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4316832 No.4316832 [Reply] [Original]

For games that are considered to be so "generic" and "archetypical", why are they so fucking good? Especially compared to other generic JRPGs like Breath of Fire

>> No.4316839

>For games that are considered to be so "generic" and "archetypical", why are they so fucking good?
General consensus is, shockingly, irrelevant to your enjoyment of a game.

>> No.4316842


Generic and archetypal has nothing to do with good or bad

>> No.4316847

Generic as in "doing nothing interesting - boring"

>> No.4316849

That's not at all what that word means.

>> No.4316850
File: 24 KB, 512x448, Uixrdes[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think DQ is generic at all. Does a good balance of exploration, combat and questing while avoiding to pushing the plot/character aspect of other jrpgs while at the same time confering a singular charming to the game experience.

>> No.4316867

>having no particularly distinctive quality or application

>> No.4316870
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same reason chrono trigger is so well regarded

>> No.4316881

I'll admit, Toriyama's artstyle combined with Sugiyama's music is a masterful combination of aesthetic

>> No.4316897

In the sense of entertaining media, "doing nothing distinctive" and "boring" are not at all the same concepts.

DQ does nothing particularly distinctive, but it follows the classic JRPG formula and does everything so god damn well that it's basically the perfect JRPG. To such a degree, I'd say, that it less follows the formula and more MADE the formula.

It's the Shakespeare of JRPGs. Generic now, but still good despite that. But at the time, it was a Big Fucking Deal.

>> No.4316907

What are synonyms again?

>> No.4316986

Well bof is pretty bad, so

>> No.4317016


Aesthetically speaking, Dragon Quest is anything but generic or archetypal. The only reason why Toriyama's designs may be considered generic is because they've been so influential, and still you can always spot a Toriyama design from miles away. The same goes for Sugiyama's music.

In terms of gameplay, Dragon Quest has remained strictly traditional, but it also set the standard for turn-based JRPGs in the first place. The combat system is refined with every new entry, unlike, say, Final Fantasy which tries something new every time, and sometimes they succeed while sometimes they don't.

Dragon Quest is a really "reliable" series, in the sense that you always know what you're gonna get, and the games are mostly quality. But if you want experimentation and unusual settings, Final Fantasy is the way to go.

>> No.4317024

Fucking love the first DQ. I've never minded grinding those games speak directly to the completionist in me since there's very solid tiers to reach.

If only I can get over my urge to restart a couple hours in even if I did everything perfectly.

>> No.4317118

Toriyama is only considered "generic" by retarded westerners that have watched Dragonball and very little else, then see that DQ's designs look pretty similar.

>> No.4317125

Because they do everything right.
BoF has a ton of little things that are just bad.

>> No.4317148

it's a perfect blend of people who like to play dungeons and dragons but don't want to be bogged down in stat-minutia. it's got that...but it doesn't bog you down because it's simplified.

honestly I don't love the DQ games...although I own most released in usa. sometimes I'm just in the mood for some mindless grinder and it fits the bill.

>> No.4317210

Why does no one ever talk about the dialogue in these games? I'd been playing through them for the first time on IOS (surprisingly fantastic ports). The game seems to love to flip flop between well written funny dialogue and unintelligible accents that destroy all cases of conversational flow.

>> No.4317223

Because it just leads to the discussion of whether you should be forced to learn Japanese to play these games.

>> No.4317226

Do they attempt these types of accents in the Japanese versions?

>> No.4317232

No, it does a lot more punnery though

>> No.4317239

Might be worth giving a go then

>> No.4317250

People should communicate their dislike for the accents more clearly to Squeenix, you know, I never heard anyone try to defend them.

>> No.4318469

Yeah, you'd think Akira Toriyama artwork would be enough to hook people. It did me. Still have to play the rest of the series though.

>> No.4318503

Even though I like the series myself, I often choose entries that aren't so generic. I wouldn't call V generic. Or VII. Those two I find unique in a way. They're not just like I or II.

>> No.4319373

What are the best ways to play the first seven DQ games?
Are the DS remakes good enough?

>> No.4319375

Only if you played the game in japanese, if you played it in english you didn't enjoy even if you think you did

>> No.4319445

when will this shit meme die

>> No.4319461

I've never played the games but this was my first thought when I saw the OP.

>> No.4319468

How is the port and translation of the first Dragon Warrior?

>> No.4320625

When you realize it's not a meme

>> No.4321051

Short answer: yes. 4-9 are all conveniently available and playable on the 3ds and they are all good or the best versions.

The long answer depends on the person. I know some people suggest not playing IV because they left out party chat and some people don't like the downgraded visuals of VIII, but they are all still good versions regardless I believe.

>> No.4321207

As >>4321051 touched upon, they removed party chat from IV in the English DS version. It's where the majority of character interaction takes place, so you lose a lot by not having it.

The localisation for IV - VI is questionable. They added a bunch of accents which weren't even hinted at in the original Japanese. It didn't even use that many regional/stylistic language choices iirc so it changes the feel of the game quite a bit.

>> No.4321215

It's not just the accents, they rewrote the characters with stereotypes.
The whole localization feels like an insulting parody of the original.

>> No.4321243

>good or best versions

Are you underage?

>> No.4321435

How heavy was this in IV? I just finished it and the story felt kind of off. The party chat also should have had the different members actually interact instead of just each one giving their take on what npc #712 has to say, especially since its a story of different paths intersecting.

>> No.4322190

Would you consider the VII remake a good version of VII or the best version? You either have one of those two opinions or you don't like VII. Same goes for VIII. Good or best versions is not that trivial of a statement. Everyone has a preference.

>> No.4322273

That's literally what party chat is

For all the talk and the big deal people make it out to be, when I first played V I ended up very disappointed. I read pretty much EVERY line of every character after talking to every NPC and I can't remember anything interesting.

Then it hit me, characters are bland and the story was nothing special, dialog was as repetitive and unsurprising as the mandatory grinds, so of course, that's what DQ is about.

>> No.4322678

No, fuck off. PS1 is the best version of VII

>> No.4322705

Dragon Quest is "generic" and "archetypal" because it defined the genre and archetypes.

>> No.4322757

You have to consider that party chat was introduced in DQ VII. Its inclusion in earlier games is subordinated to the existing narrative and interactions.
>mandatory grinds
>DS remakes
Maybe this series isn't for you.

>> No.4323464

I cleared the game just with the encounters I found while walking and trying to catch monsters

>implying grinding isn't mandatory for DQ
Even speedrunners grind, don't try to play it off as if DQ was challenging

>> No.4324896
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I sort of liked the convos in the PS2 version

>> No.4325637
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And the 3ds remake isn't a good alternative? Lol okay then. :^)

>> No.4325708

party chat is super boring imo and never used it after trying a few times. don't know why people make such a big deal about it. I think it's just "muh definitive version"