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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4321258 No.4321258 [Reply] [Original]

i would like to remind everyone that we abandoned 2D for THIS

>> No.4321263

Early 2D also looked like shit, dumbass. It's almost like nascent technology is less impressive than developed technology.

>> No.4321272

Atleast it went out with a bang

>> No.4321276


>> No.4321287
File: 126 KB, 704x801, rage1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a board dedicated to pre-modern gaming cares about "dated" graphics

>> No.4321309

how about clunky gameplay

>> No.4321315


He's not saying it's dated you moron. He's saying it looked like shit at the time.

>> No.4321319

and it blew our minds back then. so its cool.
+ this mid 90s 3D stuff has a nice charme in parts.

>> No.4321320


I didn't know you could read minds, Anon. Where did OP say that?

>> No.4321324

Well, no, it didn't. At the time we looked at 3D even that shitty and went "Holy shit those graphics are INCREDIBLE!"

>> No.4321332

Modern-day 3D still looks like shit compared to well-made 2D graphics, though.

>> No.4321495

Not always, at least for me. It was more the openness of the levels, which made me go wow. Tomb Raider never looked great, every non-gamer made fun of the triangle tits. 3D fighters which could use more polys for the characters were more of a graphics wow.

>> No.4321502

>Graphics so good people masturbated to
Op a dumb Fuck

>> No.4321504

I would have put my 2600, NES, Genesis and every game I had in a wheelbarrow and burned it if that was the only way I could have played Tomb Raider and Resident Evil.

>> No.4321531
File: 8 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's your fault for buying a Saturn and PS1 instead of an N64.

>> No.4321540
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 1506693404491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying all three

>> No.4321557

the Saturn still had 2d games. Go back to your daddy's womb kid.

>> No.4321559

>i would like to remind everyone that we abandoned 2D for THIS
And it was pure porn and people absolutely loved it. There were play station commercials on TV selling her as an international sex symbol at it worked. They implied you buy the game for your kids but Lara was "for Dad". Late night TV was buzzing with "nude raider" news and mods and the controversy surrounding them. This was your local channel 7 NBC or whatever the fuck you had, the news your grandparents watched, and they were debating if Lara was too sexy for kids.

It was the first time advertisers admitted that you were meant to fap to the character, and that it was ok.



>> No.4321563

No we didn't. The only good 3D was in the arcades. Consoles looked and played like turds.

>> No.4321564

Toby Gard was Lara's creator and the lead programmer/animator on Tomb Raider, and he left the company over her being sexualized against his will. Didn't return until Legend/Anniversary/Underworld.

>> No.4321572


>Instead of crisp pixels let's have shit textures smeared over the walls and blur everything with a shit AA filter

>Also, lets play these shitty party games and kiddy platformers

>> No.4321573

News flash: not everyone played at arcades and knew what was available there.

>> No.4321574

>>Also, lets play these shitty party games and kiddy platformers
>Conker, one of the darkest, most thought provoking games of the 5th generation.
>Kiddy platformer.

>> No.4321576
File: 296 KB, 640x480, Turok7rl2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kiddy platformers

>Instead of crisp pixels
You mean shitty point sample filtered textures with no perspective correction? Which makes every 3D game look like an eye-raping monstrosity?

>> No.4321580

Even he admitted the crude 3D women were very popular at the time. It was like a fetish for low polygon female models in the mid 90s.
>"It became clear to me watching people play Virtua Fighter, which was kind of the first big 3D-character console game, that even though there were only two female characters in the lineup, in almost every game I saw being played, someone was picking one of the two females."

>> No.4321581

newsflash: not everyone was a kid during the fifth gen

>> No.4321586

It has low polygon count so it's bad.

>> No.4321589

Yea, but Lara was basically a stand-in for his sister.

>> No.4321597

no, it's bad because it looks like shit. star fox for example is a generation behind and looks better

>> No.4321617

Either way, the point is that what OP posted was amazing back in the day and people literally masturbated to it in the early days of the internet. Adult men used their credit cards to buy nude mods and porn of Lara before some of the kids here were born. It was a really big deal.

>> No.4321627

nice emulator

>> No.4321647
File: 269 KB, 500x525, tumblr_n76qytjYWP1s7elebo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unreal 1 still looks rad. Suck it, 2D fags.

>> No.4321663

I could never believe that anyone actually found her attractive.
All the game magazines would write about Lara as if she were sexy, and post those magazine spreads of her, but she was so awful looking, not just the in-game model, but even the pre-rendered promotional stills.
The whole thing felt to me like it had to be a fake concept made up by magazines in love with the idea itself, because no real human being could possibly actually like the way she looked.

>> No.4321670

Then why should anyone listen to their shitty uninformed opinion?

>> No.4321676


>Dude, Conker is so dark and thought provoking
>*rips bong*
>Yeah, you really have to be an intellectual to get all the toilet humor

>> No.4321680


Lack of perspective correction is just a Sony thing though. And it still looked way better than the Blur 64.

>> No.4321686


Unreal came out in 1998. The sixth gen started already by then.

>> No.4321707

This. It got better and is awesome now, but thst gen sucked for graphics.

>> No.4321748

hahahaha i had the fap of my life, thanks lara

>> No.4321834

The hell we didn't. Slightly later stuff, sure, but nobody thought Tomb Raider 1 looked "incredible", and I remember everyone laughing at how ugly the faces in Goldeneye looked.

>> No.4321837

They went as far as to even print a fake nude code that made you jump off the top of an impossible to get on object in the pool room in one of the magazines was it EGM or GamePro?

>> No.4321869

We still had lots of good 2D games after Tomb Raider anon, don't be so fatalistic. So what's everyone's favorite TR game >inb4 2 my favorite

>> No.4321903

Old 3D is charming in its own way, too

>> No.4322250
File: 100 KB, 237x213, Tomb Raider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this is better, right?

>> No.4322284


Certainly could be if designed right.

>> No.4322292


Still the only Lara Croft game I have played. Missed much?

>> No.4322301

>So, here I am, King. King of all the land. Who'd have thought that? Huh, not me. I guess you know who these guys are now, because I certainly do. I don't wanna know them. And yup, I may be king, I have all the money in the world and all the land, and all that stuff. But you know, I don't really think I want it. I just wanna go home, with Berri, and, I don't know, have a bottle of beer. Hmmm. It's not gonna happen. It's true what they say, "The grass is always greener, and you don't really know what it is you have, until it's gone

>> No.4322305
File: 208 KB, 640x480, goldeneye-000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I remember everyone laughing at how ugly the faces in Goldeneye looked.
Which is weird because they look great even today.

>> No.4322310


>> No.4322321
File: 175 KB, 640x480, goldeneye-003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason, people have forgotten that Rareware intentionally made enemy faces look comical in order to make the violence less morbid. Lots of exaggerated expressions.

>> No.4322338

Maybe if you find potatos with makeup good-looking

>> No.4322347

Show me a better looking female character in an FPS game <= 1997.

>> No.4322364

Why does it have to be FPS?

>> No.4322369

TPS is fine, too.

>> No.4322402

Second is the best one.

>> No.4322404
File: 17 KB, 353x500, 41bEN2YMYGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4322434



>> No.4322437

Why does it have to be from any specific genre, anon?

>> No.4322441

Because those were literally the only genres with advanced 3D graphics and female characters in 1997.

>> No.4322448

I suppose it's to prevent cheating. Like, some fighting games had fairly high poly 3D models because they were rendering pretty much nothing else.

>> No.4322504

Nu Lara is best Lara.

>> No.4322563

Tomb Raider 1 had some really solid level architecture design for such an early 3D game.

>> No.4322572

Modern 3D graphics often look so realistic that they're nigh indistinguishable from real life. Hardly "shit".

>> No.4322590
File: 591 KB, 1200x1906, 1200px-P.G._Wodehouse_-_My_Man_Jeeves_-_1st_American_edition_(1920_printing)_-_Crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh pinions

Stop acting like you have any basis for that statement

>> No.4322594

So "no" is what you're saying?

>> No.4322674

Then he was a faggot because it takes a whole five minutes of playing to get to the point to where you really don't care what Lara looked like.

>> No.4322681

He primarily objected to the way Eidos advertised the games.

>> No.4322687
File: 246 KB, 144x205, skullwiz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If well animated early/low poly 3d is fucking rad

>> No.4322710

Fair trade.
TR is better than PoP, Flashback, et al.

>> No.4322714

What's this from?

>> No.4322718

Hexen 2.

>> No.4322725
File: 457 KB, 3200x3200, d53de047328da68a65f5e7e5a093f25b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'm not a real human being then.

>> No.4322727

We didnt abandon 2D. 2D was assassinated by sony. Reason being for outstanding 2D graphics it takes REAL talent. Which the west was not capable of back then. 3D games can be massproduced by people with no talent. Which is what we are in the middle of right now.

>> No.4322731
File: 939 KB, 2400x3200, tr5_render26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good riddance, Lara is perfect.

>> No.4322736

Most modern 3D games look like retarded poser renders. They "age" like milk.

>> No.4322739
File: 9 KB, 320x180, hehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4322741

So then, we traded colorful, stylish 2d graphics for generic, realistic 3d graphics that we can see any time we want by simply going outside.

And we traded tight, responsive d-pads for loose, laggy analog sticks.

And we traded rewarding gameplay that required skill for the ability to walk around and look at realistic scenery, which we could do any time we want by going outside.

>> No.4322742

Not being rich enough family to have one. Feels bad man

>> No.4322745

And the makers of these laughed all the way to the bank :D

>> No.4322761 [DELETED] 

Dude, game consumers are extremely stupid. The gaming industry could literally shit in buckets, they would still buy when told to.

And i agree with you. Games are about escapism. Realistic graphics, which we are recades away from still, would be escaping from reality to reality. Quite frankly i am sure the main vision and driving orce is going to for a holodeck for porn. For consumers who cant have sex otherwise. The type of retards that hump rubberdolls because there isnt any better ...yet.

>> No.4322764

>>4322741 #
Dude, game consumers are extremely stupid. The gaming industry could literally shit in buckets, they would still buy when told to.

And i agree with you. Games are about escapism. Realistic graphics, which we are decades away from still, would be escaping from reality to reality. Quite frankly i am sure the main vision and driving orce is going to for a holodeck for porn. For consumers who cant have sex otherwise. The type of retards that hump rubberdolls because there isnt any better ...yet.

>> No.4322769

>realistic 3d graphics that we can see any time we want by simply going outside.
Unless you take a fantastic environment and make it look really believable.

>> No.4322771
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which it still isn't. The best we get is uncanny valley - and any 2D graphics are better than uncanny valley.

>> No.4322779

>Which it still isn't.
Depends on were you suspension of disbelief point lies. When I play Thief I/II, I'm thoroughly immersed.

>> No.4322785

The first two Thieves are better than the modern 3D simply because they don't get even close to uncanny valley.

>> No.4322803
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1200, quake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know what your point is but it was not always this way. some people had better ideas in the 90s for 3d graphics but they were ruined by graphics card manufacturers and jon carmack. he invented useless linear filters for nvidia and ati in order to sell more cards. but filters make games look worse so people ended up buying even MORE video cards thinking it would help. but newer cards = newer filters so it never helped...

this screenshot >>4322771 has so many linear filters that ruin the image. so many dumb sheep can be easily fooled into believing these graphics are best but they are not. the best game graphics have high sharpness. 2d games always have high sharpness but some early 3d games had sharpness too. but without sharpness games will ALWAYS be uncanny vallely. all because jon carmack sold out to the big wig corporate video card manufacturers. video game graphics get worse and worse every year. a lot of filters and special effects that are fake and do not make the games look good, they just make you need a better video card. these problems are the best reason to stick to retro games imo. it is a lie to say retro games have "outdated" or "bad" graphics. modern games have many big graphics issues that old games do not. it will not change because the corporations are in it for profit. old 90s companies wanted to the best looking games possible but it's not like that anymore so we have to have generic graphics all the time

>> No.4322805

>Which the west was not capable of back then.
>Which the west was not capable
>Which the west
Sony's a Japanese company tho

>> No.4322814

I don't get the uncanney valley feeling from either characters or environments in most games. There are exceptions both new and old. Oblivion like you posted is an example of a particularly soulless game.

If considering sharpness and nothing else, Crackdown(2007) takes the cake for me. Both the post-processing and visual design of textures models and animations worked together to make an extremely crisp experience.

>> No.4322823
File: 46 KB, 490x358, 1399314772753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Japanese company with a Merchant mindset.

>> No.4322839

>3D games can be massproduced by people with no talent. Which is what we are in the middle of right now.

Exactly! This is why Western devs always make simulations with realistic graphics, because simulations and realistic graphics don't require creative talent to make.

We are in gaming Hell thanks to Sony and Microsoft and the idiots who keep buying their products.

>> No.4322867

It's on the same technical level as Turok, but with much better art direction and no fog courtesy of PC hardware.
Also its special effects were made using demoscene techniques which made them look unrealistic, but beautiful while also being light on performance impact.

>> No.4322878


>only AAA market exist

Dozens of great indie titles that were made by groups of developers comparable to that of the old times, using similar techniques get neglected because of "teh indie shlock" elitism.

Get off your high horse and go play some great not-AAA games that were released this year.

>> No.4322882

Sony does jack shit in japan. Lots of japanese people boycott sony products.
Sonys main market is the west. Thats where they cater to, thats where their money is.

>> No.4322894

>We are in gaming Hell thanks to Sony >and Microsoft and the idiots who keep >buying their products

I believe sony + ms created this whole retro gaming trend, unintentionally. Lots of older gamers are like, hey wait a moment werent games about fun and true innovation back then?

>> No.4322895

Cuphead was great, so was sonic mania.
Things might be slowly changing for the better. And in all honesty 90% of indie games are absolutely laughable.

>> No.4322901

>Sonys main market is the west. Thats where they cater to, thats where their money is.

Because the West is were you'll find the most low IQ people with money.

>> No.4322909

Sonic Mania was average at best, it rides too hard on nostalgia, doesn't have good level design, and uses too much old content in a frankenstein combination.

>> No.4322910

90% of old games are shit as well. Very few of them stood the test of time.
The ratio of good/trash is still the same.

Good games of old times get priveleged treatment solely because of their "cult" status. Games made today in the old style of gameplay (I dont count art here) have harder time getting noticed because of how much more various types of games there are.

I do not differentiate the games by the time they were made. If the game is good, it is good any time, no matter when it was made or whether or not you playing it years after release.

>> No.4322927
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, wisely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all need to be more mindful of who we give our money to, because they grow in power with every dollar we give them. And that goes for everything in our lives, not just gaming.

Do we want sociopathic, no-talent hacks who only care about money and power to be in charge of the game industry, or do we want creative, imaginative, passionate gamers in charge?

>> No.4322932

Too late, they already have paid reviewers and normies will donate them for any shitty game at this point.

>> No.4322950

>90% of old games are shit as well.

Dude, do you even know where you are?

>> No.4322956


Truer words have never been spoken. Vote with your wallets brethren!

>> No.4323794
File: 600 KB, 489x600, 1382321919627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Raven will never be free from Activision's grasp

>> No.4324357

All the naked chicks in Daggerfall...and you didn't specify that they had to be 3d or that the face was the only criteria so I'm gluing the goalposts down.

>> No.4324592

>age like milk

I unironically want to literally murder everybody who uses these in any context. Literally murder them to death violently.

>> No.4324598

Thanks for proving the point, that's HIDEOUS

>> No.4324602

>2D was assassinated by sony

What? There were plenty of great 2D games on PSX. It was Nintendo that had virtually no 2D games (yeah, yeah muh mischief makers, go fuck your mother) on the N64.

>> No.4324646

Very few 2d games were made for either console back then because it was generally accepted that 3d games were the future. However, Sony was the only company that actively blocked 2d games from being made for it's console.

It was in Sony's interest to kill 2d gaming and move toward graphical, story-telling games because their main competitors (Sega and Nintendo) specialized in 2d skill-based games.

The biggest mistake both Nintendo and Sega made was not releasing 2d Sonic and Mario games for their consoles to remind people of why they were superior to Sony.

>> No.4324651

That's absolutely bullshit.

>> No.4324656 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 1469x1200, 346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hells yeah!

On a related note, why didn't it call me by the name I put in in the beginning? I didn't name the character "Link". I never use "canon" names in games that don't put the canon name in the input field by default. But this game of all things decided to disregard that in an ending, huh?

>> No.4324664
File: 92 KB, 350x498, turned this into a .webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4325242

Don't worn out your already old bones.

>> No.4325492
File: 552 KB, 1944x1437, IMG_0135.edit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4325563

This guy looks like my friends grandpa

>> No.4327016

>not spamming B
How new are you?

>> No.4327072

So he got mad that people were fapping to his waifu?

>> No.4327167
File: 1.05 MB, 2863x2115, tomb_raider_the_last_revelation_by_honzziik-dalphz6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More or less.

>> No.4327184

If he hadn't been a faggot and hadn't let EIDOS take over ownership of something he created becase he fagged out, then he'd be as rich as Oprah today.

>> No.4327865

Graphics don't equal a good game though

And besides, typically games that go for some kind of art style (eg. Cell shaded) turn out looking better.

>> No.4327953


>> No.4328782


show us a modern 3D game that doesn't look like like the fucking textured mapped polygons that they are made of, BROTIP YOU CANT

You are just used to this shit because they force feed it down our throats. Don't forget to swallow and say thanks.

>> No.4328835
File: 140 KB, 1077x964, aabait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i know what your point is but it was not always this way. some people had better ideas in the 90s for 3d graphics but they were ruined by graphics card manufacturers and jon carmack.
Fuck off retard.
Could you imagine 3D graphics these days without hardware acceleration? Even back then it was a huge advantage in performance, just turn off the filters if you don't like the blurry textures that came out of it because the cards where extremely memory limited unlike these days. You obviously didn't live back then.
It was natural progression and it looked great. You're literally a "tinfoil hat" and bitch about preference.

>> No.4328908

The guy has no idea what he was talking about anyway. The very first hardware accelerated version of quake was for rendition verite hardware called vquake. Nothing to do with nvidia and ati like he suggests. Carmack thought rendition had the best value at the time and thought he made the best choice supporting them.

>> No.4328961 [DELETED] 


He has a point though. Filtering, post processing, motion blur, lame transparencies effects and all this recent crap buries the visuals under a thick coat of shit.

Game graphics took a wrong turn. And by blowing sugar into the fat industry asses nothing is ever gonna change.

Stop making a personal crusade out of attacking people that realize crap that you are too dim to see anyway. Fuck face :D

>> No.4328965
File: 31 KB, 500x419, 333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He has a point though. Filtering, post processing, motion blur, lame transparencies effects and all this recent crap buries the visuals under a thick coat of shit.

Game graphics took a wrong turn. And by blowing sugar into the fat industry asses nothing is ever gonna change.

Stop making a personal crusade out of attacking people who realize crap that you are too dim to notice anyway. Fuck face :D

>> No.4329000

Except you're arguing about something entirely different now. All the guy mentioned was bilinear filtering, not all the crap you just listed.

>> No.4329768

>muh opinion
>fuck you because your opinion is not the same as mine
Cool story

>> No.4329778
File: 586 KB, 1000x750, IMG_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glide Quake looks far better than software Quake.
You're like the autistic faggot that shits blood whenever someone plays a 16-bit console on a Trinitron. Even more retarded when that person actually grew up having one in his family he played games on.
Actually, you're probably the autistic faggot who never got into 3D accelerators and hates anything 3D now.

>> No.4329802

>hating on 3D
It's almost like 3D and 2D don't coexist.
It's almost like pseudo 3D wasn't a thing already way before actual 3D games.

>> No.4329818
File: 161 KB, 558x529, 1491384374864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn I never noticed the lightning and shadows like that
also textures look mighty fine for being filtered, is there much of a difference between glide and opengl?

>> No.4330245

Most older games, glide looks better, obviously depends on the card too. In original Quake glide shadows and lightning looks better then in OpenGL.

>> No.4331907

> this thread
> no one slaps OP saying something like Alone in the Dark should be in the screenshot

REEEAL THREEE DEEE craze started much earlier, when no one actually understood how it would work. Tomb Rider belongs to the later line of games that had better developed concepts from the start. Also, it naturally used the 3D space and made objects in it interact, and that compensates for the decrease in complexity.

The game is rendered in one of intended resolutions (640×480 here), then analog post-processing of monitor and high resolution camera integration and digital post-processing of photo resize tool is applied. The result is quite different from what you'd get by copying a video buffer (at roughly 800×600) directly. I'd say it's very high quality distance-agnostic smoothing with some anti-aliasing on low contrast edges.

First line-ups of 3D accelerators had a number of incompatibilities with later models. They rendered in Highcolor (5 bits per channel, but twice as less onboard memory required compared to 4 octets spent on 1 pixel), this accentuated the motley texels. They treated 256-color graphical data resource palettes as VGA ones (6 bit per channel) — which they typically were, provided the same data was used in software rendering, — and that makes native (and naive) ports that don't have 6-to-8 bit palette upsampling look dark and/or washed out on more recent hardware. They used different hacks to speed up multi-sampling and texturing, resulting in less correct, cruder pictures (it was possible to compare brands based on that for some time).

Bloom comes from the monitor. Difference in lighting levels can be easily attributed to difference of monitor/camera gamma curves.

I think game screenshots in magazines generally looked better than real thing for similar reasons (though I'm not talking about the cases they printed a dozen of FMV screenshots and one or two of actual game).

>> No.4331989

Why do Japanese boycott Sony?

>> No.4332152

But 90% of 2D games are ALSO kiddy platformers.

>> No.4332221

You know how long it takes to make a realistic 3d model? You know how there's a reason the only good looking 3d games today are those from AAA developers because they have hundreds working on the art? Don't you think there's a reason that 2d indie games require much smaller teams and much less time? There's a huge difference in making a simple, animated sprite and making a high-poly, fully rigged and animated, textured, shaded character in a game. To make a good 3d character requires a lot of experience and knowledge of anatomy, proportions, topology, and learning these things properly will take you at least a few months. 3d takes a fuck load of time and anyone who claims 3d is easier than 2d needs to put their shit back through their throats where it belongs.

>> No.4332228

>you know, sharp 3d graphics isn't the hardest thing to do. You can turn off lighting, use point-filtering, turn off image effects, raise poly-counts, as a game designer. It has little to do with video cards, more just game-dev's decisions.

>> No.4332231

Anyway, I do agree that aesthetically and graphically modern games look generic and over-effected these days. No-one wants to experiment in the AAA market.

>> No.4332859

>The game is rendered in one of intended resolutions (640×480 here), then analog post-processing of monitor and high resolution camera integration and digital post-processing of photo resize tool is applied. The result is quite different from what you'd get by copying a video buffer (at roughly 800×600) directly. I'd say it's very high quality distance-agnostic smoothing with some anti-aliasing on low contrast edges.
1024x768 is the resolution/framebuffer.
The whole point is to play on a CRT, there's a thing called CRT dithering.

>> No.4332873

The framebuffer(s) is(are) actually 1024x(2x384) to be technically correct.

>> No.4333043

>the camera made those lighting effect
damn son

>> No.4333046

pretty fucking obvious that a LCD is going to look shit compared to a CRT

>> No.4335249


I still play 2d...

>> No.4335320
File: 11 KB, 250x188, monkeyrape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least it lead to this

>> No.4335335

What's going on in this picture??

>> No.4335343

gee, i fucking wonder

>> No.4335352

I can't see someone like her getting raped by a couple of monkeys, it must be willing.

>> No.4335362

the review is digital gold:

>> No.4335386

Larger levels more exploration, freedom of movement and CD quality sound.

Man did we ever make the wrong choice...

Seriously though, go play Mario world for the 20,000th time you retarded fucking aspie.

>> No.4335394

I'll better switch to porn once my boss will catch me watching this picture... it'll be easier to explain...

>> No.4336063

Just played it.
It's an hilarious POS.

>> No.4336409
File: 208 KB, 1024x768, bdb8c922b2ff334091b2f9d54ae1e2a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we value realism so much because it's measurable, and you can one-up the previous generation of games by boasting more realism. It has really nothing to do with art - which is the key issue here. I'm not saying that realism and art are mutually exclusive, but I think AAA game studios have mostly given up on art to favor realism - again, because it's measurable and it's something you can numerically beat and show your customers.

>> No.4336753

Lara Croft was worth it OP.

>> No.4336765

>this relic of a copy pasta

What fucking year???????????????????????

>> No.4337671

retro pasta on a retro board
seems fitting

>> No.4337702

>we abandoned 2D
No body abandoned anything. 2D games were still made after 3D became popular. 2D games are still made today. We just got more options.

You might as well try to claim that as soon as movies were invented everyone stopped making music.

>> No.4337735

I reccomend you watch this video.

As obviously you're not familiar with the technology and history.

>> No.4337890

Dude what the fuck are you talking about. Just say you like 2-D better so you don't have to be wrong

>> No.4338003
File: 226 KB, 1920x1080, uncharted 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4338017

Ugh, it's shit! Obviously shit!
Fuck you, it's not even a matter of opinion, it's shti!
Where are the pixels, where are the polygons? Ew, some ugly filters! It looks like real life, gross! That's just bad 3D!

>> No.4338034

Agreed. Fuck 3D games

>> No.4338045

I'm glad you agree, friend.
As a fellow with good taste like myself, would you like to go throw rocks at birds and suck eacothers minature dicks?

>> No.4338052

The problem is it doesn't look anything like real life. It's right in the uncanny valley, especially when they move. Maybe you've seen photoshoots of cosplay models where they use makeup and lighting techniques to achieve the same artificial, "shiny" look--it's creepy as fuck.

I have no interest in consuming this stuff and probably never will, but I bet within the next five years they will be using machine learning techniques to create shaders that make 3D renderings look like video recordings from digital cameras (making video games visually identical to film, tv, etc.).

>> No.4338060
File: 2 KB, 217x248, SpaceInvaders-Gameplay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to remind everyone that we abandoned 1D for THIS.

>> No.4338127

They look better then real life. That's the problem for some people, but some think games should not be actually photo realistic though anyways.

>> No.4338152

In that case, this >>4321258 looks better than real life.

>> No.4338158


Photo realism is ruining games. It's killing creativity.

>> No.4338163

>In that case, this >>4321258 (OP) looks better than real life.
You missed the point I think.

>Photo realism is ruining games. It's killing creativity.
I agree.

>> No.4338174

The point is that "better than real life" is meaningless. Some people would rather play 8-bit games than watch a movie. Does that mean 8-bit graphics are better than real life? It's totally subjective to the point of being a foolish thing to say.

I agree that pursuing "realism" for realism's sake is harmful to the creative potential of the medium. Consumers don't want "realism" anyway, they want an escapist mix of realistic-enough-to-self-insert and wish-fulfillment fantasy.

>> No.4339504

Can you still find that game anywhere?
The original website doesn't exist anymore...

>> No.4339510

Never mind that, I was able to find the links:
DV2: http://nearfatal.net/DV2b.zip
DV1: http://nearfatal.net/DV1.zip

Apparently the website is unreachable but the download links still work.
Too bad I tried both of 'em and neither would run properly. DV1 doesn't even start, and DV2 crashes immediately.
I guess there's some compatibility issues with a modern system, but man, these sure are quality games.

>> No.4339535

> horribly unnatural blur
> door frame texture in full econo-mode

Still racing with hardware performance development. Wait for Nvidia GeForce Thunder XXX that can handle the whole scene in that level of detail.

What would be the point, I wonder...

>> No.4340394

>Wait for Nvidia GeForce Thunder XXX that can handle the whole scene in that level of detail.
That's actually a still from the console you dildo.
GPUs on computers could do this level of detail smoothly at such resolution years ago, it's just two guys and a wall.

Sad thing about /vr/ is that they are pretty tech illiterate, specially about modern hardware.

>> No.4340404

we used to name them with my friends, to this day we call all the enemy faces by name

>> No.4340405
File: 406 KB, 1657x942, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess there's some compatibility issues with a modern system
What are you on about?

>> No.4341752
File: 116 KB, 975x542, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, man.
They just won't work on my pc.

>> No.4341756

Why did you post a movie?

>> No.4341759

First try XP compatibility mode.
If that does not fix it, download a process monitor and check what it's looking for that it gives the error.

>> No.4341780

Well, I had already tried XP compatibility mode, but nothing changed.
I tried process monitor, but I'm not really that much tech savvy to know what I'm looking at, really.

It says NAME NOT FOUND for a bunch of things, like:
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Segment Heap

I have no idea what any of this means...