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File: 629 KB, 691x520, O5PDhYo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4305667 No.4305667 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Ask a guy who just lost 40 lives to this motherfucker anything.

>> No.4305672

Why don't you just git gud?

>> No.4305675

Have you considered the fact that you may just suck and to play something else? It's okay to suck. In fact, many would encourage it.

>> No.4305682

I tried, that second form just obliterates me every time.

I really want to finish off this game. Sonic 3 & Knuckles is a goddamn tour de force. Also death egg is the last zone, right? RIGHT?

>> No.4305683
File: 892 KB, 1280x720, Victory After The Doomsday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40 is a bit excessive, Anon. Even my first time through I lost maybe half that number. Only bit of advice I can give you: don't try to rush this guy. Some bosses are less deadly the quicker you defeat them, or can be aggressively attacked with little consequence. This is *not* one of them. If you press your luck he'll clean the deck plating with you.

>> No.4305685


No, Death Egg is not the end of the road.

>> No.4305692
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x720, Lava Reef Zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have to get in and get out when hitting that second form. If you're still on the damn platforms when the alarms start sounding, you're already too late. Best thing to do then is stay put and hope the laser misses.

>> No.4305694
File: 4 KB, 320x224, S3k_specialstage[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I git gud at collecting blue balls? This is ridiculously hard!

>> No.4305695

Why are you so bad at games?

>> No.4305703


i really don't mean this in a mean way but.....how? seriously how? as a fucking child i would maybe die to this guy once in a playthrough. twice if i was really sloppy. are gamers today just not as skilled as gamers of years past? is it because you only started playing for the first time when you were older and your brain is less inclined to learning? i am really fascinated by this kind of stuff

>> No.4305705
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x720, Hidden Palace Zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You won't succeed any great deal your first playthrough; wait for "NewGame+" to tackle those in earnest. Don't get me wrong; you'll prolly get gud and beat one or two. But don't expect to have a majority done by first end game.

>> No.4305710

I didn't even die once against it anon. Not even once. The only deaths I had in the entire game were bottomless pits and drowning.

>> No.4305714
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x720, Casino Night Zone (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In my case (not OP), I never got past the barrel in Carnival Night when I was a kid. Didn't learn how 'till I was an adult on the internet.

>> No.4305715

You're supposed to make a map of the torus on grid paper

or read the directions in a magazine and pause constantly either way

>> No.4305717

Fuck that boss.
It's no problem with Sonic and his insta shield, but Tails gets demolished by it. And Knuckles can just forget it.

>> No.4305720


Learn how to make them into rings.

>> No.4305726
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x720, Casino Night Zone (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Memorization and efficient ring-conversion are key. The rest is just reflexes to glue it all together as time speeds up on each sphere.

>> No.4305734


>Have to get in and get out when hitting that second form. If you're still on the damn platforms when the alarms start sounding, you're already too late. Best thing to do then is stay put and hope the laser misses.

listening to clueless faggots like this guy will be your first mistake OP. here, lemme give you the basic gestalt of this fight:

first form: patience is key. get a running jump over the balls and hit the eye, bounce back to edge of screen. dodge spikes from the ball. repeat.

second form: DO NOT TOUCH THE FUCKING PLATFORMS. i cannot overstate this point. all you want to do is jump through the spinning platforms, hit the eye, and bounce back out to safety. should you find yourself on a platform, jump off immediately. when he starts berzerking, run to a corner of the screen and crouch. neither platforms nor the laser can hit you there. wait til he chills out and repeat the process til hes dead. easy.

>> No.4305745

>should you find yourself on a platform, jump off immediately
I kept on trying to jump off, only to find myself getting caught up on the other platform constantly. They did not fuck around with this boss.

>> No.4305748


if this boss is giving you trouble you're going to have a hell of a time with the final bosses

>> No.4305757

I actually did act 2 boss on my very first try on a single life.
Well I did spend like 3 minutes figuring out what am I supposed to do with that bouncy ball and the small spiky motherfuckers.

>> No.4305887

How did you do the barrel?

>> No.4306625


Except S&K doesn't have water levels

>> No.4307223

Did you stop to think about how you could reduce getting hurt?

>> No.4307226

>what is S3&K

>> No.4307239

I beat him for the first time about a month ago. Took me maybe two or three tries, four top. Basically just learn his pattern, stay at the edge of the screen, hit him when his spheres are down(only once if you wanna play it safe). For the second form, hit him when he slows down, and if you get hit abuse invincibility frames. It shouldn't be that hard.

>> No.4307250

sonic is fucking easy when its anything other than the final boss. just grab the rings when you get hit

>> No.4307452

I played this a few weeks ago and this guy is way harder than I remember.

>> No.4307525

This is why I feel like Sonic should've done a health bar system. I liked that aspect of Freedom Planet.

>> No.4309689

Don't you think it's rather strange that you lack the capacity for learning basic pattern recognition in video game boss fights?

>> No.4309714

Go faster

>> No.4309719

The one single time I had trouble with this boss was in Sonic Mania, because I didn't have Supersonic yet. In S&K I always had Supersonic by this point, so all I ever did was stand under him and keep jumping... I never actually figured out his pattern.

Same for the boss in Sandopolis act 2. That one can be killed before the music changes, even without supersonic. I don't think I've ever seen what that boss actually does.

>> No.4309735


>> No.4309890

Try not fapping for a few weeks.

>> No.4309901

Use the sound effects to time your button presses.

>> No.4309972

Don't you pass through the laser in his second form if you stay crouching while on the platform? It's been awhile

>> No.4309978

>sonic is fucking easy when its anything other than the final boss. just grab the rings when you get hit
The giant egg robo is piss easy in 3k though.

>> No.4310035

One bit of advice I have is if you want to get super sonic and the true ending, keep playing through mushroom hill zone. After beating the game you can start from any level again if you pick that file.

This zone has a few bonus rings and they're pretty easy to find. There's at least like two a level I think. Not sure if there's a zone where you can get to the minigame faster, but you can pretty quickly hit the ones in mushroom hill and then finish the level. Once the zone is clear the rings reset and you can go on another run through to get the next emerald or retry.

This makes getting all emeralds really easy, you get another attempt at the game every minute or so.

>> No.4310043

How does one suck this bad?
Just get hit, grab coin, hit while invisible, repeat.
That's the bitch tactic for newcomers. You're welcome.

>> No.4310105

Can you just keep doing the first level over and collect emeralds like that?
I had no problem with emeralds, but master emeralds rekt me

>> No.4310158

Do you need to complete the stage? This exploit never occurred to me.

>> No.4310786

As long as you have beaten the game on that save file, yes.

>> No.4312915

You jump at the HAL 9000 eye when the oscillating gray balls move to their lowest position.

>> No.4313210

>Knuckles stops at Sky Sanctuary because it would've been fucking impossible for him to beat this guy.

>> No.4313235

On his second form, his laser actually stops near the edge of the screen. If you don't have SS, just hit him, run back, and then hit him again once he calms down. It's slow, but you'll beat him.

>> No.4314339

You know about ducking on the rotating platforms allows you to pass through the beam right?

>> No.4314743

Fucking how, this is probably the easiest S&K miniboss in the game.

>> No.4315934

You should have Hyper Sonic by that point so The situation you are describing should not have ever happened.

>> No.4317207

I still find this amusing. Every zone in Sonic 3 except for Marble Garden has at least some water, but S&K doesn't have a drop. Doesn't stop it from having bubble shields, mind you.