on /lit/. Hell, university education in humanities is garbage, everyone reads this stuff on their own or doesn't read it at all.

>> No.4333259
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>"what's the last major work of western philosophy you've read?
Jesus, the definition of a pseudo-intellectual. You unironically try to use that as an argument for not being a pleb. You definitely belong here.

>> No.4333264

>"Okay Anon, don't download ANYTHING from the internet."

>> No.4333398

Man, you guys have some miserable childhoods. The worst my mother did was put parental lock on Duke Nukem 3D.

To this day I don't know what password she used.

>> No.4333432

>used to install everything from the demo discs that came with PC magazines
>they were in fact causing computer viruses
worth it.

>> No.4333579
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Time to post it.

>> No.4333583


>> No.4333592

My mom set some stupid computer rules, but she didn't even know how to turn it on so I could do whatever I wanted.

>> No.4333620

i guess it depends. what would you consider "major?"

is foucault major? rothbard? spooner? kautsky? novatore?

>> No.4333621


>> No.4333680

My mom always admitted she was a dumbass who can't be trusted with computers. Then again she 's also the same crazy woman who threatened to throw me out of a window of an apartment while I clung on the ledge screaming like a little pussy.

>> No.4333687

I played gamebooks before I got into mangos and /a/ . Too bad they don't make games like KoDP any more.


Oh. Lone Wolf had a not-canon /vr/ too.

>> No.4333716

As much as I want to respond with "fuckin roasties," that is pretty obvious bait.

>> No.4333735 [DELETED] 
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>White parents

>> No.4333750

I'm a curry blax panther though.

>> No.4333772
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I had nothing hilariously tragic happen, but I did have to kinda skirt around my parents when playing certain games

My dad didn't let me play Jill of the Jungle because he figured playing a "girls' game" would make me gay.
My mother always got really upset if she saw me playing Nethack or ADOM because I was "coding viruses".

joke's on me tho I did turn gay

so should they have beaten them or what? I mean one even did I guess

>> No.4333774

This is why I'm a console gaming peasant honestly.

>> No.4333775

w-w-was he right?

Asking for a friend...

>> No.4333789

Imbecile frog face poster

>> No.4333790

There's a nifty app called Lone Wolf Saga that has the entire first two series of gamebooks and some of the third series available for the low low price of on the house.

>> No.4333796

idk it rings true to me

>> No.4333801

Roasties are still shit though.

>> No.4333806

> also played Jill of the Jungle
> my older sister also loved it though she hated most games
> I also turned gay

t-this is kinda creeping me out

>> No.4333814

Did your older sister turn out gay, too?

>> No.4333834


I did all of those things and gaming as well.

>> No.4333837 [DELETED] 

>black parents
Pic related

>> No.4333842

She did, she likes cock even more than I do

>> No.4333845
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>No pic

>> No.4333863

had a really old version of zsnes with a rom of link to the past on our old hewlett packard computer around 1996, my dad was convinced it was slowing everything down and deleted it

>> No.4333882
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>used to be big into the Unreal scene in 2002-2004
>used to play Battle.net with my friends on Diablo 2 a lot

This idea was stuck in their heads till about.. 2006 or so? Fuck. I could never play online games unless it was in secret.

>> No.4333904

This never happened.

>> No.4333929

I work at an independent PC repair shop and I still get cases like this all the time, and IT IS the games that got the viruses most of the time, but to be fair, we're talking about browser based games, the kind that show in in adware ridden websites on top results when you search for "Free games". I feel bad for the kids and always tell the parents it's not the games themselves that are bad, just the shaddy websites they get them from.

Usually don't get cases in which legit installed/bought games get blamed, if anything the common misconception with those is that "they take too much memory so they're making the computer slow", by which they mean storage space, and this is usually something light weight like Minecraft, installed on your average modern laptop or desktop with 1TB hard drive and less than 10% used space.

>> No.4333942

Nah, none of this ever happened. This is all bullshit. I'm sure you're a faggot, but the rest of it is made up.

>> No.4333961

What's so unbelievable about it?
I can buy it
This >>4333579 , on the other hand, it's just way out there.

>> No.4334001

I dunno, I knew some kids who had pretty idiotic and unfair parents.

It's one thing to encourage your kids to share their things-- my parents told us it was nice to share and me and my brothers never had any problem with it. In fact, we frequently pooled our resources to buy things we never would have been able to afford individually, like our video games and consoles. I knew other families though where it was like "YOU WILL LET YOUR LITTLE BROTHER HANDLE EVERYTHING YOU OWN WHENEVER HE WANTS, AND IF HE BREAKS ANYTHING THEN TOUGH SHIT. STOP BUYING STUFF THAT HE CAN'T HANDLE."

>> No.4334008

I'm glad I'm not the only one who experienced this shit. All my friends dabbled in PC gaming back when we were in middle school and thought I was crazy explaining this. Now my mom finally has a smart phone and started ordering off Amazon this year.

>> No.4334059

my parents were pretty chill growing up.

it wasn't until their respective accidents and going full on /pol/ from watching shit like info wars & FOX news 24/7 that made them crazy

>> No.4334103
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>implying Fox News will break the conditioning

>> No.4334140
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>going full on /pol/ from watching shit like info wars & FOX news 24/7 that made them crazy
The other day I wanted to show my mom a youtube video.
The first thing she said was "Is he a liberal or conservative?"

>> No.4334681


Your mother's pussy. That is definitely some antiquated western philosophy.

Get rekd

>> No.4334843

>Makes you less of a uncultured pleb.
>comic books, adolescent fantasy novels and lego sets
Come on, Anon. Classical literature isn't that hard for a child to grasp. I was made to study literature and the piano when I was 8 and I wasn't some kind of prodigy. Give kids more credit.

>> No.4335037

No, you just need non-autistic parents.
It befuddles me when people tell me stories about their parents getting them a console but never buying any games, or just telling them they can't play for more than 5 minutes a day or shit like that. I had restrictions when I was a kid, but never so severe. And I had all the time in the world both to play games and read books. Your parents were assholes if they had to dictate how you should spend your free time.

>> No.4335098
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Nah, it did. I don't think it's that outlandish. My father was an overworked angry drunk who tried to do his bit of parenting by occasionally denying me things, usually whatever he deemed sissy. Mum was computer illiterate for ages and the fact that I could comfortably use the computer at a young age made her think I was some kind of fuckin whiz.

get that dick nigga

>> No.4335118

my mother wouldn't let me play zelda because it was a "roleplaying game" with magic and stuff and that was apparently satanic. obviously some lingering effect of the satanic panic of the 80s. a year or so down the line i managed to convince her it that was all rubbish, and then it was fine.
had a few "virus" and "game is taking up too much memory" incidents, but my parents knew i was a very smart kid and actually listened to my arguments.
truth is i am very careless with computers and infected them with viruses on several occasions

>> No.4335131

First part was believable. Second part would be particularly shitty but not outside the realm of possibility. The part about hiring a locksmith and throwing the laptop into a puddle, solidified as bullshit.

>> No.4335171

>magic and stuff
Knew a kid growing up with uber Christian parents who wouldn't let him play Zelda or read harry potter for the same reason. Phantasy Star Online was fine tho which I found odd. He was completely normal and always joked how weird his parents were.

>> No.4335224

it was a playstation.

>> No.4335241

>uber christian parents
that was the reason here as well. but my parents are not braindead and can be reasoned with.
my mother always refused to wash my satanic metal band shirts though, which i can understand

>> No.4335289

>What's the last major work of western philosophy you've read, anon?
If the first thing you say in defense is "What's the last major work of western philosophy you've read?" then that just means you only read that shit to seem cultured. Literature isn't fashion you psued.

>> No.4335774

You read non-fiction, such as philosophy, to be educated and informed about western though, history and the world around you. That is basically being cultured. What the fuck else is it for?

>> No.4336646 [DELETED] 

Jehovah's witnesses? My mom is a jovo, she has robbed me of a few Marilyn Manson cd's and video games.

One of the games was a Halloween-themed racing game for PS1, apparently something occult made her think of Satan and she took it away from me.

>> No.4336657

Jehovah's witnesses? My mom is a jovo, she has robbed me of a few Marilyn Manson cd's and video games.

One of the games she trashed was a Halloween-themed racing game for PS1, apparently something occult made her think of Satan and she took it away from me.

I sold a PSOne to another family of jehovas witnesses, and my mom forced me to give them one of my games along with it. I gave them Knockout Kings 99. I actually had two copies of that game, but only one case and manual. Of course they got the complete copy. Later I found out that the parents threw the game away, as they didn't agree with the violent sport of boxing. Instead of giving it back, they just threw it out. They could've said "no thanks" when I reluctantly offered it.

>> No.4336786

My dad legit thought the super Nintendo was draining the color from the TV. He went out of his way to talk to a 'TV guy' to 'confirm he was right'. I never believed him. I also never understood his irrational hate/fear of video games.

>> No.4337047

yo are you from russia

>> No.4337116

I will really never understand why some parents will buy their kids an expensive video game console or some computer games only to immediately never let them actually use them.

>> No.4337131

I might have been a misconception due to a PAL/NTSC mix-up causing colors to not show up, but unless you live in some weird third world country filled with bootlegs it shouldn't have been a problem.
My guess is that their friends bought it for their kids and they would look poor or skinflint if they didn't get one themselves or they bought it as a birthday or Christmas present just to shut the kid up with no intention of ever allowing them to use it if only because they might hog the TV. Either way if I was in their position I'd tell the kids to suck it and spend the money on a vacation (without them) instead. Then I could brag to my friends about that.

>> No.4337185

>around 2000
>family finally gets first desktop computer and internet connection
>almost immediately find out about emulators
>install zsnes and play a ton of games we simply couldn't afford back in the day
>by now, the emulation scene is fleshed out enough that dedicated and trusted ROM repositories are easily accessible to new users
>playing Mega Man X on keyboard, but it's fucking free
>doing this for at least a year without trouble

>limewire soon becomes a thing, and my sister uses it religiously
>a queue of files downloading at all times over our 56k connection
>an infected file makes its way into her queue and is installed
>adware is now present on the desktop
>"mom! anon broke the computer!"
>i'm not even at home
>friend's parents get a call and I have to leave
>grounded and banned from using the computer for a month

This would happen every time a virus infected our computer, even after it became known that LimeWire had a metric fuck ton of malicious files being hosted.

I eventually assembled my own computer and never once had a virus, while the family computer would occasionally have similar issues.
Unsurprisingly, even after working part time repairing computers at my school, my family was still convinced that I couldn't be trusted around computers.
Fuck 'em.

>> No.4337195

I'm very thankful that the worst I got from my mother was accusations of fucking up the computer. Never actually took action because she was far less tech literate than me and that was our only computer which she also used, and I was really good at talking my way out of arguments.

>> No.4337209

My dad was and still is an enormous computer nerd, so I never had any problem like this.

>> No.4337219

I never hada problem like this because i quickly became the computer expert in the family and they deemed what I say about them will probably true as they felt in no position to argue.
Our first computer was an old thing with a Turbo- button still from our neighbours, but it could still tun Win95, albeit slowly. Right then I still had to learn so when it got a boot sector error with the OS not loading- "it's dead Jim!" And it went down to the basement and later got thrown away (pity, would make a great retro gaming system these days, RIP). But still neither me nor my games were accused of having caused it.
Our first then modern computer my brother then did buy from his confirmation money- and me being the one able to manage the thing it de facto quickly became mine. Such is the benefit of being the tech expert...

>> No.4337668
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>Be IT guy with a decent background and knowledge, just finished CCNA.
>Senior year of high school rolls around, enroll in work program and go to a helpdesk job from 1:00 to 5:00 every day.

>Family barely knows how to turn the computer on, much less how to use it.
>Get constant complaints that my games are taking up too much space on the hard drive (Which is a semi-valid complaint, I've got 6 of the 20 gigs used, 4-5 of which go to Windows NT, and the rest goes to digital photos).
>Buy my own hard drive, learn how to set it up in BIOS to be a secondary IDE drive (Forgot to switch the jumper on the drive to make it slaved to the original).
>STILL get complaints that I'm using too much space, but I literally have no games on the primary drive except for Worldcraft 3.1 because it can't work outside of C:/Program Files.
>Come home one day to hear my games just wiped out our data and now Windows can't start.
>Mother attempted to format the hard drive I bought (Drive E:) but instead formatted C:
>Lose computer for a week as she refuses to let me fix it since I say if she formatted, I can't get her photos back.
>Wind up dragging an ancient Win98 computer home from work in the meantime.

Ten years later, she still assumes she knows what's best with computers when I try to help her fix things.

>> No.4337685

When I was really young I had some learning games for win98 and my dad would make me install them each time I wanted to play them and uninstal when done because of "viruses". When I got my xp and Internet the rule was the computer has to stay in my parents room (they got sick of Diablo 2 cow sounds and let me move it to my room)

>> No.4337701

I couldn't play my snes in my grandparents house. They used to say it would fuck the tv up.

>> No.4337746

>Parents give me PC
>Internet protected by password, and every time I want to use it I have to ask them to input for me
>Don't use it much anyway, I spent my time with my consoles
>PC stops working for some reason
>Don't give a fuck and don't tell anyone
>Dad wants to do something that didn't work on his PC, so he wants to use mine
>Finds out that my PC is broken
>"Anon, why your PC isn't working and why didn't you tell me?"
>Gets really mad, thinks that I somehow found out the Internet password and filled the PC with viruses by downloading shit
>Grounded for quite some time
>From then onwards, every time anything electronic broke, I was sure to tell everyone and get it fixed ASAP