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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 108 KB, 1000x750, octopathswitch[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4313902 No.4313902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think retro gameplay/esthetics is able to evolve in the current age and time? I'm not talking about 'retro-clones', which other than copying the looks and feels of an older game, they add nothing to the table. I'm talking about games that rescue gameplay elements from 80s/90s 2D games while innovating.

>> No.4313906


I'm nauseous looking at that

>> No.4313972

Turn based RPGs as a genre will hopefully never die. They're easy for indies to do and anyone could make minor twists to the system to make theirs unique.

>> No.4314031

Many doors were open in the last years for people who love retro games to get into this industry. Sure there is a majority of people not innovating at all and just trying to cash in on that (and in many, many cases, failing to do so properly or getting the results obnoxiously wrong) but there are talented people out there, definitely. So I would say yes, they're going to evolve and mechanically speaking I'm sure we will get new genres or subgenres, there's a lot more to be done, there's always the possibility of mixing two things that nobody thought of before and creating something that tastes really fucking good, we just have piles of garbage on places like Steam, that's for sure.

One thing that's curious about this is that before them "Indies" caught on there were many freeware games out there of high quality in the mid to late 2000s.

Nowadays you have stuff like "retrofied" modern games with stuff that you don't want like DLC or microtransactions, absurd resolutions and shit that doesn't really belong... games with graphics like the one you posted, which in my opinion look quite terrible... "this could be a {retro console} release" except it couldn't because of hardware limitations that weren't taken in account (one of them being storage, my god why is a fucking game resembling some NES title taking a whole gigabyte of storage)... but all in all there's always someone there who actually puts some fucking effort.

>> No.4314103

That is absolutely hideous.

Also what you're talking about is just called innovation, so yeah, of course it's still possible.

>> No.4314143

Hyper Light Drifter.

>> No.4314184

gimme two more years and i'll have my retro inspired 3d platformer done, op.

>> No.4314231

Wow, I'm sure your "retro inspired 3d platformer" will be something UNIQUE

>> No.4314243
File: 47 KB, 400x302, rabip9weo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm talking about games that rescue gameplay elements from 80s/90s 2D games while innovating.

Yes, that happens all the time.

>> No.4314247

Yeah, ideally 2D games should look hand-drawn

>> No.4314250

>"this could be a {retro console} release" except it couldn't because of hardware limitations that weren't taken in account

That's literally what "retro" is though. Appropriating a style from an earlier time and using it in a modern context.

>> No.4314264

nice attitude. it is pretty unique so far, thanks.

>> No.4314268

Show something

>> No.4314274


Why would he do that?

>> No.4314279

So he can get angry vr/trolls calling him a jewy cuck faggot of course!

>> No.4314280



You probably outta go outside more, man.

>> No.4314286
File: 1.77 MB, 2322x2004, protag concept for blender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can have some concept art, but that's it.

>> No.4314295

Ok, it's not much tho
How far are you into the development?

>> No.4314302

i've been working on assets, animations, music, and sfx for about a year now. basic character movement for land, air, and sea is done. currently working on weapons and basic combat before i get into level design. my goal is to have a demo released this time next year and be done the by the beginning of 2020.

>> No.4314309

What's the concept for it and what will make it special?

>> No.4314328

Do you have people helping you?
It's your first game?

>> No.4314343

basic plot is you're a child who gets sucked into a dream with your friends during a sleepover. you wake up on an island that serves as a hub for other areas. these areas include other islands, ships, towns, caves, etc. the goal is to rescue your friends and wake up; pretty straightforward, i think. throughout the game, you encounter a variety of friendlies, enemies, and neutral creatures including dwarf pirates, islanders, talking animals, ghosts, etc.
i'm borrowing elements from a lot of retro games that i loved growing up. for example, the game uses an adventurer's journal like tomba does. the inventory system works pretty similar to tomba as well.

just my wife and i right now. i work a full time job and a part time job on the side, so at the moment, this is more of a hobby for me. my wife works full time, but she's fully committed to helping me make this game. i'm a 3d modeler, mediocre programmer, and a musician. my wife is a versatile artist who does all the textures and graphics for me.
it is my first 3d game, but i've made several 2d platformers while in college.