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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 40 KB, 400x300, Street_Fighter_X_Tekken_Mega_Man_PS3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
427683 No.427683 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm playing Mega Man for the first time after getting if on the DS eshop. I know, I know. I wasn't born when it came out and never got around to it until tonight. The reputation surrounding the series is well deserved. Any tips for someone who didn't grow up with this kind of game? Or does that defeat the purpose of a Mega Man game, I have no idea.

Mega Man general I guess for you people that have played the games way longer/more than me

>> No.427690
File: 229 KB, 707x772, megamanbossorders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might want this if you end up having a lot of trouble.

>> No.427697

oh geez thanks. I thought there was a boss order. I kept running cutman thinking that was the startpoint.

>> No.427705
File: 94 KB, 528x796, MM1BigEyeArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this mofo gives you trouble, use Ice Man's weapon to freeze him in midair and run under him. Trying to kill him isn't worth it.

>> No.427714 [DELETED] 

So are "teenage retro gamers" the girl gamers of /vr/?

>> No.427723
File: 5 KB, 256x224, mm1_magnet_beam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to defeat Gutsman before going to battle Elecman. You need his power to grab this item, which is needed to finish the game.

Also beware of the Yellow Devil. Prepare to stuck on him for a bit.

>> No.427724

MM2 is the best, just so you know. It's just finely tuned, MM1 level design can feel unfair at times.

Mega Man is all about pattern memorization. You can beat every boss with your regular buster gun if you memorize their patterns. That's it. Having said that, it makes it easier to take them down in order like so >>427690

>> No.427726

Or just beat Elec Man and re-do the stage using the Elec Beam to break the blocks

Then you can use the item to pass hard parts of Guts Man's level.

>> No.427730

Whatever. He's asking sincerely for advice or comments on an old game without lame memes or reaction pics or being a dickhead like you. There's no height requirement for this roller coaster. Let's try to keep this board good.

>> No.427735

>Bomb Man first instead of Guts Man or Cut Man

That's kind of odd to me. I've always heard (and done) Cut Man first because he's the weakest out of all of the Robot Masters to the Mega Buster (and he flinches with each hit). Guts Man makes even more sense because he's got an easy routine to dodge, and takes decent damage to the buster. That, and you no longer have to worry about having to do Elec Man's stage twice to get the Magnet Beam (as the "Cut Man first then Elec Man" order has you do.

Bomb Man isn't a bad choice to do first, but it's unorthodox to me.

>> No.427742

I forgot that you can't play older games if you are younger than 35 years old.

>> No.427743

True. Though Elecman's stage is longer and more frustrating than Gutsman's imo. Without the Magnet Beam, Iceman's has them both beat though.

>> No.427746
File: 65 KB, 400x300, stockphotopro_567485YPL_11850148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 20 dude. I just never played Mega Man before, at least not the original series. I borrowed X once from a friend.

>> No.427749

>implying MM4 through 6 need boss orders

Charge shot and slide kills the difficulty NES Robot Master fights. If I recall, charge shot does a flat 3 damage to ALL of the MM4/5/6 Robot Masters which ruins their shit pretty nicely. Most (if not all) of the non-fortress boss rooms have flat surfaces too, which greatly simplifies the fights.

>> No.427761

The problem is when you make a point of "teehee I wasn't even born when this came out any advice xDDDD", like a girl gamer.

If you are a teenager just shut the fuck up about your age.

I don't care as long as you can behave like gays in the army, i.e. don't ask don't tell.

>> No.427773

I brought it up because I was expecting people to go
>not playing mega man before
and I wanted to give context.

>> No.427774

Good for you. Too bad the board is chock full of 15 year olds in their retro phase.

>Global rule 2: if you are below the age of 18, discontinue browsing this website immediately.

>> No.427783

He hardly did anything was gay or anything near as annoying as gamer girls.

Go back to /v/ with your shitty attitude.

>> No.427778

Agreed. Guts Man is easy to me and it feels really short. I wouldn't say Elec Man's stage is difficult, but it feels like a chore because it's an upward climb. Having to all the slow climbing feels like it takes forever. I wouldn't do Ice Man without the Magnet Beam though.

Not everybody that is an adult has played every older game or franchise that was around in their youth.

Bitch, politely take your shitposting back to /v/.

>> No.427789

>Ice Man without the Magnet Beam though.
Ugh. Just, that whole stage. I hate ice stages in Mega Man games.

>> No.427793

>Old Style mode (MM1 remake) in Mega Man: Powered Up

Hahaha oh wow. They really de-fanged the fuck out of that beast.

>> No.427801
File: 17 KB, 486x199, Mega-Man-Rush-Jet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's bright idea was it to have the ammo pellets not respawn

You cant do the whole thing on one tank, even if its full

>> No.427802

The ice stage in 7 wasn't that bad.

>> No.427809

Jump a lot while you're on it. MM3's Rush Jet doesn't use energy if you're not standing on it.

>> No.427818


so just hold right and do small hops?

Does Rush still move forward, or do I fall into the abyss?

>> No.427823

He still moves forward and always stays under you. You don't even have to do just small hops; whenever you can, just do full jumps to keep yourself disconnected from Rush Jet so that you're not using energy.

Rush Jet is overpowered in MM3.

>> No.427832
File: 77 KB, 720x960, 1358330763927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing that portion of the stage in the Wily Wars remake
>Use Game Genie to have MM2 weapons items instead of MM3 stuff
>Having to do that part with the fucking Item-2 jet sled instead of fuckwin Rush Jet

>> No.427858


Is not that hard; when fighting some of the bosses don't worry about being hit, just pay attention in how they act when attacking and that's all for most of them.

>> No.427873


Don't pussyfoot when fighting some bosses. Like Air Man, who can be defeated by simply running at him and shooting without any concern for dodging any of his attacks.

I don't really know how the NES Mega Man series got a reputation for being difficult when the only one that actually requires more than an ounce of skill is MM1.

>> No.428164

I loved how the Metal Blade is still OP in Wily Wars' MM3 bosses, but is sort of mundane against MM1 bosses

>> No.428170


Start with MM9, then 2, then 3. Those are the best Classic series. Expand from there if you wish to try other series.

>> No.428194

Thank you for proving that you don't act as mature as you are making out to be. /vr/ is here to talk about retro games, and not picking on people because they were not old enough to play them.

Back on topic; Don't be fooled by MM9 and 10, just because they are new does not mean they are any more easy.

>> No.428206

MM9 provides the best challenge in the classic series. Don't start with Bass, because parts in that game are not very in-line with what Mega Man is about. Not to mention the unwieldy sprite size and animations.

The first three games? Ehhh, they are filled with broken mechanics and problems. 4 - 6 are garbage because charge shot, 7/8 are garbage because they are garbage. 10 is good as well.

>> No.428223

keep jumping and exploit any of the platforms as "bridges"

>> No.428231
File: 65 KB, 960x805, 575550_3511995235357_1932236908_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that shitty opinion
No, you are the broken garbage.

>> No.428253
File: 357 KB, 900x1038, Megaman__Chibi_Bubbleman_by_lilirulu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mega Man 2 doesn't really need a boss order.
If you beat Metal Man first, you can beat half the other bosses easy.
There's not a 'boss order' so much as there's "certain weapons are more effective on this boss".

For me, it usually goes:
1) Metal Man: P-Buster; Just Fucking Shoot Him You Twit
2) Air Man: P-Buster; stand behind him when he jumps over to you and wail on him until he starts the wind, then jump over him. Dodge air blasts. Repeat.

You now have Metal Blade & Item 2 and have effectively broken the game.

3) Flash Man: Metal Blade; stand near the wall, wait until he jumps on top of you, then shoot up. You'll juggle him until he dies.
Note: Air Tornado is effective for destroying mechs.

4) Wood Man: Air Tornado; point blank shots will bypass his shield.
Note: Flash Stopper can be used to completely bypass the flame wolf minibosses, it freezes their spawn animation while in effect just long enough to run through their section.

5) Heat Man: P-Buster (or Bubble Lead, it doesn't really matter); shoot him, jump over him, repeat.
6) Crash Man: Air Tornado; he's weak to it.
7) Quick Man: Flash Stopper to take out half his health, then Crash Bombs for multi hits (shoot the wall he's going to run into).
8) Bubble Man: Metal Blade; AKA, oh my god you are the most worthless robot master. I saved you for last as a breather.

>> No.428269

lol, keep crying nostalgiafag

>> No.428272

I wonder how many of you fags are describing MM2's easy mode. I bet it's most of you. Fucking pieces of shit.

>> No.428275

Maybe if you're playing on "Normal" which is actually an easier setting they added for the US version.

You're not really playing MM2 unless you play on "Difficult" in which case you will need the boss order to beat Airman and other bosses.

>> No.428279

>can't retort
>let's just say he's wrong and give him a reaction image

>> No.428281
File: 24 KB, 396x304, 1331084673960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> needing a boss order to beat Airman on "difficult"

The fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.428282

Even MM2 on difficult is piss easy

>> No.428289


You forgot Rockman and Forte, aka Megaman 8.5

>> No.428294

Takes out all the fun out of these games. Discovering weaknesses is fun. Just going in blindly and trying your best. It's even more satisfying when you defeat an RM with just the buster. It isn't that hard anyway, there are only a few bosses in the whole series that require extensive practice.

>> No.428326


If someone's criticism is just that "it's broken" without any explanation as to why or how, their mental diarrhea isn't worth any reply other than "no, it's not".

Only if you raise valid claims, valid counterclaims are needed to tear them down. Empty blanket statements warrant nothing more than a simple blanket statement stating the opposite.

>> No.428335

>not doing fire man first
Nah but seriously is there any strategy for him besides shoot more than him?

>> No.428348


You gave an unwarranted evaluation on someone's opinion. It's like walking up to someone that's saying "I like vanilla ice-cream" and telling them they're stupid for liking vanilla ice-cream while making a shit-eating grin.

Then, when confronted as to what or who gave you the authority to decide whether or not is something worth liking, you answer that people aren't good enough to hear your reasons, therefore excusing yourself.

I'm not that anon, but you look like an idiot when you have to resort to using a reaction image and greentext to get your point across, whatever it may be. A polite, intelligent anon would take his time to elaborate upon his ideas textually.

Sage because... well, you're smart enough to know what sage means, right? I don't need to explain it to you, right? RIGHT!?

>> No.428353

You should know how if you've played and studied all the game to great lengths. Take Mega Man 1, for instance.

Randomly moving platforms in Ice Man's stage and Wily 1. Slow ladder climbing and retarded gravity. Spikes kill you even with invincibility frames. You can farm unlimited 1-ups, amongst other glitches, like the pause trick or the gap you can stand on in Fire Man's stage. Some of the boss patterns are really, really bad - Elec Man and the clone boss come to mind. Only six RMs. Some of the stages look extremely bland, a reflection on how designers didn't know how to make pretty-looking Famicom games yet. And a distracting score system that didn't need to be there.

Want me to keep going for 2 and 3?

>> No.428376

>Nostalgia fag

>> No.428382

I know what you're trying to say, but that's not the vision I have for /vr/. The people who are just here to make threads about how "they don't make them like they used to" should get the the fuck out and never return. They are the ones that are bringing down discussion quality. That being said, there are naturally going to be people reminiscing, but to bring that into actual discussion on game design, like right now, is inexcusable.

>> No.428385
File: 2.32 MB, 348x323, 1365025031530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP gave context for why they hadn't played Mega Man in the past.

>Being this mad

>> No.428386
File: 1011 KB, 500x273, Kittan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like you to do 2.
I mean, I love 2, but I also know it's completely broken.
I just like to hear other people say it.

>> No.428391

The problem is that it's your vision of it. Not that it's wrong because of it(because it is not), but anyone else might have another option about it.

>> No.428403

I acknowledge that, but I won't stop making posts that call out nostalgiafags. If nobody bothers to balance it out, this board will eventually be populated by those kinds of ideas almost entirely. These things are nothing to be serious about, I'm just what I feel I have to do.

>> No.428409


No; i beat him just looking for a luck run. You can beat him, but it's really hard not getting hit.

>> No.428457


A lot of people just drop "Metal Blade" into these discussions, and leave at that. No. The fact that almost every single boss is weak to them, the fact that they can fire in eight directions and have very high power, the fact that they are very efficient in weapon energy... you just can't have a proper game with something like that.

Besides that, there's the room boss (which is totally out of place and flickers out the ass), as well as Wily's final form, both for which you need to use one specific weapon. If you screw up, your only choice is to die until you can continue in order to replenish their energy.

It fixed a lot from the first game, but there's still that feeling of being extremely unpolished. And trust me, I'm not a person who rejects a game just because it's easy (Kirby's Adventure is great), but when I play classic Mega Man, challenge is what I want. MM2 had none of that. I also feel like I'm obligated to counter the bandwagon hype that it has built up over the last 25 or so years, as it doesn't deserve it. Even though there aren't as many glaring flaws compared to the first game, the general satisfaction I derive from playing it is about on par with the first game, if not less, believe it or not. What creates an experience is not easily quantifiable just by pointing out errors. It's how everything works together.

>> No.428472

Mega Man 3...

You can easily see why Inafune hates this game. I'd also hate it if I was forced to rush a game like that.

Slowdown. Horrible slowdown everywhere. The first six games all had them, but they culminated as the worst in MM3. The weapon menu is really awkward, probably the worst in series. Terribly, terribly broken Rush Jet, holy shit. Doc Robot stages sucked, and the fact that they just chose to lazily recycle MM2 bosses created this really cheap feeling. The Wily castle contains the easiest bosses and stages compared to the entire game, definitely not how it's supposed to be. Story is not told properly within the game, it's very nonsensical unless you read additional information elsewhere.

I wasn't very hard on these games before Mega Man 9. After that, their flaws became very clear to me. In every single way possible. Although, you really shouldn't take this the wrong way. I'm only hard on the games because I love them so much. The Famicom installments are easily some of the best games for the platform, you know. And very enjoyable today, I'm not saying that just because I'm going easy on old games. I never do that, in fact.

However, Inti completely outclassed everything up to that point with their design. It wouldn't have been possible, though, without all those years of experimentation.

Although, I love reading critiques of Mega Man 9. I don't believe any game is perfect or can be perfect. So if you can write something up, I'd love to read it.

>> No.428583

5 and 6 do have receiving damage diffuse the charge

>> No.429419

I don't get everyone's problem with Metam Blade since Shadow Blade is essentially the same thing. A lower range yeah, but several bosses are weak to it and it serves the same damn function.

>> No.429428

Come on man, I beat it on difficult and I'm a fucking casual

>> No.431523

Mostly because there's usually some incentive to keep using the buster. With the Metal Blade, there is none. You get much more versatile aiming, with greater damage, for very little energy, and just as much range and weapon spam. Getting the Metal Blade allows you to breeze through a lot of stages easily. There is almost no reason to ever switch back, unless you're just a hardcore energy conservationist.

The Shadow Blade was a little more nerfed, because you could only send out one at a time, and it had a more limited range.
Also, I might be wrong, but I think you couldn't shoot it down? As a result, Shadow Blade didn't have quite the same crazy versatility.

>> No.431535

OP I'm in the same boat as you. I'm playing the first Mega Man for the first time and it's hard as fuck. Even just playing Cut Man's stage, it's a nightmare. I hate those blue floating enemies that always seem to fly from the hardest angles.

>> No.431684 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 600x428, 1363674801961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually going through the MM series for the first time too, OP. When i was little i tried out it out, but i think i was just too retarded at the time. I just beat MM1, and i'm half way through MM2. Wily stage 1 had me gritting my teeth, especially the flying platforms before yellow devil.
Contrary to what a lot of people tend to say, i didn't find yellow devil especially difficult. I died my first time, but keep in mind he disassembles himself the SAME way, EVERY SINGLE TIME, except in the opposite direction. Pay close attention to his pattern, and then just take advantage of it. Use tiny hops, or you'll get your head taken off.
Same goes for fighting Wily, his attacks are pretty easy to dodge once you fight him once or twice.

this is probably known to most people here, but i had no idea. after wily's first form, he starts firing these spiral-balls at you. just stand under him. they can't hit you. AT ALL. my mind was blown when i found it.

>> No.431709 [DELETED] 

>>427683 (OP)
I'm actually going through the MM series for the first time too, OP. When i was little i tried out it out, but i think i was just too retarded at the time. I just beat MM1, and i'm half way through MM2. Wily stage 1 had me gritting my teeth, especially the flying platforms before yellow devil.
Contrary to what a lot of people tend to say, i didn't find yellow devil especially difficult. I died my first time, but keep in mind he disassembles himself the SAME way, EVERY SINGLE TIME, except in the opposite direction. Pay close attention to his pattern, and then just take advantage of it. Use tiny hops, or you'll get your head taken off.
Same goes for fighting Wily, his attacks are pretty easy to dodge once you fight him once or twice.

this is probably known to most people here, but i had no idea. after wily's first form, he starts firing these spiral-balls at you. just stand under him. they can't hit you. AT ALL. my mind was blown when i found it.

>> No.431719
File: 170 KB, 600x428, 1363674801961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually going through the MM series for the first time too, OP. When i was little i tried out it out, but i think i was just too retarded at the time. I just beat MM1, and i'm half way through MM2. Wily stage 1 had me gritting my teeth, especially the flying platforms before yellow devil.
Contrary to what a lot of people tend to say, i didn't find yellow devil especially difficult. I died my first time, but keep in mind he disassembles himself the SAME way, EVERY SINGLE TIME, except in the opposite direction. Pay close attention to his pattern, and then just take advantage of it. Use tiny hops, or you'll get your head taken off.
Same goes for fighting Wily, his attacks are pretty easy to dodge once you fight him once or twice.

this is probably known to most people here, but i had no idea. after wily's first form, he starts firing these spiral-balls at you. just stand under him. they can't hit you. AT ALL. my mind was blown when i found it.

>> No.431945
File: 144 KB, 600x800, alia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here's a question for you all. I've been seeing a metric-fuckton of people who are just now saying "I never beat megaman, better do it now!". What's your excuse for not beating the megaman series when you were younger, /vr/?

>> No.431968

my parents were very "video games are bad for you!" when i was really young. they gave up on it around the ps2 era, when i was in my teens. granted, i beat the collections that came out, but it was still later than most

>> No.432004

I'm a '91 faggot who missed out on the golden age of third and fourth generation vidya.

>> No.432010

I just missed out. I didn't discover Megaman until my freshman year of high school. It's now my favorite franchise.

>> No.432071

I didn't had a NES or SNES, and the PC version of Megaman was crap.

>> No.432249

I didn't discover Mega Man until Mega Man 4.
Part of it was that I was just too young. I mean, I was born in time to SEE Mega Man, but that doesn't really mean anything if you're three years old at the time.

Anyway, my first Mega Man was 4, and while I liked it well enough, it didn't scream "amazing" to me. I do remember getting all the way to Cossack's in a single sitting at a friend's house, though, which was pretty good for a prepubescent casual.

I've since beaten 1 (with savestates, shit is hard and I don't care enough to try), 2 on Difficult (without any cheats whatsoever), annnnd I don't really care enough to try the ones after that. I mostly just play the newer ones. I have actually legitimately beaten everything past MM7 in the main series, X1 - X6 in the X series, and the entire Zero and ZX series.

But I'm just not a hardcore enough Mega Man fan to search for and/or try the other ones.

>> No.432264
File: 44 KB, 541x506, 1364692093444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3, 6, 7, 8

X, X3, X5, X6, X8, Xtreme 2

Zero series > Mega Man Classic > X series

Here's my taste. HAVE AT THEE'

>> No.432273

A cheat sheet? No anon, no!

Don't spoil the experimentation!

>> No.432309

Never had a Nintendo console, found out about the series about a year ago.

>> No.432323

>found out about megaman a year ago

.......christ, man

>> No.432334
File: 30 KB, 837x674, mm5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why do I hear from so many people that Mega Man sucked after 4? Been playing 5 and having a lot of fun. Music is kind of more somber which is a nice change, and I noticed levels being generally longer, but I enjoyed all of them so far.
It seems to be more challenging too, I haven't found a single E-tank yet.

>> No.432423
File: 67 KB, 1035x1070, 1365454154306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>currently playing the classic series for the first time
>defeat all the RMs
>have to face them AGAIN during the castle sequence

Recycling bosses is a very lame-ass way to elongate the game. I also feel like every castle sequence is a drag.

>> No.432514

MM5 is one of the easiest, because enemies are very generous with dropping 1-ups. Also there are more E-Tanks later.

Get used to it, it's in every game. Though not like it is in 1. The rest you get to choose the order and get energy when you win.

>> No.432535

MM3 is harder than MM1.

Otherwise, agreed.

>> No.432585

The second time around you are armed with every weapon from the start. It should be easier to deal with all of them at once. Especially when you factor in you've had that much more practice with them.

>> No.432587

Hey, I just wanted to tell you something.

I love MM2. Love. A lot.

I also agree with literally every single thing you just said.

>> No.432596

I've always felt that 1 was more difficult. The enemies and stages just seem a bit less forgiving when you make a mistake in the first game than in the third.

Also, the ability to use Rush and bypass various obstacles is much more versatile than the Magnet Beam you get in the original.

>> No.432606
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1218618937170.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The robot masters are the main act. It would be a waste for them to only show up the one time. Each fight being as different as it is the biggest difference between each game.

>> No.432605

You are a quality anon. Know that someone here gets you and thinks you did a good job of actually supporting your stance.

Similar to you, I love -- and still love -- the whole classic franchise, but MM9 made me notice some flaws that I'd just dealt with forever.

>> No.432609

No, it's not.

Replay MM2 and MM3 right now, then come back and say this.

>> No.432654

You know how, even when people have actual experiences, they start to parrot what others say, and add a little bit more embellishment every time?

It's how myths get started. It's how stuff like "Bill Bucker cost the Red Sox the World Series" happens, when the Mets were likely to win the game before that ball was ever on the ground, and that was because of several people not named Bill Buckner (and there was a whole other game after that).

It's how we go from the occasional "shut up, Navi," to this idea that OoT was a constant barrage of "HEY LISTEN!"

Anyway, as retro gaming discussion has become bigger on the Internet, more and more, MM2 has been held up as this paradigm of perfection in gaming, and the "decline" after it has become steeper and steeper in peoples' minds.

Additionally, MM4 is frequently punished for having the bait-and-switch at the end since that was used three times, even though at the time of MM4 it had been used never.

In reality, 1-6 is good. Two might be the best (I don't think so, personally), but it has become wildly overrated in comparison. 3 and 4 are at least as good as 2 for different reasons, and five is a perfectly good game.

>> No.432681

>It's how we go from the occasional "shut up, Navi," to this idea that OoT was a constant barrage of "HEY LISTEN!"
You mean like how "WATER TEMPLE IS THE HARDEST TEMPLE IN THE GAME" and it has this huge reputation for it when in fact it's just a bit tedious and it's because people get stuck on that one key under the platform in the tower?

>> No.432684
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Knight Man's theme is awesome.

>> No.432810
File: 110 KB, 695x900, 359ff43750a13ce5f94d0fa8204c7a26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I thought the introduction of Rush and the slide in 3, and the Mega Buster in 4 were improvements to the overall game design. 5 and 6 are also both very enjoyable and I liked the tradeoff of using the Jet Adapter in 6 not letting you use the slide or Mega Buster. It's exactly why I think 9 and 10 are, while good games, inferior to 3-6, because they backtracked what I think were great additions to the series.

>> No.434276

I agree. The famicom has limited power so I kind of understand and forgive the flaws of the classic games, but Mega Man 9 quite simply has so much polish. Every MM game Inti's developed has been a great playing experience.

>> No.434302

Oh god post more alia

>> No.434658
File: 253 KB, 640x877, Dr. Heihachi, Protoman, and the 8 Robot Masters watch Mega Man perform robo-bestiality on Rush and are horrified except for Shadowman who is smiling because he is turrned on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad I liked the Doc Robot idea?

>> No.434678
File: 591 KB, 2538x3108, MM group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would it be bad? It was pretty clever. They should have mixed in MM1 bosses though.

>> No.437608

The doc robots were great

Megaman 10's robot museum made me cry bitch tears.