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4332249 No.4332249 [Reply] [Original]

Should it have been released back in 1996? Why or why not?

>> No.4332253
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This thread is fucking retarded. I'm not even going to give my input due to how outright pointless it is to debate this. Also side ntoe: We've had a good 30 SF2 threads since the release announcement. Let's at least pretend /vr/ has some originality left.

>> No.4332256

I don't know which one I should be more concerned about - the girl or the wall.

>> No.4332271

It shoulda came out back then.
I like obtaining fresh dildos, not ones that have been in storage for 21 years.

>> No.4332298

Then why even bother posting then you retard?

>> No.4332306

Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.4332317

yeah i mean the costs of development were already paid, refusing to publish after that is basically just leaving money on the ground

>> No.4332327

>refusing to publish after that is basically just leaving money on the ground

There are other costs besides development. Might want to read your own post, Anon.

Publishing a physical copy of a game requires a budget. Nintendo has to manufacture PCBs, labels, ROM chips and cartridges, and go on an extensive advertising campaign. Obviously they felt it wasn't worth it.

>> No.4332372

Who knows? This is an almost impossible question for us to answer as we don't have access to all of the pertinent numbers that would be used to make such a decision.

A lot of people have been saying this kind of stuff:
since the game was "revived" on the SNES Classic, but there's more costs associated with the release of a game than just development costs. Games are expensive to produce, especially when you're talking about plastic SNES cartridges, and even more so when those cartridges are for games that require upgraded "Super FX" chips to work. If Star Fox 2 had been released as originally scheduled, those would have been some expensive carts to produce, even if the game was >95% developed. On top of that you have advertising, possible translations, etc. These are all costs, and we simply don't have the numbers to make any sort of educated guess as to whether Nintendo "should" have released it, considering that would have been a business decision on their end.

And yeah, Nintendo wanted to draw a line in the sand at the time between 2D games on the SNES and 3D games on the N64. We now have the benefit of hindsight to tell us that the N64 didn't come as early as they anticipated, but they wouldn't have known that at the time that the decision regarding Star Fox 2's release would have been made. And let's be honest here, it's not even that great of a game. I don't mean to be harsh or take anything away from Argonaut or anyone else; what they were able to accomplish from a tech perspective on the SNES is nothing short of incredible, but the games were just too ahead of their time and too advanced for the console's hardware. It probably ended up working out for the best that the game could be used as ideas to implement in later Star Fox games once the hardware had time to catch up to the game's concept

>> No.4332404

We'll never know. My bet is that SF2 was coming in over budget and low on time. Nintendo probably for once didn't fall for the sunk cost fallacy.

>> No.4332425
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>Because you touch yourself at night.
Jesus man...
Even ironically this is such a cringeworthy old and played out joke.
You can't even recover from this.
I would say kys, but I'm afraid the Lord would just blush upon your arrival.

>> No.4333014

It was literally finished and Miyamoto has explained this before holy fuck they wanted a clean break from 16 and 64 bit most of starfox 2 went in Starfox 64