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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4321026 No.4321026 [Reply] [Original]

>Want to start recollecting game magazines so that I can scan them and contribute to the retro game mag archive
>Most Magazines sell on Ebay for 15~30 dollars a piece for a single issue.

>> No.4321105

How do you think I feel when I had all my issues of GamePro and Nintendo Power in decent condition only to be throw out by my parents when I moved 10 years ago.

>> No.4321109

My parents did the same thing with Nintendo Power, Consumer Reports and PC World. She did keep all my worthless baseball cards though

>> No.4321112

I would have taken them with me but if you've ever seen a Japanese apartment you'd realize that not just getting the shit over there but finding a space for them would be a ridiculous pain in the ass. I could have made a most a grand off of them. And like you they kept something stupid like beanie babies

>> No.4321124
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For someone born before 1965, this stuff is just toys and shitty magazines about toys. To my parents born in 51/52, our 1980s tech is too old to be useful, but too new to be interesting.

>> No.4321128

Man I had a complete run of EGM I threw in a dumpster when I moved out.

>> No.4322613

Im about to throw out about 100 retro magazines because they are fucking heavy

>> No.4323642

So you would be disgruntled that something worth a lot of money was thrown out, not anything more? Just because of the content inside it?

>> No.4323649

Hasnt like every issue of every noteworth magazine pretty much already been scanned? Sounds like you wouldn't be contributing to much except your own autism.

>> No.4323657

Not OP, but most are in SUPER shitty quality. Like they were scanned by a hand scanner and have the magazine creases showing / the folds of the pages.
If I were to do it I would unbind the issues (heat the glue to make the pages pull out easy) and then use an actual large scanner to scan them in.
I did the same thing when I was dealing with textbooks years back.

>> No.4323660

Same here, but with Tips & Tricks mmagazines. Based on the prices online, I can't even imagine what my collection would be worth. I had every issue in "good" condition and all of the Cheats series.

If a single year of Tips &Tricks sells for 70 bucks... How much would two decades plus all the extras sell for?!

>> No.4323672

>Hasnt like every issue of every noteworth magazine pretty much already been scanned?
No. Not even close.

There are tons of issues with articles and pieces of individual gaming history that haven't been collected yet. Just because YOU or a vast majority of people don't care about them, doesn't mean that I don't want to read them.

>> No.4323974

My kid was too dumb/poor to put his shitty old game magazines in storage when he moved out and just left them lying around shitting up my house. Shit went in the dumpster right after he called his mom a month later to complain about how much work it as to do his own laundry. Little bitch cried about it. Hopefully his younger sister will turn out to be like the son I never had.

>> No.4324002

I chucked a box of two dozen game mags into a thrift bin a few years ago. If there's one thing I hate it's selling parted out collections for a few dollars per unit.

>> No.4324006

Finally, people who know my pain.

>Be teen
>Dad tells me to move shit I wanna keep here and move shit I wanna donate there
>Move my huge stash of mags in the keep pile
>fucker just donates everything.

I hate my father immensely.

>> No.4324101

I started collecting PSM from 2004-2012 unfortunately I didn't get into it when it was still retro

>> No.4324119

Did she mommy him too much?

>> No.4324423

you sound like an asshole

>> No.4324457

>Nintendo Power
Come on now, that was an official advertising pamphlet not a magazine.
She did you a favor. EGM was utter garbage. Have you actually read that shit lately? It's hilariously bad. They blatantly didn't play half of the games they reviewed and the overall writing is atrocious.

>> No.4324462

Yes, and it made him extremely jealous of his own offspring because he's a freak of nature that doesn't want his son to be loved.

Meanwhile he spends his life on /vr/ as a 60 year old man talking about what a loser his son is.

>> No.4324501

Try 2nd hand book stores. They always have old magazines. You'll find some awesome stuff.

>> No.4324508
File: 550 KB, 1326x1763, magazine-electronic-gaming-monthly-street-fighter_-the-movie-75-1995_10-page-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumped like 50 assorted issues of EGM, GamePro, and PSM circa 1995 to 1999 when i moved out in like early 2000s
>i actually ordered shit from the backpages with my parents credit card

i miss reading magazines and using physical media, they were great for when you could only use the internet for like an hour a day and there was only one computer and tv set in the house.

>> No.4324561

I'm glad this thread is already up as I actually wanted to ask something related to this.

I have about 40-50 issues of Retro Gamer sitting on my shelves which I rarely ever read. Any advice on what I should do with them? They seem to be collectors' items of sorts, but my own my local retro shops have tons of them and never seem to be able to move them.

>> No.4324626

collecting is cancer

>> No.4324674

You sound like a useless kid who would leave his trash laying around his parents house and then complain 10 years later because one similar piece of trash sold on ebay for a few bucks.n How absofuckingloutly spot on am I?

>> No.4325105

sell them for a few bucks on craigslist, make them pick it up

You sound like a retard

>> No.4325158

I chucked a LOT of shit like Gamepros and OPMs and PC Gamers around the year 2000, probably 100+ issues but they'd be relatively worthless because their covers were ripped off and sent back to the publisher since they went unsold. Those are the kind of collections OP should be looking for though since they'd be ideal for scanning.

>> No.4325183

either sell them or scan them and send them in to Retro Game Mag archives. That way people can enjoy them.

>> No.4325310

It would have been nice to have some extra money. Then again my mom got rid of them because she turned my room in to a Reiki healing sanctuary filled with rocks and scented oils. So either way some useless crap would have occupied the space.

>> No.4325326
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>My kid

>> No.4326585

So do you think your propensity for keeping useless crap is nature or nurture? kek

>> No.4326641

you really sound like a dumb old wanker.

>> No.4326969

>a confirmed dumb young wanker thinks you really sound like a dumb old wanker
You say that like it's a bad thing. lol

>> No.4327065 [DELETED] 

You're the exactly what is wrong with this generation, men don't cry about their problems they solve them crying doesnt solve anything women cry so somebody else will feel sorry for them and do it. His kid has no reason to cry over how hard laundry is hes just trying to guilt mommy into doing it for him. My grandpa didnt sit around and cry when he had to go shoot italians. Stop being such a soft fucking soyboy, harden the fuck up and stop listening to these feminists who tell you its okay to do that or else you're going to end up alone because women dont want to be with another woman. Im saying this as a 27 year old not an old fart either

>> No.4327349

There are a lot of already scanned magazines in Archive.org. Unfortunately Nintendo went full jew and asked for demoval of Nintendo Power from there

>> No.4327353

>someone throws away something you value
>"boo hoo keep crying bitch nigga xD"
you still have a lot to grow up m8

>> No.4327365

crying doesn't bring your magazines back bitch nigga

>> No.4327373
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>wall of text
>27 year old

>> No.4327393

say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens

>> No.4327558

Yeah they were basically only good for whatever was on the cover of the month. Still it was the only way I ever found out about shit like gameboy camera and other shit they never shutup about.

>> No.4327614

Resell them once they're scanned.
Upload them after they sell.

>> No.4327619

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPAfS8-wm8g >>4324462

>> No.4327792

PSM and Diehard Game Fan were my jam. Shame I can only find limited scans from both magazines. Wish I never threw my issues away.

>> No.4327819

We moved a lot as a kid and my parents threw away all my gaming magazines. I didn't have a huge collection or anything, but it would've been nice to have something to read from when I was a kid.

>> No.4327839

i keep my old EGM's and diehard gamefan's in the bathroom to read while im takin a shit, i had a bunch of gamepro's too but they went straight in the trash along time ago. the nintendo powers are on a bookshelf.

>> No.4327935

My mother? let me tell you about my mother...