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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 23 KB, 644x386, gaming-playstation-e1418430675387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4288672 No.4288672 [Reply] [Original]

Finally decided to dig this fucker out after about 15 years in storage and give it another go. Holy shit, I forgot how much this thing sucks.

>almost every good game on the console is a shit-tier turn-based JRPG, one of the worst genres possible
>can't do real 3D. jaggies, warping, no texture filtering, absolute dog shit.
>outclassed in 2D capabilities by every other console of the gen, even N64.
>dual analog controller... with almost no games that actually support it
>insane loading times
>awful build quality

I do not understand the love. The PS2 is amazing, but the PS1? Man, what a dried fucking cum wad of a console.

>> No.4288681
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>he PS2 is amazing, but the PS1? Man, what a dried fucking cum wad of a console.
K, champ.

>> No.4288683

Cool argument brah.

>> No.4288686
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>> No.4288689

I kinda thought you were gonna complain about the hardware. I mean ever since I got my PS2 I've used that to play PS1 games.

>> No.4288693

Omega Boost and Shadow Tower are pretty good. Been playing those tonight.

>> No.4288694

I mean, I did kind of complain about the hardware. The graphics suck and the build quality is shit, what more can I say?

>> No.4288695

Kek, It's probably the same OP as always, this text is almost identical.

>> No.4288698

>thread shitting on the ps1
>there's that other thread about the n64 being the best thing ever

>> No.4288705
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>PS2 is amazing


>> No.4288706

I truly haven't the faintest clue what it is you speak of.

>> No.4288709

>2500 games
>best controller of the gen
>good graphics
>free online
>media capabilities
>"not amazing"
I guess you're just retarded.

>> No.4288713

The games were trash and almost exclusively eye tearing 480i

>> No.4288717

>2500 games
>"they were trash"

>> No.4288723

>2500 games
That's a lot of shovelware.
>good graphics
Guess you like blurry 480i garbage.
>free online
It was free, and it showed.
>media capabilities
Only normalfags care about this.
>"not amazing"

>> No.4288725

They were kiddo. PS2 is a hit and miss console. There's very very very few mediocre games. For every ATV Offroad Fury there's 30 trash pits. Gen that started the big games being hot garabge shit also. Stuff like KH and God of war.

>> No.4288728
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>> No.4288729

>That's a lot of shovelware.
Imagine being so mentally retarded that you have somehow deluded yourself into believing the most popular console of the 6th gen with 150m+ units sold and a library of 2500 titles had nothing but shovelware. I mean seriously, just imagine being this retarded.

>> No.4288789

You see this happen, exactly like that, a few times a year in /vr/. It's probably the same retard.

>> No.4288793

i really like beat m ups and platformers. i never owned a ps1 (i still have my saturn tho) can you recommend any good beat m ups or platformers for ps1?

>> No.4288795

i think saturns contoller is better

>> No.4288801

Yeah, I'm sure is the same dumbass.

>> No.4288803

Typical 'murican inferiority complex, shit on something you didn't grow up with, phrase something you did. No matter how shit or good something is.

>> No.4288808

I loved the racing games and qake on that system.

>> No.4288839

I grow up with both, I prefer the n64 over the ps1, but I think both are amazing systems.
You're just a dumbass trying to start shit.

>> No.4289201

I'm with OP literally all JRPG shit

>> No.4289206

>real 3D meme
>texture filtering is good meme

>> No.4289262

>You're just a dumbass trying to start shit.
Yeah, nice argument, faggot.

>> No.4289265

>>texture filtering is good meme
texture filtering is good, if the textures are high enough resolution
it's not on the PS1 though, nor N64

I also like the "real 3D" meme that's mentioned, it's 3D, what's "real 3D"? Muh Call of Duty 3D on a 1080?

>> No.4289645

i lack usin muh big 1080p fer watchin the big game, how bout it

>> No.4289649


>> No.4289732

dat Holy Trinity though

>> No.4289816


>2500 games
and yet you can hardly find 50 games that are worth playing

>best controller of the gen
you mean the worst, right? I'll take the GC controller anytime

>good graphics
worst graphics of its gen. Even the dreamcast had better graphics and it came out 2 years earlier.

>free online
how many games used it? i remember only 2

>media capabilities
yeah, great for piracy

>"not amazing"
pleb console and the worst of its generation

>> No.4289827

>pleb console and the worst of its generation
agreed (referring to PS2)

>> No.4289992

This autist is convinced that a game can't be "real 3D" unless the game is using perspective correct texture making and a hardware z-buffer, so by his logic, Quake is not "real 3D," nor are any PlayStation or Saturn games. Just ignore him.

>> No.4289996

Mapping, sorry for being a phoneposting faggot

>> No.4290014

bait or tard

>> No.4290020

or both

>> No.4290041

Gotta agree with OP here. Only thing he didn'T mention and what bothers me most about the ps is the unholy marketing they used

>> No.4290058

>if you have literally any opinion, youre an american with a complex
Ok little buddy

>> No.4290070
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>and yet you can hardly find 50 games that are worth playing

>> No.4290082

playstation has the biggest amount of hidden gems of probably any system

>> No.4290109

Guess what? Its an OLD console, what did you expect of it in the 90s? We loved it and didnt care because that was about the best thing we could get. I used to think PSX was the ultimate console of its time, despite owning a N64, back then everybody only cared about Playstation.
It feels useless to complain about a console's hardware capacity back in time when in the future we'll probably be laughing at the shitty hardware we currently think is good. If you want to complain instead of play, just leave it.

>> No.4290126

Honestly the only reason I even keep my original PS1 around is that sweet boot-up sound. It's kind of obsolete when I have a modded PS2.

>> No.4290130
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You mean this Holy Trinity?

>> No.4290151

you da man

>> No.4290153

these are on par with railroad sims to me

>> No.4290175

Sims can actually be good games. Ace Combat is just shooting at blurry objects and follow the radar. And the UI is always a clusterfuck of nonsense.

>> No.4290179
File: 167 KB, 739x366, dXdSWsD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>dual analog controller... with almost no games that actually support it

I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

>> No.4290275

I liked /vr/ better before nintendofags started spamming consolewar threads.

What happened, where did these fucks come from? It didn't use to be this way.

>> No.4290504

But anon, that IS dual analog

>> No.4290562

>What happened, where did these fucks come from? It didn't use to be this way.

Confirmed that you haven't been on /vr/ long. Console war threads have been here for years and they are started just as often by sony/sega fans. We have probably had at least one active console war thread at all times since /vr/ was formed.

>> No.4290568

You confirmed shit. When this board was just created everybody was super friendly and people were making a lot of recommendation charts fro some reason. Console war threads came later and this heavy N64 shilling and shitting on PSX is a fairly recent development.

>> No.4290693

Since this is a PS1 thread, maybe I can get some help. I bought a 7501 model PS1 and replaced the CD drive myself. The drive definitely works - it'll load retail discs just fine.

I also have a Gameshark I flashed with Unirom, and I can't get it to work properly with certain games for some reason. Megaman Legends 2 boots and is playable but has no audio, and I can't even get SOTN to boot at all. Is there some way to get these to work?

>> No.4290721

>I'm limited to jrpg
The console had best platformers and a lot of other good games. I haven't even played a single jrpg on it because the genre is shit. You having shit taste in games doesn't mean a console is bad. Plus, PS1 could play NES games.
>can't do real 3D
You're retarded.
>loading times
2-5 seconds isn't long.

>> No.4290935

Did you try fastboot?

>> No.4290949


Yeah. The disc won't load at all if I use the R1/R2 fullboot method. Fastboot loads it but no sound.

>> No.4291616

Holy shit, I cannot believe what I am reading right now.

>and yet you can hardly find 50 games that are worth playing
You haven't found 50 games because you haven't explored the game library you fucking faggot. I highly doubt you play 50 games on a single console anyway. If you do, re-evaluate your pathetic life.
>you mean the worst, right? I'll take the GC controller anytime
Yeah, it was so bad it became the standard for every controller made since. The GC controller is a piece of shit with a microscopic d-pad, shit "C-stick", awful shoulder buttons (particularly Z), retarded buttons and massive amounts of dead space that could have been used for so much more. Also, the fact you would classify the dualshock as the "worst" of its gen when the Dreamcast had one fucking analog stick is indicative of how retarded you truly are.
>worst graphics of its gen. Even the dreamcast had better graphics and it came out 2 years earlier
These kind of statements are why I can't take your argument seriously. Dude, not one single game on the Dreamcast is better looking than games like MGS3, God of War 2, Ico, etc. For fuck's sake, the Dreamcast didn't even get Soul Calibur II because it couldn't run it. If you want to say the GC or Xbox was more powerful, sure, that would be a fair argument, but saying the Dreamcast somehow had better graphics is 100% pure stupidity. You could not be more wrong if you tried.
>how many games used it? i remember only 2
>yeah, great for piracy
>pleb console and the worst of its generation
You just haven't developed tastes yet. Don't worry, one day you'll understand. I used to be a hardcore GCN faggot like you and would defend my little purple purse to the death, but then I actually bought a PS2 and realized how many fucking awesome games it had and how it shat on everything else in the 6th gen. If you didn't own one, you missed out on almost everything.

>> No.4291640

0/bait nintendouche

>> No.4291656

Funny how every single Sony pony in this thread has just said "bait" and doesn't actually explain why OP is wrong lmao.

>> No.4291657


>i am OP, explain why i'm wrong

>> No.4291667

You could have just said "I'm a faggot and I have no argument".

>> No.4291697

what a liar.. oh boy

>> No.4291703 [DELETED] 

>The console had best platformers and a lot of other good games. I haven't even played a single jrpg on it because the genre is shit. You having shit taste in games doesn't mean a console is bad
Lmao good one faggot, "the best platformers", yeah. Like Trash Bandishit? If you haven't played any JRPGs than you haven't played any decent games because there's nothing else on the system.
>You're retarded.
No, you're retarded. The console cannot create actual 3D images. Fact.
>2-5 seconds isn't long.
LOL you are fucking delusional. Try upwards of a minute for some games. I can't think of a single game on the system with less than 10 second load times.

>> No.4291741

>there's nothing else on the system
JRPG games are garbage. The genre is almost as shit as visual novels. You have a shit taste in games.
>a minute loading times
Probably only with JRPG shit.
Okay, what are some good platformers then? Spyro, Crash and Rayman series are better than Mario. Sonic is shit so don't even mention it. I don't know of any good platformers that weren't on PS. Not to mention that CTR was much better than mario kart. Sony always had best games, you're delusional.

>> No.4291754

>JRPG games are garbage. The genre is almost as shit as visual novels. You have a shit taste in games.
Uh yeah retard, that's literally what I said to begin with. JRPGs are shit... and it's all the system has.
>Probably only with JRPG shit.
Nope, you're talking out of your ass.
>Okay, what are some good platformers then? Spyro, Crash and Rayman series are better than Mario. Sonic is shit so don't even mention it. I don't know of any good platformers that weren't on PS. Not to mention that CTR was much better than mario kart. Sony always had best games, you're delusional.
Lmao kid your taste couldn't be any worse if you licked a nigger's ass. Spyro is a knockoff Mario 64 with more emphasis on collecting and small, uninteresting worlds with lame enemies. Crash is a linear run n' jump platformer which didn't evolve past NES-era gameplay and has some of the worst music ever made, particularly that god awful looney tunes-esque intro theme. Rayman 2 was on the N64 and the PS1 version was complete shit. Banjo-Kazooie, Mario 64 and Yoshi alone completely shit on any platformer that the PS1 produced. Frankly, I highly doubt you've even played any platformers on the N64 so your opinion is worthless shit. Also, CTR is a poor man's DKR with slow as fuck gameplay, boring levels and shit items. Sony has never had the best games, you only think this because you haven't actually played any of the games you're shitting on.

>> No.4291789

>it's all the system has
I literally never met anyone who played a single JRPG on PlayStation, or on any other platform. As far as everyone I know is concerned the genre doesn't exist. So it's obviously not "all the system has" when everyone enjoyed other games.

>you're talking out of your ass
The loading times were much better than on PS2 games. But I haven't had a PS1 in over a decade and only play PS1 games on PSP/PS2. Everything loads in seconds.

I played N64 games and PS games. The N64 games were just worse so I went with PlayStation in the future. Never played banjo-kazooie though.
>spyro is a knockoff
Yeah, and it manages to have better characters and a better and more engaging story than Mario 64.

Fuck off kid. Your opinions are shit and so is your taste.

>> No.4291795

>I literally never met anyone who played a single JRPG on PlayStation, or on any other platform
Lmao holy fuck you are retarded.
>The loading times were much better than on PS2 games.
Factually incorrect in every way.
>I played N64 games and PS games. The N64 games were just worse so I went with PlayStation in the future. Never played banjo-kazooie though.
No you haven't. I guarantee if I asked you to name me 5 N64 games, you couldn't tell me anything about them.
>Yeah, and it manages to have better characters and a better and more engaging story than Mario 64.
LOL! Engaging story in a fucking platformer. My fucking sides.
>Your opinions are shit and so is your taste.
You just described yourself.

>> No.4291797

t. Retard

>> No.4291803

>it's another "nintentard resorting to demean the PSX" episode
the N64 is the most overrated console of all time and it was a failure that started Nintendo's downward spiral. Deal with it

>> No.4291804

>calling anyone else retarded

>> No.4291807

>the N64 is the most overrated console of all time and it was a failure that started Nintendo's downward spiral. Deal with it
I know it hurts admitting when you're wrong, but the PS1 was just a shitty system with shitty graphics and shitty games. If pretending the N64 wasn't awesome helps you feel better, okay, but it won't change reality little buddy.

>> No.4291821

N64 didn't have any good games that weren't already on PSX. PSX had better exclusives.

>> No.4291835

>N64 didn't have any good games that weren't already on PSX
Lmao it's funny because, I'd like to think you're just biased or trolling, but somehow I think you are actually retarded enough to believe this. The N64 has some of the most highly rated games ever made, including Ocarina of Time which snags the #1 spot with a 99/100 metacritic score, and none of those games appear on the PS1. Are you autistic or something?

>> No.4291843

>N64 didn't have any good games that weren't already on PSX.
comments like this are why you can automatically assume someone is mentally retarded based solely on knowing that they own a ps1

>> No.4291846

>muh scores
>calling others retarded

>> No.4291852

Lmao, sorry faggot child, but once you say the N64 doesn't have "any good games that weren't on PS1" you don't get to have an opinion.

>> No.4291854

it's nice in restrospect, but at the time the ps1 had more games at cheaper prices, a lot more consistency, content and cd quality sounds. Sure ocarina is a good game but n64 also had a smaller library with some pretty crap titles such as superman. also nintendos are for children. deal with it.

>> No.4291863

>but at the time the ps1 had more games at cheaper prices
They were usually the same price.
>a lot more consistency, content and cd quality sounds
If by "consistency" you mean they were consistently shit games, then yes. Content? No. CD quality sounds? Lmao, sure, you can have that one.
>Sure ocarina is a good game but
I thought you just said that the N64 had no good games that weren't on PS1? Backpedaling like a retard on a bicycle now are we?
>also nintendos are for children. deal with it
Lmao, if this were true then "nintendos" would be perfect for you since you have the IQ of a pickle.

>> No.4291867

Kingdom hearts is a great action rpg, never cared for god of war.

Onimusha, devil may cry, jak and daxter, ratchet and clank, mgs3, kh 1 &2, re4 (best version besides wii version).mgs2, armored core 2(the good version). Just a few off the top of my head that were great video games.

Youre just a bitch baby troll cunt who cries about stupid shit.

You dumb nigger, go back to africa and tell me how great videogames are there.

>> No.4291872

>re4 (best version besides wii version)
Not with those graphics it isn't.

>> No.4291889

All your arguments and posts are invalid. Fucking autistic child, kys and take your shitty opinions to your grave.

>> No.4291896 [DELETED] 

>All your arguments and posts are invalid. Fucking autistic child, kys and take your shitty opinions to your grave.
Lmao damn get triggered hardcore. Don't blame me just because you're upset that mommy bought you the wrong console in 1997.

>> No.4291907

>the best pre-2000 console is somehow wrong
Lmao. I'd kill myself if I had no choice of playing something other than Mario.

>> No.4291912

>the best pre-2000 console is somehow wrong
But it wasn't. It was shit.
>I'd kill myself if I had no choice of playing something other than Mario.
Good thing the N64 has lots of other cool games, then.

>> No.4291913

i like how this guy thinks the dreamcast controller was better than the ps2 controller but then tells you the ps1 was a good console. what is going on inside your head dude

>> No.4291931

PS2 controller is the best controller.

>> No.4291939

agreed, which is why it is odd that this faggot defends the ps1 and then says the ps2 had the worst controller of the gen. i guess he could be a different anon but considering he attacked a post in favor of ps2 i assume he's either the same retard or a similar kind of retard.

>> No.4291948

Yes, the dreamcast is a fantastic controller. You sound like you never played dreamcast games. The psx controller has always been the same, and I hate it since day one. It feels bad to hold it, the colors and symbols are boring and ugly (of course thats a matter of taste), the digital cross and analog sticks are far from perfect and optimized visually - not optimized for gaming. The subsectioned digital cross causes blisters and you can't roll your thumb through the corners. Something should never build to be iconic but to be practical... this is one of the many reasons sony sucks for me. Big marketing, but it feels like they dont play games...

>> No.4291957

Sony always had best controllers

>> No.4291968

>Yes, the dreamcast is a fantastic controller
I own a DC, and no, it's really fucking not. It's actually a really bad controller. It was the only 6th gen controller with one fucking analog stick, essentially rendering FPS games or anything requiring camera movement unplayable. How your retarded ass can even defend this kind of autism is beyond me.
>It feels bad to hold it, the colors and symbols are boring and ugly
Lmao you shit on Nintendo consoles for being "childish" and then talk about how much you love the Dreamcast's Hasbro-tier controller. Hilarious.
> the digital cross and analog sticks are far from perfect and optimized visually - not optimized for gaming
What the fuck does this even mean? The dpad is a fucking dpad, and the sticks aren't perfect for sure, but they're better than the shit DC stick made of hard plastic.
>The subsectioned digital cross causes blisters and you can't roll your thumb through the corners
LOL! Blisters? From shoving it up your ass? I've never got a blister from playing a game, what the fuck.

>> No.4291969

I also need help but I don't see the tech help thread on the catalog.

I recently got ahold of a modded PS2, and the only way I know it's modded is that original PS1 games with copy protection just hang while others play nicely.

I didn't try any burnt PS2 DVD games, but as far as I can tell, it refuses to load burned PS1 games of any region and PS2 CDs, while original PS2 games, DVD movies and the aforementioned non-copyprotected PS1 games run with no issues, and any button input or combination I googled about didn't work so what the hell is with this mod? I don't want to open the console, and I really want to play every PS1 game with that sweet texture filtering. Any ideas?

>> No.4291978

>>almost every good game on the console is a shit-tier turn-based JRPG, one of the worst genres possible

>> No.4291990

What are you having trouble understanding? Almost every good game on the console is a shit-tier turn-based JRPG, and turn-based JRPGs are one of the worst genres.

>> No.4292013

Imagine being this assblasted about a shitty controller

>> No.4292023

>Imagine being this assblasted about a shitty controller
Imagine being this gay.

>> No.4292043

you really got me, faggot

>> No.4292060

>you really got me, faggot
At least you know when to bow down. Good dog.

>> No.4292070

I don't think I've ever been less impressed with a series of 4chan comebacks.

>> No.4292075

>I don't think I've ever been less impressed with a series of 4chan comebacks.
Nobody cares.

>> No.4292079

Bad taste I guess. The console shines outside jrpgs.

>> No.4292096

>Bad taste I guess. The console shines outside jrpgs.
Nah, it really doesn't. It has no good fps, no good platformers, one good adventure game (Medievil), no good hack and slash (shit port of Diablo does not count, sorry), no good puzzlers, no good strategy games... pretty much nothing altogether. For a console with 2400 games, it sure does have a whole heaping pile of shit.

>> No.4292114

>fps and strategy games
>on consoles
Lel you're retarded. Stop posting.
>no good platformers
Okay so you're a dumb Nintendo fanboy. Nobody is taking you seriously.

>> No.4292117 [DELETED] 

>Lel you're retarded. Stop posting.
Lmao sour grapes faggot boy. Sucks that you'll never get to experience cool games like Perfect Dark and DOOM 64.
>Okay so you're a dumb Nintendo fanboy. Nobody is taking you seriously.
Yet another potato that should have been a throat baby. Doesn't like fps, doesn't like strategy, doesn't like platformers... pretty much leaves you with autistic turn-based JRPGs. I guess the PS1 really is the perfect console for you.

>> No.4292184

No factual arguments but salty opinions, your post is trash.

>> No.4292212

Are you retarded? Your poor reading comprehension is what makes me believe you're genuinely retarded or just baiting like crazy. Nobody said anything about fps/strategy being shit. They're shit on consoles. PC is the only place for those genres.
Kys salty nintenfag.

>> No.4292235

Oh god, what a shit generation the 5th was. It's like the paralympics games, someone might even get a gold medal but by the end of the day you're a cripple nonetheless.

>> No.4292290


>> No.4292336 [DELETED] 

>Are you retarded? Your poor reading comprehension is what makes me believe you're genuinely retarded or just baiting like crazy.
Lmao and yet you are the one who is incapable of understanding basic sentences. The minute you tell me you don't care about shooters, strategy games or platformers on a console, you tell me two things: one, you suck at playing them, and two, you're a degenerate weeb faggot that only cares about cringey anime stories and shit RPG gameplay. You (assuming you're the same retard), implied strategy and fps games on console were shit -- these games on console are totally different from their PC counterparts. Games like Perfect Dark, Timesplitters, Halo and more are awesome on consoles. If you think otherwise, it's because you either haven't played them or got your shit pushed in by someone who was better than you. The fact you'd even lump a console-centric fps like Perfect Dark in with the likes of Quake 3 or other PC fps is a testament to how retarded you are.

>> No.4292796

PC is superior in FPS and strategy games. You can try to insult me all you want but you're wrong and your opinions are shit.

>> No.4293147

OP is wrong because he doesn't have a PS and didn't dig it out of storage after 15 years

>> No.4293153
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>> No.4293425
File: 235 KB, 1280x720, watermelon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just received one of these. It worked perfect for about 2 days now suddenly after using it for 5 minutes i turn it off and back on, it won't go past the white boot screen and stops at the end of the animation, but it doesn't even play the startup sound. There is also a long pause before it plays the boot animation. I took it apart, adjusted the lader trimpot, turned it on its side and everything else every forum says to do. nothing works.

>> No.4293639

Glad we can agree the SNES is shit with almost every good game being a shit-tier turn-based JRPG.

>> No.4293661

The SNES is ass compared to Genesis but no, not every game is a shit-tier JRPG. At least it had classics like ALttP, Yoshi's Island, Secret of Mana, etc. The PS1 doesn't have any of that. It just has shit-tier JRPGs.

>> No.4293668

OP here. If you post a picture of yourself with time stamp, I'll post a picture of my PS1 with time stamp.

>> No.4293756

>you're right so I'll deflect
Thanks for confirming faggot

>> No.4293816

>no good puzzlers
>no good strategy
>no good platformers
Taken together, PSX has more of these than N64 has games at all.
Nshitty4 is very weak in the above genres.

You are clearly frustrated by your lack of sexual experience. Non-virgins don't froth at the mouth like this when arguing the merits of their preferred console.
Playstation, Saturn, and 3DO all had CD players so the kids who owned them could talk to girls about music and grew up to be well adjusted with good relationships.
Sadly, N64 kids tended to lag behind their peers and some grew into stunted manchildren. Many such cases!

>> No.4293824

>you're right so I'll deflect
>literally deflecting because you got called out
As suspected, you're too chicken shit to back up your own argument.

>> No.4293830

>Taken together, PSX has more of these than N64 has games at all.
Lmao no, it really doesn't.
>Nshitty4 is very weak in the above genres.
Nope, the PS1 is, actually.
>You are clearly frustrated by your lack of sexual experience. Non-virgins don't froth at the mouth like this when arguing the merits of their preferred console.
Playstation, Saturn, and 3DO all had CD players so the kids who owned them could talk to girls about music and grew up to be well adjusted with good relationships.
Sadly, N64 kids tended to lag behind their peers and some grew into stunted manchildren. Many such cases!
The real irony here is that you're probably an actual virgin and have reduced yourself to attacking the sexuality of someone you know nothing about in a desperate attempt to defend the shit console that defined your equally shit childhood. God damn man, that is sad. Seriously, just sad.

>> No.4294105

It's awesome and I always loved the games on it. Lots of fun times.

>> No.4294127

As suspected you're just an emufag troll who doesn't even have one and is too new to understand how pics or it didn't happen works. Toddle off back to your containment board now.

>> No.4294165

Funny, it's almost as if you didn't play the thing 15 years ago. Remember Blasto? Camera was fucky but it was an alright action platformer.

>> No.4294419

Power unit and or capacitors may be fugged? That's the only thing that makes some sense to me, it ain't getting enough power.

>> No.4294674

Not all online was free. SOCOM charged money IIRC.

>> No.4294698
File: 22 KB, 324x299, 1505018167676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't belong here

>> No.4294798

>you don't like what I like so here's a simpson's reaction image
>y-you don't belong here
Time for you to go now.

>> No.4294801

>It's awesome and I always loved the games on it. Lots of fun times.
How can I argue with autism?
>As suspected you're just an emufag troll who doesn't even have one and is too new to understand how pics or it didn't happen works
I understand perfectly. You put yourself on the line, I'll deliver with a picture of my PS1. If you can't do that, you're talking out of your ass and you're a pussy. It can't get any simpler. Keep crying faggot child.

>> No.4294812

Second greentext meant for >>4294127

>> No.4295261

That's not how it works kiddo. You make a claim. You back it up. If you can't do that, you're talking out of your ass.

>> No.4295465

like yours was any better than his? kill yourself.

>> No.4295624

>That's not how it works kiddo. You make a claim. You back it up. If you can't do that, you're talking out of your ass.
I'm not going to bother posting a picture of my PS1 to appease some random autist on the internet unless he puts himself on the line first. If you can't do that, you shouldn't expect me to. This whole argument is pretty retarded anyway, since nothing I said is invalidated by me having or not having a PS1. Now produce pictures of your shit-eating grin or shut the fuck up.

>> No.4295626

>anon responds to 6 legitimate points with "k"
>y-you didn't have an argument either, k-kill yourself
Lmao oh my sweet little autistic child.

>> No.4295631

>legit points
Except you're immediately wrong on point 1.

>> No.4295701

You're not going to post a pic of your PS because you don't have one. All you have is a collection of Nintendo emulators and ROMS.

>> No.4295702

>You're not going to post a pic of your PS because you don't have one.
Lmao, the funny thing is, I'm literally sitting here 5 feet away from it, and I get to relish knowing that you are A) wrong, and B) too much of a pussy to put yourself on the line to prove your point.

>> No.4295704

Wrong? Well let's see... it has almost nothing except shitty JRPGs, and JRPGs are one of the worst genres. So... nope, sounds like I'm dead-on.

>> No.4295727

>I've only played JRPG games when I was a kid so that's the only genre that exists
Stop baiting with autism.

>> No.4295738

>I've only played JRPG games when I was a kid so that's the only genre that exists
Not sure where you're getting this from. I've played almost every "classic" on the system, everything from FF9, DQ7 and Tactics to Crash Bandicoot, Gran Turismo and Medievil (one of the few legitimately good games on the system, by the way). I've even played some of the weirder, more obscure stuff like Darkstone and Jumping Flash. The issue is simply that the games are just of a very low quality. When you look at a game like Crash, you might be deceived into thinking it's a good game if you haven't actually played good games, but for someone who has, it's a piece of shit. Just listen to that awful looney tunes-esque theme menu that doesn't stop playing till the end of the first level, that tells you everything you need to know. It's just a bad game, and when you compare it to the best games on other systems of the era, it just doesn't hold up. That's pretty much the story for a lot of the other "good" games on the console -- they're good because people played them in their childhood and had nothing else to compare them to. If you actually removed your head from your sphincter and objectively compared the quality of the average PS1 games to others, you'd see how shit they really are. That's all there is to it bud.

>> No.4295776

So you admit that there are good games other than jrpg ones?
Majority of the games from that era are shit. And less than 30 good games get published every year even today. And that's combining PC/mobile/browser/console games. Gaming industry was always flooded with garbage and this will never change. I honestly couldn't name more than 25 games on any system (except PC which doesn't count) that are genuinely good unless I lower the criteria.

>objectively compare
But you're also blinded by your childhood nostalgia goggles towards Nintendo, as seen in this thread. That's no different than PS1 nostalgiafags. You're trying to make objective arguments on something that's purely subjective.

>> No.4295787

>The issue is simply that the games are just of a very low quality.

No they're not.

>When you look at a game like Crash, you might be deceived into thinking it's a good game if you haven't actually played good games

I don't like the first Crash because of technical reasons, but I think it's okay.

>but for someone who has, it's a piece of shit. Just listen to that awful looney tunes-esque theme menu that doesn't stop playing till the end of the first level, that tells you everything you need to know.

...it really doesn't. Are you appealing to emotion? Even then it's pretty energertic as a theme imo.

>It's just a bad game, and when you compare it to the best games on other systems of the era, it just doesn't hold up.

Using "just" and expressing strong, divisive points does not help in backing up your argument, you're just making a fuss over puny ashes. The game is just okay.

>That's pretty much the story for a lot of the other "good" games on the console -- they're good because people played them in their childhood and had nothing else to compare them to.

What other good games? How do you know people who find them good played them in their childhood and didn't have competing systems? I could say the same about said competing systems, except maybe the Saturn. What I got from you is that you really like to read yourself talking and artificially inflating your post with baseless assumptions, unbacked points and "objective" opinions about trivial shit.

>> No.4295791

>So you admit that there are good games other than jrpg ones?
You either have extreme reading comprehension issues or are very autistic. I clearly stated that I have played the "classics" but that the games on the system are of a low quality. That isn't a difficult concept to understand.
>Majority of the games from that era are shit.
Not on the N64.
>And less than 30 good games get published every year even today
Lmao where does your retarded ass even pull these kind of numbers from?
> I honestly couldn't name more than 25 games on any system (except PC which doesn't count) that are genuinely good unless I lower the criteria.
I actually agree with this for the most part, but the PS1 has about 5 good games, whereas the Saturn and N64 have easily two dozen each.
>But you're also blinded by your childhood nostalgia goggles towards Nintendo, as seen in this thread.
The real irony here is, you're attacking my subjective opinion but you yourself are operating under the false pretense that your own argument is objective. I stated my purely subjective opinion that the console was shit and had almost nothing but JRPGs, then you in turn say "Except you're immediately wrong on point 1", implying that I am objectively wrong. Nowhere in this thread have I demonstrated any blind nostalgia or bias, I am simply giving you my informed opinion as someone who has played many games on almost every console that the PS1 is simply not a good system. You don't have to agree, but your opinion is meaningless.

>> No.4295796

i like croc but it's kind of a meme game
not sure how else to describe it
also gex i would describe the same way on both counts
more importantly, if you haven't played oddworld, fucking play them; 2 of my favorite games ever which i still play all the time, they're also on PC though

>> No.4295802

>No they're not.
Yes they are. Poor graphics, poor controls, poor gameplay. I can give you examples if you want to take this further.
>...it really doesn't. Are you appealing to emotion? Even then it's pretty energertic as a theme imo.
What are you even trying to say here? Energetic? Lmao, there's literally nothing energetic about it, it's extremely low key, simplistic and boring. It sounds like a very lame looney tunes theme song with poor orchestration. The fact that the same song plays from the time you boot up the game to the end of the first level should give you a good idea of how little effort they put into the game as a whole.
>Using "just" and expressing strong, divisive points does not help in backing up your argument, you're just making a fuss over puny ashes. The game is just okay.
I gave an example of a game on the system which is typically considered "good" even though it is mechanically bad. You want further proof? Okay. How about the lack of audio/visual feedback from killing an enemy? How about the same 3~4 environmental palettes that are repeated throughout the game? How about the god awful save system? Or perhaps the lack of any interesting powerups or gameplay modifiers? Maybe the repetitive gameplay which never changes? Maybe the piss-easy gimmick bosses? I can keep going. The point is, the game sucks.
>What other good games? How do you know people who find them good played them in their childhood and didn't have competing systems? I could say the same about said competing systems, except maybe the Saturn.
What good games? Plenty. Let's use another platformer as an example to contrast Crash: Banjo-Kazooie. A game with good graphics, good controls, good music, smart level design, lush and varied environments, fun combat and worlds filled with content and secrets to explore. That's a good game.

>> No.4295815

>not on N64
Yes, even N64 had a lot of shit games. Because that's purely subjective. Give me a list of over two dozen "good" N64 games. I bet half of them aren't good.

>PS1 had 5 good games
*citation needed

>your opinion is meaningless
So is yours. Since my informed opinion as someone who has played many games on almost every console disagrees with your opinion.

>> No.4295820

So you're literally clinging on crash 1 being a bad game, even though it was the first 3D game on the system and nobody expected it to be the best one, just so you can pretend to have arguments against the entire PSX library?
>Crash is considered good
Crash 2, 3 and CTR are considered good. Almost everyone hates Crash 1. And yes, all crash games other than Crash Bash have boring bosses.

>> No.4295821

>likes bilinear filtered 2D

>> No.4295835

>Because that's purely subjective.
>Give me a list of over two dozen "good" N64 games. I bet half of them aren't good.
See? You're just criticizing yourself. I've provided examples of how and, more importantly, why most PS1 games are shit, yet you automatically assume N64 games you haven't even played are bad. I bet you haven't even played any of the ones I'll name. Let's see...
>Ocarina of Time
>Majora's Mask
>Super Mario 64
>Banjo-Kazooie series
>Donkey Kong
>Yoshi's Story
>Mischief Makers
>Goemon series
>Conker's BFD
>Star Fox 64
>Mario Kart 64
>Diddy Kong Racing
>F-Zero X
>Jet Force Gemini
>Perfect Dark
>Doom 64
>Blast Corps
>Killer Instinct Gold
>Super Smash Bros.
>Ogre Battle 64
>Mario Party series
>Kirby Crystal Shards
>Wave Race 64
>1080 Snowboarding
>Turok series
>Paper Mario
>Harvest Moon 64
>Sin & Punishment
>Pilot Wings 64
>Animal Crossing

Literally off the top of my head. Evne gave you a few extra to work with. Not even counting all the multiplats and ports which are almost always superior on N64 compared to PS1/Saturn.
>So is yours. Since my informed opinion as someone who has played many games on almost every console disagrees with your opinion
Nope, yours is still the meaningless opinion. As previously stated, I've given you reasoning and examples for why PS1 is a shit console, all you've done is say "no, that's no true", with no reasoning behind it. Give me a list of awesome PS1 games in a variety of genres and explain why it does suck, tell me why the N64 is a bad console, literally say anything. You can't though, because the person with an informed opinion who's actually played these consoles is me, not you.

>> No.4295838

>meanwhile at Mariotendo
>Mario 64 isn't even fully 3D, even less than Crash Bandicoot
>Mario kart is btfo'd by Crash Racing
Sony had better top games.

>> No.4295840
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>The PS2 is amazing

>> No.4295845

>>Mario 64 isn't even fully 3D, even less than Crash Bandicoot
LOL holy shit please tell me you're baiting and that you aren't actually this retarded. SM64 is 3D, Crash literally is not.
>>Mario kart is btfo'd by Crash Racing
"btfo'd" by shit graphics, shit course design, slow gameplay, shit items and shit multiplayer? I think not.

>> No.4295848
File: 1.74 MB, 300x290, whateverfag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only controller of the gen that isn't retarded
>better graphics than Dreamcast or GCN
>game library bigger than every other 6th gen console combined
>150m+ units sold
>"not amazing"
Imagine being this delusional.

>> No.4295849

good list, i've played almost all of these. tetrisphere was so good when my brother and i were kids. i wish this didn't turn into console wars though because i love both, the other guy's argument started falling apart when he called nintendo shit

>> No.4295857

Yeah, Tetrisphere is awesome. If you liked it, you should play Wetrix, another one of the god-tier puzzlers on the N64. Probably the best puzzler I've ever played, in fact.
>the other guy's argument started falling apart when he called nintendo shit
He just doesn't know what he's talking about. It's pretty easy to spot someone who's ignorant on such a subject because they just repeat "no you" instead of providing an actual reason for why you're wrong. I don't think the PS1 is the worst console or anything, but it's not as good as the N64 and he clearly has never owned an N64 so he shouldn't be talking to begin with.

>> No.4295863

>bigger numbers mean better console
back to /v/ you go

>> No.4295869

real gamer right here. glad to see you didn't pad out the list with multiple entries in the same series or shit shovelware. the n64 probably has the highest quality to quantity ratio of any console to date. the library may only be 400 or so titles strong but god damn did it have the games.

>> No.4295872

That's right, ignore every other point I made and focus on some arbitrary, subjective shit that you think doesn't matter. I simply stated that the console sold 150m+ units so clearly it wasn't a bad system. If you disagree, fair enough, but it doesn't invalidate my other points. You have no fucking argument and you're probably a GCN or DC shitbird so I take your opinion with a grain of salt.

>> No.4295876

>Mario 64 isn't even fully 3D, even less than Crash Bandicoot
You are what happens when pregnant women drink.

>> No.4295883

>I can give you examples if you want to take this further.

Yeah please do, but keep in mind that those issues you go on about must be shared by the majority of games, and at least the best known ones, otherwise you're overly negative generalization will fall flat.

>it's extremely low key, simplistic and boring. It sounds like a very lame looney tunes theme song with poor orchestration

The rhythm is pretty catchy (probably the most defining aspect of the song), the trumpets do a great job at backing the woods, and the bass gives it that aggressive edge. It doesn't sound as good as the pre-console mix but it's still great.

>The fact that the same song plays from the time you boot up the game to the end of the first level

Half level, actually. The latter part plays an unique song not heard anywhere else in the game, later found out to be a toned down version of a prototype main theme.
The final title theme doesn't last in the first level so much that it becomes annoying.

>should give you a good idea of how little effort they put into the game as a whole.

Again, it really does not, maybe in your simplistic logic where the first level is comprehensive of the whole game. And I can confirm they did our tons of effort in the first Crash (there's a blog about that), they just made questionable decisions due to inexperience that in hindsight some players may actually like.

>a game on the system which is typically considered "good" even though it is mechanically bad

Most people like me just consider it okay and lacking the polish the sequels have, which makes them far more enjoyable and replayable. Not sure you're so fixated on the weakest entry with the most basic moveset, annoying death animation and unfortunate input lag, not to mention draconic requirements for completion.


>> No.4295887

Definitely going to check out Wetrix, thanks. That's one of the few I hadn't played on your list. Gonna play tetrisphere again too now that you mentioned it.

>> No.4295909

>Yeah please do, but keep in mind that those issues you go on about must be shared by the majority of games,
Oh of course. Let me give you a few examples. So look at the dualshock for a moment: on paper, this was the best controller of the gen, it had the smartest design, two analog sticks, etc. But the games dropped the ball. Take Quake 2 for instance: you have two analog sticks to use, yet it doesn't allow you to customize the controls like the N64 version does and actually use both analog sticks in the way most shooters normally would. The best control scheme is using the d-pad for movement, the right analog stick for aiming, and fucking L1 for shooting, which is ass backwards. This same problem plagues PS1 games as a whole: the games have poor controls because they were made by amateur developers who Sony did not keep a tight leash on (like Nintendo did with the N64), and because the console originally didn't have analog capability so many games were made to support only d-pad controls, even ones that came out late in the system's life. You have games like Alien which had a modern dual-analog setup, but it was too little, too late, and the game itself was pretty shit anyway. The N64 by comparison may have only had one analog stick, but Nintendo always made sure that the devs included a wealth of customization options so that the games played well.
>The rhythm is pretty catchy
We'll just agree to disagree on this, but you'd have a pretty hard time convincing anyone that this shit sounds better than stuff produced on N64.
>Half level, actually.
I'll take your word for it as it's been awhile since I've played, but still, for one song to carry through from the menu screen into the first level is pretty fucking pathetic.
>Again, it really does not, maybe in your simplistic logic where the first level is comprehensive of the whole game
It does. Especially since I just gave you a half-dozen other reasons for why the game is dirt, which you ignored.

>> No.4295921

No problem. If you liked Tetrisphere, you'll definitely love Wetrix. Not sure if you know anything about it, but it's quite a unique concept. The jist of it is, you have a flat piece of land, and use tetris-like pieces to either raise or lower the land which, in turn, collects water that falls form the sky. The objective is to create deep pools of water and prevent them from overflowing. You then have to account for various hazards like bombs and fireballs which can destroy the land and let the water pour through, and if too much water gets through you're fucked. Sounds simple on the surface of it, but man is it awesome. Lots of game modes, customization options, multiplayer and overall super fun. Great OST, too, you'll love it if you liked Tetrisphere's music. Same kind of trippy psychedelic shit.

>> No.4295923

>reddit spacing
>shit design apologist
you already lost the argument

>> No.4295940

Cont. from >>4295883

>You want further proof? Okay. How about the lack of audio/visual feedback from killing an enemy?

You mean *sound of enemy being propelled towards fuckall* with the enemy actually fucking off the screen and giving you extra fruit (with according sound) when it happens to hit other enemies? There's even a low pitched *boing* sound when you kill enemies while jumping, and then reduce in scaling before they're gone, how much more feedback do you need?

The rest of your complaints (save for the save thing) are something I already addressed, and from an inexperienced studio it would seem like asking for the moon. Other gameplay stuff was tested and then scrapped, because it was better having a coesive work that didn't fuck up and shipped in time than an experimental flop. Bosses from most vidya are often based on a gimmick, why is that an issue? They're piss easy for those who figure out the patterns. Palettes are not that many, but they vary as the game goes on. There were other concepts, but they were cut.

>I can keep going. The point is, the game sucks.

It's okay.

>Let's use another platformer as an example to contrast Crash: Banjo-Kazooie.

Stupid example, I won't even argue the rest even though some of it I don't agree, but a perfect example to compare BK is either Ape Escape or Spyro.

>> No.4295948

I'll reply tomorrow if I feel like it, now I need some sleep.

>> No.4295958

>You mean *sound of enemy being propelled towards fuckall* with the enemy actually fucking off the screen and giving you extra fruit (with according sound) when it happens to hit other enemies? There's even a low pitched *boing* sound when you kill enemies while jumping, and then reduce in scaling before they're gone, how much more feedback do you need?
No, I mean like the fact that when you kill an enemy, it either shoots of the screen with a generic whizzing bullet audio library sound effect or literally fucking implodes in on itself. In an actual good game, killing an enemy provides satisfying audio-visual feedback. For example, in Banjo-Kazooie, when you kill an enemy it shows a unique death animation, little sparks pop out of it and it gives out a death cry. That's fun, that's satisfying. Crash doesn't do that. The enemy just shrinks and disappears off the screen. That's fucking lame.
>The rest of your complaints (save for the save thing) are something I already addressed
Uh no, you didn't address almost any of them. Where did you say anything about environmental palettes, powerups, repetitive gameplay, etc? These points still stand.
>Bosses from most vidya are often based on a gimmick
Oh yeah, you address these issues (((now))), not "already". Bosses in an actual good game might be "gimmicky" but at least require skill and probably have a progression/change in their attacks, unlike Crash where they do the same thing the entire fight and require potato-tier skill to beat. And yes, palettes are "not that many", that's what I said.
>There were other concepts, but they were cut.
And this matters... why, exactly? They aren't in the game. Case closed.
>Stupid example
It's a perfect example. One might be a linear platformer and the other a non-linear platformer, but they are both platformers, and Banjo succeeds in actually being diverse, engaging and polished while Crash stews in mediocrity.

>> No.4296296

Enemies in DKC did the same thing and that's a good game. What's different?
Also not him.

>> No.4296297

I mean, they just fell off the screen and went 'ow'. Like, that's all. Not really all that different.

>> No.4296306

It's fun though.
Many of your arguments are also based on tech illiteracy and wrong.

>> No.4296309

You don't belong here.
This is a place to discuss retro games, there's no place for fanboys here and shitposting.

Does this make you mad? I'm sorry, try reddit.

>> No.4296313

You're being ironic, right

>> No.4296315

If you have an option, it's okay.
If you make threads on /vr/ about one thing sucks and make another thread that this thing is better, then you have a complex and need help.

>> No.4296317

I know it's hard for autistic people to understand things, but /vr/ wasn't a place full of severe autism and fanboyism.
No, I'm not being ironic, this is a board for talking about games, all people do nowadays however is making threads that literally mean "NO FUN ALLOWED!" / "ONLY MY OPINION IS RIGHT!".

>> No.4296632

>slow gameplay
Are you retarded?

>> No.4296634

>it's pretty pathetic
It's a good design choice. Gives you a sense of a fluid transition. You have autism you brain damaged retard.
This entire thread is bait.

>> No.4296787 [DELETED] 

>It's a good design choice.
Lol no actually it's a shit design choice and does not "give a sense of fluid transition", that's the gayest thing I've ever heard. I have literally never seen one other game do this.
>Gives you a sense of a fluid transition. You have autism you brain damaged retard.
Lmao, you're so mentally simple that you couldn't even think of a decent insult so you literally called me retarded 3 times in the same sentence. Did mommy's clam pinch your head on the way out?

>> No.4296792

Here we see a severely autistic man having a full-blown panic attack because everyone on "his" board isn't doing what he wants. News flash: you aren't the arbiter of the board, nobody gives a fuck about you or your opinion, you're just a faggot. Move along now.

>> No.4296797

meant for >>4296634

>> No.4296805

>It's fun though.
If you're an autist, yes.
>Many of your arguments are also based on tech illiteracy and wrong.
And yet the irony is that you only say this because you are literally tech illiterate. The console can't do real 3D or any of the advanced effects I mentioned, is the weakest console of the gen in both 3D and 2D, and has terrible loading times. These are verifiable facts. I'm sorry if this upsets you.

>> No.4296808

>Are you retarded?
are you? the game is slow and boring as fuck, mk64 and dkr are way faster. typical sony babby who only thinks his gay little game is good because he hasn't played anything else.

>> No.4296818

if theres one thing ive learned from this thread, its that sony fans are reactionary faggots who literally cannot provide an argument for anything they disagree with

>> No.4296834

>your argument: this is true because I say so
This is not an argument. You're literally wrong in almost every point in the entire thread. Enjoy your (you)s.

>> No.4296837

first, I'm not op. second, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.4296846

Pretty sure you responded to the wrong post you dumb sack, but anyway... lmao, I like how you say "your argument: this is true because I say so" yet that is, literally, what you're doing. I've provided reasoning for why the console is shit, you haven't. You faggots keep telling me I'm wrong but then you won't give me a counter argument for why, you just keep repeating this mantra like a herd of autistic moo-cows. I'll make it easy for you. Give me actual reasoning for why the following points are wrong: the games are low quality shit lacking in diversity, and the console has the weakest hardware of the gen and can't produce true 3D images. If you can't come up with an actual argument for why these two points are incorrect then your opinion is meaningless.

>> No.4296864

Read the OP. He claims PS1 doesn't have 3D capabilities and keeps repeating it when it's simply not true.

You didn't give an argument that you're right.
>the games are low quality shit
Completely and entirely subjective. A game doesn't have to be "high quality" (whatever this means to you) to be good.
>lacking diversity
They don't. There's literally every genre on PS1.
>can't produce true 3D
It can.
>console is weak
Yes it is. That doesn't mean it can't produce real 3D you illiterate twat. Why would you even think that? Because the Crash Bandicoot which you constantly fall to as the only game which supports your argument uses 2D sprites for certain objects? Mario64 does the same. What is "real 3D" to you? You obviously don't understand what 3D means. Show me what you think is wrong with 3D on PlayStation.

>> No.4296916

ITT: A Black Falcon discovers the wonders of anonymous posting.


>> No.4296951
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>Completely and entirely subjective.
Since you seem to be lacking the capability to understand what a "high quality" game entails, let me explain: the games on the PS1 were largely produced by amateur developers who were not held to any real standards of quality. As I stated in a previous post, you had games like Quake 2 which came out well after the dualshock was already a thing, yet it didn't let you customize the controls or use an adequate dual analog control scheme. Conversely, if you look at shooters on the N64, you'll see that Nintendo literally forced developers to include custom control options and personally inspected every game for quality assurance. These standards didn't exist for PS1 games, and this extends to much more than the controls: low-quality graphics, environments that offer very little variation, games that are short in length and lack unique content, etc. You might be okay with playing shit-tier games with poor design concepts and mechanics, but I'm not. I play actual good games, which is why the PS1 fails as a console.
>They don't. There's literally every genre on PS1.
Let me put it like this: the console has variety in the same way that diarrhea has variety. There's a whole lot in it, but nothing good. You can probably name 50 FPS games on the PS1, but you'll have trouble finding one worth playing. So no, it doesn't have variety, not unless you intend to tell me that a library of 2400 games consisting mostly of literal shovelware is "variety".
>It can.
No, it can't. I don't think you really understand what defines 3D. In real life, if I'm staring at wallpaper with horizontal lines running across it and I move my head, the lines don't suddenly distort. On the PS1, if you turn the camera, the lines distort because there is no perspective correction. That means it isn't really 3D. Pic related will give you a solid idea of why the PS1 isn't really a 3D console.
>illiterate twat
Literally you.

>> No.4296961

you're wasting your time. this guy is clearly retarded. if he's on this board and doesn't have a clue what's wrong with 3d on psx, it's because he's a normie. i actually like the psx and its library but saying that it can output proper 3d is ground level retardation.

>> No.4296974

>you're wasting your time. this guy is clearly retarded.
Hey, if anything, someone who actually isn't retarded will at least learn something and he still gets to feel like a butthurt faggot about being wrong. That's good enough for me.

>> No.4296983
File: 1.81 MB, 320x180, whatthefuckdidijustread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone else isn't retarded, therefore they must be the same person
how did you even find that? were you trying to educate yourself on this subject by google searching big words, or are you one of those autists with a photographic memory that recalled a 4 year old forum post? either way, you seem like a gay little boy.

>> No.4296992

>Read the OP. He claims PS1 doesn't have 3D capabilities and keeps repeating it when it's simply not true.
>referred to me as the op when i'm not
>attacked a point i never made
>accidentally responded to the wrong post, which had nothing to do with what he's talking about
>continues the conversation anyway
i want you to sit back for 30 minutes, put that little noodle to work and try your darndest to come up with a reasonable explanation for why you aren't a complete fucking retard

>> No.4297002

>No, it can't. I don't think you really understand what defines 3D. In real life, if I'm staring at wallpaper with horizontal lines running across it and I move my head, the lines don't suddenly distort. On the PS1, if you turn the camera, the lines distort because there is no perspective correction. That means it isn't really 3D.
Nice, never knew this. Thanks anon. I always wondered why the walls would have a seizure when I played MGS, I thought it was just a game-specific issue but I guess not. I have mostly 2d games on PSX so I never really noticed, but it always bothered the fuck out of me when I played one that was actually 3D. Do you know if playing PSX games on PS2 will remove some of these problems?

>> No.4297019

Meme post, thanks for the laugh. I genuinely thought you were retarded enough to think PS1 couldn't do 3D.

>> No.4297051

>Meme post, thanks for the laugh. I genuinely thought you were retarded enough to think PS1 couldn't do 3D.
>I have no argument, now let me call you retarded
Absolutely blown the fuck out.

>> No.4297057

I have no horse in this race, but you genuinely look like the loser here because anon gave you a solid argument with facts to back it up, and the best you can do is call it a "meme post", whatever that means, and throw ad hominems around. Poor form, bud.

>> No.4297063

>a misleading fake news paint.exe image is """evidence"""
>"my definition of 3D is the only acceptable one" is an """argument"""
Sub 50 IQ leave.

>> No.4297064
File: 356 KB, 1214x1239, ravaged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meme post, thanks for the laugh. I genuinely thought you were retarded enough to think PS1 couldn't do 3D.

>> No.4297076

>a misleading fake news paint.exe image is """evidence"""
What was misleading about it? I don't see anything in that image which isn't factual.
>"my definition of 3D is the only acceptable one" is an """argument"""
I mean, he's not really wrong though. No designer worth his spit would refer to an environment that lacks perspective correction as being truly 3D. I just think you're a bit of a faggot for countering a solid argument with ad hominems and reddit insults.
>Sub 50 IQ leave.
See? That's all you can do. The minute you encounter an argument you can't deal with, you default to calling the other person retarded. The sad fact is, your own inability to create a convincing and coherent argument is indicative of you being the retarded one.

>> No.4297098

>the games on the PS1 were largely produced by amateur developers who were not held to any real standards of quality
>Conversely, if you look at shooters on the N64, you'll see that Nintendo literally forced developers to include custom control options and personally inspected every game for quality assurance.
Nintendo literally designed the N64 to be difficult to work with so it would dissuade such developers from wanting to work on the system. Yamauchi even said it himself. The absolute fucking balls on that guy. It might have resulted in a small library, but damn, you can't argue with the quality. Had Sega and Sony taken a similar approach, you probably would have had much better games on the system. Sadly, they welcomed newbie devs with open arms (Sony much moreso than Sega, however) because it allowed for a masssive influx of super cheap games that Sony could make a quick buck off of, so the quality suffered.

>> No.4297109

What isn't factual is that the PS1 is clearly capable of 3D when OP said it isn't. Perspective correction doesn't mean it's not a 3D console. It just means it's not a good 3D console. That's like saying no anti-aliasing means it's not 3D and that's retarded. The skewed effect is there because the 3D models had 2D textures placed on top. Yet it still doesn't affect the games on it and it's still 3D because it actually uses 3D models and polygons.
Read and comprehend: 2D textures are wrapped. 2D. Nothing 3D is affected. 3D models still exist in game (walls and characters). If there are 3D polygons in the game it's a 3D game by definition. It doesn't matter that walls use 2D textures which aren't rendered properly.

>> No.4297149

>Perspective correction doesn't mean it's not a 3D console. It just means it's not a good 3D console. That's like saying no anti-aliasing means it's not 3D and that's retarded.
What's really retarded is that you're comparing a smoothing filter to the inability for correctly displaying 3D graphics. How you can even make such a bizarre comparison is beyond me. Perspective correction is a key component for creating a realistic 3D scene, filtering is not. As >>4296951 said, in real life, you don't move your head and see the lines of everything around you bend and twist. That isn't real 3D.
>Yet it still doesn't affect the games on it and it's still 3D because it actually uses 3D models and polygons.
You mean the 3D models that warp? It isn't just the textures; the actual polygons themselves begin to shift because the machine has no way of creating a 3D environment where objects have a consistent view from every angle. That means they aren't really fucking 3D.
>Read and comprehend: 2D textures are wrapped.
Read and comprehend: you're talking out of your ass and multiple people who probably know a lot more about the subject than you are telling you that you're wrong. If you want to say that the PSX is 3D simply because it can create an image with height, depth and width, then sure, the Atari 2600 is 3D too. However, there's a difference between 3D in the conventional sense, and 3D as it applies to computer graphics. In this way, the PSX is simply incapable of producing an actual 3D environment, for all of the outlined reasons. I don't know what else to tell you. Like I said, I have no horse in this race, but at this point it's pretty clear that you don't really know what you're talking about and are intent on stamping your foot until you get your way, so I have no further reason to interact with you. Good day.

>> No.4297157
File: 3.10 MB, 1790x3410, PS1 2D 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost every good game on the console is a shit-tier turn-based JRPG, one of the worst genres possible
>>outclassed in 2D capabilities by every other console of the gen, even N64.

Why do you post total lies in this thread? The N64 had almost no 2D library, Saturn had better 2D capabilities, but not as many great games, and the PlayStation had a great 2D library.

>> No.4297161
File: 1.71 MB, 1780x1844, PS1 2D 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4297164

>Why do you post total lies in this thread? The N64 had almost no 2D library
>conflating "capabilities" with "library"
Reading comprehension, work on it.

>> No.4297171
File: 35 KB, 700x438, teedus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, this faggot just keeps going. I guess arguing with me wasn't enough, he has to prove that he's a retard to everyone. How many times are you going to get blasted in this thread until you have a full-blown autistic breakdown?

>> No.4297184

>misreads the OP
>posts a butthurt response and two separate images
This place is a fucking sewer.

>> No.4297196

None of what you say matters when N64 3D games literally look like PSX 3D games. Nobody can tell a difference.

>> No.4297202

>None of what you say matters when N64 3D games literally look like PSX 3D games. Nobody can tell a difference.
This might just be the stupidest thing I've ever read in my life. Seriously.

>> No.4297203

post 2D games yall, i'll start

>> No.4297207


Claim: Most of the console is JRPGS.

Factually incorrect. PS1 has tons of games, and genres. It's one of the most diverse consoles ever.

Claim: 2D capabilities were outclassed by other consoles, including N64.

Fact: N64 only had like a few 2D games released period, and I doubt it could in principle be that great at 2D anyways. The Saturn was better at 2D, but it didn't have that much of a 2D library.

>> No.4297210

i really like this 2D, looks almost 3D :^)

>> No.4297213

>everyone who responds is OP
Fact: you are retarded

>> No.4297216

heads and shoulders above other 2D fighting games IMHO

>> No.4297217
File: 111 KB, 320x240, 56f48a0414635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Claim: Most of the console is JRPGS.
Actually I said "almost every good game on the console is a shit-tier turn-based JRPG". That's a little different from "most of the console is JRPGs". Nice reading comprehension you autistic slug.
>Fact: N64 only had like a few 2D games released period, and I doubt it could in principle be that great at 2D anyways. The Saturn was better at 2D, but it didn't have that much of a 2D library.
Yeah uh, you do realize that the number of 2D games released for the system has literally nothing to do with how good it was at outputting 2D graphics, right? You're correct, there are very few 2D games on the system, but the N64 was a complete beast and could create much more visually intense 2D graphics than either the Saturn or PS1. Find me a single game that looks as good as pic related.

>> No.4297221
File: 50 KB, 510x440, 1480023199337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can a good game be a shit-tier game
that seems a bit inconsistent (incoherent) to me

>> No.4297224

>how can a good game be a shit-tier game
>that seems a bit inconsistent (incoherent) to me
Let me clarify. By "good", I mean games that are popular on the console, as in, good by other peoples' standards.

>> No.4297231
File: 361 KB, 473x675, 1480009001740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you clarify a bit further? are you implying that even the games that are considered to be the very best out of a library of almost 8000 games are shit-tier at best, suggesting that the rest of the library is even below shit-tier?

if yes, can you explain to me how anyone should take anything coming from you remotely serious? please advise.

>> No.4297239

>can you clarify a bit further? are you implying that even the games that are considered to be the very best out of a library of almost 8000 games are shit-tier at best
I'm not sure what you're having trouble understanding. I'm simply saying, most of the games that people commonly say are the "good games" on PS1 are shitty JRPGs. This isn't a complex concept, anon. Also, the library is about 2400, not 8000 you literal fucking retard.
>the rest of the library is even below shit-tier?
I'm saying the entire library is, by and large, shit. Again, you seem to lack the ability to understand this simple concept, but what more should I expect from some faggot that posts anime girl reaction images.

>> No.4297240

>thinking OP is serious
He's just bored and wants to shitpost.

>> No.4297246

Yeah, pretty much. Although I'm still dead serious, the PS1 is an absolute piece of shit.

>> No.4297247

Not true. It's very rare to find people who like JRPGs. It's actually one of the least liked genres among the people I know. Everyone I know just likes the platformers, sports games and party games.

>> No.4297249

>Not true. It's very rare to find people who like JRPGs
Do you know where you are right now?
>Everyone I know just likes the platformers, sports games and party games.
Yeah, because you're around fucking normies who shouldn't even be a factor in this conversation.

>> No.4297254
File: 42 KB, 306x344, 1480004866867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm indeed having trouble parsing your dense, rage-fueled prose, and i don't seem to be the only one looking at your conversations in this thread.

if you are saying that "almost every good game on the console is a shit-tier turn-based JRPG", you are claiming that
>there are good games on the console
>almost all of them are shit-tier turn-based JRPGs
hence, almost every good game is shit-tier.

the personal qualifier of
>By "good", I mean games that are popular on the console
changes a fair bit of your initial statement, turning the objective "good games" into an entirely subjective "games that are popular with most people". but okay, i'll give you that.

but now there's a problem. adding your qualifier, you've turned your argument from a technological and objective one into a personal and subjective one, attacking not the console and its library per se but the discourse attached to it. that cheapens your argument and your high-horse approach to a degree that makes me wonder, and please clarify further here: are you just another sperglord keyboard warrior in the great console wars fighting with big words and concepts that might be a bit too big for you?

please don't use big words though, i'm just an anime girls reaction images poster

>> No.4297259
File: 81 KB, 259x377, 1479997016260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because you're around fucking normies who shouldn't even be a factor in this conversation.
hold on, why do you think we should accept this true scotman fallacy? i'm so confused by your intellect

>> No.4297261
File: 1.01 MB, 5000x5000, 1466130162202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kingdom hearts is a great action rpg
>Onimusha, devil may cry, jak and daxter, ratchet and clank, mgs3, kh 1 &2, re4 (best version besides wii version).mgs2, armored core 2(the good version).
Why 6th gen isn't allowed the post.

>> No.4297263

>normies don't count
>90% of people don't count in my headcanon statistics I this second made up to try to back up my terribly flawed and inconsistent arguments

>> No.4297268


that is an apt descriptor for every console that isn't a totally useless shitbox unless you're completely blinded by nostalgia

>> No.4297269

>the opinions of normies matter in a discussion of what defines "good games"
Your mother should have swallowed you. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.4297270
File: 140 KB, 560x570, 1433696663007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's an elitist discourse masquerading as technological criticism. i find that to be dishonest and ultimately self-defeating, but what do i know

>> No.4297271

>it's an elitist discourse masquerading as technological criticism. i find that to be dishonest and ultimately self-defeating, but what do i know
Lmao, look at this pseudo-intellectual faggot and laugh.

>> No.4297272

Factually false actually.

>> No.4297279
File: 28 KB, 186x208, 1480005429127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you shaking in your boots? i can do this all day, son

>> No.4297281

>are you shaking in your boots? i can do this all day, son

>> No.4297284
File: 53 KB, 664x680, 1480015920989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you still owe me an answer to >>4297254

>> No.4297302

>i'm indeed having trouble parsing your dense, rage-fueled prose
It sounds like you're just really stupid, since nobody else had any trouble understanding such a simple statement.
>hence, almost every good game is shit-tier.
Well yes, quite simply, almost every game on the console is shit. We've established this already.
>changes a fair bit of your initial statement
Yeah, it really doesn't actually. You're just a hyper-autist who feels the need to nitpick casual statements because you're upset that someone insulted your precious autism box.
>but now there's a problem. adding your qualifier, you've turned your argument from a technological and objective one into a personal and subjective one, attacking not the console and its library per se but the discourse attached to it. that cheapens your argument and your high-horse approach to a degree that makes me wonder, and please clarify further here: are you just another sperglord keyboard warrior in the great console wars fighting with big words and concepts that might be a bit too big for you?
Just so you know, everything you've said here is fundamentally retarded and literally meaningless. The fact you even refer to anything longer than 6 letters as a "big word" is pathetic. The minute you use the phrase "big words" to somehow undermine your opponent's intelligence, you've already fucked yourself. That's the kind of shit a 7 year old says my dude. Cringey.
>please don't use big words though, i'm just an anime girls reaction images poster

This is going to be my last response to you, because at this point in the conversation you have made it abundantly clear that you are A) too stupid to understand a basic sentence, and B) so self-fellating and arrogant that you purposely use what you define as "big words" to give yourself the faux appearance of someone who is anything other than a total retard.

>> No.4297308

reading through this reminds me of those people in highschool who are absolutely stupid as shit but always raise their hand in class so everyone will think they're "smart" lmao.

>> No.4297313
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but now there's a problem. adding your qualifier, you've turned your argument from a technological and objective one into a personal and subjective one, attacking not the console and its library per se but the discourse attached to it. that cheapens your argument and your high-horse approach to a degree that makes me wonder, and please clarify further here: are you just another sperglord keyboard warrior in the great console wars fighting with big words and concepts that might be a bit too big for you?

>> No.4297315
File: 239 KB, 500x419, 1480005365552.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're just really stupid
>You're just a hyper-autist
>everything you've said here is fundamentally retarded and literally meaningless
>you've already fucked yourself
>That's the kind of shit a 7 year old says my dude.
>too stupid to understand a basic sentence
>self-fellating and arrogant
>faux appearance of someone who is anything other than a total retard

okay, but the question remains: how can you be taken serious in this discussion when you're going into it with a crass hyperbole of almost every game on the console being utter shit? that was the original question, and it remains unanswered.

>> No.4297317
File: 814 KB, 1295x1079, 1477246498457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't hurt my feelings. just like you, i'm all about feelings.

>> No.4297327

not him but its pretty hard for anyone to take you seriously when every post you've made has been a clear window into the mind of someone suffering from severe autism, accompanied by appropriately retarded anime reaction images. I don't even agree with the guy, but jesus, you have the iq of a salted cashew.

>> No.4297328

Imagine being this gay.

>> No.4297330

>dig the fucker out
>put disc in there
>reading shit wrong
>"you know what, I have a great idea! let's clean this shit on the inside"
>try to slowly, CAREFULLY unplug one of the cables for the CD drive
>the connector comes off the board

Oh well.

I guess emulation it fucking is. It wasn't even a decent model anyways. Sour grapes sour grapes.

>> No.4297336

>I guess emulation it fucking is. It wasn't even a decent model anyways. Sour grapes sour grapes.
Don't let the PS1 ruin original hardware for you. Just play a console that isn't shit.

>> No.4297340

Well my dreamcast and snes both still work I guess.

>> No.4297345

Cartridge-based consoles are going to be around for eons. Anything with moving parts is destined for failure eventually. That said, Dreamcast is one of the most sturdy, well-built consoles ever made. I remember watching a video on X-Play back in the day where they did a stress test on every 6th gen console and the Dreamcast still worked after being dropped, hit, even having soda poured on it. What a beast.

>> No.4297346
File: 294 KB, 242x333, 1479996661684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i have the IQ of a salted cashew when i'm working in ministerial bureaucracy

>> No.4297352

Mine works fine, problem is it's fairly noisy. It almost sounds like it has trouble reading shit but... it really doesn't?

>> No.4297354

>I-i'm not stupid, I have a job, s-see, i'm smart, recognize that i'm smart!
yep, you're a fucking retard.

>> No.4297358

Thank you for basically addressing all his idiotic and fallacious claims, saved me a lot of time.

>> No.4297359

>Thank you for basically addressing all his idiotic and fallacious claims, saved me a lot of time.
>tfw when you get btfo by 5 different people so you samefag to save face

>> No.4297363
File: 149 KB, 404x413, 1480023809388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you think i need recognition from internet nerds spending a whole sunday wallowing in the filth of yesteryear's console wars?

>> No.4297374

>why do you think i need recognition from internet nerds
buddy, you've just spent the last hour of your life arguing over the semantics of how some guy defines a shitty ps1 game, laced with pseudo-intellectualism of the highest degree. how are honestly this stupid?

>> No.4297391

What is it about people that post anime images that acts a perfect 1:1 metric for autism?

>> No.4297392
File: 41 KB, 374x374, 1479997445838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is spending a relaxing hour shitposting and riling up turbonerds between dinner and watching a nice movie any worse than being said turbonerd going at it for hours, struggling to make everything finally realize that this 1994 console is capital everything _SHIT_?

sorry if i used a big word i did not understand :-(. since no one addressed a single point i made and everyone instead resorted to calling me retard, i'm afraid i must accept that i'm just not good enough for this very smart debate.

>> No.4297412
File: 483 KB, 243x270, 1475749206187.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being bothered by anime girls to this degree
>crying autism

>> No.4297485


Nah I had it worse. I went through five PS1s before I found one that kinda worked. Replaced the laser on it twice, both lasers have since died. This was like, maybe three weeks ago.

>> No.4297821

Mine still worked 5 years ago, but I threw it away because I had a PS2, PSP and Vita anyway.

>> No.4297846

>Actually I said "almost every good game on the console is a shit-tier turn-based JRPG". That's a little different from "most of the console is JRPGs". Nice reading comprehension you autistic slug.

What does that even mean? How can a game be great and shit at the same time? Do you mean just the top 100 best PS1 game lists then? Dig past these lists however, and you'll find a huge array of great games. There were in fact many JRPGs on the Playstation, but that's because it was a popular genre at the time. So what? It ultimately represents a small percentage of the overall library, which was quite immense and diverse.

>> No.4297949

Ridge Racer R-4
Side by Side Special
Omega Boost
Love & Destroy
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
Lucifer Ring
MOON: Remix RPG Adventure
iS: Internal Section
Harmful Park
Parasite Eve
Dino Crisis 2
Magical Drop F
Money Idol Exchanger
Time Bokan Yattaman
Silent Hill
Elemental Gearbolt
Future Cop L.A.P.D.
Intelligent Qube
Kagero: Deception II
King's Field
Legend of Mana
Mad Panic Coaster
Milano No Arubaito
Umihara Kawase Shun
Resident Evil 2
Sentinel Returns
Silent Bomber
Gaball Screen
Iblard: Laputa No Kaeru Machi
Ore No Shikabane Wo Koete Yuke
London Seirei Tantei-dan
Boku No Natsuyasumi

The PS1 is only shit-tier if your taste is

>> No.4297976

This desu. There are other amazing titles. OP clearly has bad taste and is a massive fanboy.

>> No.4298030

I always thought it was better than the n64 even as a little kid I just couldn't stand n64 graphics

>> No.4298301

>>can't do real 3D. jaggies, warping, no texture filtering, absolute dog shit.

What's the alternative? Delay it 1-2 years? Buy more expensive components, and raise the price 100 dollars? The Playstation was a modestly priced console, that could do 3D well enough. It blew consoles like the 3DO out of the water. It was better than the Saturn. Only the N64, which came later, could do 3D better.

The Playstation is a nice trade off and it's the same call that I'd make in that situation if I was at Sony.

Also, there's PGXP, which is an emulation enhancement that reduces much of the problems you've mentioned.


>> No.4298819

>almost every good game on the console is a shit-tier turn-based JRPG, one of the worst genres possible
>almost every
Most of the top games aren't JRPG, only squaresoft games made it to the top. Konami, Capcop etc... Most people didn't even play JRPGs on this console.
>can't do real 3D. jaggies, warping, no texture filtering, absolute dog shit.
Some people preferred:
Idea for a game>>>game looks
>outclassed in 2D capabilities by every other console of the gen, even N64.
Didn't matter becouse it was enough to produce good games.
>insane loading times
That's true.
>awful build quality
Didn't notice. As long as it works, and I can perform well in games it's ok. Mine worked for 7 years until laser gave up. Then I just bought new one for 10 dollars. Many such cases with people around.

>PS2 amazing
>with god of war/ prince of persia push x gameplay clones
>with really error prone models(Laser broke very fast)
>with major games starting to go downhill and derived of any creativity, with a few exceptions
>one trick pony games for AAA
>trash gadgets games like eyetoy
>less splitscreen

Oh boi. To each it's own, I guess.

Also, PSX came early into the market. Meaning it's naturally weaker and it was a consient decision as a viable strategy in the market. Allowance for piracy also made the console more popular along the people that could afford original copies. Similarly, PS2 came earlier than XBOX, was weaker but won the generation.

>> No.4298829

>Most people didn't even play JRPGs on this console.
Yeah because "most" people are normies who play shit-tier sports games and the like. But amongst real gamers, the JRPGs were the biggest selling point.
>Idea for a game>>>game looks
And why are the two mutually exclusive? N64 had both.
>Didn't matter becouse it was enough to produce good games.
Except it didn't.
>Oh boi. To each it's own, I guess.
I can't even begin to fathom the logic you used in arriving at these bizarre conclusions. The console had almost 4000 games spanning every genre imaginable. I can only imagine that you think it was riddled with "God of War clones" and "one trick pony games for AAA" because you haven't actually played the console. It had the best games from just about every other console combined, on top of its own great exclusives.

>> No.4298863

>Yeah because "most" people are normies who play shit-tier sports games and the like. But amongst real gamers, the JRPGs were the biggest selling point.
Good point. So why is OP bashing JRPG? I it's for real gamers?
>And why are the two mutually exclusive? N64 had both.
Nowhere did I say that. Or did I? Reading comprehension much? Why did you assume I bash N64?
>Except it didn't.
Except it did.
>because you haven't actually played the console.
I played it, but maybe I wasn't a no life and didn't have time to play more than 15 games. I played the most rated ones, the ones endorsed by community. Did not enjoy most of them, didn't have time to dig for "gems".

>> No.4298878

>Nowhere did I say that. Or did I? Reading comprehension much?
Sorry, now I see you didn't assume that I actually bash N64, just presented your point that N64 had both. Sorry, monday.

N64 had well, FPS, like Turok nad Doom64, and games that pretty much had the sameish aesthetics(Conker, Banjo, Mario, Starfox) .They all kinda look same-ish. Can't say that shooting dinosours, or picking up and polishing old doom is my fine idea for afternoon creativity. The same can't be said about mario, but in 3D. I wanted a bit more from a console. And PSX gave me exactly that, with dystopian Abe's odysseee, Tim burtonish Medievil and countless other examples.

Like I said, to each its own.

>> No.4298925

>muh real gamers
>real gamers love JRPG

>> No.4298945

The hardware is kinda trash but at least it's not the Saturn. And hey, the library is ace.

PS1 is one of those consoles which stands to gain a lot from emulation because you can bump up the resolution and framerate, add texture filtering, eliminate vertex jitter and affine warping and skip loading times.

>> No.4299176

I would use my PSP for PS1 games, but some don't run that well. FFIX does have slowdowns and that's not exactly the kind of game that runs well on original hardware in the first place.

>> No.4299802

use ePSXe then. I think it had Android version, might be enough to play low control requiring games like FF9.

>> No.4299842

>outclassed in 2D capabilities by every other console of the gen, even N64.
You don't say. N64 was released in 1996, almost 2 years after PSX. Are you retarded?
>dual analog controller... with almost no games that actually support it
It was better to play with d-pad anyway. Only kids turned analog on. D-pad allowed more precise movement.

>> No.4300136

Can confirm. Rayman 2 lags like hell on the first sliding scene. I never got past that. It works fine on the dreamcast version and ps1 version on android (Oukitel K10000 Pro.

This. D-pad was better to use on almost all games considering their level design was made for it.

>> No.4300464

I've already proved my point. You're confirmed a bullshitting underage who doesn't have a PS.

>> No.4300472

>I've already proved my point. You're confirmed a bullshitting underage who doesn't have a PS.
Nah, you're just a faggot who won't put himself on the line to prove his point. I repeat once again, throw me a bone and give me a reason to prove you wrong and I gladly will. If I post a picture, you're just going to say "haha I made you post a picture haha xD", so there's really no point. Now if you are confident in your own argument, you'll put yourself out first, and then I'll gladly respond with my PS1 to make you feel even worse. That's the best deal I can offer you baby boy.

>> No.4301091

That's not how it works kiddo. Pics or it didn't happen. Thems the rules.

>> No.4301109

Nope. Not till you give me an incentive to post them.

>> No.4301645


>> No.4301656

No, he just doesn't have it. Were else would he get an idea like
>If I post a picture, you're just going to say "haha I made you post a picture haha xD"

>> No.4301659

Both of you are faggots. End your lives.

>> No.4301813

>70+ posters

>> No.4301836

You know the two posters above me I was referring to.

>> No.4301840


>>4301656 was my first post in the "discussion". I'm also not >>4301813.