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4292004 No.4292004 [Reply] [Original]

why do so many game journalists hate the saturn and revere the N64/PSX?

>> No.4292007

Simple: the Saturn sucked while the other two systems didn't.

>> No.4292009

It had very few good games, but still more than the awful PS1.

>> No.4292019

It really failed in North America. Was bigger and heavier than the PSX and N64 yet was weaker.
The controller is also pretty difficult to use in a lot of games.

>> No.4292029
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>weaker than PS1

>> No.4292030

Why are you dredging up articles from a decade ago?

>> No.4292034

beacuse its true saturn is a turd haha

>> No.4292047

>fail outside of Japan
>western devs wen't full waaaah the saturn sucks I have to use assembly language to develop on it, I want to use C like on my peecee
>therefore the saturn must be shit

>> No.4292050

Because they're filthy casuals or Nintendrones who don't know shit.

>> No.4292197

it failed their too

>> No.4292207

A combination of actual flaws greatly aided and abetted by complete alienation of everything and everyone in the western hemisphere.

Sega only had themselves to blame.

>> No.4292215

Beat the N64 in its home territory.

>> No.4292220


Many tend to forget this.

>> No.4292221

so many gems were japan only
golden axe the duel instead of revenge of death adder

>> No.4292223

PS3 was more powerful than 360 on paper, but guess who had the better looking games? Same applies to N64 and PS1. Bottlenecks seriously impact a console's actual power, even if it's potentially greater.

>> No.4292225

oh and no real sonic game is probably a pretty big reason

>> No.4292227


That's why I'm looking forward to mednafen Saturn. When it gets super mature (pretty good already), you're gonna see a lot more fan translations.

>> No.4292230

They probably never owned one. I find it funny in one of those he names Sega CD as one of the worst you could pick from. Sega CD has a nice library of games, but most so-called "retro-gamers" don't know that thanks to the AVGN, they think it's all FMV games.

>> No.4292246


Hell, I was surprised. All everyone ever talked about was that it had terrible games.

Was quite pleasant, actually.

>> No.4292252

Kind of highlights the importance of a good devkit.

>> No.4292258

Good, keeps them relatively inexpensive.

>> No.4292259

The weird thing is a lot of gaming journalists criticize the Saturn, but then also deify Panzer Dragoon Saga as one of the greatest RPG's of all time

>> No.4292263

>I'm looking forward to mednafen Saturn
LOL Only poor fags wait. I've been enjoying my Saturn since 1997.

>> No.4292268

tbf the only games i find interesting on Sega CD are Keio and Popful Mail, since Gates/Lords of Thunder play better on PC Engine

>> No.4292269

The best games were kept in Japan and Sega's surprise launch managed to royally piss off retailers to the point where Walmart outright refused to stock it, so nobody bought it over here. The better question is why so many of these people have such a massive hard-on for the SNES?

>> No.4292272


What's wrong with being poor?

>> No.4292276

and people who bought Sega CD and 32X probably felt let down aswell

and about snes its just MUH MARIO since they know nothing about saturn

>> No.4292287

Nothing if you prefer to be broke all the time. Some people are actually happier that way. Me on the other hand, I'm more comfortable having money on my hands, I like to buy & own things immediately.

>> No.4292304


Frankly, you sound like a douche.

>> No.4292368

It had a lot of great games. Everything boils down to shit upper management. They wanted it out as early as possible, thinking the early bird technique would pan out well: it didn't. The console hardware developer people had little time to make it good. Game devs also had little time to breathe. Surprise release in America was a bad marketing decision. Shit didn't sell. Nobody wanted to make games for it in America.

So yeah, it was worse than the chief competition. Still has good games though, regardless of my Wiki citing.

>> No.4292378

Why do so many weebs hate N64 and revere the Saturn?

>> No.4292526
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We don't. We hate the PSX for stealing third-party devs away from better gaming companies than Sony, like Sega and Nintendo.

>> No.4292527

Better than being a poorfag who flips burgers at McDonald's struggling to pay ends meet.

>> No.4292531


No, not really, Anon.

>> No.4292589

the plague station marketing is unholy. Let me tell you, I was in japan for a year right when the dreamcast was released. For absolutely no reason, the newscasters in the japanese tv at around 20:00 news or 21:00 news prime time, stopped the news to play some PS2 racing game!!!!!! DURING THE FUCKING NEWS! It was not in the background, it was seriously the news caster lady said something in japanese I assume something like lets check out the news ps2 put her papers down, took a ps2 gamepad turned around and then the camera showed her and a widescreen tv with ridgeracer or something and her driving through some night city... kinda retarded and boring and very amateur if I remember right. I think after that she turned around again and they continued or finished the news off. It was like a paid advertisement, but it was completely stupid and smelled sony, and inside the daily news cast. My japanese is still bad so I didnt understood anything... but shit, that was unholy...

>> No.4292597

>I was in japan for a year right when the dreamcast was released

You mean two years later, right? And how is your Japanese still bad after that one year there?

>> No.4292723

Using C for such console and being forced to use libraries and predefined functions to use the hardware of such console would have resulted in a waste of computer ressources. Assembly language is the only way to take advantage of hardware such as the one found in the saturn.

>> No.4294057

There are some late PS3 exclusives that look really nice, but as a general rule it was hard to squeeze all the juice out of it because Sony's ran by crackheads who thought they could make a mini supercomputer.

>> No.4294064

Because if you're not a contrarian fuckwad weeaboo dicksucker you realize the console is a piece of SHIT!

>> No.4294093

Yeah, I had one growing up. Tomb Raider loaded faster on my friends PSX1 and it looked and ran slightly better.

>> No.4294095

Just wasn't successful in the US was in other countries.
Nintendo, fangirls killed it, was better than the 64.

>> No.4294106

>PS3 was more powerful than 360 on paper, but guess who had the better looking games? Same applies to N64 and PS1.
I'm not sure that analogy holds up because N64 games near-universally obliterate PS1 games visually. The PS1's library is eye-rape.

>> No.4294109

>game journalists

>> No.4294112


Many consider N64 textures to be their own special form of eye-rape.

>> No.4294114

I'd say aliasing aside Silent Hill 1 and Perfect Dark are about on the same level.

>> No.4294116


This too.

>> No.4294117

>I'd say aliasing aside Silent Hill 1 and Perfect Dark are about on the same level.
I don't recall Perfect Dark being a jiggling mess with a draw distance measured in feet and a single dynamic light source in the entire game.

>> No.4294120

>Many consider N64 textures to be their own special form of eye-rape.
I often hear this meme, but people never actually cite any N64 games with poor texture quality.

>> No.4294126


Pretty much every one I ever played had poor-quality textures, Anon. Just because it doesn't bother me (or you), that doesn't mean the problem ceases to exist.

Luckily, mandatory filtering helps a lot more than you'd think.

>> No.4294134

>Pretty much every one I ever played had poor-quality textures, Anon.
Examples? Texture resolution in the 90s was hardly high across the board. The N64 had cramped textures due to its 4K cache, sure, but the problem is massively exaggerated, IMO.

>> No.4294149


I played Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie, Super Mario 64, and Star Fox 64. I'd say out of those all had noticeably bleary textures except MM, PD, and SM64 (which was only saved by copious utilization of gouraud shading.

>> No.4294156


>> No.4294157
File: 137 KB, 602x300, main-qimg-d93a56ed1da271a769f844fd17c90049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason the PS1 doesn't cop anywhere near as much flack for its texture quality, despite visuals like this.

>> No.4294160
File: 208 KB, 640x480, goldeneye-000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4294168


That's not vanilla PSX.


Pretty sure that ain't either.

>> No.4294198

>That's not vanilla PSX.
Your point being?

>> No.4294204


If it's not how it actually looked back in the day (as opposed to whatever the fuck you just posted) your comparison is worthless.

>> No.4294209

>If it's not how it actually looked back in the day (as opposed to whatever the fuck you just posted) your comparison is worthless.
It looked even worse. PS1 games tended to have extremely low poly character models with low quality textures.

>> No.4294210

you posted an emulator screenshot with higher resolution and texture filters

>> No.4294213

Literally all of them. Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Banjo Kazooie, etc.

>> No.4294214

>you posted an emulator screenshot with higher resolution and texture filters
And? Even with those it still looks horrific, which is the point.

>> No.4294216

Saturn actually had more good games than N64 and even outsold it in Japan but Sega America couldn't into proper marketing.

>> No.4294236

Because new game journalists don't really know what they're talking about. I miss Shoe and the old crew.

>> No.4294240

When you take the japanese library into consideration the saturn is easily one of the all time greats.

>> No.4294241

Whatever kid, just don't post emulator screenshots to prove your retarded point no one cares about.

>> No.4294254

Someone's got rustled jimmies about the PS1's shitty 3D capabilities. Someone can't read good.

>> No.4294260

The Saturn was literally too good for this Earth, it was us that failed to appreciate it and what it's capable of

>> No.4294263

I am from europe where the dreamcast saw the day of light at 14th october 1999

Now be careful not to strain your brain:
PS2 was released in japan on 4th March 2000

Now kid here listen to someone who works in marketing and game dev: TV gets shit early you for marketing purpose. They PREVIEW shit as a marketing campaign, to blow the epic dreamcast right in the balls. Yes teh dreamcast was released for a while in japan. But it wasn't world wide.

And about not beeing good at languages you offensive stinky little turd, not sure how many languages you speak, but at least I know marketing and how to make good games, from drawing, animation to coding good gameplay all by myself. Whats your best skill, pointing out flaws of others???

>> No.4294265

Not enough interesting games, it' mostly arcade ports.

>> No.4294286

>PS3 was more powerful than 360 on paper, but guess who had the better looking games
The PS3? Retard?

>> No.4294293

The PS3 was not a well designed console, and its games were ugly and ran like shit as a result.

>> No.4294356

yo momma is eye-rape.

>> No.4294376

What games?

Multiplatform except in the early years are better on PS3, exclusive are better on PS3

Show me "The last of us" for 360

>> No.4294378


>January 2008
>3530D ago

>> No.4294380

>Multiplatform except in the early years are better on PS3
No, they're not.
>Show me "The last of us" for 360
Crysis 3?

>> No.4294386

>Show me "The last of us" for 360
Rise of the Tomb Raider.

>> No.4294392

Everything beats the N64 in Japan. Even the Mega Drive.

>> No.4294413

Why are you lying? You know very well a significant amount of ports had worse graphics and/or performance on the PS3, up until the very end of the generation. And I'm talking about major titles, not shovelware shit.

>> No.4294417

>Even the Mega Drive
>talking that way about one of the best consoles of all time

Wew lad

>> No.4294438

>No, they're not.
Yes they are, at some point literally every multiplatform was slightly better (or more) on PS3.
>Crysis 3
It was on PS3, not exclusive

>> No.4294441

the only decent system that gen was the SNES.

>> No.4294443

>And I'm talking about major titles
Me too, you need to be better informed dear anon

>> No.4294446

Nice game, great port for Xone, but even Uncharted 2 is better

>> No.4294447


>> No.4294449

hard ware sales yes, in software sales no

>> No.4294452


>> No.4294458

they're all brainless dumbasses who've never actually played a saturn, let alone panzer dragoon saga. They just know that it's expensive. From that they parrot that "it must be good if it's that expensive" a la Earthbound. Rather than speak against it and reveal their ignorance, they just echo what everyone else says to avoid losing face.

>> No.4294460

>you're gonna see a lot more fan translations.
just like ps1 and ps2 right kek

>> No.4294478

>but even Uncharted 2 is better
No it's not. Uncharted 2 relies heavily on its prerendered cutscenes. RottR is fully realtime.

>> No.4294516

>I don't know why the PSX was successful

>> No.4294521

The saturn (to me) is definitely lack luster as fuck but saying its the "worst console ever" or "it ruined Christmas forever" is fucking kotaku tier retarded.

>> No.4294558

>can't read good
I know a lot of anons here are third worlders but seriously? "Read good"??

>> No.4294605

It's called art style, MGS1 was meant to play like a comic book, realistic looking textures a la Goldeneye would have just ruined the whole atmosphere with needless uncanny valley. MGS1 actually has actually some of the more detailed textures on the system (VRAM is totally maxed out 90% of the time), even MGS2's textures look like something out the previous game when you disable filtering. And especially for a game with zero fog or LOD, you should give the lowpoly chars some slack.

>> No.4294732

Saturn left a sour taste in everyone's mouth after sega fans kept shelling out more and more money.

>> No.4294808

>Same applies to N64 and PS1
Lmao no actually it doesn't. The best Nintendo and Rare games on N64 completely shit on anything ever produced on PS1. 20 years later and retards like you still believe this shit, hot damn.

>> No.4294817

In pure processing the Saturn might have an advantage, but only if you can take advantage of parallel workloads. In T&L, they might be equal, but that's assuming maximum optimization on the Saturn which would take years to achieve.

The big problem isn't that, it's the VDP1 being WAY TOO SLOW. So assuming the system can crunch numbers at the same speed, the Saturn would still end up with worse looking and/or slower running games, unless you use the VDP2 heavily, which in turn would make things difficult on the PSX.

>> No.4294887

So a console even you admit is bad could not honestly be deemed by others 'the worst of all time'?

It's fair to hold Sega to higher standards than most of the other crumbums who made awful consoles.

>> No.4295027

>better company than Sony
Yes, please sell me another useless accessory. Don't be such an idiot.

>> No.4295038

Accessories were what made the Master System such a great console. I guess you just hate having fun.

>> No.4295048

>oh please mister sega,shit down my throat again like you did with the 32x and sega cd. There is nothing fun about those and they didn't even have good games.

>> No.4295063

>Sega CD
Only way to play Hideo Kojima's magnum opus in English.

Best AM2 ports at the time.

Try again, memelord.

>> No.4295070

I just got a saturn for teh first time.

Gimme the must play games and I'll download and burn the shit out of them.

>> No.4295083
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Because online sensationalist articles are written by dumbfucks that have no fucking clue what the fuck they're writing about. Same goes with the plethora of stupid ass Youtube videos that parrot these articles and top 10 lists and wikipedia pages.

>> No.4296232

Part of the reason game journalists fellated the PlayStation so much was because it made their occupation more credible. They weren't writing about niche children's toys with pixelated graphics anymore, videogames had become an arena for giant global brands like Sony marketing towards adults.

>> No.4296237

Former gaming journalist here.

As a general rule, I would say more than 9 out of 10 gaming journalists HATE arcade games and see them as an inherently "lesser" form of gaming. And since the Saturn is all arcade games it means they hate the Saturn.

>> No.4296243

Are they wrong, though? I don't think so.

>> No.4297106

Not him. But if you hate arcade games & agree with the "game" journalists, then you're a filthy casual.

I love arcade games, a large percentage of my collection of Xbox Live Arcade titles are arcade games. Most of the Sega games I own for the Saturn & Dreamcast are arcade games.

>> No.4298959

History has already decided this one, segatard.
The two SH2s couldn't match the PS1's single CPU for T&L at peak performance and rarely came close to meeting that target anyway. VDP1 is pathetically slow compared to the PS1 video engine and VDP2 is so situational it's pretty much idle in 3d games.
Even in 2D games you're still gimped by the garbage transparency support and VDP1's awful fillrate. All the Saturn has going for it besides that is the extra RAM.

>> No.4298963

Pretty much this if it doesn't have a bunch of cutscenes and what not it's by definition shit and impossible to beat. This was really common with arcade game reviews around the late 90s and early 00s, apparently stuff like Giga Wing and Mars Matrix were impossible to beat lmao hence they were shit.

>> No.4298973

>that g4 video where they couldnt figure out why a vertical scrolling shooter had a tate mode in the options